Greek Myth Webquest

  • May 2020
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  • Pages: 9
It ’s Al l Gree k To M e! A WebQuest for 7th Grade History/Language Arts Designed by: Stephanie Nixon [email protected]

Introduction | Task | Process | Resources | Evaluation | Conclusion |Credits

Intr oduc tio n The gods on Mt. Olympus are very angry! They are claiming that people have forgotten them and their influence on our world. The great Olympians are planning a world wide disaster to remind all people of their existence and legacy… unless someone can convince them otherwise!!! Your job is to gather evidence of the impact of Greek mythology on our world. You will be searching for proof that the people of the world are still influenced by ancient Greece and then presenting it to a council of Greek gods and goddesses.


Task Your task is to explore 3 different sectors of the modern world; language, art, and entertainment. In each of these, you will search for any influence from Greek mythology and document it on the worksheets provided. At the end of your explorations, you must compile all of your research/evidence together and decide on a way to present it to the gods and goddesses of Olympus in the upcoming council meeting. Your presentation must convince the Olympians that the ancient Greek myths have remained an inspiration and influence on the modern world. You must show them that they are not forgotten!!! You may choose to do a PowerPoint, speech with visual aids, or a written report with illustrations.


Pr oc es s Step 1: First of all, you should take some time to read up on and review the characters and stories that come from ancient Greece. Click on the link below and spend some time at the website. Greek Mythology!!!

Step 2: Now it is time to explore the English language and see where some of our words and phrases come from. Print out the worksheet here: Terms from Mythology worksheet You can use these websites to gather the research that you will need to fill out the worksheet. Feel free to record any extra information that you find for your end report. You must have at least 3 in your presentation. Evidence of Greek Myths in our language today Words from Greek Myths Greek Myth Characters and Creatures

Step 3: There is a lot of modern art out there that has been inspired by the Greek myths. Use these links to explore some of it and make sure to take notes as you go. You may want to save some of the images to your desktop if you are choosing to do a PowerPoint presentation. You must include at least 3 examples in your presentation. Modern paintings of Greek Myths Pallas and the Centaur Pandora's Box lamia The Last Judgment

Step 4: I bet you can think of some movies or cartoons that you have watched that have to do with Greek mythology. Do some research to find some different forms of entertainment that have to do with Greek mythology. I have provided more links to help you with a few ideas. You need to have at least 3 examples in your presentation with an explanation of what they are and how they relate Greek mythology. Hercules in Disney Disney's Fantasia Clash of the Titans The Olympics Novels Based on Greek Myths

Step 5:

Now it is time to start organizing your research! Decide on which examples from each of the three categories (language, art and entertainment) that you want to use in your presentation. You must have at least 3 examples from each category. You must also decide on the format you want to use to present. You have a choice of PowerPoint, a speech with visual aids (poster, brochure, etc.), or a typed report with your own illustrations or printed pictures. You must also provide a reference page within your report somewhere that includes all of your resources used. If you are giving a speech, then you may type out your references and hand them in separate. Scroll down to find the rubric for this assignment.


Re so urc es 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Resource: Resource: Resource Resource: Resource: Resource:

Resource: Resource: 9. Resource: stine+Chapel) 10. Resource: 11. Resource: 12. Resource: 13. Resource: 14. Resource: [top]

Eval uati on Describe to the learners how their performance will be evaluated. Specify whether there will be a common grade for group work vs. individual grades.

Accuracy of information

Correct amount of examples

Visual aids

Resource page



Accomplished Exemplary




Under 75% of the statements made are accurate.

75-85% of the 85-95% of the All statements statements made are statements made are made are accurate accurate. accurate. and factual.



Is missing at least 3 Is missing 1 or more examples from 1 or example from 1 or more of the more of the categories. Has categories. Has little little to no to no explanations. explanations.

Gives 3 examples in each of the three categories, but is not very detailed in the explanation.

Gives 3 or more detailed examples in each of the 3 categories of literature, art, and entertainment.

Has little to no visuals in the presentation. There is little to no creativity.

Has included at least 1 visual for each category. There is little to no creativity.

Has at least 2 visual for each category. There is creativity present.

There are little to no references or resources listed.

Only half of the references and resources are listed and are not appropriately formatted.

Not all references are documented or they are not appropriately formatted.

Has 2 or more visuals for each category. These are illustrations, graphics, etc. Has added extra visuals or designs in the presentation and is creative. References and resources are all documented appropriately.


Con cl us io n I hope you have learned a lot about how the Greek myths have inspired generations of people on this planet. We all

hope that you have convinced the gods and goddesses of Olympus that they have not been forgotten! Keep your eyes open for there is evidence of the influence of these myths all around us. If you want to know more, check out where the idea for naming the shoe brand, Nike, comes from, or the origin of the symbol for medicine. Old buildings such as museums will usually have sculptures on them of characters from the ancient Greek myths. Its amazing how much of this ancient culture is still with us!!! [top]

Cr edit s & Ref ere nc es A WebQuest for 7th Grade History/Language Arts Objectives: 1. Students will research and identify various elements of ancient Greek myths that have been passed through time and are still visible in the modern world. 2. Students will demonstrate how many words and phrases of the English Language derive from Greek myths.

Social Studies Benchmarks

By the end of the 6­8 program: People in Societies: A.  Compare cultural practices, products and perspectives of past civilizations in order to  understand commonality and diversity of cultures. C.  Explain how contact between different cultures impacts the diffusion of belief  systems, art, science, technology, language and forms of government.

Social Studies Grade Level Indicators Grade 7: History: 2. Describe the enduring impact of early civilizations in India, China, Egypt, Greece and  Rome after 1000 B.C. including: a. The development of concepts of government and citizenship;  

b. Scientific and cultural advancements;   c. The spread of religions;   d. Slavery and systems of labor. People In Societies: 4. Describe the cultural and scientific legacies of African, Greek, Roman, Chinese, Arab  and European civilizations.

English Language Arts Benchmarks (Reading) By the end of the 4–7 program:

Acquisition of Vocabulary: B. Infer word meaning through identification and analysis of analogies and other word relationships. Research: B. Locate and summarize important information from multiple sources. C. Organize information in a systematic way.

English Language Arts Grade Level Indicators Grade 7: Acquisition of Vocabulary: 5. Recognize and use words from other languages that have been adopted into the English language. 6. Use knowledge of Greek, Latin and Anglo-Saxon roots and affixes to understand vocabulary. Research: 4. Select an appropriate structure for organizing information in a systematic way (e.g., notes, outlines, charts, tables and graphic organizers). 5. Compile and organize the important information and select appropriate sources to support central ideas, concepts and themes. Images from and Microsoft Clip art. WebQuest created by: [email protected] [top]

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