Graphic Organizer

  • April 2020
  • PDF

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  • Words: 596
  • Pages: 3
Graphic Organizer: Directions 1. First, please view this video and read this article on goal making when learning a second language: 2. Using MindMup, in the app or website, create a graphic organizer or “Mind Map” of at least two goals you want to reach in your next opportunity to use Spanish. The two goals you make will become your “parent nodes.” These may be onesentence phrases such as, “Improve my accent” or “Improve my reading fluency.” 3. You will then create at least one way you will achieve each goal (these will be the “child nodes”). These may also be short-answer, yet specific to how you will achieve your goal. 4. You will also need to include at least one image or picture that best describes your personal goals. This may be clip art or even a picture of you during a time you achieved an important goal. 5. When you are finished, in the top right corner you will see where it says “Publish.” Click there and click “Publish for six months.” In the box that shows up next, you will then need to click the tab that says “Send links” and copy the link to send it to my email with your name and student number by the indicated due date. 6. I will ask that you work individually on this assignment, however, when you are finished you may compare with your peers and add any new goals you may realize you want to add that your peer has.

7. Please see my sample MindMap in order to get an idea of how it will look like. Please see me or email me without hesitation should you have any difficulties working the website.

Rubric for the Graphic Organizer Characteristics






Two or more goals are shown that demonstrate deep reflection on the reading and video as well as one’s own personal thought.

At least two goals are chosen and reflect some thought on the reading and the video.

At least two goals are chosen and displayed clearly in the graphic organizer.

At least two goals are chosen.


At least one habit per goal is clearly defined on how your goals will specifically be achieved.

At least one habit for each goal is chosen and reflect moderate thought about how the goals made will be achieved.

At least one habit for each goal is chosen and clearly displayed in the graphic organizer.

At least one habit for each goal is chosen.


One picture is used that reflects in a personal way the theme of the graphic organizer. Colorcoding or different styling of texts and shapes are used.

One picture is One picture is used used that and some color is reflects in a added. general sense the theme of the graphic organizer. Color or different text types are also used.

One picture is used but no other creativity such as color or different text types are used.

Usage of organizational tools

Student is able to create the graphic organizer with the goals and

Student is able to create the graphic organizer with the goals and

Student is able to create the graphic organizer but needs some extra help does

Student is able to create the graphic organizer with the goals and habits in the correct place

habits in the correct place and publishes correctly with link sent directly to teacher’s email by the indicated due date.

habits in the correct place and publishes correctly.

but does not publish correctly.

not place goals and habits in the correct nodes.

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