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  • Words: 8,395
  • Pages: 81

Welcome to Health Onclick. Health Onclick is unique and novel software that can greatly impact the health care sector in India by providing low cost customized solutions for day to day management of patient information.

Everybody in health care would agree to this:

The quality of the care you give is dependent on the quality of the decisions you can make, and the quality of the decisions is driven by the quality of the information. So again, the better information, the better decision, the better care. That’s what Health Onclick really does. This book contains the total roles and each and every roles are explained in detailed,


Contents Particulars

Page no

1. Administration (Creating departments, employee management, posting jobs)


2. Front Desk (Appointment, registration, admission, enquiry, front desk)


3. Doctor (Work schedule, appointment inbox, prescriptions)


4. Nurse 56 (Work schedule, patient’s inbox, out patient’s inbox, case transfers) 5. Pharmacy (Patient’s orders, new orders, money refund, pharmacy overflow)


6. Lab (Request inbox, Radiology department, compose inbox)


7. Accountant (Patients billing)


8. Management (Hospital over flow, total collection, patients flow)



ADMINISTRATION Master Module: Creating the Hospital atmosphere according to hospital needs is the important feature of the Master Module. For ex: creation of the Medical department, ward, beds, rooms etc. Following details given below are the best example of the creating the master module in the hospital environmental.

MEDICAL DEPARTMENT: Creation of the medical departments in the hospital. Kindly follow the steps to create the department. Step 1. Enter the numbers of department which we want to create. Step 2. Click on the + button.

Step 3. Enter the departments name and click on the save button. (When we click the + button, this following boxes will appear, fill those boxes and save it)

After entering the department names click the SAVE button, this button create the department, this departments will appear the time of online appointment, employees creation etc.


MASTER WARDS: Creating the wards in hospital, kindly follow the steps to create the ward. Step 1. Enter the number of wards in the given column. Step 2. Click on the + button.

Step 3. Enter the wards name and click on the save button.

Step 4. If we want to make the update on created, then click on the update button. Step 5. Enter the ward name and click the update button.

In hospital there are so many wards all appear. According to the hospital hospital needs we have to create the wards.


MASTER ROOMS: Creation of rooms in the wards, we have already crated wards, know the creation of rooms will follow. Kindly follow the steps to create the rooms in the hospital, while creating the ROOMS, enter Room no and Room type. Step 1. Click on the Master rooms. Step 2. Enter the room number and room type.

Step 3. Click the save button.

Step 4. For updating the room, click on the update button. Step 5. Make the changes and click on the update button. If we want to change the room number or room type, click on the update button and enter the details then click the update button. Please mention the Room Category as AC, Non AC or General.


MASTER BEDS: Creation of the beds in the rooms, as well as the fixing the bed cost of the bed, fixing the nurse for the bed. While creating the beds we have to follow this steps, in this bed’s creation we have to fix the cost of the bed. Following steps leads us to the creation of the beds. Step 1. Click on the Master bed button. Step 2. Select the room type, room no, ward name. Step 3. Mention the Bed prefix. Step 4. Enter the number of wards in number for ex: 5

Step 5. Click the + button. When we click on the + button we will get five boxes, if we entered 6 then we will get six boxes, there we have to enter the following details which entered in the all columns’, just like this fill all the columns. Step 6. Fill all the columns and click on the save button.


MASTER OPERATION THEATER: Creation of the operation theater: Follow the steps to create the operation theater in the hospital. (Note: medical department which we had created in the master module, that only appear in here, for example if we created cardiology, Oncology and General medicine then we will get only this three department) Step 1. Click the master OT button. Step 2. Name the Operation theater. Step 3. Select the medical department. Step 4. Fill the columns.

Step 5. Make sure the details and click on the save button. Fill these particulars and save it, we mentioned the operation theater name as cardiology for the purpose of this book, but you can mention it according to your hospital. When we save it we will get display like this figure given below. Step 6. If we want to make the update of the operation theater then click on the update button.

Step 7. Make the changes and click on the update button. The complete master module is created; the next step will be employee creation.


Employee Management: Employee Management is an important work of the administrator, in this management of employee’s, administrator can create the employee’s as well as the administrator can make the arrangement of the work schedule of the doctor’s and nurse’s. In employee management we can find three columns, i. Creation of employee’s ii. Doctor management iii. Nurse management Creation of the hospital employees from doctor to management. For creation of employee follow this step. Following details are the example of the creation of the employee.

Click on the Create button, leads to the creation of the employee of the hospital. Step 1. Click on the employee’s management Step 2. Click on the create button. Step 3. Select the Role and then select the medical department.


Step 4: Enter the employee details in the given columns. Step 5: Upload the photo of the doctor by clicking on the brows button. (Note: Not Compulsory, if we want we can upload) Step 6: Click on the Save button. Fill all this columns and click on the save button. When we are creating the doctor as an employee, it will automatically store in the doctors management, and when we create the nurse as an employee it will also automatically store in nurse management. Besides Doctors and Nurse we can create the other employee’s, like Front desk, Accountant, Lab technician etc.

While selecting the role column, make sure that the, roles of the employee are mentioned correctly, because it is an automatic software, when we mentioned the role as a consultant or surgeon, it will automatically stored in the doctors management, when we mentioned it as a nurse, it will automatically stored in the nurse management. Enter the Medical department of the Employee, for example if we are going to create doctor then select the Medical department. For example:


or Enable means activation of the employee, if an employee is working regularly, then we will make them as Enable, if the employee is not able to work or if employee went on leave or they quit the job then we will make them as Disable, when they come again and continue their work that time we will make them as Enable. Follow the steps to make the employee as a Enable or Disable. Step 1: Search the employee by name or by id or just click on the search button. Step 2: Select the employee by ticking on their name column. Step 3: Click the Enable or Disable button.

This button makes the employee as a Enable or Disable, this is mainly used for the Front desk person, as well as for online appointment, when the doctor is disable, that time a patient can’t get the appointment with the doctor through online or internet.


If there is an alternation of the employee address, phone number, role in the hospital or the employee left the job, then we have to modify or delete their details from the hospital records. This modify/delete option can be done only by the administration department; it was an important feature of the administrator. First search the employee and select the employee and then tick the column and then go for the modification or deletion of the employee, we have to select the employee other wise the software does not know, to modify which employee. Following are the steps to modify or delete the employee. Step 1: Search the employee by his/her name. Step 2: Click the search button, we will get the form like this given below.

Without entering the name itself we can search the employee details, not only the employee but also for the patients and their records. When we search the employee, we will get the figure like this.

Step 3. Select the employee and tick the employee in the given small box. Step 4. Click the modify/delete button. Step 5: When we click on the modify/delete button we will get the same form which we got For the employee creation, here we will get the three buttons


Step 6: Enter the details of the employee. Step 7: Click on the update button for update. Step 8: Click the Delete button for delete of the employee.

If we want to update the employee, we can update or we want to delete the delete the employee we can delete, or we don’t want to make any update or delete just click on the clear button, this button does not update or modify the details of the employee.

Doctors Management: Making the work scheduling of the doctor, follow the steps to make the work schedule of the doctor. Step 1. Click on the Employee management. Step 2. Select the doctor management. Step 3. Click on the Make Doctor Bench

Step 4. Click on the Make Doctor Bench button. Step 5. Search the doctor.


Step 6. Select the doctor and click on the Schedule button. Search the Doctor by name or by his/her id, or simply search without entering the name r id, or just enter click on the search button, by this click we will get all the doctors list. Chose the doctor and click on the Schedule button.

Chose the Doctor and go the weekly Schedule Column and click on the Schedule button, this button will leads to another form, there we have to make the schedule for the doctor. Example given below.


Enter the from time and To time, after entering the times click the finalize button,

Enter the from time and to time of the doctor and select it, and then click on the finalize button. Making the work schedule is over. Now we want the view the work schedule of the doctor, for that follows this simple step. Work Bench Inbox Viewing the work schedule of the doctor. Follow the steps to view the work schedule of the doctor. Step 1. Click the Work Bench inbox.

Step 2. Search the doctor by name or by id or just click on the search button.


Search the doctor and select it, as show in the figure below. Step 3. Select the Doctor and click on the view button, official appointment button or patients appointment view button.

Here clicking on the view button we can view the schedule of the doctor.

For official appointment click on the official appointment view button. For patient appointment click on the patient appointment view button.


Nurse Management: Making the work scheduling of the nurse, follow the steps to make the work schedule of the Nurse. Step 1. Click on the Employee management. Step 2. Select the nurse management. Step 3. Click on the Make Nurse Bench

Step 4. Click on the Make Nurse Bench button. Step 5. Search the Nurse. Step 6. Select the Nurse and click on the Schedule button. Search the Nurse by name or by her id, or search without entering the name/ id, just enter click on the search button, by this click we will get the entire Nurse list. Chose the Nurse and click on the Schedule button. Just like the doctor work schedule make the nurse schedule.


JOBS: In this jobs columns, there are four steps to be follow, each of the steps are differ for one another, for example Post jobs is posting the jobs in web portal, block job is blocking the jobs from the web.

POST JOBS In Hospital vacancy is there means then administrator can post the jobs and publish it in the website, when the candidate searches the job, that time this posted jobs will display in their search screen, then candidate can apply for the job.

Kindly follow the following steps to post the job. Step 1. Click on the post job button. Step 2. Chose the job title.

Step 3. Fill all the columns and click on the submit button.


Note (* Columns must be fill, it cannot be left blank) This simple figure explains in detail to posting the job. Job title*


Job type*


chose the job title and select it.

Chose the job type, permanent or temporary

Experience* 0 min


Min education*

1 max

Enter the Education qualification required



Enter how many years of experience required


City of the hospital.

Contact no* Urgent



lakh’s per annum

Executive name*


min 24 NARAYAN

Contact person for interview phone no of the administrator

E mail*

requiring a employee urgent means, please tick here

[email protected]

Email of the administrator

Display this for



for how many days you want to display this add in the website

Job description*

Ability to work in knight shifts, Ability to make major operation.

About job

Company Fully computerized hospital. description About Hospital

After filling all the columns, click the submit button, this button display your hospital vacancy in the website.


BLOCK JOBS: If vacancy had cleared or an employee had appointed, that time the administrator has to BLOCK the job which they displayed in the website for their hospital.

Following steps shows us in detail that how to block the job.

Step 1: Select the job which we had posted. Step 2: Click the search button. Select a Discipline

Step 3: Chose the job title. Step 4: Tick the small box. Step 5: Click on the Block button.

Select the department which you posted for the job, and then click the search button, it will lead you to another form, their click on the block button, it will block the job posted by the administration.

When we select the discipline and search it, you will get form like this given below.

Tick the small box and click on the block button, it will block the job.


Cancel of posted job permanently in from website. Follow the steps to cancel the posted job. Step 1: Select the employee. Step 2: Tick the small box given in the cancel column.

If we want to cancel the job, we then we have to click on the cancel button.

APPLIED RESUMES: When the candidate applied for the job, that time we can see the resume of the Candidate and ask them to come to the interview, When we click on the search button we will get figure like this,

From this figure choose the candidate and click on the blue color job IDs


If any candidate applied for the job, then their resume will appear, if nobody applies then this form will come, enter ok and close the form.

SEARCH RESUMES: Searching the Resumes of the Candidate who have posted their job on Health Onclick web portal, and inviting their resumes,

INSURANCE CLAIMS Applying insurance claims from the TPA (Third Party Authorization) through online here we are having the four steps to follow, they are: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Requesting Preauth inbox Preauth approved Claims inbox

On the time of admission of the patient this requesting the preauth will come, Preauth means Preauthorization from the T P A, the persons appointed by the insurance company, Before sending the preauth, hospital has to enter the medical details of the patient, The preauth columns had been filled by Doctor, Nurse, Front desk and by Administration


Kindly follow the steps to send the request to the TPA.

Step 1: Click on the patient registration and chose the registered patient. Step 2: If the patient is not registered then register the patient by clicking on the New registration. Step 3: Search the patient by name, id or just click on the search button. Step 4: Chose the patient and click on the preauth button. First go to the Patient registration chose the Registered patients,

Here search the patient, when we search the patient we will get the form like this Given below.

Step 5: Fill all the columns and go to the summary button. Step 6: Fill the columns in each and every department. Step 7: After filling the columns enter the ok button.


This following detail are relating to the preauth insurance request.

This is the personal details of the patients who had been admitted in the hospital, these columns are filled in the time of the admission of the patient. Given below are the examples of the General information of the patients.

This all details are filled by the receptionist in the time of the admission or in the time of the registration of the patients,


This is the information about the medical details of the patients who had been admitted In the hospital, given below the example of the medical information.

This figure continues more long, just for the reference we mentioned this one part of the figure,


In this Column the information of the hospital will come, that are, when the patient was admitted, when the patient was discharged, what are the services the hospital provided To that patient, the total cast of the patient, all the information will come under this column.

All this columns are entered by the reception or administration, While sending the request mentioned it as Emergency or more info submitted. After filling all the columns just click on the ok button.

Step 8: Chose the request is Emergency or not.


Medical Reports which are given by the lab and radiology department, all those file have to upload here.

Step 9: Upload the file and lab reports like X-Ray. Step 10: Click the ok button.


All the details will come in summary, in summary we have to request the preauth from the TPA, this is the important steps of the requesting the pre authorization.

When we click on the submit button, one copy will go to TPA, and another copy will comes to our preauth inbox, if the TPA is not respond means, using our preauth inbox we can resend the preauthorization request to the TPA.


PRE AUTH INBOX: Requested preauthorization insurances will come in this box, here if we want To re request the authorization from the TPA, then we have to follow this step.

When we click on the Preauth inbox we will get the form like this, there enter the patient name or patient id and click the search button,

When we search the Patient name or id, we will get the form like this.

Click on the blue button

will lead to another form, where all the details are follows.


The complete detail of the patient will display in this column, like the summary form. Their by clicking on the be sent to the T P A.

button again the request will

If the TPA requiring more information on the request of the preauth, he will resend the Request form to the hospital, the hospital has to send the required information to them, This is possible only to Re-Request/Enhance option.


Preauth Approved The Request which are approved will come in this column, following form shows You the Approved TPA Request.

Claims inbox: The insurance Claimed by the hospital that detail will follow here. This column will view by the administration and management authorities only.

HEALTH PACKAGE: Creating health packages, fixing the number of services for that health packages, Fixing the total cost of the packages.

Following are the example of the Crating the health package.

These are the main duties of the administration.


FRONT DESK Receptionist is having this following five columns where the receptionist has to take care of the web application. After the creation of the hospital the front desk person has to give the appointment to the patient, not only the appointment, but also the registration of the registration of the patients. (Note: Registration is registering the patient into the Health on click). Admission of the Patient, Patient Enquiry, Doctors Enquiry, Nurse enquiry, Bed enquiry searching the visitor etc. Following figure gives us the details of the Front desk work.

1. 2. 3. 4.

Front desk Patient Registration Online appointment Insurance Claims 5. Health Packages Among this five Commands, first one will be Online appointment, the detail of the Online appointment will be follows.


Online Appointment Patient can get the online appointment with the hospital or doctor through online, from the home page of the health on click , patient can request the appointment with the doctor. After the request from the patient, the front desk person has to conform the appointment with doctor; this will come in APP Request Inbox. Not only the conformation of the requested appointment, but also front desk person send the appointment conformation through online. There are three steps to follows, they are


Request inbox:

In above mentioned sentence, Appointment request inbox is conformation of the appointment requested by the patients or other general public. The Conformation of the request will be shown in the following form.

When we click on the app request inbox, we will get the form like this, here search the patient who had requested the appointment.

When we click on search button we will get the form like this given below.


Click on the patient name, will lead to another form, where we have to confirm. (Note: If register patient requested the appointment, instead of name their id number will appear)

Click on the Confirm and E-mail button

In this form just click on the Confirm and E-mail button, when we click on this button two E-mails will be creating, one E-Mail will be sent to the Patient and another will be sent to the Doctor.


Appointment Request: If the patient or general public want to get the appointment with the doctor then the patient can come to the front desk person and request them to make the appointment with the doctor. The procedures to request the appointment are follows.

Click on the appointment Request button, will lead to the form where the details of the patient to be fill.

Enter all the columns and then save it.


When we save this form, it will appear in the App Request Inbox, their go one more time and make the appointment conform, as we mentioned above. In this above form one column is mentioned as Clinical Interest, it means “for what purpose the person or a patient need the appointment with the doctor”.

Appointment request inbox: After the conformation with the doctor, this form will be appear, this form is used to see the how many patient are having the appointment the hospital doctors. When the patient is coming to the hospital, just search in the app request inbox, and then go to the Register button.

With out the registration, one patient cannot enter into the Health on click. click on the Register button will leads to the registration form where the front desk person has to enter the details of the patient. Patient registration will be shown in the Patient registration columns,


Patient registration. Registration of the patient into the health on click, by the hospital. Before admission of the patient into the hospital, first we have the register the patient, once the patient is register then only the details of the patient will be seen by the doctors. Following figure shows in detail to register the patient.

New Registration If the patient is previously registered in the health on click, then again there is no Need of registration, if the patient is not register then we have to register the patient. Following steps gives us in detail to register the patient. When we go to the new registration we will get the form which shown below.

This form related to the personal information of the patient, fill all this columns and click on the ok button, when we click on the ok button, all this details will store in summary column.


This form related with the employment details of the patient, when the patient is Is admitted into the hospital, automatically the information will be passed to the HR manager of the patient, using the message center of the health on click this message will be sent through e-mail. Fill all this columns and click on the ok button, when we click on the ok button all this information will be stored in the summary form, where we have to register the patient.

In this employment form ‘Date of Disability’ column is mentioned, it means “From date of which the patient is not able to work due to the illness of the patient”,

After filling all the forms click on the ok button.


The permanent address of the patient, this is recorded to maintain the medical details of the patient.

Fill all the columns and click on the ok button.

Enter the Persons name and address of the person who is available in the time of emergency, this form very useful in the time of emergency.

Fill all the columns and click on the ok button.


If the patient is having any allergies please mention here, it had been seen by the Doctor in the time of the admission.

If there is no allergies then mention it as no allergies. And click on the ok button.

This is the important form has to fill by the receptionist or front desk person, If the patient is insured then only we have to fill this columns. Enter the correct insured company and enter the correct TPA name. (Note: TPA means Third Party Authorization)

In top of the form mention whether insured by self or insured by others.


All the details which we entered in the all the forms will comes here, In this summary we have to register the patient.

One more time make sure all the details are enter correctly and click on the Register button, this button will register the patient in the health on click. While clicking on the register button we will get the ID of the patient, please note the id and hand over it to the patient.


Admission of the patient: Admission of the patients in the hospital. This admission had been done by the front desk person, just go to the Registered patients and follow the simple steps to admit the patient.

When we click on the Registered patients we will get the following the figures. Search the patient by name or by id, if the patient know the id only we can search by their Name or id, other wise without entering itself just click on the search button.

This button leads us to the following figure, where we have to admit the patient. This is applicable only for the registered patients. If the patient is not registered then We have to registered the patient, for New Registration of the patient (refer Page no 35).


When we click on the admit button we will get the following figure, in this form we have to enter the details of the patient, enter only the medical details of the patient.

After entering all the columns click on the submit button. This button will admit The patient in your hospital. Provisional/Differential Diagnosis means, if the patient is having the chest pain, That pain will leads to some other pains like hand pain, so mention the pains and Mention the I C D codes.


Front desk Patient Enquiry, Doctors Enquiry, Nurse Enquiry, Bed Enquiry all enquiries Will do by this front desk column. Following figure shows us in details.

Patient Enquiry When we click on the Patient Enquiry we will get the following figure, search The patient.

When we search the patient it will display like this below given figure. Here the front desk person can view the patient details, that where the patient is Admitted, and also the front desk person can see the registration details, admission details Lab report, prescription, Radiology reports, Operation theater reports etc.

Just click on the patient id, which is showing on the lift side the figure, then this following figure will be appearing, there the complete detail of the patient will be display.


Patients follow up Discharged patient details will be displaying in this form, this form will appear only after the three (3) days of the discharge of the patient.

In this form, on the right side of the form there is one view button is there, please click On the view button, this button will lead to another form where we have to enter the patient result, i.e., patient is recovered or not recovered or serious or dead. Fill all columns and summit.


Doctor’s enquiry Making the doctors enquiry, viewing the doctors working schedule, and official a Appointment of the doctor. Select the doctor by clicking on the search button, this button will leads to another Form where the details of the all the doctors will be display, select the doctor and click On the view button, where we can view the work schedule of the doctor.

After selection of the doctor click on the view button, this view button will lead to The following figure. view


Nurse enquiry Making the nurse enquiry, viewing the nurse working schedule, and official Appointment of the nurse. Select the doctor by clicking on the search button, this button will leads to another Form where the details of the all the nurse will be display, select the nurse and click On the view button, where we can view the work schedule of the nurse.

Just like the doctor weekly schedule, the nurse schedule will also appear,


Bed enquiry Making the enquiry of the bed, for example, in the time of the admission of the Patient, front desk person can conform the bed, which the patient requires, like they Required A/C bed or general bed, if the bed is occupied already by a patient, the front desk person can view the discharge date of the patient and he/she can fix the bed for the patient.

Click on the bed enquiry column from the front desk. When we click we will get The following figure, there search by ward/station and search by room type or search all And click on the search button.

When we search we will get the following figure, in this form first column is Showing one patient is sleeping on the bed and remaining are showing just the bed, It means only the first bed is occupied by the patient, and other beds are vacant.

In this first bed, we mentioned the 1 as a room number, A1 as a Bed prefiex, HO08-A1466 as the patient id and 25 oct 2008 as the discharge date of the patient. In the time of admission of the patient, front desk person will enter the details.


Blood enquiry Making the enquiry of the bed which is available in the hospital. Select the blood group and search as shown in the figure.

When we search, we will get the following figure showing the blood group Availability in the hospital.

Blood request. If the required blood is not there in the hospital, then the front desk person Has to request the blood from the out side. Click on the blood request will lead to this figure

In this figure mention the city, location, blood bank, and blood group and Click the search button. This button will leads to another form where we have to request the blood From that particular bank, if the blood is available. In case the blood is not available then Search another banks.


Click on the 1 button which is showing on the left side of the form, this button Will lead us to another form there we have to request the blood.

Fill all the columns and click on the submit button. When we click on this button, An request will be sent to the blood bank.

Case Transfer Transferring of the case by one hospital to another hospital, if the hospital not able to make the operation or the facility is not there in he hospital then the hospital will transfer the patient to the another hospital, where the facility is available.

This case transfer had been done by doctor, in doctor role we had mentioned the detailed step of the case transfer.

Front desk person can see the transferred cases from this case transferred button.


Visitors Visitors who are entered into the hospitals to see their relatives, their details are Entered in these columns.

Enter all the details of the visitor and click the save button.

Search Visitor Searching the visitors, who had visited the hospital, all the details of the visitor will follow up in this form,

Search the visitor by name or without entering itself click on the search button,

This search button will be lead us to the form which is showing below.


Customer feed back. This columns are entered by the patient or customers, about the service which had given to them, from the hospital. Click on the Customer feed back button, select the patient and enter the details.

Fill all the columns and click on the save button. Insurance claims and Health package (Refer page no: 21)


Doctor The Doctor can view the patient profile through online. If there is requirement of the lab test, radiology test and doctor can prescribe the medicine through online. The following figure gives us the details of the Doctors login.

When the Doctors is logged in to is password, this above figure will appear, from This figure doctor can view the Weekly scheduling, which had been given by the Administrator.

Weekly scheduling is the appointment given by the administrator, by clicking on The weekly scheduling button, the doctor can view his scheduling.

Following figure shows us in detail of the weekly scheduling.


The appointments given by the hospitals for the discussion in the hospitals, When we click on the official appointment button we will get the following figure, showing the official appointment of the doctor.

This official appointment had been given by the administer

The appointment requested by the patient through online, will appear in this column. Just enter the date and click on the search button, this button will lead us to the another form where the doctor can view the patient details.

Click on the patient id, which is showing on the left side of the figure, click on the blue button, this button will lead us to the patient form, where the doctor prescribe the medicine, lab test, radiology test etc. This blue button will lead us to the below form, where the doctor will work.

Click on the prescription button will lead us to another form, in this form the doctor has to enter the medical notes of the doctor.


Click on the prescription button will lead us to below form, fill all the columns and enter the consultation fees, and then go to the Prescription.

Select the medical department and select the Catalog name and click on the search button, this button will lead us to the following figure, just tick on the add column and click on the put in the basket button.

This button will lead us to another form, in this form enter the Quantity of the medicine, dosage interval and dosage period, after filling the columns click on the prescribe button, if we don’t want to prescribe then just click on the delete button.


If the doctor wants to take the test which are related to lab, then the doctor can send the request to the lab, through online, following figure shows us in detail.

Tick the test which has to be done and mention the schedule date of the test to be done, and click on the submit button. When we click on this submit button automatically this form will be sent to the lab. Just like this request the radiology test also. We can see the reports which had been sent back to us in the lab report and radiology report .


Patients who had admitted in the hospital and the patient who are falling to to the particular doctor, these patient details will be appearing in this figure.

Just click on the left side of the blue button, this button will lead us to the patient there the doctor can prescribe the medicine, the doctor can request the lab test, radiology test as mentioned previously.

The discharged patients details will appear in this form, this form will appear only after the three days of the discharge of the patient.

In this form doctor can see the condition of the patient, whether the patient is recovered or not. if the patient is again going to come to the hospital, than the doctor can view the next visit date


From this form doctor can prescribe the medicine to an patient who had not admitted in the hospital.

Select the medical department and select the catalog name and click on the Search button.


Nurse The Nurse can view the patient profile through online, as well as the prescription that had been prescribed by the doctor. The following figure gives us the details of the Nurse login.

When we open the nurse login, we will get the above figure, from this figure click on the weekly schedule button.

In this weekly schedule nurse can view the schedule of the work, at the same time the nurse can also view the date, from time and to time. Following figure will show us in detail of the weekly schedule.


The appointments given by the hospitals for the meeting in the hospitals, When we click on the official appointment button we will get the following figure, This figure shows us the official appointment of the nurse.

Patients who are not admitted in the hospital, but the patients who are came as a out patients, their details will be appear in this form. For discharge of the out patient, kindly follow this steps. Step 1. Kindly click on the patient id. Step 2. Go to the discharge option. Step 3. Click on the discharge button.


Patients who had admitted in the hospital and the patient who are falling to the particular nurse, these patient details will be appearing in this below figure.

Kindly click on the patient id.

Kindly click on the Patient ID, when we click on the blue button we will get the following figure showing the complete details of the patient.

If we want to view the prescription of the patient, kindly click on the prescription button. When we click on the prescription button we will get the following figure, In this form, the prescription of the doctor will appear.


In this form, fill all the medical details of the patient and click on the submit button. When we click on the submit button, this filled form will sent to doctor.

Kindly fill all the columns.

In this form, fill all the medical details of the patient and click on the submit button. When we click on the submit button, this filled form will sent to doctor.

Fill all the columns and click on the submit button.


Fill all the medical details of the patient, and click on the submit button. TPR entry means, Third Party Authorization will view this form, to approve the requested amount from the hospital.

Kindly fill all the columns and click on the submit button.

Kindly enter the medical test finding of the patient.

After filling the columns, click on the submit button.


In this form enter the service charge, which had taken by the patient. Following steps will gives us in detail, Kindly follow this steps. Step 1. Enter the no of items in the given column, if the patient had taken three services, and then enter number 3 in the given column. Step 2. After entering the no of service, kindly click on the + button. Step 3. After clicking on the + button, enter the this following columns and fill it. Step 4. Click on the submit button.

When we click on the submit button, automatically this form will send to the accounts department.


This is important form, which had been filled by the nurse. Kindly enter all the columns given. If the patient is having the next visit, then enter the next visit date and kindly mention the Patient condition whether the patient is recovered or not and then click on the discharge button.

When nurse discharge the patient, then only the accountant can finalize the amount and clear the account of the patient.


Transferring the patient from one nurse to another nurse. Kindly follow this steps to transfer the patient. Step 1. Click on the Case Transfer button. Step 2. Fill all the columns. Step 3. Click on the save button. Step 4. If we don’t want to transfer the patient, then click on the cancel button.

The complete nurse login is explained.


Pharmacy In Pharmacy, all the transaction takes place through online, i.e., prescription of the medicine to the patient, recording the medicines details, medicine refund etc. This figure shows us when we logged in as a pharmacist.

Patient orders The prescription sent by the doctor to the pharmacy, to hand over the prescribed medicine to the particular patient. Follow the simple steps to hand over the prescribed medicine to the patient. Step 1. Click on the Patient order. Step 2. Enter the patient name or patient ID. Step 3. Click on the search button.

Step 4. Patient details will appear. Step 5. Select the patient and click on the blue button. Step 6. Prescribe the medicine. Step 7. Enter the amount and click on the submit button.


New Customer Order The patient or general public who had came from out side of the hospital, to purchase the medicine.

Follow this steps to hand over the medicine to the new customer. Step 1. Click on the New Customer Order. Step 2. Select the medical department as well as catalog name. Step 3. Click on the search button.

Step 4. Enter the quantity of medicine and click on the put in the basket button.

Step 5. Enter all the columns and click on the submit button.


Pharmacy Refund Returning of the medicine to the pharmacy. Step 1. Click on the Pharmacy Refund. Step 2. Enter the Bill number in the given column. Step 3. click on the search button.

Pharmacy workflow Arrangement of the Pharmacy works according to the hospital. Creating of the pharmacy catalog, updating of the product catalog etc. Following figure shows in details of the pharmacy work follow.

Kindly click on the pharmacy order to know the order given by the doctor.

Select the medical department and click on the search button.

When we click on the search button, this figure will appear on the screen.

Kindly click on the view button, in this button we have to finalize the order.


When we click on the view button, one new window will open in the screen, in this screen the order given by the doctor will appear.

Tick the add button, and then click on the put in the basket button. This button will lead us to the another form where we have to finalize the order.

Creating the order by the pharmacy department. Follow the steps to create the product catalog in the pharmacy department. Step 1. Click on the Create Product Catalog button. Step 2. Search the article by name or by id and click on the search button.

Step 3. Tick the add button and click on the Put in the Basket button.


Step 4. Finalize the order.

Creation of new Article and updating of the created articles by the pharmacy Creation of the new article.

Fill all the columns and click on the save button.


Updating of the created articles. Kindly follow the steps to update the article. Step 1. Enter the article name and click on the search button.

Step 2. Select the Article and click on the Update button.

Step 4. Make the changes in article and click on the update button.

When we click on the update button, the article will update.


Updating the product Catalog in the pharmacy. Follow the simple steps to update the product catalog. Step 1. Select the medical department and select the product catalog name. Step 2. Click on the search button.

Step 3. Enter the Catalog name and catalog description.

Step 4. Click on the update button.


Lab The Lab technician can view the request sent by the doctor through online, as well as the lab technician can send the lab test to the doctor. In this lab form, there are two work flows are there, lab info system as will as radiology. If the doctor requested the bio chemistry then kindly view the request in the Bio-chemistry in box.

Viewing the request sent by the doctor. Step 1. Select the lab info system. Step 2. Target the lab, which the doctor had sent. Step 3. Go to request Inbox. Step 4. Search the patient by name or just click on the search button.

Step 5. Click on the patient id


When we click on the patient Id we will get the form like the form given below. Where ever the doctor request the text, that column only we can enter the data. Enter the medical finding of the patient and click on the submit button.

Enter the total amount of the test made and click on the submit button. For remaining request and compose in the other medical departments like microbiology, pathology fill the medical test finding in the columns and enter the total amount of the test taken and click on the submit button.

Radiology Click on the radiology button, then go to the request inbox, and sent the report to the doctor. Compose request refer to making the lab test to the out side patient, those who are requesting from other hospital or doctor.


Accountant Billing section of the hospital will follows in this form, here accountant has to enter the total amount received from the patient.

Follow the steps to enter the amount of hospitalization. Step 1. Click on the patient billing. Step 2. Search the patient by name or by patient id or just click on the search button.

Step 3. If the hospital needs advance amount from the patient then kindly click on the Enter amount.

Step a. Click on advance amount button.

Step b. Enter the Advance amount. Step c. Click on the submit button.

Other charges which the patient had taken from the hospital like Ambulance charge, Food charge, Laundry charge etc.


Step a. Enter the number of items taken by the patient.

Step b. After entering the number of items click on the + button. Step c. Enter the amount or charge and click on the submit button.

Service provided by the hospital to the patient. Kindly follow the following steps to enter the service charge. Step a. Click on the service charge button. Step b. Enter the no Items in the given column. Step c. Click on the + button.

Step d. Fill the columns and click on the submit button.

Step 4. After entering the advance amount click on the view button. In this view button, we can view the complete bill of the patient. Follow the steps to enter view the complete bill of the patient. Step a. Click on the view button, this button will open one new screen.


Step b. Click on the Doctor bill to view the Consultation bill.

Step c. Click on the Department which you want to view.

Step d. Click on the complete bill button will lead us to this form.


Step e. Enter the Remarks, Payment Method. Step f. Enter the Discount. (Note: Enter only the number, don’t enter the % sign)

Step g. After entering the discount click on the finalize button. (Note: For this submit button, nurse has to discharge the patient form her login) Step h. Enter the final amount in the given column and click on the submit button


Management Through this form management can view the hospital work, consultant’s work, total finance of the hospital etc. In this form, management can only see the information, there is no need of entering any data’s. Follow the steps to view the hospital work flow.

Step 1. Click on the department where we want to see the work flow. Step 2. Chose the option to search by year or month or date Step 3. Select the columns and click on the search button.

Click on the department, will lead us to the following form, here details are shown in detail.


Select the medical department or lab department and then click the search button.

Operation Theatre details. Select the medical department and click on the search button.

This search button will lead us to the this form, in this form all the details of the operation theatre will appear. Just like this click on the each department.


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