@home Volume 1 Issue 6

  • November 2019
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Young Saints’

Volume 1, Issue 6

@home 1 3 th O c t o b e r ‘ 0 8

main thort

FLOC music practice 18th October 4-5pm venue TBC QUEST 19th October 9.45am @ School FLOC 19th October 6pm @ the Church LOGs 23rd October 4.45 @ the Church Churchyard Clear-up 25th October 10am @ the Church Young Saints’ SOCIAL 25th October 3pm @ Murray’s BREAKFAST WALK 27th October 9am meet @ Church

Righteousness is simply choosing to do what is right. Jesus’ fourth beatitude is aimed at those who hunger and thirst to be people who choose to do what is right. The tricky part is figuring out what it is to ‘choose to do the right thing’. Too often the world (including you and I) will choose to do the right thing… for me. Another bible uses the word ‘justice’ instead of ‘righteousness’. I think this helps us to decide which ‘right’ we’re talking about. God’s justice is the idea that everyone will have enough; everyone will be cared for; everyone will know their potential; everyone will be given the opportunity to embrace the person God created them to be. So Jesus says that we are blessed when we hunger and thirst for this justice, when we hunger and thirst to do the

thing that will bring God’s justice. Simply put Jesus says that we’ll be blessed if we are passionate about right over wrong; but not only in our own lives but in the lives of those we know as well. And how will we be blessed? We will be filled. I have to quote John’s gospel here, Jesus says “I have come that all may life and have it to the full”. Fullness of life. Doing the right thing, being passionate about seeing God’s justice will give us a fullness that our selfish hoarding of stuff will never match. Being passionate about God’s right way for us and our fellow humans will bring a fullness that out shines any salary, any profit, any collection of DVD’s, any attempt we make to outdo our friends. It’s a simple choice of deciding ‘what do I need to do?’ rather than just ‘what do I want to do?’

reading for the week 1 When Jesus saw the crowds, he went up the mountain; and after he sat down, his disciples came to him. 2 Then he began to speak, and taught them, saying: 3 "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 4 "Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. 5 "Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. 6 "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for rightMatthew 5:1-6 NRSV eousness, for they will be filled.

little thort I found this short summary of the bible the other day. Its been stuck on my notice board for ages, so I thought I would share it: The Bible in 50 Words God made Adam bit Noah arked Abraham split Joseph ruled Jacob fooled Bush talked Moses balked Pharaoh plagued People walked Sea divided Tablets guided Promise landed Saul freaked David peeked Prophets warned Jesus born God walked Love talked Anger crucified Hope died Love rose Spirit flamed Word spread

why do you think churches have towers?

this week...

deeper What can you do this week as you hunger for ‘doing the right thing’? Go on, just do one thing that is the ‘right choice’! photo by Di Brooks

The other page...

Find us on FaceBook Pray for the world… Your prayer requests… This month please continue to pray for… . your friends

. your family

. Campbell and his family

If you would like us to pray for anything then please let Murray know, and it can be added to next week’s ‘prayer requests column”

. The churches in our area

. Christians working with aid agencies

We pray that You would protect and strengthen the activists who have dedicated their lives to helping those who continue to suffer in the nation of Burma. When justice is done, it brings joy to the righteous but terror to evildoers. Proverb 21:15 Pray for the success of our Change for Burma! campaign as it broadens its focus. Pray that more Christians in the UK would realise the significance of these issues and would actively pray, protest and provide on behalf of the people of Burma.

The Empty Column

This column has been left empty for someone to fill… photo by Di Brooks

The dominant news story this week is still the upheaval in the financial markets. I was watching one of those auction type programmes on telly the other day and it occurred to me that the premise of these shows is to make as much money as possible by selling unwanted stuff; be it antiques from France, stuff from the attic or someone’s boot. Now I went to my first ever Car Boot sale on Saturday and I was very tempted to ‘grab a bargain’. Here’s the thing – if I make a quick profit or get something valuable for next to nothing, who is it that makes up the difference. If I buy something real cheap and sell it on for three times the price I am literally taking money from that person. Have I then fulfilled God’s call for justice? The person I’ve sold it to may be happy with the price they’ve paid, but I’ve made money at their expense. Is that a loving way to treat them? Is that how Jesus challenges us to love our neighbours? What is the Godly and therefore ‘right’ way to behave in business?

Would you like to share something that you’ve experienced with God, or maybe share a thought about a particular subject we’ve looked at? Has something from one of the @home questions started a raging debate between you and your family or friends? The only way we really grow in our faith is by sharing it with those around us. The only way we test the ideas in our heads is by asking questions, suggesting answers and even disagreeing with each other.

go on… fill this space

Young Saints’

School Cottage Brenchley Road Brenchley TN12 7NY Phone: Mobile: E-mail: FaceBook: MSN:

01892 724584 07849 477265 [email protected] Murray Wilkinson [email protected]

photo by Di Brooks

Murray - the Youth Worker

15 If

I make you light-bearers, you don't think I'm going to hide you under a bucket, do you? I'm putting you on a light stand. 16 Now that I've put you there on a hilltop, on a light stand shine! Keep open house; be generous with your lives. By opening up to others, you'll prompt people to open up with God, this generous Father in heaven. Matthew 5: 15-16

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