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Frameworx Standard

Application Framework The Digital Services Systems Landscape

Application Framework Suite GB929 Addendum D Release 17.5.1 April 2018

Latest Update: Frameworx Release 17.5.1 Version 17.5.2

TM Forum Approved Suitable for Conformance IPR Mode: RAND

TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved

Application Framework R17.5

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Application Framework R17.5

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Application Framework R17.5

Table of Contents List of Figures............................................................................................................................................................... 19 Preface ........................................................................................................................................................................ 22 Application Associations and IDs .......................................................................................................................... 25 3. Market/Sales Management ................................................................................................................................... 26 Sales Aids ............................................................................................................................................................. 26 Compensation & Results....................................................................................................................................... 26 Channel Sales Management ................................................................................................................................. 27 Sales Portals ......................................................................................................................................................... 27 Contract Management .......................................................................................................................................... 27 Campaign & Funnel Management ........................................................................................................................ 28 Solution Management ........................................................................................................................................... 28 Sales Account Management ................................................................................................................................. 28 Sales & Marketing Reporting ................................................................................................................................ 28 3.2 Sales Aids........................................................................................................................................................... 30 Sales Aids ............................................................................................................................................................. 30 Sales Job Aids ...................................................................................................................................................... 30 Sales Product Support .......................................................................................................................................... 31 3.3 M/S Compensation & Results ............................................................................................................................. 32 Compensation & Results....................................................................................................................................... 32 Sales Compensation ............................................................................................................................................. 32 Compensation Results Reporting ......................................................................................................................... 33 3.4 M/S Channel Sales Management ....................................................................................................................... 34 Channel Sales Management ................................................................................................................................. 34 Direct Sales Force ................................................................................................................................................ 34 Telesales............................................................................................................................................................... 35 Retail Outlets ........................................................................................................................................................ 36 Dealers.................................................................................................................................................................. 37 Virtual Network Operators (Dealers) ..................................................................................................................... 38 Affiliates ................................................................................................................................................................ 39 3.7 M/S Sales Portals ............................................................................................................................................... 40 Sales Portals ......................................................................................................................................................... 40 Internal Sales Portals ............................................................................................................................................ 40 Indirect Sales Portals ............................................................................................................................................ 40 3.8 Contract Management ........................................................................................................................................ 42 Contract Management .......................................................................................................................................... 42 Contract Generation .............................................................................................................................................. 42 © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Contract Implementation ....................................................................................................................................... 42 Contract Tracking & Storage ................................................................................................................................. 43 3.9 Campaign & Funnel Management ...................................................................................................................... 44 Campaign & Funnel Management ........................................................................................................................ 44 Campaign Management........................................................................................................................................ 44 Funnel/Workflow Management ............................................................................................................................. 45 3.9.1 Campaign Management .................................................................................................................................. 46 Campaign Management........................................................................................................................................ 46 Campaign Analytics .............................................................................................................................................. 46 Campaign Design ................................................................................................................................................. 47 Lead Generation & Management .......................................................................................................................... 47 Campaign Execution & Refinement ...................................................................................................................... 47 Campaign Performance Tracking ......................................................................................................................... 48 3.10 Solution Management....................................................................................................................................... 49 Solution Management ........................................................................................................................................... 49 Solution Design ..................................................................................................................................................... 49 Solution Pricing ..................................................................................................................................................... 50 Proposal Management .......................................................................................................................................... 50 Price Optimization ................................................................................................................................................. 50 Offer Management ................................................................................................................................................ 51 Sales Negotiation .................................................................................................................................................. 51 Solution Requirements Capture ............................................................................................................................ 51 3.11 Sales Account Management ............................................................................................................................. 53 Sales Account Management ................................................................................................................................. 53 Customer/Prospect Data Acquisition .................................................................................................................... 53 Sales Account Assignment ................................................................................................................................... 53 Sales Account Planning ........................................................................................................................................ 54 4. Product Management Domain .............................................................................................................................. 55 Product Strategy / Proposition Management......................................................................................................... 55 Product Catalog Management .............................................................................................................................. 56 Product Lifecycle Management ............................................................................................................................. 56 Product Performance Management ...................................................................................................................... 57 5. Customer Management Domain ........................................................................................................................... 58 Customer Information Management...................................................................................................................... 58 Transactional Document Production ..................................................................................................................... 58 Customer Order Management .............................................................................................................................. 58 Customer Self Management ................................................................................................................................. 59 Customer Insight Management ............................................................................................................................. 60 Customer Service Representative Toolbox ........................................................................................................... 60 © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Customer Problem Management .......................................................................................................................... 62 Receivables Management..................................................................................................................................... 62 Billing Inquiry, Dispute & Adjustment Management .............................................................................................. 62 Bill Format / Render .............................................................................................................................................. 63 Billing Account Management................................................................................................................................. 63 Collection Management ........................................................................................................................................ 63 Bill Calculation ...................................................................................................................................................... 64 Case Management................................................................................................................................................ 64 Customer SLA Management ................................................................................................................................. 65 Charge Calculation and Balance Management ..................................................................................................... 65 Billing Events Management................................................................................................................................... 65 Customer Loyalty Management ............................................................................................................................ 66 Customer & Network Care .................................................................................................................................... 66 Privacy Dashboard................................................................................................................................................ 66 5.1 Customer Information Management ................................................................................................................... 68 Customer Information Management...................................................................................................................... 68 Customer Hierarchy & Group Management .......................................................................................................... 68 Customer Profile Management ............................................................................................................................. 69 Customer Credit Management .............................................................................................................................. 69 Customer Interaction Collection & Storage ........................................................................................................... 70 Customer Subscription Management .................................................................................................................... 70 5.2 Transactional Document Production................................................................................................................... 71 Transactional Document Production ..................................................................................................................... 71 Transactional Document Formatter....................................................................................................................... 71 Transactional Document Generator ...................................................................................................................... 72 Document Delivery................................................................................................................................................ 72 Document Archiving .............................................................................................................................................. 73 5.3 Customer Order Management ............................................................................................................................ 74 Customer Order Management .............................................................................................................................. 74 Customer Order Establishment ............................................................................................................................. 74 Customer Order Validation.................................................................................................................................... 75 Customer Order Orchestration .............................................................................................................................. 76 Customer Order Tracking & Management ............................................................................................................ 76 Customer Order Lifecycle Management ............................................................................................................... 76 Customer Order Enrichment ................................................................................................................................. 77 Customer Order Acceptance................................................................................................................................. 78 Customer Order Rules Management .................................................................................................................... 78 Customer Order Workflow Management............................................................................................................... 78 5.3.1 Customer Order Establishment ....................................................................................................................... 80 © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Customer Order Establishment ............................................................................................................................. 80 Channel Guidance and Data Capture ................................................................................................................... 81 Customer and Product Data Collection ................................................................................................................. 82 Offering Availability ............................................................................................................................................... 82 Customer Order Validation.................................................................................................................................... 82 Customer and Product Data Collection......................................................................................................... 84 Customer and Product Data Collection ................................................................................................................. 84 Customer Order Capture....................................................................................................................................... 84 Offer Configuration................................................................................................................................................ 85 5.3.11 Customer Order Workflow Management ....................................................................................................... 86 Customer Order Workflow Management............................................................................................................... 86 Customer Order Item Decomposition.................................................................................................................... 86 Customer Order Work Item Decomposition .......................................................................................................... 87 Customer Order Orchestration Plan Creation ....................................................................................................... 87 5.4 Customer Self Management ............................................................................................................................... 88 Customer Self Management ................................................................................................................................. 88 Customer Self Empowered Fulfillment .................................................................................................................. 89 Customer Self Empowered Assurance ................................................................................................................. 91 Customer Self Empowered Billing......................................................................................................................... 92 5.5 Customer Insight Management........................................................................................................................... 95 Customer Insight Management ............................................................................................................................. 95 Customer Satisfaction Validation .......................................................................................................................... 95 Customer Profiling ................................................................................................................................................ 96 Customer Experience Monitoring .......................................................................................................................... 97 Customer Context Map Building ........................................................................................................................... 98 Customer Operational Decisioning ....................................................................................................................... 99 Customer Recommended Action .......................................................................................................................... 99 5.6 Customer Service Representative Toolbox ...................................................................................................... 101 Customer Service Representative Toolbox ......................................................................................................... 101 CSR fulfillment .................................................................................................................................................... 102 CSR assurance ................................................................................................................................................... 103 CSR Billing .......................................................................................................................................................... 103 5.6.3 CSR Billing .................................................................................................................................................... 105 CSR Billing .......................................................................................................................................................... 105 Collection ............................................................................................................................................................ 105 Payment .............................................................................................................................................................. 106 5.8 Customer Problem Management ...................................................................................................................... 107 Customer Problem Management ........................................................................................................................ 107 Customer Problem Qualification & Reception ..................................................................................................... 107 © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Customer Problem Lifecycle Management ......................................................................................................... 108 Customer Problem Diagnostics........................................................................................................................... 108 Customer Problem Resolution ............................................................................................................................ 109 Customer Problem Verification & Closure ........................................................................................................... 109 Customer Problem Reporting.............................................................................................................................. 109 5.9 Receivables Management ................................................................................................................................ 111 Receivables Management................................................................................................................................... 111 A/R Management ................................................................................................................................................ 111 Journalization ...................................................................................................................................................... 113 Financial Reporting ............................................................................................................................................. 113 Payment Management ........................................................................................................................................ 114 5.9.4 Payment Management................................................................................................................................... 115 Payment Management ........................................................................................................................................ 115 Payment Interface Management ......................................................................................................................... 115 Payment Validation & Authorization .................................................................................................................... 116 Payment Settlement............................................................................................................................................ 116 5.10 Billing Inquiry, Dispute & Adjustment Management ........................................................................................ 117 Billing Inquiry, Dispute & Adjustment Management ............................................................................................ 117 Bill Inquiry ........................................................................................................................................................... 117 Dispute Management .......................................................................................................................................... 118 Adjustments ........................................................................................................................................................ 118 5.13 Billing Account Management .......................................................................................................................... 121 Billing Account Management............................................................................................................................... 121 Billing Account Configuration Management ........................................................................................................ 121 Billing Account Associations Management.......................................................................................................... 122 5.14 Collection Management .................................................................................................................................. 123 Collection Management ...................................................................................................................................... 123 Collection Policy Definition and Configuration..................................................................................................... 123 Collection Policy Execution and Monitoring ........................................................................................................ 124 Collection Settlement .......................................................................................................................................... 126 5.15 Bill Calculation ................................................................................................................................................ 127 Bill Calculation .................................................................................................................................................... 127 Customer Bill Charge Calculation ....................................................................................................................... 127 Discounts Calculation ......................................................................................................................................... 128 Tax Calculation ................................................................................................................................................... 128 Commitment Tracking ......................................................................................................................................... 129 Bill Cycle Run Management ................................................................................................................................ 129 Invoice Generation .............................................................................................................................................. 129 5.17 Case Management ......................................................................................................................................... 131 © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Case Management.............................................................................................................................................. 131 Case Definition and Configuration ...................................................................................................................... 131 Case Workflow .................................................................................................................................................... 132 Case Correlation & Analysis ............................................................................................................................... 132 Case Tracking & Management............................................................................................................................ 132 Case Reporting ................................................................................................................................................... 133 Case Archival ...................................................................................................................................................... 133 5.18 Customer SLA Management .......................................................................................................................... 135 Customer SLA Management ............................................................................................................................... 135 Customer SLA Issue Reception .......................................................................................................................... 135 Customer SLA Collection .................................................................................................................................... 136 Customer SLA Analysis ...................................................................................................................................... 136 Customer SLA Violation Management ................................................................................................................ 136 Customer SLA Reporting .................................................................................................................................... 137 5.19 Charge Calculation and Balance Management .............................................................................................. 138 Charge Calculation and Balance Management ................................................................................................... 138 Charge Calculation ............................................................................................................................................. 138 Balance Management ......................................................................................................................................... 139 5.20 Billing Events Management ............................................................................................................................ 141 Billing Events Management................................................................................................................................. 141 Billing Event Processing ..................................................................................................................................... 141 Billing Event Error Management ......................................................................................................................... 143 5.21 Customer Loyalty Management ...................................................................................................................... 144 Customer Loyalty Management .......................................................................................................................... 144 Customer Program Management ........................................................................................................................ 144 Customer Loyalty Prize Management ................................................................................................................. 145 Customer Loyalty Balance Management ............................................................................................................ 145 5.22 Customer & Network Care .............................................................................................................................. 147 Customer & Network Care .................................................................................................................................. 147 Role-Based Portal ............................................................................................................................................... 147 Center Administration ......................................................................................................................................... 148 Contact Channel Management ........................................................................................................................... 148 5.22.1 Role-Based Portal ....................................................................................................................................... 150 Role-Based Portal ............................................................................................................................................... 150 Operations Portal ................................................................................................................................................ 150 Center Efficiency Tools ....................................................................................................................................... 151 5.22.2 Center Administration .................................................................................................................................. 152 Center Administration ......................................................................................................................................... 152 Center Productivity Management ........................................................................................................................ 152 © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Center Compliance & Training ............................................................................................................................ 153 Center Force & Queue Management .................................................................................................................. 153 Center Productivity Management ............................................................................................................. 155 Center Productivity Management ........................................................................................................................ 155 Center Activity Management ............................................................................................................................... 156 Center Time Management .................................................................................................................................. 156 Center Budget Management ............................................................................................................................... 156 Center Quality Management ............................................................................................................................... 156 5.22.3 Contact Channel Management .................................................................................................................... 158 Contact Channel Management ........................................................................................................................... 158 Customer/Internal Collaboration/Chat ................................................................................................................. 159 Voice Channel Contact ....................................................................................................................................... 159 Off-Line Contact Channel Management.............................................................................................................. 160 Channel Infrastructure ........................................................................................................................................ 160 5.23 Privacy Dashboard ......................................................................................................................................... 161 Privacy Dashboard.............................................................................................................................................. 161 Privacy Profile Type Creation.............................................................................................................................. 161 Privacy Data Exposure ....................................................................................................................................... 162 Privacy Consent .................................................................................................................................................. 162 6. Service Management Domain ............................................................................................................................ 164 Service Catalog Management ............................................................................................................................. 164 Service Inventory Management .......................................................................................................................... 164 Service Order Management ................................................................................................................................ 165 Service Problem Management ............................................................................................................................ 165 Service Performance Management..................................................................................................................... 166 Service Test Management .................................................................................................................................. 166 Service Quality Management .............................................................................................................................. 166 Service Assurance Control.................................................................................................................................. 167 Service Capability Orchestration ......................................................................................................................... 167 6.2 Service Inventory Management ........................................................................................................................ 169 Service Inventory Management .......................................................................................................................... 169 Service-Resource Inventory ................................................................................................................................ 170 Service Inventory Reconciliation / Synchronization............................................................................................. 171 6.3 Service Order Management.............................................................................................................................. 172 Service Order Management ................................................................................................................................ 172 Service Order Orchestration ............................................................................................................................... 172 Service Design/Assign ........................................................................................................................................ 173 Service Configuration Management .................................................................................................................... 173 Service Activation Management.......................................................................................................................... 174 © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Service Order Publication ................................................................................................................................... 174 Service Order Establishment .............................................................................................................................. 174 6.3.2 Service Order Orchestration .......................................................................................................................... 176 Service Order Orchestration ............................................................................................................................... 176 Product/Service Order Decomposition ................................................................................................................ 176 Service Order Tracking & Management .............................................................................................................. 177 6.3.4 Service Design/Assign ................................................................................................................................... 178 Service Design/Assign ........................................................................................................................................ 178 Design Solution ................................................................................................................................................... 178 Assign/Procure Network Resources ................................................................................................................... 178 Procure Access ................................................................................................................................................... 179 Procure CPE ....................................................................................................................................................... 179 6.3.9 Service Order Establishment ......................................................................................................................... 180 Service Order Establishment .............................................................................................................................. 180 Service Data Collection ....................................................................................................................................... 180 Service Order Validation ..................................................................................................................................... 180 Service Availability .............................................................................................................................................. 181 Service Availability ...................................................................................................................................... 182 Service Availability .............................................................................................................................................. 182 Service Address Validation ................................................................................................................................. 182 Service Availability Validation ............................................................................................................................. 182 Service Termination Points Determination .......................................................................................................... 183 Determine Access Provider................................................................................................................................. 183 Determine Delivery Interval ................................................................................................................................. 183 6.5 Service Problem Management ......................................................................................................................... 184 Service Problem Management ............................................................................................................................ 184 Service Problem Reception................................................................................................................................. 184 Service Problem Monitoring ................................................................................................................................ 184 Service Problem Analysis ................................................................................................................................... 185 Service Problem Correction & Resolution ........................................................................................................... 185 Service Problem Tracking & Management .......................................................................................................... 186 Service Problem Reporting ................................................................................................................................. 186 Service Problem Model Establishment ............................................................................................................... 186 6.7 Service Performance Management .................................................................................................................. 188 Service Performance Management..................................................................................................................... 188 Service Performance Monitoring ......................................................................................................................... 188 Service Performance Analysis ............................................................................................................................ 189 Service Performance Reporting .......................................................................................................................... 189 6.8 Service Test Management ................................................................................................................................ 191 © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Service Test Management .................................................................................................................................. 191 Service Test Strategy and Policy Management .................................................................................................. 191 Service Test Lifecycle Management ................................................................................................................... 192 Service Test Command and Control ................................................................................................................... 192 Service Test Services ......................................................................................................................................... 193 6.9 Service Quality Management............................................................................................................................ 194 Service Quality Management .............................................................................................................................. 194 Service Quality Model Establishment.................................................................................................................. 194 Service Quality Collection & Monitoring .............................................................................................................. 195 Service Quality Analysis ..................................................................................................................................... 195 Service Quality Reporting ................................................................................................................................... 196 7. Resource Management Domain ......................................................................................................................... 197 Resource Lifecycle Management ........................................................................................................................ 197 Resource Inventory Management ....................................................................................................................... 197 Resource Order Management............................................................................................................................. 199 Resource Domain Management ......................................................................................................................... 199 Resource Process Management (Workflow/ Integration) .................................................................................... 200 Voucher Management......................................................................................................................................... 200 Resource Performance Management ................................................................................................................. 201 Fault Management .............................................................................................................................................. 201 Resource Test Management ............................................................................................................................... 201 Workforce Management ...................................................................................................................................... 201 Network Number Management ........................................................................................................................... 202 Usage Management............................................................................................................................................ 202 Location Management ........................................................................................................................................ 202 Resource Capability Orchestration ..................................................................................................................... 203 Resource Catalog Management ......................................................................................................................... 204 7.1 Resource Lifecycle Management ..................................................................................................................... 206 Resource Lifecycle Management ........................................................................................................................ 206 Resource Commissioning & Configuration Management.................................................................................... 207 Implementation Planning .................................................................................................................................... 207 Tactical Planning................................................................................................................................................. 208 Capability Specification Management ................................................................................................................. 208 Planning Design Automation ............................................................................................................................... 208 Spares & Warehouse Inventory Management .................................................................................................... 209 Strategic Planning ............................................................................................................................................... 210 7.3 Resource Order Management .......................................................................................................................... 211 Resource Order Management............................................................................................................................. 211 Resource Order Orchestration ............................................................................................................................ 211 © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Resource Service Order Validation ..................................................................................................................... 212 Resource Design / Assign ................................................................................................................................... 212 Resource Order Publication ................................................................................................................................ 212 7.3.1 Resource Order Orchestration....................................................................................................................... 214 Resource Order Orchestration ............................................................................................................................ 214 Resource Order Tracking & Management........................................................................................................... 214 7.3.2 Resource Service Order Validation ............................................................................................................... 216 Resource Service Order Validation ..................................................................................................................... 216 Resource Order Data Collection ......................................................................................................................... 216 7.3.3 Resource Design / Assign ............................................................................................................................. 217 Resource Design / Assign ................................................................................................................................... 217 Resource Availability........................................................................................................................................... 218 Resource Order Configuration Management ...................................................................................................... 218 7.4 Resource Domain Management ....................................................................................................................... 220 Resource Domain Management ......................................................................................................................... 220 Resource Discovery ............................................................................................................................................ 220 Resource Activation ............................................................................................................................................ 221 Resource Fault & Performance Data Mediation .................................................................................................. 221 OSS Inventory/Data Synchronization Management ............................................................................................ 222 7.5 Resource Process Management (Workflow/Integration) .................................................................................. 223 Resource Process Management (Workflow/ Integration) .................................................................................... 223 Resource Change Management ......................................................................................................................... 223 Jeopardy Management ....................................................................................................................................... 224 Resource Logistics.............................................................................................................................................. 224 7.9 Resource Performance Management ............................................................................................................... 226 Resource Performance Management ................................................................................................................. 226 Resource Performance Monitoring ..................................................................................................................... 226 Resource Performance Analysis ......................................................................................................................... 227 Resource Performance Reporting....................................................................................................................... 227 7.10 Fault Management.......................................................................................................................................... 228 Fault Management .............................................................................................................................................. 228 Fault Surveillance ............................................................................................................................................... 228 Fault Correlation & Root Cause Analysis ............................................................................................................ 228 Fault Correction & Restoration ............................................................................................................................ 229 Fault Reporting & Analytics ................................................................................................................................. 229 7.11 Resource Test Management .......................................................................................................................... 231 Resource Test Management ............................................................................................................................... 231 Resource Test Strategy and Policy Management ............................................................................................... 231 Resource Test Lifecycle Management ................................................................................................................ 232 © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Resource Test Command and Control ................................................................................................................ 233 Resource Test Services ...................................................................................................................................... 233 7.12 Workforce Management ................................................................................................................................. 234 Workforce Management ...................................................................................................................................... 234 Workforce Schedule Management ...................................................................................................................... 234 Work Order Analysis ........................................................................................................................................... 234 Work Order Assignment & Dispatch ................................................................................................................... 235 Work Order Tracking & Management ................................................................................................................. 235 Workforce Configuration and Setup .................................................................................................................... 236 Workforce Management Reporting ..................................................................................................................... 237 7.13 Network Number Inventory Management ....................................................................................................... 238 Network Number Management ........................................................................................................................... 238 Network Number Inventory Management ........................................................................................................... 238 Number Portability .............................................................................................................................................. 239 7.13.2 Number Portability ....................................................................................................................................... 240 Number Portability .............................................................................................................................................. 240 Number Portability Policy Management .............................................................................................................. 240 Number Portability Orchestration ........................................................................................................................ 240 Number Portability Risk & Effectiveness Management ....................................................................................... 241 Number Portability Validation .............................................................................................................................. 241 7.14 Usage Management ....................................................................................................................................... 242 Usage Management............................................................................................................................................ 242 Usage Event Processing ..................................................................................................................................... 242 Usage Event Error Management......................................................................................................................... 243 8. Supplier/Partner Domain .................................................................................................................................... 245 Supplier/Partner Management ............................................................................................................................ 245 Wholesale / Interconnect Billing .......................................................................................................................... 245 8.2 Supplier/Partner Management .......................................................................................................................... 247 Supplier/Partner Management ............................................................................................................................ 247 Supplier/Partner Relationship Management........................................................................................................ 247 Supplier/Partner Order Management .................................................................................................................. 248 Supplier/Partner Assurance Management .......................................................................................................... 248 Supplier/Partner Workflow .................................................................................................................................. 249 Supplier/Partner Reconciliation Management ..................................................................................................... 249 Supplier/Partner Product Lifecycle Management ................................................................................................ 250 Supplier/Partner Reporting.................................................................................................................................. 250 Supplier/Partner Portal ........................................................................................................................................ 250 8.2.5 Supplier/Partner Reconciliation Management................................................................................................ 252 Supplier/Partner Reconciliation Management ..................................................................................................... 252 © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Supplier/Partner Invoice Reconciliation .............................................................................................................. 252 Supplier/Partner Data Collection ......................................................................................................................... 252 Supplier/Partner Settlements .............................................................................................................................. 253 9. Enterprise Domain .............................................................................................................................................. 254 Revenue Assurance Management ...................................................................................................................... 254 HR Management ................................................................................................................................................. 254 Financial Management........................................................................................................................................ 254 Asset Management ............................................................................................................................................. 255 Security Management ......................................................................................................................................... 255 Knowledge Management .................................................................................................................................... 255 Fraud Management............................................................................................................................................. 256 Regulatory & Compliance Management ............................................................................................................. 256 Administrative Services ....................................................................................................................................... 256 Supply Chain Management ................................................................................................................................. 257 9.1 Revenue Assurance Management ................................................................................................................... 258 Revenue Assurance Management ...................................................................................................................... 258 RA Control and Configuration ............................................................................................................................. 258 RA Tracking & Management ............................................................................................................................... 259 RA Monitoring ..................................................................................................................................................... 259 RA Analysis......................................................................................................................................................... 260 RA Correction & Recovery Initiation.................................................................................................................... 260 RA Reporting ...................................................................................................................................................... 261 9.2 HR Management .............................................................................................................................................. 262 HR Management ................................................................................................................................................. 262 Payroll Management ........................................................................................................................................... 262 Performance Management & Feedback ............................................................................................................. 263 Governmental & Regulatory Tracking & Reporting ............................................................................................. 263 Time Reporting & Attendance Management ....................................................................................................... 263 Recruitment & Staffing ........................................................................................................................................ 264 Ethics & Compliance ........................................................................................................................................... 264 Employee Records Management ........................................................................................................................ 265 Awards & Recognition ......................................................................................................................................... 265 Salary Planning ................................................................................................................................................... 266 Corporate Communications ................................................................................................................................ 266 Community Involvement ..................................................................................................................................... 267 Labor Relations ................................................................................................................................................... 267 Corporate Training .............................................................................................................................................. 267 Benefits Management ......................................................................................................................................... 268 9.3 Financial Management ..................................................................................................................................... 269 © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Financial Management........................................................................................................................................ 269 Financial Core Operations .................................................................................................................................. 269 Employee Expense Reimbursement ................................................................................................................... 269 Capital Lease Management ................................................................................................................................ 270 Financial Core Operations Reporting .................................................................................................................. 270 Financial Business Unit Reporting ...................................................................................................................... 271 Corporate Tax ..................................................................................................................................................... 272 Corporate Treasury ............................................................................................................................................. 272 Cash Reconciliation & Escheatment ................................................................................................................... 273 General Ledger Account Reconciliation .............................................................................................................. 273 Auditing ............................................................................................................................................................... 274 Regulatory Accounting ........................................................................................................................................ 274 9.3.1 Financial Core Operations ............................................................................................................................. 276 Financial Core Operations .................................................................................................................................. 276 General Ledger ................................................................................................................................................... 276 Financial Controls, Editing, & Reference Data .................................................................................................... 277 Accounts Payable ............................................................................................................................................... 277 Fixed Assets ....................................................................................................................................................... 278 Project Accounting .............................................................................................................................................. 278 9.4 Asset Management........................................................................................................................................... 280 Asset Management ............................................................................................................................................. 280 Corporate Real Estate ........................................................................................................................................ 280 Damage Claims Management............................................................................................................................. 280 Fleet Management .............................................................................................................................................. 281 9.4.1 Corporate Real Estate ................................................................................................................................... 282 Corporate Real Estate ........................................................................................................................................ 282 Real Estate Property & Building Portfolio and Lease Management .................................................................... 282 Real Estate Facility Operations Management ..................................................................................................... 283 Space Planning ................................................................................................................................................... 283 Real Estate Asset Capital Planning .................................................................................................................... 283 Environmental Health & Safety Monitoring and Compliance Management ......................................................... 284 Real Estate Capital Construction Management .................................................................................................. 284 9.5 Security Management....................................................................................................................................... 286 Security Management ......................................................................................................................................... 286 Corporate Security .............................................................................................................................................. 286 Application Security ............................................................................................................................................ 286 Vulnerability Management................................................................................................................................... 287 Anomaly Management ........................................................................................................................................ 287 Lawful Interception .............................................................................................................................................. 288 © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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PKI and Digital Certificates ................................................................................................................................. 288 9.5.1 Corporate Security ......................................................................................................................................... 289 Corporate Security .............................................................................................................................................. 289 Employee Identification Management ................................................................................................................. 289 Building Access Management ............................................................................................................................. 290 9.6 Knowledge Management .................................................................................................................................. 291 Knowledge Management .................................................................................................................................... 291 Patent, Invention & Trademark Management...................................................................................................... 291 Enterprise Web Sites & Portals ........................................................................................................................... 292 Business Intelligence (BI).................................................................................................................................... 292 Data Management .............................................................................................................................................. 292 Content Management ......................................................................................................................................... 292 9.6.3 Business Intelligence (BI) .............................................................................................................................. 294 Business Intelligence (BI).................................................................................................................................... 294 BI Delivery Mechanism ....................................................................................................................................... 294 BI Reporting ........................................................................................................................................................ 295 BI Performance Management ............................................................................................................................. 295 BI Supporting Applications .................................................................................................................................. 296 BI Analytics ......................................................................................................................................................... 296 BI Data Management .......................................................................................................................................... 298 9.6.4 Data Management ......................................................................................................................................... 299 Data Management .............................................................................................................................................. 299 DM Data Storage & Archival ............................................................................................................................... 299 DM Access & Transformation ............................................................................................................................. 299 DM Data Integration & Context ........................................................................................................................... 300 DM Data Presentation & Distribution .................................................................................................................. 300 9.6.5 Content Management .................................................................................................................................... 302 Content Management ......................................................................................................................................... 302 CM Repository & Archival ................................................................................................................................... 302 CM Authoring and Compilation ........................................................................................................................... 303 CM Distribution & Acquisition .............................................................................................................................. 303 CM Portal & Discovery ........................................................................................................................................ 304 9.9 Administrative Services .................................................................................................................................... 305 Administrative Services ....................................................................................................................................... 305 Legal ................................................................................................................................................................... 305 Records Retention Management ........................................................................................................................ 305 Advertising .......................................................................................................................................................... 306 Project Management ........................................................................................................................................... 306 Transportation & Travel Service.......................................................................................................................... 306 © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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9.10 Supply Chain Management ............................................................................................................................ 308 Supply Chain Management ................................................................................................................................. 308 Supply Chain Planning ........................................................................................................................................ 308 Procurement ....................................................................................................................................................... 309 Transportation Management ............................................................................................................................... 309 Logistics Management ........................................................................................................................................ 309 Supply Chain Order Tracking Management ........................................................................................................ 310 10. Integration Infrastructure................................................................................................................................... 311 Enterprise Application Integration ....................................................................................................................... 311 Business Process Management & Workflow....................................................................................................... 312 API Management ................................................................................................................................................ 313 11. Cross Domain Applications............................................................................................................................... 318 Catalog Management.......................................................................................................................................... 318 Fallout Management ........................................................................................................................................... 320 Orchestration Management................................................................................................................................. 320 11.2 Fallout Management ....................................................................................................................................... 322 Fallout Management ........................................................................................................................................... 322 Fallout Auto Correction ....................................................................................................................................... 322 Fallout Correction Assistance ............................................................................................................................. 323 Fallout Manual Correction Queue Handling ........................................................................................................ 323 Fallout Technician Dashboard ............................................................................................................................ 323 Fallout Reporting................................................................................................................................................. 324 Fallout Notification .............................................................................................................................................. 324 Fallout Rules Engine ........................................................................................................................................... 324 Fallout Orchestration ........................................................................................................................................... 324 Fallout Management Interface Bus ..................................................................................................................... 325 Index .......................................................................................................................................................................... 326 12. Administrative Appendix ................................................................................................................................... 330 About this document ................................................................................................................................................. 331 Document Life Cycle.................................................................................................................................................. 332 Document History................................................................................................................................................. 333 Version History .................................................................................................................................................... 333 Release History .................................................................................................................................................... 335 Acknowledgments .................................................................................................................................................. 338

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List of Figures . Figure 1. Market/Sales Management ........................................................................................................................ 26 Figure 2. 3.2 Sales Aids .............................................................................................................................................. 30 Figure 3. 3.3 M/S Compensation & Results ................................................................................................................ 32 Figure 4.

3.8 Contract Management .................................................................................................................... 42

Figure 5.

3.9 Campaign & Funnel Management .................................................................................................. 44

Figure 6.

3.9.1 Campaign Management .............................................................................................................. 46

Figure 7.

3.10 Solution Management .................................................................................................................. 49

Figure 8.

3.11 Sales Account Management......................................................................................................... 53

Figure 9.

4. Product Management Domain .......................................................................................................... 55

Figure 10.

5. Customer Management Domain....................................................................................................... 58

Figure 11.

5.1 Customer Information Management ............................................................................................... 68

Figure 12.

5.2 Transactional Document Production .............................................................................................. 71

Figure 13.

5.3 Customer Order Management ........................................................................................................ 74

Figure 14.

5.3.1 Customer Order Establishment ................................................................................................... 80

Figure 15. Customer and Product Data Collection .................................................................................... 84

Figure 16.

5.3.11 Customer Order Workflow Management ................................................................................... 86

Figure 17.

5.4 Customer Self Management ........................................................................................................... 88

Figure 18.

5.5 Customer Insight Management ...................................................................................................... 95

Figure 19.

5.6 Customer Service Representative Toolbox .................................................................................. 101

Figure 20.

5.6.3 CSR Billing ................................................................................................................................ 105

Figure 21.

5.8 Customer Problem Management.................................................................................................. 107

Figure 22.

5.9 Receivables Management ............................................................................................................ 111

Figure 23.

5.9.4 Payment Management .............................................................................................................. 115

Figure 24.

5.10 Billing Inquiry, Dispute & Adjustment Management .................................................................... 117

Figure 25.

5.13 Billing Account Management ...................................................................................................... 121

Figure 26.

5.14 Collection Management.............................................................................................................. 123

Figure 27.

5.15 Bill Calculation ............................................................................................................................ 127

Figure 28.

5.17 Case Management ..................................................................................................................... 131

Figure 29.

5.18 Customer SLA Management ...................................................................................................... 135

Figure 30.

5.19 Charge Calculation and Balance Management .......................................................................... 138

Figure 31.

5.20 Billing Events Management ........................................................................................................ 141

Figure 32.

5.21 Customer Loyalty Management.................................................................................................. 144

Figure 33.

5.22 Customer & Network Care.......................................................................................................... 147

Figure 34.

5.22.1 Role-Based Portal ................................................................................................................... 150

Figure 35.

5.22.2 Center Administration .............................................................................................................. 152

Figure 36. Center Productivity Management ......................................................................................... 155 © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Figure 37.

5.22.3 Contact Channel Management ................................................................................................ 158

Figure 38.

5.23 Privacy Dashboard ..................................................................................................................... 161

Figure 39.

6. Service Management Domain ........................................................................................................ 164

Figure 40.

6.2 Service Inventory Management .................................................................................................... 169

Figure 41.

6.3 Service Order Management ......................................................................................................... 172

Figure 42.

6.3.2 Service Order Orchestration ...................................................................................................... 176

Figure 43.

6.3.4 Service Design/Assign .............................................................................................................. 178

Figure 44.

6.3.9 Service Order Establishment ..................................................................................................... 180

Figure 45. Service Availability ................................................................................................................. 182

Figure 46.

6.5 Service Problem Management ..................................................................................................... 184

Figure 47.

6.7 Service Performance Management .............................................................................................. 188

Figure 48.

6.8 Service Test Management............................................................................................................ 191

Figure 49.

6.9 Service Quality Management ....................................................................................................... 194

Figure 50.

7. Resource Management Domain ..................................................................................................... 197

Figure 51.

7.1 Resource Lifecycle Management ................................................................................................. 206

Figure 52.

7.3 Resource Order Management ...................................................................................................... 211

Figure 53.

7.3.1 Resource Order Orchestration .................................................................................................. 214

Figure 54.

7.3.2 Resource Service Order Validation ........................................................................................... 216

Figure 55.

7.3.3 Resource Design / Assign ......................................................................................................... 217

Figure 56.

7.4 Resource Domain Management ................................................................................................... 220

Figure 57.

7.5 Resource Process Management (Workflow/Integration) .............................................................. 223

Figure 58.

7.9 Resource Performance Management........................................................................................... 226

Figure 59.

7.10 Fault Management ..................................................................................................................... 228

Figure 60.

7.11 Resource Test Management ...................................................................................................... 231

Figure 61.

7.12 Workforce Management ............................................................................................................. 234

Figure 62.

7.13 Network Number Inventory Management ................................................................................... 238

Figure 63.

7.13.2 Number Portability ................................................................................................................... 240

Figure 64.

7.14 Usage Management ................................................................................................................... 242

Figure 65.

8. Supplier/Partner Domain ................................................................................................................ 245

Figure 66.

8.2 Supplier/Partner Management...................................................................................................... 247

Figure 67.

8.2.5 Supplier/Partner Reconciliation Management ........................................................................... 252

Figure 68.

9. Enterprise Domain.......................................................................................................................... 254

Figure 69.

9.1 Revenue Assurance Management ............................................................................................... 258

Figure 70.

9.2 HR Management .......................................................................................................................... 262

Figure 71.

9.3 Financial Management ................................................................................................................. 269

Figure 72.

9.3.1 Financial Core Operations ......................................................................................................... 276

Figure 73.

9.4 Asset Management ...................................................................................................................... 280

Figure 74.

9.4.1 Corporate Real Estate ............................................................................................................... 282

Figure 75.

9.5 Security Management .................................................................................................................. 286 © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Figure 76.

9.5.1 Corporate Security .................................................................................................................... 289

Figure 77.

9.6 Knowledge Management.............................................................................................................. 291

Figure 78.

9.6.3 Business Intelligence (BI) .......................................................................................................... 294

Figure 79.

9.6.4 Data Management ..................................................................................................................... 299

Figure 80.

9.6.5 Content Management ................................................................................................................ 302

Figure 81.

9.9 Administrative Services ................................................................................................................ 305

Figure 82.

9.10 Supply Chain Management ........................................................................................................ 308

Figure 83.

10. Integration Infrastructure .............................................................................................................. 311

Figure 84.

11. Cross Domain Applications .......................................................................................................... 318

Figure 85.

11.2 Fallout Management................................................................................................................... 322

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Preface The TM Forum Application Framework® is another plane in the Communication Service Providers ecosystem Enterprise Architecture. It provides a common reference map and language to navigate a complex systems landscape that is typically found in the CSP ecosystem. Where the Business Process Framework (a.k.a. eTOM) provides a frame of reference for processes and the Frameworx Information Framework (a.k.a. SID) provides a frame of reference for information language, the Frameworx – Application Framework (a.k.a. TAM) provides a frame of reference for telecom applications functionalities. The Applications Framework provides the bridge between the Frameworx building blocks (Business Process Framework and Information Framework) and real, deployable, potentially procurable applications by grouping together functionalities required to support business processes in the CSP ecosystem. The Application Framework is served as a common vocabulary for logical functions in business applications within the industry. This would help in to reduced investment risks and costs. The Application Framework can be used as a base for consolidation in Mergers & Acquisitions scenarios. A key deliverable of the Application Framework is an industry set of standard application requirements. This can help through the procurement process. Following the relationship between applications in the framework can serve as the blueprint for enterprise architecture that will help set direction in designing the targeted system architecture in transformation projects.

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1. Introduction This document stands as an addendum (D) within the Application Framework® – The Digital Services Systems Landscape, GB929. It provides the core details concerning the Framework through description of the Applications within the Framework, at several levels of decomposition. It is recommended that the reader will be familiar with GB929-CP “Concepts & Principles” document, prior to reading this addendum. The Application Frameworks [GB929] documentation set contains also: GB929-U – A User guide detailing use cases of the Application Framework and guidance for extending it GB929 - Excel version - an excel file containing the entire text of the main document in a tabulated from. For the full content of the Application Frameworks please refer to release notes for Application Framework RN315. The document is laid out against a domain layering approach and describes the principal functions of each layer. The Telecom Applications Map, shown in the figure below, is segmented by the primary Business Process Framework end-to-end level 1 vertical process areas: Billing, Assurance, Fulfilment, Operational Support Readiness (OSR) and Strategy, Infrastructure & Product (SIP) functions along with the layering Information Framework domains of Market/Sales, Product, Customer, Service, Resource, Supplier / Partner, and Enterprise. Each box on the map represents a level 1 Application Map category. The Application Map also recognizes managed resources including network based resources; content servers Intelligent network platforms and related network control technologies such as element management systems as well as the OSS infrastructure fabric e.g. bus technology, business process management engines etc. under the Integration Infrastructure domain. The term OSS is used to cover all the systems that are used by a telecom operator (sometimes referred to as OSS and BSS). A cross domain layer has been introduced into the Application Map to accommodate applications that their functionality spans across few domain layers.

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The Telecom Applications Map

The bulk of this document is used to describe the applications of each of the domain layers of the Application Map. Each application in the document is described through: •

Application Identifier – See section below

Overview – short high-level description of the application

Functionality – A bullet list of the functionalities grouped into this application. The functionality may further decompose in lower level application.

Supported Business Services – lists the services that the application exposes and consumes.

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Application Associations and IDs To aid understanding, each Level 2 and Level 3 application described here has an associated indication of its positioning within the particular horizontal Level 1 process with which it is associated. Applications have been given an application ID throughout this document. The format of the numbering scheme works as follow: D.a.b.c.d where D: This represents the prime domain were the application is classified, where D is the section number in this document (thus numbers starts from 3). a: Digit representing Level 1 application b: Digit representing Level 2 application c: Digit representing Level 3 application d: Digit representing Level 4 application The unique identifier thus associated with individual applications can thus be used to assist in locating individual applications.

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2. Market/Sales Management

. Figure 1. Market/Sales Management

Sales Aids Application Identifier: 3.2 Overview The Sales Aids Application provides access to methods and procedures as well as product information and other collateral that can be used to assist in making a sale. Functions

Compensation & Results Application Identifier: 3.3 Overview The Compensation & Results application includes all functionality necessary to manage the compensation to a seller & sales performance against quotas, new sales and billed revenue, calculation of the compensation plans and results reporting. Functions Compensation payment and reporting The sales force receives compensation for sales based on performance against quotas assigned, billed revenue, numbers of sales, or other events determined by business rules that change each year. This includes handling of payment and reporting against performance. Compensation plan management The sales force receives compensation for sales based on performance against quotas assigned, billed revenue, numbers of sales, or other events determined by business rules that change each year. This function includes building the annual compensation plan, setting and managing sales quotas, and managing to it.

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Channel Sales Management Application Identifier: 3.4 Overview The Channel Sales Management application provides the necessary functionality to sell to a number of specific sales channels. Area contains several level 2 applications, each supporting different channels. This application contains core functionality shared amongst level 2 applications, and functionality specific to each channel. This section is organized to reflect Common Functionality, then addresses the specificities of each channel: •Direct sales force (also known as field sales) – most handling corporate and medium sized businesses [see section] •Telesales / ordering department – selling over the phone to consumers and small businesses •Retail outlets – the Telco’s branded retail stores, (mostly common in Wireless communication provides and mostly serving consumers and small businesses) •Dealers – 3rd party retailers that sell the communications service provider’s services, mostly to consumers •VNOs – Virtual Network Operators, that sell their own branded services over the communications service provider’s network Affiliates Functions

Sales Portals Application Identifier: 3.7 Overview Sales Portals provide a single-entry place for sellers to access various sales tools. Sales Portals are used by both direct and indirect sellers. There are different content, links, and capabilities offered for a given kind of seller. Functions

Contract Management Application Identifier: 3.8 Overview Contract Management applications provide necessary functionality to facilitate a contract pertaining to a given customer solution. Functions

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Campaign & Funnel Management Application Identifier: 3.9 Overview Campaign & Funnel Management provides the necessary functionality to manage a service provider's campaigns and funnel/workflows. Functions

Solution Management Application Identifier: 3.10 Overview Solution Management applications provide the necessary functionality to manage the analyzing, composing, and recommending of the right solution to a given potential customer. Functions

Sales Account Management Application Identifier: 3.11 Overview Sales Account Management applications provide the means to manage sales accounts. Functions

Sales & Marketing Reporting Application Identifier: 3.12 Overview Sales & Marketing Reporting provides insight into multiple aspects of Sales & Marketing, including closed loop marketing, sales metrics, forecasting, sales workflow, funnel and pipeline activities and order handoffs. Functions Funnel Tracking & Management Funnel Tracking & Management provides the necessary functionality to track and manage the funnel process of the various leads and opportunities. Sales & Marketing Reporting

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Sales & Marketing Reporting provides insight into multiple aspects of Sales & Marketing, including closed loop marketing, sales metrics, forecasting, sales workflow, funnel and pipeline activities. Sales Forecast Analysis Forecast Analysis: This function should enable data analysis of your sales pipeline and predict the revenue that will result when opportunities are won and deals are finalized. Forecasts are either Sales forecasts, which one can apply to anticipate the consumer demand or Order forecasts, which enables CSP’s to determine whether the supply required is available to meet expected consumption levels. Sales Metrics function Sales Metrics calculation according to pre-defined metrics rules Sales Order Reporting Sales Order Reporting provides reporting of order handoffs.

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3.2 Sales Aids

Figure 2. 3.2 Sales Aids

Sales Aids Application Identifier: 3.2 Overview The Sales Aids Application provides access to methods and procedures as well as product information and other collateral that can be used to assist in making a sale. Functions

Sales Job Aids Application Identifier: 3.2.1 Overview The Job Aids Application provides access to needed job aids, methods and procedures to assist in performing various sales. Functions Sales Job Aid Wizards The Job Aids function to access active aids like template or wizard types of contextaware scripting to e.g. aid lead qualification as an example. Sales Job Quick Reference Guide The Job Aids function to assist in performing various sales related tasks while conforming to organizational standards of the passive type, such as in the case of a searchable price book. Sales Product Support © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Sales Product Support function gives access to appropriate product information on the various products being sold by the service provider. This can include information such as product descriptions, configuration constraints, eligibility rules, and possibly pricing information.

Sales Product Support Application Identifier: 3.2.2 Overview The Product Support application provides access to product information on the various products being sold by the service provider. Functions

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3.3 M/S Compensation & Results

Figure 3. 3.3 M/S Compensation & Results

Compensation & Results Application Identifier: 3.3 Overview The Compensation & Results application includes all functionality necessary to manage the compensation to a seller & sales performance against quotas, new sales and billed revenue, calculation of the compensation plans and results reporting. Functions Compensation payment and reporting The sales force receives compensation for sales based on performance against quotas assigned, billed revenue, numbers of sales, or other events determined by business rules that change each year. This includes handling of payment and reporting against performance. Compensation plan management The sales force receives compensation for sales based on performance against quotas assigned, billed revenue, numbers of sales, or other events determined by business rules that change each year. This function includes building the annual compensation plan, setting and managing sales quotas, and managing to it. Sales Compensation Application Identifier: 3.3.1 Overview Sales Compensation applications provide the required functionality to determine the appropriate compensation based on sales results. Functions © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Compensation Results Reporting Application Identifier: 3.3.2 Overview Compensation Results Reporting applications provide compensation based reporting. Functions

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3.4 M/S Channel Sales Management

Figure 4. 3.4 M/S Channel Sales Management

Channel Sales Management Application Identifier: 3.4 Overview The Channel Sales Management application provides the necessary functionality to sell to a number of specific sales channels. Area contains several level 2 applications, each supporting different channels. This application contains core functionality shared amongst level 2 applications, and functionality specific to each channel. This section is organized to reflect Common Functionality, then addresses the specificities of each channel: •Direct sales force (also known as field sales) – most handling corporate and medium sized businesses [see section] •Telesales / ordering department – selling over the phone to consumers and small businesses •Retail outlets – the Telco’s branded retail stores, (mostly common in Wireless communication provides and mostly serving consumers and small businesses) •Dealers – 3rd party retailers that sell the communications service provider’s services, mostly to consumers •VNOs – Virtual Network Operators, that sell their own branded services over the communications service provider’s network Affiliates Functions

Direct Sales Force Application Identifier: 3.4.1 Overview The Direct Sales Force application is used by CSR’s, Field Sales, Sales Administrators, Analysts and Managers to generate/qualify sales opportunities, generate revenue, maintain and optimize the sales process, territories, quotas, view forecasts. © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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As a Customer Service Representative (CSR), you have first contact with potential customers. Incoming telephone calls and emails enable you to capture customer information and qualify leads according to the guidelines set by your company (cf Customer Information Management). If the lead satisfies your criteria, you can promote that lead to the status of a contact, and an opportunity. Sales opportunities are dispatched to sales representatives in the field to pursue if the size of the sale has the potential to exceed agreed monetary thresholds. If not, you can respond directly to customer inquiries by creating and dispatching literature requests and/or sales quotations. Orders are submitted for processing when you receive acceptance for the contract that has been negotiated with the customer (cf. Order Management). A user of the Direct Sales application can have one of the following roles: • Customer Service Representative (CSR). As a CSR or agent, you generate and qualify sales opportunities and dispatch leads to field sales representatives. Your primary method of communication with the customer is by phone and email. • Field Sales Representative. As a field sales representative, you create and manage customer accounts, develop sales opportunities, and generate revenue. • Sales Administrator. As a Sales Administrator, you manage the design and maintenance of the overall sales process and stages in the sales cycle according to business requirements. • Sales Analyst. As a Sales Analyst, you manage sales territories and quotas and generate sales forecasts and pipeline analyses. • Sales Manager. As a Sales Manager, you define sales territories, and manage the sales process and forecasting. Functions Direct Sales Force Management A direct sales administrative function that can define and structure sales territories to assist structuring of the CSP’s sales organization and forecasting. Opportunities Dispatching Opportunities Dispatching-Create and dispatch opportunities to relevant employees/sales personnel. Capture customer information and qualify leads according to the guidelines set by your company (cf Customer Information Management). Sales opportunities are dispatched to sales representatives in the field. Opportunity & Quote Management Direct Sales Opportunity & Quote Management creates and manages customer accounts, creates quotes including internal approval and develop sales opportunities

Telesales Application Identifier: 3.4.2 Overview Some Communication Service Providers use the customer service call center agents as a sales channel and allow them to sell and order services for customers who are calling in (reactive sales). Other Communication Service Providers have a dedicated call center for taking orders that is separate from the customer service call center. The Telesales call center does both reactive and proactive sales efforts. An application geared for Telesales should provide the following benefits: • Quick time-to-market for new and advanced services Improved quality of service and minimum faulty orders © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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• Increased customer satisfaction and loyalty • Reduced churn Benefits from the Telesales agent’s perspective • Simplified application flow Shorter training time • Shorten calls • Complete visibility to order status at all times • Open, standards-based integration capabilities leverages current investments • Faster response time to business needs Functions Telesales CTI tools Telesales tools for multimedia integration as Computer Telecom Integration, Predictive dialer, Email, including follow up and cross selling tools. Telesales customer and order tools Telesales access function to Holistic Customer Information View, including full customer details, recent interactions, pending activities, history, as well as access to Complete order capture, negotiation and activation capabilities and Order tracking capabilities Telesales Scripts Management The Commercial Scripts Management function concerns the management of scripts to make the commercial dialog easier between Customer Service Representative (CSR) and customers (or prospects). They can be used either to make qualification or sales as well as polls. It includes the commercial script production and execution.

Retail Outlets Application Identifier: 3.4.3 Overview One of the primary sales channels for Wireless Communication Service Providers is the provider’s own retail stores. Currently, other communications sectors rely less on this channel due to the fact that non-Wireless services typically need to be physically installed on the customer’s premises, whereas in wireless communications the customer typically gets services instantly at the retail store/point of sale. Non-wireless services providers may use retail outlets to complete an order (e.g., for customers that want to pick up a DSL modem from a retail outlet to complete their order in order to avoid payment of shipping costs). Retail stores are considered an extension of the call center in the sense that existing customers may walk in and ask for assistance in customer service issues (e.g., billing, how to operate their handset, etc.). In other words, Retail Stores are not only used as Point of Sale but also used as Point of Service. Functions Points of Sales Management The Points of Sales Management function manages points of sales data (points of sales organization, outdoor marketing campaigns…), cash registers… The following functions are out of scope: stock management, replenishment management. Retail Integration

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Specific to retail stores, order management should be capable of supporting contract printing, integration with a locally installed cash management/cash register and a retail inventory system for order completion. Retail Outlet Billing Retail Outlet Billing management function provides access to Billing management specific to retail stores. Retail Outlet Customer information management Retail Outlet customer information portal function provides access to Complete customer information management capabilities. Retail Outlet Order capture and negotiation Retail Outlet Order capture portal function provides access to Order capture and negotiation capabilities Retail Outlet Problem resolution Problem resolution specific to retail stores, problem resolution should be capable of handling handset repairs, including reverse logistics and advance exchange

Dealers Application Identifier: 3.4.4 Overview

Dealers are 3rd party retailers that sell the services of the Communication Service Provider and get commission for those sales. Dealers vary in size and can range from a country wide retail chain to a local retail shop in a rural area. Some dealers sell the services of multiple Communication Service Providers and some are exclusive to one Communication Service Provider. Dealers focus on acquiring new customers and upgrading existing customers. Most dealers are only a Point of Sale and not a Point of Service (as opposed to the Communication Service Provider’s owned retail stores). The dealer’s main focus is to acquire new customers or upgrade existing customers. The main need for a dealers’ online application is to make them selfsufficient and avoid the need for them to call the call center on behalf of a customer to activate their handset. Functions Commissioning Management The Commissioning Management function consists in calculating commissions for dealers or resellers from information such as orders, activation, usage … Dealer customer information management A dealer’s online access function to make them self-sufficient and avoid the need for them to call the call center for Customer creation and new order for products and services for the newly created customer. Including the use of dealer data fencing. Dealer customer order management A dealer’s online access function to make them self-sufficient and avoid the need for them to call the call center for Upgrade of customer’s products/services. © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Dealers products, services and promotions data enquiry A dealer’s online access function to make them self-sufficient to view products, services and promotions data View dealer commission statements A dealer’s online access function to make them self-sufficient to View dealer commission statements

Virtual Network Operators (Dealers) Application Identifier: 3.4.5 Overview Virtual network operators are typically service providers that do not own their own network but sell communications services under their own brand on top of another service provider’s network. Some VNOs also do not own their own Business Support Systems (BSS) and “lease” these systems from the network provider that provides their network services. Such VNOs are the focus of this section. The network provider that “leases” the business support systems to the VNO should therefore provide a separate online application for the VNO agents to be able to manage their customers, and handle fulfillment, assurance and billing issues for these customers. Functions Billing Management Activities A Virtual Network Operators online access function to make them self-sufficient for Billing management. Including the use of VNO/Dealer data fencing. Customer information management A Virtual Network Operators online access function to make them self-sufficient and avoid the need for them to call the call center for Customer creation and management. Including the use of VNO/Dealer data fencing. Order capture and negotiation A Virtual Network Operators online access function to make them self-sufficient for Order capture and negotiation. Including the use of VNO/Dealer data fencing. Problem resolution A Virtual Network Operators online access function to make them self-sufficient for Problem resolution. Including the use of VNO/Dealer data fencing. Receivables and Collection activities A Virtual Network Operators online access function to make them self-sufficient for Receivables and Collection activities. Including the use of VNO/Dealer data fencing. Retail Outlet Contact and retention management Customer contact and retention management capabilities Virtual network Data fencing

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A security function that will allow the VNO agents or Dealers to view only their own customers. In some cases, the network provider will use the same BSS environment to serve several VNOs (multi tenancy) VNO Personalization VNO Personalization - in cases where the network provider serves multiple VNOs under the same BSS environment (multi tenancy) the user interface of each VNO needs to be “personalized” to the VNO business (look and feel, business flow, etc.)

Affiliates Application Identifier: 3.4.6 Overview Some service providers have affiliate companies that may feed in orders. An example could be a Wireless Communication Service Provider that has an affiliate Wireline Communication Service Provider that wants to bundle its Wireline services with the affiliate’s wireless services. When the affiliate sells the bundle, it will need to notify the wireless service provider of the sale, and the wireless service provider may need to assist in completing the order. Functions Activation of service/product sold by affiliate Activation function for services/products sold by affiliates. Mass Service/product pre-activation Mass service/product pre-activation function. To prepare for a swift activation at sales affiliate services/products may be pre-activated. Mass transaction feed of new orders Mass transaction feed function of new orders. For bulk sales by affiliate. Registration of pre activated service/product Registration function for pre-activated services/products. Preparing for mass preactivation and sub-sequent affiliate sales.

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3.7 M/S Sales Portals

Figure 5. 3.7 M/S Sales Portals

Sales Portals Application Identifier: 3.7 Overview Sales Portals provide a single-entry place for sellers to access various sales tools. Sales Portals are used by both direct and indirect sellers. There are different content, links, and capabilities offered for a given kind of seller. Functions

Internal Sales Portals Application Identifier: 3.7.2 Overview Internal Sales Portals provide sales tools to internal sales groups. Functions Internal sales portal function Internal sales portal function provides access to sales tools of the company for sales of the service provider products. Indirect Sales Portals Application Identifier: 3.7.3 Overview © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Indirect Sales Portal provides sales tools to indirect sales teams. Functions Indirect Sales Portal Function Indirect Sales Portal Function provides access to appropriate service provider functions such as funnel, ordering, contracting, etc.

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3.8 Contract Management

Figure 4. 3.8 Contract Management

Contract Management Application Identifier: 3.8 Overview Contract Management applications provide necessary functionality to facilitate a contract pertaining to a given customer solution. Functions

Contract Generation Application Identifier: 3.8.1 Overview Contract Generation applications provide the functionality to generate a contract. Functions Contract and SLA Generation Contract Generation as well as appropriate service level agreements (SLAs) generation Contract Template creation and maintenance Contract Generation maintains predefined contract options and templates that are maintained for different services.

Contract Implementation Application Identifier: 3.8.2 © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Overview Contract Implementation applications provide functionality pertaining to the implementation of the contract across fulfillment, assurance, and billing. Functions Contract Implementation Contract Implementation function provide functionality pertaining to the implementation of the contract across fulfillment, assurance, and billing.

Contract Tracking & Storage Application Identifier: 3.8.3 Overview Contract Tracking and Storage provides the ability to view customer’s existing contracts, search for customer contracts based on meta-data and to search text strings within contracts. There is a central repository for contract storage as well as the associated contract meta-data. This data can be mined for Campaigns and Lead Generation. Functions Contract Enquiry Contract Enquiry provides the ability to view customer's existing and previous contracts, search for customer contracts based on meta-data and to search text strings within contracts. Contract Storage Contract Storage provides the central repository for contract storage as well as the associated contract meta-data. This data can be mined for Campaigns and Lead Generation.

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3.9 Campaign & Funnel Management

Figure 5. 3.9 Campaign & Funnel Management

Campaign & Funnel Management Application Identifier: 3.9 Overview Campaign & Funnel Management provides the necessary functionality to manage a service provider's campaigns and funnel/workflows. Functions

Campaign Management Application Identifier: 3.9.1 Overview The Campaign Management applications are responsible for managing the lifecycle of marketing campaigns, sometimes referred to as "closed loop marketing". Service Provider marketers need to respond to changing market environments with marketing initiatives that push highly targeted messages to increasingly focused segments. Marketers need an adaptable and flexible campaign management application that can adjust to evolving customer lifecycles with corresponding targeted marketing strategies. Marketers need to deliver coordinated outbound and inbound campaigns across all points of interactionfocusing marketing resources where the greatest potential value exists. The campaign management application needs to: •Leverage a single, consistent view of customer data. •Be highly usable, which increases marketing productivity and effectiveness.

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•Provide valuable insight into marketing performance through analytics that enable marketers to continually adjust and improve marketing investments. Functions

Funnel/Workflow Management Application Identifier: 3.9.2 Overview Funnel Management applications, also sometimes known as pipeline, or tunnel, provide functionality to manage the funnel process. Functions Funnel Assignment Funnel Assignment provides the necessary functionality to assign sales personnel to leads within a given funnel/pipeline. Funnel Creation Funnel Creation provides the necessary functionality to create a new sales funnel or pipeline

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3.9.1 Campaign Management

Figure 6. 3.9.1 Campaign Management

Campaign Management Application Identifier: 3.9.1 Overview The Campaign Management applications are responsible for managing the lifecycle of marketing campaigns, sometimes referred to as "closed loop marketing". Service Provider marketers need to respond to changing market environments with marketing initiatives that push highly targeted messages to increasingly focused segments. Marketers need an adaptable and flexible campaign management application that can adjust to evolving customer lifecycles with corresponding targeted marketing strategies. Marketers need to deliver coordinated outbound and inbound campaigns across all points of interactionfocusing marketing resources where the greatest potential value exists. The campaign management application needs to: •Leverage a single, consistent view of customer data. •Be highly usable, which increases marketing productivity and effectiveness. •Provide valuable insight into marketing performance through analytics that enable marketers to continually adjust and improve marketing investments. Functions

Campaign Analytics Application Identifier: Overview The Campaign Analytics applications are responsible for analyzing existing and prospective customers to help design appropriate product recommendations. Functions Campaign Analytics © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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The Campaign Analytics function provides quantitative tools to analyze customers and prospects to help design the right recommendations by gathering and analyzing data from past campaign planning success and performance in a continuous loop and feed this data back into the campaign planning feature.

Campaign Design Application Identifier: Overview Campaign Design applications provide the necessary tools to formulate a campaign, taking into account the targeted customers and products. Functions Campaign creation Create campaign tool to quickly push opportunities out to pre-defined sales territories using a coordinated sales methodology. Campaign execution pre-preparation Pre-define campaign execution channels and fulfillment tool for the use of direct mail, email, fax, web, events, telesales and sales. Campaign template creation Create Campaign templates function to pre-define frequently used campaigns, segments, content templates, and their tracking metrics, to be pre-defined to step through campaign setup and execution, and yet customizable.

Lead Generation & Management Application Identifier: Overview Lead Generation applications provide the tools necessary to generate leads from a variety of sources. Functions Sales Lead Capture Lead Generation handles the generation of leads. A lead can be generated from many different sources and customer interactions including the result of a targeted marketing campaign. Potential customer information is obtained from external sources or from internally generated data.

Campaign Execution & Refinement Application Identifier: Overview

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Campaign Execution & Refinement applications provide the necessary tools to execute a previously designed campaign. Functions Campaign Execution handling Quick execute campaigns function allowing users to execute campaigns in their own terms to push opportunities out to their territories, along with a coordinated sales methodology. Integration to Sales Management Applications and Channel Sales Management Applications is needed. Campaign execution workflow handling Campaign execution workflow that ensure that approvals are in place as needed. Campaign to customer event handling Event evaluation and trigger function that ensure that campaigns and campaign stages (waves) are executed at critical points in the customer lifecycle. Campaign to Customer profile handling Permission-based control function to ensure that customers are always treated according to their preferences, no matter which interaction point you use. Campaign Update function Campaign update function, based on statistics gathered via Campaign Performance Tracking, adjustments can be made to the Campaign while still in execution

Campaign Performance Tracking Application Identifier: Overview Campaign Performance Tracking applications provide the required functionality to monitor the performance of campaign as the campaign is being executed. Functions Dashboard view function Dashboard views, alerts, and notifications provide marketing organizations with the insight and agility needed to protect and optimize marketing investments. Marketing Insight campaign reporting. Pre-built campaign performance Market Insight reporting. Real-time campaign performance tracking Campaign Performance Tracking in Real-time in customizable segmentation schemes and key metrics.

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3.10 Solution Management

Figure 7. 3.10 Solution Management

Solution Management Application Identifier: 3.10 Overview Solution Management applications provide the necessary functionality to manage the analyzing, composing, and recommending of the right solution to a given potential customer. Functions

Solution Design Application Identifier: 3.10.1 Overview The Solution Management's Design function is concerned with the translation of customer requirements into products & services and the quantity of products and services at each location. Design obtains base product and services from the Common Product Catalog with existing and orders in the pipe and tailor them according the customer requirements into solution(s). Functions Automatic Solution Validation Automatic Solution Validation – Obtain configurations constraints from the catalog and validates the correctness of the design against them. Solution Design Editor The Solution Design Editor function combine/configure the emerged solution based on the existing solution, planned changes and newly designed features (e.g. for site connectivity © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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services) Selecting relevant Products and Services from Catalog – Browse and select entries from a catalog that might be relevant to the set of captured requirements into the design. Solution Variations management Solution Variations management – Enable the creation of multiple solutions either from scratch or based on a cloned solution select desired variation. Selecting relevant Products and Services from Catalog – Browse and select entries from a catalog that might be relevant to the set of captured requirements into the design.

Solution Pricing Application Identifier: 3.10.2 Overview Solution Pricing Applications provide functionality to determine the pricings for solution designs. Functions Solution Discounting Solution Discounting function supports that Rules and guidelines are provided as to standard levels of discounts/promotions that can be provided to the customer. Special discount arrangements can be obtained by following an escalation process. There is workflow functionality to help manage discount escalation. Solution Pricing The Solution Pricing function is concerned with assuring that the designs are priced consistent with pricing used for billing. The common product catalog provides an initial price base for the components that are in the solution vs. the existing configuration at the customer location.

Proposal Management Application Identifier: 3.10.3 Overview Proposal Management applications provide functionality to produce appropriate proposals based on the various solution options. Functions Offer and Proposal Management Offer Management provides the necessary functionality to provide the customer personalized proposals, taking into account the customer location, needs, current products, as well as the service provider's products, sales emphasis and targets, etc.

Price Optimization Application Identifier: 3.10.4 Overview © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Price/Cost Optimization applications provide functionality regarding price and cost optimization of a given solution. Functions Price/Cost Optimization Price Optimization enables sales to effectively evaluate the customer, generate recommendations for price decreases and increases, and set negotiation guidelines based on our cost. This includes the application of non-standard pricing.

Offer Management Application Identifier: 3.10.5 Overview Offer Management applications provide the means to produce personalized offers to potential or existing customers. Functions

Sales Negotiation Application Identifier: 3.10.6 Overview Sales Negotiation applications provide the capability to provide quotations based on products available to the customer and produce an order request upon customer acceptance. Functions Sales Negotiation Sales Negotiation provides support for negotiating the sale by providing multiple quotations as needed, taking into account the customer data, customer qualification, and offers made. Functionality includes access to products, product pricing, scheduling of appointments if a dispatch is necessary, etc. Sales Negotiation generates an order or service request. Customer order request generation – send solution design details to update proposal product order in Customer Order Management systems Service order request generation – send solution design details to update service order in Service Order Management systems (after customer agreement – part of handoff to fulfillment)

Solution Requirements Capture Application Identifier: 3.10.7 Overview

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Solution Requirement Capture application enables the capture of customer solution requirement in the pre-sale phase. Functions Solution Requirements Capture Solution Requirements Capture, – Capture the overall solution requirements (e.g. target date, customer locations, multi-location/shared services) and – Capture the particular requirements for each customer location as part of the desired solution

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3.11 Sales Account Management

Figure 8. 3.11 Sales Account Management

Sales Account Management Application Identifier: 3.11 Overview Sales Account Management applications provide the means to manage sales accounts. Functions

Customer/Prospect Data Acquisition Application Identifier: 3.11.1 Overview Customer/Prospect Data Acquisition applications provides functionality to collect all necessary information to support the sale. Functions Customer/Prospect Data Acquisition Customer/Prospect Data Acquisition obtains all necessary information to make a sale. The prospect could be a new or current customer. Customer/Prospect Data Acquisition includes information about the service location, billing address, demographic information about the customer, any existing products and services the customer currently has, as well as the customer's needs (requirements). Sales Account Assignment Application Identifier: 3.11.2 © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Overview Sales Account Assignment provides the necessary functionality to assign customers to a service provider’s sellers (either third party or internal). Ownership might further be differentiated based on various products with the same customer. Sales Account Assignment also maintains the sales hierarchy (different than HR reporting hierarchy) for sales compensation, sales forecasting, and sales results. Functions Sales Account Assignment Sales Account Assignment provides the necessary functionality to assign customers to a service provider’s sellers (either third party or internal). Ownership might further be differentiated based on various products with the same customer. Sales Account Assignment also maintains the sales hierarchy (different than HR reporting hierarchy) for sales compensation, sales forecasting, and sales results. Sales Account Planning Application Identifier: 3.11.3 Overview Sales Account Planning looks at the service provider’s complete relationship with a large customer. This includes the customer’s outages, revenues, opportunities in the pipeline, etc. It allows the account executive to effectively manage the service provider’s relationship with the customer and to plan the selling strategy going forward. Functions Sales Account Planning Sales Account Planning looks at the service provider’s complete relationship with a large customer. This includes the customer’s outages, revenues, opportunities in the pipeline, etc. It allows the account executive to effectively manage the service provider’s relationship with the customer and to plan the selling strategy going forward.

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4. Product Management Domain

Figure 9. 4. Product Management Domain

Product Strategy / Proposition Management Application Identifier: 4.1 Overview Product Strategy is an action plan for meeting the objectives of an operating strategy via the products sold to the marketplace. Product Propositions are ideas on how the strategy will be realized through products sold within specific target markets. Product Strategy / Proposition Management is therefore the ability to capture and manage the detail of a company’s strategy and resulting propositions, that then drive what products they will develop, deliver and sell. This capability allows the management of this information at the enterprise level, across the different operating groups and market units within which the enterprise operates. Finally, it provides the ability to link the product propositions to the actual sellable products in order to track how the product strategy is delivered into the marketplace. The ability to hold this information enables downstream performance reporting to validate or negate a company’s product strategy and underlying propositions. Functions Product Strategy linking Link strategy to propositions and Link propositions to products Product Strategy performance reporting Strategy Performance Reporting - Enable performance reporting of the strategy, driven by the performance of the underlying products Product Strategy project management Strategy Delivery Project Management - Project manage the delivery of strategy through propositions through products Propositions organization Support the Organization of the propositions by operations (e.g., which operating groups are delivering which propositions and where are the crossovers) Strategy capturing and management © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Capture and manage details of the strategy and resulting propositions Product Catalog Management Application Identifier: 4.2 Overview Product Catalog Management is a realization of the Cross Domain Catalog Management application in the Customer Domain. The applications are repositories of product listing within a service provider and include the ability to design, create, augment and map new entities and supporting data. The type of catalog management application is an implementation choice of the enterprise. See: Cross Domain- Catalog Management for more information. Functions Product creation and maintenance See: Cross Domain- Catalog Management for detailed function de-composition Product Lifecycle Management Application Identifier: 4.3 Overview Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) is responsible for the managing the entire lifecycle of the product and its underlying components. This includes all of the processes required to design, build, deploy, maintain and ultimately retire the product. Product Lifecycle Management includes those activities and tools used to define new products and updates to existing products. Generally, these activities require a significant degree of collaboration, often across multiple geographic locations. This could even include the gathering of customer needs/preferences and mapping those to current and future product capabilities. There will also be a significant use of project and program management activities and tools to satisfy these functional areas. Functions Marketing & Offer Strategies Implementation Function for the creation of the marketing & offer strategy as part of the Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) that includes all of the marketing and offer aspects of a Product Offering. New Product Introduction and Maintenance Introduce and maintain new products as part of the Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) in appropriate systems e.g. Product Catalogue. For Product Offerings, it permits to define and update: - commercial name and characteristics of the offer - subscription and packaging rules - tariffs specifications - link with the commercialized products, ... Product Modeling Function Model products as part of the design and build phase of the Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Product Requirement and Specification Function Solicit and Define product requirements and provide detailed specifications as part of the Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) Product Retirement Function for Obsolesce/retire product offering as part of the Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) Product Performance Management Application Identifier: 4.4 Overview Product Performance Management includes the activities and tools that gather and analyze data regarding the efficacy of the product strategy, propositions and products based upon their performance in the marketplace. Functions Product Campaign Tracking Tracking of performance of products based upon their performance in the marketplace with regards to campaigns. Product capacity analysis Product capacity analysis from a Product Performance perspective. Product Cost Management Product Cost Management from a Product Performance perspective. Product cost reporting Product cost reporting from a Product Performance perspective. Product revenue reporting Product revenue reporting from a Product Performance perspective.

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5. Customer Management Domain

Figure 10.

5. Customer Management Domain

Customer Information Management Application Identifier: 5.1 Overview Customer Information Management ensures the delivery of a consistent, accurate and complete customer view to operational and analytical touch-points across the service provider enterprise, thus enabling the optimization of key business processes and the leverage of new revenue opportunities. Customer information is typically scattered across mixed environment with fragmented, isolated customer data which needs to be consolidated, directly or using data federation. A Customer Information Management application, using context sensitive business logic, synchronizes customer information across all of service provider systems and reconciles customer data inconsistencies. Customer Information Management traditionally lies within the boundaries of Master Data Management (MDM); however, it is not mandatory. Functions

Transactional Document Production Application Identifier: 5.2 Overview Transactional Document Production applications can be used in the telecommunications activities that require bills, invoices, letters and statements to be created for subscribers. It can be deployed by any organization that provides these services. Transactional Document Production applications can process numeric, text and image content into print-ready and web-ready streams that can be reproduced using a predefined template on a variety of media. For instance, telecommunications companies can process data from a billing system into standard industry print streams to produce paper bills. Functions

Customer Order Management Application Identifier: 5.3 Overview © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Customer Order Management applications manage the end to end lifecycle of a customer request for products. This includes order establishment (step guiding, data collection and validation), order publication as well as order orchestration and overall lifecycle management. A customer request may also pertain to already purchased product(s). Thus, the Customer Order Management application handles order requests to suspend, resume, change ownership, amend, add, change and discontinue existing ordered products. Customer Order Management application should support repackaging of the purchased offers into alternate product offering (may require sales/contract negotiation). Customer Order Management applications typically serve all the customer touch points / channels, including call center, retail, self-service, dealers, affiliates, etc. The order may be initiated by any channel and visible to the other channels if needed. Functions

Customer Self Management Application Identifier: 5.4 Overview Customer self empowered applications provide an internet technology driven interface to the customer to undertake a variety of business functions directly for themselves. These applications interact to provide fully automated service or assisted service over various customers touch points. Although customer self management applications primarily trigger functionality defined in the rest of the CRM, Service Management and Resource Management applications, they should also contain functionality specific to customer self empowerment. As service providers shift to multidimensional services, new business realities require self-service systems to support the following criteria: • One-and-done fulfillment across service portfolio (cf. Order Management Applications) • Multi-disciplinary customer service (cf. Customer Service / Account Problem resolution applications) • Sync multi-channel interoperability • Total convergent self directed billing (view/pay/dispute all) (cf. Front Office Customer Billing Management applications) • Reconciliation interoperability • Personalization and usability • Visualization of SLAs across subscribed services (cf. Customer Service / Account Problem resolution applications) • Portfolio driven guided selling (cf. Product Catalogue, Product Lifecycle Management applications) • Leveraging the 360 degree customer view (cf. Customer Information Management Application) Customer self management applications enable service providers to increase profitability across the organization by optimizing the customer experience and maximizing the efficiency of business operations through: • Rapid order-to-activation mechanism across service portfolio • Commodity like enablement for telecom services (rapid introduction& easy amendment& cross bundling) • Universal platform supporting multiple users (consumers& business& dealers) and multiple LOBs (wire line& wireless& IPTV) though single point of contact © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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• Reducing costs through operating efficiencies These operations expect to gain more customer loyalty, service stickiness and ARPU for the service provider. A primary factor for increasing ARPU through self empowered systems is high usability. High usability requires channel agnostic consistency and seamless customer experience leveraging functionality that is driven from sporadic backend systems. For that, self empowered systems should provide integration readiness through several vehicles: • Pre-integrated self-service system including stand-alone web framework or integration front end with a portal engine • Self services layer exposing atomic Webservices/APIs for reuse by multiple systems across the architectural environment • Portlets driven connectivity exposing data and services interoperability through a portal engine or web application. Typically, the portal to the customer is via a web-based interface. Customer self care is increasingly popular with both customers and operators as it usually provides access to information 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and does not have the frustration of waiting for a free call agent. Customer self-care systems can take a number of forms from a controlled ‘secure window’ application into the underlying OSS systems used internally by the operator for the customer to view and pay his invoices to a complete portal where the customer can manage his entire relationship with the operator. Customer Self Management applications need to provide a level of security to protect both the customer’s data and the integrity of the underlying systems. They should also be capable of providing single sign on capabilities to access Business and Operational Support Systems. Functions

Customer Insight Management Application Identifier: 5.5 Overview Customer Insight Management enables Service Providers to leverage customer insight gained from customer transactions, interactions and activities with the Service Provider to treat the customer in a personalized manner and provide a unique customer experience. Customer Insight gained can be applied to many domains pertaining to customer experience such as customer service, cross/up-sell, retention, etc. Although Customer Insight Management builds upon traditional business intelligence and analytics for customer transactions and interactions, it is unique as it provides real-time customer treatment for various aspects to provide relevant, timely, and personalized actions. Functions

Customer Service Representative Toolbox Application Identifier: 5.6 © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Overview Customer Service Representatives (CSRs) play critical roles in shaping the customer experience. CSRs are increasingly expected to drive not just service and satisfaction, but revenue opportunities through customer interactions, as well as handle interactions across multiple channels – email, web chat or phone. CSRs need the right information at the right time, every time, to handle interactions quickly and effectively. CSRs must be empowered with the tools necessary to efficiently and effectively handle every interaction the right way, in a personalized manner. The CSR toolbox addresses this need for rich interactions with the customer, comprising of applications from the Fulfillment, Assurance and Billing domains. The CSR toolbox provides additional functionality in a common look and feel across the applications – and is not simply a convoluted assembly of applications and processes across siloed systems. The CSR toolbox is optimized to the CSR’s needs& the user interface and controls provide easy access to key customer information whenever needed. It integrates all of the disparate, siloed applications the CSR needs to work with. It delivers real time, always-in-context guidance to the CSR during an interaction, as well as navigates the CSR through business processes as they move field by field across different systems and interaction steps. Functions CSR Conversational scripting Conversational scripting – Displays recommended text and scripting to guide agents in specific conversations/dialogue tailored to each customer interaction. Also provides branching based on customer answers. CSR guidance CSR guidance – Complementary to in-context, configurable navigation, CSR guidance intelligently guides the CSR through the interaction. Guidance can span any subject—cross-sell, up-sell, retention, service and support, quality or training CSR In-Context, configurable, workflow-driven navigation In-Context, configurable, workflow-driven navigation – Through means such as configurable business processes, automatically drives the CSR workflow and screen navigation according to the context of the customer interaction and other customer profile information across all applications used. CSR toolbox Centralized data entry Centralized data entry – Updates information in one system and automatically updates all other systems (if there is a need to overcome data duplication). CSR toolbox Embedded actions Embedded actions – Embedding desktop controls with APIs or service calls to other systems as a means to process activities such as invoice generation, device activation, and other back-office activities. CSR Toolbox Single sign-on Single sign-on – Provides single sign-on across applications in the toolbox. Customer information dashboard © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Customer information dashboard – Displays relevant customer information, such as name, account and lifetime value on a persistent customer dashboard. Launch in-context Common Actions Launch in-context Common Actions – Configurable, short-cut buttons that launch key applications and functions for streamlining actions a CSR commonly performs. (e.g. create a case, prepare an order, update an address) Customer Problem Management Application Identifier: 5.8 Overview The purpose of Customer Problem Management is to manage problems reported by customers, resolving these problems to the customer’s satisfaction, and providing meaningful status on the issue as needed to the customer. Customer problems can include: • General questions on products purchased and being used by the customer • Problems with products already purchased and being used by the customer either due to lack of education or service/network problems. •Problems with a material purchase from the service provider, even if they do not have an account with the said service provider. •General inquiries, complaints, and commendations. Note: A customer problem may or may not result in a billing adjustment. Billing related issues are handled via Billing Inquiry, Dispute & Adjustment Management, See Case Management for more information. Functions

Receivables Management Application Identifier: 5.9 Overview The purpose of this application is to automate and manage the processing of financial transactions affecting the customer's financial account. Furthermore, this process is meant to match these transactions with the services/invoices delivered to this customer. This is a legal requirement in some countries e.g. as required by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act in the USA. Functions

Billing Inquiry, Dispute & Adjustment Management Application Identifier: 5.10 © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Overview This is a front-end application for managing billing inquiries, disputes, and adjustments. Billing inquiries are provided by Bill Calculation. Open dispute cases can be handled by Case Management system or internally. The financial activities are performed by Receivables Management. Functions

Bill Format / Render Application Identifier: 5.11 Overview Bill Format / Render formats the invoice and/or statement based on specified options, and then makes it available in appropriate media types. Example outputs can include paper, electronic, DVD, etc. See Transactional Document Production for more information. Functions

Billing Account Management Application Identifier: 5.13 Overview The purpose of Billing Account Management is to provide functionality necessary to establish and modify a customer's billing account. This includes configuration of the account as well as management of account associations. Functions

Collection Management Application Identifier: 5.14 Overview The Collections Management application provides necessary functionality to manage customer accounts where there is an outstanding balance. It allows handling of each account individually, based on customer value and financial history using configurable policies. The collection management application supports the collection lifecycle activities including: collection decision making, selection of collection policy, collection execution - automating the collection treatment flow, monitoring the collection process and collection settlement negotiation. The collection application keeps track of collection status and history. The collections treatment flow can perform a number of activities including issuance of treatment notices and collection letters. Functions

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Bill Calculation Application Identifier: 5.15 Overview The Bill Calculation application processes all charges against an account during bill cycles. Bill Calculation can be executed both on a cyclic basis and on demand. It performs bill invoicing, dealing with bill compilation of charges, credits, payments, adjustments, fees & taxes at various levels, such as product and/or account level that have been generated since the last run for that account. It could apply discounts. Finally, Bill Calculation Management calculates bill totals and subtotals as appropriate. The pricing plans and discounts are determined based on the agreements for the invoiced customer or account. Functions Apply pricing and discounting Apply pricing and discounting rules and algorithms in the context of the assembled information. Billing Financial transaction creation Create appropriate transactions regarding the current invoice for Receivables Management Calculate Bill-time Fee Calculates and applies bill-time fees where necessary Split Bill Distribution Performing charge and event distribution to support a split bill Case Management Application Identifier: 5.17 Overview Case Management applications manage the end to end lifecycle of a case. Cases and Case Management could apply to any area of assurance, billing, or fulfillment, but presumably reside in the customer layer. More specifically, Case Management could apply to customer problems (service affecting or not), bill inquiries, disputes, or areas of ordering if so implemented by the service provider. Given Case Management must manage the lifecycle of a case, there must be a means to define and configure different types of cases along with the workflow to execute the various types of cases through their respective lifecycles. There must also be the capability to analyze and correlate cases as well as report on the various cases open at any given time, and archive the cases once closed. Note: The presentation layer for these applications will be found elsewhere (Self Service, CSR Toolbox, etc.). Functions

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Customer SLA Management Application Identifier: 5.18 Overview Customer SLA Management applications include the required functionality to assure that SLA agreements made between operators and customers are met. This includes processing measurements made elsewhere and checking the measurements and taking appropriate actions when the specified agreements are not met. Note: Customers can include partners and 3rd party providers. Functions

Charge Calculation and Balance Management Application Identifier: 5.19 Overview The Charge Calculation and Balance Management applications are responsible for calculating customer specific charges and discounts and management of balances. These support both real-time and batch processing modes of operation. Functions

Billing Events Management Application Identifier: 5.20 Overview Billing Event Management encompasses Billing Event Processing and Billing Event Error Management. Billing Event Processing provides the functions necessary to collect events that are relevant for billing processes, relate them to the proper product offering or customer account, and direct the events to the appropriate billing sub-functions. Billing events include: • Events that indicate the need for periodic billing of a recurring product charge (from customer orders). • Records that indicate the need for billing of a non-recurring charge (from customer orders). • Records produced by network elements (from usage management). Usage Management will collect and distribute the network records that will be used in the Billing processes to Billing Event Management. Billing Event Error Management functions are a complex set of activities related to automating the processes of correcting errors in billing events. This often includes the capability to apply mass corrections. Functions

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Customer Loyalty Management Application Identifier: 5.21 Overview Customer Loyalty Management applications are responsible for the management of the customer loyalty programs. This includes administration of the general program, prize management including management of prize partners, as well as loyalty balance management. Functions

Customer & Network Care Application Identifier: 5.22 Overview The Customer and Network Care domain supports all tools, technology and services that enable a Service Provider and affiliate Care organizations to support customer inquiries and requests. The domain encompasses Billing, Assurance, Ordering and Provisioning domains related inquiries/issues. This domain supports voice, chat, email, postal mail, and faxes. eService is noted but is addressed in a separate domain. The domain supports all operational tools used by the customer service / work center community including desktops and associated user interfaces. The domain also supports back-office operations as well as center management. Functions

Privacy Dashboard Application Identifier: 5.23 Overview The Privacy Manager application is used to manage all aspects of the privacy of Data Subjects (End users), from the creation of Privacy Profile Types, their management, to the display of Privacy Profiles and provide functionalities for their modification and evolution. The Privacy Manager provides features depending on authorization and consequently roles of users: -Administrators: the administrators are in charge of the definition of the Privacy policy and consequently the creation of the Privacy Profile Type, the maintenance, evolution, depending on the ability of underlying components that handles Personally Identifiable Information (PII). -Customer support: the customer support is in charge of the performing some operation on Privacy Profile on behalf of end-user. -End-user (Data Subject Party): the end-user is able to view its Privacy Profile, the value of Privacy Profile attributes, and manage it. Functions

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5.1 Customer Information Management

Figure 11.

5.1 Customer Information Management

Customer Information Management Application Identifier: 5.1 Overview Customer Information Management ensures the delivery of a consistent, accurate and complete customer view to operational and analytical touch-points across the service provider enterprise, thus enabling the optimization of key business processes and the leverage of new revenue opportunities. Customer information is typically scattered across mixed environment with fragmented, isolated customer data which needs to be consolidated, directly or using data federation. A Customer Information Management application, using context sensitive business logic, synchronizes customer information across all of service provider systems and reconciles customer data inconsistencies. Customer Information Management traditionally lies within the boundaries of Master Data Management (MDM); however, it is not mandatory. Functions

Customer Hierarchy & Group Management Application Identifier: 5.1.1 Overview Customer Hierarchy & Group Management provides the necessary functionality to manage the customer hierarchy for both business and residential type customers. Functions Customer Relationship, Hierarchy and Group Management The Customer Hierarchy and Group Management component stores the customer hierarchy and/or groups such as company, relationships and household structures. © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Manages complex customer relationships such as an individual who performs multiple roles, or hierarchies such as complex Corporate structures. This function should be able to deal with several levels of complexity from single service accounts to multinational corporations. Hierarchies are defined by an account type and its relationships with parent and child accounts. Customer Profile Management Application Identifier: 5.1.2 Overview Customer Profile Management applications provide the necessary functionality to manage customer preferences and customer details. Functions Customer Details Management Managing customer details - E.g. name, contact persons for this customer, account managers for this customer, addresses (residence, billing, service address, etc.), contact phone numbers (landline, mobile, fax, etc.) Customer Preferences Management Managing Customer Preferences - including customer proprietary information preferences (CPNI), email versus US Mail, how to be contacted (based on type of communication), web look and feel, do not solicit me. Personalization allows delivery of services that more closely match the customer's need. Customer Profile Inquiries Providing Customer Profile Information to any process that needs access to it Customer Credit Management Application Identifier: 5.1.3 Overview Customer Credit Management applications provide the necessary functionality to manage information about the customer’s credit as well as a means to provide a credit check. Functions Customer Credit Management Customer Credit Management looks at the credit of the customer, considering the payment history with the service provider as well as the credit scores with external credit agencies. Customer Credit Risk Management Customer risk analysis is based on information collected from all processes and that consistent risk assessment is used across the Enterprise It includes also detection of the outstanding payment risks, for a new customer or during a new order for example, with: © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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• Definition of the class "bad debtors”, • Analysis of the profiles of bad debtor behaviors. Customer Interaction Collection & Storage Application Identifier: 5.1.4 Overview Customer Interaction Collection & Storage provides the necessary functionality to record all interactions with the customer from all channels. Functions Communication collection & storage The collection & storage of all contact events with the customer via all channels whether unassisted (self-service, retail kiosk) or assisted (call center, retail store). All types of interactions, including interaction history order history, trouble ticket history, billing collection history, case management, etc... The Store of any communications in any current or future form including Fax, IVR, email, Page, text, online chat, social media and postal mail. The storage of all inbound and outbound interactions with the customer. Customer Subscription Management Application Identifier: 5.1.5 Overview Customer Subscription Management provides the functionality necessary to store and make available the products and services presently being used by the customer. Functions Customer Subscription repository Customer Subscription repository provides the functionality necessary to store and make available the products and services presently being used by the customer.

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5.2 Transactional Document Production

Figure 12.

5.2 Transactional Document Production

Transactional Document Production Application Identifier: 5.2 Overview Transactional Document Production applications can be used in the telecommunications activities that require bills, invoices, letters and statements to be created for subscribers. It can be deployed by any organization that provides these services. Transactional Document Production applications can process numeric, text and image content into print-ready and web-ready streams that can be reproduced using a predefined template on a variety of media. For instance, telecommunications companies can process data from a billing system into standard industry print streams to produce paper bills. Functions

Transactional Document Formatter Application Identifier: 5.2.1 Overview Transactional Document Formatter is used to develop a transactional document such as a bill or letter by specifying the format template, the data input source specification, and the associated runtime rules that ties the data input to the format template. Functions Bills and Letter Template Formatting Develop and maintain the bill or letter template transactional Document Input Binding Rules to Template Define the binding rules between the input data and the template format © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Transactional Document Input Data Source Definition Define the data input source specification for run time production Transactional Document Template Resource Definition Define and maintain resources (font, colors, images and language) for the template Transactional Document Template Usage Business Rules Develop and maintain business rules for the template usage Transactional Document Generator Application Identifier: 5.2.2 Overview Transactional Document Generator processes extract files provided by other modules (typically Billing) to produce an intermediate data format. Functions Transactional Document Information Formatting Formats document information in the customer selected or default format Transactional Document Legend Formatting Formats section legends (summary, call detail, etc.) based on regulatory requirements. Transactional Document Marketing Information Incorporation Incorporates marketing messages in the documents Transactional Document Multiple account statement generation Aggregates multiple accounts, and generates an appropriate invoice/billing statement (if a billing statement). Transactional Document Regional Requirements appliance Displays tax id numbers and other legally mandated information in accordance with region specific requirements Transactional document Send function Sends data to downstream interfaces, such as finance, warehouse, etc. Document Delivery Application Identifier: 5.2.3 Overview Document Delivery is the final runtime executable that creates the desired print, web, PDF, XML or ASCII print files from the document production engine. Functions Transactional Document Delivery © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Make transactional documents available via paper, CD-ROM, DVD, EDI, electronic, etc., as specified by the customer. Document Archiving Application Identifier: 5.2.4 Overview Document Archiving is used to store compressed transactional document for future retrieval e.g. by customer care, self care or reprint. Functions Archive maintenance and administrative functions Archive maintenance and administrative functions. Typical documents are stored online for short periods. Maintenance implies offloading to external storage depending on retention periods. Archived Data Retrieval mechanisms Retrieval mechanisms for external systems. External systems can be customer care, self care or offline storage systems. Archiving, compression and storage of transactional document data Document Archive compression and storage of transactional document data

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5.3 Customer Order Management

Figure 13.

5.3 Customer Order Management

Customer Order Management Application Identifier: 5.3 Overview Customer Order Management applications manage the end to end lifecycle of a customer request for products. This includes order establishment (step guiding, data collection and validation), order publication as well as order orchestration and overall lifecycle management. A customer request may also pertain to already purchased product(s). Thus, the Customer Order Management application handles order requests to suspend, resume, change ownership, amend, add, change and discontinue existing ordered products. Customer Order Management application should support repackaging of the purchased offers into alternate product offering (may require sales/contract negotiation). Customer Order Management applications typically serve all the customer touch points / channels, including call center, retail, self-service, dealers, affiliates, etc. The order may be initiated by any channel and visible to the other channels if needed. Functions

Customer Order Establishment Application Identifier: 5.3.1 Overview Customer Order Establishment applications provide the necessary functionality to establish a valid customer order. Functions Channel guidance and data capture © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Channel Guidance and Data Capture leads the specific channel front ending application with the captured information required. For each information element it can provide a list of valid options to select from (e.g. list of products available for the customer, list of options to select from a product). Finally, it receives the captured information and publishes it. Customer Order Completion The Customer Order Completion function enables completion and finalization the Customer Order with collection of Customer Data or installed base data according to the Catalog. It allows to complete the configuration element not necessary for the quotation. The complements could also concern links with actors, dates, address, billing account. Customer Order Eligibility The Customer Order Commercial Eligibility function validates that the Offer & products specified on the Customer Order, are available and feasible from a commercial and functional point of view. It includes: • Commercial Eligibility with commercial compatibility with the already customer installed Offers • Functional Eligibility with functional compatibility with the already customer installed Products. • Customer Credit Eligibility check, considering the payment history and the credit scores for a Customer, only the predictive credit score for a Prospective Customer. ” The technical feasibility is covered by the Service Availability function. Customer Order Validation Customer Order Validation Function ensures that the qualified order is valid in any moment of order lifecycle, usually as data become available. Validation ensures early fallout which is less costly than encountering errors in later stages of order handling. Offer and Product Configuration The Offer and Product Configuration function enables the configuration of the commercial offer chosen by the customer. The configuration recovers the choice of an option, the choice of the functions values ... It can be based on product configurator using a rule engine. It can be used at the same time by Selling, Order Establishment or Develop Sales Proposal Business activities. Customer Order Validation Application Identifier: Overview Customer Order Validation is, like enrichment, widespread ordering functionality, that checks the validity of the order. Functions Customer Order Validation

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Customer Order Validation Function ensures that the qualified order is valid in any moment of order lifecycle, usually as data become available. Validation ensures early fallout which is less costly than encountering errors in later stages of order handling. Customer Order Orchestration Application Identifier: 5.3.3 Overview Customer Order Orchestration applications provide workflow and orchestration for the Customer Order Management area. Functions Customer Order Orchestration The Customer Order Orchestration function provides workflow and orchestration capabilities at the Product Order Item level for a dedicated Customer Order. Orchestration can take into account: - constraints between Product Order Items inside the Customer Order, or successive Customer Orders including modification or cancellation (in-flight changes) - any type of business rules based on information even external to the Customer Order. For example: high level of priority for VIP customers - Triggering of exception process or delivery planning update, depending on Customer Order or Service Order events. Retro-active order orchestration Submission of a retro-active order with a past effective date (e.g. retroactive price plan change) and the handling of manual intervention requests (for order fallouts). Customer Order Tracking & Management Application Identifier: 5.3.5 Overview Customer Order Tracking & Management provides the functionality necessary to track and manage the distributed requests decomposed by Customer Order Distribution. Functions Customer Order Tracking & Management Customer Order Tracking & Management provides the functionality necessary to track and manage the distributed requests decomposed by Customer Order Distribution. This capability needs to be provided in both an ability to query in real time as well as a publish/subscribe mechanism to enable the use of the information wherever required. Customer Order Lifecycle Management Application Identifier: 5.3.6 Overview © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Customer Order Lifecycle Management provides the functionality necessary to track and manage a Customer Order from establishment to cancellation. Functions Centralized Ordering Rules management Centralized business rules for ordering (eligibility, compatibility). Customer order cancelation Customer Order Cancelation can optionally support Cancel for order completed by Service Order Management (this capability is dependent on the Service Order Management system’s ability to roll back service provisioning). Customer order change management Order Change Management – Amend pending order resulted from customer change requests or provisioning system limitation, revalidate the order. Including Govern Ordering Activity Govern the control of the order amongst the ordering channels. This allows keeping the order data consistency, sharing the order data among order application channels and alternating the control between them. Maintain customer order versioning Order Versioning Maintenance - Maintain order versioning including Tracking & Logging of the changes made to a purchased product. Maintain pending customer orders Maintain pending orders - Save the order/quote for future processing (in case the customer is not sure they want to go through with the order at this point) Customer Order Enrichment Application Identifier: 5.3.7 Overview Customer Order Enrichment application enables acquiring the missing parts of the order information. Functions Customer Order data calculation from existing data Application function to calculate missing order data values on-the-fly from existing data and ordering rules. Customer Order data enrichment from external systems Application function to acquire missing order data from external 3rd party systems (like country's common address or credit check system). Customer Order data enrichment from internal systems Application function to acquire missing order data from surrounding systems (often values taken from catalogs and inventories, billing, fraud, etc.) © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Customer Order Acceptance Application Identifier: 5.3.9 Overview The Customer Order Acceptance application issues valid and complete customer orders. Functions Customer Order search and presentation The Customer Order Search and Presentation function makes the customer orders available to other applications. Customer Order Storage The Customer Order Storage function stores the valid and complete customer orders into an appropriate data storage. Customer Order Rules Management Application Identifier: 5.3.10 Overview Customer Order Rules Management application is responsible for the management of rules used in order validations, enrichment or any dynamic, decision-based action. Functions Customer Order Rules configuration Customer Order Rules Configuration function. In addition to Product Catalog rules (like cross/up sell rules, compatibility rules, eligibility rules, address/service availability rules, etc.) some specific types of rules must be available for all decision-based actions on customer order. These rules could be: customer fraud check, decomposition rules, priority rules, order duplication prevention rules, complex rules involving multi-system checks, etc. Customer Order Rules search and presentation Customer Order Rules Search and Presentation function makes the Customer Order Rules available to customer order related applications. Customer Order Workflow Management Application Identifier: 5.3.11 Overview Customer Order Workflow Management encompasses the order item and work item decomposition as well as Customer Order Orchestration Plan Creation. Functions Customer Order Item Decomposition

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Customer Order Item Decomposition prepares the customer order structure for breakdown into customer order items. Customer Order Orchestration Plan Creation. Customer Order Orchestration Plan Creation makes an orchestration plan out of the set of customer order work items. Customer Order Work Item Decomposition Customer Order Work Item Decomposition decomposes customer order items into a set of customer order work items.

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5.3.1 Customer Order Establishment

Figure 14.

5.3.1 Customer Order Establishment

Customer Order Establishment Application Identifier: 5.3.1 Overview Customer Order Establishment applications provide the necessary functionality to establish a valid customer order. Functions Channel guidance and data capture Channel Guidance and Data Capture leads the specific channel front ending application with the captured information required. For each information element it can provide a list of valid options to select from (e.g. list of products available for the customer, list of options to select from a product). Finally, it receives the captured information and publishes it. Customer Order Completion The Customer Order Completion function enables completion and finalization the Customer Order with collection of Customer Data or installed base data according to the Catalog. It allows to complete the configuration element not necessary for the quotation. The complements could also concern links with actors, dates, address, billing account. Customer Order Eligibility The Customer Order Commercial Eligibility function validates that the Offer & products specified on the Customer Order, are available and feasible from a commercial and functional point of view. It includes: • Commercial Eligibility with commercial compatibility with the already customer installed Offers • Functional Eligibility with functional compatibility with the already customer installed Products. • Customer Credit Eligibility check, considering the payment history and the credit scores for a Customer, only the predictive credit score for a Prospective Customer. ” The technical feasibility is covered by the Service Availability function. Customer Order Validation

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Customer Order Validation Function ensures that the qualified order is valid in any moment of order lifecycle, usually as data become available. Validation ensures early fallout which is less costly than encountering errors in later stages of order handling. Offer and Product Configuration The Offer and Product Configuration function enables the configuration of the commercial offer chosen by the customer. The configuration recovers the choice of an option, the choice of the functions values ... It can be based on product configurator using a rule engine. It can be used at the same time by Selling, Order Establishment or Develop Sales Proposal Business activities. Channel Guidance and Data Capture Application Identifier: Overview Channel Guidance and Data Capture leads the specific channel front ending application with the captured information required. For each information element it can provide a list of valid options to select from (e.g. list of products available for the customer, list of options to select from a product). Finally, it receives the captured information and publishes it. Functions Channel Captured Order reception Capture channel information – receive the captured Customer Order data from the channel. Take care of persistence using Customer Order Lifecycle Management. Including ordered product versioning Channel Customer registration Customer registration – register a new customer if this is a new customer (using Customer Information Management). Channel Customer search Customer search - search the existing customer base using various criteria (name, address, subscriber number, equipment id, billing account number, etc.) and find the customer record to add the order (using Customer Information Management). Channel Guided Data Collection Step guided collection – guide the channel with the specific information items to be collected (e.g. customer identification, required product / order and the pertinent data for the order). Including Validation guidance – for each information element, may provide set of valid input Product catalog browsing Product catalog browsing – identify products available for purchase by a given customer, provide relevant information (e.g. cost, requirements, configurable attributes) to the customer. This information will be used in the step guidance. © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Customer and Product Data Collection Application Identifier: Overview Customer and Product Data Collection applications provide the means to gather additional customer and product data needed as part of Customer Order Establishment Functions Customer and Product Data Collection Customer and Product Data Collection to aid in verification and issuance of a complete and valid customer order. Handle inter product dependency Identifies product dependency, binds new order to purchased product or point to the dependent product required Offering Availability Application Identifier: Overview Offering Availability apply business rules to determine what offerings are available at the customer location. Functions Customer Product & Service Subscription Check Checks what the customer presently has as part of what can be further provided to the customer including bundling, product eligibility, etc. Marketed Product Check Check products marketed by the service provider in a customer area. Product Availability Area Check Check products availability in the customer area Service Feasibility Check Based on the customer service location, service feasibility checks are done to assure the offering can be provided to the customer. This implies that the customer location is clearly established. Service feasibility checks are conducted via contract with the Service Order Management application. Customer Order Validation Application Identifier: Overview © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Customer Order Validation is, like enrichment, widespread ordering functionality, that checks the validity of the order. Functions Customer Order Validation Customer Order Validation Function ensures that the qualified order is valid in any moment of order lifecycle, usually as data become available. Validation ensures early fallout which is less costly than encountering errors in later stages of order handling.

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Figure 15. Customer and Product Data Collection

Customer and Product Data Collection Application Identifier: Overview Customer and Product Data Collection applications provide the means to gather additional customer and product data needed as part of Customer Order Establishment Functions Customer and Product Data Collection Customer and Product Data Collection to aid in verification and issuance of a complete and valid customer order. Handle inter product dependency Identifies product dependency, binds new order to purchased product or point to the dependent product required Customer Order Capture Application Identifier: Overview The Customer Order Capture function registers the orders independently of the sales channel used (internal distribution such as Telco Points of Sales, Outsourcer, external distribution such as Dealer, Reseller…, Telco Call Centers, Customer Self-Service, or the medium used (face-toface, phone, Web/Wap, email, mail/ fax…). It can concern a new commercial offer order (for a new or an existing customer), the update of installed offer, products or the termination of some installed offers or products… © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Offer Configuration Application Identifier: Overview The Offer configuration function enables the configuration of the commercial offer chosen by the customer. The configuration verifies the technical / functional / commercial pre-requisites, compatibility constraints of this offer against the customer Installed Products. This function invokes a network function in order to check the technical feasibility and resource availability. Functions Enable and verify Offer to Customer The Offer enable and verification enables the configuration of the commercial offer chosen by the customer. The configuration verifies the technical / functional / commercial pre-requisites

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5.3.11 Customer Order Workflow Management

Figure 16.

5.3.11 Customer Order Workflow Management

Customer Order Workflow Management Application Identifier: 5.3.11 Overview Customer Order Workflow Management encompasses the order item and work item decomposition as well as Customer Order Orchestration Plan Creation. Functions Customer Order Item Decomposition Customer Order Item Decomposition prepares the customer order structure for breakdown into customer order items. Customer Order Orchestration Plan Creation. Customer Order Orchestration Plan Creation makes an orchestration plan out of the set of customer order work items. Customer Order Work Item Decomposition Customer Order Work Item Decomposition decomposes customer order items into a set of customer order work items. Customer Order Item Decomposition Application Identifier: Overview Customer Order Item Decomposition prepares the customer order structure for breakdown into customer order items. © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Customer Order Work Item Decomposition Application Identifier: Overview Customer Order Work Item Decomposition decomposes customer order items into a set of customer order work items. Functions

Customer Order Orchestration Plan Creation Application Identifier: Overview Customer Order Orchestration Plan Creation makes an orchestration plan out of the set of customer order work items. Functions

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5.4 Customer Self Management

Figure 17.

5.4 Customer Self Management

Customer Self Management Application Identifier: 5.4 Overview Customer self empowered applications provide an internet technology driven interface to the customer to undertake a variety of business functions directly for themselves. These applications interact to provide fully automated service or assisted service over various customers touch points. Although customer self management applications primarily trigger functionality defined in the rest of the CRM, Service Management and Resource Management applications, they should also contain functionality specific to customer self empowerment. As service providers shift to multidimensional services, new business realities require self-service systems to support the following criteria: • One-and-done fulfillment across service portfolio (cf. Order Management Applications) • Multi-disciplinary customer service (cf. Customer Service / Account Problem resolution applications) • Sync multi-channel interoperability • Total convergent self directed billing (view/pay/dispute all) (cf. Front Office Customer Billing Management applications) • Reconciliation interoperability • Personalization and usability • Visualization of SLAs across subscribed services (cf. Customer Service / Account Problem resolution applications) • Portfolio driven guided selling (cf. Product Catalogue, Product Lifecycle Management applications) • Leveraging the 360 degree customer view (cf. Customer Information Management Application) Customer self management applications enable service providers to increase profitability across the organization by optimizing the customer experience and maximizing the efficiency of business operations through: © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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• Rapid order-to-activation mechanism across service portfolio • Commodity like enablement for telecom services (rapid introduction& easy amendment& cross bundling) • Universal platform supporting multiple users (consumers& business& dealers) and multiple LOBs (wire line& wireless& IPTV) though single point of contact • Reducing costs through operating efficiencies These operations expect to gain more customer loyalty, service stickiness and ARPU for the service provider. A primary factor for increasing ARPU through self empowered systems is high usability. High usability requires channel agnostic consistency and seamless customer experience leveraging functionality that is driven from sporadic backend systems. For that, self empowered systems should provide integration readiness through several vehicles: • Pre-integrated self-service system including stand-alone web framework or integration front end with a portal engine • Self services layer exposing atomic Webservices/APIs for reuse by multiple systems across the architectural environment • Portlets driven connectivity exposing data and services interoperability through a portal engine or web application. Typically, the portal to the customer is via a web-based interface. Customer self care is increasingly popular with both customers and operators as it usually provides access to information 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and does not have the frustration of waiting for a free call agent. Customer self-care systems can take a number of forms from a controlled ‘secure window’ application into the underlying OSS systems used internally by the operator for the customer to view and pay his invoices to a complete portal where the customer can manage his entire relationship with the operator. Customer Self Management applications need to provide a level of security to protect both the customer’s data and the integrity of the underlying systems. They should also be capable of providing single sign on capabilities to access Business and Operational Support Systems. Functions

Customer Self Empowered Fulfillment Application Identifier: 5.4.1 Overview Customer self empowered fulfillment applications provide an internet technology driven interface to the customer to undertake a variety of fulfillment functions directly for themselves. These applications interact to provide fully automated service or assisted service overall customer self management touch points. These applications tend enable rapid order-to-activation while reducing operating costs through improved efficiency and integrated flow-through-fulfillment. Today’s communications products and services carry commodity oriented attributes requiring easy activation, amendment and consumption, rapid and comprehensive introduction to customers while bringing together customer consumption interests and service provider’s business interests in a seamless and consistent manner. It is assumed that the user is not as savvy as the employee at the call center. The customer © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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experience should support a simple flow that capitalizes from the advanced application flows defined by the order management applications (cf. Order Management Applications). Functions Assigned products maintenance Assigned products maintenance. At product level, it permits to define and update: - product characteristics - links with the related service or resource (handsets, SIM cards, ...) needed to deliver the product, ... Business customer self-service of Eligibility Eligibility management for the business customer admin self empowered fulfillment function provide an internet technology driven interface for the customer to administrate the product eligibility for their own customer hierarchy Corporate self-service Equipment management Equipment management (allocation; activation) corporate customer self empowered fulfillment function provides an internet technology driven interface for the customer to undertake management of corporate customer equipment. Corporate self-service Mass changes Corporate self-service Mass changes (activation; configuration). Empowered fulfillment function provides an internet technology driven interface for the customer to undertake mass changes of configurations and activations. Customer hierarchy driven self-service ordering Customer Hierarchy driven order corporate customer self empowered fulfillment function provide an internet technology driven interface for the customer to undertake ordering based on customer hierarchy. Guided selling driven view for offer eligibility Guided sales view for offer eligibility customer self empowered fulfillment function providing an internet technology driven interface for the customer to undertake guided selfservice product selection. Rate plan amendment Self Service customer self empowered Rate plans amendment function provide an internet technology driven interface to the customer to undertake an amendment of existing Rate plans (Products). Self-service Access to Call center agents Access to Call center agents Customer self empowered fulfillment function provide an internet technology driven interface for the customer to undertake a variety of fulfillment functions directly for themselves. Self-service Account creation for anonymous user Account creation for anonymous user Customer self empowered fulfillment function provide an internet technology driven interface for the customer to create an account Self Service Bulk ordering © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Bulk Ordering corporate customer self empowered fulfillment function provide an internet technology driven interface for the customer to undertake a bulk ordering. Self-service Check Availability Check availability customer self empowered fulfillment function provide an internet technology driven interface for the customer to undertake a check product availability. Self-service Check Compatibility Check compatibility customer self empowered fulfillment function provide an internet technology driven interface for the customer to check product compatibility. Self Service Check Eligibility Check eligibility customer self empowered fulfillment function provide an internet technology driven interface for the customer to undertake an eligibility check for products. Self Service customer SLA preferences capture Customer SLA preferences capture customer self empowered fulfillment function. Self Service Installation preferences capture Customer self empowered fulfillment function provide an internet technology driven interface for the customer to undertake Installation preferences capture. Self Service Knowledge Management Access Self Service access to Knowledge Management database & solutions to common problems Self Service Order Status Enquiry Order status customer self empowered fulfillment function provide an internet technology driven interface for the customer to undertake Order status enquiry. Self Service Product catalogue and Offerings browsing Product Catalog and offerings browsing customer self empowered fulfillment function provide an internet technology driven interface for the customer to undertake selected Product Catalog Browsing. Self Service Quote Price information Quote prize customer self empowered fulfillment function provide an internet technology driven interface for the customer to get Quotation price Self Service Reports on fulfillment and SLA aspects Self-service access to Reports on fulfillment and SLA aspects. Self Service Shopping cart driven order management Shopping cart driven order management customer self empowered fulfillment function provide an internet technology driven interface to the customer to undertake self-service purchase. Customer Self Empowered Assurance Application Identifier: 5.4.2 © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Overview Customer self empowered assurance applications provide an internet technology driven interface to the customer to undertake a variety of assurance functions directly for themselves. These applications interact to provide fully automated service or assisted service over customers touch points. These applications create enablement for customers to assure the service level that they benefit from their service provider. Functions Access to call center agents Access to applications for interaction to provide fully automated service or assisted service over customers touch points. These applications create enablement for customers to assure the service level that they benefit from their service provider. • Account management Account management (such as contact attributes) • Self registration to online services • Service requests management: • Service request submission • Service request amendment • Service request closure • Users management • Alerts and notifications setting • Address book management • Access to Knowledge Management database & solutions to common problems • Service Requests and SLA Reporting - Reports on service requests and SLA across services Customer Self Empowered Billing Application Identifier: 5.4.3 Overview Customer self empowered billing applications provide an internet technology driven interface to the customer to undertake a variety of billing functions directly for themselves. These applications interact to provide fully automated service or assisted service over customers touch points. Customer self empowered billing applications enable the service providers cost reduction through the following operational efficiencies: • Replacing paper bills with paperless bills • Converging the multi- disciplinary billing operations • Deflecting bill queries calls from the contact center to the web • Automating the dispute resolution process • Reducing days sales outstanding (DSO) • Reducing requests for bill prints • Reduction in professional personnel providing analytics for business customers • Reduction in interest loss due to delayed payments Functions Corporate Customer Billing approval process Customer self empowered billing functions provide an internet technology driven interface to the customer to undertake a variety of billing functions directly for themselves. Additional feature for Corporate customers organizational hierarchy billing approval. © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Corporate Customer Cost center self-service analysis Customer self empowered billing functions provide an internet technology driven interface to the customer to undertake a variety of billing functions directly for themselves. E.g. Cost center analysis for corporate customers Corporate Customer hierarchies driven billing self service Customer self empowered billing functions provide an internet technology driven interface to the customer to undertake a variety of billing functions directly for themselves. E.g. Customer hierarchies driven billing operations for corporate customers Corporate Customers Organizational reports on usage and charges Customer self empowered billing functions provide an internet technology driven interface to the customer to undertake a variety of billing functions directly for themselves. E.g. Organizational reports on usage and charges for corporate customers Self Service Bill view Customer self empowered billing functions provide an internet technology driven interface to the customer to undertake a variety of billing functions directly for themselves. E.g. Bill view Self Service Calls assignment for classification of usage Customer self empowered billing functions provide an internet technology driven interface to the customer to undertake a variety of billing functions directly for themselves. E.g. Calls assignment for classification of usage Self Service Dispute capture and resolution Customer self empowered billing functions provide an internet technology driven interface to the customer to undertake a variety of billing functions directly for themselves. E.g. Dispute capture and resolution access to the Dispute Management Self Service Payment Customer self empowered billing functions provide an internet technology driven interface to the customer to undertake a variety of billing functions directly for themselves. E.g. Payment capture Self Service Penalties view Customer self empowered billing functions provide an internet technology driven interface to the customer to undertake a variety of billing functions directly for themselves. E.g. Penalties View Self Service Reports on usage and charges Customer self empowered billing functions provide an internet technology driven interface to the customer to undertake a variety of billing functions directly for themselves. E.g. web based reports for (historical) usage and charges. Self Service Split statement Customer self empowered billing functions provide an internet technology driven interface to the customer to undertake a variety of billing functions directly for themselves. E.g. Split statement for demarcation between calls Self Service Unbilled charges view © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Customer self empowered billing functions provide an internet technology driven interface to the customer to undertake a variety of billing functions directly for themselves. E.g. Unbilled charges view Self Service Usage and charges comparison Customer self empowered billing functions provide an internet technology driven interface to the customer to undertake a variety of billing functions directly for themselves. E.g. Usage and charges comparison Self Service Usage view Customer self empowered billing functions provide an internet technology driven interface to the customer to undertake a variety of billing functions directly for themselves. E.g. Usage view including address book driven usage view

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5.5 Customer Insight Management

Figure 18.

5.5 Customer Insight Management

Customer Insight Management Application Identifier: 5.5 Overview Customer Insight Management enables Service Providers to leverage customer insight gained from customer transactions, interactions and activities with the Service Provider to treat the customer in a personalized manner and provide a unique customer experience. Customer Insight gained can be applied to many domains pertaining to customer experience such as customer service, cross/up-sell, retention, etc. Although Customer Insight Management builds upon traditional business intelligence and analytics for customer transactions and interactions, it is unique as it provides real-time customer treatment for various aspects to provide relevant, timely, and personalized actions. Functions

Customer Satisfaction Validation Application Identifier: 5.5.6 Overview Customer Satisfaction Validation applications provides functionality to validate that predicted/expected value is delivered by the product/ and that the after-sales processes (billing and assurance) are initialized. It validates that the customer is capable of realizing maximum value from the operation or use of the solution and that intense Provider involvement is no longer needed to manage the product/service. This function ensures that the customer is satisfied and that the product/ that was actually delivered meets original or updated expectations and agreements and that the product/ is operable by the customer. Additionally, these applications monitor customer behavior and/or capture customer input beyond sale related interaction in an effort to identify indictors that can suggest imminent churn are dissatisfaction Measurements can be collected via various tools such as Net Promoter Score (NPS) and made available for action by various service provider groups and supervisory staff. © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Functions Monitor customer's behavior and beyond sale related interaction Functions to identify indicators that can suggest imminent churn are dissatisfaction Measurements can be collected via various tools such as Net Promoter Score (NPS) and made available for action by various service provider groups and supervisory staff. Customer Profiling Application Identifier: 5.5.11 Overview Customer profiling (“Profile”) provides the necessary functionality for advanced customer profiling such as automatic and statistical based profiling of customers based on explicit preferences and implicit behavior from usage, location, patterns of similar customers, etc. Although existing BI/DW customer segmentation can also be leveraged to arrive at the customer profiling, most of these systems are broad based customer profiles and do not create an individual profile for each customer. Also, Customer Profiling differs from customer experience monitoring & the rest of the functional blocks (see below) in that it is focused on customer preferences, tastes, and behavior (ex. Soccer Fan, Movie buff etc.) rather than operational view of the customer such as “Late Payer”. Functions Background customer profiling Background profiling based on demographics, interests, shopping interaction, billing history etc. Customer behavior tracking Customer behavior tracking is analyzing patterns to identify trends and changes in customer behavior, which in turn update the individual profile signatures Customer Profiling exposure Expose customer profiles and profiling insights and conclusions for recommendation in care treatment, x/up sell, retention, etc. Customer Profiling of actions Profiling customer based on implicit and explicit actions, transactions (ex., deriving actual channel preference from a customer whose implicit preference is SMS, not email) Customer Value Profiling The Customer Value Profiling function comprises measure and follow up of the customer value: Development of a model in order to determine the customer value from its uses (traffic, products and services used…), and corresponding revenues and costs. The follow-up of the customer value evolution (identification of the evolution tendencies of the value and actions concerning the creation or destruction of value, Average Revenue Per User, margin per user). Customer Value Profiling prediction The Customer Value Profiling function comprises predictive Scoring of the new customer behavior: using a predictive model based on the histories of customers having the similar © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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profile, determine the expected evolution of the customer value and his lifetime. Customer scoring is performed when customers sign up a contract, then enriched and updated by events occurring during the customer lifecycle (e.g. revenue generated, usage patterns, payment behavior…). The output of customer scoring could be a risk level or an opportunity. Customer Value Profiling segmentation The Customer Value Profiling function comprises segmentation based on the customer value and/or lifetime value: Regrouping of the customers in relevant sets (even subsets) for Marketing. The segmentation criteria use the customer value, the customer lifetime value, the product and service uses (consumption behaviors). Personalize Customer Profile The Personalize Customer Profile function creates a personalized profile signature based on combined segment, interest and behavior for the individual “customer” (ex. Soccer Mom, Gold/Silver/Bronze customer, Golfer, Early adopter), and around “content” (ex. Content sharing - College kids + Field Sales). This also includes continuous learning and update of individual ‘Profile Signature’ Customer Experience Monitoring Application Identifier: 5.5.12 Overview Customer Experience Monitoring (“Monitor”) provides the necessary functionality for continuous monitoring of operational factors that qualify the customer experience such as financial (billing overage, payment, abnormal fee etc.), usage (failed attempts at using a particular service, inactivity or sudden decrease in usage of certain service etc.), technical (network related such as dropped calls, internet access problems, video buffering etc.& device related such as battery draining, configuration mismatch, etc.), Customer Influence and Churn Risk Analysis and the like. This should also include monitoring of relevant events from external sources such as Social Media, 3rd Party sites etc. Functions Customer Experience event capturing framework Complex event framework to capture events from relevant BSS sources such as Billing, CRM etc. Customer Experience interaction gathering Gathering of customer interaction events/data from all channels (agent interaction/notes, web/device click analytics, retail transactions, etc.), including receiving information from Customer Interaction Collection & Storage Customer Experience mapping and aggregation Ability to aggregate and map the above into a consistent model of the customer (see Customer Context Map). Customer Experience network probes event collection High-volume technical events from network probes, device agents, etc. Customer Experience real time feeds injection © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Ingesting real-time feeds from relevant sources into a consistent and smart structure for processing Support Loyalty and Retention Management The Support Loyalty and Retention function undertakes trend analysis on loyalty and retention, including customer acquisitions and churn. It comprises: • Follow-up of the churn rate: Development of a report in order to measure by period (periodicity: weekly, monthly, yearly…), • The number and rate of terminations by product & service, • The trend of the churn rate according to the previous periods. • Prediction of the churn (anticipate in order to minimize the attrition): identification of the potential churner profiles from a predictive model analyzing the churner profiles according to the previous periods. Customer Context Map Building Application Identifier: 5.5.13 Overview Customer Context Map Building ("Interpret”) provides the functionality to accumulate customer context in the systemic memory based on “observations” made on the customer through processing the data collected from customer experience monitoring and historical analysis. The context could include items such as customer transactions, interactions which are both implicit & explicit. For example. when a customer pays his/her bill the context map is updated in real time to reflect the payment pattern and keep it up-to-date. Context map can be used by decision engines to drive appropriate treatment for customers based on recent behavior. For example, a “late payer” or “chronic caller” may be treated differently from a normal payer or an occasional caller. Functions Build Customer Insight The Build Customer Insight function concerns the management of our knowledge of the individual customer to keep or produce an up-to-date, accurate and legally compliant Customer information. It will incorporate into the customer profile, all relevant information gathered through all contacts with the customer Customer Behavior Tracking The Customer Behavior Tracking function concerns the necessary functionality to monitor the Customer Behavior during its relationships with Orange, public communications and its products uses. It includes: Customer Context map exposure Exposure of context map to external systems such as call center or self-service touch Customer Context Map Observation rules inferencing Observation rules inferencing (Processing of the ingested events/data to interpret new updates (transactions, unbilled charges, self-service activity) into customer context) © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Customer Context Map Probabilistic determination Probabilistic determination of likely ‘motivation’ to call based on many observations (ex. dispute a bill vs. pay the bill) Customer Operational Decisioning Application Identifier: 5.5.14 Overview Customer Operational Decisioning (“Decide”) provides the functionality to drive decisions re: Customer treatment and action for each specific situation based on observing what the customer is immediately experiencing. For example, if a customer’s bill is unusually high, and if the customer is a premium customer, the business can decide to waive certain portion of the bill for the 1st time. This action can be taken either proactively by reaching out to the customer, or reactively when the customer contacts the Service Provider. These decisions can be deterministic (i.e. business rules based), statistical (i.e. based on what treatment or recommendation has worked in the past) Functions Customer Decisioning Engine Customer Operational Decisioning (“Decide”) provides the functionality to drive decisions re: Customer treatment and action for each specific situation based on observing what the customer is immediately experiencing. This action can be taken either proactively by reaching out to the customer, or reactively when the customer contacts the Service Provider. Customer Recommended Action Application Identifier: 5.5.15 Overview Customer Recommended Action (“Apply”) provides the recommendation for customer treatment based on the customer observation and context. It provides the necessary notification framework (outbound & inbound) to execute suitable action/treatment for the customer across the relevant channel, such as SMS, self-service, email, call center. It also integrates with existing business function/services and processes for action. For ex. integrate with existing credit adjustment process if the decision is to provide credit adjustment to the customer or invoke offer management for X/Up Sell or invoke Knowledge Management for Customer Service issues. Functions Inbound notification recommendation function Give recommendation and a guided action flow to complete the suitable customer treatment for Inbound, Self-Service or Call Center touch points (ex. Credit Adjustment handled by agent, or bill dispute initiation via self-service) Outbound notification recommendation function For Outbound, it provides necessary hooks to reach out to the customer via preferred channel such as SMS, email or Social media © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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For Inbound, Self-Service or Call Center touch points can get recommendation and a guided action flow to complete the suitable customer treatment (ex. Credit Adjustment handled by agent, or bill dispute initiation via self-service) Recommendation Action Function integration Integration with existing business function/service and process (ex. Offer, Knowledge Management) Recommended Action Closed loop follow up Closed loop functionality to learn from whether the recommended action was accepted or not, including functionality to avoid proactive backfire (i.e. ensuring a customer reach out action doesn’t result in confusion and more calls to the call center)

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5.6 Customer Service Representative Toolbox

Figure 19.

5.6 Customer Service Representative Toolbox

Customer Service Representative Toolbox Application Identifier: 5.6 Overview Customer Service Representatives (CSRs) play critical roles in shaping the customer experience. CSRs are increasingly expected to drive not just service and satisfaction, but revenue opportunities through customer interactions, as well as handle interactions across multiple channels – email, web chat or phone. CSRs need the right information at the right time, every time, to handle interactions quickly and effectively. CSRs must be empowered with the tools necessary to efficiently and effectively handle every interaction the right way, in a personalized manner. The CSR toolbox addresses this need for rich interactions with the customer, comprising of applications from the Fulfillment, Assurance and Billing domains. The CSR toolbox provides additional functionality in a common look and feel across the applications – and is not simply a convoluted assembly of applications and processes across siloed systems. The CSR toolbox is optimized to the CSR’s needs& the user interface and controls provide easy access to key customer information whenever needed. It integrates all of the disparate, siloed applications the CSR needs to work with. It delivers real time, always-in-context guidance to the CSR during an interaction, as well as navigates the CSR through business processes as they move field by field across different systems and interaction steps. Functions CSR Conversational scripting Conversational scripting – Displays recommended text and scripting to guide agents in specific conversations/dialogue tailored to each customer interaction. Also provides branching based on customer answers. © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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CSR guidance CSR guidance – Complementary to in-context, configurable navigation, CSR guidance intelligently guides the CSR through the interaction. Guidance can span any subject—cross-sell, up-sell, retention, service and support, quality or training CSR In-Context, configurable, workflow-driven navigation In-Context, configurable, workflow-driven navigation – Through means such as configurable business processes, automatically drives the CSR workflow and screen navigation according to the context of the customer interaction and other customer profile information across all applications used. CSR toolbox Centralized data entry Centralized data entry – Updates information in one system and automatically updates all other systems (if there is a need to overcome data duplication). CSR toolbox Embedded actions Embedded actions – Embedding desktop controls with APIs or service calls to other systems as a means to process activities such as invoice generation, device activation, and other back-office activities. CSR Toolbox Single sign-on Single sign-on – Provides single sign-on across applications in the toolbox. Customer information dashboard Customer information dashboard – Displays relevant customer information, such as name, account and lifetime value on a persistent customer dashboard. Launch in-context Common Actions Launch in-context Common Actions – Configurable, short-cut buttons that launch key applications and functions for streamlining actions a CSR commonly performs. (e.g. create a case, prepare an order, update an address) CSR fulfillment Application Identifier: 5.6.1 Overview A CSR fulfillment application provides front end support for the application flows defined by the order management applications (cf. Order Management Applications). Note: Since CSRs are required to perform sales activities, it is expected that in a future Application Map version this application will encompass front end applications from the sales domain as well. Functions CSR access to specific order CSR access to a specific order - Manage monitor and track specific order. CSR Jeopardy notifications handling View jeopardy notifications queue and enable the CSR to act accordingly (e.g. notify customer on due date delay) © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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CSR Order administration View all outstanding orders, progress and history displays CSR Order Capture and Negotiation Order Capture and Negotiation provides front end support for the application flows defined by the order management applications. CSR Order Error resolution View pool of orders resulted in error / stuck orders and enable the CSR to act accordingly (e.g. resend the request, notify the user with recommended action) CSR Order take-over and relinquish The ability to take over governance on orders handles in other channels (e.g. selfservice) amend and relinquish while preserving all the captured data. CSR Orders Reporting A CSR fulfillment function that provides front end support for Business, Financial and Operational reporting and analyzing of the ordering activities. Product Catalogue browsing Product catalog browsing – identify products available for purchase by a given customer, provide relevant information (e.g. cost, requirements, configurable attributes) to the customer. This information will be used in the step guidance. CSR assurance Application Identifier: 5.6.2 Overview A CSR assurance application provides front end support for the application flows defined by the case management applications (cf. Case Management Applications). It is expected that future versions of Application Map will encompass the front end of the assurance applications: Customer QoS/SLA Management and Customer Service/Account Problem Resolution. Functions CSR front end assurance support A CSR function for front end support for the application flows defined by the case management applications (cf. Case Management Applications). CSR Billing Application Identifier: 5.6.3 Overview A CSR billing application provides front end functionality for the CSR in their day to day billing related activities. Functions CSR Front End Payment Support © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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A CSR payment function provides front end functionality for the CSR in their day to day billing related activities. CSR FrontEnd Billing Inquiry and Dispute support CSR billing Inquiry Dispute Adjustment Management provides front end functionality for the CSR in their day to day billing related activities.

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5.6.3 CSR Billing

Figure 20.

5.6.3 CSR Billing

CSR Billing Application Identifier: 5.6.3 Overview A CSR billing application provides front end functionality for the CSR in their day to day billing related activities. Functions CSR Front End Payment Support A CSR payment function provides front end functionality for the CSR in their day to day billing related activities. CSR FrontEnd Billing Inquiry and Dispute support CSR billing Inquiry Dispute Adjustment Management provides front end functionality for the CSR in their day to day billing related activities. Collection Application Identifier: Overview The purpose of collection application is to support the customer service representative (CSR) in collection activities. Most of the collection activities are executed automatically through Collection Management. Functions Automated Collection Handling of automated collection © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Collection agent reassignment Change the agent responsible for a specific collection activity. Collection inquiries Collection inquiries – query treatment path and collection history Force account into collection Force account into collection / Stop collection treatment Manual intervention in collection treatment Manual intervention in collection treatment Pause collection treatment Pause / Resume collection treatment Perform manual collection activities Perform manual collection activities (e.g. make call) Resume collection treatment Pause / Resume collection treatment Stop collection treatment Force account into collection / Stop collection treatment Payment Application Identifier: Overview The purpose of payment application is to accept customer payment via the customer service representative (CSR). Functions CSR Balance/Invoice Payment The CSR Balance/Invoice payment function is to accept customer payment via the customer service representative (CSR) for immediate Payment of Balance/Specific Invoice using existing or new pay means CSR Pre-Paid Recharge The CSR Balance/Invoice payment function is to accept customer payment via the customer service representative (CSR) for Prepaid recharge using vouchers or other pay means

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5.8 Customer Problem Management

Figure 21.

5.8 Customer Problem Management

Customer Problem Management Application Identifier: 5.8 Overview The purpose of Customer Problem Management is to manage problems reported by customers, resolving these problems to the customer’s satisfaction, and providing meaningful status on the issue as needed to the customer. Customer problems can include: • General questions on products purchased and being used by the customer • Problems with products already purchased and being used by the customer either due to lack of education or service/network problems. •Problems with a material purchase from the service provider, even if they do not have an account with the said service provider. •General inquiries, complaints, and commendations. Note: A customer problem may or may not result in a billing adjustment. Billing related issues are handled via Billing Inquiry, Dispute & Adjustment Management, See Case Management for more information. Functions

Customer Problem Qualification & Reception Application Identifier: 5.8.1 Overview Customer Problem Qualification & Reception applications provide the necessary functionality to detect, evaluate and qualify a reported or affected customer problem. Functions Qualify and prioritize customer problem © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Problem validation and prioritization doing: o Qualify Symptoms/Reason for call (when reception is via a customer contact). Non-qualified issues will be referred appropriately. o Associate received problem with appropriate customer(s) and customer products/services (when reception is via a southbound or northbound system) Reception of problems from Customers Reception of problems from Customers, Southbound internal systems (service problem management, service performance management, service quality management) or Outside northbound systems, including social networks/third parties. Verify Customer services and entitlement This refers to service validation to see what service(s) the customer has subscribed to, and what service/support to which they are entitled. Such as: • Products purchased and being used by the customer • Material purchase from the service provider, even if they do not have an account with the said service provider. Customer Problem Lifecycle Management Application Identifier: 5.8.2 Overview Customer Problem Lifecycle Management applications provides the necessary functionality to manage the end-to-end lifecycle of the customer problem as defined and configured by the service provider. Note: All customer incidents/cases may be tracked, if so determined by the service provider. Functions Case Tracking & Management Tracking Capability Track Case, including the related activities (dispatches, tier-II tickets, etc.) until closed. Customer Problem Diagnostics Application Identifier: 5.8.3 Overview Customer Problem Diagnostics applications provide the necessary functionality to perform the root cause analysis of a reported or affected customer problem. Functions Customer Problem Diagnostics Determine the source (root cause) of the problem • Utilize service performance and service problem management functions • Use Diagnostics /Testing tools to determine the actual cause • Use a detailed physical, logical and service inventory to create an up-to-date detailed customer connectivity/topology view. • Receive service quality of service violation data from Service Quality Management © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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• Correlate various events associated with customer contact to determine the source • Update the case with a “Cause Code” Resolving Customer Problem Support Support Problem resolution with the following data to resolve the customer problem: o Customer Topology and inventory type data (e.g., logical and physical inventory) o Customer Information including the business organizational hierarchy o Change Management data o Customer Service Order data Customer Problem Resolution Application Identifier: 5.8.4 Overview Customer Problem Resolution applications provide the necessary functionality to automatically resolve a customer reported or affected problem back to the original state (i.e., restore service). This maybe done through fault resolution or implementing a bypass to the problem. Functions

Customer Problem Verification & Closure Application Identifier: 5.8.5 Overview Customer Problem Verification & Closure applications provide the necessary functionality to verify if the problem has been resolved and to close the case when the problem is indeed resolved. As part of verification and closure, manual follow-up may be needed with customer service representatives, if a complaint (or commendation) was placed against the individual, which need to be tracked. Appropriate actions must be taken, especially if trends are discovered. Functions

Customer Problem Reporting Application Identifier: 5.8.6 Overview Customer Problem Reporting applications provide the necessary functionality to report on the status of open/ closed customer problems. Functions Generate customer problem lifecycle tracking reports Customer Problem Reporting function provide the necessary functionality to report on the status of open/ closed customer problems. Customer problems can include: © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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• General questions on products purchased and being used by the customer • Problems with products already purchased and being used by the customer either due to lack of education or service/network problems. • Problems with a material purchase from the service provider, even if they do not have an account with the said service provider. • General inquiries, complaints, and commendations. Generate customer problem operations and metrics reports Customer Problem Reporting function to provide the necessary functionality to generate operational reports, as well as reports against various metrics. Customer problems can include: • General questions on products purchased and being used by the customer • Problems with products already purchased and being used by the customer either due to lack of education or service/network problems. • Problems with a material purchase from the service provider, even if they do not have an account with the said service provider. • General inquiries, complaints, and commendations.

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5.9 Receivables Management

Figure 22.

5.9 Receivables Management

Receivables Management Application Identifier: 5.9 Overview The purpose of this application is to automate and manage the processing of financial transactions affecting the customer's financial account. Furthermore, this process is meant to match these transactions with the services/invoices delivered to this customer. This is a legal requirement in some countries e.g. as required by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act in the USA. Functions

A/R Management Application Identifier: 5.9.1 Overview Accounts Receivable (A/R) Management applications provide necessary tools to maintain the customer account receivable. This includes managing balances as well as posting of payments and other financial activities. Functions Account Receivable Balance Transferring Accounts Receivable (A/R) Management function of Applying adjustments and balance transfer: Adjustments to be carried out (manually or in bulk) or transfer of transactions to customers’ accounts after corrections Account Receivable Debit/Credit matching

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Accounts Receivable (A/R) Management function of Allocate/assign receivables within customers account: Match credit and debit entries related to a same process. The most common example is matching payment(s) to corresponding invoices or invoice items. The matching does not affect the global balance but eases the clerical tasks. Account Receivable Direct Debiting Accounts Receivable (A/R) Management function of Direct debit: Generating flows of requests for direct debits. It is based upon the billing accounts and on the banks' opening schedule. Account Receivable GL posting Accounts Receivable (A/R) Management function of Posting customer revenue account: Recording of revenues and expenses at the General Ledger level provide necessary tools to maintain the customer account receivable. Aggregate customer accounts for general ledger: Group receivables by type of customer accounts, through grouping of individual customers’ A/R accounts Accounting Event Creation The Accounting Event Creation function has to send to the accounting functionality information produced by rating and/or invoicing functions, including the period end (a.k.a. “cutoff”) accounting entries. Period end adjustments, that concern deferred revenue and accrued assets, become a legal obligation. For pre-paid, the paid amounts (top-ups) are initially considered as deferred revenue; deferred revenue is turned into revenue through the actual usage (credit consumption). After the use-by date, the remaining credit is written off as a profit. Accounts Receivable Charge Posting Accounts Receivable Charge Posting posts invoice charges in Accounts Receivable based on billed charges. It can be invoked by any billing system. Invoice charges accepts information on new charges and credits billed to customers, and updates their account balance accordingly. Advance Payment Acceptance Advance Payments are accepted before initiation of service - usually at time of ordering. Interest is not accrued on advance payments. Application of Payments Application of payments receives customer payments from various sources and applies them to customer account balances. It also performs activities, such as Payment Allocation to balances and Transfers of funds between accounts. Bill preparation AR calculates and sends to the Bill Calculation application the required information for accounts that are going to be processed. Deposit Management Deposit Management manages amounts held as a guarantee of payment. Interest may be accumulated on this deposit amount. If payment is not made in a timely manner, a portion of this deposit may be applied to the outstanding balance. Based on business policy, deposits © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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may be refunded with applicable interest after some period of time. Deposit Management maintains and executes on these policies. Financial Account Management Financial Account Management supports the financial activities that relate to customer accounts. These activities include Refunds, Disputes, Adjustments / Credits and Write-offs. Journalization Application Identifier: 5.9.2 Overview Journalization applications provide the capability to analyze and translate customer financial activities into records that can then be sent to the corporate general ledger. Functions Financial Code Assignment Assigns financial codes to transactions received from billing, online adjustment, payment, refund, and collection processes. Journal Entry Accumulation Accumulates journal entries and maps them to the GL transaction based on criteria such as appropriate geographical accounting principles for sending downstream to the corporate general ledger. Journal Record Creation Analyzes and translates financial activities into journal records for sending downstream to the corporate general ledger. Financial Reporting Application Identifier: 5.9.3 Overview Financial Reporting applications provide customer financial data to downstream systems and processes. Functions Account details to BI reporting Financial Reporting also prepares account revenue details to be gathered into Business Intelligence data warehouse to facilitate decision support. Debt, Proof and Balance Reporting Financial Reporting function to provide data presenting summaries of the financial activities of customer accounts. It includes a set of debt aging reports and proof & balance reports. Tax information reporting Financial Reporting of tax information to Corporate Tax in support of tax compliance. © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Payment Management Application Identifier: 5.9.4 Overview The Payment Management application provides a link between the payment channels (e.g. Post office, Retail shops, etc.) and the service provider to allow many forms of payment to be accepted in a controlled manner. Payment Management interfaces with financial institutions to verify and accept or decline financial transactions. Functions

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5.9.4 Payment Management

Figure 23.

5.9.4 Payment Management

Payment Management Application Identifier: 5.9.4 Overview The Payment Management application provides a link between the payment channels (e.g. Post office, Retail shops, etc.) and the service provider to allow many forms of payment to be accepted in a controlled manner. Payment Management interfaces with financial institutions to verify and accept or decline financial transactions. Functions

Payment Interface Management Application Identifier: Overview OverviewPayment Interface Management - retrieves and transmits payment information with payment channel organizations (financial institutions/clearing houses) in a secure manner according to agreements. Functions Payment Interface Direct debit payment support Supports direct debit payments from the nominated (specified) bank accounts. Payment interface management Manages interfaces between the service provider and payment channel organizations where payment © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Payment Interface Refunds Transaction Support Supports refund transactions based on the saved payment transaction details. Payment Validation & Authorization Application Identifier: Overview Payment Validation & Authorization assures that all payments are properly validated and authorized with the appropriate financial institutions. This includes support for preauthorization of charges. Functions Financial Institution Linkage Liaises with financial institutions for payment authorization Financial Security Support Supports financial institutions’ security standards (e.g. “Verified by Visa” and “MasterCard SecureCode”). Remittance Details Access Provides remittance details to the bill accounts receivable management application within the service provider billing system. Payment Settlement Application Identifier: Overview Payment Settlement submits authorized transactions from the service provider to the financial institution and provides reconciliation support. Functions Financial reconciliation Supports the reconciliation process with financial institutions Financial transaction settlement Submits authorized transactions to the financial institutions for settlement.

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5.10 Billing Inquiry, Dispute & Adjustment Management

Figure 24.

5.10 Billing Inquiry, Dispute & Adjustment Management

Billing Inquiry, Dispute & Adjustment Management Application Identifier: 5.10 Overview This is a front-end application for managing billing inquiries, disputes, and adjustments. Billing inquiries are provided by Bill Calculation. Open dispute cases can be handled by Case Management system or internally. The financial activities are performed by Receivables Management. Functions

Bill Inquiry Application Identifier: 5.10.1 Overview Billing Inquiry applications provide capabilities to view a given customer’s invoice bill and supporting details in order to answer customer questions. Functions Invoke bill calculation on demand The function will invoke a bill calculation on demand for e.g. a purchase. List all invoices The Listing all invoices function will list all invoices for a customer both over time and for customers with multiple invoices. © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Query Balance statement Query of Billing Related Balances including un-billed balance Recreate all item per invoice List all invoice items for a specific invoice View exact bill image Invoking a transactional document generation function View unbilled items List all unbilled invoice items for current bill cycle View usage summary and details View usage summary and details (billed and non-billed) for a specific time period Dispute Management Application Identifier: 5.10.2 Overview Dispute Management applications provide necessary functionality to identify, track, and assign an appropriate disposition to contested charges. Functions Dispute tracking Open disputes that are entered into the dispute management system are tracked by an audit process keeps track of its progress until it’s closed. Enter agreed-upon adjustment. An agreed-upon adjustment to settle a customer dispute, with notations, is entered pending research and approval. Open disputes registering When a customer questions a charge, account representatives work with the customer to resolve the disputed charge. Open disputes are entered into the dispute management system where an audit process keeps track of its progress until it’s closed. Resolve the disputed charge An agreed-upon dispute adjustment is resolved after approval. Adjustments Application Identifier: 5.10.3 Overview Adjustments applications provide appropriate functionality to create transactions that affect a customer’s account balance as a result of an assessment or dispute. Functions © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Bill Dispute Closure Bill dispute consists of handling the customer inquiries received through customer service, self care or any other channel about their bills that have not been solved by simple actions (e.g. walk customer through their invoice or grant the request when disputed amount is inferior to a threshold). •The case is closed. When the dispute is granted, the granted amount must be taken off the debt, through a debit adjustment, i.e. a negative charge or billable item. Depending on the available IT capabilities or business rules in force, this may be billed either as part of the following periodic invoice, or as a specific invoicing process and related accounting document (in this case a credit note). The reason for the adjustment must be recorded, for example adjustment may be a gesture of goodwill from the company, or a correction for a proven billing error. Depending on local law and regulation, the process and applicable rules may be different. In addition, if the investigation showed an error in product and services data (e.g. wrong service affected to a contract), the settlement will also include an update request to the installed offer and products repository and services repository. Bill Dispute Initiation Bill dispute consists of handling the customer inquiries received through customer service, self care or any other channel about their bills that have not been solved by simple actions (e.g. walk customer through their invoice or grant the request when disputed amount is inferior to a threshold). •The initial customer contact and the disputed amount are recorded. Bill Dispute Investigation Bill dispute consists of handling the customer inquiries received through customer service, self care or any other channel about their bills that have not been solved by simple actions (e.g. walk customer through their invoice or grant the request when disputed amount is inferior to a threshold). •The case is investigated using billing data (invoice images, billed items, usage history) A/R data (e.g. search of unmatched payment) and others (e.g. installed products, network databases…). Bill Dispute notification Bill dispute consists of handling the customer inquiries received through customer service, self care or any other channel about their bills that have not been solved by simple actions (e.g. walk customer through their invoice or grant the request when disputed amount is inferior to a threshold). •The dispute settlement results in customer notification of the results, dispute granted (for the whole disputed amount or part of it) or customer request denied. Customer's Account Adjustment Customer's Account Adjustment adjust customer's account balance based on the result of a detailed assessment or dispute. Possible adjustments may include tax adjustments, account/invoice/charge level adjustment, good will adjustment as well as refund or credits. All adjustments are made based on schedule of authorization polices. The customer service © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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representative (CSR) can also consider the history and nature of previous dispute & adjustment requests made by the customer.

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5.13 Billing Account Management

Figure 25.

5.13 Billing Account Management

Billing Account Management Application Identifier: 5.13 Overview The purpose of Billing Account Management is to provide functionality necessary to establish and modify a customer's billing account. This includes configuration of the account as well as management of account associations. Functions

Billing Account Configuration Management Application Identifier: 5.13.1 Overview Billing Account Configuration Management provides the necessary capability to create and update billing accounts. It also provides the ability to modify billing account parameters. Functions Create billing accounts Billing Account Configuration Management provides the ability to create billing accounts based on various account constructs. Account creation can also be automated with orders received Modify billing accounts Modify billing accounts based on various account constructs. Update specific billing account information © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Update specific billing account information such as customer bill periods, bill media options, etc. Billing Account Associations Management Application Identifier: 5.13.2 Overview The Billing Account Associations Management application provides the necessary capabilities to manage billing account associations with other entities. Functions Billing Account Prepaid automatic replenishment Support automatic replenishment of prepaid billing account from postpaid billing account Billing Account Price plan determination Associate a charge record with the appropriate price plan. Billing Account Reporting Grouping charges/statement/accounts for the purpose of creating a report Billing statement association Identify what charges are to be included in the statement. Charge association to billing account Associate incurred charge to the billing account liable for its payment Charge distribution to pay means Identify the related prepaid or postpaid billing account for a given charge (recurring, one time, usage) Shared allowances community Link a charge record to shared allowance if exists

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5.14 Collection Management

Figure 26.

5.14 Collection Management

Collection Management Application Identifier: 5.14 Overview The Collections Management application provides necessary functionality to manage customer accounts where there is an outstanding balance. It allows handling of each account individually, based on customer value and financial history using configurable policies. The collection management application supports the collection lifecycle activities including: collection decision making, selection of collection policy, collection execution - automating the collection treatment flow, monitoring the collection process and collection settlement negotiation. The collection application keeps track of collection status and history. The collections treatment flow can perform a number of activities including issuance of treatment notices and collection letters. Functions

Collection Policy Definition and Configuration Application Identifier: 5.14.1 Overview Collection Policy defines a path of collection activities to be executed in escalated order. A set of rules classify customer accounts and associates them to the appropriate collection policy. Functions Collection Flows Creation Assembly of collection steps into collection flows Collection Rules Definition © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Collection Rules Definition recording Collection Policy Execution and Monitoring Application Identifier: 5.14.2 Overview Collection Policy Execution and Monitoring starts with the decision for whether to initiate a collection process for an account. Once a collection decision has been taken, the appropriate collection policy is selected. There are many events that may change the collection activities for example – customer paid, customer back out from a payment arrangement, customer status has been changed or a manual intervention in the collection process. All these require constant monitoring and process execution modifications. Functions Collection Action Payment agreement and promises Inclusion of a payment schedule or a promise of payment, negotiated with the customer during the dunning process. Collection Actions - Charges Automatic and manual generation of the penalty charges (dunning charges, payment rejection fees) linked to dunning of the due amount, in order to bill the customer according to the details of his / her contract. Collection Actions- Issue write off Issue write-offs (in order to close the dunning file) and to inform the Account Receivable system about the entries to be done. Collection Actions- Outside Collection Agency Referrals Passing the collection process on to an Outside Collection Agency. Collection Actions-Business and follow-up activities Control and management of the dunning activity. It generates statistics. Collection Actions-Update financial scoring: Update of the customer scoring information, based on events that are significant of payer behavior of the customer (e.g. late payment, delays, etc.) Collection Decision Engine Collection Decision Engine - Evaluates each arriving account, decides whether the account needs collection treatment, and assigns the relevant collection treatment policy to each account. Collection Execution Monitoring Monitors events that may change the collection execution. Such events include: customer paid, customer status has been changed, payment back-outs. As a result, stop, resume or reselect the collection policy. Collection Policy Decision and Monitoring

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Collection Decision and Monitoring - Evaluates each arriving account, decides whether the account needs collection treatment, and assigns the relevant collection treatment policy to each account, and Monitors the events that may change the collection execution. Such events include: customer paid, customer status has been changed, payment back-outs. As a result, stop, resume or reselect the collection policy Collection Policy Manual Intervention Manual Intervention - Provides the CSR with many options to override the automated flow such as pause and continue the collection treatment, force an account into collection, change the selected collection policy and stop manually the collection treatment. Collection Treatment Collection Treatment Management - Defines and initiates the collection treatment activities according to the appropriate collection policy. A collection treatment can belong to one of the following categories: o Issue notice (e.g. Collection Letter, e-mail or SMS) o CSR assignment – Assign a CSR or a CSR group to manually handle the collection. o Issue Restrict/Restore/Disconnects request - Includes anything from restricting to suspensions, as well as the restoration when payment is received. o OCA Referrals - Passing the collection process on to an Outside Collection Agency. o Initiate Write-off requests Collection Treatment Management Defines and initiates the collection treatment activities according to the appropriate collection policy (using a business process automation engine). A collection treatment can belong to one of the following categories: Financial, Service restriction, Customer communication, CSR interaction and Outside Collection Agency treatment including Issue notice (e.g. Collection Letter, e-mail or SMS) CSR assignment collection treatment Assign a CSR or a CSR group to manually handle the collection. Debt Management Automatic Penalty charging The Debt Management function: •Charges: Automatic and manual generation of the penalty charges (dunning charges, payment rejection fees) linked to dunning of the due amount, in order to bill the customer according to the details of his / her contract. Debt Management Financial Scoring The Debt Management function: •Update financial scoring: update of the customer scoring information, based on events that are significant of payer behavior of the customer (e.g. late payment, delays, etc.) Initiate dunning strategy Implementation of the company’s dunning strategy within its information system. A payment schedule is assigned according to a variety of customer criteria, such as customer type, payment means, payment behavior, etc. Manage the dunning and event process

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Management of the dunning process pertaining to a dossier and the automatic or manual chaining of actions, as issuing a SMS, a letter, an outbound call, a barring action or delay fees. Collection Settlement Application Identifier: 5.14.3 Overview The application provides the mechanism that allows the CSR to negotiate with customers and offer them acceptable plans to pay their debts. These plans might be based on multiple installments over a defined period of time, including the milestones at which the customer is reevaluated for fulfilling the arrangement. Functions Collation Actions- Build payment plan Based on system recommendation or CSR decision to build a payment plan. Collection Actions-Payment plan monitoring Monitor the payment plan execution and trigger events for the collection monitoring process.

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5.15 Bill Calculation

Figure 27.

5.15 Bill Calculation

Bill Calculation Application Identifier: 5.15 Overview The Bill Calculation application processes all charges against an account during bill cycles. Bill Calculation can be executed both on a cyclic basis and on demand. It performs bill invoicing, dealing with bill compilation of charges, credits, payments, adjustments, fees & taxes at various levels, such as product and/or account level that have been generated since the last run for that account. It could apply discounts. Finally, Bill Calculation Management calculates bill totals and subtotals as appropriate. The pricing plans and discounts are determined based on the agreements for the invoiced customer or account. Functions Apply pricing and discounting Apply pricing and discounting rules and algorithms in the context of the assembled information. Billing Financial transaction creation Create appropriate transactions regarding the current invoice for Receivables Management Calculate Bill-time Fee Calculates and applies bill-time fees where necessary Split Bill Distribution Performing charge and event distribution to support a split bill Customer Bill Charge Calculation Application Identifier: 5.15.1 Overview The Customer Bill Charge Calculation provides appropriate functionality to assemble items to be incorporated into a bill, applying prices or recalculating charges in the context of appropriate © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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billing events. Customer Bill Charge Calculation also considers the results of aggregation and balance management functions in the process of calculating charges. Functions Aggregates charges from different sources This function determines charges, (including recurring, one time and usage charges) for purchased products and services in a given bill run based on the customer price plan set at time of the customer order/contract negotiation. Currency conversion Identifies the required currency conversion if any needed to appropriately bill the customer partial period (prorating) handling. This function handles partial rating period, i.e. prorating. recalculates charges This function recalculates the charges when appropriate across product, location, or customer, and considerations based on business rules. Discounts Calculation Application Identifier: 5.15.2 Overview The Discounts Calculation provides appropriate functionality to apply discounts to charges. Discount Calculation provides appropriate functionality to apply discounts or recalculate discounts in the context of appropriate billing events. Discount Calculation also considers the results of aggregation and balance management functions (based on a certain balance, different discounts are applied) in the process of calculating discounts. Functions Discount Calculation Discounts Calculation determines charge discounts based on pricing plan; including discounts on recurring, one time, and usage charges. Discounts may be applied at different levels such as cross product, cross location, or cross customer (all customers that are part of a given group plan – some affiliation). The discounts can be apportioned across multiple events. Tax Calculation Application Identifier: 5.15.3 Overview Tax Calculation provides the necessary functionality to calculate taxes, including surcharges and fees& where applicable. This function can occur within the Invoicing application or through the use of an external Tax module. Functions © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Calculate taxes Tax Calculation provides the necessary functionality to calculate taxes, including surcharges and fees; where applicable. This function can occur within the Invoicing application or through the use of an external Tax module. This function can occur within the Invoicing application or through the use of an external Tax module. Commitment Tracking Application Identifier: 5.15.4 Overview The Commitment Tracking application provides commitment governance between the customer and provider. Functions Commitment Tracking Data Collection Gathering data to be used in the evaluation of the terms and conditions to monitor financial commitments between the customer and the provider. Commitment Tracking Settlements Determining the outcome of the evaluation (financial benefits or penalties) in the context of the gathered data for commitment tracking Commitment Tracking Terms & Conditions Evaluation Evaluating the terms and conditions in the context of the gathered data for commitment tracking Bill Cycle Run Management Application Identifier: 5.15.5 Overview Bill Cycle Run Management applications provide appropriate capability to control bill cycle activities. Functions Billing Administration The Billing Administration function manages the data that are necessary to perform the bill calculation: billing cycle data, management of runs, groups and cycles of invoicing. Invoice Generation Application Identifier: 5.15.7 Overview

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Invoice Generation provides the means to calculate the balance due for an invoice/bill. In addition, it assembles charges, credits, taxes, fees and adjustments that affect the balance due. Subtotals and totals are also calculated at various levels. Functions Invoice Balance Calculation Provides the means to calculate the balance due for an invoice/bill. Invoice Charges Assembly Assembles charges (including charge distribution- charges incurred by other customers), credits, taxes, fees and adjustments that affect the balance due. Invoice Detail Collection Provides appropriate levels of detail regarding items on the invoice. This detail is provided to revenue reporting and/or Bill Format & Render. Invoice Totals Calculation Provides subtotals and totals at various levels.

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5.17 Case Management

Figure 28.

5.17 Case Management

Case Management Application Identifier: 5.17 Overview Case Management applications manage the end to end lifecycle of a case. Cases and Case Management could apply to any area of assurance, billing, or fulfillment, but presumably reside in the customer layer. More specifically, Case Management could apply to customer problems (service affecting or not), bill inquiries, disputes, or areas of ordering if so implemented by the service provider. Given Case Management must manage the lifecycle of a case, there must be a means to define and configure different types of cases along with the workflow to execute the various types of cases through their respective lifecycles. There must also be the capability to analyze and correlate cases as well as report on the various cases open at any given time, and archive the cases once closed. Note: The presentation layer for these applications will be found elsewhere (Self Service, CSR Toolbox, etc.). Functions

Case Definition and Configuration Application Identifier: 5.17.1 Overview Case Definition and Configuration applications provide the necessary functionality to define different types of cases, along with the states for each case type and associated configurations and workflow. Functions © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Case Detention Case Definition and Configuration functions are responsible for defining and configuring the various types of cases. Case types could include general queries, complaints, commendations, and problem/trouble reporting. Case Workflow Application Identifier: 5.17.2 Overview Case Workflow applications provide general workflow and orchestration capability for the Case Management area. This capability will be used to implement the flow defined and configured via the Case Definition and Configuration application. Functions Case workflow orchestration capability Case Workflow orchestration capability for the Case Management area. Case Correlation & Analysis Application Identifier: 5.17.3 Overview Case Correlation & Analysis applications provide appropriate functionality to relate cases to other reported cases (past or present) as appropriate. Functions Case Correlation Case Correlation & Analysis functions provide appropriate functionality to relate cases as appropriate. Case correlation can include correlation of multiple cases that have the same root cause as can be correlated within the customer layer. Case Tracking & Management Application Identifier: 5.17.4 Overview The Case Tracking & Management application handles the cases based on the definition and configuration established via the Case Definition and Configuration application. The Case Tracking & Management application creates and manages case worklists and oversees the transfer (dispatch or assignment) of the case to appropriate internal applications or work groups, as well as affiliates or partners& tracks the case until closed and notifies appropriate parties or applications when the case has been closed/completed. Functions Case Tracking & Management transfer Capability © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Oversees the transfer (dispatch or assignment) of the case to appropriate internal applications or work groups, as well as affiliates or partners. Case Tracking & Management Completion Notification Notifies appropriate parties or applications when the case has been closed/completed. Case Tracking & Management Creation Capability Creates and manages case worklists and includes the need to contact the customer to inform them of a change in the case. Case Tracking & Management Escalation Capability Escalates jeopardies to appropriate management levels. Case Tracking & Management Real time query Capability Real time query as well as publish/subscribe mechanisms must also be provided as part of the above capabilities. Case Tracking & Management Sequence Capability Sequences the various steps of the case if required. Case Tracking & Management Status notification Provides status on the overall case. Case Tracking & Management Threshold Notification Raises jeopardies on the case as appropriate if specified dates and milestones are not met. Case Tracking & Management Update Capability Updates the state of a case as defined by Case Definition and Configuration. Case Reporting Application Identifier: 5.17.5 Overview Case Reporting applications provide Case Management based reporting. Functions Case Reporting Case Reporting provides various operational reports regarding the status and state of the various cases in the Case Management application. Case Archival Application Identifier: 5.17.6 Overview Case Archival Applications provide appropriate functionality to archive and cases at an appropriate time after case closure. © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Functions Archived Cases Retrieval Archived Cases Retrieval function provide the means to retrieve the archived cases as needed. Case Archiving Case Archiving functions provide appropriate functionality to archive and cases at an appropriate time after case closure.

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5.18 Customer SLA Management

Figure 29.

5.18 Customer SLA Management

Customer SLA Management Application Identifier: 5.18 Overview Customer SLA Management applications include the required functionality to assure that SLA agreements made between operators and customers are met. This includes processing measurements made elsewhere and checking the measurements and taking appropriate actions when the specified agreements are not met. Note: Customers can include partners and 3rd party providers. Functions

Customer SLA Issue Reception Application Identifier: 5.18.1 Overview Customer SLA Issue Reception applications provide the necessary functionality to receive a complaint or notice about some product or service with respect to an established customer service level agreement. Functions Customer SLA issue Customer Validation Customer SLA Issue Reception function to validate an established customer with service level agreement. Customer SLA Issue Reception SLA issue reception of the problem from: o Customers or customer systems o Internal systems (SQM, Service Problem Management, Service Performance Management, and Customer Problem Management as well as billing or fulfillment systems) © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Customer SLA Issue Service / Entitlement Validation Customer SLA Issue Reception function to validate the service entitlement tithe service level agreement. Customer SLA Collection Application Identifier: 5.18.2 Overview Customer SLA Collection applications provide the necessary functionality to collect information about a given SLA issue. Functions Customer SLA issue information collection Customer SLA Collection collects additional customer SLA related information from established sources, including service quality management, service performance management, service problem management, third parties, and customers, related to a SLA issue. Customer SLA Analysis Application Identifier: 5.18.3 Overview Customer SLA Analysis applications provide the necessary functionality to analyze performance with respect to the established Service Level Agreement. Functions Customer SLA analysis preparation Translating performance and commitment data received into a form suitable for SLA analysis. Customer SLA monitoring Monitoring “pending” SLA violations before they occur (“Jeopardy”) by measuring current performance/commitment activity compared to SLA thresholds Customer SLA service to contract analysis Analyzing the level of service received by the customer and comparing it to the contractual obligations. This can include analysis of historical SLA information as well. Customer SLA Violation Management Application Identifier: 5.18.4 Overview Customer SLA Violation Management applications provides the necessary functionality to manage SLA violations and the activities necessary to resolve the apparent degradation or violation. © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Functions Customer SLA Violation quantification Customer SLA Violation Management function to quantify the violation in terms of an adjustments or actions per the contract. (Per the SLA contract,) Customer SLA violation remedy initiation Customer SLA Violation Management function to provide the necessary functionality to pass adjustment or action on to billing or appropriate systems for remedy Open Customer SLA violation tracking Customer SLA Violation Management function to track and manage open Customer SLA issues. SLA violation notification Customer SLA Violation Management function provide the necessary functionality to notify appropriate people or systems to remedy the SLA violation. Customer SLA Reporting Application Identifier: 5.18.5 Overview Customer SLA Reporting applications provide the necessary functionality to report on Customer SLA performance as well as on open SLA issues. Functions Produce reports on open SLA issues Customer SLA Reporting function provide the necessary functionality to report open SLA issues Service Level performance reporting Customer SLA Reporting function provide the necessary functionality to report the service providers performance per specified service level

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5.19 Charge Calculation and Balance Management

Figure 30.

5.19 Charge Calculation and Balance Management

Charge Calculation and Balance Management Application Identifier: 5.19 Overview The Charge Calculation and Balance Management applications are responsible for calculating customer specific charges and discounts and management of balances. These support both real-time and batch processing modes of operation. Functions

Charge Calculation Application Identifier: 5.19.1 Overview The Charge Calculation application assigns a value (monetary or other) to an event in the context of a product and payer. Charge calculation may be as simple as direct application of a price to an event or may be complicated, involving a combination of price and other factors (measurements). The values that result from a charge calculation are not limited to monetary values – they may represent many types of units (minutes, points, tokens, etc.). The application accepts events that are: • Usage events / records or • Events derived from Customer and Order/Product information that indicate the need for recurring and onetime charges. The value that results from Charge Calculation may be used in many subsequent processes, including: © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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• affecting a balance (Balance Management) • the preparation of an invoice (Bill Calculation) • pay-it-now processing options. The values that result from the calculation may be expressed as recurring charges/credits, onetime charges/credits, or usage charges/credits. Taxes may be calculated for the individual customer specific charges using the Tax application, otherwise taxes are calculated by the Tax application during the bill calculation process. Functions Accumulate events for charge calculation Accumulate events that provide measurements that will be used in the charge calculation (e.g. used allowance). Charge/Credit calculation Calculate event-level charges/credits (one time, recurring, and usage) Proration of calculated charges/credits. Proration of calculated charges/credits. Recalculation recalculation of charges/credits based on information received later (e.g. from the Service Level Agreement function, delayed call detail record file arrival, delayed order arrival). Recalculation may be necessary: pre-billing (prior to Bill Calculation), during the Bill Calculation process, and/or post-billing. Balance Management Application Identifier: 5.19.2 Overview The Balance Management applications are responsible for activities related to the creation and maintenance of the balances of a customer and/or a subscriber. Balances may be shared (e.g. between subscribers in a hierarchy). Balance can be managed at most granule level for example at the level of subscription. These processes will be required to support both batch and real-time processing. Types of balances include: • Monetary balances o Prepaid balances o Postpaid balances •Non-monetary balances (e.g. free minutes, WAP-only quota, tokens, etc.) Functions Balance expiration dates setting Record definition of policies regarding temporal aspects of balance Balance information to the financial systems reporting Communication of balance information to the financial systems (e.g. General Ledger, Accounts Receivable) within the enterprise. Balance inquiry. © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Handling of requests regarding balance Balance Management- Spending-limits enforcement Enforce spending-limits and credit-control for postpaid balances. Balance Management Activates log Provide transaction logs to support reporting activities. Balance Payment Reception of customer payments from various sources and applying them to customer account balances Balance Replenishment Replenish top-up recharge of prepaid balances from postpaid accounts (e.g. credit card or credit balance). Balance thresholds actions and notifications. Record definition of policies per balance or balance type of threshold actions and notification Charge Calculation Balance updating Charge Calculation results applied to the balance as a credit or debit. Minimum Allowable Balance Setting Record definition of policies per balance or balance type of Minimum Allowable Balance limit (e.g. balance must remain above zero). Roll-over and cyclic Balance Management policies. Record definition of policies per balance or balance type of roll-over and cyclic policies Splitting charges between multiple balances. Split charges between multiple balances. Support for multiple simultaneous sessions Support for multiple simultaneous sessions that affect a common balance. Unit reservation creation Handling of Unit reservation from a balance for a specified interval (session). Unused units are credited back into the balance when the session is released.

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5.20 Billing Events Management

Figure 31.

5.20 Billing Events Management

Billing Events Management Application Identifier: 5.20 Overview Billing Event Management encompasses Billing Event Processing and Billing Event Error Management. Billing Event Processing provides the functions necessary to collect events that are relevant for billing processes, relate them to the proper product offering or customer account, and direct the events to the appropriate billing sub-functions. Billing events include: • Events that indicate the need for periodic billing of a recurring product charge (from customer orders). • Records that indicate the need for billing of a non-recurring charge (from customer orders). • Records produced by network elements (from usage management). Usage Management will collect and distribute the network records that will be used in the Billing processes to Billing Event Management. Billing Event Error Management functions are a complex set of activities related to automating the processes of correcting errors in billing events. This often includes the capability to apply mass corrections. Functions

Billing Event Processing Application Identifier: 5.20.1 Overview

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Billing Event Processing includes collection, guiding, distribution, mediation, enrichment, analysis, summarization, and correlation of billing event records. These functions are required to support both file and event based processing. Billing events may originate from many sources. A primary source of billing events is the Usage Management function. The Usage Management function will provide information produced by various network elements to Billing Event Processing. Events produced in the Usage Management function may be used as: 1. Measurements for calculating the charge of purchased products offerings where the price is a usage price type. The events may report measurements expressed in various units (bandwidth, duration, quantity, message vs. measured, etc.). 2. Purchase indicators that indicates to Billing that a product offering has been “ordered” by a customer • Other sources of billing event records are: • Third parties • Ordering platforms • Other billers Events to be rated are distributed to the appropriate rating system. Once rated, the events are returned from Rating to Billing Events Management and from there distributed to Bill Calculation. Rated events may be used by Balance Management to affect a balance. Events that indicate a roaming activity are distributed to outside service providers. Functions Billing Event Processing Analysis Billing Event Processing Analysis Billing Event Processing Summarization Analysis Billing Event Processing Collection Billing Event Processing Collection, including gateway functions Billing Event Processing Correlation Billing Event Processing Correlation Billing Event Processing Distribution Billing Event Processing Distribution Billing Event Processing Enrichment Billing Event Processing Enrichment Billing Event Processing Guiding Billing Event Processing Guiding Billing Event Processing Mediation Billing Event Processing Mediation converts records into a format compatible to the Billing System Billing Event Processing Summarization © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Billing Event Processing Summarization Billing Event Error Management Application Identifier: 5.20.2 Overview The Billing Events Error Management function accepts events which have been identified as being non-processable. Examples could include the inability to identify the owner of the usage (customer), and inability to apply a valid rate, etc. The function provides users with these capabilities: · The ability to categorize unbilled events · Features to identify the error cause · Correction capabilities (via mechanized script or manual correction) · Re-distribution features to send the usage to the proper destination(s) Functions Billing event error cause identification The Billing Events Error Management features to identify the error cause Billing Event Error Correction capabilities Correction capabilities via mechanized script or manual correction Billing Event Error Re-distribution Re-distribution features to send the usage to the proper destination(s). Billing Event Error Unbilled events categorization The ability to categorize unbilled events

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5.21 Customer Loyalty Management

Figure 32.

5.21 Customer Loyalty Management

Customer Loyalty Management Application Identifier: 5.21 Overview Customer Loyalty Management applications are responsible for the management of the customer loyalty programs. This includes administration of the general program, prize management including management of prize partners, as well as loyalty balance management. Functions

Customer Program Management Application Identifier: 5.21.1 Overview Customer Loyalty Program Management is responsible for administration of the customer loyalty programs. This includes program rules and registration, management of customer loyalty profiles within the loyalty program, and all communication with the customer regarding the loyalty program. Functions Loyalty Communications Management The Communication Management component sends information related to Loyalty Programs (Point Balance, Prize Request status, renewed Loyalty Code) to external components in push and pull modes. Loyalty Program Rules Administration Loyalty Program Rules and customer loyalty profiles management © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Loyalty Subscription Management The Loyalty Subscription Management component manages subscription and deactivations to a Loyalty programs. Subscription management includes - checking customer requirements - assigning one or more subgroups to which the customer belongs - assigning welcome points & send welcome messages - generate the unique Loyalty-identifier Loyalty Subscription Management can assign multiple traffic channels to loyalty subscriptions (sim-cards, PBX, Call Data Network etc.) Customer Loyalty Prize Management Application Identifier: 5.21.2 Overview Loyalty Prize Management maintains the prize lists and prize redemption costs in terms of loyalty program points. It also assures that the program customer has the points necessary to select the given prize. Functions Loyalty Program Prize Administration The Loyalty Prize Administration component configures and maintains the prizes and holds description of their characteristics. Allows for prize differentiation policies on geographical criteria. Loyalty Program Prize Selection The Loyalty Prize selection function lists available prizes and assures that the program customer has the points necessary to select the given prize. Customer Loyalty Balance Management Application Identifier: 5.21.3 Overview Loyalty Score Management calculates the customer loyalty score according the accumulation/decrease rules. Loyalty Score Management must manage accumulation of points from more than one product source into one or more balance profiles. Loyalty score could decrease due to prize purchase, point expiration, etc. Score details can be accessed via various contact channels. Functions Loyalty Program Score Balance Management The Score Management component calculates the score according to accumulation/decrease rules. When a customer subscribes to the loyalty program with more than one SIM or other ‘traffic objects’, the Score Management accumulates the points into a single balance. The loyalty score could decrease for one of the following events: prize purchase, points expiry or points deletion by Call Centre. The functionality may also include the © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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visualization of Score details (date, description event type, points, final score) via different contact Channels (e.g. via Web, IVR, Call Centre).

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5.22 Customer & Network Care

Figure 33.

5.22 Customer & Network Care

Customer & Network Care Application Identifier: 5.22 Overview The Customer and Network Care domain supports all tools, technology and services that enable a Service Provider and affiliate Care organizations to support customer inquiries and requests. The domain encompasses Billing, Assurance, Ordering and Provisioning domains related inquiries/issues. This domain supports voice, chat, email, postal mail, and faxes. eService is noted but is addressed in a separate domain. The domain supports all operational tools used by the customer service / work center community including desktops and associated user interfaces. The domain also supports back-office operations as well as center management. Functions

Role-Based Portal Application Identifier: 5.22.1 Overview The Role-Based Portal focuses on eliminating swivel chair operations, increasing the flexibility of the work distribution, driving desktop consistency and reducing cost due to functional duplication. It also promotes role and user based personalization at the agent/center/team level. The portal provides the ability to combine business functionality (portlets) into a specific role that comprises the agent’s end-to-end responsibilities. Functions © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Center Administration Application Identifier: 5.22.2 Overview Center Administration provides care-center administrators tools that enable them to efficiently manage center operations. Operations would include center productivity, performance metrics collection, training as well as force and skill assignment. Functions

Contact Channel Management Application Identifier: 5.22.3 Overview Contact Channel Management encompasses the means by which customers of a given service provider contact Service Providers as well as how service provider agents communicate internally. It also includes the means to transfer the communication from one channel to another. Contact Channel Management addresses the routing, queuing and assignment of new active customer requests based on center utilization and available agents with the appropriate Skill assignment. Functions Channel Infrastructure Channel Infrastructure represents the cross-channel components that drive consistency and analytics of the customer experience. Channel infrastructure would manage common contact event information such as transaction state, statistics, history, etc. Contact Channel Work Assignment Contact Channel Work Assignment provides the functionality required to match the request to the appropriate agent. The assignment is based on criteria such as type of customer, nature of call, skill requirements, availability, etc. Contact Queuing Contact Queueing provides the means to queue the contact until such time that a suitable agent comes available to work the contact. Customer/Internal Collaboration/Chat Contact Channel Customer/Internal Collocation/Chat provides the means for customer to agent or agent to support online chatting. Off-Line Contact Channel Management Off-Line Contact Channel Management provides the means to capture and manage activities that cannot or were not completed via an online channel contact. It also provides the means to place an activity on the “off line” queue that originated from an off-line channel such © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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as email, postal mail, fax, etc. Note: An activity can be completed on a different channel from which the request originated. Voice Channel Contact Voice Channel Contact function provides the means for a customer to speak to a service representative, including the mechanism to query the customer (e.g. – IVR) on the nature of their request, and routing of the contact to the best available agent and presentation to the agent of select call information. Voice Channel Contact Routing Contact Skills Management provides the required functionality to capture the list of skills required for the contacts that might come in. These skills are then associated with the service provider agents, as well as to contacts.

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5.22.1 Role-Based Portal

Figure 34.

5.22.1 Role-Based Portal

Role-Based Portal Application Identifier: 5.22.1 Overview The Role-Based Portal focuses on eliminating swivel chair operations, increasing the flexibility of the work distribution, driving desktop consistency and reducing cost due to functional duplication. It also promotes role and user based personalization at the agent/center/team level. The portal provides the ability to combine business functionality (portlets) into a specific role that comprises the agent’s end-to-end responsibilities. Functions

Operations Portal Application Identifier: Overview The Operations Portal encompasses Portal Infrastructure for internal / center use into which functional components are plugged. The Framework provides the “foundation” for the development of agent-facing functionality. Functions Support Portal Server The Operations Support Portal encompasses Portal Infrastructure for internal / center use into which functional components are plugged. The Framework provides the “foundation” for the development of agent-facing functionality.

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Center Efficiency Tools Application Identifier: Overview Center Efficiency Tools provides various non-portlet enabled scripts and tools for the agent to automate specific tasks. This function can also include terminal and system emulators (Citrix, Attachmate, etc.). Functions Support Portal Tools Server Center Efficiency Tools provides various non-portlet enabled scripts and tools for the agent to automate specific tasks. This function can also include terminal and system emulators (Citrix, Attachmate, etc.).

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5.22.2 Center Administration

Figure 35.

5.22.2 Center Administration

Center Administration Application Identifier: 5.22.2 Overview Center Administration provides care-center administrators tools that enable them to efficiently manage center operations. Operations would include center productivity, performance metrics collection, training as well as force and skill assignment. Functions

Center Productivity Management Application Identifier: Overview Center Productivity Management collects metrics, productivity and resource data across all channels as well as desktop events for management reporting. Functions Center Activity Management Center Activity Management includes the necessary functionality to track activities performed within a work center. These activities range from orders placed, sales closed, problems resolved, ticket closed, etc. Most work centers incorporate a detailed activity tracking mechanism with associated reporting for individual agent performance and is typically rolled up to support center-level performance as well. Center Budget Management

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Center Budget Management includes the tracking of all center expenses including operating expenses as well as project expenses. This function is primarily used for managing project budgets where a project can have long durations, multiple parallel or sequential activities and may involve work by multiple support resources. Center Quality Management Center Quality Management supports the tracking of all quality components of a support (ordering, outage, provisioning, etc.) project for completeness, accuracy, and customer satisfaction. Center Time Management Center Time Management supports all the time management of a service provider Agent/CSR/LCM etc....including tracking of hours worked, hours spent in training and other activities. It includes all time attributes used in the scheduling of resources to meet center SLAs. This function would also track time associated with a specific activity whether it be a short (single contact) or long running, multiple contact and team related activity. This aspect of time may span center resources. Center Compliance & Training Application Identifier: Overview Center Compliance & Training manages compliance with customer service / work-center methods and procedures (M&Ps) & facilitates work center training, including integration to workforce scheduling and tracking. Functions Care-center compliance management Center Compliance & Training manages compliance with customer service / work-center methods and procedures Care-center work center training Center Compliance & Training facilitates work center training, including integration to workforce scheduling and tracking. Center Force & Queue Management Application Identifier: Overview Center Force & Work Queue Management administers work center workforce and associated skills-based work assignments. It addresses scheduling, work distribution/assignment and planning for current and forecasted center work-loads. Center Force & Work Queue Management also addresses work queuing and work assignment received from various channels including incoming calls, email, and back-office/front-office work distribution and queuing. Work Queuing can be on-line (active customer contact) or off line (no customer "on the line"). Functions © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Care-center work queuing Center Force & Work Queue Management also addresses work queuing and work assignment received from various channels including incoming calls, email, and backoffice/front-office work distribution and queuing. Work Queuing can be on-line (active customer contact) or off line (no customer "on the line"). Care-center workforce administration Center Work Quing Management administers work center workforce and associated skills-based work assignments. It addresses scheduling, work distribution/assignment and planning for current and forecasted center work-loads.

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Figure 36. Center Productivity Management

Center Productivity Management Application Identifier: Overview Center Productivity Management collects metrics, productivity and resource data across all channels as well as desktop events for management reporting. Functions Center Activity Management Center Activity Management includes the necessary functionality to track activities performed within a work center. These activities range from orders placed, sales closed, problems resolved, ticket closed, etc. Most work centers incorporate a detailed activity tracking mechanism with associated reporting for individual agent performance and is typically rolled up to support center-level performance as well. Center Budget Management Center Budget Management includes the tracking of all center expenses including operating expenses as well as project expenses. This function is primarily used for managing project budgets where a project can have long durations, multiple parallel or sequential activities and may involve work by multiple support resources. Center Quality Management Center Quality Management supports the tracking of all quality components of a support (ordering, outage, provisioning, etc.) project for completeness, accuracy, and customer satisfaction. Center Time Management Center Time Management supports all the time management of a service provider Agent/CSR/LCM etc....including tracking of hours worked, hours spent in training and other activities. It includes all time attributes used in the scheduling of resources to meet center SLAs. This function would also track time associated with a specific activity whether it be a short (single contact) or long running, multiple contact and team related activity. This aspect of time may span center resources. © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Center Activity Management Application Identifier: Overview Center Activity Management includes the necessary functionality to track activities performed within a work center. These activities range from orders placed, sales closed, problems resolved, ticket closed, etc. Most work centers incorporate a detailed activity tracking mechanism with associated reporting for individual agent performance and is typically rolled up to support center-level performance as well. Functions

Center Time Management Application Identifier: Overview Center Time Management supports all the time management of a service provider Agent/CSR/LCM etc....including tracking of hours worked, hours spent in training and other activities. It includes all time attributes used in the scheduling of resources to meet center SLAs. This function would also track time associated with a specific activity whether it be a short (single contact) or long running, multiple contact and team related activity. This aspect of time may span center resources. Functions

Center Budget Management Application Identifier: Overview Center Budget Management includes the tracking of all center expenses including operating expenses as well as project expenses. This function is primarily used for managing project budgets where a project can have long durations, multiple parallel or sequential activities and may involve work by multiple support resources. Functions

Center Quality Management Application Identifier: Overview

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Center Quality Management supports the tracking of all quality components of a support (ordering, outage, provisioning, etc.) project for completeness, accuracy, and customer satisfaction. Functions

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5.22.3 Contact Channel Management

Figure 37.

5.22.3 Contact Channel Management

Contact Channel Management Application Identifier: 5.22.3 Overview Contact Channel Management encompasses the means by which customers of a given service provider contact Service Providers as well as how service provider agents communicate internally. It also includes the means to transfer the communication from one channel to another. Contact Channel Management addresses the routing, queuing and assignment of new active customer requests based on center utilization and available agents with the appropriate Skill assignment. Functions Channel Infrastructure Channel Infrastructure represents the cross-channel components that drive consistency and analytics of the customer experience. Channel infrastructure would manage common contact event information such as transaction state, statistics, history, etc. Contact Channel Work Assignment Contact Channel Work Assignment provides the functionality required to match the request to the appropriate agent. The assignment is based on criteria such as type of customer, nature of call, skill requirements, availability, etc. Contact Queuing Contact Queueing provides the means to queue the contact until such time that a suitable agent comes available to work the contact. Customer/Internal Collaboration/Chat Contact Channel Customer/Internal Collaboration/Chat provides the means for customer to agent or agent to support online chatting. Off-Line Contact Channel Management Off-Line Contact Channel Management provides the means to capture and manage activities that cannot or were not completed via an online channel contact. It also provides the means to place an activity on the “off line” queue that originated from an off-line channel such © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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as email, postal mail, fax, etc. Note: An activity can be completed on a different channel from which the request originated. Voice Channel Contact Voice Channel Contact function provides the means for a customer to speak to a service representative, including the mechanism to query the customer (e.g. – IVR) on the nature of their request, and routing of the contact to the best available agent and presentation to the agent of select call information. Voice Channel Contact Routing Contact Skills Management provides the required functionality to capture the list of skills required for the contacts that might come in. These skills are then associated with the service provider agents, as well as to contacts. Customer/Internal Collaboration/Chat Application Identifier: Overview Customer/Internal Collaboration/Chat supports the tools and integration of Customer or internal collaboration/chat between customer/agent, agent/agent, and agent/support group. Functions Collaboration Blog Collaboration Blog is a website formed to present a writer's or group of writers' contributions, observations and opinions about common matters for the collaborative community. It also allows for commenting and improvements of the contributed material. Collaboration Calendar Collaboration Calendar is a common calendar for the collaborative community for coordination of planning and announcements of events etc. Collaboration Document Repository Collaboration Document Repository is a common storage of documents of interest for the collaborative community. E.g. documents for work in progress and archives of base material and results. Voice Channel Contact Application Identifier: Overview Voice Channel Contact applications provides the means for a customer to speak to a service representative, including the mechanism to query the customer (e.g. – IVR) on the nature of their request, and routing of the contact to the best available agent and presentation to the agent of select call information. Functions

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Off-Line Contact Channel Management Application Identifier: Overview Off-Line Contact Channel Management provides the means to capture and manage activities that cannot or were not completed via an online channel contact. It also provides the means to place an activity on the “off line” queue that originated from an off-line channel such as email, postal mail, fax, etc. Note: An activity can be completed on a different channel from which the request originated. Functions

Channel Infrastructure Application Identifier: Overview Channel Infrastructure represents the cross-channel components that drive consistency and analytics of the customer experience. Channel infrastructure would manage common contact event information such as transaction state, statistics, history, etc. Functions

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5.23 Privacy Dashboard

Figure 38.

5.23 Privacy Dashboard

Privacy Dashboard Application Identifier: 5.23 Overview The Privacy Manager application is used to manage all aspects of the privacy of Data Subjects (End users), from the creation of Privacy Profile Types, their management, to the display of Privacy Profiles and provide functionalities for their modification and evolution. The Privacy Manager provides features depending on authorization and consequently roles of users: -Administrators: the administrators are in charge of the definition of the Privacy policy and consequently the creation of the Privacy Profile Type, the maintenance, evolution, depending on the ability of underlying components that handles Personally Identifiable Information (PII). -Customer support: the customer support is in charge of the performing some operation on Privacy Profile on behalf of end-user. -End-user (Data Subject Party): the end-user is able to view its Privacy Profile, the value of Privacy Profile attributes, and manage it. Functions

Privacy Profile Type Creation Application Identifier: 5.23.1 Overview Privacy Profile Type Creation (Administrators): feature used to create the Privacy Profile Type and the associated Privacy Profile, including definition of elements from SID where privacy applies, the default and possible values for the rules of each element. Functions © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Configure the Privacy Rules Values A Privacy Dashboard function to define default and updated values for the Privacy Profile including the values for the Privacy Rules, and the default Privacy Profile for each Privacy Profile Type. Create the Privacy Profile Type A Privacy Dashboard function to define and create the Privacy Profile Types by categorizing the Data Subject Parties, and defining the elements and of the Privacy for the Privacy Profile Type, both initial and additional for future evolution. Privacy Data Exposure Application Identifier: 5.23.2 Overview Privacy Data Exposure (End-user): feature used to provide Data Subject Party the ability to view the current privacy profile attributes for Parties: data concerned by the Privacy Profile, associated default values of rules defined, current values of rules. The dashboard also provides possibility for Party to alter this Privacy Profile, based on authorized values. It gives the enduser a 360° view of the usage authorized or possible of its PII Functions Privacy Data Party- Self-Service Updating A Privacy Dashboard function that provides possibility for the Party to alter the Privacy Profile, with authorized values. Privacy Data Party-Self-Service Browsing A Privacy Dashboard function for Privacy Data Browsing used to provide the "Data Subject Party" the ability to view the current privacy profile attributes, of the Privacy Profile, both associated default values of rules defined, and the current values of rules. Privacy Consent Application Identifier: 5.23.3 Overview Privacy Consent (End-user): feature used to obtain consent from the Data Subject at the time of an evolution of the Privacy Profile. This can be initiated by the Data Subject when s/he wants to create a new usage of its PII, or by the Service when requiring an evolution of the Privacy Profile to deliver a new scenario. Functions Privacy Consent Agreement A Privacy Dashboard function used to obtain consent from the "Data Subject Party" at the time of a change to the Privacy Profile. This can be initiated by the "Data Subject Party" at creation of new usage, or by the Service when delivering a new scenario.

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6. Service Management Domain

Figure 39.

6. Service Management Domain

Service Catalog Management Application Identifier: 6.1 Overview Service Catalog Management is a realization of the Cross Domain Catalog Management application in the Service Domain. The applications are repositories of service listing within a service provider and include the ability to design, create, augment and map new entities and supporting data. The type of catalog management application is an implementation choice of the enterprise. See: Cross Domain- Catalog Management for more information. Functions New Service Introduction and Maintenance Introduce and maintain new services as part of the Service Lifecycle Management (SLM) in appropriate systems e.g. Service Catalogue. Service Inventory Management Application Identifier: 6.2 Overview Service Inventory Management represents the applications which contain and maintain information about the instances of services in a telecom organization. A Service Inventory application may store and manage any or all of the following entities: • Customer facing service (CFS) instances, and their attributes • Resource facing service (RFS) instances, and their attributes The Service Inventory may also store and manage service relationships: • The mapping of services (RFSes or CFSes) to other services and/or service components, the components being either: • Other child services • Resources and the resource domain managers used to implement the service, or • Services and resources in Supplier/Partner systems used to implement the service © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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This mapping is stored either intrinsically in the core Service Inventory, or discretely via ServiceSupporting Resource Inventory applications. Service Inventory may include the following relationship types between entity instances: • Realization by Composition – A mapping from a service to the child services and/or resources which specifically compose that service (e.g. the RFS instance or instances whose whole purpose is to implement a CFS, the assignable resources which realize an RFS). If a parent service is torn down, child objects with a Composition relationship are typically removed or reallocated (e.g. transitioned to spares inventory). • Realization by Aggregation – A mapping from a service to the services and/or resources which support this service in addition to other services. (e.g. a network access RFS which supports a number of different network CFSes). If a parent service is torn down, child objects with an Aggregation relationship are typically maintained as long as at least one other parent service still exists. • Dependency – A link between services and/or resources which is not strong enough to qualify as Composition or Aggregation, but where various Fulfillment, Assurance, and Change Management processes need to be aware of the relationship. Dependency relationships support the ability for change management processes to evaluate if a dependent service or resource may be impacted by changes to a specific service or resource. Functions

Service Order Management Application Identifier: 6.3 Overview Service Order Management applications manage the end to end lifecycle of a service request. This includes validating service availability as well as the service order request. Other functionality includes service order issuance, service and or product order decomposition, and service order tracking along with orchestrating the activation and the test and turn up processes. Notifications will be issued to the Customer Order Management during the service order orchestration process (especially upon completion). Such notification can trigger other steps in the Customer Order Management (e.g. service order completion concludes these steps with Customer Order Management). In addition, Service Order Management also provides service design and assignment functionality. Functions

Service Problem Management Application Identifier: 6.5 Overview Service Problem Management applications are responsible for receiving service affecting customer problems as well as network troubles/faults, relating the various problems, and © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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resolving them in an efficient manner. The present operational status is made available as notifications for immediate action in case of significant operational deviation. Functions

Service Performance Management Application Identifier: 6.7 Overview Service Performance Management Applications monitor, analyze, and report on the end-end service performance. This can include a real-time, end-to-end view to ensure that each service is functioning correctly as well as a historical view. These applications build on the Resource Performance data and active end-end service performance test data to provide a view of a service. These applications provide a key input to determine the Quality of Service. Functions

Service Test Management Application Identifier: 6.8 Overview Service Test Management applications are focused on ensuring that the various services are working properly. The service test applications are part of both the fulfillment and the assurance process. In the fulfillment process, the service test is responsible for ensuring that the assigned service works as designed, while on the assurance side the service testing applications are responsible for service trouble/problem isolation. As part of the testing process, these applications also interface with the trouble process, which can trigger an automatic test. Functions

Service Quality Management Application Identifier: 6.9 Overview Service Quality Management (SQM) applications are designed to allow operators to monitor and manage the levels of service they are delivering. Service quality measurements are collected and compared against established quality indicators, and the conclusions made available to interested parties. Functions

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Service Assurance Control Application Identifier: 6.10 Overview Service Assurance Control is responsible for the execution of proactive and reactive rule based activities to ensure that services provided to customers are continuously available and performing according to set values for performance and quality. In cooperation with monitoring and orchestration applications the Service Assurance Control will create an autonomic closed loop control of the performance and quality as well as mitigation of service problems and fallouts. Functions Service Assurance Control Calculation Service Assurance Control Calculation calculates corrective actions to prevent or restore performance and quality. The calculations are rule based and takes the service’s dynamics into account to perform a closed loop control to hold the performance and quality at a decided level. Service Assurance Deviation Monitoring Service Assurance Deviation Monitoring analyzes the monitoring information to identify deviations from set values for performance and quality indicators. Service availability deviations are also detected. Service Assurance Trouble Mitigation Service Assurance Trouble Mitigation have autonomic rules to minimize the lack of service by doing mitigation action e.g. restart or re-routing etc. to mitigate the negative impact for the customer from a service problem or fall-out. Service Capability Orchestration Application Identifier: 6.11 Overview Service Capability Orchestration application will perform automated service decomposition, service integration, coordination, and management in service deployment, service activation and service element updating. The application function fulfills the needs of orchestration for Operation Support & Readiness, Fulfilment and Assurance and Billing domains applications with regards to Hybrid ecosystem. Functions Service Instantiation and Lifecycle management support Service Instantiation and Lifecycle management support: Software based Services’ performance and availability may be controlled by managing multiple instances of the service. The “Service Instantiation and Lifecycle management support” function will control the starting of new instances and closing of instances of a service. Service Task Item Configuration and Onboarding Service Task Item Configuration and Onboarding: When a software based service is added (on boarded), this onboarding may be automated. There are several systems in the infrastructure that needs to be aware and integrated with the new service. The “Service © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Configuration and Onboarding” function will configure the on boarded service and the relevant systems to establish integration automatically, when requested. Service Task Item Decomposition Service Task Item Decomposition: By a request for an orchestration of a service the service needs to be analyzed and decomposed into the part-actions necessary to take to fulfill the requested orchestration. The Service may consist of several services and may use a number of Resources. It may also be controlled by several parameters for optional behaviors. This composition of the Service is given by configuration data available from Catalog applications and the Service Capability Orchestration application. Service Task Item Sequence Carry Through Service Task Item Sequence Carry Through: Because of the “Service Decomposition” of an orchestration request the result may be several actions that needs to take place in a specific sequence. The “Service Task Item Sequence Carry Through” function executes each individual item in sequence to fulfill, or roll back according to a pre-defined configuration, and reports the sequence carry through result. Service Task Item Sequence Carry Through Configuration Service Task Item Sequence Carry Through Configuration: The “Service Task Item Sequence Carry Through” function controls so that the sequence is fulfilled, or rolled back. The rules for the sequence execution will set the conditions for the fulfillment, or roll-back, and for the reporting and notification. The “Service Task Item Sequence Carry Through configuration” is a management of the application function that defines how the execution of the orchestration sequence will be done. Service Task Item Sequence Control Service Task Item Sequence Control: Because of the “Service Task Item Decomposition” of an orchestration request the result may be several actions that need to take place in a specific sequence. Each action is an item in the “Service Task Item Sequence” and will perform according to a pre-configured configuration. The “Service Task Item Sequence Control” controls the execution of each Item’s action. Service Task Item Sequence Control Configuration Service Task Item Sequence Control Configuration: Each item (action) in a Service Task Item Sequence will perform according to a pre-configured configuration. The “Service Task Item Sequence Control Configuration” is a management of the application function that defines that the execution of each service task item (action) will be done as part of an orchestration.

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6.2 Service Inventory Management

Figure 40.

6.2 Service Inventory Management

Service Inventory Management Application Identifier: 6.2 Overview Service Inventory Management represents the applications which contain and maintain information about the instances of services in a telecom organization. A Service Inventory application may store and manage any or all of the following entities: • Customer facing service (CFS) instances, and their attributes • Resource facing service (RFS) instances, and their attributes The Service Inventory may also store and manage service relationships: • The mapping of services (RFSes or CFSes) to other services and/or service components, the components being either: • Other child services • Resources and the resource domain managers used to implement the service, or • Services and resources in Supplier/Partner systems used to implement the service This mapping is stored either intrinsically in the core Service Inventory, or discretely via ServiceSupporting Resource Inventory applications. Service Inventory may include the following relationship types between entity instances: • Realization by Composition – A mapping from a service to the child services and/or resources which specifically compose that service (e.g. the RFS instance or instances whose whole purpose is to implement a CFS, the assignable resources which realize an RFS). If a parent service is torn down, child objects with a Composition relationship are typically removed or reallocated (e.g. transitioned to spares inventory). • Realization by Aggregation – A mapping from a service to the services and/or resources which support this service in addition to other services. (e.g. a network access RFS which supports a number of different network CFSes). If a parent service is torn down, child objects with an Aggregation relationship are typically maintained as long as at least one other parent service still exists. • Dependency – A link between services and/or resources which is not strong enough to © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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qualify as Composition or Aggregation, but where various Fulfillment, Assurance, and Change Management processes need to be aware of the relationship. Dependency relationships support the ability for change management processes to evaluate if a dependent service or resource may be impacted by changes to a specific service or resource. Functions

Service-Resource Inventory Application Identifier: 6.2.1 Overview Service-Resource Inventory is a shared function between Service Inventory and Resource Inventory, and, depending on the needs of an individual organization, may be implemented in a Service Inventory Management system, a Resource Inventory Management system, some combination of both, or even in a standalone application which bridges the gap between Service and Resource Inventory Management. Service-Resource Inventory entails managing the relationship between RFSes and the resources and resource domain managers which implement the services on the network. Resources may all be directly managed by the carrier's Resource Inventory systems, or may also include references to resources from a Supplier/Partner asset management system. Typically, this inventory does not track all possible network resources involved in delivery of the service (this is the realm of Resource Inventory Management systems themselves), but rather: • Any stand-alone physical or logical resources whose assignment is critical to service fulfilment, and whose tracking is critical to service operations, assurance, and billing. Examples may include: modem or other special CPE equipment which may not be tracked directly as part of the provider network, static IP addresses and other network identifiers, etc. • Assignment-level resources which represent a larger resource structure supporting the service, often referred to as an Access Point. Examples include: the ADSL DSLAM port assigned to a service, a data circuit service assigned customer facing router interface or sub interface, etc. • In some cases, the Service-Supporting Resource Inventory may also track the domain manager applications (e.g. Resource Inventory and/or Activation systems) which manage the resource in question, although in a mature SOA implementation, the Service-Supporting Resource Inventory can often be agnostic of which resource layer systems actually master the resource data. Functions Service-Resource Relationship Management Service-Resource Relationship Creation, Update and Deletion of the relations of standalone physical or logical resources whose assignment is critical to service’s fulfilment, and whose tracking is critical to service operations, assurance, and billing, as well as, resources, which represent a larger resource structure supporting the service, often referred to as an Access Point. Service-Resource Relationship Management Notifications Notification of Service-Resource Relationship Management actions to relevant stakeholders © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Service-Resource Relationship Reconciliation / Synchronization The Service-Resource Relationship Reconciliation / Synchronization function entails reconciliation of the data in a Service Inventory Management system with inventory discovered from another source and/or synchronization of mismatched service inventory records. Service Inventory Reconciliation / Synchronization Application Identifier: 6.2.2 Overview This function entails reconciliation of the data in a Service Inventory Management system with inventory discovered from another source and/or synchronization of mismatched service inventory records. When new service inventory information is discovered, the Service Inventory Reconciliation / Synchronization system will try to match the newly discovered information with an entity or entities already existing in the Service Inventory. If no match is found, the Service Inventory Reconciliation / Synchronization system will typically assume that a new entity has been discovered and add the entity to the inventory. Alternately, as decided by the service provider as part of their procedures, the Service Inventory Reconciliation system may record this event as an exception, implicitly or explicitly triggering a workflow to resolve the exception. For example, this may happen if the service provider always expects to have the planned service inventory in their Service Inventory Management systems before the actual services are activated. If a match is found and there are no unexpected discrepancies, the Service Inventory Reconciliation / Synchronization system will update the inventory as needed. For example, records may be updated to fill in missing attributes or update attribute values which have changed. If a match is found and there are unexpected discrepancies, the Service Inventory Reconciliation system will typically raise an exception so that service provider personnel can correct the problem. Exceptions may be managed within the application itself, via a report, or via a generalized worklist tool. Functions

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6.3 Service Order Management

Figure 41.

6.3 Service Order Management

Service Order Management Application Identifier: 6.3 Overview Service Order Management applications manage the end to end lifecycle of a service request. This includes validating service availability as well as the service order request. Other functionality includes service order issuance, service and or product order decomposition, and service order tracking along with orchestrating the activation and the test and turn up processes. Notifications will be issued to the Customer Order Management during the service order orchestration process (especially upon completion). Such notification can trigger other steps in the Customer Order Management (e.g. service order completion concludes these steps with Customer Order Management). In addition, Service Order Management also provides service design and assignment functionality. Functions

Service Order Orchestration Application Identifier: 6.3.2 Overview Service Order Orchestration applications provide workflow and orchestration of the service order across the Service Order Management area. Functions

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Service Design/Assign Application Identifier: 6.3.4 Overview The Service Order Design/Assign application performs end to end engineering design of service. Functions

Service Configuration Management Application Identifier: 6.3.6 Overview The Service Configuration Management application is similar to the service design/ assign functions outlined elsewhere in this publication, but supports aggregate customer facing services. To explain this area in general, it is necessary to see a clear difference between services and networks /resources. Services can be viewed as being comprised of a number of building blocks - e.g. bandwidth, security, maintenance packages, SLAs, QoS, specific features e.g. voicemail. Service Configuration management might be either the setup of network / resource components for a customer, or a class of customers of a generic service build. Service configuration can be derived from order details in addition to inherent business rules from service specifications and the service view in the Service Inventory Management application. Functions Compose a service configuration plan Function for composition of a service configuration plan according to the required service actions and sent to Service Order Orchestration and/or Service Activation Management Cross service dependencies Support for appropriately consider cross service dependencies as part of the configuration activities to fulfil a service order Service Configuration Configuring the specific service and its parameters as appropriate for the fulfilment of a service order Service parameters allocation Allocating the right service parameters to fulfill service orders Service parameters reservation Reserve the right service parameters based on service specification and service inventory for a service order Update service inventory Update information in the service inventory according to the configuration of specific services © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Service Activation Management Application Identifier: 6.3.7 Overview This application is responsible for activation of specific services based on the specific service configuration. Functions Activation notifications The function provides notifications on successful activation; in cases of exceptions send fallouts to Service Order Orchestration and manage rollbacks activities (if applicable) Plan service activation Planning of service activation to access, plan and gather additional information for service activation Service configuration activation Implements and activates the specific service configuration against the service configuration plan (including activation of CPE if part of the service offering) Service Order Publication Application Identifier: 6.3.8 Overview Service Order Publication applications issue valid and complete service orders, and stores the order into an appropriate data store. Functions Issues and store service orders The Service Order Publication function issues valid and complete service orders, and stores the order into an appropriate data store. As part of order publication, additional data might be obtained or derived to support downstream functions that are not provided in the service order request. Service Order Establishment Application Identifier: 6.3.9 Overview Service Order Establishment applications provide the necessary functionality to establish a valid service order. Functions

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6.3.2 Service Order Orchestration

Figure 42.

6.3.2 Service Order Orchestration

Service Order Orchestration Application Identifier: 6.3.2 Overview Service Order Orchestration applications provide workflow and orchestration of the service order across the Service Order Management area. Functions

Product/Service Order Decomposition Application Identifier: Overview Product/Service Order Decomposition applications decompose product orders into service orders, and a service order into resource order requests, and then distributes each request to perform the work. Functions Service Order decomposition The Service Order Decomposition function decomposes the service orders, into subsequent service orders and resource order requests, and then distributes each request to perform the work. This function also translates planned design changes into implementation jobs (which could include service ordering and/or delivery) that may span multiple resource facing services and technology domains. This might require additional data gathered via Service Data Collection. Note: If an order repository or common order data services (common model) layer is being © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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used and shared across layers (Customer, Service, and Resource layers), this decomposition can be simplified Service Order Tracking & Management Application Identifier: Overview Service Order Tracking & Management applications provide the functionality necessary to track and manage the distributed requests decomposed by Product/Service Order Decomposition. Functions Service Order Completion Completes the service order when all resource orders have been completed. Service Order Enquiry Provides status on the overall service order. Service Order Orchestration Sequences resource order provisioning if required. Service Order Tracking Tracks the various resource orders until completed. Service Order Transfer Supervision Oversees the transfer of Service Order Requests to appropriate resource providers.

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6.3.4 Service Design/Assign

Figure 43.

6.3.4 Service Design/Assign

Service Design/Assign Application Identifier: 6.3.4 Overview The Service Order Design/Assign application performs end to end engineering design of service. Functions

Design Solution Application Identifier: Overview Design Solution applications determine the end to end service design. Functions Service design management The Design Solution function supports the end to end service design. It applies engineering rules to determine required network facilities, equipment configurations and the method and access path to the customer site or location of service termination. This function also establishes and manages the detailed design tasks required to issue the work orders. Assign/Procure Network Resources Application Identifier: Overview Assign/Procure Resources applications determine facility and equipment availability. Functions © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Network facility selection/assignment In service design/assign the function selects/assigns appropriate network facility route(s) and configures facility equipment per engineering rules as well as obtains new assets from network plan and build (capacity management) if required. Resource Availability Check Determines facility and equipment availability needed for service designing/assigning. It checks appropriate network facility route(s) according to engineering rules. Procure Access Application Identifier: Overview Procure Access applications obtain access paths to the customer or service location. Functions Access Path Procurement The Access Path Procurement function obtains access paths to the customer or service location through supply chain (internal or external) which is managed or delegated in the form of a resource order or a resource facing service order. Procure CPE Application Identifier: Overview Procure CPE applications determine customer premise equipment needs and availability as well as assign assets or orders CPE. Functions CPE Procurement The CPE Procurement function determines customer premise equipment needs and availability as well as assigns assets or orders CPE via supply chain processes as appropriate.

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6.3.9 Service Order Establishment

Figure 44.

6.3.9 Service Order Establishment

Service Order Establishment Application Identifier: 6.3.9 Overview Service Order Establishment applications provide the necessary functionality to establish a valid service order. Functions

Service Data Collection Application Identifier: Overview Service Order Data Collection applications gather any needed service data to aid in the verification and issuance of a complete and valid service order. Functions Service Data Collection The Service Data Collection function gathers any needed service data to aid in the verification and issuance of a complete and valid service order as well as data necessary to address dependencies between service and/or resource orders. Service Order Validation Application Identifier: Overview © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Service Order Validation applications provide the required functionality to validate a service order request. Functions Service Order Validation The Service Order Validation function validates the service order request based on contract, catalog, and provisioning rules. Service Availability Application Identifier: Overview Service Availability applications validate that the service or services are available and feasible at the specified customer/service location. Functions Service address validation Service address validation function validates that the service or services specified on the service order are feasible from a network point of view. Service availability validation Service availability validation function validates that the service or services specified on the service order are available at the specified customer/service location.

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Figure 45. Service Availability

Service Availability Application Identifier: Overview Service Availability applications validate that the service or services are available and feasible at the specified customer/service location. Functions Service address validation Service address validation function validates that the service or services specified on the service order are feasible from a network point of view. Service availability validation Service availability validation function validates that the service or services specified on the service order are available at the specified customer/service location. Service Address Validation Application Identifier: Overview Service Address Validation applications validate the service address against appropriate address databases. Functions

Service Availability Validation Application Identifier: Overview Service Availability Validation applications validate that the service is available and supportable at the requested location. © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Service Termination Points Determination Application Identifier: Overview Service Termination Points Determination applications determine the appropriate service provider entry point. Functions Service Termination Points Determination The Service Termination Points Determination function determines the appropriate service provider entry point to support the Customer's service request. Determine Access Provider Application Identifier: Overview Determine Access Provider applications identify and select available access providers or access technology at the given location. Functions Determine Access Provider The Determine Access Provider function selects an access provider among identified available access providers or access technologies at the given location, based on business rules. Determine Delivery Interval Application Identifier: Overview The Determine Delivery Interval applications calculate the service delivery due date. Functions Determine Delivery Interval The Determine Delivery Interval functions calculates the service delivery due date using network capacity, access provider selection and work center intelligence (including workload and capacity).

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6.5 Service Problem Management

Figure 46.

6.5 Service Problem Management

Service Problem Management Application Identifier: 6.5 Overview Service Problem Management applications are responsible for receiving service affecting customer problems as well as network troubles/faults, relating the various problems, and resolving them in an efficient manner. The present operational status is made available as notifications for immediate action in case of significant operational deviation. Functions

Service Problem Reception Application Identifier: 6.5.1 Overview Service Problem Reception applications provide appropriate functionality to receive problems that are perceived to be service affecting. Functions Service Problem Reception Service Problem Reception functions provide appropriate functionality to receive customer problems (manually or automated) that are perceived to be service affecting as well as resource troubles (faults). Service Problem Monitoring Application Identifier: 6.5.2 Overview Service Problem Monitoring applications provide the necessary functionality to continuously monitor the present operational status of the provider's services. The present operational status is made available as notifications for immediate action in case of significant operational deviation. © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Functions Service Problem Monitoring Collection The function is responsible for collecting the status messages and correlating them to service topology and comparing them to the established Service monitoring model. Service Problem Monitoring Reporting Service Problem Monitoring Reporting function is responsible for displaying and notifying the operational status of services to operations personnel and applications. Service Problem SLA Monitoring Service Problem SLA Monitoring function is comparing the service problem status' and availability against established service level agreements. Service Problem Analysis Application Identifier: 6.5.3 Overview Service Problem Analysis applications provide necessary functionality to diagnose the service problem. The application will also correlate customer problems with resource troubles, and prioritize the problem appropriately. Service problems impacting the availability of customer services will notify operations applications for immediate manual or automatic mitigation or correction. Functions Service Problem Configuration Verification Support function for Verification that service configuration matches the product features Service Problem Prioritization Prioritization of currently open service problems, giving consideration to problem impact, service level agreement, etc. The function will send notifications to operations applications for manual or automatic mitigation or correction. Service Problem Test Analysis Analysis function for analysis of service problem test results Service Problem Test Issuing Issuing service tests, including one time tests or a series of tests over a period of time. Notify the test results to operations personnel and applications. Service Root Problem Analysis Analysis of customer's present and past problem information by correlation and consolidation of the various customer problems and resource troubles into a single root service problem Service Problem Correction & Resolution Application Identifier: 6.5.4 © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Overview Service Problem Correction & Resolution applications provide the necessary functionality to resolve the serve problem back to a normal operational state as efficiently as possible. Functions Service Problem Correction & Resolution Service Problem Correction & Resolution functions provide the necessary maintenance functionality to resolve the service problem back to a normal operational state as efficiently as possible, and automated notification to applications responsible for automatic problem mitigation on the services and resources. This may involve automated or manual restoration activities. It may also reconfiguration, reassignments, temporary work-arounds, and/or dispatches of field technicians. Service Problem Correction Reporting Service Problem Correction Reporting and notification of correction status to applications and personnel responsible for problem mitigation of the services and resources. Service Problem Tracking & Management Application Identifier: 6.5.5 Overview Service Problem Tracking & Management applications provide necessary functionality to assure that service problems are remedied as efficiently as possible. Functions Service Problem Tracking & Management Service Problem Tracking & Management functions provides necessary functionality to assure that service problems are assigned, coordinated, and restored efficiently, escalating as needed. Service Problem Reporting Application Identifier: 6.5.6 Overview Service Problem Reporting applications provide the necessary functionality to report on the status of open service problems. Functions Service Problem Reporting Service Problem Reporting functions provide the necessary functionality to report on the status of open service problems. This includes operational reports, management reports, reports against various metrics, as well as information needed by other BSS or OSSes. Service Problem Model Establishment © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Application Identifier: 6.5.7 Overview Service Problem Monitoring Model Establishment applications provide the necessary functionality to establish what will be monitored and how it will be monitored in terms of service problem. Functions Service Problem Monitoring Model Data Definition Accepting input from customer contracts, service definitions (KQIs, SLOs etc.) or changes in the service topology which needs to be established for monitoring of services writ to problems. Service Problem Monitoring Model Data Integration Establishment of data sources for monitoring of the above. Service Problem Monitoring Model Definition Definition of the service problem monitoring model and its dependencies Service Problem Monitoring Model Establishment Establishment of model to derive, identify and mitigate Service Problem.

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6.7 Service Performance Management

Figure 47.

6.7 Service Performance Management

Service Performance Management Application Identifier: 6.7 Overview Service Performance Management Applications monitor, analyze, and report on the end-end service performance. This can include a real-time, end-to-end view to ensure that each service is functioning correctly as well as a historical view. These applications build on the Resource Performance data and active end-end service performance test data to provide a view of a service. These applications provide a key input to determine the Quality of Service. Functions

Service Performance Monitoring Application Identifier: 6.7.1 Overview Service Performance Monitoring applications provide the necessary functionality to continuously collect data and monitor the performance of the service provider's services. The collected data is logged and made available for further analysis, and present performance made available as notifications for immediate action in case of significant deviation. Functions Service Data aggregation and trending Aggregation and trending of collected Service Performance Data Service performance data collection

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Collection of Resource Performance Data from the Resource Management Applications (or directly in the absence of Resource Performance Management application) and Collection of Service Performance data through end-to-end tests done internally through the application or external Service Test applications. Including archiving. Service performance event correlation and filtering Service performance event correlation and filtering, mapping the performance data to service topology and identifying service related performance problems Service performance monitoring Monitoring of Service performance data including notification and accumulation for e.g. Service Performance Dashboard. Service Performance Analysis Application Identifier: 6.7.2 Overview Service Performance Analysis applications provide the necessary functionality to continuously analyze the performance of the various service providers’ services. The analyzed data is logged and made available for reporting, and present analysis results made available as notifications for immediate action in case of significant deviation. Functions Service Performance Data Analyzing Service Performance Analysis functions provide the necessary functionality to analyze the performance of the various service provider's services. This includes: • Analyzing performance data received from Service Performance Monitoring • Notify operations applications for automatic or manual action in case of alarming analysis results. • Provide recommendations for performance improvements and trend analysis Service Performance Root Cause analysis Support for analyzing performance data received from Service Performance Monitoring, considering service topology to support determining the root causes of service performance degradations Service Performance Reporting Application Identifier: 6.7.3 Overview Service Performance Reporting provides the necessary functionality required to generate reports about the performance of the service provider's services. Functions Service Performance Reporting Service Performance Reporting provides the necessary functionality required to generate reports about the performance of the service provider's services. © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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These reports may be generated as part of the normal periodic operations ("scheduled"), or may be as a result of a specific analysis request ("in-demand"). Report types include near real time, historical view, and trend analysis. Relevant performance reports are also provided to service/network planning to perform network updates.

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6.8 Service Test Management

Figure 48.

6.8 Service Test Management

Service Test Management Application Identifier: 6.8 Overview Service Test Management applications are focused on ensuring that the various services are working properly. The service test applications are part of both the fulfillment and the assurance process. In the fulfillment process, the service test is responsible for ensuring that the assigned service works as designed, while on the assurance side the service testing applications are responsible for service trouble/problem isolation. As part of the testing process, these applications also interface with the trouble process, which can trigger an automatic test. Functions

Service Test Strategy and Policy Management Application Identifier: 6.8.1 Overview Service Test Strategy and Policy Management applications provides the necessary functionality to manage the rules that define the strategies for conducting various service tests. Functions Service Test result interpretation policies management Service Test Strategy and Policy Management interpretation of test results functions provide the necessary functionality to manage how the test results should be interpreted. Strategies can range from simple (e.g. - check the status of a router) to complex (e.g. - perform an end-to-end test on a circuit and sectionalize the problem). Test Strategy Management © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Service Test Strategy and Policy Management functions provide the necessary functionality to manage the local rules that define the strategies for conducting a test as well as how the test results should be interpreted. Service Test Lifecycle Management Application Identifier: 6.8.2 Overview Service Test Lifecycle Management applications provides the necessary functionality to manage the end-to-end lifecycle of a test of a resource. Functions End-to-End Test Management Service Test Lifecycle Management functions provides the necessary functionality to manage the end-to-end lifecycle of a test of a service. Including the management of scheduling, retrieval of appropriate inventory data, setting up the test configuration, acquisition and management of test resources, test execution, test results interpretation, reporting of test results and close down of the test of the service. Management of service testing rules Management of service testing rules Reporting of service test results Reporting of service end to end test results back to the client Retrieval of appropriate service inventory data Retrieval of appropriate inventory data for service end to end testing Service end to end test configuration Setting and Tearing Setting up and tearing down the end to end test configuration for service testing Service end to end test execution Test execution of the end to end service testing Service end to end test results interpretation Service end to end test results interpretation Service end to end test scheduling Scheduling of end to end testing of services Service test resources acquisition and management Acquisition and management of end to end test resources including test head availability Acquisition and management of test resources Service Test Command and Control Application Identifier: 6.8.3 Overview © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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The Service Test Command and Control application provides the necessary functionality to access, command, and control the devices required for service testing. Functions Test Access and Control The Service Test Command and Control function provides the necessary functionality to access, command and control the various service test devices required to perform service testing. Service Test Services Application Identifier: 6.8.4 Overview Service Test Services applications provides the means to access the testing capabilities. Functions Automated invocation of service test services Automated invocation of Service Test Services for test and retrieval of results from the resource testing capabilities. Manual service test services initiation and control Manual Service Test Services via a user interface (GUI) function that provides the means to access the testing capabilities.

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6.9 Service Quality Management

Figure 49.

6.9 Service Quality Management

Service Quality Management Application Identifier: 6.9 Overview Service Quality Management (SQM) applications are designed to allow operators to monitor and manage the levels of service they are delivering. Service quality measurements are collected and compared against established quality indicators, and the conclusions made available to interested parties. Functions

Service Quality Model Establishment Application Identifier: 6.9.1 Overview Service Quality Model Establishment applications provide the necessary functionality to establish what will be monitored and how it will be monitored in terms of service quality. Functions Quality Data Sources Establishment Definition and establishment of data sources for monitoring of input from customer contracts or service definitions. Quality Indicator Establishment Establishment of KQIs and SLOs and the rules and policies connected to them. Service Quality Model Definition © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Definition of the service quality model and its dependencies Service Quality Collection & Monitoring Application Identifier: 6.9.2 Overview Service Quality Collection & Monitoring applications provide the necessary functionality to continuously collect and monitor service quality as determined by Service Quality Model Establishment. The collected data is logged and made available for further analysis, and present quality level made available as notifications for immediate action in case of significant deviation. Collects service quality related information from established sources, including service performance management, service problem management, third parties, and customers Functions Service Quality Collection & Monitoring Service Quality Collection & Monitoring collects service quality related information from established sources, including service performance management, service problem management, third parties, and customers. Collected data is logged for further analysis and monitored for direct notification in case of significant quality deviation. Service Quality Analysis Application Identifier: 6.9.3 Overview Service Quality Analysis applications continuously analyze and evaluate the quality of services being delivered by the service provider. The analyzed data is logged and made available for reporting, and present analysis results made available as notifications for immediate action in case of significant deviation. Functions Quality Analysis conclusions Support function to provide conclusions to relevant areas to make improvement proposals Service Quality Analyzing Service Quality Analysis functions analyze and evaluate the quality data collected by Service Quality Monitoring, and considering the past service quality data or system environment data in the analysis, notifying operations applications for automatic or manual action in case of alarming analysis results. Service Quality Comparison Comparison of the collected service quality data to the KQIs and SLOs established by SQM Establishment. Service Quality Correlation Service quality information correlation from various sources to determine root cause and impact © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Service Quality Trending Service quality evaluation of the trends over time Service Quality Reporting Application Identifier: 6.9.4 Overview Service Quality Reporting applications generate various reports on service quality and makes them available for consumption. Functions Service Quality Reporting Service Quality Reporting functions generate various reports on service quality and makes them available for consumption. E.g. Visual aids

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7. Resource Management Domain

Figure 50.

7. Resource Management Domain

Resource Lifecycle Management Application Identifier: 7.1 Overview Lifecycle management is fundamentally responsible for adding, churning and removing network and IT capacity. Where capacity is added, it is made available to subsequent Utilization, Quality and Accounting management. Lifecycle management provides support for both Operational and Strategy, Infrastructure and Product wings of Business Process Framework. Eight specialist resource development and management applications are proposed here, in order to their normal sequencing. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Strategic Planning Capability Specification Tactical Planning Resource Specification Implementation Planning Planning Design Automation Spares & Warehouse Inventory Resource Commissioning & Configuration

These represent distinct, real world planning functions and may consist of sub-functions. They apply to all network engineering for fixed, mobile and cable and IT applications. The term ‘networked resource’ is used for the totality of applications and network used to deliver the applications to consumers over any form of network media. Functions

Resource Inventory Management Application Identifier: 7.2 © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Overview Resource Inventory applications manage information of all resources used to implement services and products. This application area is typically linked to various element management systems (i.e. building inventory for actual server, applications, network and resource assets) and resource inventory database systems which may or may not be combined with Service Inventory Application(s) or database(s). In addition, Resource management applications have a major role to play managing spare parts& passive resources including cable pairs and external plant and passive customer premises equipment. In addition, Resource Inventory applications are used to discover and manage underutilized or ‘stranded’ resources. Functions Resource Information Model Creation Based on a standardized information model (e.g. TM Forum Information Framework) for the resources to be managed, the service provider would need to add a lot of detail concerning the resource attributes that are to be managed. The specific details will depend on the particular resources (e.g., particular types of managed elements and equipment) and associated technologies (e.g., SONET/SDH, ATM and Ethernet) to be managed. Resource Inventory Reconciliation This function entails a reconciling function for the inventory with inventory discovered from another source (typically, the network). When new inventory information is discovered, this is tried to be matched with an entity or entities already known. Resource Inventory Retrieval This function allows for client operations support (service assurance and billing systems) to retrieve part or all of the resource inventory known to the target OSS. This feature may allow the following selection criteria: • retrieval of a specified set of one or more sub-trees • exclusion or inclusion of specified object types from the selected sub-tree • further filtering based on attribute matching • retrieval of only the object instances that have been modified after a provided date and time • For the selected objects, this feature may allow the client operations support (service assurance and billing systems) to specify what specific attributes and relationships shall be returned. This (the attributes and relationships to be returned) would be the same for all objects of the same type. Resource Inventory Update This function entails requesting that another inventory (referred to as the target OSS) update its inventory based on a provided collection of updates. The expectation is that the target inventory is updated as requested, but no other side-effects are expected (e.g., creating an SNC in the network). This is a key point concerning this capability. The inventory update request can involve addition (new object), modification (change to an existing object) or deletion (removal of an object). Resource Inventory Update Notifications This function entails the generation of inventory update notifications based on changes to the inventory; Notifications concerning object creation, object deletion and attribute value changes to other systems. © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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• Single Entity Notifications – in this variation of the feature, each notification pertains to only one entity, e.g., an equipment instance • Multi-entity Notifications – in this variation of the feature, a single notification may report on inventory changes for multiple entities. • Notification Suppression – in this variation of the feature, each notification pertains to only one entity. Resource Order Management Application Identifier: 7.3 Overview Resource Order Management applications manage the end to end lifecycle of a resource order request. This includes validating resource availability as well as the resource order request. Other functionality includes resource order issuance, resource and or service order decomposition, and resource order tracking along with orchestrating the activation and the test and turn up processes. Notifications will be issued to the Service Order Management during the resource order orchestration process (especially upon completion). Such notification can trigger other steps in the Service Order Management (e.g. resource order completion concludes these steps with Service Order Management). In addition, Resource Order Management also provides network design and assignment functionality. Functions

Resource Domain Management Application Identifier: 7.4 Overview Resource Domain Management is the application area that provides exposed resource services that are available to all other application areas, including those others in the Resource Management layer. Resource Domain Management’s roles are to hide the idiosyncrasies/complexities of the Network and its building blocks (Infrastructure, IT computing, and IT applications equipment etc.) from the rest of the OSS/BSS estate, freeing it to be agile and make it technology and vendor neutral. Resource Domains are defined as a set of entities building the networks and its building blocks of, Infrastructure, IT computing, IT applications, equipment etc., which have a common set of policies applied to them based on for example technology, topology etc. The general concept of a Domain allows for overlapping, provided there are no policy conflicts. But in principle they should does not operate in any cross-domain capacity. It is the responsibility of the other Resource Management layer applications to perform any cross-domain functions such as forecasting, capacity planning and design, and or for cocoordinating activation, root cause analysis and performance monitoring. © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Resource Process Management (Workflow/ Integration) Application Identifier: 7.5 Overview Resource Process Management (Workflow/Integration) involves the workflow planning and integration between resource provisioning and change processes. A vital component in this job is the logistics coordination. Delays and logistic disturbances can have a huge negative impact the resource projects and a jeopardy management with early discovery of disturbances and that warns for consequences is vital. Functions

Voucher Management Application Identifier: 7.6 Overview The Voucher management application handles all aspects of prepaid recharge vouchers. A voucher has a unique serial number and may have a PIN code by which it is identified. The PIN code may be covered, and scratched off in order to use the voucher. Other forms of vouchers include e-vouchers that may have a pin generated only after activation. Customers can use vouchers to recharge their balances by various methods including contacting the call center and providing the CSR with the voucher or via self-service system. The application performs automation of the voucher lifecycle, and should support a wide variety of voucher types. Voucher Management should also provide encryption, voucher tracking, as well as address fraud and handle various distribution channels. As such voucher can be placed on the entire gamut of the Resources Domain with strong affiliation to the Billing vertical because of the monetary value of the vouchers. Functions Voucher Distribution Voucher Distribution to dealers including shipment and validation of reception of actual vouchers Voucher Life Cycle Management Voucher Life Cycle Management including activation, locking, expiration and maintenance of purchased vouchers Voucher Ordering Voucher Ordering including the ability to generate, modify, authorize and associate a PIN with serial numbers and dispatch the order to the manufacturer Voucher Reporting © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Voucher Reporting function for querying and reporting of related data Resource Performance Management Application Identifier: 7.9 Overview Resource Performance Management applications monitor, analyze, and report on the performance of the service provider's resources. Functions

Fault Management Application Identifier: 7.10 Overview Fault Management applications provide necessary functionality to manage faults associated with specific resources. This includes the detection, isolation, resolution, and reporting of various faults. Functions

Resource Test Management Application Identifier: 7.11 Overview Resource Test Management applications are focused on ensuring that the various resources are working properly. The resource test applications are part of both the fulfillment and the assurance process. In the fulfillment process, the resource test is responsible for ensuring that the assigned service works as designed, while on the assurance side the resource testing applications are responsible for fault isolation. As part of the testing process, these applications also interface with the trouble process, which can trigger an automatic test. Functions

Workforce Management Application Identifier: 7.12 Overview Workforce Management applications manage field forces to make optimum use of manpower and other resources such as vehicles. They are used to schedule resources, provide a map of field skill sets and provide forecasting and load balancing capabilities. Workforce Management © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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can be used to manage both internal and external resources in areas of service assurance, provisioning, routine work, and preventive maintenance. Functions

Network Number Management Application Identifier: 7.13 Overview Network Number Management provides the necessary functionality for Number Inventory Management and Number Portability. Functions

Usage Management Application Identifier: 7.14 Overview Usage Management is the conduit for usage events of various types and formats from the different event generating functions like networks, applications, infrastructures, “Management and Control” etc. to various processes such as billing, legal compliance, and service assurance. Usage Event records are collected/processed, edited, correlated, enriched, formatted and distributed to upstream systems. It is not necessary that all usage events are always charged but might be used for enrichment of other usage events. The Usage Management function supports various types of charging for sessions and events, for example, application instance, Max/Min usage based on flexible time intervals or active users of the application in both batch and real-time. Functions

Location Management Application Identifier: 7.15 Overview Location Management provides the required functionality to manage the physical and logical attributes of location data for the service provider. It can include addresses (street, city, state/province, & country), geospatial information (lat/long), as well as common code information (such as CLLI - Common Language Location Identifier). This location inventory can include both customer location data as well as service provider location data (anything of interest to the service provider to support their operational needs). Functions © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Location Change History Management Tracks all changes of location data, making available attributes according their historical values in certain periods. Location information Profiling Generates different views for different business cases (e.g. different format of address strings) Location Replenishment Function Provides means to update the repository with new/updated location information from external sources. Location Search Function As part of the Location Management provide the ability to search for a provided location/address, including the ability to return near matches if an exact match is not found. Location Structure Data Management Provides facilities for creating, modifying and deleting data structures according to business rules of Service Providers or national and international location regulations. Also, utilities for defining sets of location attributes, levels and hierarchies should be available. Repository integrity handling Provides ability to maintain data integrity in the whole location repository. It’s especially important if there are many external data sources that deliver new addresses for the repository. Resource Capability Orchestration Application Identifier: 7.16 Overview Resource Capability Orchestration application will perform automated Resource Task Item decomposition, integration, coordination, and management in resource deployment, resource instantiation and resource element updating. The application function fulfills the needs of orchestration for Operation Support & Readiness, Fulfilment and Assurance domains applications in the Resource Layer with regards to Hybrid ecosystem. Functions Resource Configuration and Onboarding Resource Configuration and Onboarding: When a resource is added (on boarded), this onboarding may be automated. There are several systems in the infrastructure that needs to be aware and integrated with the new resource. The “Resource Configuration and Onboarding” function will configure the on boarded Resources and the relevant systems to establish integration automatically, when requested. Resource Instantiation and Lifecycle management support Resource Instantiation and Lifecycle management support: Resource performance and availability may be controlled by managing multiple instances of the Resource allocated to one or more applications. The “Resource Instantiation and Lifecycle management support” function

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will control the starting of new instances and closing of instances of a Resource like but not limited to CPU, Memory etc. Resource Task Item Decomposition Resource Task Item Decomposition: By a request for an orchestration of a resource the Task Item needs to be analyzed and decomposed into the part-actions necessary to take to fulfill the requested resource orchestration. The resource task item may consist of several resource tasks and may use a number of Resources. It may also be controlled by several parameters for optional behaviors. This composition of the Resource is given by configuration data available from Catalog applications and the Resource Capability Orchestration application. Resource Task Item Sequence Carry Through Resource Task Item Sequence Carry Through: Because of the “Resource Task Item Decomposition” of an orchestration request the result may be several actions that needs to take place in a specific sequence. The “Resource Task Item Sequence Carry Through” function executes each individual item in sequence to fulfill, or roll back according to a pre-defined configuration, and reports the sequence carry through result. Resource Task Item Sequence Carry Through configuration Resource Task Item Sequence Carry Through configuration: The “Resource Task Item Sequence Carry Through” function controls so that the sequence is fulfilled, or rolled back. The rules for the sequence execution will set the conditions for the fulfillment, or roll-back, and for the reporting and notification. The “Resource Task Item Sequence Carry Through configuration” is a management of the application function that defines how the execution of the orchestration sequence will be done. Resource Task Item Sequence Control Resource Task Item Sequence Control: Because of the “Resource Task Item Decomposition” of an orchestration request the result may be several actions that need to take place in a specific sequence. Each action is an item in the “Resource Task Item Sequence” and will perform according to a pre-configured configuration. The “Resource Task Item Sequence Control” controls the execution of each Item’s action. Resource Task Item Sequence Control Configuration Resource Task Item Sequence Control Configuration: Each task item (action) in a Resource Task Item Sequence will perform according to a pre-configured configuration. The “Resource Task Item Sequence Control Configuration” is a management of the application function that defines that the execution of each resource task item (action) will be done as part of an orchestration. Resource Catalog Management Application Identifier: 7.17 Overview Resource Catalog Management is a realization of the Cross Domain Catalog Management application in the Resource Domain. The applications are repositories of resource listing within a service provider and include the ability to design, create, augment and map new entities and supporting data. The type of catalog management application is an implementation choice of the enterprise. Since resource catalogs usually contain a verity of resource types such as directory © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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numbers, addresses, cables and network devices they would typicality be a standalone implementation covering the basic functionalities in Cross Domain, the layering relation between the service and resource catalog will be realized in the other Resource Lifecycle Applications. See: Cross Domain- Catalog Management for more information. Functions Catalog Management Functions for Resources Resource Catalog Management Functions are equivalent to the functions of the Catalog Management in the Cross Domain.

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7.1 Resource Lifecycle Management

Figure 51.

7.1 Resource Lifecycle Management

Resource Lifecycle Management Application Identifier: 7.1 Overview Lifecycle management is fundamentally responsible for adding, churning and removing network and IT capacity. Where capacity is added, it is made available to subsequent Utilization, Quality and Accounting management. Lifecycle management provides support for both Operational and Strategy, Infrastructure and Product wings of Business Process Framework. Eight specialist resource development and management applications are proposed here, in order to their normal sequencing. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Strategic Planning Capability Specification Tactical Planning Resource Specification Implementation Planning Planning Design Automation Spares & Warehouse Inventory Resource Commissioning & Configuration

These represent distinct, real world planning functions and may consist of sub-functions. They apply to all network engineering for fixed, mobile and cable and IT applications. The term ‘networked resource’ is used for the totality of applications and network used to deliver the applications to consumers over any form of network media. Functions © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Resource Commissioning & Configuration Management Application Identifier: 7.1.1 Overview These applications are responsible for managing and tracking the configuration of the resource (AKA CMDB). These applications typically work in a federated environment, where they rely on other applications for the data Functions Resource commissioning Resource commissioning process - Manage the commissioning process of a resource and ensuring that operational status' are configured Resource configuration Logging Resource Configuration Logs - Record the history of configuration changes Resource configuration management Resource Configuration Management - Database and manage the configuration of the individual resources Resource configuration verification Resource Configuration Verification in Design, Work with other applications to ensure that the resource configuration matches the designed configuration Resource topology verification Resource Topology Verification in Inventory Mgmt. Systems - Work with the Inventory Management applications to ensure that the topology reflected in its database is in sync with that in the Inventory Management Systems Implementation Planning Application Identifier: 7.1.2 Overview Implementation Planning is based on graphics rather than inventory data and is used for the local implementation of Tactical Plans at street level and within buildings. Functions Local Tactical Plans Implementation Implement tactical plans locally at individual CSP sites and at street level. Physical Implementation Information handling Provide levels of implementation details that tactical planning does not need to specify, such as duct routes and the frame appearances of device ports. Physical Infrastructure Shortfall Identification

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Identify Shortfalls in Physical Infrastructure - Identify shortfalls in infrastructure, such as building capacity, which may not be visible to central tactical planning users. This requires large amounts of data, potentially leading to a very expensive system solution. However, such systems are used locally for construction projects, so the system does not require a live view of the complete network. It is only necessary to administer a physical planning solution centrally to ensure data consistency; the data itself may be distributed to individual locations Radio Planning Provides Radio Planning for cell site coverage and quality and for cell-to-cell coverage is a specialist function used in Implementation Planning. Tactical Planning Application Identifier: 7.1.3 Overview Tactical Planning predominately supports the Operations Support and Readiness area of the Business Process Framework. Functions Tactical Resource Planning Tactical Planning; detailed design of resource against the existing networked resource at all technology layers, ensuring that the designed resource is actually deployed and for accurately recording the resultant inventory. Capability Specification Management Application Identifier: 7.1.4 Overview This application involves the creation, editing, storage and retrieval of capability specifications. The capability specifications represent the general, common and invariant characteristics of resource that may be realized in more than one type of specific resource. Examples of capability are Layer2, Data, radio and Transport. These specifications are used in the creation of new capability instances mainly in Strategic Planning and are further specified into Resource Instances by Tactical and Implementation Planning. Functions Resource Capability Specification Management This function involves the creation, editing, storage and retrieval of capability specifications. The capability specifications represent the general, common and invariant characteristics of resource that may be realized in more than one type of specific resource. Examples of capability are Layer2, Data, radio and Transport. Planning Design Automation Application Identifier: 7.1.5 © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Overview ‘Planning Design Automation’ is an additional, value-add application, which should also be part of Application Map, but is not present in Application Map r2. It provides automation for both Tactical and Strategic Planning. Functions Complex Analysis Provides complex algorithmic and heuristic analysis capability for network planning and make use of market forecasts and utilization trends, and can be used to optimize the network for capacity and resilience Design Automation Provides design automation Applying algorithmic and heuristic analysis of the network in order, for example, to determine the optimum topology of a green field national, where geography and population distribution need to be taken into account. Network Forecasting Support Support forecasting functionality to be applied at different levels of detail and over different time frames. Some types of forecast are more relevant to Strategic and others more relevant to Tactical Planning. Both product volume forecasts and utilization trends are relevant to this automation function Network Views Provides a more generalized view of the network than found in resource management. Spares & Warehouse Inventory Management Application Identifier: 7.1.6 Overview Spares & Warehouse Inventory holds the Database of all spares with Capacity Management and optionally interface to Asset Tracking It records the location of spares with their respective commercial information- such as guarantees and date of purchase and interface to commercial asset management. Functions Barcode/RFID tracking of all spares resources Barcode/RFID tracking function for all spares, as part of the Spares & Warehouse Inventory Management Commercial information of spares register Record commercial information- such as guarantees and date of purchase and interface to commercial asset management, as part of the Spares & Warehouse Inventory Management Spares inventory Database of all spares including location of the spares, as part of the Spares & Warehouse Inventory Management Spares Inventory Retrieval Support © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Support retrieval, update, update notifications and reconciliation for the Spares & Warehouse Inventory Management Strategic Planning Application Identifier: 7.1.8 Overview The focus of this application is the general network architecture and capacity, together with the strategy for the deployment of network and IT technology within the architecture. It predominately supports processes in Strategy, Infrastructure and Product wing of the Business Process Framework. Functions Optimum network deployments Determination Determine optimum network deployments, such as tier structuring and resilient topologies. Resource demand and trends Analyzing Analyze demand forecasts and utilization trends for the network architecture and capacity, together with the strategy for the deployment of network and IT technology within the architecture. It predominately supports processes in Strategy, Infrastructure and Product wing of the Business Process Framework. Strategic Network Sizing Decision Support Support Strategic Network Sizing Decisions -Support strategic decisions as to which locations and which links to grow or shrink across the network Strategic Planning Results Inventory The strategic planning result can be inventoried in either strategic or tactical planning system, but data will need to exist in both to support interworking. Strategic sites determination Determine which locations are to become strategic sites.

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7.3 Resource Order Management

Figure 52.

7.3 Resource Order Management

Resource Order Management Application Identifier: 7.3 Overview Resource Order Management applications manage the end to end lifecycle of a resource order request. This includes validating resource availability as well as the resource order request. Other functionality includes resource order issuance, resource and or service order decomposition, and resource order tracking along with orchestrating the activation and the test and turn up processes. Notifications will be issued to the Service Order Management during the resource order orchestration process (especially upon completion). Such notification can trigger other steps in the Service Order Management (e.g. resource order completion concludes these steps with Service Order Management). In addition, Resource Order Management also provides network design and assignment functionality. Functions

Resource Order Orchestration Application Identifier: 7.3.1 Overview This application component is responsible for managing and tracking the resource order. It will typically communicate with Service Order Management on the North side and the Resource Domain Manager or Resource directly on the South Side Functions © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Resource Service Order Validation Application Identifier: 7.3.2 Overview Resource Service Order Validation applications provide the required functionality to validate a resource order request. Functions Resource Order Validation The Resource Order Validation function validates the resource order request based on contract, catalog, and provisioning rules. Resource Design / Assign Application Identifier: 7.3.3 Overview The Resource Design/Assign application addresses both the design of new resources to be included in a network as well as the design of resource configurations which are needed to support new service activations. Assignment is the function which conveys the new designs to those systems which initiate and support the implementation. Functions Architecture modifications designing Architecture modelling tools to include resources or resource changes. End-to-end resource designing End-to-end resource design and architecture to support service deployments Graphical Resource Presentation Graphical presentation and visualization of resources, interconnections, or topology Multi-layer design and modeling Real World Multi-layer modeling and design- (physical, data, transport, ...) New technology and new resource designing New technology and new resource designs Physical, logical, and software resources designing Physical, logical, and software design of resources including definition of configuration variables and initial parameters. Resource design What-if analyzing Resource design function for "What-if configurations and modeling" Resource Order Publication © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Application Identifier: 7.3.4 Overview Resource Order Publication applications issue valid and complete resource orders, and stores the order into an appropriate data store. Functions Resource orders issuance The Resource Order Publication function issues valid and complete resource orders, and stores the order into an appropriate data store. As part of order publication, additional data might be obtained or derived to support downstream functions that are not provided in the resource order request.

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7.3.1 Resource Order Orchestration

Figure 53.

7.3.1 Resource Order Orchestration

Resource Order Orchestration Application Identifier: 7.3.1 Overview This application component is responsible for managing and tracking the resource order. It will typically communicate with Service Order Management on the North side and the Resource Domain Manager or Resource directly on the South Side Functions

Resource Order Tracking & Management Application Identifier: Overview This application component manages the Resource Order and tracks its jeopardy. Functions Resource Order Completions Completes the resource order when all activities have been completed Resource Order Dependencies Management Manages dependencies across resource orders by triggering and follow up as needed Resource Order Jeopardy Tracking Raises jeopardies as appropriate if specified dates and workflow milestones are not met, and escalates jeopardies to appropriate management levels © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Resource Order Management This function provides workflow and orchestration capability for the Resource order fulfillment. Resource orders tracking Tracks the various resource orders until completed Status Reporting Provides status on the resource order

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7.3.2 Resource Service Order Validation

Figure 54.

7.3.2 Resource Service Order Validation

Resource Service Order Validation Application Identifier: 7.3.2 Overview Resource Service Order Validation applications provide the required functionality to validate a resource order request. Functions Resource Order Validation The Resource Order Validation function validates the resource order request based on contract, catalog, and provisioning rules. Resource Order Data Collection Application Identifier: Overview Resource Order Data Collection applications gather any needed resource data to aid in the verification and issuance of a complete and valid resource order. Functions Resource data gathering Resource Order Data Collection function gather any needed resource data to aid in the verification and issuance of a complete and valid resource order.

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7.3.3 Resource Design / Assign

Figure 55.

7.3.3 Resource Design / Assign

Resource Design / Assign Application Identifier: 7.3.3 Overview The Resource Design/Assign application addresses both the design of new resources to be included in a network as well as the design of resource configurations which are needed to support new service activations. Assignment is the function which conveys the new designs to those systems which initiate and support the implementation. Functions Architecture modifications designing Architecture modelling tools to include resources or resource changes. End-to-end resource designing End-to-end resource design and architecture to support service deployments Graphical Resource Presentation Graphical presentation and visualization of resources, interconnections, or topology Multi-layer design and modeling Real World Multi-layer modeling and design- (physical, data, transport, ...) New technology and new resource designing New technology and new resource designs Physical, logical, and software resources designing Physical, logical, and software design of resources including definition of configuration variables and initial parameters. Resource design What-if analyzing © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Resource design function for "What-if configurations and modeling" Resource Availability Application Identifier: Overview Resource Availability applications validate that the resource or resources specified on the resource order are available at the specified customer/service location. Functions Resource availability validation The Resource Availability function validates that the resource or resources specified on the resource order are available at the specified customer/service location and feasible from a network point of view. This includes the following: • Resource address validation • Resource availability validation • Resource feasibility validation • Establishment of service termination points • Determination of delivery interval Resource Order Configuration Management Application Identifier: Overview The Resource Configuration Management application is similar to the service design/ assign functions outlined elsewhere in this publication, but supports aggregate customer facing services. To explain this area in general, it is necessary to see a clear difference between services and networks /resources. Services can be viewed as being comprised of a number of building blocks - e.g. bandwidth, security, maintenance packages, SLAs, QoS, specific features e.g. voicemail. Service Configuration management might be either the setup of network / resource components for a customer, or a class of customers of a generic service build. Service configuration can be derived from order details in addition to inherent business rules from service specifications and the service view in the Service Inventory Management application. Functions Cross resource Considering A tool for appropriately considering cross resource dependencies as part of the resource configuration activities. Resource Configuration Management The Resource Configuration Management function is similar to the service design/ assign functions outlined elsewhere in this publication, but supports aggregate customer facing services. Services can be viewed as being comprised of a number of building blocks - e.g. bandwidth, security, maintenance packages, SLAs, QoS, specific features e.g. voicemail. Service Configuration management might be either the setup of network / resource components for a customer, or a class of customers of a generic service build. Service configuration can be derived from order details in addition to inherent business rules from service specifications. The © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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service is built up of services and the services are built of resources. For a full compound Service configuration there is a need for Resource configuration. Resource configuration plan composition Compose a resource configuration plan according to the required resource actions and sent to Resource Order Orchestration and/or Network Resource Activation Resource inventory updating Update information in the resource inventory as to configuration of specific resources Resource parameters Reservation Reserve the right resource parameters based on resource specification and resource inventory. Resource parameters allocation Allocating the right resource parameters to fulfill resource orders

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7.4 Resource Domain Management

Figure 56.

7.4 Resource Domain Management

Resource Domain Management Application Identifier: 7.4 Overview Resource Domain Management is the application area that provides exposed resource services that are available to all other application areas, including those others in the Resource Management layer. Resource Domain Management’s roles are to hide the idiosyncrasies/complexities of the Network and its building blocks (Infrastructure, IT computing, and IT applications equipment etc.) from the rest of the OSS/BSS estate, freeing it to be agile and make it technology and vendor neutral. Resource Domains are defined as a set of entities building the networks and its building blocks of, Infrastructure, IT computing, IT applications, equipment etc., which have a common set of policies applied to them based on for example technology, topology etc. The general concept of a Domain allows for overlapping, provided there are no policy conflicts. But in principle they should does not operate in any cross-domain capacity. It is the responsibility of the other Resource Management layer applications to perform any cross-domain functions such as forecasting, capacity planning and design, and or for cocoordinating activation, root cause analysis and performance monitoring. Functions

Resource Discovery Application Identifier: 7.4.1 Overview

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The resource Discovery applications are responsible for automatically discovering the resources and their details through a management channel. These applications may either communicate directly/indirectly with the Network resources or Resource Element Manager. Functions Network resources discovery The resource Discovery functions are responsible for discovering the resources and their details through a management channel. These functions may either directly communicate with the Network resources or communicate through a Resource Domain Manager. The functions should be able to support either retrieving the overall resource information or the detailed resource information which can include sub-components. Resource Activation Application Identifier: 7.4.2 Overview Resource activation applications translates a fulfillment request as specific control commands for a network resource or IT resource often handling proprietary messaging with individual resources. Functions Resource Activation Resource Activation Functions including: • Update the resource instance to perform the activation or deactivation • Multi-vendor and multi-technology activation • Update the resource to activate Billing data collection • Confirm / identify available resources Resource Activation Notification and Inventory Update Resource Activation Notification and Inventory Update functions including: • Notify Resource Provision / Control of the activation status • Update Resource Inventory with the resource status information Resource Activation Orchestration Resource Activation Orchestration Functions including: • Queued / scheduled activation requests • Configuration validation and rollback • Manage dependencies within, and across network elements through rules • Multiple NE activation coordination Resource Fault & Performance Data Mediation Application Identifier: 7.4.3 Overview Resource Data Mediation applications provide integration to network resource and IT resources for all Resource Management functions. These applications take the output from the various resources and re-format the data into a form usable by an application responsible for monitoring fault and performance, such as a status monitoring application. Resource Data Mediation application ensures that the application using the information from various resources is not impacted by the technology/topology/implementation changes of the underlying resources. © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Functions Resource data parsing Resource Data Mediation represents the functions that enable the OSS and the networked resource to exchange data and command and control by parsing of data from one format to another Resource Data parsing rules tools Tools to set up and maintain resource data parsing rules Resource Data pattern recognition Resource fault and performance data pattern recognition OSS Inventory/Data Synchronization Management Application Identifier: 7.4.4 Overview OSS Inventory/Data Synchronization application provide a common inventory view across the applications in Resource Management. This may be a virtual common inventory produced by synchronization of federated inventories, a single inventory system, or some combination of the two. Functions OSS Inventory/Data Synchronization OSS Inventory/Data Synchronization Management represents the function that ensure OSS Inventory data generated in each application is available to other applications as required.

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7.5 Resource Process Management (Workflow/Integration)

Figure 57.

7.5 Resource Process Management (Workflow/Integration)

Resource Process Management (Workflow/ Integration) Application Identifier: 7.5 Overview Resource Process Management (Workflow/Integration) involves the workflow planning and integration between resource provisioning and change processes. A vital component in this job is the logistics coordination. Delays and logistic disturbances can have a huge negative impact the resource projects and a jeopardy management with early discovery of disturbances and that warns for consequences is vital. Functions

Resource Change Management Application Identifier: 7.5.1 Overview The planning functions& Network Design Automation, Strategic, Tactical and Implementation Planning require change management that connects the activities into a set of planning processes. Strategic Planning needs to interwork with suppliers using Partner Management and Tactical Planning needs to connect out through the authorization and purchasing process to vendor ERPs as part of the supply chain. Network engineering generally relies on manual functions which need to be change managed through Job Control. These various forms of orchestration are brought together in the Job Control and Delivery Management application. Functions © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Resource Change Project management Function for resource change project management including 1: Support project management of build projects. 2: Coordinate project activities with the suppliers. 3: Provides the orchestration between planning duties and to manual network engineering activities. 4: Provide jeopardy management, 5: Engineering management (Work Orders, Parts and Event coordination) Resource Change to Financial Control Collaboration Supports interface to financial control in order to authorize the expenditure - Supports interface to financial control in order to authorize the expenditure required to purchase the required resources. Resource Change Work Collaboration 1: Interfaces to Workforce Management 2: Support collaborative project management across business boundaries. 3: Supports links to vendors ERP- via B2B portals and to internal network engineering duties for in-station and street activities Jeopardy Management Application Identifier: 7.5.3 Overview This is a function that should be found in any process or workflow management system and warns when a delay in the due date of a task or process step will prevent subsequent tasks from starting, or affect the overall end date of the process. Functions Workflow/Process Jeopardy Management This is a function that should be found in any process or workflow management system and warns when a delay in the due date of a task or process step will prevent subsequent tasks from starting, or affect the overall end date of the process. Resource Logistics Application Identifier: 7.5.4 Overview Resource logistics applications coordinate the availability and deployment of resources to their in-service locations. These often have a close-coupling with supply chain applications but serve complementary roles. Whereas supply chain applications identify vendors and alternate sources, and manage order fulfillment while seeking to minimize stocking levels& resource logistics applications identify and distribute resource stock where needed as quickly as possible. Functions Engineering Resource location management Engineering Resource logistics functions coordinate the availability and deployment of resources to their in-service locations. Network Asset Deployment Workflow © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Network Asset Deployment Workflow function to coordinate the availability and deployment of resources to their in-service locations. People, Part, Event & location coordination People, part, event coordination function to coordinate the availability and deployment of resources to their in-service locations. Resource Logistics Resource logistics function coordinate the availability and deployment of resources to their in-service locations. Resource logistics functions identify and distribute resource stock where needed as quickly as possible. Resource needs identification Resource needs logistics identification function supporting supply chain management applications to identify resource needs and order placement Resource or kit distribution Resource or kit distribution function to coordinate the availability and deployment of resources to their in-service locations. Resource problem management Resource problem management (fault management) resource logistics function to identify and distribute resource stock where needed as quickly as possible. Resource Supply Chain Management Resource Supply Chain Management function identify vendors and alternate sources, and manage order fulfillment Stock balancing or distribution Stock balancing or distribution in reaction to special events or disasters Warehouse stock level projections Warehouse stock level projections coordinate the availability and deployment of resources to their in-service locations while seeking to minimize stocking levels Workforce management Workforce management (preventative maintenance, change management) function coordinate the availability and deployment of workforce resources to their in-service locations.

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7.9 Resource Performance Management

Figure 58.

7.9 Resource Performance Management

Resource Performance Management Application Identifier: 7.9 Overview Resource Performance Management applications monitor, analyze, and report on the performance of the service provider's resources. Functions

Resource Performance Monitoring Application Identifier: 7.9.1 Overview Resource Performance Monitoring applications provide functionality to support data collection and performance monitoring of the service provider's resources. Functions Performance monitoring data accumulation Performance monitoring data accumulation for resource performance monitoring Resource Performance Data aggregation and trending Data aggregation and trending in resource performance monitoring Resource Performance Data collection Performance data collection, including real time monitoring data. Resource Performance event correlation and filtering © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Performance event correlation and filtering in resource performance monitoring Resource Performance Analysis Application Identifier: 7.9.2 Overview Resource Performance Analysis applications provide the necessary functionality to analyze the performance of the various service provider's resources. Functions Resource Performance Data Analyzing Service Performance Analysis functions provide the necessary functionality to analyze the performance of the various service provider's services. This includes: • Analyzing performance data received from Service Performance Monitoring and historic performance data or system environment data • Notify operations applications for automatic or manual action in case of alarming analysis results. • Determining the root causes of service performance degradations • Provide recommendations for performance improvements and trend analysis Resource Performance Reporting Application Identifier: 7.9.3 Overview Resource Performance Reporting provides the functionality required to generate reports about the performance of the service provider's resources. Functions Resource Performance Reporting Resource Performance Reporting provides the functionality required to generate reports about the performance of the service provider's resources.

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7.10 Fault Management

Figure 59.

7.10 Fault Management

Fault Management Application Identifier: 7.10 Overview Fault Management applications provide necessary functionality to manage faults associated with specific resources. This includes the detection, isolation, resolution, and reporting of various faults. Functions

Fault Surveillance Application Identifier: 7.10.1 Overview Fault Surveillance applications provide the necessary functionality to monitor the operational status of the service provider's resources. Functions Operational Status Surveillance This Fault Surveillance function is responsible for displaying the operational status of resources in either a tabular or graphical representation or both. The function is responsible for collecting the status messages and correlating them to resource topology. Fault Correlation & Root Cause Analysis Application Identifier: 7.10.2 © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Overview Fault Correlation & Root Cause Analysis collects the various fault events in the network as well as other relevant information such as network topology, and relates these events, reducing the number of raw events to some smaller number. Root Cause Analysis (RCA) enables the end user to quickly determine the root cause of a problem in the network. These applications have a unique role in mediating network alarms with topology and configuration data. Functions Alarm Correlation Alarm Correlation includes Alarm de-duplication, Alarm auto-clearing, Alarm thresholding and Alarm Correlation that is alarm element and element topology aware for enrichment, filtering and consolidation of alarms. Root Cause Analysis Root Cause Analysis function includes the ability to isolate the root cause based on the correlation analysis, fault isolation and problem identification with the help of supporting integrated systems for rule based testing as well as integration with trouble ticketing systems. Fault Correction & Restoration Application Identifier: 7.10.3 Overview Fault Correction & Restoration applications are responsible for repair or replacement of faulty resources. Functions Fault Correction & Restoration Fault Correction & Restoration functions are responsible for repair or replacement of faulty resources. Fault Reporting & Analytics Application Identifier: 7.10.4 Overview Fault Reporting & Analytics applications provide the necessary functionality to provide reports about the various faults within the service provider's network. Functions Fault Assurance Metrics Generation Fault Analytics & Metrics function collects necessary data to generate fault metrics to support various assurance metrics. Network Fault Reporting The Network Fault Reporting function provide the necessary functionality to provide reports about the various faults within the service provider's network, including the archival of © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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these reports. This can include standard periodic operational reports as part of running the network to special reports requested by Root Cause Analysis.

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7.11 Resource Test Management

Figure 60.

7.11 Resource Test Management

Resource Test Management Application Identifier: 7.11 Overview Resource Test Management applications are focused on ensuring that the various resources are working properly. The resource test applications are part of both the fulfillment and the assurance process. In the fulfillment process, the resource test is responsible for ensuring that the assigned service works as designed, while on the assurance side the resource testing applications are responsible for fault isolation. As part of the testing process, these applications also interface with the trouble process, which can trigger an automatic test. Functions

Resource Test Strategy and Policy Management Application Identifier: 7.11.1 Overview Resource Test Strategy and Policy Management applications provides the necessary functionality to manage the rules that define the strategies for conducting various resource tests. Functions Resource Test result interpretation policy management Resource Test Strategy and Policy Management interpretation of test results functions provide the necessary functionality to manage how the test results should be interpreted. Strategies can range from simple (e.g. - check the status of a router) to complex (e.g. - perform an end-to-end test on a circuit and sectionalize the problem). © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Resource Test rules defining Resource Test Strategy and Policy Management test rules defining functions provide the necessary functionality to manage the local rules that define the strategies for conducting a test. Strategies can range from simple (e.g. - check the status of a router) to complex (e.g. - perform an end-to-end test on a circuit and sectionalize the problem). Resource Test Lifecycle Management Application Identifier: 7.11.2 Overview Resource Test Lifecycle Management applications provides the necessary functionality to manage the end-to-end lifecycle of a test of a resource. Functions Management of resource test head capacity Management of end to end test head resource capacity Management of resource test results Management of resource end to end test results Management of resource testing rules Management of resource end to end testing rules Reporting of resource test results Reporting of resource end to end test results back to the client Resource end to end test configuration setting up and tearing down Setting up and tearing down the end to end test configuration for resource testing Resource end to end test execution Test execution of the end to end resource testing Resource end to end test results interpretation Resource end to end test results interpretation Resource end to end test scheduling Scheduling of end to end testing of resources Resource test resources acquisition and management Acquisition and management of end to end test resources including test head availability Retrieval of appropriate resource inventory data Retrieval of appropriate inventory data for resource end to end testing Service test resources acquisition and management Acquisition and management of end to end test resources including test head availability Acquisition and management of test resources

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Resource Test Command and Control Application Identifier: 7.11.3 Overview The Resource Test Command and Control application provides the necessary functionality to access, command, and control the devices required for resource testing. Functions Access the various resource test devices Access the various resource test devices or network elements required to perform resource testing Command and control Command and control the various resource test devices or network elements required to perform resource testing Resource Test Services Application Identifier: 7.11.4 Overview Resource Test Services applications provides the means to access the testing capabilities. Functions Automated invocation of resource test services Automated invocation of Resource Test Services for test and retrieval of results from the resource testing capabilities. Manual resource test services initiation and control Manual Resource Test Services via a user interface (GUI) function that provides the means to access the testing capabilities.

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7.12 Workforce Management

Figure 61.

7.12 Workforce Management

Workforce Management Application Identifier: 7.12 Overview Workforce Management applications manage field forces to make optimum use of manpower and other resources such as vehicles. They are used to schedule resources, provide a map of field skill sets and provide forecasting and load balancing capabilities. Workforce Management can be used to manage both internal and external resources in areas of service assurance, provisioning, routine work, and preventive maintenance. Functions

Workforce Schedule Management Application Identifier: 7.12.1 Overview Workforce Schedule Management applications provide the necessary functionality to manage the work schedule, appointment schedule and resource schedule of the dispatchable workforce. Functions Workforce Scheduling Workforce Schedule Management function provide the necessary functionality to manage the work schedule, appointment schedule and resource schedule of the dispatchable workforce. Work Order Analysis Application Identifier: 7.12.2 Overview

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Work Order Analysis applications provide the necessary functionality to analyze the work order and determine what manual activities are necessary. For such manual activities proper dependencies are set. Functions Work Order manual activities determination Determine required manual activities function provide the necessary functionality to analyze the work order and determine what manual activities are necessary. Work Order Assignment & Dispatch Application Identifier: 7.12.3 Overview Work Order Assignment & Dispatch applications provide the required functionality to assign manual activities (work orders and work items) to dispatchable staff as well as dispatch technicians on assigned work orders and items. Functions Dynamic work order assigning Dynamic work order assigning taking into consideration the following criteria: o work order priority o associated SLAs o work order due date o required skills to perform work o dependencies between work items/orders o job location relative to other assignments made to the dispatchable staff o workload of staff o staff availability hours Periodic bulk work order assigning Periodic bulk work order assigning taking into consideration the following criteria: o work order priority o associated SLAs o work order due date o required skills to perform work o dependencies between work items/orders o job location relative to other assignments made to the dispatchable staff o workload of staff o staff availability hours Work Order Assignment Dispatching Dispatching of work order assignments to dispatchable staff. Work Order Tracking & Management Application Identifier: 7.12.4 Overview © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Work order Tracking & Management applications provide the necessary functionality to manage and monitor the execution of the various manual activities via dispatchable staff. Functions Close Work orders Closing function of completed work orders Issue work orders Issue workforce orders for Resource preventive and corrective maintenance and change. Work and work orders coordination Function for coordinating work between dependent or related work orders for Resource dispatchable staff. Work Order Escalation function Escalating function for issues as required when a due date is in jeopardy Work order Information Transferring Establishing and managing information transfer between the operator's workforce management system(s) and those of external third parties (when the infrastructure is owned and operated by third parties) Work Order Re-assigning Initiating re-assignments as needed based on changing priorities, technician progress on other job assignments, etc. Work Order State Management Managing the transition of the order through its various states. Work Order Status Monitoring Monitoring the status and progress of the various manual activities, including the various states of the work order Work Order updating Managing updates to orders, including in-flight changes and cancelations Workforce Configuration and Setup Application Identifier: 7.12.5 Overview Workforce Configuration and Setup applications provide the necessary functionality to appropriately configure the Workforce Management application, including the setup of working areas, staff information, activity types and related information, etc. Functions Geographical work areas management Management of the various geographical working areas (turfs). © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Workforce appointment schedule configuration. Configuration of the workforce appointment schedule. Workforce dispatchability management Management of the dispatchable technicians, including skill sets. Workforce Forecasting Forecasting the workload and respective assignable staffing requirements on a daily, weekly, and longer period basis. Workforce manual activities classification Classification of different types of manual activities provide the necessary functionality to appropriately classify the working activity types and related information. Workforce staff availability management Management of staff availability, including vacation time. Workforce technician training management Management of technician training and/or coordination and interface with HR systems regarding the training. Workforce Management Reporting Application Identifier: 7.12.6 Overview Workforce Management Reporting applications provide the necessary functionality to report on the status pertinent Workforce information, including activity and staff data. Functions Workforce Management Reporting Workforce Management Reporting functions provide the necessary functionality to report on the status of open work orders as well as technician information such as availability, utilization, and overall performance.

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7.13 Network Number Inventory Management

Figure 62.

7.13 Network Number Inventory Management

Network Number Management Application Identifier: 7.13 Overview Network Number Management provides the necessary functionality for Number Inventory Management and Number Portability. Functions

Network Number Inventory Management Application Identifier: 7.13.1 Overview Network Number Inventory Management provides the required functionality to manage dialable (telephone numbers) and non-dialable (network routing number) numbers. It can include both land-line and mobility numbers. It also handles ip type addresses (V4 or V6) along with any other network numbers of interest to a service provider. Numbers can be private or public. Functions Number Acquisition & Inventory Establishment Manages the Acquisition of numbers and the establishment of a number inventory. Number Aging Manages the aging of numbers before they can be re-assigned. Number Assignment © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Manages the assignment of numbers for usage. Number Reservation Provides the functionality to manage the reservation of numbers. Number Search Provides the means to search the number inventory. Number Tracking and Reporting Provides functionality to track numbers and perform number reporting. Number Portability Application Identifier: 7.13.2 Overview Number Portability application manages the end to end lifecycle of a portability request. This includes reception, validation of business rules and execution of set of policies, decomposition and orchestration of the request to ensure the correct functionality. In addition, Number Portability application also provides publication, risk & effectiveness management. Functions

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7.13.2 Number Portability

Figure 63.

7.13.2 Number Portability

Number Portability Application Identifier: 7.13.2 Overview Number Portability application manages the end to end lifecycle of a portability request. This includes reception, validation of business rules and execution of set of policies, decomposition and orchestration of the request to ensure the correct functionality. In addition, Number Portability application also provides publication, risk & effectiveness management. Functions

Number Portability Policy Management Application Identifier: Overview Number Portability Policy Management is responsible for managing different types of rules and policies validations, in base of the number portability request. Functions Number Portability Policy Management Number Portability Policy Management: Management that regulates policies, standards, definitions and restrictions defined by the entities involved in Number Portability (countryspecific regulatory entities). Number Portability Orchestration Application Identifier: Overview

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Number Portability Orchestration provides workflow and communication mechanism that ensures the orders activation according to a criteria set, allowing in this way the correct execution of orders. Functions Number Portability Orchestration Number Portability Orchestration communication mechanism that ensures the orders activation according to a criteria set, allowing in this way the correct execution of orders Number Portability Risk & Effectiveness Management Application Identifier: Overview Number Portability Risk & Effectiveness Management allows the identification of risks and threats to the process, with appropriate controls to minimize or eliminate the identified risks. Functions Number Portability Risk & Effectiveness Management Number Portability Risk & Effectiveness Management for determine of threats, risks and control of fulfillment, in order to comply with the execution of all Number Portability orders. Number Portability Validation Application Identifier: Overview Number Portability Validation can perform calculations that determine whether the information received is reliable, safe and contains the minimum information required during implementation, enabling with this the orders rejection for those who do not comply with the defined criteria. Functions Number Portability Validation Number Portability Validation can perform calculations that determine whether the information received is reliable, safe and contains the minimum information required during implementation, enabling with this the orders rejection for those who do not comply with the defined criteria.

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7.14 Usage Management

Figure 64.

7.14 Usage Management

Usage Management Application Identifier: 7.14 Overview Usage Management is the conduit for usage events of various types and formats from the different event generating functions like networks, applications, infrastructures, “Management and Control” etc. to various processes such as billing, legal compliance, and service assurance. Usage Event records are collected/processed, edited, correlated, enriched, formatted and distributed to upstream systems. It is not necessary that all usage events are always charged but might be used for enrichment of other usage events. The Usage Management function supports various types of charging for sessions and events, for example, application instance, Max/Min usage based on flexible time intervals or active users of the application in both batch and real-time. Functions

Usage Event Processing Application Identifier: 7.14.1 Overview The Usage Event Processing functions include collection, filtering, formatting, aggregation, enrichment, correlation, consolidation, storage, and delivery of usage event records. These functions are required to support both file and event based (batch and real-time) processing. The Usage Management function supports various types of charging for sessions and events, for example, application instance, Max/Min usage based on flexible time intervals or active users of the application in both batch and real-time. Usage event records are of various types © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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and formats and are generated from event generating functions like networks, applications, infrastructures, “Management and Control” etc. Not all events in the scope of Usage events are always charged but might be required for correlation and enrichment of other usage events records. The network elements that may produce usage event records include, but are not limited to, components of the wireline, wireless, and IP networks. The components include, but are not limited to, application servers, service delivery platforms, messaging servers, switches, routers, and other network elements, Orchestrator. Functions Usage Event Collection Usage Event Collection. These functions are required to support both file and event based (batch and real-time) processing when distributed to upstream systems. The events are used in the functions for charging/billing, assurance and management of customers and networks. Usage Event Correlation Usage Event Correlation. These functions are required to support both file and event based (batch and real-time) processing when distributed to upstream systems. The events are used in the functions for charging/billing, assurance and management of customers and networks. Usage Event Distribution Usage Event Distribution functions are required to support both file and event based (batch and real-time) processing when distributed to upstream systems. The events are used in the functions for charging/billing, assurance and management of customers and networks. Usage Event Enrichment Usage Event Enrichment. These functions are required to support both file and event based (batch and real-time) processing when distributed to upstream systems. The events are used in the functions for charging/billing, assurance and management of customers and networks. Usage Event Guidance Usage Event Guidance. These functions are required to support both file and event based (batch and real-time) processing when distributed to upstream systems. The events are used in the functions for charging/billing, assurance and management of customers and networks. Usage Event Mediation Usage Event Mediation. These functions are required to support both file and event based (batch and real-time) processing when distributed to upstream systems. The events are used in the functions for charging/billing, assurance and management of customers and networks. Usage Event Error Management Application Identifier: 7.14.2 Overview

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The Usage Event Error Management function accepts usage records which have been identified as being non-process able due to edit, rate, guide, routing, etc. failures - i.e., unable to identify the owner of the usage (customer), unable to apply a valid rate, etc., or failures due to insufficient balance to execute the Management and Control events like (Resource reservation request). The Usage Event Error Management function provides users with the ability to: • Categorize unbilled usage events • Provide features to identify the error cause • Provide correction capabilities (via mechanized script or manual correction) • Provide re-distribution features to send the usage to the proper destination(s) • Reporting back error to the Event generating system/functional block with the information that caused the failure. Specifically required for failures of Management and Control events. Functions Erroneous Usage Event re-distribution to the proper destination(s) Provide re-distribution features to send the usage to the proper destination(s) for usage records which have been identified as being non-processable due to edit, rate, guide, routing, etc. failures. This includes also reporting back to the event generating system. Usage Event Error Categorization Categorize unbilled usage events for usage records which have been identified as being non-processable due to edit, rate, guide, routing, etc. Failures Usage Event Error cause identification Provide features to identify the error cause for usage records which have been identified as being non-processable due to edit, rate, guide, routing, etc. failures Usage Event Error correction capabilities Provide correction capabilities (via mechanized script or manual correction) for usage records which have been identified as being non-processable due to edit, rate, guide, routing, etc. Failures

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8. Supplier/Partner Domain

Figure 65.

8. Supplier/Partner Domain

Supplier/Partner Management Application Identifier: 8.2 Overview Supplier/Partner Management provides the necessary functionality to support supplier/partner definition and hierarchy management, revenue sharing arrangements, agreements between the service provider and the supplier/partner, settlement processes, and reconciliation processes. Supplier/Partner Management provides the necessary functionality to manage the lifecycle of the relationship between a supplier/partner and the service provider. Functions

Wholesale / Interconnect Billing Application Identifier: 8.3 Overview Wholesale billing applications include a variety of capabilities. Traditionally this area included inter-carrier settlements capabilities and this was later extended to interconnect billing applications. In today’s competitive markets and complex value chains, it has expanded further to include among others Roaming, wholesale operators, resellers, Mobile Virtual Network Operators, Content Providers and E-Commerce. There is now an array of applications in the area providing charging, billing, and settlement capabilities on a raw data basis, individual transaction basis and bulk basis across a variety of services and platforms. These applications work across a variety of platforms and support a wide range of services, preferably in one single system. Wholesale applications need to adhere to international standards such as TAP and RAP files, which are processed in Roaming solutions. Functions © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Partner Invoice management Accurate, flexible bi-directional invoicing for various settlement periods. Partners’ business event processing Processing the events generated by the partners’ business activities for invoicing and payment purposes. Including accounting of partners' activities. Reference Data Creation and Management Product and Service Definition - Definition of products and services, pricing schemes, partner entities and contracts into the system. Easy uploading of reference data from external sources such as XML files. Settlement management Oversee the Partners’ accounting activities. Supported by monitoring tools. Supplier/Partner automated error management Automatic and manual handling of records found in error, mass correction and re-rating of events. Supplier/Partner billing & settlement disputes management Management of inter-carrier billing and settlement disputes and other supplier/partner services including content and e-commerce disputes. Supplier/Partner payments handling Handling of payments in the area of Supplier/Partner billing and settlement. Logging and tracking of full or partial payments. Supplier/Partner Transaction Monitoring Tools Monitoring tools for monitoring of automated billing, settlement and payment to ease and expedite dispute management.

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8.2 Supplier/Partner Management

Figure 66.

8.2 Supplier/Partner Management

Supplier/Partner Management Application Identifier: 8.2 Overview Supplier/Partner Management provides the necessary functionality to support supplier/partner definition and hierarchy management, revenue sharing arrangements, agreements between the service provider and the supplier/partner, settlement processes, and reconciliation processes. Supplier/Partner Management provides the necessary functionality to manage the lifecycle of the relationship between a supplier/partner and the service provider. Functions

Supplier/Partner Relationship Management Application Identifier: 8.2.1 Overview Supplier/Partner Relationship Management provides the necessary functionality to manage the relationship with partners, including establishment and termination of contracts and accounts. It includes strategic and operational aspects of the relationship. Many types of supplier/partner relationships must be supported, including service providers, equipment suppliers, and other business partners. Supplier/Partner Relationship Management does not handle wholesale arrangements. Some parties, such as application developers, may interact with the service provider in multiple roles. For example, when the developer is using the service provider's application development environment, they are a customer of the service provider. When in a role of a customer, this relationship is managed like any other customer meaning not within the supplier/partner suite of

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applications. Application developers may also be supplier/partners of the service provider at such time that they offer a product for sale within the service provider's environment. Functions Contract Management Contract Management, including establishment, modification, and termination Identification of Potential Partners Identification of Potential Partners by managing the evaluation of potential partners, to determine partners and partner's engagements that best meet the enterprise’s needs Partner Account Creation and Management Partner Account Creation and Management Supplier/Partner Order Management Application Identifier: 8.2.2 Overview Supplier/Partner Order Management provides the necessary functionality to manage orders placed with a supplier/partner. This includes orders placed in conjunction with a customer order as well as orders placed as part of service provider expansions of product, service, or network. Expansions can include purchases of inventory for future use by the service provider (e.g. – the service provider asks for a batch of SIM cards to replenish their SIM card inventory). A Supplier/Partner Order can also include a simple transaction with a partner concerning an application purchased via a product catalog, and the app is delivered (maybe just a download to the customer’s phone). Functions Goods Receipt The Goods Receipt function manages suppliers’ goods deliveries including goods receipt checking (quantity, working) Supplier/Partner Order Handling Track, monitor and report on a service provider initiated order to ensure that the interactions are in accordance with the agreed commercial arrangements between the service provider and another party. Supplier/Partner Requisition Management The Supplier / Partner Requisition Management function manages the purchase requests and approvals and convert purchase approvals into standard purchase orders. It also manages requisitions for Network infrastructure maintenance and investment, only used for purchase of Network infrastructure. Ex: Technical partner needs to purchase material for a planned or emergency infrastructure work. It may then be booked as an investment or maintenance expenditure. Supplier/Partner Assurance Management Application Identifier: 8.2.3 © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Overview Supplier/Partner Assurance Management provides the necessary functionality to manage problems that are being passed on to the supplier/partner, originating with the supplier/partner and being passed to the service provider, as well as assuring that both the service provider and the supplier/partner are meeting the product and service obligations set out in the contract. Interactions between the service provider and the partner can be “bidirectional” while solving a mutual customer’s problem. Functions Handling customer inquiries & issues Handling customer inquiries & issues on behalf of the supplier/partner (as specified via the partner contract) Passing/receiving inquires and issues Receiving and Passing inquires and issues between the service provider and supplier/partner per contractual arrangements. Performance Management Performance Management, including the performance of the supplier/partner or service provider equipment as well as the performance of the actual partner or service provider. Receiving problems Receiving problems from the partner that require service provider assistance in resolving. Supplier/Partner Workflow Application Identifier: 8.2.4 Overview Supplier/Partner Workflow applications provide workflow and orchestration for supplier/partner management activities. Functions Supplier/Partner Workflow Management Supplier/Partner Workflow Management function provide workflow and orchestration for supplier/partner management activities. Supplier/Partner Reconciliation Management Application Identifier: 8.2.5 Overview Supplier/Partner Reconciliation Management provides functionality to support reconciliation of invoices received from the supplier/partner, including supplier/partner data collection, settlement calculation, and initiation of accounts receivable or accounts payable transactions. Functions © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Supplier/Partner Invoice Reconciliation Supplier/Partner Invoice Reconciliation uses the charges (and e.g. adjustments) from the supplier/partner along with substantiating information available to the service provider to reconcile the invoice presented by the supplier/partner. Supplier/Partner Product Lifecycle Management Application Identifier: 8.2.6 Overview Partner Product Lifecycle Management provides the necessary functionality to onboard or incorporate a partner's prospective product(s) into the service provider's product catalog or "store front", the partner's store front, etc. This functionality also includes the capability to manage the partner's product lifecycle from inception to retirement. Partner products can include tangible and intangible products based on resources, services, and applications. Functions Initiation of product instantiation Initiation of product instantiation into the service provider product catalog and/or store front, including product prices. Product certification/decertification Product certification/decertification to be an integrated part of the service provider's value proposition. Product onboarding, updates, and decommissioning Product onboarding, updating, and decommissioning Supplier/Partner Reporting Application Identifier: 8.2.7 Overview Supplier/Partner Reporting provides information as appropriate concerning orders, trouble tickets, campaign and sales results, product usage, billing data, inquiries on products, product feedback, as well as lead and opportunity data. This information can be made available to relevant service provider or partner staff and systems. Functions Supplier/Partner Reporting Supplier/Partner Reporting provides information as appropriate concerning orders, trouble tickets, campaign and sales results, product usage, billing data, inquiries on products, product feedback, as well as lead and opportunity data. This information can be made available to relevant service provider or partner staff and systems. Supplier/Partner Portal Application Identifier: 8.2.8 © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Overview Supplier/Partner Portals provides a single entry point for suppliers and partners to interact with the service provider to conduct business. Functions Supplier/Partner single point of contact Supplier/Partner Portals provides a single entry point for suppliers and partners to access various tools used for ordering, assurance, reporting, product management and reconciliation

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8.2.5 Supplier/Partner Reconciliation Management

Figure 67.

8.2.5 Supplier/Partner Reconciliation Management

Supplier/Partner Reconciliation Management Application Identifier: 8.2.5 Overview Supplier/Partner Reconciliation Management provides functionality to support reconciliation of invoices received from the supplier/partner, including supplier/partner data collection, settlement calculation, and initiation of accounts receivable or accounts payable transactions. Functions Supplier/Partner Invoice Reconciliation Supplier/Partner Invoice Reconciliation uses the charges (and e.g. adjustments) from the supplier/partner along with substantiating information available to the service provider to reconcile the invoice presented by the supplier/partner. Supplier/Partner Invoice Reconciliation Application Identifier: Overview Supplier/Partner Invoice Reconciliation Management uses the charges from the supplier/partner along with substantiating information available tithe service provider to reconcile the invoice presented by the supplier/partner. Functions

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Application Identifier: Overview Supplier/Partner Data Collection provides the required functionality to gather substantiating data to support supplier/partner invoice reconciliation and partner settlements. Functions Collection of adjustment and billed charge data Supplier/Partner Data Collection to gather substantiating adjustment and billing data to support supplier/partner invoice reconciliation and partner settlements. Collection of statistics on supplier/partner activities Supplier/Partner Data Collection to gather statistics on Supplier/Partner activities data to support supplier/partner invoice reconciliation and partner settlements. Collection of Usage and/or supplier/partner charges Supplier/Partner Data Collection to gather Usage and/or supplier/partner charges to support supplier/partner invoice reconciliation and partner settlements. Supplier/Partner Settlements Partner Settlements provides the necessary functionality to calculate a settlement with the partner, initiate the payment or bill to the partner. Supplier/Partner Settlements reporting Partner Settlements reporting provides the necessary functionality to create reports that substantiate the settlement. Supplier/Partner Settlements Application Identifier: Overview Partner Settlements provides the necessary functionality to calculate a settlement with the partner, initiate the payment or bill to the partner, and create reports that substantiate the settlement. Functions

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9. Enterprise Domain

Figure 68.

9. Enterprise Domain

Revenue Assurance Management Application Identifier: 9.1 Overview Revenue Assurance is the collection of data quality and process improvement methods that reduce leakages, improve profits, revenues and cash flows without influencing demand. Although, as its name suggest, Revenue Assurance is mainly about revenues and profits, revenue assurance activities in a communications organization has significant implications on operational and strategic aspects of the service provider. These methods can be employed in proactive, active, or reactive manners as part of providing "Revenue Assurance" for the service provider. Functions

HR Management Application Identifier: 9.2 Overview HR Management provides the necessary functionality for managing the service provider's workforce. This includes the means for improving workforce efficiency and productivity, planning future workforce needs, finding and developing the right talent, educating the workforce to ensure each employee has the right skills and aligning corporate strategies with team and individual goals Functions

Financial Management Application Identifier: 9.3 Overview © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Financial Management - for financial management functionality including accounting, reporting, analysis and treasury management, plus internal controls and documentation of all financial processes and transactions. Functions

Asset Management Application Identifier: 9.4 Overview Asset Management - for understanding the physical and financial assets deployed in the enterprise and optimizing the economics associated with those investments along the lifecycle from introduction through maintenance to eventual disposal. Functions

Security Management Application Identifier: 9.5 Overview Security Management Applications are part of Enterprise Management. They provide a Unified approach to Security, and the foundation technologies to: Protect systems and network infrastructure against unauthorized access to or modification of information, whether in storage, processing or transit Restrict provision of service to only authorized users Prevent any denial of service to authorized users Provide the measures necessary to detect, document, and counter such threats Functions

Knowledge Management Application Identifier: 9.6 Overview Knowledge Management (KM) comprises a range of practices used in an organization to identify, create, represent, distribute and enable adoption of insights and experiences. Such insights and experiences comprise knowledge, either embodied in individuals or embedded in organizational processes or practice (from Wikipedia). Note: Actual applications can be related to both Knowledge Management and the business functional areas for which the application provides functionality. Functions

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Fraud Management Application Identifier: 9.7 Overview Investigating, preventing and responding to activities that indicate fraudulent use of networks or systems. This is achieved by effective Fraud Management systems coupled with the instrumentation and monitoring that enables potential fraudulent activities to be identified. There are close linkages between fraud identification and anomaly detection. Functions Fraud & Anomaly Detecting Fraud & Anomaly Detecting function indicates fraudulent use of networks or systems. This is achieved by effective Fraud Management systems coupled with the instrumentation and monitoring that enables potential fraudulent activities to be identified. There are close linkages between fraud identification and anomaly detection. Regulatory & Compliance Management Application Identifier: 9.8 Overview Applications to stay on top of changing laws, regulations, industry specific regulations, standards, and internal policies. Functions Regulatory & Compliance Documentation Management Regulatory & Compliance Documentation Management Function of compliance documentation of the laws, regulations and internal policies. Regulatory & Compliance monitoring Regulatory & Compliance Monitoring Function includes monitoring of pertinent laws, regulations and internal policies. Regulatory & Compliance Reporting Regulatory & Compliance Reporting of proof of compliance to the pertinent laws, regulations and internal policies. Administrative Services Application Identifier: 9.9 Overview Legal Administrative Services provides legal services like assistance and advice on issues such as procurement, contracting, public law and related activities. Record Retention management assure compliance with federal and state laws, legal requirements or expectations, enterprise policies and procedures for the management of data and information related to the enterprise's operation. Advertising Administrative Services are primarily dealing with the enterprise's © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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common advertising needs like Corporate advertising (that is more public relations than sales promotion) and Recruitment advertising. Functions

Supply Chain Management Application Identifier: 9.10 Overview Supply Chain Management provides the necessary functionality to support the planning of needed materials and services, procurement of these materials and services, stocking and shipping preparation, and transportation to their final destination. Functions

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9.1 Revenue Assurance Management

Figure 69.

9.1 Revenue Assurance Management

Revenue Assurance Management Application Identifier: 9.1 Overview Revenue Assurance is the collection of data quality and process improvement methods that reduce leakages, improve profits, revenues and cash flows without influencing demand. Although, as its name suggest, Revenue Assurance is mainly about revenues and profits, revenue assurance activities in a communications organization has significant implications on operational and strategic aspects of the service provider. These methods can be employed in proactive, active, or reactive manners as part of providing "Revenue Assurance" for the service provider. Functions

RA Control and Configuration Application Identifier: 9.1.1 Overview RA Control & Configuration establishes the policies and rules to be applied to the Revenue Assurance process. It includes baselining acceptable limits and values from which actions will be taken. A Control & Configuration also assures that the RA process is executing according to specified rules and controls. Functions RA Control Configuration

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RA Control & Configuration function establishes the policies and rules to be applied to the Revenue Assurance process. It includes baselining acceptable limits and values from which actions will be taken. RA Control Management RA Control & Configuration Assurance function assures that the RA process is executing according to specified rules and controls. RA Tracking & Management Application Identifier: 9.1.2 Overview RA Tracking & Management applications provide necessary functionality to assure that Revenue Assurance anomalies are remedied in an efficient manner. This is done by monitoring the lifecycle of revenue assurance activities, including monitoring, analysis, and initiation of correction & recovery. Functions RA Problem Management RA Tracking & Management function provides necessary functionality to assure that Revenue Assurance problems are assigned, coordinated, and corrected efficiently, escalating as needed per established business rules. RA Problem Resolution Verification RA Tracking & Management function provides necessary functionality to assure that Revenue Assurance problems resolution is verified. RA Problem Tracking RA Tracking function provides necessary functionality to assure that Revenue Assurance problems are tracked from inception to resolution. RA Monitoring Application Identifier: 9.1.3 Overview RA Monitoring applications provide the necessary functionality to collect and monitor data from within fulfillment, assurance, and billing, as well as information from supplier/partner transactions. This includes data collected from the product, service, and resource (network) layers. RA Monitoring applications also pull data from multiple sources and bash the results. These applications also analyze processes (both interprocess and intraprocess) for RA anomalies. RA Monitoring looks for situations that are outside of the established baselines and triggers alerts when those situations are detected for further analysis. RA Monitoring looks for both "immediate" anomalies as well as predicts anomalies via trend analysis. © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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RA Monitoring can also consider proactive measures such as acceptance testing of new or updated products, business or system flows, etc. Functions RA Monitoring Anomaly Detection RA Monitoring function analyze processes (both interprocess and intraprocess) for RA anomalies, and looks for situations that are outside of the established baselines and triggers alerts when those situations are detected for further analysis. RA Monitoring looks for both "immediate" anomalies as well as predicts anomalies via trend analysis RA Monitoring Data Collection RA Monitoring function provide the necessary functionality to collect data from product, service, and resource (network) layers within fulfillment, assurance, and billing, as well as information from supplier/partner transactions. RA Analysis Application Identifier: 9.1.4 Overview RA Analysis provides the necessary functionality to investigate and diagnose revenue assurance anomalies identified via RA Monitoring. This can include both automated analysis per established RA policies and business rules as well as manual analysis/investigation. Functions RA Anomaly Analysis RA Analysis function provide necessary functionality to diagnose detected revenue assurance related problems. RA Correction & Recovery Initiation Application Identifier: 9.1.5 Overview RA Correction & Recovery Initiation provides the necessary functionality to initiate correction of the revenue assurance anomalies as well as recovery of the lost revenue. Functions RA Correction Initiation RA Correction Initiation provides the necessary functionality to initiate correction of the revenue assurance anomalies. Given that Revenue Assurance will detect issues originating in ordering, provisioning, billing, and usage, it is likely the correction or recovery will also need to be performed in those domains. RA Recovery Initiation RA Recovery Initiation provides the necessary functionality to initiate recovery of the lost revenue. © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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RA Reporting Application Identifier: 9.1.6 Overview RA Reporting provides the necessary functionality to report on the status of revenue assurance activities and provide management reports. Functions RA Reporting RA Reporting provides the functionality to report on the status of Revenue Assurance activities, including the status of issues currently being monitored, analyzed, and remedied. RA Reporting also reports on data derived from the fulfillment, assurance, and billing data collected for monitoring.

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9.2 HR Management

Figure 70.

9.2 HR Management

HR Management Application Identifier: 9.2 Overview HR Management provides the necessary functionality for managing the service provider's workforce. This includes the means for improving workforce efficiency and productivity, planning future workforce needs, finding and developing the right talent, educating the workforce to ensure each employee has the right skills and aligning corporate strategies with team and individual goals Functions

Payroll Management Application Identifier: 9.2.1 Overview Payroll Management provides the necessary functionality to accurately pay employees for time worked, plus other compensation less applicable withholdings and deductions while meeting legal and regulatory reporting requirements. Functions Paycheck Generation Generates Paycheck/Paystub deliverable in Paper and/or Electronic form. Payroll Reporting Output payroll results to Financial Accounting. Generates applicable reporting and analytics. Payroll Salary Calculation Calculates Salary for current period. Payroll Wage Calculation

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Calculates Wages based on hourly rate plus any applicable adjustments such as overtime earned. Payroll Withholdings and Deductions Calculation Calculates Payroll Taxes and outputs to applicable agencies. Calculates Withholdings such as Federal Income Tax, and calculates deductions such as medical insurance, union dues and charitable contributions. Performance Management & Feedback Application Identifier: 9.2.2 Overview Performance Management & Feedback provides the necessary functionality to evaluate and develop a workforce. Functions Performance Feedback Management KPI feedback calculation and presentation, as well as Identification and evaluation of competencies. Performance Goal Followup Performance Appraisal relative to (set) Goals and Gap analysis Performance Goal Setting Setting of Short and Long Term goals. Governmental & Regulatory Tracking & Reporting Application Identifier: 9.2.3 Overview Governmental & Regulatory Tracking & Reporting provides the necessary functionality to track the implementation of governmental & regulatory rules or requirements, along with the means to report as required to various Legal and Regulatory bodies. Functions Governmental & Regulatory Reporting Governmental & Regulatory Reporting provides the necessary functionality to report as required to various Legal and Regulatory bodies. Governmental & Regulatory Tracking Governmental & Regulatory Tracking provides the necessary functionality to track the implementation of governmental & regulatory rules or requirements. Time Reporting & Attendance Management Application Identifier: 9.2.4 © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Overview Time Reporting & Attendance Management provides the necessary means for tracking work time and attendance. It also applies time rules. Functions Time & Attendance Reporting Time & Attendance Reporting provides the following functionality: • Attendance and Absence reporting and analytics. Time Attendance Management Time Attendance Management provides the following functionality: • Time capture. • Time tracking. • Time calculations. • Time allocation. • Attendance and Absence tracking. Recruitment & Staffing Application Identifier: 9.2.5 Overview Recruiting and Staffing is the processes of ensuring the company has the right labor force to meet company objectives. This includes the right skilled labor force, the right sized labor force and a productive labor force. It also ensures that a company meets legal, regulatory and internal requirements. Functions Recruitment and Staffing Reporting Recruitment and Staffing Reporting provides the following functionality: • Legal and Regulatory reporting • Analytics such as attrition rate Staff Recruiting Staff Recruiting provides the following functionality: • Job Descriptions/Job Briefs • Sourcing of candidates through job boards, job fairs, advertisements, referrals, company job site Staffing Staffing provides the following functionality: • Tracking of candidate through process. • Interviewing candidates by recruiter. • Ranking of candidates for hiring manager interview. • Background checks. • Organizational Management Ethics & Compliance © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Application Identifier: 9.2.6 Overview Ethic & Compliance ensures the company complies with legal and regulatory requirements as it relates to hiring and labor practices. It ensures that employees and other associated with the company are trained on ethical practices. The application also ensures that the company has instituted reasonable protections against those that would practice unethical behavior. Functions Ethics & Compliance Ethics & Compliance provides the following functionality: • Provides a program to ensure Labor is properly trained on ethics and compliance requirements. • Provides a program to enable safe reporting of ethical and compliance violations. • Ensures company is meeting ethical and compliance standards. • Institutes and manages programs such as EEO case management to track violations. Employee Records Management Application Identifier: 9.2.7 Overview Employee Records Management provides the necessary processes, guidelines and solutions for managing and retaining employee records. Functions Employee Records Administration Employee Records Administration provides the following functionality: • Manages long term storage of employee records. • Defines what employee records are to be retained. • Defines record retention/destruction guidelines. Employee Records Support Employee Records Support provides the following functionality: • Provides required records on requests. Awards & Recognition Application Identifier: 9.2.8 Overview Awards & Recognition provides the necessary guidelines and tools to properly and in a consistent way recognize and award employees. Functions Awards & Recognition Assigning Awards & Recognition Assigning provides the following functionality: • Provides tools and processes to generate awards such as monetary or item. © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Awards & Recognition Guideline Management Awards & Recognition Guideline Management provides the following functionality: • Provides guidelines for appropriate employee recognition. • Provides guidelines for appropriate employee awards. Salary Planning Application Identifier: 9.2.9 Overview Salary Planning provides the necessary budgeting, compensation guidelines and analytics to support compensation plans. Functions Salary Analytics and Reporting Salary Analytics and Reporting provides the following functionality: • Reporting and Analytics Salary Planning Salary Planning provides the following functionality: • Compensation Comparison (internal/external) • Salary Grades and Ranges • Job Descriptions • Merit Increases • Application of Compensation • Salary Updates • Reporting and Analytics Salary Update Administration Salary Update Administration provides the following functionality: • Application of Compensation • Salary Updates Corporate Communications Application Identifier: 9.2.10 Overview Corporate Communications for HR has the responsibility of communicating to the employee’s key corporate information through multiple communications paths. Functions Corporate Communications Corporate Communications provides the following functionality to Foster a Positive Work Culture, Boost Employee Moral and Support Employee Engagement • Communicates Corporate Goals © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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• Communicates Key Initiatives • Disseminates information through various communication channels. Community Involvement Application Identifier: 9.2.11 Overview Community Involvement supports good corporate citizenship by lending and or supporting a company’s talent and resources for the good of a community. Community Involvement builds trust and a positive image between a corporation and its community. Functions Community Involvement Interaction Management Community Involvement provides the functionality to Provide resources to support various community programs. In order to Set Corporate Goals relative to the community needs, foster an environment of Volunteerism and Build brand image. Labor Relations Application Identifier: 9.2.12 Overview Labor Relations has the responsibility to bring together unionized labor, corporate goals and legal requirements to establish and execute labor agreements. Functions Labor Relations Support Labor Relations provides the following functionality: • Negotiates Labor Agreements • Creates Labor Policy • Manages Grievances • Ensures Labor Agreement compliance Corporate Training Application Identifier: 9.2.13 Overview Corporate Training has the responsibility to train the workforce to meet current and future skill demands. Functions Corporate Training Analytics and Reporting Corporate Training Analytics and Reporting provides the following functionality: • Analytics and Reporting © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Corporate Training Development Corporate Training Development provides the following functionality: • Supports Compliance Training Requirements • Build Training Curriculum • Build Training Courses • Deliver Training through various channels • Analytics and Reporting • Deliver Training through various channels Corporate Training Planning Corporate Training Planning provides the following functionality: • Knowledge Assessments • Skill Gap Assessments • Manages certifications Benefits Management Application Identifier: 9.2.14 Overview Benefits Management has the responsibility of developing and administering a company’s benefit program that is cost effective, competitive and sustainable. Primary benefit areas include Healthcare and Pensions. Functions Benefits Development and Administration Benefits Development and Administration provides the functionality of Development and Administration of the Benefit Programs for Health, Dental, Pensions, Savings Plans, Stock Plans, Life/Dismemberment insurance and Long Term Healthcare, including to Ensure benefit programs meet legal/regulatory requirements. Benefits Management Analytics and Reporting Benefits Management Analytics and Reporting function handles the Analytics and Reporting of the Benefit Programs for Health, Dental, Pensions, Savings Plans, Stock Plans, Life/Dismemberment insurance and Long Term Healthcare

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9.3 Financial Management

Figure 71.

9.3 Financial Management

Financial Management Application Identifier: 9.3 Overview Financial Management - for financial management functionality including accounting, reporting, analysis and treasury management, plus internal controls and documentation of all financial processes and transactions. Functions

Financial Core Operations Application Identifier: 9.3.1 Overview Financial Core Operations applications provide the required functionality to manage the major financial processes of a corporation. Functions

Employee Expense Reimbursement Application Identifier: 9.3.2 Overview Employee Expense Reimbursement applications provide the tools to effectively manage the employee travel and expense process. Functions Detection of Duplicate Expenses © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Employee Expense Reimbursement function for Detection of duplicate expenses Electronic Attachments to Expense Reports Employee Expense Reimbursement Function for Attachment of electronic receipts to expense reports from faxed images Electronic Routing for Approval Employee Expense Reimbursement function for electronic routing of expense reports for approval Expense Data Downloading Employee Expense Reimbursement function for downloads of expense data from credit cards and P-cards Integration with Accounts Payable Employee Expense Reimbursement for Integration with Accounts Payable applications Capital Lease Management Application Identifier: 9.3.3 Overview Capital Lease Management applications provide the required functionality to enable the service provider Capital Services legal entity to support business customer purchases of our products and services by converting one-time, upfront costs into monthly payments. Functions Capital Lease Complex Transaction management Capital Lease function for Complex transaction management for various types of leases Capital Lease Contract Tracking Capital Lease Management function for Complete contract tracking from origination through asset disposition Capital Lease Reporting Capital Lease Management function for Flexible reporting Financial Core Operations Reporting Application Identifier: 9.3.4 Overview Financial Core Operations Reporting applications are financial repositories and reporting tools for data associated with the Financial Core Operations applications. Functions Accounts Payable Reporting Financial Core Operations Reporting for Accounts Payable Reporting © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Affiliate Billing Reporting Financial Core Operations Reporting function for Affiliate Billing Reporting Cost Allocations Reporting Financial Core Operations Reporting function for Cost Allocations Reporting Financial Data Reporting Financial Core Operations Reporting function for Financial Controls, Editing & Reference Data Reporting Fixed Assets Reporting Capital Lease Management function for Flexible reporting General Ledger Reporting Financial Core Operations for General Ledger Reporting Project Accounting Reporting Project Accounting Status Reporting to provide the required functionality to track the financial progress of projects, which can then be used by managers to aid project management. Revenue Eliminations Reporting Financial Core Operations Reporting function for Intercompany Revenue Eliminations Reporting Financial Business Unit Reporting Application Identifier: 9.3.5 Overview Financial Business Unit Reporting applications are financial repositories and profitability reporting tools for the service provider and all its subsidiaries. Functions Budget to Actual Variance Reporting Financial Business Unit Reporting function for Budget to Actual variance reporting and year over year comparisons Business Unit Profitability Reporting Financial Business Unit Reporting function for Profitability reporting which provides information on revenues, expenses, volumes and force data Financial Business Unit Financial Repositories Financial Business Unit Reporting function for financial repositories of e.g. budget data Process and product group profitability reporting Financial Business Unit Reporting function for Process cost and product group profitability reporting

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Corporate Tax Application Identifier: 9.3.6 Overview Corporate Tax applications provide the required functionality to calculate and submit tax filings for all service provider companies and affiliates. Functions 1099 Processing Corporate Tax function to calculate and submit tax filings for "1099 Processing" for all service provider companies and affiliates. Corporate Tax function to Accounts Payable Integration Corporate Tax function for Integration with Accounts Payable applications Gross Receipt Tax calculation and filings Corporate Tax function to calculate and submit tax filings for Gross Receipt Tax for all service provider companies and affiliates. Income Tax calculation and filings Corporate Tax function to calculate and submit tax filings for Income Tax for all service provider companies and affiliates. Network Asset Leasing calculation and filings Corporate Tax function to calculate and submit tax filings for Network Asset Leasing for all service provider companies and affiliates. Property Tax calculation and filings Corporate Tax function to calculate and submit tax filings for Fixed Asset Tax for all service provider companies and affiliates. Sales & Use Tax calculation and filings Corporate Tax function to calculate and submit tax filings for Sales & Use Tax for all service provider companies and affiliates. Corporate Treasury Application Identifier: 9.3.7 Overview Corporate Treasury applications provide the required functionality to manage service provider funds and bank accounts. Functions Cash Position Management Corporate Treasury function for Cash position management Corporate Treasury Bank Accounts Tracking

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Corporate Treasury function for Tracking of bank accounts and associated data attributes Foreign Exchange Rates Management Corporate Treasury function for Management of foreign exchange rates Intercompany cash settlements Corporate Treasury function for Intercompany cash settlements Cash Reconciliation & Escheatment Application Identifier: 9.3.8 Overview Cash Reconciliation & Escheatment applications provide the required functionality to perform bank statement reconciliations, manage unclaimed checks, and recover unclaimed funds payable to the service provider. Functions Bank Statement Reconciliation Cash Reconciliation & Escheatment function for Bank Statement Reconciliations Escheatment of unclaimed checks support Cash Reconciliation & Escheatment function for Escheatment of unclaimed checks to the proper jurisdictions Reconciliation & Escheatment to Accounts Payable Integration Cash Reconciliation & Escheatment function for Integration with Accounts Payable applications Recovery of unclaimed funds support Cash Reconciliation & Escheatment function for Recovery of unclaimed funds payable to the service provider that may be held by various jurisdictions Replacement check approval support Cash Reconciliation & Escheatment function for Replacement check approval. General Ledger Account Reconciliation Application Identifier: 9.3.9 Overview General Ledger Account Reconciliation applications provide the required functionality to support comparisons between balances in the general ledger and other subsidiary ledgers to assure that accounts are correct. Functions Accounts Payable Reconciliation General Ledger Account Reconciliation function for Accounts Payable © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Accounts Receivable Reconciliation General Ledger Account Reconciliation function for Accounts Receivable Balance Sheet and Income Statement Accounts Reconciliation General Ledger Account Reconciliation function for Other Balance Sheet and Income Statement Accounts Fixed Assets Reconciliation General Ledger Account Reconciliation function for Fixed Assets Investment Accounts Reconciliation General Ledger Account Reconciliation function for Investment Accounts Payroll function Reconciliation General Ledger Account Reconciliation function for Payroll Auditing Application Identifier: 9.3.10 Overview Auditing applications provide the required functionality to attest to the accuracy of the financial records. Functions Audit Findings Documentation Auditing function for Documentation of audit findings and associated resolutions SOX compliance Auditing Auditing function for SOX compliance Regulatory Accounting Application Identifier: 9.3.11 Overview Regulatory Accounting applications provide the required functionality to comply with federal regulations. In the US, it is specially Title 47, Part 64 (Telecommunication - Miscellaneous Rules Relating to Common Carriers). Functions Affiliate Billing Regulatory Accounting Regulatory Accounting function for Affiliate billing to comply with federal regulations. In the US, it is specially Title 47, Part 64 (Telecommunication - Miscellaneous Rules Relating to Common Carriers). Cost Allocations Regulatory Accounting

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Regulatory Accounting function for Cost allocations and associated cost allocation manuals to comply with federal regulations. In the US, it is specially Title 47, Part 64 (Telecommunication - Miscellaneous Rules Relating to Common Carriers). International settlements Regulatory Accounting Regulatory Accounting function for International settlements to comply with federal regulations. In the US, it is specially Title 47, Part 64 (Telecommunication - Miscellaneous Rules Relating to Common Carriers).

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9.3.1 Financial Core Operations

Figure 72.

9.3.1 Financial Core Operations

Financial Core Operations Application Identifier: 9.3.1 Overview Financial Core Operations applications provide the required functionality to manage the major financial processes of a corporation. Functions

General Ledger Application Identifier: Overview General Ledger applications provide the required functionality to create a book of final entry summarizing all of a company's financial transactions, through offsetting debit and credit accounts. Functions Chart of Accounts Maintenance General Ledger Chart of Accounts Maintenance of the Chart of Accounts and General Ledger reporting structures General Ledger Compliance General Ledger Compliance with multiple legislative, industry or geographic requirements. General Ledger Drilldowns © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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General Ledger Robust drilldowns to underlying transactions General Ledger Integration General Ledger Integration for journals, budgets, reporting, and currency rates, e.g. spreadsheet integration General Ledger month-end closing General Ledger automated month-end close processing General Ledger Security General Ledger Security for tight internal controls and access to legal entity and ledger data Multi-ledger Financial Reporting Multi-ledger Financial Reporting for real-time, enterprise-wide visibility Financial Controls, Editing, & Reference Data Application Identifier: Overview Financial Controls, Editing & Reference Data applications provide the required functionality to enable financial feeders to pre-edit and validate transactions prior to sending them to the financial ledgers for posting. It also covers the receipt of those transactions by the financial applications and the validation features prior to transaction posting. Functions Financial batch validation Financial batch validation and associated error correction processes Financial DataTranslation Financial DataTranslation and replacement processes Financial error correction Financial editing and associated error correction support function prior to sending them to the financial ledgers for posting. Financial Reference Data Maintenance Maintenance of financial reference data for Financial Control Financial Transaction Routing Financial Transaction Routing rules processing Accounts Payable Application Identifier: Overview

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Accounts Payable applications provide the required functionality to maintain a ledger containing the accounts of all of a company's creditors. Functions Accounts Payable Global Accounting Accounts Payable Global Accounting and tax requirements Accounts Payable Supplier Management Accounts Payable Supplier management; Accounts Payable function to provide the required functionality to maintain all of a company's creditors. Electronic Payments Support Electronic Payments Support Invoice and payment status support Accounts Payable Invoice and payment status inquiries support. Invoice management and payments Accounts Payable Invoice management and payments Fixed Assets Application Identifier: Overview Fixed Asset applications provide the required functionality to manage the long-term assets of a business at a summarized level. Detailed, subsidiary asset records are not covered by this group of applications. Functions Financial Systems Application Integration Integration function for the Fixed Assets Application with Accounts Payable and Project Accounting applications Fixed Assets Depreciation calculation Fixed Asset Depreciation calculation Fixed Assets Journaling Journal creation for Fixed Assets purchase, depreciation, disposal and transfers Total Cost of Ownership Tracking Fixed Asset Total Cost of Ownership tracking Project Accounting Application Identifier: Overview

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Project Accounting applications provide the required functionality to create financial reports specifically designed to track the financial progress of projects, which can then be used by managers to aid project management. Functions Project Accounting Asset Capitalization Project Accounting Asset Capitalization where the costs to acquire the asset are expensed over the life of that asset rather than in the period it was incurred. Project Accounting Budget Creation Project Accounting Budget Creation at any level in multiple currencies to provide the required functionality to create financial reports specifically designed to track the financial progress of projects, which can then be used by managers to aid project management. Project Accounting Budgetary Control Project Accounting Budgetary Controls to check available project funds with hard or soft controls Project Accounting Comparison Project Accounting Comparison of budget, actual, commitment, and revenue amounts Project Accounting Cost Distribution Project Accounting Cost Distribution using auto-allocation rules Project Accounting Transaction Control Project Accounting Transaction Controls based on expenditure category, expenditure type, employee, or non-labor resource Project Expenditure Posting Project Expenditure Posting to projects' Project Accounting providing the required functionality to create financial reports specifically designed to track the financial progress of projects, which can then be used by managers to aid project management.

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9.4 Asset Management

Figure 73.

9.4 Asset Management

Asset Management Application Identifier: 9.4 Overview Asset Management - for understanding the physical and financial assets deployed in the enterprise and optimizing the economics associated with those investments along the lifecycle from introduction through maintenance to eventual disposal. Functions

Corporate Real Estate Application Identifier: 9.4.1 Overview Corporate real estate asset management focus on maximizing property value for investment purposes. Asset management, is to cultivate market value so ownership can increase its returns. Functions

Damage Claims Management Application Identifier: 9.4.2 Overview

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Asset claim management is for the tracking of claims regarding anything considered valuable to an organization, whether tangible or intangible. Asset claim management is used to process inventory claims for theft or damaged inventory. Similarly, for Intangible assets, claims apply to trademarks, intellectual property rights and engineering claims, copyright claims, franchise claims, and contract claims. Functions Damage Claim Filing Damage Claim Filing captures the claim and the known circumstances and implications. Damage Claim Handling Administration Damage Claim Handling Administration supports the responsible organization with the correction and followup. Damage Claim Loss Calculation and Analyzing Damage Claim Loss Calculation and Analyzing supports in the calculation and analyzing of possible consequences of the Damage Claim. Damage Claim to Accounting Integration Damage Claim to Accounting Integration supports the possible cost handling in connection to a Damage Claim. Fleet Management Application Identifier: 9.4.3 Overview Fleet Management is a function which allows companies which rely on transportation in business to remove or minimize the risks associated with vehicle investment, improving efficiency, productivity and reducing their overall transportation and staff costs, providing 100% compliance with government legislation (duty of care) and many more. (Source Wikipedia) Functions Fleet Lifecycle and Maintenance Planning Fleet Lifecycle and Maintenance Planning supports the administration of vehicle financing and vehicle maintenance planning. Fleet Optimization Fleet Optimization and risk minimizing through route and utilization planning Fleet Security and Efficiency Management Fleet Security and Efficiency Management includes support for driver management, speed management, fuel management and health and safety management. Fleet Tracing and Monitoring Fleet Tracing and Monitoring includes equipment tracing through e.g. vehicle telematics (tracking and diagnostics),

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9.4.1 Corporate Real Estate

Figure 74.

9.4.1 Corporate Real Estate

Corporate Real Estate Application Identifier: 9.4.1 Overview Corporate real estate asset management focus on maximizing property value for investment purposes. Asset management, is to cultivate market value so ownership can increase its returns. Functions

Real Estate Property & Building Portfolio and Lease Management Application Identifier: Overview Real estate property management prioritize to increase the building ‘s Net Operating Income and value. Building portfolios manages different types of property and in different real estate markets. Lease Management plans, tracks, manage and maintain all aspects of leased real estates. Functions Building portfolios Management Building portfolios manages different types of property and in different real estate markets. Building portfolio functions supports the management of the property portfolio. Property Lease Management Lease Management plans, tracks, manage and maintain all aspects of leased real estates. © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Real Estate Property Management Real estate property management prioritize to increase the building ‘s Net Operating Income and value. The Real estate property management functions support the Property management. Real Estate Facility Operations Management Application Identifier: Overview Real Estate Facility Operations Management prioritize the day-to-day operations for the user's/occupier's needs and demands. Real Estate Facility Management function supports the Facility Managers control of the expenses and operational planning. Functions Real Estate Facility Management Real Estate Facility Management prioritize the day-to-day operations to increase the user/occupier's workplace needs and demands. Real Estate Facility Management function supports the Facility Managers control of the expenses and operational planning. Space Planning Application Identifier: Overview Space Planning offers a visual way to format, update and report property space information. It allows to measure space efficiency and quickly identify vacant and underutilized space, used for planning and space optimization. It supports benchmarking facility performance, and determine the total cost of occupancy. Functions Asset management Integration Space Planning function for Integration to Asset management, including support for total cost of occupancy Property Floor Plan Management Space Planning offers a visual way to format, update and report property space information. Property Utilization Management Space Planning Utilization Management for benchmarking, space efficiency and quickly identifying vacant and underutilized space, used for planning and space optimization. Real Estate Asset Capital Planning Application Identifier: © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Overview Real Estate Asset Capital Planning supports the process of budgeting Real Estate Assets for the future long term plans. Analysis and market planning to find the best markets and the best locations within those markets for investment or leasing. Functions Real Estate Asset Capital Budgeting Real Estate Asset Capital Budgeting supports the process of budgeting Real Estate Assets for the future long term plans. Real Estate Market and Location Analysis Analysis and market planning to find the best markets and the best locations within those markets for investment or leasing. Environmental Health & Safety Monitoring and Compliance Management Application Identifier: Overview HSE (Healthy, Safety & Environmental) aspects of real estates, and equipment and services related to the real estate needs to be evaluated continuously to comply to applicable laws and relevant industry standards. To achieve a good HSE management there is a need for supporting applications to have knowledge about applicable laws and regulations, setting up policies and objectives with monitoring/followup up, and auditing and reviews. Functions Real Estate HSE Policies/Objectives Planning and Followup Support Real Estate HSE Policies/Objectives Planning and Followup Support can be used by enterprises with a high profile of environment and personnel care to set policies and objectives for continuous improvement. Real Estate HSE Regulation and Auditing Support Real Estate HSE Regulation and Auditing Support supports the investment and operational organizations to be aware of the applicable laws and industry standards. In addition, it supports the possibility for HSE auditing. HSE (Healthy, Safety & Environmental) aspects of real estates, and equipment and services related to the real estate needs to be evaluated continuously to comply to applicable laws and relevant industry standards. Real Estate Capital Construction Management Application Identifier: Overview The construction process, and the documents involved for each construction phase, in addition to the number diverse stakeholders and complicated workflows calls for a specialized project management. Functions © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Real Estate Construction Management Support for Real estate project management emphasizing the construction process, and the documents involved for each construction phase.

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9.5 Security Management

Figure 75.

9.5 Security Management

Security Management Application Identifier: 9.5 Overview Security Management Applications are part of Enterprise Management. They provide a Unified approach to Security, and the foundation technologies to: Protect systems and network infrastructure against unauthorized access to or modification of information, whether in storage, processing or transit Restrict provision of service to only authorized users Prevent any denial of service to authorized users Provide the measures necessary to detect, document, and counter such threats Functions

Corporate Security Application Identifier: 9.5.1 Overview Corporate security identifies and effectively mitigates or manages, at an early stage, any developments that may threaten the resilience and continued survival of a corporation. It is a corporate function that oversees and manages the close coordination of all functions within the company that are concerned with security, continuity and safety. (Source Wikipedia) Functions

Application Security Application Identifier: 9.5.2 Overview Providing functions so only the right people and systems have the right access, according to authentication and authority. This may call for e.g. © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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> User Management through a central user repository > User - Role Management > Authentication with Single Sign-On > Authentication with "Strong Authentication" if needed > Authorization that is Role and Rule based, and Central Authentication based Functions Application Security Management Application Security Management administrates the roles and rules that applies to getting the right to use an application. Authorization Control and Management Authorization Control and Management sets and administrates the Role and Rule based access to applications. Single Sign-On Access Control Single Sign-On Access control integrated with a central Authentication and Authorization functions secures the most updated security. Vulnerability Management Application Identifier: 9.5.3 Overview Assessing networks and systems for vulnerabilities and taking proactive action to reduce the vulnerabilities or limit the impacts if they are exploited. This is achieved by documenting and managing element configuration, recording any vulnerability as they are discovered, and applying in a timely manner the software patches and upgrades that address known vulnerabilities Functions Software Update Planning Software Update Planning for applying in a timely manner the software patches and upgrades that address known vulnerabilities Vulnerability Assessment Planning Vulnerability Assessment Planning function for Assessing networks and systems for vulnerabilities and taking proactive action to reduce the vulnerabilities or limit the impacts if they are exploited. Anomaly Management Application Identifier: 9.5.4 Overview Identifying and preventing any misuse of a network or system that falls outside normal system operation, by monitoring network and system activity and determining whether it is normal or anomalous, based on rules, signatures or heuristics. This is achieved by a combination of Instrumentation and Monitoring, Event and Log Correlation and Intrusion Detection Systems © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Functions Anomaly Monitoring System and network monitoring activity, determining whether it is normal or anomalous, based on rules, signatures or heuristics. Anomaly Monitoring Data Analysis Anomaly Monitoring Data Event and Log Correlation and Intrusion Detection Systems analysis Lawful Interception Application Identifier: 9.5.5 Overview Providing the interception technologies that meet statutory obligations for lawful interception for any service that requires it Functions Lawful Interception Provide function for Lawful Interception for the purpose of analysis or evidence. PKI and Digital Certificates Application Identifier: 9.5.6 Overview Enabling users to securely and privately exchange data using digital certificates that are obtained and shared through a trusted authority, and enabling secure authentication of devices equipped with digital certificates. This is achieved by Public Key Infrastructure systems that provides digital certificates that can identify an individual, an organization or a device& and include directory services that can store and, when necessary, revoke the certificates Functions PKI and Digital Certificates Support Integration to Public Key Infrastructure Systems that provides digital certificates, and the support to use public keys and digital certificates.

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9.5.1 Corporate Security

Figure 76.

9.5.1 Corporate Security

Corporate Security Application Identifier: 9.5.1 Overview Corporate security identifies and effectively mitigates or manages, at an early stage, any developments that may threaten the resilience and continued survival of a corporation. It is a corporate function that oversees and manages the close coordination of all functions within the company that are concerned with security, continuity and safety. (Source Wikipedia) Functions

Employee Identification Management Application Identifier: Overview Securing the employees to have a correct identification with the right authorities to be used in the overall Corporate security. Functions Identification Card Management Identification card management with card creation and cancellation, and integration to authentication and authority systems. Unique Employee Number Registration Unique Employee Number Registration in a central repository based on secure methods for identity verification. (The repository can be a distributed system.) © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Building Access Management Application Identifier: Overview Providing functions so only the right people have the right access, to premises, buildings and areas within buildings Functions Building Access Control Building Access Control checks, stops or allow physical access to facilities according to access authentication and authority roles and rules.

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9.6 Knowledge Management

Figure 77.

9.6 Knowledge Management

Knowledge Management Application Identifier: 9.6 Overview Knowledge Management (KM) comprises a range of practices used in an organization to identify, create, represent, distribute and enable adoption of insights and experiences. Such insights and experiences comprise knowledge, either embodied in individuals or embedded in organizational processes or practice (from Wikipedia). Note: Actual applications can be related to both Knowledge Management and the business functional areas for which the application provides functionality. Functions

Patent, Invention & Trademark Management Application Identifier: 9.6.1 Overview Patent, Invention & Trademark Management functionality to manage the enterprise's patents, inventions, innovations, and trademarks. Functions Patent, Invention & Trademark Collection Patent, Invention & Trademark Collection support will collect possible patent, invention and trademark candidates Patent, Invention & Trademark Management Patent, Invention & Trademark Collection support will collect possible patent, invention and trademark candidates Patent, Invention & Trademark Management manages the registration process and making the knowledge available within the enterprise © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Enterprise Web Sites & Portals Application Identifier: 9.6.2 Overview Enterprise Web Sites & Portals provide necessary functionality to provide non-business intelligence based knowledge. Functions Enterprise Web Sites & Portals Platform Enterprise Web Sites & Portals platform Business Intelligence (BI) Application Identifier: 9.6.3 Overview Business Intelligence (BI) refers to skills, technologies, applications and practices used to help a business acquire a better understanding of its commercial context. Business Intelligence may also refer to the collected information itself (from Wikipedia). Business Intelligence/Data Warehousing (BIDW) is the delivery of business information required to effectively manage corporate operations. It includes both tactical and strategic decisionmaking activities, compliance and regulatory reporting, and operational & transactional management/monitoring. These functions are performed by a virtual team from various IT organizations within the enterprise. Functions

Data Management Application Identifier: 9.6.4 Overview The Data Management (DM) architecture consumes data from sources and provides consistent data to client applications via a shared set of web services and bulk data management procedures. Functions

Content Management Application Identifier: 9.6.5 © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Overview Content management, or CM, is the set of processes and technologies that support the collection, managing, and publishing of information in any form or medium. (From Wikipedia) Functions Content Management Archival tools Business Intelligence Content Artefact Lifecycle Management keeps track of the aging of the Business Intelligence information and artefacts. All information has a best-before date that differs from context to context, but to use the data in a relevant way there might be cleanup functions or warning functions for outdated data. Content Management Data Repository Business Intelligence Content Artefact Version Control manage the official versioning of BI material that needs to be formally version controlled because of e.g. quality or legal reasons. Content Management Federation tools Business Intelligence Support of Master Data changes and history to be combined with other BI data for reports etc. Content Management Support for O&M BI Metadata Management specifies the > Technical Metadata that describes the physical objects like Tables, fields, indexes, sources, transformations etc. > Business Metadata that describes the content's facts, dimensions, Logical relationships etc. > Process Metadata describes the operations executed on the BI warehouse data and the results.

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9.6.3 Business Intelligence (BI)

Figure 78.

9.6.3 Business Intelligence (BI)

Business Intelligence (BI) Application Identifier: 9.6.3 Overview Business Intelligence (BI) refers to skills, technologies, applications and practices used to help a business acquire a better understanding of its commercial context. Business Intelligence may also refer to the collected information itself (from Wikipedia). Business Intelligence/Data Warehousing (BIDW) is the delivery of business information required to effectively manage corporate operations. It includes both tactical and strategic decisionmaking activities, compliance and regulatory reporting, and operational & transactional management/monitoring. These functions are performed by a virtual team from various IT organizations within the enterprise. Functions

BI Delivery Mechanism Application Identifier: Overview The BI Delivery Mechanism layer consists of the technologies utilized to present information to end user in the format requested and through the desired user interface. Functions BI Data Delivery for Mobile Gadgets Interface Customer Facing Business Intelligence Delivery Mechanism to the desired user interface at mobile devices. BI Data Delivery to Offline Users/Customers Disconnected Business Intelligence User Interface Delivery Mechanism consists of the technologies utilized to present information to end user in the format requested to be used when disconnected. E.g. Alert and Collect, Pre-formatted Reports, File formats. © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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BI Office Suite and Desktop Gadgets Interface Customer Facing Business Intelligence Delivery Mechanism of Office Suites User Interface Delivery Mechanism and/or Desktop Gadgets Delivery Mechanism consists of the technologies utilized to present information in the format requested and through the desired user interface. E.g. Dashboards BI Portals and Business Mashups data delivery Customer Facing Business Intelligence Delivery Mechanism of Portals or Business Mashups consists of the technologies utilized to present information to end user in the format requested and through the desired user interface. E.g. Portals/Business Mashups, Interactively and Ad Hoc. BI Reporting Application Identifier: Overview The BI Reporting layer has technologies for building and formatting reports and graphical representations of the data. The Reporting layer contains Search because the selection, filtering, and query building is generally the first step in generating a report. Functions BI Report Alert Business Intelligence Reporting Alerts, assist the delivery functions by sending alerts to Customers/Users about new or changed Analytics, Metrics, KPI etc. data according to requested criteria. BI Report Data Visualization Business Intelligence Report Data Visualization function present Analytics, Metrics, KPI, Search etc. data graphically. BI Performance Management Application Identifier: Overview The BI Performance Management is a set of technologies for measuring and planning the performance of business processes or physical resources such as network components or IT servers and services. Technologies for measurement may differ depending on resource type and are utilized lower in the architecture stack. Performance data is aggregated in the Analytics layer, but business rules are applied in this layer. Functions BI Metrics/KPIs Rules Evaluation Business Intelligence performance Metrics/KPIs' business rules are applied in this function. Performance data is aggregated in the Analytics functions, but business rules for Metrics and KPIs are applied in this function. BI Performance Followup Planning © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Business Intelligence Performance Followup Planning. The performance of business processes or physical resources such as network components or IT servers and services have different technologies for measurement. The performance followup may differ depending on criterions. BI Scorecard Rules Evaluation Business Intelligence Performance Scorecards follow up and business rules evaluation are applied in this function. Performance data is aggregated in the Analytics functions, but business rules are applied in this function. BI Strategy Management Business Intelligence Performance Strategy/Objectives Management Planning, follow up and business rules evaluation are applied in this function. Performance data is aggregated in the Analytics functions, but business rules are applied in this function. BI Supporting Applications Application Identifier: Overview BI Supporting Applications is a layer that contains components for managing metadata and providing supplemental information to the layers above, such as reference hierarchies and dimensions for organization or product filtering. Its position in the stack shows that these components generally support the Delivery Mechanism, Reporting, and Performance Management layers – these layers comprise the ‘Information Delivery’ layer indicated in high level conceptual models of BI/BI/Data Warehousing. Several components in this layer are considered to be more in the Knowledge Management domain and are not specific to BI, therefore, they were placed out of scope. Functions eLearning Course Administration eLearning Course Administration is the function for eLearning sites where the participation is fully automated. The eLearning Administration lists available trainings and students can book and run the training and get, and even get eLearning Interactive lecturing eLearning Interactive lecturing is an eLearning function where the student follows a training course in interactive way with queries and answers or tests and answers to encourage learning. BI Analytics Application Identifier: Overview

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The BI Analytics layer represents the true analytic engines used for mathematical and statistical analysis of data - calculating correlations, trends, and patterns using complex algorithms and modeling. The results from these analyses are passed to the above layers for presentation and aggregation. Functions BI Guided Search Business Intelligence function for Guided Searching in business information databases to gather relevant data for manual or automated analysis. BI Interactive Data Analysis Business Intelligence function for interactive analysis of business data, On-line over e.g. a web-client. The analysis function is often guided or using complex algorithms. E.g. OLAP and Data Mining. BI Operational Decision Support Function Business Intelligence analytic functions used for mathematical and statistical analysis of data - calculating correlations, trends, and patterns using complex algorithms and modeling to support Operational Decision Support Systems. Information includes, but is not limited to • on market; knowledge of the market shares by region with general trends, potentials in volume, in CA • on customer and consumer; expectations and motivations, new modes of consumption, calculation of the customer average revenues according to the offer range and flow (acquisition, churn, migration). • on distribution; general trends, new distribution channel • on competition; anticipate the competition strategy by analysis of the market shares and competition and evolution assumptions, positioning, target. • for environment; politic, economic (cartography of the geo-merchandising zones), technologic, ecological, legislative • on Company Performances; turnover evolution, profitability, financial means • for customers; enterprise image & fame, qualification of the customers (loyalty, satisfaction, contact mode, frequency, income, purchasing power, equipment…), purchase behavior • market shares by region; penetration rates of the offers by region, number of eligible lines by region. BI Predictive Analytics Business Intelligence analytic functions used for mathematical and statistical analysis of data - calculating correlations, trends, and patterns using complex algorithms and modeling to support Predictive Analytics Information includes, but is not limited to • on market; knowledge of the market shares by region with general trends, potentials in volume, in CA • on customer and consumer; expectations and motivations, new modes of consumption, calculation of the customer average revenues according to the offer range and flow (acquisition, churn, migration). • on distribution; general trends, new distribution channel • on competition; anticipate the competition strategy by analysis of the market shares and competition and evolution assumptions, positioning, target. • for environment; politic, economic (cartography of the geo-merchandising zones), technologic, © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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ecological, legislative • on Company Performances; turnover evolution, profitability, financial means • for customers; enterprise image & fame, qualification of the customers (loyalty, satisfaction, contact mode, frequency, income, purchasing power, equipment…), purchase behavior • market shares by region; penetration rates of the offers by region, number of eligible lines by region. BI Statistical Analysis Business Intelligence analytic functions used for mathematical and statistical analysis of data. Information includes, but is not limited to • on market; knowledge of the market shares by region with general trends, potentials in volume, in CA • on customer and consumer; calculation of the customer average revenues according to the offer range and flow (acquisition, churn, migration). • on distribution; general trends • on competition; analysis of the market shares, positioning, target. • on Company Performances; turnover evolution, profitability, financial means • market shares by region; penetration rates of the offers by region, number of eligible lines by region. BI Usage Analytics Business Intelligence analytic functions used for mathematical and statistical analysis of Usage Data; calculating correlations, trends, and patterns using complex algorithms. Information includes, but is not limited to • on customer and consumer; calculation of the customer average revenues according to the offer range and flow (acquisition, churn, migration). • for customers; purchase behavior BI Data Management Application Identifier: Overview The BI Data Management layer represents the modeling and universe of the data needed. Functions Data Architecture Management The BI framework function for Developing and maintaining data architectures. Data Procedures and Practices Management The BI framework function for development and maintenance of the practices and procedures dealing with data.

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9.6.4 Data Management

Figure 79.

9.6.4 Data Management

Data Management Application Identifier: 9.6.4 Overview The Data Management (DM) architecture consumes data from sources and provides consistent data to client applications via a shared set of web services and bulk data management procedures. Functions

DM Data Storage & Archival Application Identifier: Overview DM Data Storage & Archival applications provides appropriate functionality to retain data for a specified period of time for some business purpose. Functions Data Management Data Archiving The Data Management framework function for Data archiving Data Management Data Storage The Data Management framework function for Data Storage DM Access & Transformation Application Identifier: Overview The Data Access & Transformation Layer (DATL) provides access, retrieval and transformation services to extract enterprise data from multiple Target Databases. © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Functions Data Management Access Service Data Management Access services to extract enterprise data from multiple Target Databases. Data Management Retrieval Services Data Management Retrieval Services to extract enterprise data from multiple Target Databases. Data Management Transformation Services Data Management Transformation Services to extract enterprise data from multiple Target Databases, and mapping the data into the enterprise data model. DM Data Integration & Context Application Identifier: Overview The DM Data Integration & Context Layer provides data mgmt. services to “enable” scale to access enterprise data. The DM Data Integration & Context Layer provides data aggregation, normalization. Functions Data Management Services for Aggregation and Normalization The DM Data Integration & Context Services provides data management services to do Data Modeling and provide data aggregation and normalization. Data Management Services for Data Dictionary and SOA creation The DM Data Integration & Context Services provides data management services to provide Data dictionary with Meta data and possibility for SOA creation. DM Data Presentation & Distribution Application Identifier: Overview DM Data Presentation & Distribution (incl. framework) - Main goal of data is to turn into information and to turn information into action. Hence Data should be presented in a meaningful way. Functions Data Management Data Integration DM Data Integration functionality supports Various access methods of retrieving or consuming data Data Management Data Presentation & Distribution

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DM Data Presentation & Distribution functionality supports Presentation & distribution of structured & unstructured data.

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9.6.5 Content Management

Figure 80.

9.6.5 Content Management

Content Management Application Identifier: 9.6.5 Overview Content management, or CM, is the set of processes and technologies that support the collection, managing, and publishing of information in any form or medium. (From Wikipedia) Functions Content Management Archival tools Business Intelligence Content Artefact Lifecycle Management keeps track of the aging of the Business Intelligence information and artefacts. All information has a best-before date that differs from context to context, but to use the data in a relevant way there might be cleanup functions or warning functions for outdated data. Content Management Data Repository Business Intelligence Content Artefact Version Control manage the official versioning of BI material that needs to be formally version controlled because of e.g. quality or legal reasons. Content Management Federation tools Business Intelligence Support of Master Data changes and history to be combined with other BI data for reports etc. Content Management Support for O&M BI Metadata Management specifies the > Technical Metadata that describes the physical objects like Tables, fields, indexes, sources, transformations etc. > Business Metadata that describes the content's facts, dimensions, Logical relationships etc. > Process Metadata describes the operations executed on the BI warehouse data and the results. CM Repository & Archival Application Identifier: © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Overview CM Repository & Archival – database repository for content storage, archival tools for preserving versions of content and managing lineage. Support for federation, backup, recovery, and other OA&M functions. Functions

CM Authoring and Compilation Application Identifier: Overview CM Authoring and Compilation – authoring tools used to collaboratively create or enhance content and implement it via a review and testing process, compilation tools used to compile content into physical formats needed for on-line tools that support work center personnel by serving content as part of a scripted dialog with a customer. Content may be enriched with meta-tags to associate content based on content of call and template. Example, caller is Mrs. Jones and is calling about the account she provided and that account has inventory. Script is “Good morning [caller], I see your account [account provided by caller] has [list if inventory] services. How may I help you?” Functions Content Management Authoring Tool Content Management Authoring Tool is used to collaboratively create or enhance content and implement it via a review and testing process Content Management Compilation Tool Content Management Compilation Tool is used to compile content into physical formats needed for on-line tools that support work center personnel by serving content as part of a scripted dialog with a customer. CM Distribution & Acquisition Application Identifier: Overview CM Distribution & Acquisition are tools for acquiring content or migrating content to/from repositories. These tools are for dynamically or statically distributing content to users or other applications. The tools integrate with security, pub/sub brokers, application APIs and traditional interfaces. Functions Content Management Acquisition Tool CM Acquisition Tool for acquiring content or migrating content to/from repositories through integration with security, pub/sub brokers, application APIs and traditional interfaces. Content Management Distribution Tools © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Content Management Distribution Tools for dynamically or statically distributing content to users or other applications. The tools integrate with security, pub/sub brokers, application APIs and traditional interfaces. CM Portal & Discovery Application Identifier: Overview CM Portal & Discovery – portal technologies supported and implemented to provide access to the content by people or systems. Discovery services used to search through content and find specific instances based on a particular context or search parameter Functions Content Management Portal Search Function Content Management Portal Search Function includes Search engines with Filters etc. These Discovery services are used to search through content and find specific instances based on a particular context or search parameter Content Management Portal Service CM Portal functionality includes portal technologies, supported and implemented to provide access to the content by people or systems.

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9.9 Administrative Services

Figure 81.

9.9 Administrative Services

Administrative Services Application Identifier: 9.9 Overview Legal Administrative Services provides legal services like assistance and advice on issues such as procurement, contracting, public law and related activities. Record Retention management assure compliance with federal and state laws, legal requirements or expectations, enterprise policies and procedures for the management of data and information related to the enterprise's operation. Advertising Administrative Services are primarily dealing with the enterprise's common advertising needs like Corporate advertising (that is more public relations than sales promotion) and Recruitment advertising. Functions

Legal Application Identifier: 9.9.1 Overview Legal Administrative Services provides legal services like assistance and advice on issues such as procurement, contracting, public law and related activities. Functions Legal Assistance Support Administrative Legal Assistance Support function provides administrative system support for the Administrative Legal Services dealing with assistance and advice on issues such as procurement, contracting, public law and related activities. Records Retention Management Application Identifier: 9.9.2 © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Overview Record Retention Management assure compliance with the retention aspects of federal and state laws, legal requirements or expectations, enterprise policies and procedures for the management of data and information. Functions Record Retention Management Record Retention Management of data and information monitor and assures compliance with the retention aspects of federal and state laws, legal requirements and expectations as well as the enterprise policies and procedures. Advertising Application Identifier: 9.9.3 Overview Advertising Administrative Services are primarily dealing with the enterprise's common advertising needs like Corporate advertising (that is more public relations than sales promotion) and Recruitment advertising. Functions Administrative Advertising Corporate advertising supporting systems for advertising that is more public relations than sales promotion, including e.g. recruitment advertising. The supporting systems can include Advertising channels e.g. Internet, social media and mass media. Project Management Application Identifier: 9.9.4 Overview Project Management Tools application for resource and time planning, follow up of resource and time utilization and reporting of project progress and follow up results. Functions Project Followup Project Management Tool project resource, time and budget utilization follow. Project Planning Project Management Tool for project resource, time and budget planning Project Reporting Project Management Tool for reporting of project progress and follow up results. Transportation & Travel Service Application Identifier: 9.9.5 © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Overview Online Reservations and Agent-Assisted Bookings providing a robust online booking tool. Transportation Management function that provide planning of materials to be shipped to and from different locations. Functions Online Travel Booking Tool Online Reservations provided by a robust online booking tool.

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9.10 Supply Chain Management

Figure 82.

9.10 Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Management Application Identifier: 9.10 Overview Supply Chain Management provides the necessary functionality to support the planning of needed materials and services, procurement of these materials and services, stocking and shipping preparation, and transportation to their final destination. Functions

Supply Chain Planning Application Identifier: 9.10.1 Overview Supply Chain Planning provides the necessary functionality to plan materials and services which will be required by the business for both customer orders and internal needs. Functions Supply Demand Planning Demand planning and forecasting, including coordinating the demand forecast of all marketing plans and requisitions, and sharing the forecast with all suppliers Supply Sourcing Planning Sourcing planning, including current inventory and forecast demand, in collaboration with all suppliers

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Procurement Application Identifier: 9.10.2 Overview Procurement Management provides the necessary functionality to manage the requisitions for material and placing the orders with the contracted supplier/partner. This includes orders placed in conjunction with a customer order as well as orders placed as part of service provider expansions of product, service, or network. A Supplier/Partner Order can also include a simple transaction with a supplier/partner concerning an application purchased via a product catalog, and the app is delivered. Functions Procurement Order Monitoring and Payment Requisition and order monitoring including Ensuring supplier payment Procurement Requisition & Order Management Manage the requisitions for material and placing the orders with the contracted supplier/partner Transportation Management Application Identifier: 9.10.3 Overview Transportation Management applications provide workflow and orchestration for the planning of materials to be shipped to and from storage locations. This is done in conjunction with both the suppliers and the Logistics fulfillment process in order to optimize the utilization of internal and 3rd party carriers. Functions Transportation Management Transportation Management function that provide workflow and orchestration for the planning of materials to be shipped to and from different locations. Logistics Management Application Identifier: 9.10.4 Overview Logistics Management is integral to the supply chain and provides the necessary functionality to manage receipt of fulfillment orders, inventory control choices, and packing requirements. Logistics also manages inbound shipments, outbound shipments and communication between well as involves overseeing the key links in the supply chain, such as shipping decisions, inventory control choices and packing requirements. Functions Stored material management

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Logistics Management functionality for Put-away of materials to targeted storage locations and Picking of materials to fulfill orders including Staging and assembly of materials as required Supplied materials reception Logistics Management functionality for Receipt of materials from suppliers Supply Chain Order Tracking Management Application Identifier: 9.10.5 Overview Supply Chain Order Tracking Management provides the necessary functionality to track the movement of shipments from point of origin through cross-docks, and to the final destination. Functions Supply Chain Order and shipment Tracking Supply Chain Order and Shipment Tracking provides the necessary functionality to track the movement of shipments from point of origin through cross-docks, and to the final destination.

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10. Integration Infrastructure

Figure 83.

10. Integration Infrastructure

Enterprise Application Integration Application Identifier: 10.1 Overview Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) is a business computing term for the plans, methods, and tools aimed at modernizing, consolidating, and coordinating the applications in an enterprise. EAI technology allows this integration to be done using techniques that leverage the architecture. Using these concepts, applications send or receive events / messages to or from other components or send or receive notifications. Such architecture provides greater degrees of freedom. For example, components can be replaced by new ones more easily as they have the same interface. It is also easier to plug-in a new component that will use the services already available. EAI includes: • transport of data between applications • data format translations • implementation, at EAI level, of enhanced enterprise level objects The following are two example solutions that can be found in the EAI sub-domain: • Managed File Transfer, referring to software for moving data, overcoming the limitations found in conventional FTP (e.g. support to multiple protocols, automation, security, auditability, monitoring, etc.). • Cache and Distributed Caching, which goals are to provide performance and scalability to applications. In the following sections, we start with a description of the analysis methodology and guidelines that are used in this section for the EA Integration of the focused applications. Use of this analysis methodology should reduce making inappropriate decisions based on expected capabilities associated with such architectures. It must also be noted that Enterprise Integration is generally implemented in a number of successive phases. This is particularly true when few existing applications are already efficiently integrated together. It is recommended that the first phases usually consist in the integration of

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new features and new applications and that in further phases it can be envisaged to enhance the integration of the existing applications. Functions Event/Message Caching Enterprise Application Integration function for Caching and Distributed Caching, of events and messages to provide performance and scalability to applications. Integration data format translation Enterprise Application Integration data format translation function Integration data transporting Enterprise Application Integration function for transport of data between applications overcoming possible differences in integration interfaces. Managed File Transfer Enterprise Application Integration Software function for moving data, with support to multiple protocols, automation, security, auditability, monitoring, etc. Business Process Management & Workflow Application Identifier: 10.2 Overview Business Process Management (BPM) is the evolution of earlier concepts called workflow management (also known as Process Flow Management). As operators understand the need to introduce much greater flexibility and day-day change into their business processes, BPM and workflow management techniques, pioneered in manufacturing industry, are becoming more and more visible in the communications industry. Business flexibility is crucial for an operator as well as high levels of automation of its processes, not just of basic process flows but of complex and exception handling areas. One of the cardinal principles of Frameworx is to allow this by abstraction of business processes from application logic. The emergence of N-tier computing and component-oriented environments (such as COM and J2EE) allow for this principle in the same manner that the emergence of SQL and the two-tier client/server architecture enabled the abstraction of data management from application code. By separating business process management as an independent function, applications can be designed around existing processes, and thus to take advantage of shared business logic rather than reinventing and recoding it for each application. There are considerable benefits to an operator in adopting this type of approach and would include: Reduced costs Staff savings Cash flow improvement Better customer perception Faster and more flexible response to implement new processes or amend existing ones to accommodate new products / services to understand how BPM fits with an operator and its infrastructure, it is helpful to examine the individual components of BPM. While commercial implementations vary in their specific definitions and software composition, most fit within the basic framework described below. Note that although some systems offer the ability to automate activities and define business rules, those that lack the fundamental components below cannot realistically be used as a BPM system. A BPM system is defined by the components of: Execution Engine Process Designer, Process Definitions Activity Monitor User interface which may be a combination of a Windows client application, HTML based Work Portal, or an exposed API or Web Service The majority of BPM systems on the market today are component-oriented and © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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allow each of the individual pieces listed above to be deployed independently on individual servers. Individual business processes are defined by the process owner in a Process Definition, (increasingly expressed in a standard language such as UML or some variation of XML). Each Process Definition may be composed of both manual activities and automated activities. Once defined and validated within the Process Designer, processes are instantiated by an Execution Engine. The Activity Monitor provides access to status and performance metrics on the execution of processes. End-to-end process ‘orchestration ‘It is unlikely that the implementation of a Frameworx based ‘lean’ migration program will be a ‘big bang’ type of approach implementing all new systems. Therefore, the Enterprise Integration Framework will need to integrate end-to-end processes across various ‘islands of automation’ ranging from existing legacy systems to new commercial-off-the-shelf technology. This approach is sometimes called ‘orchestration’ in process. An orchestration-based approach offers the ability to manage processes of greater complexity, (such as complex business service provisioning etc.) with far more efficiency than is otherwise possible with alternative approaches. The key to this is a modular approach to managing business rules, relationships, and activities. Within a simple workflow automation paradigm, processes are defined “end-to-end” with all possible paths (or more commonly a single path) pre-determined. Thus ‘Step 5’ always follows ‘Step 4’ and precedes ‘Step 6’ even if different instances of an otherwise standard process may require a different sequence. Orchestration allows for the sequencing of steps to be determined during the “run-time” instance of a process, with paths determined by evolving context resulting from each new step. Thus, the potential number of paths and outcomes may otherwise be too complex to define in terms of pre-determined “If-Then-Else” rules, but may be easily resolved through human interaction and decision-making. This highlights the key architectural difference between automation and orchestration. Given the inherent complexity and constant changes within an operator’s business environment, effectively managing processes requires the agility to shift with changes in context, rather than always being bound to the same scripted flow. This requires the unique ability to define processes as a set of atomic, goal-based activities with the enforcement of basic parameters (e.g., time limits, data variables), while separating the execution logic activities from the higher-level process definition. Process orchestration is not limited to invoking software, but rather represents a shift from task-based to goal-oriented process definition. Web services and other forms of software automation are utilized through process orchestration, yet not to the exclusion of manual, human-driven activities. Functions BPM Activity Monitor The Business Process Manager Activity Monitor provides access to status and performance metrics on the execution of processes. BPM execution engine Business Process Management process execution engine initiates processes and sequences of process steps, work items and work lists of workflows in an automated way. BPM Process Designer The Business Process Manager Process Design function is used for individual business process definition by the process owner, (increasingly expressed in a standard language such as UML or some variation of XML). Each Process Definition may be composed of both manual activities and automated activities. API Management © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Application Identifier: 10.3 Overview “APIBroker”, “APIGateway” or simply, “APIRuntime” High-performance, scalable, and low latency engine capable of mediating HTTP requests between API consumers and service enablers; Cache: Although completely optional to use, many times it is desirable or required to configure caching at the broker level for specific service enabler operation responses. By caching those responses, the broker can improve its responsiveness by reducing the number of requests to an underlying service enabler to whenever its responses are not already cached. Mediation of high throughput of HTTP requests between API consumers and services; Awareness and support of Web protocols semantics (MIME types, HTTP Authorization and Caching headers, etc.); Header transform: modifications of header names and/or header information (e.g., service enabler-specific header to IANA-based header) Support of Data Format, Data Model transformations and Protocol Bridging between most or all common Web standards (WS-*,SOAP,XML, REST, JSON, etc.); Parameter transform: modifications of parameter names and/or parameter values Method transform: modifications of the method specified in API request (e.g., POST to DELETE) Error information transform: modifications of error information in the body part of API response Status code transform: modifications of status code in the API response (e.g., 302 “Found” to 303 “See Other”) Information masking: filtering some information in the API response based on query parameters in API request or based on API provider’s policy Abstraction: conceptually transformations of the meanings of parameters or decrease of the number of request parameters Protocol transform: transformations of protocol to send API requests/responses (e.g., SOAP to REST) Mash-up (Composition): assembling a new API with existing APIs provided by service enabler. Content-based routing, fail-over, load balancing, and broadcasting of requests; Route: The broker Route task is the most commonly used task in a broker. A service enabler consumer issues a request to a given service; the broker Route task is responsible for forwarding that request to its underlying service enabler. Beyond the basic behavior of routing, the Route task should allow the parameterization of request timeout, HTTP keep alive connection, HTTP basic or digest authentication, URL decode, HTTP X-ForwardedFor/Host/Server, HTTP referrer, exception shielding configuration, HTTP status code, content based routing by regular expressions or xPath, etc. Support of standard authentication and authorization protocols (WS-Federation, SAML, OAuth, etc.), for both internal and external applications, API developers and users; Validate: The broker Validate task ensures that only valid messages (according to their contract’s schema) are routed to the remote host. This capability lowers dramatically the number of malformed messages that are presented to a given service enabler, and by doing so contributes to maximize the performance and scalability of that service enabler. Policy, Charging; Rules Function: The Broker decision task makes it possible to have decision © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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trees within a workflow or policy evaluation, at any nesting level. This is the basis for many possible micro-workflow related activities, making it possible to configure a decision point structure where multiple options are present. The values tested in those options can be static or dynamically retrieved at runtime from the broker runtime context or from any part of the currently processed message. Diagnose: The Broker Diagnose task dynamically updates underlying management systems such as the Windows Management Instrumentation performance counters so that they can be monitored and reported upon by the monitoring service. Log: The broker Log task enables the logging of any request or response at any time during the processing of a strategy. The task should be able to execute synchronously or asynchronously, and target a designated file system path, database server, HTTP URL, or email address. If configurable to run only for a specific request or response message of a specific user (or user role) the task can be targeted to a specific operation of a specific service enabler. These granularities together with the possibility to deliver the log information in different channels offer great flexibility for both operation and debug scenarios. CDR: creation of Call Detail Record for calculating API usage fee. Traffic Control: The broker limits the access from the valid service consumers based on the contract with service consumers or service enablers or based on the conditions of API broker itself or service enablers. Flow control (Inbound): access limitations based on the contract between API provider and application developers (e.g., throughput/quota/concurrent connections limit) Flow control (Outbound): access limitation based on the contract between API provider and service enablers or the conditions of service enablers (e.g., throughput/quota/concurrent connections limit) Application Management: managing account information for recognizing applications (e.g., API key/OAuth2.0’s client_id, client_secret) and application developers. Data Encryption Key Management: managing data encryption keys to encrypt data in a case of sending sensitive data through API. Market or Store: In order to accomplish the task of commercial or business mediation, the Broker can implement for itself or communicate to some other external marketplace / store service. For example, the broker should be able to count and track requests for any given request or response, and optionally cause the broker to refuse serving any more requests for a specific user if a configured request limit per service consumer or if a configured time frame is reached. Protect: The broker Protect task may impose access restrictions to some service consumers, in order to protect service enablers from abuse or undesired usage. Some common examples are the configuration of an IP address range restriction or a limit to the maximum message size accepted. APILifecycle Management application Supports the processes required for designing, developing, testing, deploying, operating, reporting and retiring APIs; APICatalog Management: a common database containing metadata related to:APIcreation driven by project definition templates and configuration wizards,APIdependencies registry, APIsearch, APIcontracts management, APIproxies and stubs code-generators, etc.; Access control policies based on a Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) system that restrict permissions for APIs creation and delivery, thus enabling different stakeholders experiences (for © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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example: Catalog Manager, Service Developer, Service Operator, Service Owner, Product Manager, etc.); Configuration of all APIRuntime behaviors (see previous component) using a model-driven language or other type of DSL (Domain-Specific Language); Real-time monitor and reportQoS(requests per second, exceptions, latency, etc.); Developers Portal Technical/commercial APICatalogue; Easy to search and discover APIs; APIdocumentation and code examples; Distribution of API keys and data encryption keys; Performance and usage reports; Technical support (online, email, forums, etc.). Functions API Catalog Management Application Programming Interface Catalog Management function is a technical/commercial API Catalogue as an implementation of Catalog Management (11.1) containing metadata related to: API creation driven by project definition templates and configuration wizards, API dependencies registry, API search, API contracts management, API proxies and stubs code-generators, etc. API Developers Portal Application Programming Interface Developers Portal function gives access to > Technical/commercial API Catalogue with easy to search and discover APIs, and API documentation and code examples. E.g. the "API Catalog Management" application. > Performance and usage reports from the monitoring and logging functions > Technical support (online, email, forums, etc.). API Gateway Caching The Application Programming Interface Gateway function (a.k.a.“API Broker”, “or simply, “API Runtime”) caching function. By caching specific service enabler operation responses, the broker can improve its responsiveness by reducing the number of requests to an underlying service enabler to whenever its responses are not already cached. API Gateway Policy Evaluation Application Programming Interface Gateway Policy Evaluation function decision tasks makes it possible to have decision trees within a workflow or policy evaluation, at any nesting level. This is the basis for many possible micro-workflow related activities, making it possible to configure a decision point structure where multiple options are present e.g. Charging, Application Management (managing account information for recognizing applications and application developers) API Gateway Routing Application Programming Interface Gateway Routing function performs content-based routing, fail-over, load balancing, and broadcasting of requests. The gateway can also validate to ensures that only valid messages (according to their contract’s schema) are routed to the remote host (Inbound and Outbound flow control). This capability lowers dramatically the number of malformed messages that are presented to a given service © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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enabler, and by doing so contributes to maximize the performance and scalability of that service enabler. API Lifecycle Management Access Control Access control policies based on a Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) system that restrict permissions for Create, Read, Update and Delete, thus enabling different stakeholders’ rights. API Lifecycle Monitoring Application Programming Interface Lifecycle Monitoring function supports real-time monitoring and reporting QoS (requests per second, exceptions, latency, etc.); API Lifecycle Operation Application Programming Interface Lifecycle Operations function performs configuration of all API Runtime behaviors (see previous component) using a model-driven language or other type of DSL (Domain-Specific Language), and Real-time monitor and report QoS (requests per second, exceptions, latency, etc.);

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11. Cross Domain Applications

Figure 84.

11. Cross Domain Applications

Catalog Management Application Identifier: 11.1 Overview Catalog Management is a cross domain, multilayer application that operates as a master repository for componentized entities of products, services and / or resources within one or more domains of a service provider’s environment. Catalog Management includes the abilities to create and design new entities, map entity definitions, manage complex rules, support componentization of entities and manage their relationships and dependencies. Additional aspects include versioning, change management, enhanced viewing, as well as editing and tracking capabilities Functions Catalog Change management Manage the implications of catalog changes to determine the consequences of any given change. In addition, catalog users should be able to track and locate the history of changes in the catalog in an easy and accessible manner. Catalog Compatibility rules definition Define rules on catalog operational entities which are applied by downstream systems when instantiating the catalog entities in the operational systems. For example, when instantiating products out of ProductSpec Catalog Component relation management Ability to manage hierarchical, inheritance and reuse relations between catalog components. Re-usability is a major requirement for management of a catalog. Re-usability is achieved through inheritance and through the re-use of standalone entities as well as entity hierarchies Catalog Componentization

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Ability to group catalog entities. A catalog user needs flexibility and openness in configuring data catalog entities. One of the configuration options that enable high re-usability is the possibility to group entities and re-use the group level Catalog Data driven Security Control access to the catalog data by its actual values, so a user may not see offerings in which the customer type (which is an attribute) is Business if he (the use) can see only residential customers information. Catalog Entity data implementation The catalog will provide the capability to implement a flexible data model with the ability to structure entities and attributes as desired by the user and to extend the model according to the requirements. Catalog Entity handling A catalog management application should be able to create, modify and delete entities. Catalog Entity state management The ability to manage the state of an entity during its lifecycle (e.g. planned, deployed, in operation, replaced by, locked…) Catalog Entity Versioning Manage multi-versions of the same entity is a very important aspect in a catalog. The complexity starts with the ability to manage multiple versions for single entities, however in real life it is required to support much more complex scenarios where entities relate to other entities that have a different lifecycle and a different versions map, however the validity and maintenance of the versions needs to be maintained Catalog Inquiry handling Catalog data requires easy storage and retrieval of information. Historical changes should be stored and easily retrieved, including changes done on the entity level or changes done by different users. Retrieval process should return simple queries but also complex queries retrieving data entities that comply with complex conditions, in order to enable easier analyzing and slicing of the catalog data. Catalog Integrity rules Apply integrity rules at the catalog entity level. Rules are required to maintain data integrity in the catalog. Human errors during product and service configuration cause major problems in testing and production phases, and automatic mechanisms that can eliminate such errors in advance are mandatory. Catalog Inter layer aspects Inter layer aspects of a catalog management application, including Inter layer dependency-rules management; Manage rules that governs the relationships between entities in different layers. A catalog that manages different layers needs to maintain the rules within the layer and between the layers. For example, how product definition translate corresponds to different services provisioning rules, and so on Catalog Revision control

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A catalog provides a work environment that permits users to work in parallel without interfering with each other’s efforts, to manage the relevant permissions on the data or on activity level, and to support the different user interfaces required. Catalog View Management Generating different views for users that manage different data layers. As a master catalog can support multiple lines of business and multiple layers, it should be dynamic enough to provide different display options for the different cases For example, a network implementer may require a visual graph that will show relations between services in a graphical manner, while a product manager will require a dedicated view that displays only the product offerings that are under his domain of responsibility. Creating different custom views for different roles is a mandatory requirement in such a catalog. Partner catalog integration Partner integration for both export and import of catalog entities - Export to external partners: A Catalog Management application should include the ability to allow partners (e.g. Content Providers, or other SPs) to browse in catalog in real time or batch mode. Not all data shall be exposed; security and access control (as mentioned above) are essentials features - Import from external partners: External partners may want to populate catalogs with their own (entities) specifications and be able to create associations with existing entities. Access control, validation and testing must be set appropriately. Fallout Management Application Identifier: 11.2 Overview Fallout Management applications manage the manual steps within an order flow. These steps might be due to an error, an exception, or simply a planned manual step. Fallout can come from order management applications within the customer, service, or resource layers after the fallout/manual step is addressed, the order flow will presumably continue from that point within the ordering flow. Functions

Orchestration Management Application Identifier: 11.3 Overview Orchestration Management is a cross domain application for automated instantiation, decomposition, coordination, and management in the area of deployment, activation and infrastructure element updating. It fulfills the needs of orchestration when applied across one or more business domains of a service provider’s environment. Task Work Item here is referred as generic term which encompasses any work that Orchestration application is supposed to perform. Functions © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Task Work Item Carry Through Task Work Item Carry Through: Task Work Items will be of different nature and need different actions to be carried through. The “Orchestration Manager” needs to have functions to carry through a good variety of work items. Task Work Item Decomposition Task Work Item Decomposition: The Orchestration Manager will know the necessary steps (workflow items) to be carried through. Task Work Item Decomposition Configuration Task Work Item Decomposition Configuration Task Work Item Instantiation Task Work Item Instantiation, lifecycle management. Task Work Item Sequence Carry Through Task Work Item Sequence Carry Through: To carry through the overall task the items of the task need to be performed in a specific order. This application function will perform the workflow according to configuration. Task Work Item Sequence Carry Through configuration Task Work Item Sequence Carry Through configuration. Task Work Item Sequence Control Task Work Item Sequence Control: To carry through the overall task the items of the task need to be performed in a specific order. This application function will supervise the Task Work Item Carry Through and report and take correcting actions if not performed according to configuration Task Work Item Sequence Control Configuration Task Work Item Sequence Control Configuration

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11.2 Fallout Management

Figure 85.

11.2 Fallout Management

Fallout Management Application Identifier: 11.2 Overview Fallout Management applications manage the manual steps within an order flow. These steps might be due to an error, an exception, or simply a planned manual step. Fallout can come from order management applications within the customer, service, or resource layers after the fallout/manual step is addressed, the order flow will presumably continue from that point within the ordering flow. Functions

Fallout Auto Correction Application Identifier: 11.2.1 Overview Fallout Auto Correction applications attempt to fix order errors before they go to a human for handling. Functions Fallout Auto Correction Fallout Auto Correction function tries to automatically fix fallouts in workflows before they go to a human for handling. This includes a Fallout Rules Engine that provides the capability to handling various errors or error types based on built rules. These rules can facilitate auto correction, correction assistance, placement of errors in the appropriate queues for manual handling, as well as access to various systems © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Fallout Correction Assistance Application Identifier: 11.2.2 Overview Fallout Correction Assistance applications collects relevant information for errors or situations that cannot be handled via Auto Correction. Functions Fallout Correction Assistance Fallout Correction Assistance function collects relevant information for errors or situations that cannot be handled via Fallout Auto Correction. The intent is to reduce the time required by the technician in diagnosing and fixing the fallout. Fallout Manual Correction Queue Handling Application Identifier: 11.2.3 Overview Fallout Manual Correction Queue Handling applications provides the required functionality to place error fallout into appropriate queues to be handled via various staff or workgroups assigned to handle or fix the various types of fallout that occurs during the fallout process. Functions Fallout Manual Correction Queue Handling Fallout Manual Correction Queue Handling function provides the required functionality to place error fallout into appropriate queues to be handled via various staff or workgroups assigned to handle or fix the various types of fallout that occurs during the fulfillment process. This includes the ability to create and configure queues, route errors to the appropriate queues, as well as the ability for staff to access and address the various fallout instances within the queues. Fallout Technician Dashboard Application Identifier: 11.2.4 Overview Fallout Technician Dashboard applications provide staff the means to access to a variety of tools and information to assist in the handling of order fallout. Functions Fallout dashboard auto logon capability Auto logon capability into various applications needed to analyze and fix fallout Fallout dashboard automatic information pre-population Automatically position the analyst on appropriate screens pre-populated with information about the order that's subject for fallout handling. © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Fallout Reporting Application Identifier: 11.2.5 Overview Fallout Reporting applications provide fallout management specific reporting. Functions Fallout Reporting Fallout Reporting provides various reports regarding Fallout Management, including statistics on fallout per various times periods (per hour, week, month, etc.) as well as information about specific fallout. Fallout Notification Application Identifier: 11.2.6 Overview Fallout Notification applications provides the means to alert people or workgroups of some fallout situation. Email, paging, rules for notification alert Functions Fallout Notification Fallout Notification function provides the means to alert people or workgroups of some fallout situation. This can be done via a number of means, including email, paging, (Fallout management interface bus) etc. This function is done via business rules. Fallout Rules Engine Application Identifier: 11.2.7 Overview The Fallout Rules Engine provides the capability to handling various errors or error types based on built rules. Functions Fallout Rules Engine The Fallout Rules Engine provides the capability to handling various errors or error types based on built rules. These rules can facilitate auto correction, correction assistance, placement of errors in the appropriate queues for manual handling, as well as access to various systems via the Fallout Interface Bus. Fallout Orchestration Application Identifier: 11.2.8 Overview © TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Application Framework R17.5

Fallout Management Orchestration applications provide workflow and orchestration for the Fallout Management area. Functions Fallout Orchestration The Fallout Orchestration function provides workflow and orchestration capability across Fallout Management. Fallout Management Interface Bus Application Identifier: 11.2.9 Overview Fallout Interface Bus applications provides a variety of tools to facilitate Fallout Management access to other applications and repositories to facilitate proper Fallout Management. Functions Fallout Management Interface Bus Fallout Interface Bus function provides a variety of tools to facilitate Fallout Management access to other applications and repositories to facilitate proper Fallout Management. This can include various general access techniques such as messaging, publish and subscribe, etc. as well as specific APIs and contracts to perform specific queries or updates to various applications or repositories within the fulfillment domain.

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A/R Management 98 Accounts Payable 240 Adjustments 104 Administrative Services 223, 265 Advertising 266 Affiliates 36 Anomaly Management 249 API Management 272 Application Security 248 Asset Management 221, 243 Assign/Procure Network Resources 153 Auditing 237 Awards & Recognition 230 Balance Management 121 Benefits Management 232 BI Analytics 258 BI Data Management 259 BI Delivery Mechanism 256 BI Performance Management 257 BI Reporting 257 BI Supporting Applications 257 Bill Calculation 58, 111 Bill Cycle Run Management 113 Bill Format / Render 58 Bill Inquiry 103 Billing Account Associations Management 106 Billing Account Configuration Management 106 Billing Account Management 58, 106 Billing Event Error Management 124 Billing Event Processing 123 Billing Events Management 60, 123 Billing Inquiry, Dispute & Adjustment Management 57, 103 Building Access Management 251 Business Intelligence (BI) 254, 256 Business Process Management & Workflow 271 Campaign & Funnel Management 26, 41 Campaign Analytics 43 Campaign Design 43 Campaign Execution & Refinement 44 Campaign Management 41, 43 Campaign Performance Tracking 45 Capability Specification Management 178 Capital Lease Management 234 Case Archival 116 Case Correlation & Analysis 115 Case Definition and Configuration 114 Case Management 59, 114 Case Reporting 116 Case Tracking & Management 115 Case Workflow 114 Cash Reconciliation & Escheatment 236 Catalog Management 275 Center Activity Management 134

Center Administration 128, 132 Center Budget Management 135 Center Compliance & Training 133 Center Efficiency Tools 130 Center Force & Queue Management 133 Center Productivity Management 132, 134 Center Quality Management 135 Center Time Management 135 Channel Guidance and Data Capture 74 Channel Infrastructure 137 Channel Sales Management 25, 32 Charge Calculation 120 Charge Calculation and Balance Management 59, 120 CM Authoring and Compilation 263 CM Distribution & Acquisition 263 CM Portal & Discovery 263 CM Repository & Archival 262 Collection 93 Collection Management 58, 108 Collection Policy Definition and Configuration 108 Collection Policy Execution and Monitoring 108 Collection Settlement 110 Commitment Tracking 112 Community Involvement 231 Compensation & Results 25, 30 Compensation Results Reporting 30 Contact Channel Management 129, 136 Content Management 254, 262 Contract Generation 39 Contract Implementation 39 Contract Management 26, 39 Contract Tracking & Storage 40 Corporate Communications 231 Corporate Real Estate 243, 245 Corporate Security 248, 251 Corporate Tax 235 Corporate Training 231 Corporate Treasury 236 CSR assurance 92 CSR Billing 92, 93 CSR fulfillment 91 Customer & Network Care 60, 128 Customer and Product Data Collection 74, 76 Customer Bill Charge Calculation 111 Customer Context Map Building 87 Customer Credit Management 63 Customer Experience Monitoring 86 Customer Hierarchy & Group Management 62 Customer Information Management 54, 62 Customer Insight Management 56, 85 Customer Interaction Collection & Storage 63 Customer Loyalty Balance Management 127 Customer Loyalty Management 60, 126

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Customer Loyalty Prize Management 127 Customer Operational Decisioning 88 Customer Order Acceptance 71 Customer Order Capture 76 Customer Order Enrichment 71 Customer Order Establishment 68, 73 Customer Order Item Decomposition 78 Customer Order Lifecycle Management 70 Customer Order Management 54, 68 Customer Order Orchestration 69 Customer Order Orchestration Plan Creation 79 Customer Order Rules Management 71 Customer Order Tracking & Management 70 Customer Order Validation 69, 75 Customer Order Work Item Decomposition 79 Customer Order Workflow Management 72, 78 Customer Problem Diagnostics 96 Customer Problem Lifecycle Management 96 Customer Problem Management 57, 95 Customer Problem Qualification & Reception 95 Customer Problem Reporting 97 Customer Problem Resolution 96 Customer Problem Verification & Closure 97 Customer Profile Management 63 Customer Profiling 85 Customer Program Management 126 Customer Recommended Action 88 Customer Satisfaction Validation 85 Customer Self Empowered Assurance 83 Customer Self Empowered Billing 83 Customer Self Empowered Fulfillment 81 Customer Self Management 55, 80 Customer Service Representative Toolbox 56, 90 Customer SLA Analysis 118 Customer SLA Collection 117 Customer SLA Issue Reception 117 Customer SLA Management 59, 117 Customer SLA Reporting 119 Customer SLA Violation Management 118 Customer Subscription Management 64 Customer/Internal Collaboration/Chat 137 Customer/Prospect Data Acquisition 49 Damage Claims Management 243 Data Management 254, 260 Dealers 34 Design Solution 153 Determine Access Provider 158 Determine Delivery Interval 158 Direct Sales Force 32 Discounts Calculation 112 Dispute Management 104 DM Access & Transformation 260 DM Data Integration & Context 261 DM Data Presentation & Distribution 261 DM Data Storage & Archival 260 Document Archiving 66 Document Delivery 66 Employee Expense Reimbursement 233 Employee Identification Management 251 Employee Records Management 229 Enterprise Application Integration 270

Enterprise Web Sites & Portals 253 Environmental Health & Safety Monitoring and Compliance Management 246 Ethics & Compliance 229 Fallout Auto Correction 278 Fallout Correction Assistance 278 Fallout Management 276, 278 Fallout Management Interface Bus 280 Fallout Manual Correction Queue Handling 279 Fallout Notification 279 Fallout Orchestration 280 Fallout Reporting 279 Fallout Rules Engine 280 Fallout Technician Dashboard 279 Fault Correction & Restoration 198 Fault Correlation & Root Cause Analysis 197 Fault Management 172, 197 Fault Reporting & Analytics 198 Fault Surveillance 197 Financial Business Unit Reporting 235 Financial Controls, Editing, & Reference Data 240 Financial Core Operations 233, 239 Financial Core Operations Reporting 234 Financial Management 221, 233 Financial Reporting 100 Fixed Assets 241 Fleet Management 244 Fraud Management 222 Funnel/Workflow Management 41 General Ledger 239 General Ledger Account Reconciliation 237 Governmental & Regulatory Tracking & Reporting 228 HR Management 221, 227 Implementation Planning 177 Indirect Sales Portals 37 Internal Sales Portals 37 Invoice Generation 113 Jeopardy Management 193 Journalization 99 Knowledge Management 222, 253 Labor Relations 231 Lawful Interception 249 Lead Generation & Management 44 Legal 265 Location Management 173 Logistics Management 268 Network Number Inventory Management 206 Network Number Management 173, 206 Number Portability 207, 208 Number Portability Orchestration 208 Number Portability Policy Management 208 Number Portability Risk & Effectiveness Management 209 Number Portability Validation 209 Offer Configuration 77 Offer Management 47 Offering Availability 75 Off-Line Contact Channel Management 137 Operations Portal 130 Orchestration Management 277

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OSS Inventory/Data Synchronization Management 190 Patent, Invention & Trademark Management 253 Payment 94 Payment Interface Management 101 Payment Management 100, 101 Payment Settlement 102 Payment Validation & Authorization 101 Payroll Management 227 Performance Management & Feedback 228 PKI and Digital Certificates 250 Planning Design Automation 178 Price Optimization 47 Privacy Consent 140 Privacy Dashboard 60, 139 Privacy Data Exposure 140 Privacy Profile Type Creation 139 Procure Access 154 Procure CPE 154 Procurement 267 Product Catalog Management 51 Product Lifecycle Management 52 Product Performance Management 52 Product Strategy / Proposition Management 51 Product/Service Order Decomposition 151 Project Accounting 241 Project Management 266 Proposal Management 47 RA Analysis 226 RA Control and Configuration 224 RA Correction & Recovery Initiation 226 RA Monitoring 225 RA Reporting 226 RA Tracking & Management 224 Real Estate Asset Capital Planning 246 Real Estate Capital Construction Management 247 Real Estate Facility Operations Management 245 Real Estate Property & Building Portfolio and Lease Management 245 Receivables Management 57, 98 Records Retention Management 265 Recruitment & Staffing 229 Regulatory & Compliance Management 223 Regulatory Accounting 237 Resource Activation 190 Resource Availability 186 Resource Capability Orchestration 174 Resource Catalog Management 175 Resource Change Management 192 Resource Commissioning & Configuration Management 176 Resource Design / Assign 181, 186 Resource Discovery 189 Resource Domain Management 171, 189 Resource Fault & Performance Data Mediation 190 Resource Inventory Management 169 Resource Lifecycle Management 169, 176 Resource Logistics 193 Resource Order Configuration Management 187 Resource Order Data Collection 185 Resource Order Management 170, 180

Resource Order Orchestration 180, 183 Resource Order Publication 181 Resource Order Tracking & Management 183 Resource Performance Analysis 196 Resource Performance Management 172, 195 Resource Performance Monitoring 195 Resource Performance Reporting 196 Resource Process Management (Workflow/ Integration) 171, 192 Resource Service Order Validation 180, 185 Resource Test Command and Control 200 Resource Test Lifecycle Management 200 Resource Test Management 172, 199 Resource Test Services 201 Resource Test Strategy and Policy Management 199 Retail Outlets 34 Revenue Assurance Management 221, 224 Role-Based Portal 128, 130 Salary Planning 230 Sales & Marketing Reporting 27 Sales Account Assignment 49 Sales Account Management 27, 49 Sales Account Planning 50 Sales Aids 25, 28 Sales Compensation 30 Sales Job Aids 28 Sales Negotiation 48 Sales Portals 26, 37 Sales Product Support 29 Security Management 222, 248 Service Activation Management 149 Service Address Validation 157 Service Assurance Control 143 Service Availability 156, 157 Service Availability Validation 157 Service Capability Orchestration 143 Service Catalog Management 141 Service Configuration Management 149 Service Data Collection 155 Service Design/Assign 148, 153 Service Inventory Management 141, 145 Service Inventory Reconciliation / Synchronization 146 Service Order Establishment 150, 155 Service Order Management 142, 148 Service Order Orchestration 148, 151 Service Order Publication 150 Service Order Tracking & Management 151 Service Order Validation 155 Service Performance Analysis 163 Service Performance Management 142, 162 Service Performance Monitoring 162 Service Performance Reporting 163 Service Problem Analysis 160 Service Problem Correction & Resolution 160 Service Problem Management 142, 159 Service Problem Model Establishment 161 Service Problem Monitoring 159 Service Problem Reception 159 Service Problem Reporting 161 Service Problem Tracking & Management 161

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Service Quality Analysis 168 Service Quality Collection & Monitoring 167 Service Quality Management 143, 167 Service Quality Model Establishment 167 Service Quality Reporting 168 Service Termination Points Determination 158 Service Test Command and Control 165 Service Test Lifecycle Management 165 Service Test Management 142, 164 Service Test Services 165 Service Test Strategy and Policy Management 164 Service-Resource Inventory 146 Solution Design 46 Solution Management 26, 46 Solution Pricing 47 Solution Requirements Capture 48 Space Planning 246 Spares & Warehouse Inventory Management 178 Strategic Planning 179 Supplier/Partner Assurance Management 216 Supplier/Partner Data Collection 219 Supplier/Partner Invoice Reconciliation 219 Supplier/Partner Management 213, 215 Supplier/Partner Order Management 216 Supplier/Partner Portal 218 Supplier/Partner Product Lifecycle Management 217 Supplier/Partner Reconciliation Management 217, 219 Supplier/Partner Relationship Management 215 Supplier/Partner Reporting 217

Supplier/Partner Settlements 220 Supplier/Partner Workflow 217 Supply Chain Management 223, 267 Supply Chain Order Tracking Management 268 Supply Chain Planning 267 Tactical Planning 177 Tax Calculation 112 Telesales 33 Time Reporting & Attendance Management 228 Transactional Document Formatter 65 Transactional Document Generator 66 Transactional Document Production 54, 65 Transportation & Travel Service 266 Transportation Management 268 Usage Event Error Management 211 Usage Event Processing 210 Usage Management 173, 210 Virtual Network Operators (Dealers) 35 Voice Channel Contact 137 Voucher Management 171 Vulnerability Management 249 Wholesale / Interconnect Billing 213 Work Order Analysis 202 Work Order Assignment & Dispatch 203 Work Order Tracking & Management 203 Workforce Configuration and Setup 204 Workforce Management 172, 202 Workforce Management Reporting 204 Workforce Schedule Management 202

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12. Administrative Appendix This Appendix provides additional background material about the TM Forum and this document.

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About this document This is a TM Forum Guidebook. The guidebook format is used when: The document lays out a ‘core’ part of TM Forum’s approach to automating business processes.

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Document Life Cycle The TMF Applications Framework is being issued as Team Draft Version. It can be considered valid until released for Member Evaluation. The purpose of an Evaluation Version is to encourage input based on experience of members and the public as they begin to use the document. Following the Evaluation Period, documents that are seen to deliver value are candidates for formal approval by the TM Forum. All documents approved by the TM Forum undergo a formal review and approval process. This document will continue under formal change control. Supporting work will be issued as companions to this document. A document of this type is a “living document,” capturing and communicating current knowledge and practices. Further inputs will be made because of detailed work ongoing in the TM Forum and the industry.

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Document History Version History

Version Number

Date Modified

Modified by:

Description of changes


June 2008

TAM Team

Restructuring the Market/Sales, Customer, Service and resource domains


June 2008

A Chalmers

Format changes


July 2008


Minor corrections.


March 2009

Piyush Sarwal

Post Release 3.0 Member Evaluation fix release.


March 31st 2009

Tina O’Sullivan

Minor edits prior to posting.


17 June 2009

Alicja Kawecki

Minor updates to reflect TM Forum Approved status


July 2009

Deena Freed

Made bug fix updates to TAM model and converted into document format.


17th Aug 2009

Piyush Sarwal

Re-entered sections which were removed in the conversion process



Tina O’Sullivan

Corrected template items which got distorted in conversion process.



Piyush Sarwal

Corrected errors from auto generate


June 12, 2010

Piyush Sarwal

Edit version of the auto generated document


June 22, 2010

Alicja Kawecki

Updated Notice, added footer, made minor cosmetic corrections, processed for web posting and ME


April 2011

Application Framework Team

Submitted for Approval


May 2011

Alicja Kawecki

Updated Notice, corrected header and footer, made minor

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Application Framework R17.5

Version Number

Date Modified

Modified by:

Description of changes cosmetic corrections for web posting and ME


July 2011

Piyush Sarwal

Revised to address CR raised during Member Evaluation


September 2011

Alicja Kawecki

Updated to reflect TM Forum Approved status


February 2012

Piyush Sarwal

Updated for Fx R12.0


April 2012

Alicja Kawecki

Updated Notice, minor formatting and cosmetic corrections prior to web posting and Member Evaluation


November 2014

Avi Talmor

Updated two process names, main diagram, and version information.


March 2015

Alicja Kawecki

Updated cover, header, footer and Notice to reflect TM Forum Approved status


November 2015

Avi Talmor

Added new content


June 2016

Avi Talmor

Added new content


November 2016

Avi Talmor

Added new content


June 2017

Avi Talmor

Changed the structure of the doc so that Functions are now the Associated Function objects form Framework Faction


30 June 2017

Alicja Kawecki

Applied rebranding and minor cosmetic edits prior to publication for Fx17


14 November 2017

Adrienne Walcott

Updated to reflect TM Forum Approved Status


December 2017

Avi Talmor

Updated two process names, main diagram, and version information.



Adrienne Walcott

Formatting/style edits prior to publishing

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Application Framework R17.5

Version Number

Date Modified

Modified by:

Description of changes



Adrienne Walcott

Updated to reflect TM Forum Approved Status

Release History

Release Number

Date Modified

Modified by:

Description of changes


May, 2005

TAM team

Initial release


April 10, 2007

TAM Team

Updated document to include short description and other minor changes


July 3, 2008

TAM Team

Review comments and other corrections post Member Evaluation of Release 3.0.


March 2009

TAM Team

Review comments and other corrections post Member Evaluation of Release 3.1.


Sept 2009

Application Framework Team

Review comments and other corrections post Member Evaluation of Release 3.2.


June 2010

Application Framework Team

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Addition of Cross Domain Section

New Contribution to Catalog Management, Customer Problem Management, Service Test Management, Resource Test Management, Knowledge Management Service Performance Management, Resource Performance Management, Fault Management, Case Management, Fallout Management, and a number of updates to the Enterprise domain.

Definition updates also occurred to Customer Information Management, Service Inventory, Service

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Application Framework R17.5

Release Number

Date Modified

Modified by:

Description of changes Order Management, and Resource Order Management,


5.0 / Frameworx 12.0

April 2011

March 2012

Application Framework Team

Application Framework Team

Combines SLA function into a single application (function was split across Service and Customer Layer

Introduces Combined Charging Function

Improves Catalog Management section

Improves Workforce Management section

Improves Service Quality Management

• Bill Calculation text was updated, Tax Applying was renamed Tax Calculation, and Invoice Generation (L3) was added • Receivables Management text was updated (all L2s associated with Receivables Management) and Payment Management was added as an additional L2 with L3s. • Voucher Management definition updated. • Billing Events L1 with L2s was added • Usage Management L1 with L2s was added, replacing Realtime Billing Mediation and Billing Data Mediation. • Location Management L1 added. • Network Number Inventory Management L1 added. Sales & Marketing domain major updates and restructure.


October 2012

Application Frameworx Team

• Customer Information Management • Customer Loyalty Management • Removal of Customer Contact, Retention & Loyalty • Revenue Assurance Management

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Application Framework R17.5

Release Number

Date Modified

Modified by:

Description of changes • Sales & Marketing Updates (some text changes - no diagram or object level changes).




November 2014

Avi Talmor

• Updated two process names, main diagram, and version information.


November 2015

Avi Talmor

• New content


June 2016

Avi Talmor

Added new content


November 2016

Avi Talmor

Added new content


June 2017

Avi Talmor

Changed the structure of the doc so that Functions are now the Associated Function objects form Framework Faction


30 June 2017

Alicja Kawecki

Applied rebranding and minor cosmetic edits prior to publication for Fx17

14 November 2017

Adrienne Walcott

Updated to reflect TM Forum Approved Status

December 2017

Avi Talmor

Updated two process names, main diagram, and version information.


Adrienne Walcott

Updated to reflect TM Forum Approved Status




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Acknowledgments This document draws liberally from the Business Process Framework – TMF GB921. Thanks are given to the many authors and contributors of this document.

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