Geometry Quarter 4 Redacted

  • December 2019
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  • Words: 714
  • Pages: 2
Received Credit: Yes

Rudolf Steiner High School Mathematics Evaluation Student: ​Esther Crawford

Subject: Geometry

Grade: 10

Instructor: Brian D’Auteuil

Quarter: ​4

School Year: 2017-18

Course Description​: This quarter we covered Chapters 11 and 12 of our text ​Geometry​ by Jurgensen et al. Students expanded on their previous concepts of areas of polygons by working through multi step problems in Chapter 11. Chapter 12 challenged students to work on three dimensional figures as we discussed volumes of prisms, pyramids, cylinders, cones and spheres. This semester pushed students to use the problem solving skills we have been working on all year by using previous theorems and postulates to derive areas and volumes. We finished off the year by reviewing ACT geometry problems and studying for the final. Homework was given most nights. Students were given one in class test, one take home test and a final. Attendance: Absences​___​4​____


Student Evaluation: Homework Grade: Ch 11 Test: Ch 12 Test: Final:

86% 87% 76% 88%

Class Average: ​94% Class Average: ​88% Class Average: ​88% Class Average: ​88%

Quarter 4 Grade:


Class Average: ​91%

Semester 2 Grade:


Class Average: ​90

Comments (Homework, participation, etc.): Esther’s​ progress in Geometry, especially the fourth quarter, was wonderful to see as a teacher. Not only has her attendance been much more consistent in the second half of the year, but also her attention in class has significantly improved. Her confidence in the material allowed her to become a more active participant in the class and it was a joy to see her grow in her own appreciation for the material. Furthermore, once she began to put time and energy into doing the assignments outside of class, she saw her test scores dramatically increase. She sought help when she knew she needed it, a metacognitive skill that has developed over the course of the year. It was clear that her study schedule during the two weeks leading up to the final was rigorous and regimented. I hope she can maintain the level of effort she demonstrated in the fourth quarter of my class over the entirety of Algebra 2 next year and I wish her the best in her mathematical career! Comment for Transcript:

Variable test scores and work. Improved considerably!

Received Credit:


Rudolf Steiner High School Mathematics Evaluation Student: ​Mazdalyn Woznicki

Subject: Algebra 1

Grade: 9

Instructor: Brian D’Auteuil

Quarter: ​4

School Year: 2017-18

Course Description:​ We started this quarter off by wrapping up linear equations. We solved for the solution of a system of equations by graphing in addition to substitution and elimination to give students a variety of ways to understand systems. We dedicated the remainder of the year to polynomials. First, we revisited the properties of exponents that we spent time on in the fall. Next, we built on distribution problems that the students had previous experience with by including second order polynomials. After building this foundation, students were more easily able to move backwards and forwards between distributing and factoring. We finished off the year by reviewing for the final, which was a cumulative assessment of the concepts covered this year. Homework was assigned most days. The students took two quizzes, one test and one final. Attendance: Absences​___​0​____


Student Evaluation: Homework Grade: Final Exam Grade: Quizzes/Test/Final Combined Grade: Quarter 4 Grade:

92% 90% 92% 92%

Class Average: ​95% Class Average: ​84% Class Average: ​85% Class Average: ​88%

Semester 2 Grade:


Class Average: ​90%

Comments (Homework, participation, etc.): Mazzy’s​ progress in Algebra class was a joy to see as a teacher. I think she really benefited from the last two weeks of review; it was clear that during this time, she synthesized how each unit flowed into the next. Furthermore, it was evident that she was perceptive to not just what she was doing, but also why she was doing it. Her feedback made it clear that she saw growth in her own self-confidence in mathematics by the end of the year. Her work was consistent and although she had some homework that was incomplete, she always made sure she understood the material from the homework before moving on. She has a very strong holistic grasp of Algebra and I hope she enjoys Geometry next year! Comment for Transcript:

Excellent work and test scores.

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