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  • Words: 1,566
  • Pages: 9
Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City

SPECIAL EDUCATION DIVISION Bureau of Elementary Education Department Of Education Pasig City, Philippines


Children with Hearing Impairment





*demonstrates understanding of common words used to communicate personal experiences, ideas, thoughts, actions, and feelings

The learner…….. *shares personal ideas, thoughts, actions, and feelings, using common and appropriate words


talks about oneself and one’s family o talks about one’s name and other personal information using commonly- used signs and other modes of communication o talks about one’s environment. -persons(familymembers) -animals(describes some animals) -places(names/describes places in school), -things(names/describes one’s toys) -events (tells what one usually does on Saturdays, Sundays, and Mondays to Fridays, etc.) *tells about one’s activities/ responsibilities at home, in school, and community. o talks about topics of interest (likes and dislikes.).  recites known verses, short poems, and rhymes.  uses appropriately polite expressions listened, using commonly used signs and other modes of communications.  responds appropriately to polite expressions listened to


o o

*shows understanding of varied literary forms and concept of words in English for effective expression

Phonological Awareness

Book and Print Knowledge

*demonstrates understanding of sounds and their meanings for appropriate use of words

*exhibits understanding on  printed materials

participates actively in different expressive languages activities

*manipulates skillfully the sounds in words to express meaning *displays sensitivity to sounds in spoken language(for hard-ofhearing)

 

*tells parts of a book and follows the standards in using it

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greetings, expressing gratitude and apology, o asking permission, o offering help shares personal experiences, feelings and ideas related to stories and texts listened to: o giving directions, o asking simple questions. Participates in choral interpretation and echo reading/ signing of short poems, rhymes, and stories with repeated patterns and refrains in English. dramatizes familiar stories, rhymes, and poems. recognizes rhyming words. identifies rhyming words in nursery rhymes, songs, jingles, poems, and chants. distinguishes rhyming words from nonrhyming words. supplies rhyming words in response to spoken words.

shows the front and back part of a book. tells the title and author of the book


Alphabet Knowledge

*demonstrates understanding of the English Alphabet

*distinguishes similarities and differences of the English Alphabet

    

Word Recognition

*shows understanding in word recognition

*demonstrates understanding in using strategies to decode words


*shows understanding of punctuation marks, rhythm, pacing, intonation and vocal patterns as guide for fluent reading and signs

*expresses ideas through signs and facial expressions

 

*talks literary and informational texts accurately and correctly 

recognizes letters at sight. Identifies upper and lower case of the alphabet. notes similarities and differences in letter forms. identifies vowels and consonants. reads, recites, and fingerspells the English Alphabet

identifies individual words in phrases and sentences (structural analysis). o recognizes beginning/ending of words (e.g top (t-p).* o tells the number of syllables in a word read, e.g.father (2); boy (1). uses pictures, configuration and context clues in attacking words. o associates pictures with labels. o uses picture clues to identify words. o identifies words with similar shapes from a series of words e. g. train, balls, learn. recognizes words at sight (capital and small letters in words). matches words with pictures. interacts with others using correct signing in: o greetings, o introducing oneself, o apologizing, o seeking location/direction. reads Grade I level text at a rate of approximately 20 words per minute.



reads Grade I level text with an accuracy rate of 75%- 85%.  reads Grade I level text in 1-2 word phrases using intonation, punctuation and expression cues.  reads Grade I level text in 50 sight words independently. Note: Spells simple words from literary and ICT-based materials (e.g. enter, shift, tab, alt, etc.) and from other subject areas such as Math and Science. Spells three letter words and two syllables.


*exhibits accuracy of hands and fingers in writing coupled with eye-hand movement

*executes activities with the hands, guided by the eyes in writing


*shows understanding of concepts of nouns and adjectives for identification and description

*names correctly people, objects, places, and things through theme-based activities

moves eyes from left to right and vice versa, when engaged in writing activities.  writes correctly the letters of the alphabet.  writes one’s name, parents’ names and name of school.  copies words from the Basic Word List accurately. Sentence  recognizes words, phrases and sentences.  uses simple sentences.  uses different kinds of simple sentences (e.g. declarative ,interrogative).  recognizes punctuation marks (period, question mark).  uses punctuation marks correctly. Noun  names people, objects, things, animals, places, and events in songs, stories, poems, nursery, rhymes, pictures, realia and other ICT-based materials.  uses nouns in simple sentences.  recognizes the use of a/an.  uses plural forms of regular nouns by adding /s/ or /es/. Adjectives  identifies and uses commonly used adjectives.


*demonstrates understanding of concepts of verbs, adverbs, pronouns, and prepositions in meaningful messages

*constructs grammatically correct-simple sentences in theme-based conversa-tions using verbs,adverbs, pronouns, and preposi-tions

describes people, objects, things, and places using simple adjectives (colors, shapes, sizes, height, weight, length, distance, etc.).

Pronoun  identifies and uses personal pronouns (e.g. I, you, he, she, it).  Identifies and uses commonly used possessive pronouns (mine,yours,his,hers,theirs).  identifies and uses demonstrative pronouns (this/that, these/those).  identifies and uses interrogative pronouns (who, what, where, when, why). Verb  identifies and uses common action words in retelling, in conversations, etc.. Adverb  identifies and uses common simple adverbs such as today, tomorrow, yesterday, later,etc. Prepositions  recognizes directional prepositions (in,on,under).



*demonstrates understanding of common English words for effective communication

*uses basic vocabulary to express ideas about personal, home, school, and community experien-ces independently

      

*demonstrates understanding of word meaning for correct usage

*uses correctly common words in speaking activities

  


*shows understanding of story elements and text structures for effective oral expression

*identifies correctly elements of literary and informational texts as aid in getting meaning

    

differentiates English words from other languages spoken at home and in school (e.g. table-mesa, father-tatay). asks about unfamiliar words to gain meaning. Identifies, sorts and classifies familiar words into basic categories (e.g. colors, shapes, foods, etc.). uses new words learned through stories in own speech. asks, talks about and determines the meaning of new words. derives meanings from repetitive language structures. identifies and uses words that are related to self, family, school, community, and concepts such as names of family members, names of colors, shapes, and numbers in both Mother Tongue and English. identifies and recognizes that some words have the same meaning. uses correctly words that have the same meaning in a dialogue. determines the meaning of words using clues (total physical response, picture, body movements, etc. identifies connections between text listened to and personal experience. activates prior knowledge based on new knowledge formed. identifies story elements(characters, setting, plot, ending) from the text listened. makes predictions about stories based on the cover or title, pictures , details in the text. uses an understanding of characters,


    

*shows understanding of the elements of literary and information-nal texts for effective oral expression

*uses elements of literary and informational texts to sufficiently extend mean-ing and understanding

    

incidents and settings to make predictions. validates ideas made after listening to a story. asks and answers simple questions (who, what, where ,when) about text listened to. retells / reacts events from a story. asks and responds about informational texts listened to (environment, health, how-to’s, etc.). talks about texts identifying major points and key themes.

determines whether a story is realistic or fantasy. restates facts from informational texts (climate change, children’s rights, traffic safety, etc.). follows one-step directions. participates/engages in a read-along of texts (e.g. poetry, repetitive text). uses an understanding of characters, incidents and settings to establish relationships between characters and events ( e.g. sequence of events, cause and effect, problem solutions)



*shows understanding in literary and informational texts

*notes details in a literary and informational text read

    

*predicts outcomes

*gets the main idea


*demonstrates oral read-ing skills


*reads stories/poems with correct signs *presents varied ideas independently *shows enthusiastically interest in diverse literacy-related activities

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*demonstrates understanding of literary concepts for appreciation of literacy-related

   

identifies objects/pictures by their common characteristics. arranges objects/pictures according to size. tells what is missing in a picture. identifies mood in pictures. recognizes order of picture stories.

selects the pictures illustrating a likely ending of a story. groups words under proper headings, such as fruits, toys, animals, etc. reads with correct phrasing. recites rhymes with expression. stops at the end of a sentence. reads basic words in a story revisits former favorite books, songs, rhymes used. retells and/or reenacts events from a favorite story. engages in a read-along of texts (e.g. poetry, repetitive text). produces creative outputs (e.g. drawing, acting out, choral interpretation, etc.).


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