Genetic Centre

  • December 2019
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GENETIC CENTRE Prof. Dr. Madhavan

Prof. Dr. Madhavan – Bangalore Cell 0 98860 67232

Vethathiri Science Research Academy


Genetic Center

Cell Nucleus

A+T, C+G

DNA Helix

Mind Development The future of Health

Prof. Dr. Madhavan Bangalore Chromosome


Vethathirian Holistic Sciences

Some Food for Thought “ For those who believe , Proof is not required, and For those who do not believe, Proof is not possible” “ God is matter of belief and Science is a matter of Proof”

“ For Science, God is immaterial, and For God, Science is Moral” “ Science seems to have done more damage to Human nature than God. God, whatever it may be, reflect more care & concern to Humans ”

“ When Science meets God, then Peace to Humans, will prevail”

Prof. Dr. Madhavan – Bangalore Cell 0 98860 67232

Vethathiri Science Research Academy

Science Integrates Scientists Divide?

Life and mind, are they made out of lifeless and mindless substrate physics? Let us Think again!




Particles & Forces



Prof. Dr. Madhavan – Bangalore Cell 0 98860 67232

Vethathiri Science Research Academy

The Cosmos

Mass Budget Radiation

0.005 %

Ordinary visible matter

0.5 %

Ordinary nonluminous

3.5 %


Nature of dark matter and

dark energy still unknown.

Exotic dark matter

26 %

It is not “immaterial” as it carry mass.

Even more exotic dark “energy”

70 % Prof. Dr. Madhavan – Bangalore Cell 0 98860 67232

Vethathiri Science Research Academy

Science 2 God  Vethathirian Sciences open up a new vistas of bridging Science and God  Vethathirian Gravity throws new light on “Unified force Principle”  Vethathirian Universal / Bio Magnetism forms the energy network of the Universe (Material energy to Bio energy and back to material energy)  Vethathirian Genetic centre, a new morality factor connecting the issue of pains to pleasure. Prof. Dr. Madhavan – Bangalore Cell 0 98860 67232

Vethathiri Science Research Academy

Gravity – The Almighty God Atom E.Gravity







Electro Mag

Wave Things Active Energy Space Gravity Passive Absolute Space Prof. Dr. Madhavan – Bangalore Cell 0 98860 67232

Vethathiri Science Research Academy

What is Centre of Gravity for Mass (UM) is Center of Genetics for Human Mind (BM) is called as GENETIC CENTER

Vethathirian Holistic Sciences

Gravity is due to Self compressive Pressure Force That is the Vethathirian Gravity – God.

Genetics are the Information imprints pressure force That is the Vethathirian – Genetic Centre Humans are Imprints Recorder and Player. Recording in GC by Gravity Attractive Pressure force Playing from GC by Repulsive force GC is the center for 3 – namely BM, LF and Seed cells Vethathirian Holistic Sciences

Particle Formative Dust Particle


Functions Results - Self Rotative Force - Particle - Transmitting spreading - Wave Wave 3



Character Rotate @ High Speed



Spreading Wave Prof. Dr. Madhavan – Bangalore Cell 0 98860 67232

Vethathiri Science Research Academy

Magnetism Character

• •

• •

Rub with adjacent Abs. Space through spreading wave Looses speed in time

Functions - Create Magnetism effect (opposites) - Particles comes closer forming Masses - Quantity transformation

Results - Universal Magnetism


- 5 Elements - Akash - Air - Heavy Air - Earth 5 Changes in Magnetism - Quality transformation - Pressure 6 (due to changes in - Sound 7 speed & Particles) - Light 8 - Taste 9 At Integrative Speed - Formation of Living - Smell Organisms - Evolution of Living Beings Prof. Dr. Madhavan – Bangalore Cell 0 98860 67232 - Mind 10

Vethathiri Science Research Academy

Duality of Matter Universe is made up of two kinds of stuff: “Seen” (Physical) and “Unseen” (Felt as Effects). And both are one and the same. 1. Matter  Body - Particles - Discreteness, reductionism 2. "Energy"  Mind, Spirit, Soul,Vital Force - Electromagnetic/ bioenergetic fields - Continuity, holism Prof. Dr. Madhavan – Bangalore Cell 0 98860 67232

Vethathiri Science Research Academy

Energy Fields of Life ". . . energy fields are postulated to constitute the fundamental unit of the living and nonliving.“ [The field is] "a unifying concept and energy signifies the dynamical nature of the field. Energy fields are infinite and Para dimensional; they are in continuous motion." Martha Rogers

Prof. Dr. Madhavan – Bangalore Cell 0 98860 67232

Vethathiri Science Research Academy

Prof. Dr. Madhavan – Bangalore Cell 0 98860 67232

Vethathiri Science Research Academy

Unified Force Magnetism Universal Magnetism Bio Magnetism Electro Magnetism Magnificent + Net = Prof. Dr. Madhavan – Bangalore Cell 0 98860 67232

Vethathiri Science Research Academy

Theory of Genetic Center The Basics… The cell is the structural and functional unit of all known living organisms, and is sometimes called the ‘building block of life’. The cell nucleus acts like the brain of the cell. It helps control eating, movement, and reproduction. If something happens in a cell, the nucleus certainly comes to know about it.

Prof. Dr. Madhavan – Bangalore Cell 0 98860 67232

Vethathiri Science Research Academy

Theory of Genetic Center Formation of a Single Celled Organism: As per specific gravity principle, a bio-cell is formed with a denser middle region due to extreme compression and a surrounding region which is generally loosely packed.

Such loosely packed molecules form the cytoplasm of a single celled organism where as the inner region with densely packed molecules becomes the nucleus. Prof. Dr. Madhavan – Bangalore Cell 0 98860 67232

Formation of Nucleus due to specific gravity in a single cell

Vethathiri Science Research Academy

Theory of Genetic Center Magnetism is developed in a single celled organism due to the motion of life force particles [vethans] in it. As per specific gravity principle, the generated magnetic waves form a wave packet at the vortex region. This wave packet consists of all the magnetic waves generated from the different molecules of that cell and so it contains the properties of that single celled organism. This wave packet is termed as ‘Genetic Center’. Prof. Dr. Madhavan – Bangalore Cell 0 98860 67232

Formation of Magnetic Wave Packet due to specific gravity in a single cell

Vethathiri Science Research Academy

Theory of Genetic Center The magnetic wave packet formed in the vortex region transfers its energy with the molecules in that region and so the properties of all the magnetic waves are imprinted in those molecules. This imprinting process takes place through the five wave functions Clash, Reflection, Refraction, Interaction, Penetration. Such imprinted molecules are invented to be the Genetic Code [DNA] of that cell. Formation of Magnetic Imprints in a Single Celled Organism

Prof. Dr. Madhavan – Bangalore Cell 0 98860 67232

Vethathiri Science Research Academy

Theory of Genetic Center

In Eukaryotes, the manifestation of specific gravity is very effective that a separate part called nucleus is formed. The genetic code of that cell is embedded with in that nucleus.


In prokaryotes, the nucleus is not fully developed and the genetic code floats in the inner regions of the cytoplasm. Prokaryote

Location Aspects of Genetic Codes in a Single Cell

Prof. Dr. Madhavan – Bangalore Cell 0 98860 67232

Vethathiri Science Research Academy

Theory of Genetic Center

Genetic Center

Bio-Magnetic Field

Formation of Bio-Magnetic Field in Multiple Celled Organisms

As the evolution progressed, multiple celled bodies were formed and in them, the generated magnetic waves, formed a magnetic field as well as a magnetic wave packet in the middle.

Prof. Dr. Madhavan – Bangalore Cell 0 98860 67232

Vethathiri Science Research Academy

Theory of Genetic Center

In humans, life force particles spin inside atoms and move in between clusters of atoms that a magnetic field is formed. This magnetic field also comprises the waves that emerge from the brain cells.

The magnetic field formed is called as BioMagnetism this is the energy repository of a human body.

Bio-Magnetic Field of a Human Prof. Dr. Madhavan – Bangalore Cell 0 98860 67232

Vethathiri Science Research Academy

Theory of Genetic Center Physics Background: According to wave theory of Vethathiriam, energy transfer takes place in universal Magnetism as well as in Bio-Magnetism based on five wave functions.

Interaction Event

They are, Clash Event

1. Clash. 2. Reflection.

Refraction Event Penetration Event

3. Refraction. 4. Interaction.

Reflection Event

Wave Functions and Energy Transfer

5. Penetration. These five wave functions play a major role in the formation of Prof. Dr. Madhavan – Bangalore Cell 0 imprints. 98860 67232 magnetic

Vethathiri Science Research Academy

Theory of Genetic Center

Bio-Magnetic Field

Genetic Center

The vortex region of a human’s bio-magnetic field, called as Moola dhara is the region where all the magnetic waves are clustered as a wave packet. This wave packet is called as the genetic center of a human. In humans, this packet consists of waves from the brain cells also. Hence, genetic center of a human, is the storage location of all bio-magnetic waves including the brain waves which decide the character of a human.

Genetic Center of a Human

Prof. Dr. Madhavan – Bangalore Cell 0 98860 67232

Vethathiri Science Research Academy

Magnetism Vethathiri’s Magnetism  Gravity – the Almighty, Space.  Space is not vacuum. Has Potent Stock force.  This stock force – being a Self surrounding pressure force (SSPF) create opposites, thereby millions of formative dust particles are generated.  All particles generated by the SSPF will be rotating at very high speeds.  Any rotating thing invariably has 2 forces acting.

Prof. Dr. Madhavan – Bangalore Cell 0 98860 67232

Vethathiri Science Research Academy

Magnetism Vethathiri’s Magnetism ( Contd.,)  The 2 forces are, (1) Centripetal – attractive towards centre of rotation responsible for forming the particle and (2) Centrifugal- repulsive responsible for dissolving the particle in the form of waves.  Every particle is a wave in disintegration and every wave is a particle in integration. Therefore particle and wave are inseparable. Therefore particle is matter and wave is Magnet. Prof. Dr. Madhavan – Bangalore Cell 0 98860 67232

Vethathiri Science Research Academy

Magnetism Vethathiri’s Magnetism ( Contd.,)  Some Formative Dust Particles group together (with slowed down speed) as Akash, followed by a series of grouping into macro 5 elements ( Pancha boothas)  Te entire process of changes right from the FDP Till the beginning of living cells is due to UNIVERSAL MAGNETISM.  5 elements give rise to single cell organisms in a micro level, starting with 1 sense vegetation, 2 sense worms, 3 sense insects, 4 sense reptiles & Prof. Dr. Madhavan – Bangalore Cell 0 98860 67232 5 sense animals, with their respective sense organs. Vethathiri Science Research Academy

Magnetism Vethathiri’s Magnetism ( Contd.,)  This changes continue till the 6th sense for humans.  This entire process of changes right from beginning of living cells till the humans is due to BIO MAGNETISM.  Magnetism is the - unseen quality in nature. - life force in living beings - Genetic centre in all lives. BETTER MAGNETIC STRENGTH MEANS BETTER THINGS AND BETTER LIFE. Prof. Dr. Madhavan – Bangalore Cell 0 98860 67232

Vethathiri Science Research Academy

Mind is a Projection of Life force (BM) Thoughts - From mind


Mind is build up of past/present experiences and future expectations.

10 Steps of mind


Feel, Need, Zeal, Action, Result, Enjoyment, Experience, Research, Realisation, & Conclusion.

Prof. Dr. Madhavan – Bangalore Cell 0 98860 67232

Vethathiri Science Research Academy

Life Energy Source




Food Water Air Cosmic Rays Earth Radiation

Life Energy spent


Streamlining of life Energy expense


Work Rest Digestion Sex Thought forces

For Continuous dynamic balancing of changes in environment and perceptions Mostly with sensory organs and thought processes Quieting the thought process Focussed thought By Meditation exercise Prof. Dr. Madhavan – Bangalore Cell 0 98860 67232

Vethathiri Science Research Academy

Life Energy Mental Condition

Mental Frequency

Wakeful - Normal - Peaceful Dream Deep Sleep

Beta Alpha Gamma Delta

14 - 40 CPS (Cycle Per Second) 8-13 CPS 2 - 7 CPS 0.5 - 2 CPS

Higher Frequency


Higher rate of life expense

Lower Frequency


Lower rate of life energy expense

Higher Potential of life energy


Clarity in understanding Higher output / unit time Balanced temper Pro active Work is pleasure Prof. Dr. Madhavan – Bangalore Cell 0 98860 67232

Vethathiri Science Research Academy

Mental Frequency Level for Purification Beta Wave

Alpha Wave

Theta Wave

Delta Wave

14 - 40 Cps.

8 - 13 Cps.

4 - 7 Cps.

0.5 - 3 Cps.

Normal Living

Inner Travel

Mind taking shapes & quality thro' Senses

Agna meditation (Pitutary Gland)

Sensuous intoxication leading to - Excessive Desire - Anger - Miserliness - Immoral Passion - Vanity - Vengence Result : Pain/Misery

- Develop awareness in thought, word & action. - Soul / life energy consciousness - Aviod material consciousness Result : Purify Karma Akamya

Thuriya meditation (Pineal Gland) - Good thoughts reflect on others - Stamina & Vitality - Victory over fear & disease - Understand cosmic knowledge Result : Purify Karma Prarabdha

Thuriya theeth meditation - Secrets of Nature Revealed - Dissolves ego, imprints & illusion Result : - Purify all Karmas - Purify Genetic Centre - Ocean of Bliss

Prof. Dr. Madhavan – Bangalore Cell 0 98860 67232

Vethathiri Science Research Academy

Universal Magnetism Flow Prana Life force - BM

Air Filling Particle

Air Resipiratory System

Fire Transfer Particle

Fire Nervous System

Water Flowing Particle

Water Blood circulation

Earth Massive Particle

Earth Physical Body

Bio Magnetism

Bio Magnetism

Ether Energy Particle

Prof. Dr. Madhavan – Bangalore Cell 0 98860 67232 Universal Magnetism Flow

Vethathiri Science Research Academy

 Physical Body Health is the basis on which rest of the Holistic Health resides.  Physical Body is essentially a combination of 3 bodies known to our ancestors thousands of years back. Namely,  Sthula Sareera ( Matter )  Sukuma Sarrera and ( Bio Energy )  Karana Sarrera ( Universal Energy )  No therapy can heal unless all these 3 bodies are well understood and cared for.  The dynamics of Matter + Energy ( Bio + Uni ) Magnetism determines the health.

Prof. Dr. Madhavan – Bangalore Cell 0 98860 67232

Vethathiri Science Research Academy

 Universal Energy feeds Body system in five ways to become Bio Energy. They are:  Food  Water  Air  Cosmic Rays and  Earth Radiation  Too much or Too less can create problems of Health.  Body system uses up the Bio Energy in five ways. Namely:  Physical Work  Mental Work  Maintenance (Rest) work  Metabolic Work and  Sex Work  Too much or Too less can create problems of Health Prof. Dr. Madhavan – Bangalore Cell 0 98860 67232

Vethathiri Science Research Academy

Purpose of Living is to purify Impurities in GC. Impurities in GC  Unfulfilled desires  Telling lies  Hurting others feelings  Negative emotions (Anger, Vengeance etc)  Not adopting ‘Limit & Method’  Leading Lazy life and living in others efforts SKY Techniques for Purification  Body Exercises  Kaya Kalpa Exercise  Meditation  Introspection  Dropping 6 vices and Developing 6 virtues  5 Living Discipline  Understanding Brahma Gyan Prof. Dr. Madhavan – Bangalore Cell 0 98860 67232

Vethathiri Science Research Academy


Prof. Dr. Madhavan – Bangalore Cell 0 98860 67232

Vethathiri Science Research Academy

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