Hawk Roosting

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 787
  • Pages: 2
English Literature: notes for Poetry_ Hawk Roosting_Ted Hughes_2009-2010_Ms I Poon notes for Teachers





I sit in the top of the wood, my eyes closed. Inaction, no falsifying dream3 (echo line 18) Between my hooked head and hooked feet: Or in sleep rehearse perfect kills and eat.

1 4

The convenience of the high trees! The air's buoyancy4and the sun's ray Are of advantage to me; And the earth's face upward for my inspection.


My feet are locked upon the rough bark. It took the whole of Creation5 To produce my foot, my each feather: Now I hold Creation in my foot


Or fly up, and revolve it all slowly I kill where I please because it is all mine. There is no sophistry6in my body: My manners are tearing off heads -


The allotment7of death. For the one path of my flight is direct Through the bones of the living. No arguments assert my right:


arrogant; his dream is realistic: all about ‘killing’ and ‘eating’, a natural born killer born with ‘weapons’ perfect for killing intrinsic abilities to kill and hunt, even in sleep even the nature is made for him, for his convenience, high trees, air, sun’s ray Personification: surface of the earth; like a king Locked: strong feet, grip the bark on the branch, watching over his territory, inspecting and in control of everything as if it is the divine ruler of the world He is superior to the earth (8), the master of nature/the universe and in control of it; everything/the world revolves at his command

Whenever he flies, he has one purpose in mind/life i.e. to kill No one can stop me from doing so/deny it

He thinks he is immortal; he is in control The sun is behind me. of everything. However, the hawk’s eye Nothing has changed since I began. symbolizes the lack of vision. It is too My eye has permitted no change. I am going to keep things like this. 24 arrogant to realize that he lives in a changing world & he is not the king Ted Hughes


1. 2. 3.

falsifying dream: dream that is imaginary and fantastic


buoyancy: ability to float

Hawk: bird of prey, violent and aggressive Roosting: resting on a perch


Creation: all created things.


sophistry: the appearance of a hawk does not deceive us. What we see is what we get. It is definitely a ‘killing machine’ and it does not hide his killing ability, but rather shows it off proudly to the world.


allotment: the official handing out of something. In this case, the hawk is claiming that he has been officially appointed by God to hand out death to all creatures.

Questions for Discussion: 1.

How does the poet feels about the hawk?


Is this poem satirical? If so, what is the poet satirizing?

Teacher’s notes:

The Title together with the word ‘Inaction’ in line 2 imply latent violence, the hawk is ready to ‘kill’

Characteristics/nature of the hawk:

 

Arrogance: 21 Pronouns, stanza 2, stanza 3, line 13, line 20, stanza 6 Predatory (killing other animals for food); a killing machine, strong and powerful, ruthless/cruel, and violent: stanza 1, line 9, stanza 4, stanza 5

Line 1: the use of 21 personal pronouns "I" and "me", possessive adjective "my" and the possessive pronoun "mine" show the Hawk’s superiority over other creatures; also suggests its self-centeredness, like that of a dictator.

Line 3: What is between his hooked head and hooked feet? The creature that he has just killed/captured i.e. the prey

Line 4: his only purpose in life is to hunt, kill—”tearing off heads"(17-19) and to eat. Even when he is sleeping, he dreams of killing and eating, rehearsing this action over and over in his dreams so that he reaches perfection in his art.

Line 5: The high trees allow the hawk to sit unnoticed, he can then dive down with little effort and capture his prey

Lines 6 & 7: the hawk can lock its wings and float on the air to watch the ground below for its prey. If the sun is high in the sky, it will hide the hawk as the prey will be blinded by the rays of the sun and will not see the hawk hovering in the sky above.

Lines 10 & 11: the hawk sees himself as the end point of evolution. The centre of the universe. Creation has now been given to him to control.

Line 13: The dash mark causes the reader to slow down while reading and it helps imagine the hawk's slow flight.

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