Green Office Checklist

  • November 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 578
  • Pages: 5
Green Office Checklist Date: Assessor: Faculty/Centre: Level/Floor/Office Area:

Campus: Building: School/Branch:

STEP 1 - Examine operations Walk through your area or department and fill out the checklist below to help you identify the areas to prioritise for environmental action. If an item is not applicable to your office, mark an NA in the box. Retain a copy for your records and EMAIL a completed copy to [email protected] Survey your office area. Does it…

Yes/No/ Unsure


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle 120L

Contain paper recycling Sulo bins


Contain paper recycling desk boxes Recycle cardboard

Recycle d

Reuse printer cartridges (give numbers used over last quarter)


Recycle old IT equipment


Collect batteries for recycling


Water Use Have 3/6L dual flush toilets Have water saving shower heads Have flow restrictors on taps Take note of any leaks or running cisterns (call 5554 to report)



Number of printers/copiers



Number of computers



Energy Use


Lighting control technology such as dimming or movement sensors


Survey your office area. Does it…

Yes/No/ Unsure



Environmental Purchasing Purchase recycled content paper (give number of reams purchased over the last quarter) Purchase Earthsaver (ES) stationary (give approx proportion purchased over the last quarter ie: 20%/80%) Does your area ensure that all copiers have duplex functions incorporated and activated?

Recycle d




Buy in bulk


Request reduced packaging from suppliers


Green Kitchen Practices Is reusable crockery and/or cutlery available for use to staff and visitors? Are disposable cups and/or cutlery regularly used? Are disposable cups and cutlery used primarily for meetings or functions? Q)


List some of the main activities commonly undertaken in your office area that have a significant environmental impact (eg: waste disposal, one sided copying, lighting etc)

.............................................................................................................................. ..... .............................................................................................................................. ..... Q) What types of tools or resources would you find useful to help you to address these issues? .............................................................................................................................. ..... .............................................................................................................................. ..... Q)

Are there any informal environmental initiatives already in place in your office? What are they?

.............................................................................................................................. ..... .............................................................................................................................. .....

Green Office Action Plan STEP 2 - Develop an Action Plan Select one or two areas that you would like to work on based upon the CHECKLIST and the GREEN OFFICE MANUAL available at: Develop your own Green Office Action Plan using the table below. Think in small steps and make the plan SMART:  Specific- set out exactly what you want to do  Measurable- how will know whether you have reached your goal?  Achievable- is it something you have the ability to achieve?  Realistic- are you prepared to spend the time doing it?  Time-framed- when do you want to have it completed? Aim


Timefram e

Resources Required

Eg: increase paper recycling

Ensure all desks have paper recycling boxes

May 2006

Desk side recycling boxes

Re-label paper recycling Sulo bins appropriately

June 2006

Recycling stickers

June 2006

Email template

June 2006


July 2006

Assistance from EO

Send out an email informing staff of the initiative including the number of trees its aiming to save Hold a morning tea informing staff of the initiative Review and report on progress

An ECU Green Office: • •

Minimises the consumption of resources - avoid or reduce consumption where possible Minimises waste produced - reuse or recycle where possible

• •

Thinks ‘green’ when purchasing - buys recycled or reusable products Educates and engages staff in environmental management initiatives

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