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  • Words: 6,586
  • Pages: 47

Online Education


Project Plan and Initiation

By Hafsa Muhammed B08-006 23-12-10

Contents 1.

Initiation 1.1. Project Charter . 1.2. Stake holder Register

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. .

. .

. .

3 12

2. Planning 1.1. Project integration management 2.1.1. Project Management Plan







. .

. .

. .

20 22

2.2 Project Scope Management 2.1.2. Requirement Document. . . 2.1.3. Scope Statement . . . 2.1.4. WBS (a separate document attached with) 2.3. Project Time Management 2.3.1. Activity List . . . 2.3.2. Milestone Plan . . . 2.3.3. Project schedule and Network Diagram 2.3.4. Activity resource requirement . 2.3.6 Critical Tasks . . .

. . . . .

. . . . .

. . . . .

. . . . .

25 26 27 28 29

2.4. Project Quality Management 2.4.1. Quality Management Plan .







2.5. Project Cost Management 2.5.1. Activity Cost Estimates 2.5.2. Budget Estimate .

. .

. .

. .

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. .

31 32

2.6. Project Human Resource Management 2.6.1. Human Resource Plan . . 2.6.2. Stakeholder Management Plan .

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. .

. .

33 37

2.7. Project Communication Plan 2.7.1. Communication Plan








2.8. Project Risk Management 2.8.1. Risk Register . 2.8.2. Risk Management Plan

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41 42

2.9. Project Procurement Management 2.9.1 Procurement Plan . .







. .

Project Charter 1. Project Description This project is made for a C@SE University which wants to conduct online education in Pakistan. As the idea of online education is getting more popular day by day and is growing dramatically so the opportunities for such kind of software has increased and will continue to increase in future. Main stakeholders of this system are university management, faculty members, students and Higher Education Commission (HEC) in Pakistan. Present system of C@SE University is the simple university website and different applications. These systems are only sufficient for dealing with regular students and potential students. This system should be secure enough and efficient so that online quizzes and video conferencing should be done accurately and without delay. The proposed software product is the Online Education System (OES). The system will be used to upload, download lectures, in time assignment submission, conducting online quizzes, student admission, course registration, managing results. Moreover the product will manage all the record of teachers, courses, exam section, fee section, students and will be able to search the available record. The system is recommended to have a unique username and password so that nobody can misuse it. This system must be right protected and rights of every category of user must be clearly described so that limits for every user access are defined. 2.

Critical success factors

2.1. Technical  System should be scalable

 System should have well described and clear documentation so that it may give clear idea regarding system. 2.2. Business  System should fulfill all requirements specified by the university but meanwhile it should be general enough for different projects. 2.3. Quality  System should be 75% tested before use.  System should follow IEEE standards in testing, deployment, configuration management.  System should be developed using the ISO 9216 quality standard. 3.

Success Measurement Criteria:

A project is said to be successful if it is completed on time, within budget, meet the requirements of stakeholders. Success Criteria


Completed within Budget

Project should be completed within 0.5

Completed on Time

million budget Project should be completed within 6

Customer Satisfaction

months System should be Secure, Efficient, Usable and Reliable enough to support operations in an effective manner.



The main stakeholders that would be benefited by this system the university management which is providing this facility, the faculty members involved in the online education program and administrator who is responsible for keep the online education program active and up to date. The students who may belong all around the world are also major

stakeholders of this system. The Higher Education Commission is also an important stakeholder as programs as well as course outlines would be finalized by it. Stakeholder

Major Benefits


Win Conditions



Earn Revenue



System should be


by reaching


extensibility and

made extensible

more students Faculty Member ------------------- Neutral

reliability Performance and

for future purpose. ----------------------


Security Performance

-System should be

------------------- Neutral --

useable on minimum of


Able to gain



512kpbs System should be




easy to use and




The tool should be

education at HEC


home Promote




developed within

Education in

0.5 million of




At present time university is running various programs as full time courses. The students who can study as full time students can facilitate from these education programs. The university timings make it difficult to study for students who are doing some jobs or are unable to attend regular classes due to any other reason. Because of current economic crisis in the country most of the parents are unable to afford the expenditures of higher education so many students especially the ones belonging to lower or middle class have to do jobs. The university timings may not be suitable to such students. The online

education program would help such students and students who are not allowed to attend university because they live far away and do not have such educational institute in their area. Most of the Pakistani youth are deprived of higher education especially with science subjects as they are living in rural areas or such far off places where universities are not present and they have to go to other cities which are not possible due our society’s constraints. All those students which are not able to acquire education due to living in distant areas or who are unable to attend regular university classes due to their jobs or any other reason will surely be interested in this sort of learning. This product will strengthen the idea of distant learning and will promote ease of seeking education. For Who The Is a That

Students Are unable to study as regular students Online education program Online solution Will provide quality education to students living in rural areas just by connecting via internet. The regular programs being offered by


C@SE University which can only benefit regular students.


Project Scope

It is an online system of C@SE University which is made for the purpose of educating students of rural areas. The In scope features of the system are:  Online registration  Log in  Course evaluation (quizzes)

 Assignment submission  Marks lists  Uploading course content  Online lectures  Downloading course content  Video conferencing

The features which are currently out of scope and may be added later on as an extension to the application are:  Info service  Comprehensive information library 7.

Assumptions and Dependencies

It is a web based tool and will be supported by the following web browser.

 Internet Explorer  Firefox.  Netscape Navigator  Google Chrome The speed of the system is dependent upon the network speed but a minimum of 512kbps speed is required for operation. Rules and regulations regarding grading policy will be provided by university.


Constraints  The system should develop within the 0.5 million budget granted by HEC.  The system should be deployed and operation within 6 months.

 The system should be interoperatable with the current system of C@SE University.


Business Risks

Risk There is a risk of network failure we






We need to maintain session

need experts to handle such errors.

information to save and restart

For data bases we need strong tool to

system from that point. We need to have backup server



avoid loss of data.

to avoid this situation.

10. Resources 10.1. Hardware Resources  All team members will require laptops/systems.  One projector will be required for consultancy sessions to brief the audience  One printer will be used to print the documents and agreements of the project  Scanner may be required for designing the interfaces of the system.  Internet connection will be required. 10.2. Software licenses  System should be licensed so that it should not get illegally used or copied. It is owned by C@SE University. 10.3. Consulting  Three meetings (one with student representative and 2 with university representatives) will be conducted before the start of project, to gather information and one meeting with both type

of representatives will be conducted after the completion of each phase in order to ensure that work is going on as required by the stakeholders and one meeting of project team and related





accounts department etc) will be arranged in order to analyze whether the project is going with the same progress as planned or we need some modifications. In total we will need approximately 10 consultation sessions. 10.4. Staffing Requirements:  A project manager is required.  One financial analyst is required.  We need 2 requirement engineers for gathering requirements, one for gathering requirements from user side and second for gathering requirements from university faculty and other stakeholders.  A group of three analysts is required to analyze and specify the requirements.  We will require 2 designers to plan the architecture of the project  4 members are required to work as coders  2 testers will be hired.  One change configuration manager role is required for managing changes to system.

10.5. External Training Requirements:  We need some extra training for our team members as it is their first online project and they must be equipped with latest tools to cope with the current challenges of technology.

11. Project Responsibility Matrix: Activity

Responsible Person

Acquiring Resources

Saima Imtiaz

Assigning and managing resources

Saima Imtiaz

Requirement gathering, specification and validation Designing User interface, validating User interfaces Design application including database design

Rabia Malik Rabila Malik Saima Imtiaz

Implementation and testing

Samya Kashif

Acceptance testing of the system

Samya Kashif Rabia Malik and

User Manuals and Help

Samya Kashif

12. Approvals Approval Decision:  Approved, development of detailed project plan is authorized  Approved, project execution is authorized  Approved, but project is on hold until future notice  Revise charter and resubmit for approval  Charter and project proposal are rejected

Role or Title

Name and Signature



Mr. Anwar

12th August 2010

President of C@SE

Mr. Hassan Akhtar

12th August 2010


Head of Software Development

Dr. Ali Ahsan

10th August 2010

Project Manager

Ms. Tahira

10th August 2010

13. Revision History Name


Reason For Changes


Online Education

12th August






Stakeholder Register Name



Mr. Hassan Akhtar

President of C@SE University

Investor/client s

Contact Informatio n 092-519155556



Functionality, cost and schedule of the system should be according to the criteria given in project scope. He should have contract so that he

Project should be done in the given budget and in the required timeline.

knows on which specifications the system will be delivered to him.

Dr. Ali Ahsan

Head of Software Development

Overseeing authority


Project contract should be with him so as to know what requirements should be met in which constraints in order to deliver the final project. Functionality, cost and schedule of the system should be according to the criteria given in project scope.

Project should be done according to the specified time period and results in profit.


Project Manager

Manager responsible for online education program


Project is done according to the criteria mentioned by the overseeing authority. Feasibility report, project charter should be provided to the project manager.

Schedule should be followed accurately and the required functionality must be delivered.

Acquiring and Managing Resource


All the non functional and functional requirements of the desired system.

All the resources needed are properly acquired and managed.

System Requirement Specification document and software requirement specification documentation are also required. All the non functional and functional requirements of the desired system

The design of the database should cover all aspects of requirements.

Requirement Engineer Saima Imtiaz Data base Manager

Rabia Malik

Requirement Engineer

Design application including database design Requirement gathering, specification and validation


All the requirements should be gathered with specifications and should be


Designing User interface, validating User interfaces

Complete database is required.

User Manuals and Help

Executable code should be providing to her is that so she can perform various tests on it and implement it.

The user interface should be designed according to the requirements and should be validated.

Software Engineer

Tester Samya Kashif

Technical writer

Implementatio n and acceptance testing of the system


Executable code should be provide to her so that she can perform various tests on it and validate it.

User Manuals and Help

Help and guidance needed for system is provided The code executes properly and no error is found. Help and guidance needed for system is provided.

Project Management Plan Product Scope Description: This project is made for a C@SE University which wants to conduct online education in Pakistan The proposed software product is the Online Education System (OES). The system will be used to upload, download lectures, in time assignment submission, conducting online quizzes, student admission, course registration, managing results. Moreover the product

will manage all the record of teachers, courses, exam section, fee section, students and will be able to search the available record. The system is recommended to have a unique username and password so that nobody can misuse it. This system must be right protected and rights of every category of user must be clearly described so that limits for every user access are defined.

Project Deliverables:

It is an online system which has a a system, a user manual and training material as its deliverables. This system must perform the following functions: •

Online registration

Log in

Course evaluation (quizzes)

Assignment submission

Marks lists

Uploading course content

Online lectures

Downloading course content

Video conferencing

The deliverables i.e. The software, user manual and the training material will be delivered to Mr. Hassan Akhtar on 8th of February 2011.

Project Deliverables:

Role: Investor/ clients

Head of Software Development Project Manager

Responsibility: To invest in the project He is part of inception, approves resources for the project, directly oversees the project business manager, and is responsible for the project meeting the goals of all stakeholders. Experienced and objective technical and management oversight from individuals who are not directly involved in the project To release the funds to Project Manager at the end of each working period. And see the performance of the project. Responsible for successful business outcome of the project. In charge of project staffing, acquiring resources for the project, personnel issues, toplevel work assignments, and stakeholder interaction.

Requirement Engineer

Data base Administrator

Requirement Engineer

She is the top decision maker on the project, but normally defers technical decisions to the appropriate technical lead. Resolves disputes between project participants. Responsible for coordinating the activities with the stakeholders, project sponsor, and project reviewers Acquiring and Managing Resource In charge of eliciting, defining, maintaining, and tracing detailed product requirements. Design application including database design Responsible for the system architecture and overseeing design activities. As appropriate may assign sub-leads for functional areas of the product or for technical specialties such as database, graphics, driver, distributed processing, communications protocol, etc. Requirement gathering, specification and validation In charge of eliciting, defining, maintaining, and tracing detailed product Requirements.

Software Engineer

Designing User interface, validating User interfaces A pool of software engineers that can be assigned various tasks on a project based on ability and interest


Design and document test cases, execute test cases, record test case results, document and track defects, and perform test coverage analysis.

They document processes and other user manuals, create online courses and product Technical Writers demonstrations

Staff Acquisition: Following staff is acquired for our project:• Project manager • Financial analyst • Requirement engineers • Configuration manager • Software Engineer

Project Assumptions: It is a web based tool and will be supported by the following web browser. • Internet Explorer • Firefox. • Netscape Navigator • Google Chrome The speed of the system is dependent upon the network speed but a minimum of 512kbps speed is required for operation. Rules and regulations regarding grading policy will be provided by university. Communications:Method Performance status Reports Performance Review Meetings (Presentations) Presentations

Audience Initiators Team Team leader members Team leader Project Manager Investor Project manager, team & head of department

Frequency Once A Week Once a month After achieving a milestone or once in 2 months

Roles and responsibility

Resources •

Hardware Resources  All team members will require laptops/systems.  One projector will be required for consultancy sessions to brief the audience  One printer will be used to print the documents and agreements of the project  Scanner may be required for designing the interfaces of the system.  Internet connection will be required.

Software licenses  System should be licensed so that it should not get illegally used or copied. It is owned by C@SE University.

Consulting  Three meetings (one with student representative and 2 with university representatives) will be conducted before the start of project, to gather information and one meeting with both type of representatives will be conducted after the completion of each phase in order to ensure that work is going on as required by the stakeholders and one meeting of project team and related





accounts department etc) will be arranged in order to analyze whether the project is going with the same progress as planned or we need some modifications. In total we will need approximately 10 consultation sessions. •

Staffing Requirements:  A project manager is required.  One financial analyst is required.  We need 2 requirement engineers for gathering requirements, one for gathering requirements from user side and second for gathering requirements from university faculty and other stakeholders.  A group of three analysts is required to analyze and specify the requirements.  We will require 2 designers to plan the architecture of the project  4 members are required to work as coders  2 testers will be hired.

 One change configuration manager role is required for managing changes to system. Estimation plan Start of Project End of Project Duration Work Cost Completed work

1-sep -2010 7- feb-2011 114 days 8504 hours $106,100 0% (only planning not estimation)

Work plan/ Milestones Milestone

Milestone Description

Project Management plan

Project Management plan completed

SRS Done

Software requirement specification finalized

System Requirement Specification done

System requirement specification finalized

User Manual

Helping material finalized

Front end developed

User Interface finalized

Training Material

Training material for the project completed

Detail Design done

Database of the system Finalized

System Testing done

All the testing including unit integration and system level testing completed

Project closing

Project completed according to requirements

Refferences:Internet PMBOK 4RTH Edition

Requirement Documentation Stakeholder


Mr. Hassan Akhtar

Functionality, cost and schedule of the system should be according to the criteria given in project scope. He should have contract so that he knows on which specifications the system will be delivered to him. Functionality, cost and schedule of the system should be according to the criteria given in project scope. Functionality, cost and schedule of the system should be according to the criteria given in project scope. Project is done according to the criteria mentioned by the overseeing authority. Feasibility report, project charter should be provided to the project manager

Dr. Ali Ahsan




Contract requirements


Development requirements


Operation requirements


Acceptance Criteria Project should be done in the given budget and in the required timeline.

Project should be done according to the specified time period and results in profit.

Schedule should be followed accurately and the required functionality must be delivered.

Saima Imtiaz

All the non functional and functional requirements of the desired system System Requirement Specification document and software requirement specification documentation are also required All the non functional and functional requirements of the desired system

Operation requirements


Operation requirements


Complete database is required. Rabia Malik

Samya Kashif

Executable code should be providing to her is that so she can perform various tests on it and implement it.

Executable code should be provide to her so that she can perform various tests on it and validate it.

All the resources needed are properly acquired and managed. The design of the database should cover all aspects of requirements. All the requirements should be gathered with specifications and should be validated. Help and guidance needed for system is provided

Performance requirement


The user interface should be designed according to the requirements and should be validated. The code executes properly and no error is found. Help and guidance needed for system is provided.

Project Scope statement Product Scope Description: This project is made for a C@SE University which wants to conduct online education in Pakistan The proposed software product is the Online Education System (OES). The system will be used to upload, download lectures, in time assignment submission, conducting online quizzes, student admission, course registration, managing results. Moreover the product will manage all the record of teachers, courses, exam section, fee section, students and will be able to search the available record. The system is recommended to have a unique username and password so that nobody can misuse it. This system must be right protected and rights of every category of user must be clearly described so that limits for every user access are defined.

Project Deliverables: It is an online system which has a a system, a user manual and training material as its deliverables. This system must perform the following functions: •

Online registration

Log in

Course evaluation (quizzes)

Assignment submission

Marks lists

Uploading course content

Online lectures

Project Deliverables: •

Downloading course content

Video conferencing

Project Acceptance Criteria: It must perform the following functions :• Online registration •

Log in

Course evaluation (quizzes)

Assignment submission

Marks lists

Uploading course content

Online lectures

Downloading course content

Video conferencing

Network should be available all the time and the data should be kept confidential and there should be no data loss from the database of the program. Program should be very reliable. Project Exclusions: The features which are currently out of scope and may be added later on as an extension to the application are: •

Info service

Comprehensive information library

Project Constraints: •

The system should develop within the 0.5 million budget granted by HEC.

The system should be deployed and operation within 6 months.

The system should be inter operatable with the current system of C@SE University

Project Assumptions: It is a web based tool and will be supported by the following web browser. • Internet Explorer • Firefox. • Netscape Navigator • Google Chrome The speed of the system is dependent upon the network speed but a minimum of 512kbps speed is required for operation. Rules and regulations regarding grading policy will be provided by university.

Activity list ID 1






114 days

W ed 9/1/10

Mon 2/7/11

107 days

W ed 9/1/10

Thu 1/27/11

Predecessors Half 1, 2010 Half 2, 2010 Half 1, 2011 Half 2, 2011 Half 1, 2012 A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M





Planning and Estimation

20 days

Wed 9/1/10

Tue 9/28/10



Organizing & Staffing

39 days

Wed 9/29/10

Mon 11/22/10 3




52 days

Wed 9/29/10

Thu 12/9/10 3



Project Management Plan

0 days

Tue 9/28/10

Tue 9/28/10 3






87 days

Wed 9/29/10

Thu 1/27/11 6

78 days

W ed 9/1/10

Fri 12/17/10



Software Requirement Specification7 days

Wed 9/1/10

Thu 9/9/10



SRS Done

0 days

Thu 9/9/10

Thu 9/9/10 9



System Requirements Specification10 days

Fri 9/10/10

Thu 9/23/10 10



System Requirement Specification Done 0 days

Thu 9/23/10

Thu 9/23/10 11



User Documentation

48 days

Wed 9/1/10

Fri 11/5/10



User Manual

0 days

Fri 11/5/10

Fri 11/5/10 13



Training Material

26 days

Wed 9/1/10

Fri 12/17/10



Training Material

0 days

Fri 12/17/10

Fri 12/17/10 15



60 days

Fri 9/10/10

Thu 12/2/10 9



Designing User Interface

30 days

Fri 9/10/10 Thu 10/21/10



Designing Database

60 days

Fri 9/10/10



Detail Design Done

0 days

Thu 12/2/10

Thu 12/2/10 18,19



25 days

Fri 12/3/10

Thu 1/6/11 17



Development of Front End

25 days

Fri 12/3/10

Thu 1/6/11



Front End Developed

0 days

Thu 1/6/11

Thu 1/6/11 22



implementing database











30 31



Implementing Business Layer

20 days

Thu 12/2/10

Fri 12/3/10 Thu 12/30/10

PC1[1],Saima PC3[1],Nadia,Sadia Daud,PC4[1] 9/28 Khawar,Raza,Eshal,PC5[1] Nadeem,Shahrukh,Salman,PC6[1] 9/9 PC7[1],Eshal,Naveed,PC11[1] 9/23 PC7[1],Hafsa 11/5 Amal,PC8[1] 12/17 Farwa,Shahrukh,Nadeem,PC9[1],PC10[1],PC11[1] Humza,PC12[1] 12/2 Ali,Farwa,PC9[1],PC10[1] 1/6 Humza,PC12[1],PC6[1],Saga[50%] Naveed,Umer[50%],PC3[1],PC4[1]

4 days

Fri 12/31/10

Wed 1/5/11 24

47 days

Fri 12/3/10

Mon 2/7/11

Unit Testing

25 days

Fri 12/3/10

Integration Testing

20 days

Fri 1/7/11

Thu 2/3/11 27


System Testing

2 days

Fri 2/4/11

Mon 2/7/11 28



System Testing Done

0 days

Mon 2/7/11

Mon 2/7/11 29



Project Closing

0 days

Mon 2/7/11

Mon 2/7/11 29



Thu 1/6/11 22SS


Milestone Plan


Milestone Description


Project Management plan

Project Management plan completed


SRS Done

Software requirement specification finalized


System Requirement Specification done

System requirement specification finalized


User Manual

Helping material finalized


Front end developed

User Interface finalized


Training Material

Training material for the project completed


Detail Design done

Database of the system Finalized


System Testing done

All the testing including unit integration and system level testing completed


Project closing

Project completed according to requirements

Project completion

Project schedule Network Diagram ONLINE EDUCAT ION SYSTEM


Pla nnin g and Es tima ti on

St art : 9/1 /10

ID: 1

St art : 9/1/10

ID: 2

St art : 9/1/10

ID: 3

Fin ish: 2/ 7/1 1

Du r: 114 days

Fin ish: 1/ 27/ 11

Du r: 107 days

Fin ish: 9/ 28/ 10

Dur: 20 days

Comp: 0%

Co mp: 0 %


Pro je ct Ma nag eme nt Plan M ilest one Date: Tue 9/28/10 ID: 6

PC1[1] , Saim a

M oni tor & Cont rol St art : 9/29/10

ID: 7

Fin ish: 1/ 27/ 11

Dur: 87 day s


Khawar , Raza, Eshal, PC5[ 1]

Organ iz ing & Sta ffi ng St art : 9/29/10

ID: 4

Fin ish: 11/22/10

Dur: 39 days

Re s:

PC3[1] , Nadia , Sadia

Direc ting St art : 9/29/10

ID: 5

Fin ish: 12/9/ 10

Dur: 52 days

Re s:


Sof tware Re qui rement Speci fic a tion

St art : 9/1/10

ID: 8

St art : 9/1/10

ID: 9

Fin ish: 12/17/10

Du r: 78 day s

Fin ish: 9/ 9/10

Dur: 7 days

Co mp: 0 %


Daud, PC4 [1]

SRS Done M ilest one Date: Th u 9/9/ 10 ID: 10

Nadeem , Sha hrukh, Sa lman, PC6[1]

Use r Do c ume n tation St art : 9/1/10

ID: 13

Fin ish: 11/5/ 10

Dur: 48 days


St art : 9/10/10

ID: 11

Fin ish: 9/ 23/ 10

Dur: 10 day s


Sys tem Re quireme nt Spec ific ation Don e Milest one Date: Thu 9/23/10 ID: 12

PC7[1] , Eshal, Naveed, PC11[ 1]

Use r Manual M ilest one Date: Fr i 11/5/ 10 ID: 14

PC7[1] , Hafs a

Tra ining Material

Tra ining M aterial

St art : 9/1/10

ID: 15

Fin ish: 12/17/10

Dur: 26 days


Sys te m Requ irements Spe cifi ca ti on

M ilest one Date: Fr i 12/17/10 ID: 16

Amal, PC8[1]


Des ig nin g Us e r I nterfa ce

St art : 9/10/10

ID: 17

St art : 9/10/10

ID: 18

Fin ish: 12/2/ 10

Dur: 60 days

Fin ish: 10 /21/10

Dur: 30 day s

Co mp: 0 %


Detai l Desi gn Done Milest one Date: Thu 12/2/10 ID: 20

Far wa, Sh ahr ukh , Nadeem , PC9[ 1], PC10[ 1], PC11[ 1]

Des ig nin g Da ta base St art : 9/10/10

ID: 19

Fin ish: 12 /2/ 10

Dur: 60 day s


Humza, PC12[1]


Deve lopmen t of Fron t End

St art : 12/ 3/10

ID: 21

St art : 12/ 3/10

ID: 22

Fin ish: 1/ 6/11

Dur: 25 day s

Fin ish: 1/ 6/11

Dur: 25 days

Comp: 0 %


Fro nt End De ve lo ped Milest one Date: Thu 1/6/ 11 ID: 23

Ali, Far wa, PC9[1 ], PC10[1]

impleme ntin g data b ase

Imple me ntin g Busin ess Laye r

St art : 12/ 3/10

ID: 24

St art : 12/ 31/ 10

ID: 25

Fin ish: 12 /30/10

Dur: 20 days

Fin ish: 1/ 5/11

Dur: 4 d ays


Hum za, PC12[1] , PC6[ 1], Saga[ 50%]


Naveed, Umer[5 0%], PC3[1] , PC4[ 1]


Uni t Test ing

Inte gratio n T es ti ng

System T est ing

St art : 12/ 3/10

ID: 26

St art : 12/ 3/10

ID: 27

St art : 1/7/11

ID: 28

St art : 2/4/11

ID: 29

Fin ish: 2/ 7/11

Du r: 47 day s

Fin ish: 1/ 6/11

Dur: 25 days

Fin ish: 2/ 3/11

Dur: 20 days

Fin ish: 2/ 7/11

Dur: 2 d ays

Co mp: 0 %


PC8[1] , Sara


Sam ya [50%] , Huma[50%], PC6[1] , PC12[1]


Salm an, Huma, Naveed, PC12[1]

Activity Resource Requirement

Critical Tasks

Quality Management Plan List of control and monitoring staff 1. Eshal 2. Raza 3. Khawar

Quality Assurance Approach: Process Improvement model:-

ISO 9216 It describes standards for a formally organized process to manufacture a product and the methods of managing and monitoring progress.  System should follow IEEE standards in testing, deployment, configuration management.  System should be developed using the ISO 9216 quality standard To follow the following standard when the project will start:• •

We will follow the spiral model approach as a quality assurance model approach when we put this project into action in this project. ISO 9216 and IEEE will make sure that the quality reviews are held, deliverables are tested and client’s acceptance is acquired.

Quality Control Approach: •

We have to make sure that end product conforms with the customer requirements for this all the changes will be documented properly and to apply change in a proper way in our project keeping in mind that the design of the project is not disturbed. And that the project and its requirements did in fact follow the standard that is IEEE and ISO 9216, all the requirements are verified or validated.

System should be 75% tested before use.

Cost Estimates

Budget Estimate

Human Resource Plan

Role: Investor/ clients

Head of Software Development Project Manager

Responsibility: To invest in the project He is part of inception, approves resources for the project, directly oversees the project business manager, and is responsible for the project meeting the goals of all stakeholders. Experienced and objective technical and management oversight from individuals who are not directly involved in the project To release the funds to Project Manager at the end of each working period. And see the performance of the project. Responsible for successful business outcome of the project. In charge of project staffing, acquiring resources for the project, personnel issues, toplevel work assignments, and stakeholder interaction.

Requirement Engineer

Data base Administrator

Requirement Engineer

She is the top decision maker on the project, but normally defers technical decisions to the appropriate technical lead. Resolves disputes between project participants. Responsible for coordinating the activities with the stakeholders, project sponsor, and project reviewers Acquiring and Managing Resource In charge of eliciting, defining, maintaining, and tracing detailed product requirements. Design application including database design Responsible for the system architecture and overseeing design activities. As appropriate may assign sub-leads for functional areas of the product or for technical specialties such as database, graphics, driver, distributed processing, communications protocol, etc. Requirement gathering, specification and validation In charge of eliciting, defining, maintaining, and tracing detailed product Requirements.

Software Engineer

Designing User interface, validating User interfaces A pool of software engineers that can be assigned various tasks on a project based on ability and interest


Design and document test cases, execute test cases, record test case results, document and track defects, and perform test coverage analysis.

They document processes and other user manuals, create online courses and product Technical Writers demonstrations

Staff Acquisition: Following staff is acquired for our project:• Project manager • Financial analyst • Requirement engineers • Configuration manager • Software Engineer

Staff Release: The staff worked from 1st September 2010 till 7th February 2011.

Training Needs: Training will be provided to the programmers as it is their first online

Rewards and Recognition: At the end of the project a bonus will be given if the project is done according to the requirement.

Regulations, Standards, and Policy Compliance: System should be developed according to IEEE standards and ISO 9216 quality standard.

Resource Calendars:


Communication Management Plan Name


Involvement Assessment


Mr. Hassan




Low Involvement

To have a unique and reliable, high quality system.

Dr. Ali Ahsan


Medium Involvement

To deliver a unique reliable and high quality system to Mr. Hassan Akhtar.

High Involvement

To produce a high quality system according to the given budget and schedule and the requirements.

Very high involvement

To do the specified job according to the criteria set by the project management

Very high involvement

To do the specified job according to the criteria set by the project management

Very high involvement

To do the specified job according to the criteria set by the project management



Medium Influence





Low Rabia Malik

Samya Kashif


Low Influence

Method Performance status Reports Performance Review Meetings (Presentations) Term or Acronym Performance Review Meetings

Performance status reports

Audience Team members Team leader

Conductors Team leader Project Manager

Frequency Once A Week Once a month

Definition The performance review meeting is a process where manager and employee work together to assess the degree to which the employee ha attained agree-upon goals, and work together to overcome any difficulties encountered. A status report is a clear summary of how a project is progressing against its schedule, scope and budget. If it is working correctly, the intended reader can tell instantly if anything is off plan and what’s being done about it

Communication Constraints or Assumptions: Performance Review Meetings : Must be conducted once a month Performance Status reports : Must be conducted once a week

Risk Register

Risk ID

Risk Statement


Impact Scope





Pc’s not working properly



Network not working properly



Unexpected holidays



Programmer not available due to unforeseen event



Electricity cutoff(unexpected)



Natural Disasters


 

Risk Management Plan

Methods and approaches

 

Risk ID

Risk Statement

Methods and approaches


Pc’s not working properly

Extra pieces will be kept


Network not working properly

Restart the network system


Unexpected holidays

Overtime on working days


Programmer not available due to unforeseen event

Same competency and qualification substitute programmer will be kept for the while


Electricity cutoff(unexpected)

Generator will be used


Natural Disasters

Will try to start working as soon as possible as this is an unavoidable risk we will have to face it

Responsibilities Risk ID

Risk Statement



Pc’s not working properly



Network not working properly

Network Administrator


Unexpected holidays



Programmer not available due to unforeseen Team Leader event


Electricity cutoff(unexpected)



Natural Disasters


Risk Categories Ris k ID

Risk Statement

Risk Category


Pc’s not working properly

Operational Risk


Network not working properly

Technical Risk


Unexpected holidays

Environmental risk


Programmer not available due to unforeseen event

Resource risk


Electricity cutoff(unexpected)

Operational risk


Natural Disasters

Environmental Risk

Stakeholder Risk Tolerance: General Risks Quality

Level of Stakeholder Risk Tolerance Cannot be compromised on

Schedule Cost

A little delay can be compromised Change will not be acceptable

Probability of risk Risk ID

Risk Statement


Risk expectancy of occurring


Pc’s not working properly




Network not working properly




Unexpected holidays


Very low


Programmer not available due to unforeseen event




Electricity cutoff(unexpected)


Very low


Natural Disasters


Very low

Probability and Impact by Objective matrix: Risks

Pc problem

Network Holiday Problem Risk

Unavailability Electricity of Problem programmer

Natural Disaster

Risks probability Cost

40% 20%-40% increase

Time 10%-20% increase Scope


30% 10%20% increase 5%-10% increase

Scope Major reduction areas of unacceptable scope by investor affected Quality Quality reduction reduction unacceptable requires by investor investors approval

4% Insignificant increase

20% 10-20% increase



Insignificant Insignificant increase increase

Insignificant increase

5-10% increase

Insignificant Insignificant increase increase

Decrease barely noticeable

Major areas of scope affected

Decrease barely noticeable

Decrease barely noticeable

Quality degradation barely noticeable

Quality reduction requires investors approval

Quality degradation barely noticeable

Quality degradation barely noticeable

Risk Management Funding: Low level risks will be funded by the project manager and the leader but where the high level risks are approved of and funded by the investor after his approval if these risks occur.

Procurement Management Plan

Procurement Explanation: As the project is not so big so project manager will do project procurement as well. For this project we are hiring a front end developer as we don’t have one. Our work is done on computers and we had already bought them in past for some other project so we don’t need to procure anything else. Roles and Responsibilities:



Head of Software Development

• • • •

Approve Procurement Management Plan Approve staff selection Approve all contracts Approve procurement actions by submitting tenders and advertisements

Project manager

• • • • • • • •

Provide oversight for all procurement actions Approve procurement actions Develop procurement requirements Manage staff selection Procuring the staff Developing contracts Closing out staff contracts Development of procurement requirements

Standard Procurement Documents: 1. Tenders 2. Official Advertisement 3. Contract

Selection Criteria Should know how to work on:• Coral Draw • Adobe Photoshop etc He should be good at Web page designing as he will be designing the front end of the software.

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