Grade 7 Creative_ Personal Writing

  • December 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 529
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Grade 7 Imaginative and creative writing. Using Sandra Cisneros's 'The House on Mango Street' and other texts your teacher may have shared with you as an influence, write a short creative piece. You may also wish to incorporate the idea of a journey to enable your piece to be eligible for the YIS literary magazine writing competition. (see advert) Here are some possible starting points: Write a descriptive piece based on a person you know well. (Read 'Born Bad' again to help you) Use "A journey" to get you thinking about a possible short story. (SHORT story) Think of an original way to present a real journey you have been on (creative/personal) Name:....................................





Style & language

Questions to help you:

Questions to help you:

Questions to help you:

How imaginative and original are your ideas?

How skillfully have I structured my writing?

How well do your examples support your ideas?

How well have I used sentences and paragraphs?

How accurate, varied and effective is my use of language?

9-10 Imagination and depth of thought are clearly evident S in my work T R My work is engaging and I O have taken risks to make it N unique G

My piece is purposefully organised I use a variety of sentence types and styles to achieve stylistic effects I use paragraphs and transitions carefully and effectively

Have I used language appropriate for a wide audience, including my teachers, parents and fellow students My style and language achieves a desired effect appropriate to the purpose of the piece of writing I understand and have shown that punctuation can be used as an element of style I use a tone and voice that add to the impact of my writing

7-8 E F F E C T I V E

Imagination and depth of I use a variety of sentence thought are evident in my types and styles to achieve work stylistic effects My work is engaging

I use paragraphs and transitions carefully and effectively

My style and language are accurate and somewhat varied Errors in spelling, punctuation and word-use are infrequent and never impede understanding I use a consistent tone and voice

5-6 D E V E L O P I N G

Imagination is evident in my work

3-4 E M E R GING

My ideas show a basic understanding of the task


My ideas show a limited understanding of the task

My work is generally engaging

I attempt to use a variety of sentence types I use paragraphs and transitions reasonably well There is an attempt to sequence my ideas

My style and language are appropriate to task and audience There are only a few errors in spelling, punctuation and word-use I use a consistent tone and voice

I develop some ideas

I attempt the task

S T Student


Parent signature/ optional comments

I attempt to organise my work I use basic paragraphs

I am unsuccessful in organising my work

My use of language is not always effective There may be regular errors in spelling, punctuation and word use.

There are significant weaknesses with the style and language I have used

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