
  • November 2019
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  • Words: 656
  • Pages: 3
GENERAL: 1.tell about urself 2.normalization in sql of tables in ur projects 4.architecture of ur project a module leader what's ur role 6 How to interact with client 7 Software life cycles 8 Different types of software models 9 Different types of SortingList 10 Diff between Dbms and RDbms 11.Example of subquery with syntax 12. how to find the EMI dates between two given dates using sql 13 how to quartely emi to for the bank loan from given date using sql 14. About Projects and ur responsibilities 15 Differenc between procedures and functions JAVA : 1.oops concepts inheritance,encapsulation,polymorphism 2.advantages of oops 3.difference between class,abstract class and interface 4.stringbuffer and string difference 5.gargabe collection 6.sql packages consists of 7.overloading and overriding which is compile or runtime 8.whether main class can be private or protected 9.static class or varibles is inherited or not 10.what about static blocks 11.try/catch/finally how to exit without running finally 12.Once we declared final for vector it is possibe to add values in it 13 Types of JDBC Drivers 14 JDBC Connection Coding (Including ClassForName) 15 Prepared Statement and Callable Statement 16 Example of runtime & compile time polymorphism 17 Abstract method does not have both abstract and non abstract methods,whether it compile or not 18 Use of abstract class in java 19 Thread synchronization 20. How u implemented oops in ur projects. 21.About This keyword 22.About Final keyword 23.Overiding and OverLoading Examples( same method with same argument in same class with diff return types)

24.Threads States 25 Exception Handling try/catch/finally 26.CompileTime and RunTime Exception diff 27.NumberFormatException 28.Different types of exception 29.How many instance for service methods in servlets created if 50 clients connected. 30.How to find limited 10 rows in sql 31.Tell about procedures


SERVLETS & JSP : 1.what is servlet 2.types of servlets 3.difference between GenericServlet and HttpServlet 4.Tell about MVC 5.Servlet life cycle and jsp life cycle 6.diff b/w both life cycles 7.servlet's interfaces and classes 8.what are Http Methods 9.what are the methods of servlet 10.HttpServlet is Stateful or Stateless. to make a variable global to available throughout the web application without using sessions to perform auto commit in web application 13.cookies,urlrewriting 14.session tracking and its types 15.httptunnelling 16.session management 17.servlet to servlet communication 18. servlet chaining 19 diff b/w cgi and servlet 20 how to load a image in servlet 21 what are the servlet listeners 22 diff b/w applet and servlet 23 security levels in servlet 24 exceptions by servlet 25 diff between doGet and doPost methods 26 only we used get method in html whether it is possible 27 to use doPost in servlet file is it compile or not 28 How will u create HttpSession 29 Why use argument as true or false in HttpSession

30 how will maintain session management 31 how will use intiation parameters 32 diff between request.RequestDispatcher and context.RequestDispatcher 33 diff between SendRidirect and RequestDispatcher 34 About ControllerServlet and ActionMappings 35 Servlet Context and Servlet Config diff 36 About Filters 37 How to initiaze the Servlet Init while deploy itself 38.Is it reasonable to store gif images in web application(like shared folder) 39.Which is best Servlet or Jsp? 40.Servlet and Jsp is Two Tier or Three Tier ? 41.Custom tags in jsp and its advantages 42.Tag Libraries in jsp to handle error in jsp(Ans:IsErrorPage) 44.Deployment in Tomcat 4.1 45.About Installation of Tomcat 4.1 and About IDE(Eclipse) 46.How to create log file 47.How to handle runtime exception in ur application 48.When Servlet Exception Occurs 49. How to configure tomcat in eclipse

XML & XSL 1.what is use of xml 2 how is xml implemented in ur project 3.diff b/w dom parser and saxparser 4.About web services 5 About struts 6 what is version of xml used in ur project 7.use of xsl 8.About xmlparser domparser 9.How to find a tag element in xml using parser 10.How to draw textboxes using xml and xsl 11.Use of ajax

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