PORTLAND METRO AFS 2007 GRAPEFRUIT SALE Remember that sweet AFS grapefruit you've had before? Remember to treat your friends and yourself to some. Remember too, you're helping our local AFS Scholarship and Activities Fund. So order now, that sweet Real Red Texas Grapefruit With 18 to 24 pieces of fruit per box. Last day to order is Friday, November 16th
Pick up/delivery will be on Saturday, December 1st 11AM to Noon, Jackson Middle School Make your check payable to "Portland AFS" and mail to: Cindy & Bruce Barnes 4410 SW Dickinson Street Portland, OR, 97219 Questions? Call Cindy & Bruce at (503) 9770561 or Ron Combs (503)7778117 CINDY’S EMAIL
[email protected]
Please indicate whether you will pick up your orders at the truck unloading Saturday, December 1, (11:00 to Noon) at Jackson Middle School, (10625 SW 35th); or when you join us at the AFS Holiday Parties, Metro Eastside: Wesleyan Emmanuel Methodist Church 89th & SE Division 12/1/07; 6:00 to 10:00 PM; RSVP (503) 7778117
Thank you for supporting Portland Metro AFS!
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I have enclosed $___________for ______ boxes of grapefruit at $15.00 per box. I have enclosed $___________for ______ boxes of Oranges at $16.00 per box.
I have enclosed $___________for ______ boxes of grapefruit and oranges at $16.00 per box. Name______________________________________________________________________ Address____________________________________________________________________ Phone__________________AFS Contact Person Ron Combs 5037778117 Email Address_______________________________________
_____I will pick up at the truck unloading (Between 11:00 and Noon)
_____Please deliver to my house (Limited delivery available)
_____I will attend the Holiday Party and get my grapefruit at that time Metro Eastside: Weslyan Emmanuel Church 89th & SE Division 12/1/07; 6:00 to 10:00 PM RSVP (503) 7778117