Handicap Blessing Or Curse

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 951
  • Pages: 3
Handicap Blessing or Curse Good speaking The art of persuasion, as practiced today in political debate as well as in the courts of law, has developed over the ages. Quintilian’s book, contains one of the fullest surveys of oratorical insights ever written that has come down to us in its entirety. It has been used in teaching oratory at universities since the Middle Ages. Marcus Fabius Quintilianus 35 - 95 AD His definition of an orator as -"the good man speaking well." 1. The speaker must have a high moral character. 2. It helps if the speaker has knowledge of a broad range of subjects, and it is imperative that he knows the subject on which he speaks in-depth. 3. He stresses the importance of the moral appeal 4. He advocates simple and clear language. How to speak successfully“When you meet your friend on the roadside or in the market place, let the spirit in you move your lips and direct your tongue. Let the voice within your voice speak to the ear of his ear; For his soul will keep the truth of your heart as the taste of the wine is remembered When the colour is forgotten and the vessel is no more.”- Gibran How to think scientifically“The whole of science is nothing more than a refinement of everyday thinking.” —Albert Einstein, 1936 in Physics and Reality Difference between Problem and factEvery problem has a solution. A fact is a situation. Handicap is a relationship between an individual and the environment. The importance of assistive technology can be better understood when one understands a handicap is not a characteristic of a person, but rather describes a relationship between an individual and the environment.” - C. McCarty 1. A problem that “helps” us to focus on the area of disturbance is in actuality, healing one’s own energy system in the process. 2. We need to foster emotional sensitivity – sensitivity to the environment, to the world, to our own actions and the repercussions of these actions.

3. If we can look at handicap and other problems NOT break down with the horror of it all, then we have a chance to learn, and to change our ways. 4. Any who experience an authentic reawakening of mind and spirit gain a gigantic advantage over the vast majority who remain mired in negative thinking, sliding through life without direction and ceding personal destiny to the initiative of others. 5. Once renewed, you will join a select vanguard of cutting-edge winners who remain anchored in solid core values, proud of accomplishments yet fully capable of proposing, testing, implementing and promoting creative solutions for tomorrow. Good laws and practices are not prescribed but found. Caring for the Handicap helps us find good laws We should think beyond the clichés and private wisdom, the platitudes about change and continuity, tradition and modernity that arise out of a mocking dismissal of morality. Caring for the Handicap helps us to be moral The silly deception of the global market that tell us that we can have it all. Caring for the Handicap reveals that we cannot Beyond the lush seductive landscapes of a triumphant individualism lie, perhaps not fulfilment and satisfaction, but the bleak and a stony waste of a loneliness with out end. Caring for the Handicapped gives fulfilment and satisfaction and brings people together. ‘The strong survive and to hell with those beneath you’. This may be a sweeping generalizations, but isn’t this what the crux of the theory of evolution is about. It’s wrong because the human evolved to his present status with the support of his association. He does so even now. In human society besides physical ability there is wealth but these are not the only sign of competition. Intelligence is equally as fierce. Like money, knowledge is not pursued with the idea of sharing it with the world; rather it is held that the most intelligent somehow have a higher degree of importance on the food chain. Who decreed this? Why is it that people who are not knowledgeable in a certain area are somehow less important, less deserving of life? ‘It is simple to be happy, but it is difficult to be simple,’ the difficulty in being simple is due to an undisciplined mind. And simplicity is something to be cultivated by working on ourselves, by disciplining the mind and the sensory system with a strengthened will. Handicap provides the opportunity to learn simplicity

Why can't we all look at life, I mean really look, and see that we have in fact coevolved. When dead the rest will be just as dead as you or I. We are all truly equal in death, and as life works towards obtaining death, life in essence is about discovering our own equality with life that is, life that was and life that will be. When we die, our accomplishments remain on Earth. Our material things remain here as well. Why struggle so hard to beat others at everything to be the best, the smartest, the most athletic the most sexually proficient specimen when you can instead live to love everyone. Have we not seen enough worried / hurt people who turn around and do the same to others still, when given the (evolutionary!!) chance? Why can't we start being the evolved ones, the ones to search for knowledge because knowledge is pure truth, and share that truth with others? The four pillars of knowledge: Creativity, Righteousness, Courage & Indomitable spirit The word education comes from the Latin e-ducere meaning "to lead out." I hope I can start to be a better person now, after thinking on it. I hope you can be too.

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