Google Sketchup Unit

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,752
  • Pages: 8
Unit: Google Sketchup Year: Strand: Description: Why teach this unit? Children will experience 3d modelling – an application used in industry for architecture and design – see examples This unit can be extended as there is always something new to learn with Sketchup and it lends itself greatly to competitions. Children can download Sketchup at home and so carry on their learning there

Techniques: Drawing 3d models Exporting between Sketchup and Google Earth

Process: To create a navigable model

Concepts: To know that modelling allows us to test out ideas quickly and effectively.

This unit links with digital image software work and work on google earth It has curriculum links with Geography, art, design and technology and History, e.g children could create a ‘Round House’

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National Curriculum Statements. 2 Pupils should be taught: a how to develop and refine ideas by bringing together, organising and reorganising text, tables, images and sound as appropriate 4 Pupils should be taught to: a review what they and others have done to help them develop their ideas b describe and talk about the effectiveness of their work with ICT, comparing it with other methods and considering the effect it has on others [for example, the impact made by a desktop-published newsletter or poster] c talk about how they could improve future work.

Outcomes Children will be confident in creating 3D buildings in Google skecthup They will be bale to export work in sketchup into google earth and export 2d images of their models into graphics or publishing programmes They will be aware of how 3d modelling is used by architects to create fly-through models They will have produced a number of models in Sketchup and be able to use this tool for work in other subjects Previous Learning Children will have had experience of drawing in 2d using paint programm es. They will need to be knowledge able in word processing and be quipped

Resources Google sketchup Skecthup training videos Help sheets Other web links A 3D Model of the new Bus garage at Swansea articleid=33083 Teachers TV programme featuring Sketchup and other freeware Download Page for Google Sketchup 7.1 and above

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some desktop publishing skills

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ICT Scheme of Work

Year Group:



Topic/ Unit: 3D Modelling Sketchup Cross Curricular Links: History Design and Technology Art Objective Teaching Activity – Key Techniques + Differentiation Resources & Vocab Success Criteria 1

To gain

Introduce children to 3d modelling by showing movie of software in action eg

familiarity with

Swansea Bus Station – see hyperlink Talk about Sketchup and how if children

the basic Google

wanted to explore this software further they could download it at home

Sketchup Tools

Open Sketchup and point out the man standing on the axis, his name is Zang. Elaborate on the zoom and orbit tools to show how we can move around the

Success Criteria Children will have created a simple navigable 3d Model

Sketch Up environment. Demonstrate to children how to create:

 Simple boxes by first drawing a rectangle along the bottom axes and then using the push/pull tool to stretch this into a cube  Arcs/ semi circle cut outs within these boxes by clicking on edge 1, edge 2 and a central point between them (see video)

 Show how faces can be filled with colour/ texture using the paint fill tool Task Give children the opportunity to play with Sketchup and create Dog Kennel for Nintendog, it must be painted both inside and out. Show class how to save their model as both a Skethcup Model and how to export as a 2D Jpeg model for display Extension – Can children create a Skate Ramp

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http://www.swans ndex.cfm? articleid=33083 Help video creating a kennel for a Nintendog

Assessment for learning Implication for planning. Note- this is a column to be filled out by teacher week to week – with relevant notes to inform next session

ICT Scheme of Work Topic/ Unit: 2

Year Group:

3D Modelling Sketchup


Cross Curricular Links: History Design and Technology Art

To combine a 2D

Tell children that this week they are going to be product designers for a

and 3D graphic

Chocolate company who have just created a new Chocolate collection. Show

package to

children a number of chocolate boxes – for example Heroes or celebrations.

create a design

Use Mathematical Langauge to help describer the 3D shapes.

Success Criteria

 Demonstrate to children how to draw a 3d box – making use of the arc

– children will have incorporated a motif drawn in Paint or 2Paint a Picture into their

tool to curve of the edges – see help video Task Children create and save their first design for their 3D Box. Once children are happy with their design, they will need to think about the covering

Choloate Box

Use 2Paint a Picture, Revelation Natural Art or other graphics programme


children can create a a motif of a chocolate and save as jpeg Open Sketchup and got to the textures tool – choose material and import the picture /motif – alter the settings to the desired effect Demonstrate to children how to decorate and create advertising for their boxes by:  Opening Sketchup and going to the textures tool – choose material and import the picture /motif – alter the settings to the desired effect

 Adding 3d Text and colouring this appropriately – again change the settings o that it does not protrude too much  Export/ save their boxes as a 2D image/JPEG Upload image to Billboard Generator site and add appropriate text

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ICT Scheme of Work Topic/ Unit: 3

Year Group:

3D Modelling Sketchup



Cross Curricular Links: History Design and Technology Art

To learn to use a

Show children a number of examples of Houses made using Google Sketchup –

Help video for creating a

range of

some of these could be made by children at home or from a Google Image

simple house in Sketchup

Sketchup tools

search. Tell children that today they are going to design their dream home.

accurately to create a house a house Success Criteria – children will have created a navigable house on a flat surface without noticeable accidental protusions

Revise work from last time – look at drawing out a box using the rectangle and push/pull tool demonstrate how to place a triangular prism roof on the house by:

 Orbiting to the top of the box using the orbit tool.  Show children how to draw a line from blue midpoint to blue midpoint – the move tool can then be used to stretch the roof up Windows and Doors Can then be added by:

 Drawing out rectangles on the front and side faces  Filling these rectangles with either transparent or brick texture Allow children time to create houses Using one of the children pieces of owkr has an example demonstrate how to drag a further rectangle out in front of the house end use the groundcover texture to simulate grass. This could be developed further by adding rectangeles around the perimeter and filling these in with the fence or railing stexture Some children may choose to go further by sinking holes within the ground and turning these into swimming pools Save model

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Google Sketchup Houses image search

ICT Scheme of Work Topic/ Unit:

Year Group:

3D Modelling Sketchup



Cross Curricular Links: History Design and Technology Art


To create a 3D

Begin by looking at a range of websites featuring new homes for sale, for

model for an

example Barrett Homes / Wimpey etc – see hyperlink



Housing Development Websites

Discuss with children what is attractive about these homes, draw attention to


lawns, cars, trees and other accessories.

 Revisit drawing a home and extend model by adding a garden and railings.

homes/essex/buckhursthill/kingsmead/gallery/51 243

 Drag from top right to bottom left over the house and right click – create component.  Now edit, copy and paste – in this fashion a street can be built up Task

http://www.galliardhomes .com/search/search.aspx ?quick=search.aspx %3fquick%3ddevelopment Motivator – Poster

Ask children to create a small estate of attractive homes for people who want to move to an area near the school Once children have had an opportunity to play with this function proceed to demonstrate adding components:

 Click on the components button and search for trees, cars or other accessories  Once these items are in the drawing, they can be scaled by choosing tools – scale and then stretched to fit These mini- estates can be as complex as the childs ability allows. But at some point it would be a good idea to export as a 2d image and upload into the motivational tool on Children can then make their own

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Making Tool motivator.php

ICT Scheme of Work Topic/ Unit:

Year Group:

3D Modelling Sketchup



Cross Curricular Links: History Design and Technology Art

advertising poster for their housing development. 6-

To create a

Show children a collection of images of their school buildings and discuss what

See a Sketchup model of


suitably sized

improvements and developments the children would like to see if they were

a school created in

navigable model

the architects of a new school


for integration in Google Earth Success Criteria Children will have a built a redesigned model of their school in Sketchup and placed it back in Google Earth

Tell children they will now have the opportunity to redesign the school on the existing citing site. m/3dwarehouse/details? mid=bd522604745a01b4

 Open Google Earth and navigate to the school site  Zoom into the area , so that the site can be seen prominently and now open Sketchup – use the ‘Get Current View’ button to import to bring in the base of the school site

 Demonstrate how to build on the plan view of the school, point out the height and length of the building and how this needs to remain sensible Allow children to use the skills they have learned over the previous few weeks to build their ideal school. They could also add to the site by downloading components .Once the model has been built – children can use the export to Google Earth Button to place the model into Google Earth.

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