Harper Stanfield

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Vol. XXXVIII • No. 14 • July 18, 2008

A Word From John Hamrick Despite the rumors flying in the church offices last week, I did not have to beg-off preaching duty during our pastor’s much-deserved vacation. Though when Pastor Julie asked me to fill her column in The Outlook, I confess my first thought was: “I have got to figure out how to tell her no.” This was quickly followed by thoughts of further delegation. But with no subordinates, and a few thoughts to share, I agreed. My Sunday School class is reading Adventures in Missing the Point: How the Culture-Controlled Church Neutered the Gospel, by Brian McLaren and Tony Campolo. It is a good, often thoughtprovoking book. A recent chapter was on church leadership. My father just completed a sabbatical research project on the topic, so I arranged for him to teach that chapter. (In exchange for lunch, of course.) Had I realized then that I would later write about what he taught, I would have paid closer attention. But one point really stuck in my mind. He commented that many churches set their pastors up for failure, because – like a corporate CEO – the perceived “success” or “failure” of the church is the pastor’s responsibility to shoulder alone. Such "set ups" are not mean-spirited, or even intentional, but are the product of complacent congregations that prefer to "come and hear," not "come and do." We were challenged that morning to find our niche, our ministry opportunity at FBC, and to become “doers” of the Gospel, rather than faithful pew warmers. I often hear that theme from our pulpit. Sharyn Dowd will join us in August. Part of her hefty job description is to “help every believer in our congregation to be engaged in some form of ministry/mission for which he or she is gifted by God.” Be warned. It will soon be harder to simply warm pews at FBC. We will be better for it. So what are your gifts? How can you get engaged in the life of FBC and be the presence of Christ in your community? Here are some suggestions: • start a small group Bible study; • volunteer in extended session; • pray for the ministries of our church; • take communion to shut-ins; • emulate Doris Tanner – she’s got Gospel ministry figured out; • take a vacation day and volunteer for VBS; • be an intentional neighbor; or • let Carla Stanford put you to work at Hagar's House. As translated in The Message, Jesus encouraged His followers in the Sermon on the Mount to "be generous with your lives." Let that be our mission.

John Hamrick, Chairman of Deacons

Guest Preacher this Sunday Dr. Robert Wallace, Assistant Professor of Religion and Director of International Programs at Shorter College, will bring the message on July 20 while Pastor Julie is away on vacation. Rob has served as pastor and interim pastor in a number of churches in Texas and Georgia. He is married to Cindy, who is a hospice chaplain with United Hospice of Rome. They are the parents of two terrific boys, Daniel and Thomas.

Congregational Life VBS Work Day—This Sunday, July 20th Come help set up the Power Lab for this year’s Vacation Bible School! We will meet in the fellowship hall Sunday, July 20, following 11:00 worship and a light lunch will be provided. After lunch we will work until 3:00 or as long as people can stay. Help us make VBS a success! Childcare will be available. Wednesday, July 23—Wednesday Night Activities There will be no evening meal or Bible study on Wednesday, July 23 (VBS Week). There will, however, be youth half-time on the front lawn from 5:30-7:30. The youth will have a cook-out with a time of prayer. Sharyn Dowd Starting Soon! Our new Minister of Spiritual Formation and Mission Engagement, Sharyn Dowd, begins her ministry with us on Sunday, August 3rd. Pray for Sharyn as she concludes a month of rest and renewal before coming alongside the First Decatur family. She is eager to get started! Sharyn's Atlanta address is 3273 Flowers Rd S. Apt. R, Atlanta GA 30341. Thanks from Tom and Bill Tom Borgo and Bill Neal have both written notes to express their thanks and gratitude to the FBC Family for the reception in their honor on June 29. Wednesday Night Meals for our Senior Adults Beginning in September, the Senior Care Ministry Team will begin to take meals on Wednesday nights to some of our senior adults who are not able to come to church. Look for more details about these “Ministry Meals.”

Prayer Concerns as of July 15, 2008 Thanks Be To God!: ▪ Tom Seim’s second biopsy came back benign. In The Hospital: ▪ Winston McArthur, Emory ▪ Tyler Cagle, Acute Neuro Rehab, Phoenix, AZ. Condition improving. ▪ Sandy Sears, sister-in-law of Susan Sears, St. Joseph’s. Congratulations To: ▪ Andy and Katie Kennedy on the birth of their second child, Claire. ▪ Drew and Beth Fowlie on the birth of Jacob Andrew Fowlie. Sympathy To: ▪ Caroline E. Benefield on the death of her uncle, Rev. Charles R. Edens. ▪ The family of Dorothy Hill. ▪ J.R. Murray on the death of his sister, Elaine Murray.

Tithes & Offerings

A Generous People 2008 Ministry Action Plan

Save the Date—Church Work Day, Sept. 27 Mark your calendars now! Our next church work day will be September 27 from 9-4. Lunch will be provided. Wednesday Nights This Summer 5-6—Supper (fellowship hall) 6-6:15—Prayer Time (Chapel) 6:15-6:45—Our Baptist Heritage Series (Chapel) Our Baptist Heritage July 30, Aug. 6 & 13 Freedom: The Key to the Baptist Genius; Led by Bill Neal

Weekly Need: .....................$ 27,361 Received on June 29:..........$ 26,606 Received on July 6..............$ 28,361 Received on July 13............$ 18,836 Y-T-D Need:.....................$ 766,117 Y-T-D Received: ..............$ 647,218 Surplus/(shortfall):............ (118,899) “Years of Opportunity 2007-09” Campaign Given to Date:...................$ 312,852 Bank Loan Balance:..........$ 260,278 Owed to FBC Fdn.:...........$ 180,000

July Mission Emphasis—Gift Boxes for Troops

Missions Offering YTD ....$ 10,960

Rather than wait for the Christmas Season, FBC Decatur will be collecting items and money to send 100 boxes to our troops this summer. During the month of July please bring some of the following to the church:

Wednesday Dinner Menus

SMALL packages of candy (no chocolates), nuts, trail mix, beef jerky, crackers and snacks, dried fruit, packages of tuna, potted meats. Also men’s and women’s toiletries (travel size). White socks, foot powder, chap stick, baby wash, face towels and wash rags. Also, paperback books (new) of mystery or adventure, DVDs, CDs, and AA batteries. There will be collection sites around the church for these items. We will also need $1,000 to ship these boxes. Volunteers are needed the first week of August to help sort and pack the boxes. Please help to support and encourage these men and women who are so far from home. For more information call the church office or Jean Sparks (404-296-1526). Thank you. The Missions Advisory Team.

July 23 No Wednesday Night Meal July 30 BBQ Pork, Baked Beans, Cole Slaw, Yeast Rolls/Buns, Brownies August 5 Vegetable Lasagna, Salad Bar, Garlic French Toast, Ice Cream and Cookies

Youth Sp•t

Kid’s Zone Youth Beach Retreat ‘08

We leave for the annual beach retreat on the morning of Sunday, August 3rd, and return on the evening of Friday, August 8th. We will be staying on the outskirts of Panama City Beach, Florida at Laguna Beach Christian Retreat. This is the week before most youth go back to school so we are returning on Friday to give everyone a little time to rest and prepare for school over the weekend. This is a really great week at the beach for the youth and adults who take part. It is also a great week for rising sixth graders to begin to feel more comfortable around the youth group and find their place. It is a time to get away from everyday life and the things that consume us. There will be devotions, partner walks, Bible studies, worship, and times of personal reflection to help make this happen. It is also a time to be with friends at the beach and to enjoy the natural beauty of God’s creation. Many youth look back on their beach retreat experiences as pivotal times in their faith development. We are always in need of parents who want to be a part of this week and serve in a variety of areas. These areas include prayer support, logistical support, shopping, driving, food preparation, field trip planning, devotion writing, bible study, games, and plain old supervision. If you are interested in finding more out about being a part of this week please let Kurt know soon.

Congratulations to our 2008 rising 6th graders Robert Cushing, Noel Hamilton, Matthew Goddard, Katie Johnson, Sarah Jory, Chelsea Keown, Brooke Morgan and Harper Stanfield. Each student and their parents are invited to participate in a “moving up” celebration. The purpose of the celebration is to provide the 6th graders (and their parents) with an event that will help ease them into the youth group. A couple of current youth will be present to help the 6th graders become acquainted with a few folks who are active in the youth group and will serve as mentors. Ultimately, this will provide the 6th graders and some of the youth with a shared experience to build from. The schedule for the day will be… • 9:00am - 12:00pm—VBS • Debbie and Kurt will take 6th Graders on an afternoon outing and will meet up with parents at Debbie's home. • 6:30pm - 7:00pm—Debbie Britt -- Appetizers and Drinks • 7:15pm - 7:45pm—Amy Keown -- Salads and Drinks • 8:00pm - 9:00pm—Kathy Kinlaw – Main Course and Drinks • 9:30pm - whenever—Kurt Varney – Desserts and Drinks

Mid-Year Financial Update Through the generosity of our congregation and many visitors, we have received over $600,000 in offertory contributions this year, just $12,798 under last year’s $612,820 for the same time. Friends, this kind of generosity is worthy of celebration, especially in light of the ever-tightening economic times. Your dedication to this church’s mission is amazing! Can’t you feel the excitement around us as we await Sharyn’s arrival, the (re)birthing of a Women’s Ministry, the youth’s Hurley mission trip, and more? As June’s preliminary financials are prepared, the church has approximately $28,000 of net income, which moves our year-to-date deficit below $9,000. June’s positive financial situation is in large part due to church staff and committees keeping expenses well below budget since offerings are $110,000 under budget for the year. Also, the First School broke even in June, whereas it usually runs a June deficit due to vacationers, and the Activities program has positive cash flow. Additionally, we really pulled together to give in June: we gave $113,000 (monthly need is $118,000) in June, which is second only to February for giving this year. Thank you, and may God continue to richly bless your generosity. Beth Neal Smith, Finance Committee Vice-Chair The Outlook, a publication of the First Baptist Church of Decatur, Georgia, is mailed to members and friends of the First Baptist family. Main Office......................................404-373-1653 Finance.............................................404-370-7694 First School ......................................404-370-7688 Activities ..........................................404-373-2442 FAX ..................................................404-370-7692 Debbie Britt .....................................404-373-1653 Ryan Forbes.....................................404-370-7690 Julie Pennington-Russell.................404-370-7684 Kurt Varney......................................404-373-1653 Bob Williamson ...............................404-370-7687 Computer Connections: Website—http://www.fbcdecatur.com E-Mail—[email protected]

The Outlook, USPS 600-320, is published bi-weekly, except Christmas week, by First Baptist Church Decatur, GA Postmaster: Please send address changes to First Baptist Church, 308 Clairemont Avenue, Decatur, GA 30030

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