Genuine Biblical Repentance Tract

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Genuine Biblical Repentance Isaiah 55:6,7; I Corinthians 6:9-11

Repentance! Nowadays, we see so much profession about Christ but rarely do we hear about or practically see this crucial element to true salvation. But what is true repentance exactly? Is it saying a sinner’s prayer after a preacher or confessing one’s sins to a religious person? In our own words, we define true repentance as “a change of heart and mind about sin and God. In other words, “it is a complete change of heart and mind from a life of sin to a life of righteousness.” Repentance, among many things includes the following:

Genuine Biblical repentance

1. A sight of Sin (sibi)-One sees him/her self as God sees them, as well as the terrible seriousness of Sin. Many in our days don not realize that they are extremely vile and sinful in the eyes of God and as such move along in life oblivious of their state. They are in a state of death but once awakened through the work of the Spirit, they realize and see the need to repent. Act 16:14, 30, 31. 2. A sorrow for sin- Having realized their sinful state in the sight of God, they become extremely sad and disturbed because of the many years of willfully offending God. There are grieved that they have spent many years in vanity and pride, caring not that the Lord was crucified in their stead. 3. Confession of Sin to God alone. When one is enlightened and the light of God’s spirit flashes into their sin filled hearts, the person does not linger in sin but hastily confesses and admits all the offences they have done against

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God. The person therefore owns up and tells God, the offended party, about this. No sins are veiled all hidden at this stage! At this stage, the person feels like the Prodigal Son who does not feel worthy to be called a child of God. Note that this confession is not done to any person such as a Priest, Apostle, Elder or Pastor but to God alone through Christ our only high priest. Acts 17: 30,31 4. Forsaking sin- following the confession, the person takes a further step to violently hurl out sin out of their lives, having realized that sin is their worst enemy. Sin threatens to damn them to Hell. Unfortunately, many in our days do not forsake sin but merely reform, laying aside certain public sins and adopting other private sins. But this forsaking is total and final, all things become new. Acts 26:20. 5. Fleeing to Christ alone for refuge-When one flees from a Lion, they run to safety, not towards an open space where


they will be devoured. They run towards a safe place for security. Similarly, the person repenting realizes that Jesus Christ alone is the only refuge from the wages of sin-Death Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23, Acts 16:29, 30, 31, Acts 4:12. 6. A trusting in Christ as the only sufficient saviour.(Faith)This comes as a result of fleeing to Christ for refuge and once one has arrived in Christ, they rest from all their human made righteous acts. In other words, when one finds Christ, they find the pearl of great price and rest from all their weary ways. They do not trust Christ because He is found in a certain locality or due to language but as THE only Saviour that God has given by which we must be saved. Matthew 11:27,Ephesians 2:810, Acts 4:12, 7. Positively begin to live the new life for Christ. When all the above have taken place, the new believe is characterized by an earnestness to live for Christ as a result of a thankful heart to

Genuine Biblical repentance

God for the great deliverance from sin and its consequences. The person is not content to keep away from sin but rather, seeks to assault sin in all its shapes, shades and appearances. Unlike many who fossilize as soon as they claim to have repented, the novice has a longing to stand up for Jesus and do as much as they can when God lends them breathe. The Babe in Christ has a new heart, new aspirations, new company, new habits, new appetites, new desires as well as new principles guided by God’s word. Ah what a mighty transformation in ones’ life! What revenge against sin! Sadly though, many name the name of Christ in our days, these new traits are absent in their lives! 2 Corinthians 5:17; 7:11, Acts 26: 20 These are the sure experiences of some one who is a new creation. Reader, do you know any thing of what we have been describing? Do you think and are persuaded that that which you claim is the genuine article or just a mere

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imitation that will not hold in the Last day? If any of the elements described above are missing, you have never become a true child of God yet. Oh dear friend make sure that what you have is the genuine Biblical repentance as it is in Jesus Christ! If you have any questions, kindly get in touch with us at the Kambule Reformed Baptist Church Mongu. Cell: 097 Cell: (097) 623616, 410372,626426,429521 Western Province-Mongu E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]

“We preach Christ and Him crucified” I Corinthians 2: 2


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