Green Sheet 6

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John Muir Middle School Math 6 Course Outline 2008-2009 Teacher: Ms. Li Phone: (408) 535-6395 x504

E-Mail: [email protected] Classroom: 504

COURSE DESCRIPTION Math 6 coursework reinforces, strengthens, and develops concepts and skills previously taught in order to complete the study of whole numbers, decimals, and fractions. Emphasis is placed on: rational numbers; probability; statistics; the arithmetic of fractions; proportional relationships; multiple representations; functions, patterns and generalizations; discrete mathematics, geometry; logic; real-world applications; and problem-solving strategies English Learners at early advanced and advanced levels of oral English language proficiency receive specially designed academic instruction in English (SDAIE) aligned to the ELD Standards. Appropriate instructional strategies, lesson adaptation and supplementary materials supporting vocabulary development and reading comprehension of grade-level content are used. The goal is acquisition of academic subject matter knowledge and skills. TEXTBOOK & MATERIALS Course 1: Concepts and Skills (California edition), McDougal-Littell, c. 2001 Materials: • Journal Book 5 x 5 grid paper (available in the Student Store ... $3) • Binder or Folder – to keep handouts, homework, and class work • Sharpened Pencils (minimum 3) - no work will be accepted in pen of any kind (unless specified such as a poster assignment, etc.) • Binder Paper GRADING POLICY Breakdown: Exams (including Benchmark Assessments) Projects Quizzes Homework Participation/Effort Math Journal

25% 20% 15% 10% 20% 10%

Grading Scale: 97% - 100%+ 94% - 96% 90% - 93% 87% - 89% 84% - 86% 80% - 83% 77% - 79% 74% - 76% 70% - 73%

A+ A AB+ B BC+ C C-

67% - 69% 64% - 66% 60% - 63% 50% - 59% 40% - 49% 30% - 39% 20% - 29% 10% - 19% 0% - 9%


John Muir Middle School’s Academic Honesty Policy will be in effect at all times. The additional F’s are to indicate how far the student is from the next grade. On a report card, anything below 59% will appear as an F. MAKE UP WORK & EXTRA CREDIT Make up work will be given only for excused absences. The due dates for make up assignments will be determined by the length of the absence. There will be periodic opportunities to earn credit in class. These assignments or activities can not be made up. HOMEWORK POLICY Homework will be assigned daily. The students will write their homework assignments in their Homework Helper each day. All homework is due at the beginning of the period on the day it is due. Homework assignments must be done in pencil and all work must be shown or if scratch paper is used, it must be attached. If a student does not show their work when necessary, it is the up to the discretion of the teacher whether or not to accept the assignment. OFFICE HOURS/MATH HOMEWORK CENTER Math Homework Center will be open on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays for 90 minutes after school ends. The opening will be determined. This is separate from the regular Homework Center and will be staffed by math teachers only. The location has not been finalized, but a notification will be made once the location is determined. LATE WORK Late work will NOT be accepted. See MAKE UP WORK for additional information. If you know in advance that you will miss a class, please see me before the absence to collect the assignment.

ASSESSMENT Students will be given a variety of formal and informal assessments throughout this course. These assessments will be used to determine course grades as well as mastery of course standards. The assessments will help to guide instruction. Assessment may come in the form of review packets, quizzes, benchmark exams, tests, or projects. CLASS RULES/DISCIPLINE POLICY Students will need to work consistently everyday to complete their assignments on time and with quality. Class time is for all students and should be used wisely. Students will be expected to participate in classroom activities such as note taking, math activities, sharing, class discussions and presentations. I expect students to follow all classroom and school rules and to be prepared for class with all required materials each and every day. Class Rules 1. Respect the teacher, yourself, your classmates, and your classroom. 2. Come prepared to class with all materials every day. 3. Follow directions the first time.

Consequences 1. Warning: Student name goes on the board (refreshed weekly). 2. Phone call home. Please note that I call home for positive remarks as well as

concerns. 3. OCS Referral: See On Campus Supervision below. Tardy Policy: Any student not in their seat prepared to begin class when the bell rings will be marked tardy. Multiple tardies will result in consequences as outline in the John Muir Discipline Plan. On Campus Supervision (OCS): OCS will be assigned to a student after verbal warnings have been given. The teacher also may assign OCS to a student without any warnings if the situation warrants such immediate action.

Contact Information Sheet Please fill out the following information sheet that will remain completely confidential. I will use it as a primary resource when I contact you. Student Name: ________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________ Phone Number: __________________ Birthdate: __________ #1 Parent/Guardian: _____________________________________________ Signature: ____________________________________________________ List phone numbers/email where you would like to be reached. Home: ________________________ Work: _________________________ Other: ________________________ Email: _________________________ #2 Parent/Guardian: _____________________________________________ Signature: ____________________________________________________ List phone numbers/email where you would like to be reached. Home: ________________________ Work: _________________________ Other: ________________________ Email: _________________________ Thank you for taking the time to fill this out. Please write in the space below something unique about your child that will help me effectively teach him or her.

Please sign indicating that you have reviewed the course outline, including the grading and discipline policies. Signature: ___________________________________


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