GITE BOOKING FORM When completed this form should be returned to : Mr. & Mrs. I.G Foxcroft-Timms, Bajouve, 46330 BOUZIES, France. Dates Gite required: Saturday Details of party:
to Saturday ../../2006-08-23
Person making the booking named first.
Name (Mr, Mrs, Miss, & initials)
Age (if under 18)
1.___________________________________________________________________ 2.___________________________________________________________________ 3.___________________________________________________________________ 4.___________________________________________________________________ _ 5.___________________________________________________________________ 6.___________________________________________________________________ Address (for all correspondence) …………………………………………………………………………………………. Postcode…………………………TelephoneNo.(day)………………………….. Telephone No. (eve)………………… E-mail………………………………………………………………………… Special Requirements: (e.g. baby cot etc.) Payment Details: 1. If more than 6 weeks before holyday start date (Deposit of £100/week booked) --OR— 2. If less than 6 weeks before holiday start date + Breakage Deposit (see conditions, section 4)
£ (Full Payment)
Total Enclosed
Cheque to be made payable to : Mrs. L.J. Foxcroft-Timms. Declaration: I have read and agree to the attached booking conditions, and enclose the appropriate payment.