Gcew Global Inventory Parts Ordering Instructions V6

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 18
Global Service Logistics (GSL) RIM Web Tools CE Training & User Guide


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.............................................................................................................................................2 Introduction:.........................................................................................................................3 Setting Up Your RIM Web Browser Settings:.....................................................................4 Adding the Parts look up link to your device:.................................................................4 The Global Service Logistics (GSL) Home Page:...............................................................5 Adding the User Profile to your device:..........................................................................6 The Global Service Logistics (GSL) Home Page Functions:..........................................7 Manage Ship To Favorites...............................................................................................8 Check Order Status.......................................................................................................10 Return Part – Reverse Logistics (US ONLY)................................................................11 Place Regular Order.......................................................................................................12 Parts Lookup / Place Priority Order:..............................................................................13 Frequently Asked Questions and Answers:........................................................................17

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Introduction: The Global Service Logistics (GSL) RIM Web Tools are a suite of Logistics Tools that will allow the CE to:  View all available parts within 100 mi / 160 km by location available  View all possible interchangeable, conditional and upgradeable substitutes  View other CE’s Good Spares (Buddy Stock)  Shows distance next to each warehouse location from Customers postal code  Allows CE to select the specific Warehouse for Pick-Up  Order Parts for Regular, Pick-Up or Next Day Type Orders (must call Service Coordinator for all Same Day part Orders)  Check Order Status of Parts that are currently ordered  (US ONLY) Process Parts Returns (Reverse Logistics)  Allows CE to Select and Store al list of Favorite Alternate Ship To Locations  Returns immediate Part Order (Remedy ID#) tracking number.  Utilization of Drop Down Selection Boxes for easy data input.  Utilization of pre-populated (Default) field to support RIM Business Rules.  Central Home Page for ALL Logistics RIM Functions. As you can see, this tool allows the CE to perform logistic functions via. The RIM device vs. phone calls into either a Service or Logistics Coordinators. This also allows the CE to have visibility of available parts and any substitutes.. This tool also has built in Business Rules that ensure that the best practices are followed. An example of these would be if a part is within 25 miles, but the CE requested Next Day, the Tool will request the CE to change from Next Day to Pick-Up and go retrieve the part and close the call. These Business Rules will also be duplicated in the Control Tower Service Coordinator’s systems so that everyone is synchronized.

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Setting Up Your RIM Web Browser Settings: Setting Up RIM Web Browser Configuration. Goto - NCR Browser icon… Click trackwheel Select Options… Click Select Browser Configuration… Click Scroll down and make sure the following items have a check mark next to them: •Support HTML Tables

•Use foreground and background colors •Use background images

•Support JavaScript •Support JavaScript popups •Support Style Sheets

If the items are not checked, use your trackwheel to select the item…Click Select Change Option…Click Once complete, click trackwheel…Click Select Save Options…Click

Setting Up RIM Web Browser Font Size. Goto - NCR Browser icon… Click trackwheel Select Options… Click Select General Properties… Click Scroll down to Default Font Size…Click Select Change Option…Click Select 6…Click Once complete, click trackwheel…Click Select Save Options…Click

Adding the Parts look up link to your device: Goto - NCR Browser icon… Click On BlackBerry Bookmarks… Click Select Add Bookmark… Click Type name = GSL Web Tool Web address =

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Scroll down and Click on "Add" Button

Note: To exit the GSL Webpage Hold Down the Escape Button located on the Blackberry Under the Track Wheel. The Global Service Logistics (GSL) Home Page: When you select the Logistics Tool URL from your Web Browser, you will see the following screen:

Note: User Alert – You must now enter Your GSL User Profile by Clicking on the “Manage GSL User Profile” Link.

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Adding the User Profile to your device: After selecting “Manage GSL User Profile” from the GSL Home Page, you will see the following screen:

The CE profile configuration needs to only be set for first time users, or if any changes to the Fields occur. This information is stored on the RIM, so if you are issued a new RIM, you will need to perform this configuration on the new device. • Select your Country • Select your Time Zone • Enter your CE ID. • Enter your Default Postal Code • Click “Save Button” • Click “RIM Home” Link to Return to the GSL Home Page Note: The Load Button allows you to view currently loaded configuration.

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The Global Service Logistics (GSL) Home Page Functions: After loading your User Profile, You will see the following Home Page:

Note: ONLY US CEs will see the “Return Part – Reverse Logistics” Link. The GSL Home Page is your central navigation point for Logistics RIM Devices.. • Part Lookup / Part Priority is to place Part Orders with valid Work Order Numbers (Pickup & Next Day) • Check Order Status is to check the status on any part order you have made in the last 7 days. • Return Part – Reverse Logistics is the Link to the existing US Reverse Logistics Web Page. • Place Regular Orders is where you order parts that do not require valid work order numbers (Tie Wraps, Can Air, etc.) • Manage ship To favorites is where you will set your alternate Ship To Location list so you can select from a drop down in the Priority Order screens. • Manage GSL User Profile is where you set your CE specific information so the applications can load default CE info automatically.

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Manage Ship To Favorites Select “Manage Ship To Favorites” from the GSL Home Page, you will see the following screen:

The ship to Favorites can be added or deleted at any time but must have at least one location added to utilize the drop down selection in the Part Ordering screen. You must enter your Default Location and there is a limit of 10 locations to be stored. You can either enter the 8 digit Ship To code and Click the “Add/Validate” button. If you do not know the 8 Digit Ship To Code then you can Click “Search for a Shipto” Button and you will see the following screen: Note: You will see the “User Alert No Ship to saved” if there are no Ship To Locations currently loaded and saved. These are saved in the RIM, so if you are assigned a new RIM, you will need to reload. The “Back” Button takes you to the previous screen. The “Home” Button takes you back to the GSL Home Page.

You can enter partial information in any all fields to return valid list that meet the define criteria. It should be noted that the more defined, the less returns to look through. Click “Search for Shipto” to return the results. Note: The “Back” Button takes you to the previous screen. The “Home” Button takes you back to the GSL Home Page.

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Select from Drop Down the Ship To Location you want to store. If you want to validate with whole address information (Recommended), Click the “Details” Button and you will see the following Screen: Note: The “Done” Button takes you to the previous screen. The “Home” Button takes you back to the GSL Home Page.

This Screen shows you the Ship To Location Details. If it is the correct Location, Click on the “Add To Fav” Button to save to your RIM device and show you the following Screen: Note: The “Search” Button takes you to the New Search Screen. The “Back” Button takes you to the previous screen where you selected this location in Drop Down. The “Home” Button takes you back to the GSL Home Page.

Note: The “Add New” Button takes you to the New Search Screen. The “Deleted” Button will delete any Location from your Favorites when the Check Box to the right of the screen is Checked for that Location. The “Home” Button takes you back to the GSL Home Page.

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Check Order Status Select “Check Order Status” from the GSL Home Page, you will see the following screen:

The Check Order Status shows every part order for the last 7 days for the CE loaded into the “CE Profile”. It is sorted chronologically by D1 Work Order number (Latest On Top) and displays the following information: • Work Order – The D1 Work Order number the part was ordered against. • Remedy ID – Is the Logistic Tracking Number your Order was assigned. • Part # - The 10 Digit NCR Part Number Ordered • Status – I character Status defined as follows: o “E” – The order has Failed a Business Rule and has/will generate both a D1 Remarks Exception Message for the CE to Call the Service Coordinator AND a Alert to the Service Coordinator’s Desktop of Order Failure. o “I” – The order has passed thru Control Tower (Level 1) and has been Submitted to Logistics (Level 2) for Part Order Processing. o “P” – The order has been processed by Logistics (Level 2) and is either ready for pick-up or being shipped.

To return to the GSL Home Page, Click on the “Return Home Link”.

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Return Part – Reverse Logistics (US ONLY) Select “Return Part – Reverse Logistics” from the GSL Home Page, you will see the following screen:

Note: It is VERY Important in the US to process your Return Parts in a timely manor as the Bad part shows as Good in Your PPK inventory until you process the return.

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Place Regular Order Select “Place Regular Order” from the GSL Home Page, you will see the following screen:

Enter the Item Number (Part Number) and Quantity. If you want to see part description of the part number entered, Click the “Get Description” Button and you will see the following screen: Note: The “Home” Button takes you back to the GSL Home Page

To Order the part, Click “Order Validate” Button and you will see the following screen: Note: The “Home” Button takes you back to the GSL Home Page

Note there is no Logistics number assigned to Regular Orders, but there is a validation message that the Request Submitted has been sent to your Order Administrator. Note: The “Place Another Order” Button takes you back to enter next Regular Order. The “Home” Button takes you back to the GSL Home Page

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Parts Lookup / Place Priority Order: Select “Part Lookup / Place Priority Order” from the GSL Home Page, you will see the following screen:

   

   

CE # - Will auto populate from your User Profile. PN # - Enter valid 10 Digit NCR Part Number you are requesting. WO# - Is the Valid D1 Work Order Number for the part you are requesting. Buddy Check Box – Will Include other CEs PPK available parts in results. If not checked the results will be only Warehouses with the exception of requesting CE’s PPK available stock. The results are limited to within 100 mile / 160 km radius from D1 Work Order Customer Postal Code. Search Button – Runs the parts Inquiry and returns results. Profile Button - Allows CE to View / Edit Current CE Profile. RIM Home – Returns to GSL Home Page

After Clicking the “Search” Button, you will see the follow screen:

If the part number entered is not on file (Typed in Wrong) there will be no “Part Desc”. If there is none available within 100 miles, there will still be a “Part Desc” if part number is entered correctly. Note: The results returned shows all available warehouse stock for the submitted part number, Interchangeable, Upgradeable and Conditional Substitutes within 100 miles / 160 miles of Customer’s Postal Code. If no results are displayed, enter a known good part in your PPK to validate the tool is working properly as there just might not be a good part within 100 miles / 160 km. If you have the part in Your PPK, whether Buddy is Checked or not, the Results will show your PPK at the top with your CE # as the warehouse code.

 

Location – Warehouse Code or CE Number. If you Click, you will see detailed information and be able to Order the part. Qty – Quantity of Good Parts Available at this warehouse / CE

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 

Part Number – Valid 10 Digit NCR Part Number. If it is an Interchangeable, Upgradeable or Conditional Substitute, this will be different than the one you requested. Dist – Distance from Customer Postal Code to Warehouse. If Zero is displayed, then Customer and Warehouse Postal Codes are the same. If no Customer Postal code is found in the D1 work order, the CE’s Default Postal Code is used for Customer’s. The distance is measured from Center of Postal Code to Center of Postal Code (Straight Line). Last Field – Replacement Types as Follows: o Blank – Same Part Number as Requested o “I” – Interchangeable Part o “U” – Upgradeable Part o “C” – Conditional Substitute

Note: Detailed Part Information is at the bottom of the screen including the within 100 miles / 160 km (Mileage Filtered) of all Country Inventory Results.

To Order the part - Click on the Location or if no Locations are shown then Click on the “OrderPart” link. (see below) If no Part is available within 100 mi / 160 km then you will get “OrderPart” in the Qty Field. Click on “OrderPart” to continue.

Note: For all Same Day part orders, the CE must call your Service Coordinator to place over the phone.

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Note: You will see the Detailed Warehouse information to validate.

 

    

Order Qty – Drop Down selection from 1 to 9 and defaults to qty 1. Mode – A Drop Down Selection Box with the following modes of transportation in which will default to Business Rule compliance: o Pick Up – To be used for parts within 25 miles / 40 km. The CE is to drive and Pick Up these parts from the Warehouse immediately after placing the order. o Next Day - This is a part that is either greater than 25 miles / 40 km OR no results shown AND CE needs Tomorrow. Expected – This is the expected Delivery date that is selected from a Drop Down Box. It is primarily used to indicate Next Day mode for Friday Orders (Need it Saturday or Monday). Favorite Ship-To – Select Ship To destination from Drop Down Selection Box. These are the “Favorite Ship To” locations you entered from the home page. If it is not shown, you must return to the Home Page and enter in the “Favorite Ship To” page. Carrier – Drop Down Selection to pick your preference Carrier. Customer Name – Auto Populated from D1 Work Order Delivery Instructions – Any special notes to the Logistics Coordinator.

Order Part – Click the Order Part Button You will either see a “Warning Message” in RED (see Below) if it fails the RIM Part Ordering Business Rules with instructions (Has NOT Submitted Order Yet), or the following Confirmation message with your Remedy ID Tracking Number (see Below).

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Note: Until You See the above Remedy ID Confirmation Message, there has been NO part order transmitted.

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Frequently Asked Questions and Answers: Q: A:

When do I Order via RIM, Service Coordinator or Logistics? RIM Orders - All Regular, Pick-Up or Next Day Orders. Service Coordinator - All Same Day Orders (NFO) or if I do not have a functioning RIM. Logistics – If you are on the phone for looking up a part number or you need transportation via. Grey Hound Bus only.


I can not get to the GSL Home Page after loading the URL in my RIM Web Browser, what’s wrong? You could be out of range or could of typed in the URL incorrectly (especially the “Underscore” between RIM & HOME)…


http://susday577/lomrim/rim_home.as p Q: A:

Is there any other time I should call Logistics? Yes, any time you need to talk to someone about order issues after the part is ordered.

Q: A:

I do not get a “Remedy ID#” Confirmation, what is wrong? You did not save any Ship To Favorites to your RIM device.

Q: A:

I can not save any Ship To Favorite, what is wrong? You need to clear the Cache on your RIM Web Browser by doing the following: Options / Cache Operations / Cookie Cache / Clear You will need to reload your User Profile and Your Ship To Favorites.

Q: A:

How many “Remedy ID#” formats are there? There are 3 different formats that is dependant on where the Part Order was created as follows: RIM – All Numeric FSC – Starts with “FSC” UCC – Starts with “U” for Peachtree and “I” everywhere else.

Q: A:

How do I know it is a valid Part Number? There will be a correct and non-blank Description under the search results.

Q: A:

How do I know the Part Order went thru? You will ONLY receive the Remedy ID# after the Part Order is received.

Q: A:

I am getting a “Communication Timeout” error, what is the problem? This problem is caused by the Host URL not answering back to the RIM within 2 minutes. This is usually caused by an application or system taking too long to

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respond. You should try again a little later or, if it is urgent, call your Service Coordinator to place the part order.

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