Gene Lecture 11 Transcription

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  • Pages: 10
Fundamental Genetics Lecture 9

The Genetic Code and Transcription John Donnie A. Ramos, Ph.D. Dept. of Biological Sciences College of Science University of Santo Tomas

Flow of Genetic Information


The Genetic Code ‰ Linear form (mRNA derived from DNA) ‰ Triplet codons (triplets of ribonucleotides coding for 1 amino acid) ‰ Unambiguous (1 codon = 1 amino acid only) ‰ Degenerate ( 1 amino acid can be specified by several codons) ‰ Contains specific start and stop codons ‰ Commaless (no breaks once translation starts until the stop codon is reached) ‰ Non-overlapping (single reading frame) ‰ Universal (same ribonucleotide used by all organisms)

The Discovery of the Genetic Code ‰ Francois Jacob and Jacques Monod (1961) – messenger RNA (mRNA) ‰ Sydney Brenner (1960s) – codon in triplets (minimal use of the 4 mRNA bases to specificy 20 aa) (43=64) ‰ Francis Crick – frameshift mutations alters the codons ‰ Mariane Manago and Severo Ochoa polynucleotide phosphorylase (synthesis of RNA without template)paved the way to the production of RNA polymeres in cell free-systems


The Discovery of the Genetic Code ‰ Marshall Nirenberg and J. Heinrich Matthaei (1661) – codons ‰ used cell-free protein synthesizing system and polynucleotide phosphorylase ‰ RNA Homopolymers (UUUUUU…, AAAAAAA…, CCCCCC…, GGGGG…) ‰ UUU (Phenylalanine) ‰ AAA (Lysine) ‰ CCC (Proline)

‰ RNA Mixed Copolymers

1A:5C (1/6 A: 5/6C)

The Triplet Binding Assay ‰ Developed by M. Nirenberg and P. Leder (1964) ‰ Mimics the in vivo translation of proteins where a mRNA-tRNAribosome complex is formed when all three macromolecules are allowed to interact.


Repeating Copolymers ‰ Developed by Gobind Khorana (1960s) ‰ Synthetic long RNAs with repeating sequences

Results of Repeating Copolymers


The Universal Genetic Code ‰ Degeneracy ‰ Wobble Hypothesis ‰ Start codon (N-formylmethionine)

‰ Termination codons ‰ Universal Viruses Bacteria Archaea Eukaryotes

Exceptions to the Universal Code


Transcription ‰ Uses DNA as a template ‰ Catalyzed by RNA polymerase (holoenzyme of 500 kD) ‰

αββ’σ subunits

‰ Sense strand / template strand – DNA strand used as a template for transcription ‰ Promoter region – DNA sequence recognized by σ factor to initiate transcription (60 bases). (upstream of a gene) ‰ TATA box (Pribnow box) – TATAAT sequence ‰ Sigma factor (σ70, σ28, σ32, σ54)

Transcription ‰ RNA polymerase don’t need primers ‰ Elongation in 5’ to 3’ direction ‰ Rate in E coli: 50 bases/sec at 37°C ‰ Termination is a function of rho (ρ) factor – hexameric protein interacting with the end of a gene ‰ Polycistronic mRNA – bacterial mRNA containing information for the synthesis of proteins of related function ‰ Monocystronic mRNA – eukaryotic mRNA containing information for a single protein.


Eukaryotic Transcription ‰ Features of eukaryotic transcription different from prokaryotic transcription: ‰ Transcription inside the nucleus under the direction of 3 different RNA polymerases

‰ Presence of protein factors (promoters, enhancers, etc.) binding to the upstream portion of a gene (cis-acting elements) during initiation step. ‰ Presence of post-transcriptional regulation.

Cis -acting Elements ‰ TATA Box (Goldberg-Hogness Box) ‰ Located 30 bases upstream from the start of transcription (-30) ‰ Consensus sequence: TATAAAA ‰ Facilitates denaturation of helix because it is ATrich region

‰ CAAT Box ‰ Located 80 bases upstream from the start of transcription (-80) ‰ Consensus sequence: GGCCAATCT ‰ Influence the efficiency of the promoter


Trans -acting Factors ‰ Transcription factors – facilitates template binding during the initiation of transcription ‰ Example: ‰ TFIID (TATA-binding protein or TBP) – binds to TATA-box

Post-transcriptional Processing ‰ 7-methylguanosine cap (7mG) ‰ Protection from nucleases ‰ Role mRNA transport across the nuclear membrane

‰ 3’ cleavage site: ‰ AAUAAA ‰ Failure of 3’ cleavage results to absence of poly A tail

‰ Split genes – contains intervening sequences


RNA Splicing ‰ Ribozyme – RNA with catalytic activity ‰ Self-excision process – process of RNA splicing or intron removal. ‰ Transesterification – interaction between guanosine and the transcript. ‰ 2 successive transesterification processes

The Spliceosome ‰ Alternative splicing ‰ Small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNP or snurps) – bonds to GU or AG sites of introns ‰ 2 transesterification processes ‰ Snurps form a loop (lariat) in the branch point region ‰ Produces isoforms of proteins


RNA Editing ‰ Substitution editing ‰ changes in the nucleotide bases of a given mRNA ‰ Common in mitochondrial RNA and chloroplast RNA ‰ Example: Apoliprotein B (Apo B) – C to U change CAA to UAA

‰ Insertion / deletion editing ‰ addition or removal of nucleotide sequences ‰ Common in mitochondrial RNA or guide RNA (gRNA)


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