Google - Search Assignment

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Google - Search Assignment

Submitted by

Hanem A. Ibrahim

ILS 504- Fall 2009 Dr. Elsie Okobi

Date of submission October 7, 2009

After reviewing all the links provided in unit 5, which included information about Google searching, I tried to follow the instructor’s guide to search for answers to these 8 questions. A- Using Google search for book by title ( pick any title). 1- I picked a book titled “The Swiss Robinson family “to search for it in Google book , I went to , I did the simple search first I received 24,661 hits for that title. 2- I did it once again but used the advanced book search , I limited the search to the exact

phrase, “The Swiss Robinson family”, in English language , and also limited the results to return books with the title in quote”” , The Swiss Robinson family, then I received only 2 titles as a result to my search. They are what I want: The Swiss family Robinson/ By Johann David Wyss, Geraldine Edith Mitton, J.B. Lippincott Company, J.B. Lippincott Co., 1914 as_q=&num=10&lr=&as_brr=3&btnG=Google+Search&as_epq=The+Swiss+Robinson+ family&as_oq=&as_eq=&as_brr=0&as_pt=ALLTYPES&lr=lang_en&as_vt=The+Swiss +Robinson+family&as_auth=&as_pub=&as_sub=&as_drrb_is=q&as_minm_is=0&as_m iny_is=&as_maxm_is=0&as_maxy_is=&as_isbn=&as_issn= This is the results : The Swiss family Robinson: or, Adventures of a shipwrecked family on a ... - Page 5 by Johann David Wyss, Johann Rudolf Wyss, William Henry Davenport Adams, Elise Volart ̈ Family & Relationships - 1890 - 690 pages Live Stock.. Unsociable Swine.. Wanted, the Companionship of Man.. The Personnel of the Swiss Robinson Family.. A Bitter Cry.. Lost and Found again. ... Full view - About this book - Add to my library - More editions The Swiss family Robinson: or, Adventures of a shipwrecked family on a ... - Page ix by Johann David Wyss, Johann Rudolf Wyss, Elise Voïart - Fiction - 1871 - 690 pages ... of the Swiss Robinson Family.. A Bitter Cry.. Lost and Found again.. Frederick's Narrative.. Skirting the Coast.. A Natural Arch.. ... Full view - About this book - Add to my library - More editions

A- Learn more about the book , identify the library from which you can borrow the book.

1- I searched for the same title using the same search I did before with advanced Google book search but this time to learn more about that book , so I click on one of the results for that title, I found at the right hand side of Google book search four tabs to choose from whatever I want to search about that title the four tabs are: ( Overview , Read, Review , Buy ) so I click on overview, from this URL: id=XJXRAAAAMAAJ&dq=%22The+Swiss+Robinson+family %22+intitle:The+intitle:Swiss+intitle:Robinson+intitle:family&lr=lang_en&a s_drrb_is=q&as_minm_is=0&as_miny_is=&as_maxm_is=0&as_maxy_is=&as _brr=0&source=gbs_navlinks_s I found more Google’s information about that book included the title, publishing information, contents , edition, and images of the front cover for these edition : Title

The Swiss family Robinson: or, Adventures of a shipwrecked family on a desolate island. A new and unabridged translation. With an introduction from the French of Charles Nodier ...


Johann David Wyss, Johann Rudolf Wyss, William Henry Davenport Adams, Elise Volart ̈

Translated by

William Henry Davenport Adams


T. Nelson and sons, 1890

Original from

the University of Michigan


Feb 19, 2009


690 pages


2- To know from which library I can borrow that book, I click on “Find in a library” Tab which located at the bottom of the same web page I received for the same site on google book search , then it referred me to worldCat where there are bibliographical information about the book I clicked on the link “ Find a copy in the library“

There I searched for the closest library to Shelton CT, which is Bridgeport library, it is 9 miles away from Shelton, the first 6 results were Displaying libraries 1-6 out of 2902 libraries that have a copy of all 329 editions of that title. A- Look for the full-text of any book and information on where to buy the book 1- To search for a full text of the same title I click on “Read” from the four Tabs founded at

the same site of Google book search, id=XJXRAAAAMAAJ&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_navlinks_s#v=onepage&q=& f=false I can read that book or downloaded. We can read any edition of any book only if Google has a full text of it. 2- If I want to buy any copy available for sale from that title I’ll click on “ Buy” from that

Tabs. For this title I chose there is no available copy for sale , I tried another title “ The Arabian Nights” I received 12,782 hits, I chose one of them and click “ Buy” I got all the information I need to buy a copy from that URL : id=e1mu8uHnI4C&printsec=frontcover&dq=the+arabian+nights#v=onepage&q=&f=false And that is an example of that information Seller

Price $11.53

Seller rating 4018 ratings

Barnes&Noble. com

No price

No rating


No price

No rating


No price

No rating

A- Find Scholarly publications using Google Scholar, provide the full bibliographic citation for any scholarly article on Public Libraries

1- From Google scholar at : I searched for scholarly publication on “public libraries”, I did the simple search first to see if I’ll get any results, I received 2,440,000. hits, I thought I had to use the advanced scholarly search to narrow these results, by using the available limitation tools in Google, I used the exact phrase in quotes “public libraries” and I chose to get the results only from “where my words occur” in the title of the article not from anywhere in the article” in the subject area of social science and humanities, from the 1980s, then I received 3,600 hits, the results has books and citation, abstracts and articles. This is the URL for that search : as_q=&num=10&btnG=Search+Scholar&as_epq=public+libraries&as_oq=&as_e q=&as_occt=title&as_sauthors=&as_publication=&as_ylo=1980&as_yhi=&as_all subj=some&as_subj=soc&hl=en 2- From the first page of results I found that citation that led me to the article cited at Buley library at SCSU [CITATION] Why Public Libraries? - Full-Text @ Buley Library M Getz - Public Library Quarterly, 1990 Cited by 51 - Related articles - All 2 versions

3- From the Buley library available in this URL , sid=google&auinit=M&aulast=Getz&atitle=Why+Public+Libraries %3F&id=doi:10.1300/J118v10n03_03&title=Public+library+quarterly+ (New+York,+N.Y.)&volume=10&issue=3&date=1990&spage=5&issn=01616846 I found information about that article and I found information showing some search criteria to get the available articles on “public libraries” at The Buley library. One of them about this article:

Refine or alter criteria

Wh Art icl y e: Pu Au Get blic th z, Lib or: Mal Jou Pu rari col rn blic es? m al: libr IS 01 Da 19 ary SN 61te: 90 :qu 68 Vo Iss 10 P 3 5 a art 46 lu ue ge erl :me DO 10. :y I: 13 (Ne 00/ w J11 SC Jou Yor 8v SU rna k, 10 08/ EB Arti Jou Pri l N.Y n0 01/ SC cle rna nt .) 3_0 19 Oh l an 3 79 ost d -Mic EJS pre rof sen or A- Using tm Ser ials Col lec tio n

Refine or alter criteria

Refine or alter criteria

Google Images locate a picture of Chukky Okobi

1- I went to Google images at, then searched for “Chukky Okobi” I received 3,340 images that belongs to that name, I think one of them is Chukky Okobi the NFL player, all pictures could be retrieved from this URL hl=en&ei=hSrMStuwLs7clAeznYXMBQ&sa=X&oi=spell&resnum=1&ct=result &cd=1&q=Chukky+Okobi&spell=1&start=0 2- These are some of these pictures

A- Using Google, locate a website sponsored by a university or college that offers information about Asperger's Syndrome. 1- I searched for Asperger's Syndrome using advanced search in Google web at , I used the same phrase “Asperger's Syndrome” and I used the Boolean indicators AND, OR to broaden my search to received all the results on that phrase and “sponsored” OR University OR college, and I limited my search to the edu. Domain , I received 24,000 hits , this is the URL for the result pages: hl=en&as_q=Asperger %27s+Syndrome&as_epq=&as_oq=sponsored+college+university&as_eq=& num=10&lr=&as_filetype=&ft=i&as_sitesearch=edu&as_qdr=all&as_rights= &as_occt=any&cr=&as_nlo=&as_nhi=&safe=images 2- I found among the first page of results 2 sites that offered information about that disease which are sponsored by universities: the first site sponsored by Yale school of medicine : the child study center at : another link to information about that disease sponsored by the University of Delaware. At:

A- Locate an article by McCook, Kathleen de la Pena relevant to public libraries give the full citation of the article locate an article in Full text

1- I tried to search for that article in google book search, I put the name of “Kathleen de la Pena McCook” to return Full text articles only written by her, but I didn’t receive any results, then I tried searching using Google scholar search at 2- I also limited the returned results of the phrase “public libraries” but this time the phrase will be occurred in anywhere in the article, I received 42 hit from: start=10&q=public+libraries+author:Kathleen+author:de+author:la+author:Pena+author: McCook&hl=en 3- I browsed the first page and found a pd. file (full text) article by McCook , the bibliographic information of this article is:

Service-Learning and LIS Education / By Elaine Yontz and Kathleen de la Pena McCook, this article published in Journal of Education for Library and Information Science, Vol. 44, No.1-Winter 2003 , The URL for that article is:

A- An instructor has suspicions that the following phrase from a student paper was plagiarized from an online reference work. Use Google to identify the source of this phrase. To find out if that student used the same phrase in his/ her paper, the instructor has to use the same phrase in quotes” Although only 14, Adams became interpreter and secretary to Francis Dana, U.S. envoy to Russia” and drop it into Google web searching box at: , the first results will have the same phrase in bold font, there the instructor could figure out the sources which includes the same phrase. I went to Google web searching box, I dropped that phrase and I received 5 hits that included that exact phrase. It is available at: hl=en&as_q=&as_epq=Although+only+14%2C+Adams+became+interpreter+a nd+secretary+to+Francis+Dana%2C+U.S. +envoy+to+Russia.&as_oq=&as_eq=&num=10&lr=&as_filetype=&ft=i&as_site search=&as_qdr=all&as_rights=&as_occt=any&cr=&as_nlo=&as_nhi=&safe=im ages . Here are some samples : 1- John Quincy Adams - MSN Encarta Although only 14, Adams became interpreter and secretary to Francis Dana, U.S. envoy to Russia. After almost two years in Saint Petersburg (then the capital ... - Cached - Similar 2- [DOC] Search Assignments File Format: Microsoft Word - View as HTML "Although only 14, Adams became interpreter and secretary to Francis Dana, U.S. envoy to Russia." Using Google Web Search, I searched for: ... - Similar I think I had a very Good experience searching with Google, I learned a lot from this assignment, I can now use Google searching wisely to answer lots of reference questions.

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