Hidden Markov Models

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Rohit Jhawer

Lecture 7: Molecular Biology Databases Hidden Markov Models

CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Digitally signed by Rohit Jhawer DN: cn=Rohit Jhawer, o, ou, email=rohit_jhawer@hotm ail.com, c=IN Date: 2007.03.09 13:47:34 +05'30'

Putting it All Together • Each Database contains specific information • Biological organisms are a system • Like the system, each of these databases is interrelated CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka



























Stanford MGDB





PDB MMDB SCOP CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville


LITERATURE PubMed Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

http://www.ebi.ac.uk/2can/tutorials/database/srs_linking_databases.html CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Factors in Constructing a Biological Database • • • •

Fast retrieval of information Ability to store large amounts of data Ability to update data Choice of paradigm – Object oriented? – Relational? – Flat Files?

CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

EnsEMBL • MySQL interface to EMBL databases • Connect to database using: • mysql –u anonymous –h kaka.sanger.ac.uk

CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Hidden Markov Models • Hidden Markov Models (HMMs): – Probabilistic models for studying sequence of symbols – Can model matches, mismatches, insertions and deletions of symbols – Deeply rooted in speech recognition CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

HMMs in Speech Recognition • Problem: determine phonemes (words) spoken in a particular time frame • Everyone has different voices – Accents – Person having a cold – Differences in physiological development – Speed of speech CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

HMMs in Speech Recognition • Humans are able to distinguish speech a large percentage of the time • Computer: – Take a speech signal in a time frame – Fit it to a specific model of phonemes

CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

HMMs in Speech Recognition • Humans probably do something similar – Consider the Sprint PCS commercials! – 200 oxen? Or 200 dachshund?

• Speech is fit into a model of words we have learned

CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

HMMs in Sequence Analysis • Given an amino acid sequence, determine protein family • Similar to fitting a speech signal to a word model • Insertions, deletions, and substitutions are allowed CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Markov Chain • Probabilistic Model – Generates sequence – Probability of symbol depends upon the previous symbol

• Examples – Traffic Light – Dinucleotides

CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Markov Chain • Consider a random DNA sequence: – Four states: A, C, G, T – Given a certain state, there is a transition to the next state associate with a probability

CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Markov Chain






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Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Markov Chain • Key Property: – Probability of a symbol S at position p (Sp) is dependent only upon the previous symbol S at position p-1 (Sp-1)

• Biological Example – CpG islands: rich in the dinucleotide CG – High CG: More gene rich CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

CpG Islands • Methylation: process that converts C to T with a high probability when CG is encountered – TpG dinucleotides overrepresented – CpG dinucleotides underrepresented

CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Markov Chain for CpG Islands • Ignore Start/Stop states for now • 16 different transitions – Four states; four transitions from each state

CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Markov Chain for CpG Islands • Study of genomic DNA reveals the following 16 transition probabilities:

• The edges of the system can be assigned these weights CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Markov Chain for CpG Islands • Model describes regions where methylation occurs • Some regions of the human genome are protected from methylation – Promoter regions of genes

CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Markov Chain for CpG Islands • Study of protected regions produces the following probabilities (CpG islands):

CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Markov Chain for CpG Islands • A Second CpG Island model can be created, using these new probabilities

Given a sequence, we can find probability it is in CpG Island model, or in non-CpG Island model CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Markov Chain for CpG Islands • property of a Markov chain – probability of a symbol S at position p (Sp) depends only upon the previous symbol S at position p – 1 (Sp-1)

• • to find probability a sequence fits a model, multiply the conditional probabilities: • • P(x) = P(xL|x L-1)P(x L-1|x L-2)…P(x2|x1)P(x1)

CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Markov Chain for CpG Islands P(x) = P(xL|x L-1)P(x L-1|x L-2)…P(x2|x1)P(x1) Can be rewritten as: L

P ( x ) = P ( x1 )∏ a xi −1 xi i =2


a xi −1xi

is a transition probability

CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Markov Chain for CpG Islands • Now consider the sequence: GGCGACG • • The probability for this sequence is as follows: • • P(G)P(G|G)P(C|G)P(G|C)P(A|G)P(C|A)P(G|C)

• • Conditional (transition) probabilities are different based on the model CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Markov Chain for CpG Islands •


• • For the non-CpG model can be calculated as: • •

(0.20)(0.298)(0.246)(0.078)(0.248)(0.205)(0.078) = 0.000000453499

• • For the CpG model can be calculated as: • •

(0.25)(0.375)(0.339)(0.274)(0.161)(0.274)(0.274)(0.125) = 0.0010526

CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Markov Chain for CpG Islands • More likely sequence fits the CpG model • Note how quickly probability goes to zero – Shows importance of using log statistics

CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Discriminating Between two Models • How different are the two models? • Is there enough difference in the information? • To discriminate, take a log ratio of probabilities and create a new table • log2(P(x|CpG model) / P(x| non-CpG model))

CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Discriminating Between two Models • Sequence with positive score belongs to CpG Islands model • Sequence with negative score belongs to non-CpG Islands model

CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Discriminating Between two Models

CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Hidden Markov Models • Two separate models: – Non-CpG – CpG

• Sequence belongs to either one or the other model

CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Hidden Markov Models • Consider: given a long piece of genomic DNA • Some pieces are in CpG islands; some are not • Need a way to combine the two models CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Hidden Markov Models • Solution: Take two models; include transitions to switch back and forth between two models • Problem is more complicated – Two states corresponding to each nucleotide symbol

CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Hidden Markov Models • State emitting symbol is now “hidden” since there is no longer 1 to 1 correspondence • State can emit a symbol based on a probabilistic distribution – CpG island example: emission is 100% or 0%

CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Hidden Markov Models • Using emission probabilities, joint probability of seeing observed sequence x and path Pi through the HMM is: L

P( x, π )= aoπ 1 ∏ eπ i ( xi )aπ iπ i +1 i =1

• Where eπ ( xi ) is probability of emitting residue x at i position i, when at state πi in the path

CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Hidden Markov Models • Problem: – Path is hardly ever known

• Calculate: – Most Probable Path (Viterbi Algorithm) – Probability sequence fits HMM (forward algorithm) – Posterior probability (backward algorithm)

CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Viterbi Algorithm • Most probable path through an HMM • Can be calculated recursively • Implementation: Dynamic Programming – Initialization; Recursive Step; Trace-Back

CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Viterbi Algorithm • To find maximum path through a state, consider all transitions into state, and emission probability for the state

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Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Viterbi Algorithm • Dynamic Programming Matrix



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Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Viterbi Algorithm • Initialization • • set the probability of a path of length 0 ending at state 0 to 1, and the probability of all other paths of length 0 ending at all other states equal to 0: • • v0(0) = 1; vk(0) = 0 for k > 0 • CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Viterbi Algorithm • Recursion • • go through the whole length of the input sequence, one at a time, calculate maximum probability for being in a state, l, given the current input i: • • • vl(i) = el(xi)maxk(vk(i-1)akl) • CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Viterbi Algorithm • Recursion • • recursion step keeps track of a pointer for getting to each state • traceback can be performed to reconstruct the path with the maximum probability: • • ptri(l) = argmaxk(vk(i-1)akl) CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Viterbi Algorithm • Termination • • probability of the sequence and the maximum path set to be maximum value at the final position • pointer for maximal path is set at that point; a termination step, ak0 is introduced:

• • P(x,π* ) = maxk(vk(L)ak0) • • πL* = argmaxk(vk(L)ak0) CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Viterbi Algorithm • Traceback • • traceback is similar sequence alignment. • start at the final state; trace back through the set of transitions that led to that state. recurse back until we get to the first state:

• • (i = L..1): πi-1* = ptri(πi*) CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Probability of Sequence • determine probability of a sequence given a particular HMM • could be done by summing the probability over all possible paths • number of potential paths increases exponentially with length of the sequence -brute force method is not possible. CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Forward Algorithm • Once again, Dynamic Programming can solve this problem! • the probability of the observed sequence up to and including a point xi, where the path ends at state πi , can be calculated similar to the Viterbi algorithm: • • fk(i)=P(x1...xi, πi=k) CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Forward Algorithm • Initialization • • identical to the Viterbi algorithm, except now the v’s (maximum probable path) are replaced by f’s (overall probability) • • f0(0) = 1; fk(0) = 0 for k > 0 CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Forward Algorithm • Recursion • • Go through length of the input sequence, one at a time, calculating overall probability for being in a state, l, given the current input i. in the forward algorithm, we will consider sum over all possibilities:

f l (i ) = el ( xi )∑ f k (i − 1)a kl k

CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Forward Algorithm • Termination • • The termination step is an extension of the recursion step with the difference that a terminating transition is used. The overall probability of the sequence being described by the HMM is then given in the final cell:

P ( x) = ∑ f k ( L)a k 0 k

CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Backward Algorithm • In addition to determining the maximum path and overall probability, may want to determine probability of being in a particular state • Example: Is a sequence emitted from a CpG model, or from a non CpG model

CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Backward Algorithm • Backward algorithm calculates posterior probability: • P(πi = k | x) • • similar to the traceback step in dynamic programming. start at the final step and work back to the beginning CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Backward Algorithm • Initialization • • value of the posterior probability for each of the final transitions is assigned the value of the final transition probability: • • bk(L) = ak0 for all k CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Backward Algorithm • Recursion • • The recursion works backwards (i = L-1, ..., 1) •

bk (i ) = ∑ a kl el ( xi +1 )bl (i + 1) l

CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Backward Algorithm • Termination • • The termination step reports back the same value as the forward algorithm, calculated in the reverse direction:

P( x) = ∑ a0l el ( x1 )bl (1) l

CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Parameter Estimation • How are the model and probabilities calculated? • Two steps: – Assignment of transition and emission probabilities – Design of the structure

CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Estimation when the state sequence is known • Consider a multiple alignment of a protein family • the transition probabilities and emission probabilities are calculated using a maximum likelihood estimation – observed frequencies of residues in a column – observed frequencies of transitioning from one column to the next.

• CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Estimation when the state sequence is known • to deal with insufficient data and overtraining of models, pseudocounts should be incorporated

CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Estimation when the Paths are unknown – Baum-Welch • If state sequence is unknown, iterative method is used • Baum-Welch: transition and emission probabilities calculated as the expected number of times each transition or emission is used, given the training data • log likelihood computed; transition and emission probabilities recalculated iteratively CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Estimation when the Paths are unknown – Baum-Welch • Initialization: – Pick arbitrary model parameters

CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Estimation when the Paths are unknown – Baum-Welch • Recurrence: – Set all the transition and emission variables to their pseudocount values – For each sequence j = 1..n: • Calculate the forward value for sequence j • Calculate the backward value for sequence j • Add the contribution of sequence j to the transition and emission variables

– Calculate the new model parameters using maximum likelihood – Calculate the new log likelihood of the model

• CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Estimation when the Paths are unknown – Baum-Welch • Termination: – Stop if the change in log likelihood is less than some predefined threshold

CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

HMM Model Structure • Duration Modeling • • Complex length distributions can be modeled by introducing several states with transitions between one another: • State for one or • More emissions

CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

HMM Model Structure • Six or more characters

CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

HMM Model Structure • Two to seven emissions

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Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

HMM Model Structure • Silent States • • Silent states will allow for arbitrary deletions of a chain states.

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Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

HMM Model Structure • Insertion States • it may be necessary to emit residues between matching states

CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

HMMs in Computational Biology • • • • •

Multiple sequence alignments sequence profiles gene prediction protein structure prediction protein family classification

CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Programs to Calculate HMMs HMMER home page: • http://hmmer.wustl.edu

• SAM home page: • http://www.cse.ucsd.edu/research/compbio/sam.html

CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Pairwise Alignments Using HMMs • finite state machine can be created for pairwise alignment using five states: – start state – stop state – match/mismatch state – insertion state (for sequence 1) – insertion state (for sequence 2)

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Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Pairwise Alignments Using Five State FSA






CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Conversion of FSA to HMM • assigning probabilities for transitions and emissions at states M, X, and Y, converts FSA into a pair HMM • A pair HMM emits a pair of sequences • This pair HMM will generate an aligned pair of sequences CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Conversion of FSA to HMM • Chapter 4 (Durbin, et al) discusses HMMs and pairwise alignments • we will concentrate on where the real power of HMMs lies: in determining families of sequences based on multiple alignments

CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Profile HMMs and Sequence Alignments • HMMs can create a model of a sequence family • Such a relationship would allows concentration on conserved features • Profile HMMs are similar to sequence profiles CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Profile HMMs and Sequence Alignments • profile HMMs begin with a multiple alignment that has been correctly calculated • multiple alignment can then be used to build a model to score potential matches to new sequences • . For example, consider the following multiple alignment of globin sequences: CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Alignment of globin sequences

CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

PSSMs and HMMs • consider only the BLOCKS with no insertion and deletion events • a position specific scoring matrix (PSSM) can be calculated for the BLOCK

CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Converting a PSSM to a HMM • Converting a PSSM for a block to a HMM is trivial, due to the absence of insertions and deletions • begin state, end state and five match states, one for each column • Match states are represented by squares in a diagram of a profile HMM CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Converting a PSSM to a HMM • Transition probabilities between match states in the HMM would be 1 (can only transition to the next match state) • emission probabilities for match state calculated based on the PSSM

CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Resulting HMM Structure



CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Alignment to HMM • Calculating an alignment to this HMM is trival, due to the absence of insertion/deletion states

CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Adding Insertions/Deletions to HMMs •

For a profile HMM, insertions and deletions are treated separately

For insertions a new set of insert states is inserted, denoted by diamonds

Transitions are needed from: – last match state in a block to the insertion – insertion to itself (to allow for multiple length insertions) – insertion to the first match state of the next block

CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

HMM With an Insertion


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Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

HMM With an Insertion • score of a gap of length k:

log aM i I j +( k − 1) log a I j I j + log a I j M j + 1


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Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Deletions from an HMM • Handled by introducing silent states between matches • do not emit a residue (thus, the name “silent” state) • denoted by circles in a HMM CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Deletions from an HMM • Example HMM emitting a sequence between 0 and 3 residues long:


CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville


Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Profile HMM • A HMM with match states, insertion states, and delete states • first introduced by David Haussler, et al and Anders Krogh, et al in the mid1990s

CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Profile HMM

CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Profile HMMs for Pairwise Alignments • used to perform generalized pairwise alignments, similar to the dynamic programming approach • emission probabilities are match/mismatch probabilities or probabilities of matching two amino acids in a scoring matrix CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Profile HMMs for Pairwise Alignments • transition probabilities from a match state to an insert or delete state is equivalent to a gap-open score • transition probabilities within an insertion state or between delete states equivalent to a gap extension penalty

CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Deriving profile HMMs from multiple alignments • Multiple sequence alignments can be used to create profile HMMs • models describing the consensus sequence of a sequence family

CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Choosing Model Length • corresponds to a decision on which columns to assign to match states, and which to assign to insert states • simple rule: columns more than half gap characters should be modeled by inserts

CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Choosing Model Length • Considering the alignment: – columns 1, 2, 3, 6, and 7 to be match states – columns 4 and 5 to be insert states

CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Assigning Probabilities • problem is to assign the transition and emission probability parameters • simplest solution is to take the frequencies

CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Transition Frequencies • each state has three possible transitions leading from it • transition probability from state k to state l can be calculated as:

Akl a kl = ∑ Akl ' l'

CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Emission Frequencies • emission probability of residue a at state k can be calculated:

Ek (a) ek ( a ) = ∑ Ek (a' ) a'

CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Laplace’s Rule • difficulty in using straight frequencies when considering multiple alignments • if not enough sequences are used – some residues will be underrepresented (or not represented at all) – others will be overrepresented

CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Laplace’s Rule • pseudocounts are introduced (much like in problem 3 of the homework) • The easiest form of pseudocounts is Laplace’s rule, which adds one to each count

CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Transition Probabilities • From column 1 to column 2: – 10 transitions to next match state – 0 transitions to an insertion state – 0 transitions to a delete state

• Probabilities Using Laplace’s rule: – 11/13 aM1M2 – 1/13 aM1I1 – 1/13 aM1D2

CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Transition Probabilities • The probabilities are the same for the transitions from the second column to the third column • fourth and fifth columns are insertion columns • next set of match transitions will be from column three to column four – Match: 5/13 – Deletion: 2/13 – Insertion: 6/13

CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Transition Probabilities • Remembering that we have a total of five match states, the probabilities can be stored in the following table:

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Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Emission Probabilities • emission probabilities can be calculated for the match states in a similar fashion • In the first column, there are 9 H’s, and 1 F. Using Laplace’s rule, this becomes 10 H’s, 2 F’s, and 1 each of the remaining 18 amino acids. • probabilities are 10/30 H; 2/30 F; 1/30 for each of the remaining 18 amino acids.

CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Searching Profile HMMs • sequences can be searched against the HMM to detect whether or not they belong to a particular family of sequences described by the profile HMM

CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Searching Profile HMMs • Using a global alignment, the probability of the most probable alignment and sequence can be determined using the Viterbi algorithm (yielding P(x, PI*|M)).

CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

Searching Profile HMMs • full probability of a sequence aligning to the profile HMM determined using the forward algorithm (yielding P(x|M)). • Viterbi equations specifically designed for profile HMMs are given on page 109, Durbin et al. The forward equations are given on page 110.

CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

HOMEWORK • Project #2 Due 3/4/2004 • Midterm: 3/11/2004 • Read Durbin, et al., chapter 3, 4, 5

CECS 694-02 Introduction to Bioinformatics University of Louisville

Spring 2004 Dr. Eric Rouchka

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