Great Leaders And Their Leaders

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A Presentation By:Rao Aziz, Farhan Fayyaz, Saad bin Samad, Usman Faraz

Leadership Myths 1. Leader are born not made. 2. Great man trait theory. 3. Larger than life.

What i s leaders hi p? Leading people Influencing people Personal Integrity Self confidence Commanding people Guiding people

Qualification for a leader

Which famous leader held several degrees from accredited universities?

or Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.

Reverend Jim Jones

MLK was a Baptist minister, a famous civil rights leader JIM JONES and the youngest man to be awarded the Nobel Prize for … Temple religious sect …Jim Jones founded thePeace People’s and convinced 909 of his members to commit mass suicide in 1978...he himself died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head

Exemplary Transformational Leaders

Known to be a vegetarian? Indian political leader and pacifist Mahatma Ghandi… German dictator Adolf Hitler! Born to poor families or modest homes? Roman military & political leader Julius Caesar… Human Rights Activist Nelson Mandela..

Had at least one extramarital affair? 32nd President of the United States, Franklin Delano Roosevelt… Fidel Castro, Communist President of Cuba! Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin…

Cult leader David Koresh!

Table 12.1

The 25 Most Influential Corporate Leaders of Our Times

To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Nightly Business Report (NBR), Wharton and NBR worked to identify the 25 most influential business leaders of the past 25 years. Their goal was to find business leaders who created new and profitable ideas; affected political, civic or social change through achievement in the business/economic world; created new business opportunities or more fully exploited existing ones; caused or influenced dramatic change in a company or industry; and/or inspired and transformed others. 1. Mary Kay Ash, founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics


Lee Iacocca, former CEO of Chrysler

2. Jeff Bezos, CEO of


Steven Jobs, CEO of Apple Computers

3. John Bogle, founder of The Vanguard Group


Herb Kelleher, CEO of Southwest Airlines

4. Richard Branson, CEO of Virgin Group


Peter Lynch, former manager of Fidelity’s Magellan Fund


Charles Schwab, founder of Charles Schwab Inc.


Frederick Smith, CEO of Federal Express


George Soros, founder and chair of Open Society Institute


Ted Turner, founder of CNN


Sam Walton, founder of Wal-Mart

5. Warren Buffett, CEO of Berkshire Hathaway 6. James Burke, former CEO of Johnson & Johnson 7. Michael Dell, CEO of Dell Computers 8. Peter Drucker, educator and author 9. Bill Gates, ex-chairman of Microsoft 10. William George, former CEO of Medtronics 11. Louis Gerstner, former CEO of IBM 12. Alan Greenspan, chair, U.S. Federal Reserve 13. Andy Grove, former chair of Intel

10. Jack Welch, former CEO of General Electric 11. Oprah Winfrey, chair of the Harpo group of companies 12. Mohammed Yunus, founder of Grameen Bank.

Most Successful Corporate Leader

Mark Branson CEO of UBS Securities Japan Ltd. Since Jan 2006 Sir Richard Charles Nicholas Branson an English industrialist, best known for his Virgin brand of over 360 companies

Jack Welsh Chairman and CEO of General Electric between 1981 and 2001.

Linda McMahon CEO of World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc since May 1993

Leadership from the book Jack Welsh

Loyalty Empathy Appreciation Delegation Enthusiasm Results Self-Confidence Honesty Integrity Performance

Where the leaders are found?

Who the leaders are?

Managers vs. Leaders Managers ❚ Focus on things ❚ Do things right ❚ Plan ❚ Organize ❚ Direct ❚ Control ❚ Follows the

Leaders ❚ Focus on people ❚ Do the right things ❚ Inspire ❚ Influence ❚ Motivate ❚ Build ❚ Shape entities

What makes a leader Is it their sensegreat? of style?

Maybe it stems from Great Think you can figure hair? their life experiences

their lifesecrets? experiences out their Let’s Their facial and constructive see… expressions? Cool facial criticsm? hair?

Challenges to the leadership construct ❚ Rich, diverse experience (see lesson1) ❚ Positive Criticism. (see lesson 3) ❚ Changing the rules

Rich, diverse experience

Positive Criticism

Those are the seven primary qualities of leadership in general, but what specific character traits separate great leaders from mediocre ones? And what the heck is a “trait” anyway? In Psychology, a TRAIT is defined as “a distinguishing characteristic or quality, especially of one’s personal nature” or a “characteristic that distinguishes an individual from others.” Coming up with an exact list set of leadership traits can be challenging due to differences in culture and context, but there are some generalities that seem to exist…

Leadership Traits The qualities and traits which are essential to be a successful leader ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚

Intelligent Confident Independent Self Management Honest Visionary Committed Charismatic

More Leadersh ip Trai ts ❚ Personality ❙ ❙ ❙ ❙ ❙ ❙ ❙ ❙ ❙

Verbal facility Honesty Initiative Aggressive Self-confident Ambitious Originality Sociability Adaptability

Confident ❚ Definition ❙ Confidence in oneself or one’s abilities ❘

Berube, M. (Ed.), et al. (1991). American Heritage Dictionary (2nd college ed.). Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company.

❚ Application: ❙ Willing to tackle difficult situations ❙ Confident in own abilities

Why confidence required? ❚ In order to lead and set direction a leader needs to appear confident as a person and in the leadership role. A leader who conveys confidence towards the planned objective inspires the best effort from team members.

How to be confident? ❚ Make a list of special talents you have, or things you do that are good. ❚ Choose a role model. ❚ Don't think about yourself too much. ❚ Stick up for yourself .

Committed ❚ Definition ❙ The quality of being resolute or firm in purpose; resoluteness ❘

Berube, M. (Ed.), et al. (1991). American Heritage Dictionary (2nd college ed.). Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company.

❚ Application: ❙ Willing to stand resolute for a cause ❙ Willing to back up own decisions and actions

❚ Discussion: ❙ Can a leaders’ determination blind

Why commitment is required? ❚ A good leader is committed to excellence. Second best does not lead to success. The good leader not only maintains high standards, but also is proactive in raising the bar in order to achieve excellence in all areas . ❚ Followers want people who are more devoted and dedicated then themselves.

Intelligence ❚ Definition: ❙ The capacity to acquire and apply knowledge

❚ Application: ❙ ❙ ❙

To make difficult decisions To find information To synthasize and interpret data

Sociability ❚ Definition

❙ The disposition or quality of being sociable. ❘

Berube, M. (Ed.), et al. (1991). American Heritage Dictionary (2nd college ed.). Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company.

❚ Application: ❙ Being able to work with different groups towards a common goal ❙ Being seen as a positive leader from a variety of groups

Self Management ❚ Good leaders know their own values, strengths, and limitations and are able to control their emotions and behaviors. They must strive for personal development by engaging in continuous learning and being willing to seek help when needed or admit when they have made a mistake. They should be able to adapt to stressful or dynamic situations and be able to maintain a balance between their work and non-work lives Ref: Northouse, P. G. (2004). Leadership: Theory and practice. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Work Habits


Learning Strategies Intellectual Curiosity Continuous Learning Seeking Feedback

Self Insight

Work Attitudes


Initiative Effort Persistence Energy Independence

Stress Management

Honest & ‐ sincerity, candor & integrity in all of your actions


‐ trustworthy & reliable... you keep your promises ‐ aware that deceptive behavior does not inspire trust ‐ sensitive to the feelings, values, beliefs, interests &

well-being of others... empathy

goes a long way ‐ showing fair treatment to all people... No prejudice


‐ seeking out & appreciating the strength of

Dependent ❚ ❚

Employee Participation: When employees are active participants in the decision-making process, cooperation, coordination, and conflict resolution strategies are important competencies for leaders. Type of Team: Based on the type of team being lead (new or experienced, high interdependence vs. low interdependence), leaders must be able to adapt how they guide, direct, interact with, and motivate group members. Group Socialization: When a new member joins the group, the leader must use teaching, coaching, and mentoring to acclimate the person to the group. Multiple Modes of Communication: When leaders must communicate with different types of groups and individuals, they must be able to recognize and adapt to the necessary modes of communication that will fit their needs. Supervisory Roles: When leaders are expected to train, coach, or supervise others, they need to understand others’ beliefs, abilities, and perspectives.

Of course, while we often focus on the leadership traits associated with success…

…it is interesting to consider those traits most often associated with failure, too…for instance…

Selfishnes Focusing on what you want without considering the s needs and wants of others…also known as self-centeredness

Hunger for Closely connected to selfishness…struggle for dominance and power Prestige…good leaders gain respect through serving, not demanding

Poor Great leaders understand that followers don’t read minds…you Communication must be able to communicate ideas effectively…talking, listening & sharing Bad Losing control of emotions can undermine leadership…after all, behavior great leaders often lead by example


Connected to envy & greed…can negatively affect decisionmaking… accumulating or accomplishing more doesn’t always lead to



“To achieve success and become a leader, it is important that you believe that your dreams can become a reality.” – Mary Barrett “To get the best out of people, embrace the best in them.” Brent Filson “A good leader takes a little more than his share of the blame and a little less than his share of the credit.” - Arnold Glasgow “A good leader inspires others with confidence in him; a great leader inspires them with confidence in themselves.” - Unknown

“The job of leaders is to think from their heads, communicate from their hearts and to act from their guts.” - David Gaster “He who has never learned to obey cannot be a good commander.” - Aristotle

REFERENCES ❚ Crainer, S. (1996). Key Management Ideas ❚ Bennis, W & Nanus, B (1985) Leaders ❚ Ghosal,S. (1990). Organizational Theory and the Multinational Corporation ❚ Handy,C (1994). The Empty Raincoat ❚ Kuczmarski, S.S. & Kuczmarski, T.D. (1995). Values-Based Leadership ❚ Macgregor,D. (1960) The Human Side of Enterprise ❚ Pascale, R. (1990). Managing on the Edge

Directed by Professor Humayun Zafar Part of the Leadership series Iobm fall 2008

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