Gaunts *picture *blah *blah *fluffy Stuff *blah . . .

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,380
  • Pages: 6
GAUNTS *picture *blah *blah *fluffy stuff *blah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *blah


WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 5 6+

Hive Status Independent Behavior Special Rules Cannon Fodder: While Gaunts are the only Troop choice available to Tyranid armies, Gaunts never count as scoring units. The purpose of these creatures is to advance at the head of the Tyranid army in waves, forcing the enemy to expend their ammunition needlessly or be crushed by sheer numbers.


WS 3

Brood: • 8-32 Gaunts Unit Type: • Infantry Hive Status: • Instinctive Behavior Special Rules: • Cannon Fodder Example: Termagaunt – fleshborer Example: Hormagaunt – scything talons, leaping Example: Gargoyle – fleshborer, winged, thorax bio-plasma, metasynaptic node

BS 3

S 3

T 3

W 1

I 4

A 1

Ld 5

Sv 6+

Bio-weapons: • All Gaunts in the brood must take the same weapon from the following choice of weapon symbiotes: - Devourer - Fleshborer - Spinefists - Scything Talons Biomorphs: • May take one of the following carapace biomorphs: - Extended Carapace - Winged • May additionally take any of the following biomorphs: - Adrenal glands (X points/Y points) - Chameleonic Carapace - Flesh Hooks - Metasynaptic Node - Leaping - Scuttlers - Thorax Bio-plasma - Without Number

TYRANID WARRIOR BROOD Hive Status Synapse Creature Special Rules Leader-beasts: Tyranid Warriors may be taken as both HQ and Elite choices. In addition, a Tyranid army’s scoring units are its Tyranid Warrior broods, regardless of what slot they take up in the force organization chart, instead of its Troops, unless stated otherwise. THE HIVE MIND Each Tyranid brood is organized into a Hive Status. There are four Hive Statuses, and the following special rules always affect all Tyranid broods according to their Hive Status: Instinctive Behavior At the beginning of the movement phase, all broods with the Instinctive Behavior Hive Status must take a Moral test. Each brood that passes its Moral test gains the universal special rule Rage for the rest of that turn. Each brood that fails must immediately go to ground. Any brood with the Instinctive Behavior Hive Status will always fall back towards the nearest Synapse creature. If there are no such creatures on the board they will fall back towards the nearest table edge. Creatures with the Instinctive Behavior Hive Status that are also Fearless simply automatically pass the Moral test that they are required to take each turn, meaning that they will always be under the effect of the universal special rule Rage. Synapse Creature Broods with a model with the Synapse Creature Hive Status always have the Synapse Creature psychic power. Each Synapse Creature has what is referred to as “synapse range,” which is designated in the creature’s profile. Synapse range will affect any brood that has at least one model within range. A Synapse Creature always counts as being within synapse range. Any brood within synapse range is not subject to the rules for Instinctive Behavior. The brood may choose to pass or fail any Moral check they are called upon to make so long as it is still within synapse range.

Any brood within synapse range does not provide cover to enemy units if another brood within synapse range is shooting through them. If a brood within synapse range is locked in close combat then all models in the brood will strike back in close combat even if they are killed before their turn to attack in Initiative order that turn. The dead models are removed once they have made their attacks. OTHER TYRANID SPECIAL RULES All Tyranids have the universal special rules Fleet, Move Through Cover and Acute Senses BIOMORPH ENHANCEMENTS Biomorph enhancements are bioengineered enhancements that are grown into Tyranid creatures. They enhance the creatures in combat without inhibiting their ability to carry or use other weapon-symbiotes. The same weapon symbiote cannot be taken more than once on any Tyranid creature unless stated otherwise under that creature’s profile. All Tyranid creatures in a brood must take the same biomorphs from the choices available to them: Adrenal glands. Adrenal glands are utilized by many Tyranid organisms throughout the Hive Fleets. The glands are themselves symbiotic organisms that are linked through enhanced synaptic networks to the Hive Mind itself. In preparation for combat, the Hive Mind instantly analyzes the enemy that it will be facing and determine how best to combat the foe. The adrenal glands release a chemical soup of endorphins and enzymes into the host creatures, improving the combat abilities of each of the Hive Mind minions as it deems best. At the start of the game, each brood in which every model has been equipped with adrenal glands (for X points) gains one of the following benefits of the player’s choice: • +1 Strength • +1 Weapon Skill • +1 Initiative • +1 Ballistic Skill • +1 Attack The enhancements from adrenal glands are not modifiers; rather they replace the basic stat line in the creature’s profile. If the game lasts longer than six turns, then the benefits of adrenal glands are lost for the rest of the game, and the creature’s stat line returns to normal. For adrenal glands, there are typically two costs listed (X points/Y points), and paying the second cost allows two benefits to be chosen (for Y points). The same benefit may not be chosen twice.

Chameleonic Carapace. A creature with a chameleonic carapace gains the universal special rule Stealth. A model with chameleonic carapace may not have the extended carapace biomorph. Extended Carapace. A creature with extended carapace gains +1 to its Armor Save. For example, a creature with a 5+ saving throw with extended carapace has a 4+ saving throw instead. Flesh Hooks. A creature with flesh hooks counts as being equipped with assault grenades in close combat. Creatures with flesh hooks do not need to take difficult terrain tests when moving vertically in a ruin, and may move on the upper levels of a ruin even if they are not normally allowed to do so. Metasynaptic Node. A model with the hive node biomorph doubles its Leadership, to a maximum of 10. If the model is a Synapse Creature, then it doubles its synapse range, rather than its Leadership, if it takes the metasynaptic node biomorph. Leaping. Leaping creatures are treated as Beasts in all respects, in addition to their other unit types. A creature with the leaping biomorph can participate in combat if it is within 3” of a friendly model in base contact with the enemy, rather than the normal 2”. Scuttlers. Tyranids with the Scuttlers biomorph gain the universal special rule Scout. Thorax Weapon. A thorax weapon is a ranged bio-weapon that has formed inside the creature and may be fired from the mouth. Thorax weapons do count as a biomorph rather than the allotted number of bio-weapons available to a Tyranid creature. Tyranids may still only fire one weapon per turn as normal, or two if they are a monstrous creature. The following ranged bio-weapons (or twin-linked equivalents of the bio-weapon) can be taken as a single thorax weapon, if listed as such in a creature’s profile: • Bio-Plasma • Spinefist • Devourer Winged. Winged creatures are treated as Jump Infantry in all respects, in addition to their other unit types. A winged model may not have the leaping biomorph. Any Tyranid brood that takes the winged biomorph becomes a Fast Attack choice, including Rippers. A Hive Tyrant that takes the winged biomorph remains an HQ choice.

Without Number. Any brood without number that is removed from play may be brought back into play at the beginning of the next Tyranid turn. It moves onto the board from the Tyranid player’s board edge and has exactly the same profile and armaments as its predecessor. If applicable, Kill Points are scored as usual for the brood and its replacements as if they were entirely separate broods. If a brood without number has the Scuttlers biomorph, then it may move onto the board by Outflanking, rather than from the Tyranid player’s board edge as normal.

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