Hipath Procenter Enterprise Sdk

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  • Pages: 40
HiPath ProCenter Enterprise Software Development Toolkit (SDK)

Agenda  SDK Overview  Integration Challenges  HiPath ProCenter SDK  Integration Capabilities and Benefits

 Description of SDK Components  HiPath ProCenter Manager Components

 Customer SDK Project Examples  SDK Sales Qualification Process  Overview of Siemens Enterprise Partner Program  What is it?  Partner Benefits Page 2

Siemens Communications

SDK Overview  Available for HiPath ProCenter Enterprise V7.0  Creates a new paradigm for enhancing the HiPath ProCenter Enterprise with the following advantages:  Exposes HiPath ProCenter functions and makes them easily accessible and well documented  Avoids direct database and function access  Preserves custom development & integration across future product versions  Provides SDK developer documentation, training & support  Increases speed of deployment and ease of custom development work  All of these benefits are delivered and supported through the Siemens Enterprise Partner Program

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Siemens Communications

HiPath ProCenter Software Development Toolkit (SDK)  A software development environment designed to enable integration with the core components of the HiPath ProCenter Enterprise V7.0  Enables Systems Integrators, Software Vendors (ISVs) and Resellers to integrate custom or 3rd party applications with HiPath ProCenter Enterprise  Integrate with customer service, outbound marketing, workforce management, agent or supervisor desktops or other custom contact center applications  Available to certified members of the Siemens Enterprise Partner Program  Requires licensed HiPath ProCenter Run-Time Modules (RTM) to execute custom developed applications

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Siemens Communications

Integration Challenges  Business Problem: extend contact center capabilities to meet specific business needs without increased costs of development and integration  IT Managers are faced with key integration challenges: HiPath ProCenter SDK

Extend contact center capabilities but manage tight IT budgets Integrate with 3rd party or custom applications without increased development costs Control implementation timelines

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Enables IT development staff to extend contact center functionality for features such as: • Custom Desktop • Custom Screen Pop • Custom Softphone Integration • Real-time Presence and Contact Views • Special Multimedia Interaction Handling • Custom Routing • Statistical Reporting Siemens Communications

HiPath ProCenter SDK - Components

 The SDK is divided into five manager objects  Managers group similar functionality into a single access point

HiPath ProCenter Manager

 Each manager performs a specific task for integration and development of:  Centralized Administration Services  Custom Multimedia Interaction Handling

Administration Manager

Media Manager

Routing Manager

Statistics Manager

HiPath ProCenter Software Development Toolkit

 Custom Routing  Custom Reporting of real-time statistics

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Siemens Communications

How the SDK interfaces with HiPath ProCenter Business Need Centralized Administration Services*

SDK Manager Object

Connects to….

Administration Manager

HiPath ProCenter Administration Server & Configuration Server

Media Manager

HiPath ProCenter Administration Server, Email Server, Web Collaboration Server, Callback Server & RealTime Server

Routing Manager

HiPath ProCenter Administration Server, Routing Server or Network Server

Statistics Manager

HiPath ProCenter Administration Server, Statistics Server or RealTime Server

* Read only access to Administration Data

Custom Multimedia Interaction Handling

Custom Routing

Custom Real-time Views Page 7

Siemens Communications

HiPath ProCenter SDK - Manager Objects

HiPath ProCenter Manager  Required to access all other SDK Managers  Monitors connection to any server used  Generates notification error if connection or server fails  Connects to HiPath ProCenter Administration and Watchdog Servers  Used to create system status applications  Handles the RTM license control

Administration Manager

Page 8

HiPath ProCenter Manager

Media Manager

Routing Manager

Statistics Manager

Siemens Communications

HiPath ProCenter Manager - Examples of Methods Method



Creates connection between the HiPath ProCenter Servers and the HiPath ProCenter Manager


Associates an agent with the HiPath ProCenter Manager Required before any actions with any managers (other than the Administration Manager can be performed


Used to “hire” each manager to be used for the integration (e.g. create the MediaManager Object)


Used to check the state of the various functionalities that the HiPath ProCenter Manager supports


Used to register for events from the HiPath ProCenter Manager


Used to de-register for events Resource must match the registration event

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Siemens Communications

HiPath ProCenter SDK – Administration Manager  Provides access to the administration database for integrated contact center administration capabilities  Query user, templates and list of defined queues  Report on updates to users/queues (add, update, delete)  Connects to HiPath ProCenter Administration and Configuration Synchronization Servers  Reports on change of state of HiPath ProCenter connected servers Manager

Administration Manager

Page 10

Media Manager

Routing Manager

Statistics Manager

Siemens Communications

Administration Manager – Overview Additional entities have been exposed:




Wrap-up Reasons

E-mail Discard Reasons

E-mail Templates

Web Collaboration Templates

Web Collaboration Languages

Query methods and supporting classes have been added Page 11

Siemens Communications

Administration Manager – Diagram IAdministrationManager «interface» ... + QueryAggregates() : IAggregates + QueryGroups() : IGroups + QueryDepartments() : IDepartments + QueryWrapupReasons() : IWrapupReasons + QueryEmailDiscardReasons() : IEmailDiscardReasons + QueryEmailTemplates(queueKey : long) : IEmailTemplates + QueryWebCollaborationTemplates(queueKey : long) : IWebCollaborationTemplates + QueryWebCollaborationLanguages () : Ilanguages Note: Only newly added methods are shown ...

Note: Only newly added methods are shown I<entity>s «interface» + Count() : integer + Item(integer key) : I<entity>

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I<entity> «interface»

Siemens Communications

HiPath ProCenter SDK – Media Manager Integrates CRM or custom desktop applications for integrated multimedia capabilities

 Provides access to multimedia events, e.g. Voice, Email and Callback  Provides caller related information for screen pop generation  Query and change agent states and reason codes, and query status of calls in queue  Create/delete callbacks Connects to HiPath ProCenter Administration Server, Telephony Server, Email Server, Web Collaboration Server, Callback Server, Real Time Server

HiPath ProCenter Manager

Administration Manager

Media Manager

Routing Manager

Statistics Manager

 Reports on change of state of connected servers Page 13

Siemens Communications

Media Manager – Overview  QueryCallbackSummaries, QueryCallStatuses() and QueryAgentStatuses() methods have been removed  Replaced by the Callback Real-time, Contact Real-time and User Real-time statistics events  Four methods were added to retrieve e-mail information:  QueryEmailSummaries – Current  QueryAsyncClientEmailsHistory – Client History  QueryAsyncConversationHistory – Conversation History  QueryAsyncEmailsHistory – Generic e-mail history  Retrieval of scheduled callbacks:  QueryAsyncScheduledCallbacks Page 14

Siemens Communications

Media Manager – Asynchronous Methods  Names that start with QueryAsync …  They are asynchronous due to the potentially large volume of data to be returned  They trigger the retrieval of information  Results arrive via a result event when the requested information is available

 The existing event mechanism, firing a MediaEvent which can then be converted into the appropriate event, is used.  They return a query identifier which can be used to correlate the query with the received result event  They trigger the sending of only one query result event Page 15

Siemens Communications

HiPath ProCenter SDK – Routing Manager  Provides access to the Routing Server for custom routing capabilities  Perform Queue Updates (enqueue/dequeue):  Query and update contacts in queue  Change queue for queued contact

 Monitor and report the progress of contacts and receive notification of state change  E.g. assigned to an agent, timed out, etc.

 Connects to HiPath ProCenter Administration Server, Routing Server  Reports on change of state of connected servers Page 16

HiPath ProCenter Manager

Administration Manager

Media Manager

Routing Manager

Statistics Manager

Siemens Communications

HiPath ProCenter Routing Manager – Examples of Methods Method



Checks the state of the various functionalities that the Routing Manager supports

ListenForEvents / StopListeningForEvents

Used to register/de-register for events from the Routing Manager


Creates a new RoutingCall object in order to invoke routing methods


Common event interface that all events from the routing manager must implement. The routing manager reports on 7 events: ManagerStateChangedEvent, DequeuedEvent, RoutingInformationUpdatedEvent, AssignedEvent, UnassignedEvent, TimedOutEvent


Represents a call that is in the HiPath ProCenter environment and is in the process of being matched to an agent. Contacts can be enqueued or dequeued

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Siemens Communications

HiPath ProCenter SDK – Statistics Manager  Provides access to HiPath ProCenter statistics functionality  Integrate your own reporting infrastructure for creating custom reports with retrieval of:  Current contact statistics (current number of calls in queue, current estimated wait time, etc.)  Recent statistics (statistics that have occurred during the last 24 hours including # of answered calls, emails, abandoned calls, etc.

 Connects to HiPath ProCenter Administration Server, Statistics Server or Real Time Server  Reports on change of state of connected servers

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HiPath ProCenter Manager

Administration Manager

Media Manager

Routing Manager

Statistics Manager

Siemens Communications

Statistics Manager – Overview  The HiPath ProCenter 7.0 SDK provides statistical update events  The event mechanism, firing a StatisticsEvent which can then be converted into the appropriate event, is maintained  In 7.0 SDK the QueryCallRecentStatistics() and QueryCallCurrentStatistic() methods have been removed IStatisticsManager «interface» + ListenForEvents(eventType : enStatisticsEventTypes, keyList : IKeyList, from : DATE) : integer + StopListeningForEvents(queryId : integer) + QueryCallRecentStatistics (QueueKey : long) : ICallRecentStatistics + QueryCallCurrentStatistic(QueueKey : long) : ICallCurrentStatistic

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Siemens Communications

Statistics Manager – Statistical Events  Use the new ListenForEvents() and StopListeningForEvents() methods to start and stop the sending of statistical events  ListenForEvents(): triggers the sending, at regular intervals, of events of the requested types until the StopListeningForEvents() method is invoked;  Returns: a queryId which can be used:  By the StopListeningForEvents() method  To correlate the received events with a ListenForEvents() request

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Siemens Communications

Statistics Manager – Cumulative Statistical Events  A cumulative event consists of zero or more time ranges; each time range contains 0 or more elements  Data is always returned for the selected time period I<entity type>CumulativeEvent «interface»



ITimeRange «interface»

1 0..n

I<entity type>CumulativeElement «interface»

 <entity type> is one of the following:         Page 21

User Group Queue Aggregate Contact UserWrapupReason QueueWrapupReason AggregateWrapupReason Siemens Communications

HiPath ProCenter SDK Summary of Integration Capabilities Centralized Administration Services

Custom Multimedia Interaction Handling

Integrate existing administration applications • Query Users • Update Queues Integrate existing desktop applications (e.g. custom softphone) • Generate custom screen pops • Initiate and perform CTI capabilities, e.g. answer a call, reply to an Email or send Email text

Custom Routing

Create custom routing rules • Determine queues for custom routing • Update routing queues manually • Monitor calls in queue

Custom Real-time Views

Retrieve real-time & cumulative contact center statistics for custom monitoring views

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Siemens Communications

SDK Run-Time Modules (RTM)

 Enable client execution of custom applications developed using the SDK  RTM is licensed to customers (end users) in conjunction with HiPath ProCenter Enterprise V7.0  RTM licensing is required for:  Custom client-based applications  Server-based Applications

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Siemens Communications

SDK Sales Qualification Process

Customer situations that require the SDK RTMs 

Custom Development  Custom application development and/or Integration by HiPath Professional Services or Systems Integrators (e.g. Custom Agent Desktop)

3rd Party Software Vendor application integration  e.g. Integration of Real-time Agent Adherence Work Force Management Product or other ISV applications

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Siemens Communications

SDK Sales Qualification Process

Customer situations that do not require the SDK RTM’s include:  An IVR script for a Intervoice, CreaLog or other 3rd party IVR (IVR.API) configuration*  An application that uses the HiPath ProCenter Screen-pop API  Customized reporting to collect and display data from the Reporting Database

* Please refer to the IVR.API Integration Guide for HiPath ProCenter Enterprise for further information

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Siemens Communications

SDK RTM Licensing Scenario Custom Application Development

Customer Scenario  Custom Browser based

Required Client Side RTM Licensing Description


Agent Desktop Application was developed to integrate with HiPath ProCenter Enterprise V7.0

1 Agent RTM License Bundle


50 Agent RTM License Bundle


150 Agent RTM License Bundle


by HiPath Professional Services  205 Concurrent Agents

* See your Siemens representative for further license structure and complete pricing.

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Siemens Communications

SDK RTM Licensing Scenario 3rd Party Software Vendor application integration

Customer Scenario  Server based integration of a 3rd Party Solution with HiPath ProCenter Enterprise V7.0 by vendor  No HiPath ProCenter Desktop  50 Concurrent Users

Required Server Side RTM Licensing Description


1 Agent RTM License Bundle


50 Agent RTM License Bundle


150 Agent RTM License Bundle


* See your Siemens representative for further license structure and complete pricing.

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Siemens Communications

HiPath ProCenter Enterprise SDK – Project Examples

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Siemens Communications

SDK Project Example: Agent Real-Time View  Real-Time Statistics and graphical User States for:  HiPath ProCenter Agents  Back office users  Management  Available as  Browser Based client  Thick client  Multi-Tenancy administration  Virtual Groups across networked HiPath ProCenter  Multi-site Real-time Data Distributor  Automated configuration synchronization Page 29

Siemens Communications

SDK Project Example: Browser based Desktop for HiPath ProCenter V7.0  Graphical User States for:  HiPath ProCenter Agents  Back office users  Management  Browser independent Java based client  Multi-Tenancy administration  CallBack functionality  Contact detail pop-ups  Configurable unavailable/wrap-up reasons

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Siemens Communications

SDK Project Example: Windows Messenger Integration

Adds integrated softphone controls and communication tools within the Windows Messenger desktop

Incoming and outgoing call history and from within Windows Messenger desktop Microsoft Windows Messenger

One-click-tocommunicate or collaborate by voice or instant messaging

Visual real-time IM and telephony presence and availability of team members

Automated screen pop “toast” as incoming calls arrive

HiPath ProCenter / Windows Messenger Custom Integration Page 31

Siemens Communications

SDK Project Example: HiPath ProCenter Dialer  Multiple dial modes from conservative to aggressive (preview dialing, predictive dialing, power dialing,...)  Time Shifts for campaign dialing  Campaign related data collection  Optional overdial factor: throttle mechanism to adjust campaign execution to the operational status of the contact center  Integrated online reports  Real-time campaign data  Consolidated inbound and outbound reporting Page 32

Siemens Communications

SDK Project Example: Police Contact Management Application (UK) HiPath Interaction Manager  Contact Management Application for Police Forces  Police Contact Management Application  Integrate telephony with mission critical crime incident reporting system developed by Siemens Engineering in UK  Improve access to information  Improve contact handling by providing call takers with access to supporting systems  Provide a single-point of access to police force applications, databases and information sources Page 33

Siemens Communications

HiPath ProCenter Enterprise SDK – Siemens Enterprise Partner Program

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Siemens Communications

Siemens Enterprise Partner Program What is it ?

 The Siemens Enterprise Partner Program allows systems integrators, developers and resellers access to the HiPath ProCenter Software Development Toolkit (SDK) for custom integration.  The SDK extends HiPath ProCenter Enterprises functionality by allowing custom enhancements to meet unique customer business requirements.  Contact your Siemens Channel Representative for partnership information.  Further information can be found on the Siemens Enterprise Partner Program Page 35

Siemens Communications

Siemens Enterprise Partner Program Partner Criteria        

Must have proven experience in the Contact Center Industry. Must have proven experience with Siemens HiPath ProCenter. Must have proven software development skills and experiences. If a Partner has not had previous experience with HiPath ProCenter, they must enroll in the HiPath ProCenter Training Courses. Partner has committed to train and certify a minimum of two persons for HiPath ProCenter SDK within his company at all time. Has to demonstrate industry quality processes (proven by Methodology & Related Documents). Must have a maintenance process for supporting custom software solutions. Have their own lab environment for developing, testing and maintaining the specific custom applications.

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Siemens Communications

Siemens Enterprise Partner Program Benefits  As a member, we ensure the Partner is equipped with the knowledge and tools necessary to develop integrated solutions  The Partner Program provides the following benefits:  First 15 hours of development support  Education and certification for 2 people on Programming with the HiPath ProCenter SDK  Access to the HiPath Ready labs (additional fee & excludes certification costs)  Access to the Siemens Enterprise Partner Program Portal  Secure Logon with ID and password  SDK, documentation and updates  Latest News  Partner Community (FAQs, Members Forum, Development Support Link) Page 37

Siemens Communications

Siemens Enterprise Partner Program and SDK Benefits  Reduced development costs  SDK is based on an open, standards-based architecture that does not require managers to acquire proprietary development skills or development interfaces from scratch  A library of COM objects enables development on familiar programming languages (e.g. Visual Basic and Visual C++)

 Reduced time to implement  Leverage existing developer knowledge base to integrate with your custom and 3rd party applications for extended contact center functionality  Minimize training impacts on your contact center staff by integrating with existing desktop applications

 Non-proprietary interfaces reduce implementation timelines  Supported by a comprehensive partner program  Provides integrators with the tools, information and support necessary to ensure a successful integration and overall business solution Page 38

Siemens Communications

HiPath ProCenter SDK - Benefits Summary

 Accelerates ROI by Reducing Application Development and Implementation Costs  Reduces Time to Deployment (i.e. accelerates project timelines)  Provides a Turnkey Offering with the Siemens Enterprise Partner Program Page 39

Siemens Communications

HiPath ProCenter Enterprise Software Development Toolkit (SDK)

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