Hermeneutics 9-8-09 Notes And 9-10-09 Notes

  • June 2020
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Hermeneutics The What and the Why of Bible interpretation 9-8-09 Hermeneutics is the science of methodology for interpreting the scriptures. (Acts 8:26-40) There are 2 important features of understanding the Bible: 1. Just because we see the words on the pages of the Bible does not mean we understand their meaning. 2. The event reveals proper guidance and can help others to interpret things in the Bible. The scripture is never a mistake; it is ignorance on our part. Why is Bible interpretation so important? 1. It is essential to help ourselves. 2. It is essential to teach others. 3. We must go on merely observing the Bible. a. We probe the Bible to observe. b. When interpreting the Bible we ponder. 4. We must learn to apply the Bible properly. There are 3 steps to of Bible study: 1. Observation- What does it say? 2. Interpretation- What does it mean? 3. Application- How do I live it? Interpretation is the most time-consuming in hermeneutics. The scripture is not a private interpretation. Do not say, “This is what this passage/verse means to me.” It is not private to us. There is nothing you need to add to the scripture. Teach the Bible, not about the Bible. God never intended for us to misuse the Bible. Every conflict is a matter of interpretation. God wants us to ponder over the Bible. Selah means “to ponder.” We want to go from point a to point b. We don’t want to do this. Observing is discovering; Interpreting is digesting. When we observe we depict; when we interpret we decide what it means. When we observe we explore; when we interpret we explain. Interpretation is not a means to an end, it is the end. We will apply it improperly if we interpret it improperly. How you interpret the Bible will have an effect on how I behave. The Bible is an ancient book.

There are several gaps in the Bible: 1. Chronological gap. 2. Geographical gap. 3. Cultural gap. 4. Linguistic gap. 5. Literary gap. 6. Spiritual gap. The biggest reason we don’t understand the Bible is because we don’t want to. Our way of doing things is different from what God does things. (II Peter3:14-16)

Hermeneutics Pre-supposition 9-10-09 Pre-supposition- views or convictions we hold to a subject before even beginning the conversation itself. They are formed from experience and education or a lack of education and upbringing. What is our pre-supposition? The Bible is the revealed Word. The Bible is inerrant and it interprets how we interpret scripture. Did Jesus and His disciples hold any interpretations? Yes. We have the Holy Spirit as the author of the Bible. How is the Bible supernatural? 1. The Bible is supernatural in character. It is authoritative and absolute over our thought and behavior. 2. The Bible is trust worthy. It do not say, according to my experience I do this. 3. The Bible is natural in its character. (human communication) God has to come down to our level in His word. Why is verbal plenary inspiration so important? Because words are vehicles. Preaching the Word of God is impossible without the Holy Spirit. Prophesy is a declaration of scriptures, not just future events. God wants us to know Him. Desire is the great key to understanding scripture.

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