Early Life } ãas born in Bangalore on June 2, 1955 into a Chitrapur Sarasãat Brahmin family, as the younger son of Durga and Mohan Rao Nilekani. } Both Nandan and his brother, Vijay, ãho is elder to Nandan by 8 years, spent their early childhood here. } Their father ãorked as a General Manager of Mysore and Minerva Mills.
Schooling } Nandan Nilekani had his initial schooling in Bangalore from
Bishop Cottons Boys School } Nandan moved to his uncle's place at Dharãad at the age of 12. This taught Nandan Nilekani to be independent } In 1973, at the age of 18, Nandan Nilekani got admission in IIT Mumbai. The stint at IIT Mumbai transformed him from a small toãn boy to a confident mature man } The years at IIT proved to be difficult in social terms. Hoãever, he started ãorking on ãhat he had quickly recognized as his core strength: ²
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Ý } 40 *8**%
62 7&93:3 } -../ < 1;%)40 * .. <=<!#%< } $*0 ) 2 * #!,/3!* &1*
} : ³When ãe set up Infosys
under ²¶s leadership, ãe ãere very clear ãhich industry ãe ãould focus on & ãhat our value system ãould be.´
} p
: ³We ãere seven ãhen ãe
launched; six of us are still together.´
} : ³Stay at it. We launched in 1981,
but ãe ãent public only in 1993.´
} ½ ² : ³It is not alãays going to be a smooth
path. You have to accept that there ãill be obstacles and hurdles. You need to learn to deal ãith them and overcome them.´
² : ³Success is temporary, tomorroã
is another day.´
gp !"##$ ÀHe ãas named among the ×
in 2002 and 2003, according to a global survey by % ! and ² . ÀHe ãas also aãarded the ²& aãard
at the g '
½ g (2004) organized by CNBC. ÀIn January 2006, Nandan became one of the youngest
entrepreneurs to join 20 global leaders on the prestigious % (WEF) Foundation Board.
In 2006, Nandan Nilekani ãas conferred the '² ² , one of the highest civilian honors of India.
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