Hom 202 Oct 16

  • October 2019
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October 16, 2006 HOM 202 Recap from last week: Miasm: genetic imprint, inherent weakness in the vital force. The depth and pace of how you experience your life (diseased-state delusion – how to you experience a situation, what is your perception of the experience?). A false perception of reality and how it comes out in disease. Disease is expressed as delusion and then you manifest symptoms. Before disease state shows any sign of disease, it has to be attacked at an energetic level first. How can a baby be born with a condition if they cannot perceive? We are not born with a clean slate. Hahnemann – looked into the idea of genetics. Where does chronic disease come from? He developed theory of miasm. Could be that everyone is born with a miasm. Jeremy Sher – miasm is there so long as it is in society. Can we be miasm free? Not with our environment! And also, a disease may be absent from the population (from vaccines, medications, etc) but the energetics of the disease is still in our society. We see the disease less on physical level, and more on mental level. Remedies are an approximation to your state. Leprosy miasm: Success does not necessarily mean cure. There are degrees of success and failure. Syphilitic: Heaviness with the disease. A LOT of responsibility. Without a solution. Like the captain in the titanic. Dog: acute, do or die Wave: tubercular, tide is coming up slowly – you feel stuck trying to get out Bike: not a do or die, you have a split second to thick about how to get out of it, typhoid – intense struggle followed by recovery Crocodiles: syphilis Plane: acute LOGANIACEAE FAMILY Remedies: Curare, Gelsemium, Ignatia…. In general: remedies of same family will share common sensation. All express it in a slightly different way. Like brothers and sisters in a family.

Common sensation: as if shocked shattered, torn to pieces. Differ according to the miasm it is in (i.e. acute – right away versus malarial – intermittent) Sensation: Px says “I feel shattered” after being fired from job Passive: paralyzed Active: (Px will either do a passive or active reaction). Compensation tries to control their reaction. Children do not compensate. Nux Vomica: 1. Common name: Poison nut 2. Physical features: lean, wiry, dark-circle under eyes, dark color, prominent veins on the extremities 3. Type A, perfectionism, fear of failure, typhoid miasm (intense state and have to work really hard to get up, quick action) quick active and nervous, irritable, competitive, efficiency (get the job done), anger, short tempered, self-confident, abuse at home (family comes last) – huge DDx. Intensity. Over indulgence. Over drink and over eat. 4. main tissues: stomach, liver, muscles, digestive system, nervous system 5. time of aggravation: 3-4am insomnia (think relentlessly about work), dreams (about work). After eating (digestion is sensitive). Feel draggy and terrible in the morning 6. amelioration: after stool, evening, fasting, heat. 7. 2 physical qualities of plant substance: seeds and tree is really bitter – bile, gallbladder, liver. Flowers are small green and funnel shape. Bloom in cold season. Disagreeable smell. Crooked trunk. 8. Themes: work, anger, competition, collapse, irritability, fastidious, get things done by hook or crook, excesse, over-sensitivity (to stimulants, spices, people’s mistakes, to noise, smell, heightened nervous system) 9. Miasm: typhoid 10. Imbegriff: homework for next class! NO QUIZ NEXT WEEK! Guest lecturer.

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