Golden Software Surfer 9

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y nl ! O 99 $6

Use the Best Mapping Software to Visualize Your Data!


by Golden Software, Inc.

The software of choice for creating contour maps!

Powerful – Simple – Proven

Surfer is the most powerful, flexible, and easy-to-use contouring and 3D surface mapping package available. Surfer easily and accurately transforms your data into spectacularly colorful contour, surface, wireframe, shaded relief, image, post, and vector maps in minutes! And best of all, Surf er is affordable!

Since 1984, over 100,000 scientists and engineers worldwide have discovered Surfer's power and simplicity. Surfer's outstanding gridding and contouring capabilities have made Surfer the software of choice for working with irregularly spaced XYZ data. Over the years, Surfer users have included hydrologists, engineers, geologists, archeologists, oceanographers, biologists, foresters, geophysicists, medical researchers, climatologists, and more! Anyone wanting to visualize their data with striking clarity and accuracy will benefit from Surfer's powerful features!

Options for creating informative maps are endless! The smallest details are easy to apply and modify with Surfer’s extensive customization abilities!

Superior Gridding!

Surface maps display your data as rendered 3D surfaces. Overlay surface maps with other surface maps to generate informative block diagrams.

Powerful Mapping!

Surfer provides more gridding methods and more control over gridding parameters than any other software package on the market. Surfer will quickly interpolate irregularly or regularly spaced data into a useful, functional map. Use Surfer's default settings or choose from twelve different gridding methods. Each gridding method provides complete control over an abundant number of gridding parameters to generate the most accurate map possible to best represent your data. Creating high-precision maps has never been so easy!

The possibilities are limited only by your imagination! Customize your maps so they look their best! Each of Surfer’s ten map types has a multitude of editing options to enhance its appearance. Change line colors and thicknesses, edit point shapes, sizes, and colors, or add gradient color fills and color scale bars. Contour maps allow you to manipulate contour line intervals, thickness, color, and labeling. For shaded relief maps and 3D surface maps, quickly change the lighting angle for a realistic appearance. Create maps with multitudes of information by including scale bars, legends, and labels. These are just some of the endless options Surfer offers to easily create the most colorful, descriptive, and understandable maps – ready for publication!


Surfer includes an integrated data analysis tool for variogram modeling. By applying the Kriging algorithm, the variogram model aids in selecting an appropriate gridding model.

Numerous Grid Functions!

In addition to creating surfaces, grid files allow you to perform a variety of functions. Just a few of the possibilities are calculating volume and area, subtracting or adding grid files, or converting outliers to a minimum or maximum value. Grid files also enable you to apply filters to emphasize details or remove background variation, blank a grid file to prevent contours from being drawn through specific areas (buildings, roads, or outside of field areas), or create cross sections. Background image courtesy of Doug Kancler, Underwater Technologies, Inc.

[email protected]

Data Manipulation!

Surfer lets you massage your data in many ways to achieve the exact output you want. Surfer includes a full-featured worksheet for creating, opening, editing, and saving data files. Data files can be up to one billion rows and columns! You can cut, copy, and paste data within the Surfer worksheet or between applications, and you can use Surfer’s find or find/replace commands to search for and replace data. Sort your data on a specified column, transform data with equations, filter data with specified rules, and calculate statistics on your data! You can also assign a projection to your data and reproject the coordinates to a new projection or coordinate system! Surfer lets you get the right answers to your questions, simple and fast!

Image courtesy of Igor Yashayaev, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Canada

Effortlessly produce vivid and stunning maps to display an array of data! Easily generate maps from USGS DEM and DLG files. Surfer has native support for SDTS DEM and DLG files.


Create your own scripts to automate repetitive tasks! Don’t spend time doing the same process over and over again – write a simple script to simplify your life! Operations performed interactively can be controlled using an automation-compatible programming language such as Visual Basic, C++, or Perl. Surfer includes Scripter, a built-in Visual Basic compatible programming environment that lets you write, edit, debug, and run scripts. Why do more work than you need when you have Surfer working for you!


Surfer includes extensive customization options to allow complete control over all map types. Overlay or stack any number of maps and display an unlimited number of maps per page. Scale, tilt, and rotate your maps for the best data presentation possible. Customize maps by adding text, symbols, polylines, and polygons. With Surfer's Object Manager, all of the objects on the page are logically organized and are readily accessible for editing. No other mapping software makes maps as easy to create and edit and as customizable as Surfer!

Combining multiple surface and post maps is an excellent way to compare 3D surfaces and visualize data locations.

Image courtesy of Dr. Rick Crawford, Prince William Sound Science Center

Combine colorful contour maps with other map types to produces the most informative maps!

Try Surfer® now! Download a free demo version from our website today!

Golden Software:


Surfer Features ®

---User Friendly

•Easy-to-learn, modern Windows user interface. •Download free updates automatically. •Print to any Windows compatible device. •Copy and paste into other applications. •Select, edit, show, or hide all components in an easy-to-use hierarchical tree view. •Multiple informative reports can be generated. •Customize toolbars, appearance, menus, keyboard shortcuts, and window layouts. •Use mouse wheel to zoom in/out. •Reload data for all maps with a single command.

Image Maps

•Create continuous solid color image maps. •Dither bitmaps or interpolate pixels.

Grid Calculus

•Take first or second order directional derivatives. •Use terrain modeling to analyze terrain slope, terrain aspect, profile curvature, Vector Maps plan curvature, and tangential curvature. •Create vector maps from one or two grid •Apply differential and integral operations including gradient, Laplacian, biharmonic, files. •Define symbol style, color, and frequency. and integrated volume. •Apply Fourier and spectral analysis to •Symbol color may be fixed, based on generate a grid correlogram or vector magnitude or the values of an periodogram. arbitrary grid. •Display color scale and vector scaling Variography legends. •Scale the arrow shaft length, head length, •Display both the experimental variogram and symbol width based on minimum and and the variogram model. General Features maximum data values. •Specify the estimator type as a variogram, •Define custom colors, fill patterns, and •Control vector orientation, symbol origin, standardized variogram, auto covariance, line styles. and choose from linear, logarithmic, or or auto correlation. •Define axis attributes including titles, grid square root scaling methods. •Specify twelve different variogram model lines, tick marks, and tick spacing for all components. Base Maps map types. •Combine multiple variogram components •Independent scaling for X, Y, and Z (if into complex nested models. •Import base maps in several formats: applicable) dimensions. •Use the AutoFit feature to define the AN?, BLN, BMP, BNA, BW, DCM, DIC, •Rotate and 3D tilt all map types and DDF, DLG, DXF, E00, ECW, EMF, GIF, GSB, parameters of selected components. images, using either orthographic or GSI, JPEG, JPG, LGO, LGS, MIF, PCX, PLT, •Customize the variogram to display perspective projections. symbols, variance, and number of pairs for PLY, PNG, PNM/PPM/PGM/PBM, RAS, •Reload grid and data files for all maps. each lag. RGB, RGBA, SHP, SID, SUN, TGA, TIF, •Display map scale bars for all map types. TIFF, VTK, WMF, X, and XIMG. •Export the experimental variogram data •Stack and add most combinations of •Efficiently and effectively access and edit for plotting in other graphing programs. maps. all map components. Drawing Tools •Display XYZ coordinates in status bar. •Calculate length and area for polylines •Solid color transparency for fills and •Drawing tools include text, lines, arrows, and polygons in base maps. images. polygons, rectangles, ellipses, and •Specify the image coordinate system. •Drag map layers into and out of maps. •Edit line, fill, text, and symbol attributes for symbols. •Save and load color spectrum files. •Rotate, move, scale, and color all vector maps. •Import georeferenced image files in their components of a map. Combine or break Contour Maps apart groups of items. real world coordinates. •Custom or automatic contour intervals. •Align any map component horizontally Grid Utilities •Control contour label frequency and and vertically. spacing. •Interactively edit nodes in the grid node •Math Text system supports superscripts, •Apply color and fill patterns. editor. subscripts, math and Greek symbols. •Save and load contour level properties. •Blank specified regions of the grid. •Use the reshape tool to edit areas and •Add color scale legends. •Compute grid volumes, surface areas, curves. •Display fault lines with custom line styles. cross sections, and residuals. ActiveX Automation •Export contours in 3D DXF and 3D SHP •Use spline smoothing utilities. format. •Use on-screen digitizing to view and save •Automate repetitive tasks with scripts. •Use Visual Basic, C++, Perl, or any your coordinates. 3D Wireframe Maps ActiveX Automation compatible •Convert binary grids to ASCII grids or •Apply custom or automatic color zones. programming language. ASCII data files. •Display lines of constant X, Y, and Z. •Includes Scripter, a VB compatible •Combine multiple grid files to form a •Use custom or automatic Z levels. scripting program to automate Surfer. single grid file. •Filter grids using many pre-defined filters Surface Maps Worksheet or define your own filter. •Control the color, lighting, mesh, base, •Import formats include: BLN, BNA, CSV, •Grid formats include: ADF, AM, AN?, and overlay blending. DAT, DBF, MDB, SLK, TXT, WKx, WRx, ASI, BIL, BIN, BIP, BMP, BSQ, BW, COL, •Effortlessly layer external images on CPS-3, DAT, DCM, DDF, DEM, DIC, DOS, XLS, and XLSX. surface maps. DT?, ECW, ERS, FLD, FLT, GIF, GRD, GXF, •Import data from any database directly into the Surfer worksheet. HDF, HDR, IMG, INFO, JPEG, JPG, LAT, Post Maps PCX, PNG, PNM/PPM/PGM/PBM, RAS, •Data file size up to one billion rows and •Post proportional or fixed size symbols. RAW, RGB, RGBA, RST, SID, STK, SUN, columns. •Add labels from a data file. TGA, TIF, TIFF, VTK, X, XIMG, ZMAP, and •Calculate data statistics. •Specify the position, label, symbol, and ?10g. •Sort data based on columns. rotation angle for each posted point. •Transform data using user defined or •Post all points from a worksheet column or Gridding Methods built-in equations. post every nth point. •Assign multiple projections to your data. •Specify faults and breaklines during •Create classed post maps that show gridding. •Apply spatial filters. different symbols for different ranges of •Create grids with up to 32,767 nodes in •Save your data in BLN, BNA, CSV, DAT, data. either direction. SLK, TXT, and XLS formats. •Save and load classes for classed post •Choose between twelve different gridding •Find/Replace in worksheet. maps. methods, including Kriging. Export Formats •Create a classed post map legend. •Apply a generic data exclusion filter for •Move individual labels on post map with eliminating unwanted data. •BLN, BMP, BNA, BW, CGM, 3D DXF, DXF, mouse. •Use powerful duplicate data resolution EMF, EPS, GIF, GSB, JPEG, JPG, MIF, PCX, techniques. PDF Raster, PDF Vector, PNG, Shaded Relief Maps •Use Cross Validate to assess the quality of PNM/PPM/PGM/PBM, RAS, RGB, RGBA, •Control light position angles. the selected gridding method. 3D SHP, SHP, SUN, TGA, TIF, TIFF, WMF, •Set relief parameters such as gradient and •Create custom variogram models. X, and XIMG. shading methods. •Generate a report of the gridding statistics •Specify how colors are mapped to the and parameters. reflectance and specify color for missing •Apply anisotropy ratios and angles for data. most gridding methods. •Generate grids from a user specified function of two variables.

System Requirements • Windows 2000, XP, Vista, or higher • 512MB RAM min, 1GB RAM rec. • 100MB free hard disk space • 1024x768x16-bit color min. resolution Golden Software, Inc. • 809 14th Street, Golden, Colorado 80401 U.S.A. • 800-972-1021 • 303-279-1021 • fax 303-279-0909 •

The Best Just Got Better! Present your data at its best! Create one of ten different colorful map types and organize all of your maps and objects with the easy-to-use Object Manager!

Free Technical Support!

What do you do when you have a question? Take your pick! Consult the easy-to-read Getting Started Guide, check the dynamic online help, browse the Surfer Support Forum, Surfer Knowledge Base, or Surfer FAQs on the Golden Software website, or simply give us a call! Our knowledgeable and friendly Technical Support staff is available Monday through Friday, 8am - 5pm Mountain Standard Time to answer your questions. Technical Support is also available by fax or email and is free to all users. Our users are impressed with the prompt and high-quality technical support we provide.

Save Time and Money Download!

We are so sure you will like Surfer, we offer a 30 day money back guarantee. Your complete S urf er package includes the S ur fe r CD, Getting Started Guide, free technical support, and free Surfer 9 updates.

Place your order using our secure online order form at and choose to download Surfer. Shipping charges are waived if you choose to download only.

Shipping Address

Order Surfer® Today!

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Surfer 9 ......................................................................................... $699 ____ $______ Surfer 9 Upgrade (from any previous version).............................. $229 ____ $______ Surfer Serial Number(s)* ______________________________

*a serial number is required for each upgrade ordered Please be sure to include your telephone number and Surfer serial number(s)

Shipping Charges

Shipping Charges (from tables below) $______

Colorado residents add 7.3% sales tax $______ Total Charges (US funds only) $______

Method of Payment

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 Check/Money Order Enclosed  VISA  Master Card  American Express

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UPS 2nd Day $ 8 UPS Next Day $20 First Item $20 Each Add’l Item $10

Prices subject to change without notice.

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Exp. Date___________ Security Code_____________ Name as it appears on card: ____________________________________________

A Proven Solution for Creating Stunning Maps with Ease and Speed!

809 14th Street Golden, Colorado 80401-1866 U.S.A.


The Industry Standard in Mapping Solutions! • Ten different map types!

• Create maps on irregular XYZ data!

• Volume and area calculations!

• Overlay vector, data, and image files! • Import georeferenced images!

• Work seamlessly with all other popular programs!



Contouring and 3D Surface Mapping for Scientists and Engineers!


Surfer 9 ! ®

 Quick and flexible map creation!  Advanced map customization tools!

 Sophisticated data manipulation!  Twelve superior gridding methods!  Easy-to-understand user interface!  Free technical support! Image courtesy of Igor Yashayaev, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Canada

Golden Software, Inc. • 809 14th Street, Golden, Colorado 80401 U.S.A. 800-972-1021 • 303-279-1021 • FAX 303-279-0909 •

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