Geologi Question.docx

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GEOLOGI QUESTION 1. A depression in the sea floor located between a subduction zone and an associated volcanic arc. It is typically filled with sediments from the adjacent landmass and the island arc in addition to trapped oceanic crustal material. What is the name of this basin? Answer : Forearc basin 2. Molten rock in earth’s subsurface which sometimes seeps up to the surface and erupts through the crust as part of volcano lava is called as?

Answer : Magma 3. Explain, What is the depositional environment? Answer : The area in which and physical conditions under which sediments are deposited, including sediment source; depositional processes such as deposition by wind, water or ice; and location and climate, such as desert,swamp or river. 4. What is defenition of Non-Newtonian fluid ! Answer :a fluid whose flow properties differ in any way from those of Newtonian fluids. Most commonly the viscosity of fluids is not independent of shear rate or shear rate history. In the fluid, the relation between the shear stress and the shear rate is different, and can even be time-dependent. 5. In the study of petrology known the terms of Mohs scale. What is the use of the Mohs Scale? Answer : Knowing the level of rock hardness 6. Includes the crust and the uppermost mantle, which constitute the hard and rigid outer layer of the Earth. What is it? Answer : lithosphere 7. Mention Five types of Identifying Physical Properties of Minerals 1.

Answer : Crystal form
















Specific gravity

10. Taste 11. Magnetism 12. Reaction with acid 13. Striations 8. A measurement taken by oil industry well loggers to characterize rock formation properties. The log works by measuring small electric potentials between depths in the borehole and a grounded voltage at the surface. What is the name of the logging tool? Answer : Spontaneous Potential log (SP Log) BONUS QUESTION Mention three of five factors that can cause the SP curve to be muted or even inverted. Answer : 

Formation bed thickness

Resistivities in the formation bed and the adjacent formations

Resistivity and make up of the drilling mud

Wellbore diameter

The depth of invasion by the drilling mud into the formation

9. Mention two types of packer settings! Answer : 





10. This type of rock is formed through three main ways: weathering of other rocks; deposition due to biogenic activity, and precipitation of the solution. from these explanations, what is type of the rock? Answer : Sedimentary Rock BONUS QUESTION Sedimentary rocks can be subdivided into compositional groups based on their mineralogy, mention four of the seven kinds of sedimentary rock based on its mineral composition! Answer : 

Siliciclastic sedimentary rocks,

Carbonate sedimentary rocks

Evaporite sedimentary rocks

Organic-rich sedimentary rocks

Siliceous sedimentary rocks

Iron-rich sedimentary rocks

Phosphatic sedimentary rocks

11. What types of maps that illustrating the contour lines show the places with the same porosity? Answer : Isoporosity Map 12. This type of rock is formed through the cooling and solidification of magma or lava. it may formed with or without crystallization, either below the surface as intrusive rocks or on the surface as extrusive rocks. What is the type of this rock? Answer : Igneous rock BONUS QUESTION Mention four kinds of igneous rock classification based on the content of SiO2! Answer : 

acid igneous rocks

intermediate igneous rocks

basic igneous rocks

ultrabasic igneous rocks

13. The name or term was coined in the scientific discussion of Alfred Wegener's theory of continental drift. In his book The Origin of Continents and Oceans (Die Entstehung der Kontinente und Ozeane) first published in 1915, he postulated that all the continents had at one time formed a single supercontinent which he called the "Urkontinent", before later breaking up and drifting to their present locations. What is name of the term? Answer : Pangea, Pangaea, Pangæa BONUS QUESTION Explain what is the meaning of subduction! Answer : is the process that takes place at convergent boundaries by which one tectonic plate moves under another tectonic plate, sinking into the Earth's mantle, as the plates converge, Subduction zones involve an oceanic plate sliding beneath either a continental plate or another oceanic plate (that is, the subducted plate is always oceanic while the subducting plate may or may not be oceanic) 14. Mention three kinds of distribution of shale or clay in the sandstones Answer : Laminated, Dispersed, Structural BONUS QUESTION What is the difference seismogram and Seismograph Answer : Seismogram


Commonly called a synthetic, is a direct one-dimensional model of

acoustic energy traveling through the layers of the Earth. The synthetic seismogram is generated by convolving the reflectivity derived from digitized acoustic and density logs with the wavelet derived from seismic data. Seismograph = A device or system that records the ground oscillations that make up exploration seismic data or earthquakes, sometimes used incorrectly as a synonym for geophone. A seismograph can include amplifiers, receivers and a recording device (such as a computer disk or magnetic tape) to record seismograms. 15. Mention logging tool used to measure the density of rocks Answer : Density Log

BONUS QUESTION Estimate the Density of sandstone on condition Salt Water using the following data from Density Log Data if known bulk density 2.4 gr/cc. Answer : 0.16129 FDL =

 ma -  b 2.65  2.4 = =0.16129  ma -  f 2.65  1.1

16. It is part of igneous rocks. This rock formed by lava flows or volcanic ash deposition on top of an existing surface. It consists of 2 types based on relationships with surrounding rocks which are concordant and discordant. What is type of igneous rock? Answer : Igneous rock Intrusif 17. What is the yype of Geophysics science that studies the structure and composition of the Earth through seismic waves, and of surface deformations during earthquakes and seismic hazards?Answer : Seismology 18. Geologic features, submarine basins associated with island arcs and subduction zones. They are found at some convergent plate boundaries, presently concentrated in the Western Pacific ocean. Most of them result from tensional forces caused by oceanic trench rollback and the collapse of the edge of the continent. what is type of basin ? Answer : Back-arc basins (or retro-arc basins) BONUS QUESTION Mention four types of Continental depositional environment! Answer : 





19. A branch of earth sciences, is the scientific discipline that deals with the measurement and representation of the Earth, including its gravitational field, in a three-dimensional time-varying space. this science also study geodynamical phenomena such as crustal motion, tides, and polar motion. What is the name of the science?

Answer : Geodesy/ Geodetics 20. The science and study of the solid Earth and the processes by which it is shaped and changed. The science provides primary evidence for plate tectonics, the history of life and evolution, and past climates. In modern times, this science is commercially important for mineral and hydrocarbon exploration, evaluating water resources and etc. What is the name of science? Answer : Geology 21. A chain of volcanoes parallel to a mountain belt positioned in an arc shape as seen from above. Generally they are formed from subduction of an oceanic tectonic plate under another tectonic plate. The friction produces magma at depth under the overriding plate. What is it called? Answer : Volcanic arc BONUS QUESTION Mention two type of Volcanic arc Answer : Oceanic arcs and Continental arcs 22. This method makes it quick with a fairly accurate results in well logging analysis. This method is particularly done in the drilling area after logging job. The results obtained are quantitatively. What is the name of this method? Answer : Quick Look Method 23. The transformation of an existing rock type, the protolith, which means "change in form". The protolith is subjected to heat and pressure (temperatures greater than 150 to 200 °C and pressures of 1500 bars) causing profound physical and/or chemical change.They are also formed when rock is heated up by the intrusion of hot molten rock called magma from the Earth's interior. What is type of the rock? Answer : Metamorphic rock 24. The data are used to analyze potential petroleum reservoirs and mineral deposits, to locate groundwater, to locate archaeological finds, to find the thicknesses of glaciers and soils, and for environmental remediation. Those statements are the function of? Answer : Geophysical survey 25. Mention three kinds of natural radioactive elements of rock that can be recorded by radioactive log!

Answer : Uranium, Thorium, Potassium 26. Within the field of geology is able to explain why certain types of minerals tend to be found together while others are almost never associated with one another. Based upon this scheme, one can infer from the minerals present in a rock the relative conditions under which the material had formed. The statements describe the definition of? Answer : Bowen's reaction series 27. This are characteristics of rock, 1. Common components found in sedimentary rock 2. Chemical Formula aluminosilicates 3. There are 4 types, depending on the forming environment: montmorillonite, illite, chlorite, and kaolinite What is the type of the rock? Answer : Clay 28. Mention three types of logging equipment belonging to the type of log porosity tools Answer :Density Log, Sonic Log and Neutron Log 29. What is the type of log that used to detect thin layers of a long way in determining the value of True resistivity when combined with Short Normal Logs? Answer : Induction Electrical Survey (IES) 30. Sedimentary structures caused by the sedimentation process or by processes that occur shortly after sedimentation, or before or at the time of diagenesis is definition of.. Answer : Primary Sedimentary Structures 31. A continuous recording of wells on the rate of drilling (in time) for each foot along the borehole depth is the definition of... Answer : Drilling Time Log 32. A continuous recording of wells on the rate of drilling (in time) for each foot along the borehole depth is the definition of... Answer : Drilling Time Log 33. What is the name of the tools that used to catch the reflection of seismic waves from the formation to the surface? Answer : Geophone 34. The tools that used at the bottom of the tubing that prevents the production of grains of sand come together with hydrocarbon fluid from the productive formation into the wellbore is.. Answer : Conventional Screen / Screen

35. What is the name of the tools that used to protect the well from the influence of formation fluids and the surrounding pressure, protect the well from avalanches formation, separating

the productive formation with each other and together it reinforce the cement wall and facilitate the well drilling and other production operations? Answer : Casing 36. What is the name of method that used to monitor and record the mud and drilling parameters that can be used as initial data to detect reservoir / hydrocarbons during the drilling process at the time? Answer : Mud Logging or Data Unit 37. Clastic sediments are classified based on certain parameters. Mention three of them! Answer : grain size, clast and cementing material (matrix) composition, and texture 38. Mention three kinds of unconformity in deposition of rocks according to Dunbar & Rogers! Answer : 

angular unconformity


non conformity


39. Geologists also study unlithified material, which typically comes from more recent deposits. It includes the study of sediment and soils, and is important to some (or many) studies in geomorphology, sedimentology, and paleoclimatology. The study of such material is often known as Answer : Quarternary Geology 40. The younger strata located at the top in an undisturbed sequence of sedimentary rocks. What is the name of this law? Answer : Law of Superposition 41. What is the name of this unconformity based on the picture?

Answer : Angular Unconfirmity 42. This type of log is used to determine resistivity formation in the flushed zone. The other measurements are focused to minimize the effect of mudcake and rogues hole. This log is usually combined with a laterolog or induction log to correct the latter for the effects of invasion and for saturation determination in quick-look ratio methods. What is the name of this log? Answer : Microresistivity Log 43. Mention four things that can be learned in the stratigraphy! Answer : 

Continuity of layer

Age of each layer

The relationship between layer

Variation of each layer

44. From the RIL and SN deflection curve, what is the type of hydrocarbon containing the permeable layer?

Answer : Oil 45. Based on Mohs hardness scale, mention five in order out of ten the type of rock! Answer : 1. Talc 2. Gypsum 3. Calcite 4. Fluorite 5. Apatite 6. Feldspar 7. Quartz 8. Topaz 9. Corundum 10. Diamond

46. Arenite is also known as.. Answer : Sandstone 47. What are the three parameters obtained in the invaded zone! Answer : Rxo (Resistivity of flushed zone), Rmf (mud filtrat resistivity), Sxo (Flused zone water saturation), Rmc (Resistivity of mud cake), Rm (Mud Resistivity) 48. Based on the depth of the depositional environment in the ocean (marine), which is a depositional environment with a depth of more than 2000 meters is the characteristic of? Answer : Abyssal 49. What is the name of the tool used to measure the broad of contour map? Answer : Planimeter 50. What is the name of sediment structure exposed at the surface based on the picture?

Answer : Cross bedding

51. What is the type of log that used to measure the direction and magnitude of the slope layer through which the drill hole, identify the structure, interpret stratigraphy, localize faults and unconformity , and identify fracture? Answer : Dipmeter Log 52. Mention 2 types of structural trap Answer : Fold trap, Fault trap 53. Mention four parameters obtained in Uninvaded Zone

Answer : Rt (True Resistivity), Rw (Water Resistivity), Sw (Water Saturation), Rs (Resistivity of the Uninvaded Zone) 54. The method of geology to excavation of fossil material for research into past life and evolution, or the study of prehistoric life, including organisms' evolution and interactions with each other and their environments is.. Answer : Paleontology 55. The Basin is occurred between island arc and continent. The basin was filled by shallow marine sediments. "Heat Flow" from the basin is usually high to very high that causing volcanic activity. What is the name of the basin? Answer : Back arc Basin 56.

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