Grade 7 Narrative Writing

  • May 2020
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  • Pages: 21
Narrative Writing Keys to Writing for Entertainment

Two Types of Narration Autobiographical Writing -tells the story of an event, period, or person in the writer’s life.

Short Stories

-a brief, creative narrative-a retelling of events arranged to hold a reader’s attention. -short stories remind us that we can always be more than who we are today. -short stories create a bridge between fantasy and reality.

Types of Autobiographical Writing ¨

¨ ¨


Personal narratives/autobiographical incidentsrecount an event in which the writer played a central role. Reflective essays-tell of an experience and give the writer’s thoughts on its meaning. Autobiographical narratives-relate memorable experiences, and frequently include information about the writer’s early life and personal qualities. Memoirs-are recollections of the writer’s relationship with a particular person, place, animal, or thing.

Short Stories Most short stories have… ♦ One or more characters, clearly developed through the course of the story. ♦ A conflict, or problem faced by the main characters. ♦ A clear structure-with a beginning, middle, and end-which develops the conflict and leads to a climax (turning point) and resolution. ♦ A theme, or question about life and human nature, expressed in the events of the story.

Types of Short Stories ¨ ¨


Realistic stories try to reflect the everyday lives of ordinary people. Character studies reveal a deep truth about a character. They emphasize painting a portrait of the character over telling a series of events. Genre stories, such as science-fiction stories, detective stories, and horror stories, follow a few basic rules to create a specific effect, such as wonder, suspense, or horror.

Types of Short Stories continued… ♦

Fantasy and science-fiction stories take you to worlds that exist only in the mind—a far-off galaxy or a future Earth. ♦ Adventure stories immerse you in exciting action played out by larger-than-life heroes. -Which type of story do you prefer? -Why? -Can you give any examples from short stories or novels you have read?

Important Terms for Narrative Writing ♦ Definitions: ♦ Narrative-Broadly speaking, it is a form of

writing that tells a story. ♦ Voice-How the writing sounds. ♦ Point of View-How the ideas are communicated. ♦ Figurative Language-It contains images. The writer or speaker describes something through the use of unusual comparisons, for effect, interest, and to make things clearer. The result of using this technique is the creation of interesting images.

Important Terms Continued… ♦ Similes-It is a comparison of two or more objects to

♦ ♦ ♦

draw attention to their similarities. In English, similes are typically marked by use of "like", "as", "than", or "resembles". Metaphor- It is language that directly compares seemingly unrelated subjects. In the simplest case, this takes the form: "The [first subject] is a [second subject]." Personification-It is giving human qualities to something that is not human. Mood-A created atmosphere or context. Tone-Refers to the writer's attitude toward the reader and the subject of the message's text.

Other Patterns and Forms of Narratives ♦ The Quest-The main character sets out in

search of something and ultimately returns after various adventures, having achieved success or gained new wisdom. ♦ The Initiation-A main character is faced with a new situation that tests his or her abilities or beliefs. How the character deals with this situation determines which direction or course his or her life will take.

Other Patterns and Forms Continued… ♦ The Choice-The main character must make a

choice or decision near the end of the story. Making this decision is the high point of the action. ♦ The Union -Two people are fond of one

another, but they are kept apart by some outside force or authority figure.

Purposes for Narrative Writing To decide your purpose, ask yourself these questions: ¨ Is my topic funny, moving, or exciting? Is my purpose to entertain the reader? ¨ Does my topic involve a lesson I learned? Is my purpose to instruct the reader? *If you wish to write a character sketch, then you should ask yourself the following questions: ¨ Am I writing about a particularly interesting person? Can I capture that character’s personality in words?

If Your Purpose Is… ♦ You will not be allowed to write a character sketch;

therefore, your purpose will primarily be to entertain or instruct/present a theme.


Instruct/Present a Theme

Focus on the amusing, frightening, moving, or adventurous aspects of your story.

Focus on the events that taught you the lesson and draw conclusions from them. Use events that illustrate your question or message on life.

Basic Elements Once you’ve come up with a topic, define your story’s basic elements. ¨ Main character-a person/thing you can make vividly real to the reader. ¨ Conflict-the struggle between two opposing forces in which you must involve your main character.

Types of Conflict -Can you think of any examples of these types from literature or movies? A character’s conflict may be… ¨ ¨

External-the conflict is when a character battles a force outside of himself. Internal-the conflict is when a character battles a force or forces within himself.

Plot A plot is the arrangement of actions and events in a story. In many stories, the plot follows this pattern: ¨ The exposition introduces the main characters and their basic situation, including the central conflict. ¨ This conflict develops during the rising action, leading to ¨ The climax followed by ¨ The story’s falling action, which leads to ¨ The resolution, in which the conflict is resolved in some way.

Definition of Climax The climax is the high point of suspense, such as…. -a startling revelation -a sudden insight -a new twist

Build to a Climax in Your Story ♦ As you draft, make sure your plot builds

toward the climax. – Ask yourself what events and details will best serve your purpose and your climax. – In a short story, you shouldn’t include events or details that aren’t going to help you build your characters or your climax.

♦ You should start by identifying the “setup”

and the “payoff.”

Setup, Resolution, and Payoff ♦ The setup is the point at which you give

facts that make the resolution possible. ♦ The resolution is how the story is resolved. It’s the “Happily ever after,” or not. ♦ The payoff is the point at which the connection between the setup and the resolution becomes clear.

Plot Diagram Climax

n Ac tio

n io ct


Ris i ng






Conflict introduced

Other Necessities… ♦ Setting ♦ Round and flat characters ♦ Dialogue ♦ Details that show, NOT tell ♦ Tension and surprise ♦ Individuality or uniqueness

One Last Time… ♦ Most short stories include – One or more characters (the people, animals, creatures, or objects involved in the story). – A conflict or problem that keeps the reader asking, “What will happen next?” – A beginning that introduces the characters and setting and establishes the conflict. – A middle in which the story reaches a high pointusually some type of conflict. – An ending in which the conflict is resolved and loose ends are tied up.

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