History Project 1750-1900

  • November 2019
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1 Written by Matthew Dawson 9TOW

Matthew Dawson 9TOW

History project the industrial period 1750-1900 AD How Health and Medicine changed over time



1816, stethoscope, by René 1790 Edward Jenner buys! 2 Laennec by Matthew Dawson 9TOW Medical degree from St.Andrews Written University for £15.

1900 Edward Jenner, FRS, (May 17, 1749 – January 26, 1830 QuickTimeª and a decompressor are needed to see this picture.

1791 Edward Jenner vaccinates his 1817, dental plate, by Anthony 18-month-old son with swinepox. In Plantson 1798 he vaccinates his son with cowpox. His son will die of TB at the age of 21. 1796 Edward Jenner in Gloucestershire, England credited with concept of vaccination. Jenner vaccinates an 8-year-old boy with smallpox pus. Jenner would vaccinate the boy 20 times. The boy would die from TB at the age of 20. 1801 First widespread experimentation with vaccines begins 1802 The British government gives Edward Jenner £10,000 for continued experimentation with "smallpox vaccine." People did not know that germs caused disease

Rapid growth of towns and poor living conditions led to governments getting involved and improving public health

Edward Jenner, FRS, (May 17, 1749 – January 26, 1830

1827 endoscope, by Pierre Segalas QuickTimeª and a decompressor are needed to see this picture.

Joseph Lister developed a microscope, which could magnify objects 1000 times without distortion in 1830 1838 Smallpox epidemic in England. Then again in 1853 1846, general anesthetic, by James Simpson In the 1850’s Louis Pasteur, a French scientist, discovered that microorganisms turn beer bad. Pasteur proved through a series of experiments that microbes caused decay. When Pasteur discovered that a specific germ was causing disease amongst silk worms and the French silkworm industry he showed that germs caused disease. The work of Robert Koch proved that germs caused disease amongst humans

1851, ophthalmoscope, by Hermann von Helmholtz 1853 First use of hypodermic needle for subcutaneous injection. 1857 Vaccination in England

3 Written by Matthew Dawson 9TOW

The London Sewer system in 1858 Joseph Bazalgette was an Englishman, born on the 28 march 1819 and who died on the 15th of March 1891. He was most famous for developing the London Sewer system in 1858 which improved waste management and health. In the early 19th century, the River Thames was practically an open sewer, with disastrous consequences for public health in London. Three epidemics of cholera had swept through the city, leaving over 30,000 people dead. Sewage was everywhere, piling up in every gully and alleyway, in the cellars of houses in poor districts - and even seeping through cracks in floorboards. Proposals to modernize the sewerage system had been put forward in 1856, but were shelved due to lack of funds. However, after The Great Stink of 1858, Parliament realized the urgency of the problem and resolved to create a modern sewerage system. Joseph Bazalgette, a civil engineer and Chief Engineer of the Metropolitan Board of Works, was given responsibility for the work. He designed an extensive underground sewerage system that diverted waste to the Thames Estuary, downstream of the main centre of population. Six main interceptory sewers, totaling almost 100 miles (160 km) in length, were constructed, some incorporating stretches of London's 'lost' rivers. The effect of the new sewer system was to reduce cholera not only in places that no longer stank, but also water supplies ceased to be contaminated by sewage.He diverted the foul water

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the flow of foul water from old sewers and underground rivers was intercepted, and diverted along new, low-level sewers made from clay which were built behind embankments on the riverfront and taken to new treatment works. This was a very intuitive idea. Bazalgette's foresight may be seen in planning the diameter of the sewerpipes. When planning the network he took the densest population, gave every person the most generous allowance of sewage production QuickTimeª and a decompressor and came up with a diameter of pipe needed. If he had are needed to see this picture used his original, smaller pipe diameter the sewer would have overflowed in the 1960s. As it is they are still in use QuickTimeª and a decompressor are needed to see this picture.

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Memorial To Sir Joseph Bazalgette On Victoria Embankment

4 Written by Matthew Dawson 9TOW

to this day,though there is now an extensive programme of sewer replacement. Bazalgette’s work was greatly appreciated by the public and the government. So much so that he was knighted in 1875, and elected President of the Institution of Civil Engineers in 1883.

The Newcomen and Watt Steam Engines Thomas Newcomen (1663-1729) was an English blacksmith, who invented a steam engine. However it was James Watt (19 January 1736 – 25 August 1819), a Scottish inventor and mechanical engineer whose improvements to the steam engine were fundamental to the changes of the Industrial Revolution in both Britain and the World. He was, alongside others, the first person who realized that money was to be made through producing goods in factories with machines, previously made by hand. However he also knew that they. Machines could be powered by his steam engines He then applied this with his knowledge of machinery and a QuickTimeª and a previous invention and made it more efficient. decompressor During the 1760s he devoted most of his time to are needed to see this picture. improving the efficiency of steam engines, the mechanical pumps that had been the work of Thomas Savery and Thomas Newcomen a halfcentury before. The result was a machine that by 1790 had become so popular that Watt is sometimes now wrongly praised as the inventor of the steam engine. He joined Matthew Boulton in business and James Watt (19 January 1736 – 25 began selling the Watt steam engine in 1774. It August 1819) was his machine that helped the transition between hand tools and horsepower to mass production and machine power. Watt’s many mechanical advances earned him several patents, and his engines were used for coal mining, textile manufacturing, transportation and a host of other industrial uses. In 1755 Watt had been granted a patent by Parliament that prevented anybody else from making a steam engine like the one he had developed. This was probably why he was so successful. For the next twenty-five years, the

5 Written by Matthew Dawson 9TOW

Boulton & Watt Company had a virtual monopoly over the production of steam engines. Watt charged his customers a premium for using his steam engines. To justify this he compared his machine to a horse. Watt calculated that a horse exerted a pull of 180 lb., therefore, when he made a machine, he described its power in relation to a horse, i.e. "a 20 horsepower engine". Watt worked out how much each company saved by using his machine rather than a team of horses. The company then had to pay him one third of this figure every year, for the next twenty-five years. It was ideas like that show he was an entrepreneur instead of an inventor. Though steam power was not a new idea, the way he and Matthew Boulton monopolized the idea to make a lot of money shows they were entrepreneurs He retired in 1800, a prosperous and venerated inventor, although it is sometimes pointed out that Watt's stubborn protection of his patents probably slowed other technological advances for many years.

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RailwaysA Watt in steam theengine, railways the steam engine that propelled the Industrial Revolution in Railways in the industrial Britain. era The first commercially successful steam locomotive was Matthew Murray's rack locomotive ,The Salamanca built for the narrow gauge Middleton Railway in 1812.

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6 Written by Matthew Dawson 9TOW

And it was none other than James Watt, a Scottish inventor and mechanical engineer, was responsible for improvements to the steam engine of Thomas Newcomen, hitherto used to pump water out of mines. Watt developed a reciprocating engine, capable of powering a wheel. Although the Watt engine powered cotton mills and a variety of machinery, it was a large stationary engine. It could not be otherwise; the state of boiler technology necessitated the use of low-pressure steam acting upon a vacuum in the cylinder, and this mode of operation needed a separate condenser and an air pump. Nevertheless, as the construction of boilers improved, he investigated the use of high-pressure steam acting directly upon a piston. This raised the possibility of a smaller engine, that might be used to power a vehicle, and he actually patented a design for a steam locomotive in 1784. His employee William Murdoch produced a working model of a self-propelled steam carriage in that year. This was followed in 1813 by the Puffing Billy built by Christopher Blackett and William Hedley for the Wylam Colliery Railway, the first successful locomotive running by adhesion only. This was accomplished by the distribution of weight by a number of wheels. Puffing Billy is now on display in the Science Museum in London, the oldest locomotive in existence. In 1814 George Stephenson, inspired by the early locomotives of Trevithick, Murray and Hedley, persuaded the manager of the Killingworth colliery where he worked to allow him to build a steampowered machine. He built the Blucher, one of the first successful flanged-wheel adhesion locomotives. Stephenson played a pivotal role in the development and widespread adoption of the steam locomotive. His designs considerably improved on the work of the earlier pioneers. In 1825 he built the Locomotion for the Stockton and Darlington Railway which became the first public steam railway in the world.

Letter to factory owner Dear Mr. factory owner I would like to complain about your use of child labour. I would like to suggest how you could make the lives of your workers better, while

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7 Written by Matthew Dawson 9TOW

still being profitable. Though it is true that you provide valuable work to the children, you usually deprive them of school.Firstly, I am aware that you may not quite receive as much work from the children but I believe they will work a lot harder if they feel they are being treated well. Secondly I would like to point out that you do put your child workers in an extortionate amount of danger. I’m afraid that injuries will never disappear. However I feel that injuries could be dramatically reduced if safety rules were introduced. Also I feel workers could benefit from a days training. Its is common for the children to be working at the same factory as their parents. Therefore we feel there should be as many opportunities to see their parents as possible. Though you should be proud you feed your children 3 times a day, I feel it is malnutrition and lack of sleep that are responsible for injuries, and for slow production. Therefore a little expenditure on your part for some more food will pay you back with higher production. We understand you have to discipline your workers, but harsh punishments could harm your productivity. However I feel no physical punishment should be used at all. Neither should the ‘dark room’ be used on any person. Please can I suggest that you try to teach your Supervisors to use compliments and encouragement to make your workers work harder. It has been proved by the success of factory owner Robert Owen (14 May 1771 – 17 Nov 1858), that good treatment of your workers will pay you back QuickTimeª and a decompressor massively with increased productivity. We hope you are needed to see this picture. find these suggestions useful. QuickTimeª and a decompressor are needed to see this picture.

Portrait of Living conditions between Robert Owen 1750 and 1900 → Living conditions during the Industrial Revolution varied from the luxury of the homes of the owners to the squalor of the lives of the workers. Cliffe Castle, Keighley, is a good example of how the newly rich chose to live. This is a large home modelled loosely on a castle with towers and garden walls. The home is very large and was surrounded by a massive garden, the

8 Written by Matthew Dawson 9TOW

Cliffe Castle is now open to the public as a museum.

Poor people lived in very small houses in cramped streets. These homes would share toilet facilities, have open sewers and would be at risk of damp. Disease was spread through a contaminated water supply. Conditions did improve during the 19th century, as Public Health QuickTimeª and a Acts were introduced covering things such as decompressor are needed to see this picture sewage, hygiene and house building standards. Not everybody lived in homes like these. The Industrial Revolution created a larger middle class of professionals such as lawyers and doctors. The conditions for the poor improved over the course of Over London by Rail Gustave Doré the 19th century because of government and local c. 1870. Shows the densely plans which led to cities becoming cleaner places, populated and polluted environments but life had not been easy for the poor before created in the new industrial cities industrialization. However, as a result of the Revolution, huge numbers of the working class died due to diseases spreading through the cramped living conditions. Chest diseases from the mines, cholera from polluted water and typhoid were also extremely common, as was smallpox. Strikes and riots by workers were also relatively common. Some were not even lucky enough to have a roof. Those, and I assure you there were many; who were injured in factory accidents and could soon lose their jobs,if they were no longer fit for work.They could then end up homeless. Sometimes entire families were homeless when the man of the house lost his job. The living conditions for workers in the Industrial Revolution were terrible. Men, women, and children worked in factories that were hazardous. Pay was low for men. The pay for women was lower and children got paid the least. Factories were dirty and dangerous Workhouse conditions were deliberately harsh to deter the workers from relying on them. Men and women were segregated and children were separated from their parents. Aged pauper couples were not allowed to share a bedroom. By entering a workhouse paupers were held to have forfeited responsibility for their children. Education was provided but pauper children were often forcibly apprenticed without the permission or knowledge of their parents. Inmates surrendered their own clothes and wore a distinctive uniform. There were many well-meaning measures such as education for children and the provision of doctors and chaplains. However most workhouses

9 Written by Matthew Dawson 9TOW

were run on a shoestring and these gestures often fell far short of providing decent living conditions.

Bibliography http://www.relfe.com/history_1.html www.wikipedia.co.uk Answers.yahoo.com www.bbc.co.uk/history/british/victorians/seven_wonders_04.sht ml http://www.nettlesworth.durham.sch.uk/time/victorian/vindust.h tml

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