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  • Words: 1,463
  • Pages: 34
Fusion “The Web Designing Workshop”

© 2008 INCORD 2008, HBTI Kanpur

Overview Introduction to the Internet • What is the Internet? • What is the World Wide Web? • How does the Internet work? Web • • • -

content: sites and pages Locating content: URLs What is a web page? Static vs. dynamic pages

Web designing: Using HTML & Dreamweaver • Static page authoring: HTML, CSS • Dynamic page authoring: Forms, CGI,

Overview Web designing: Using Flash • What is Flash? • How to use Flash to make interactive animation? Web • • • • -

designing: CSS and JavaScript What is CSS? What is JavaScript? How to employ them in a website? What are advantages to use them?

Overview Database Handling: Using Mysql • What is Database? • What is Mysql? • How to link Mysql with your webpage? Introducing “The Server side code” • Introduction to PHP • connecting Mysql with PHP • What is JSP? • Comparison between JSP and PHP.

Internet & World Wide Web The same? • The Internet and the Web are not the same thing. • The Web is just one of many services that make use of the internet.

Internet Protocols • TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol). • Internet protocols are standardized, allowing different types of computers to "talk" to each other. • Different services work within the TCP/IP framework.

Internet Services with Protocols • • • • • •

World Wide Web (HTTP, HTTPS) Email (SMTP, IMAP, POP3, MAPI) Directories (LDAP) File transfer (FTP, SFTP, SCP) Command line login (Telnet, SSH) Instant messaging / Chat (ICQ, Jabber, AIM, .NET Messenger Service, Yahoo! Messenger) • Streaming audio/video (RTP, RTSP, SMIL) • Voice (VoIP)

TCP/IP Details • Each computer or device connected to the Internet is given a unique numeric address called an IP address. • Example: • Allows information to be sent to a specific computer. • Information is transmitted in small pieces (called packets), which each include addressing information. • Packets can be sent across the Internet along the fastest possible route

Web Surfing/Browsing • You "request" a web page. a. Type address in the address bar. b. Click a link. • The remote computer receives the request and sends the data to your computer (by means of your computer's IP address). • The software that sends you the information is called the server, which listens for and responds to such requests. • Your browser renders and displays the web page.

You don't see IP address… • Most of the time, you see mnemonic names in Web addresses, not IP numbers. • E.g., www.incordhbti.com, www.google.com • These are hostnames, human-readable aliases for numeric IP addresses. • Registered hostnames and their equivalent IP addresses are stored in a DNS (Domain Name Server) • When a web page is requested, the hostname is sent to the DNS, which resolves it into an IP address.

Construction of a hostname • Most of the time, the structure gives hints about the organization that owns the name. • It consist of three basic parts: The local hostname (e.g., "www", "mail") • The organization domain name (e.g.,”Google", "yahoo“,”incordhbti”) • The top-level domain (TLD) (e.g., "com", "edu", "gov", "us")

URLs • URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is an Internet resource address • In general, URLs are written as follows: scheme:scheme-specific-part • The scheme identifies the internet service used E.g., http, ftp, mailto For the Web, the scheme-specific part consists of: a hostname, the path to a file

URLs…. • URLs are often abbreviated, e.g., www.incordhbti.com This is actually, www.incordhbti.com /index.html • If no page filename is specified, the index page is sent to the browser by the server. • Different servers use different index page file names, e.g., index.html and default.html. • Our's web servers use index.html.

What is a web page? • A plain text file with specific coding or markup for display by the web browser. • Markup used to create web pages is HTML/XHTML

• HTML markup provides for page structure. For example: o Define text as a heading. o Define text as a paragraph. o Define placement of an image. • HTML should be supplemented by CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), a language that specifies the presentation of the page. For example: Define that a particular heading is Large, Bold and Red in color Define a particular paragraph as using italics • HTML files can also include script code (such as JavaScript) to be executed by the browser.

Browser display of HTML • The browser interprets the markup (HTML, CSS) in the web page to display its content. • Not all browsers display web pages the same way!!!

Static vs. dynamic web pages Static pages • always contain the same information (so long as the source code is unchanged); • are modified by opening the file and changing the content or HTML. Dynamic pages • can contain different information at different times (from the same source code); • are produced on-the-fly by a computer program or script on the web server.

What is a web site? • A collection of individual web pages, • organized into a directory structure, • stored on a web server, so they are accessible via the web. • The directory structure of the site is reflected by the URLs of the various pages.

Error messages • Sometimes, something goes wrong while browsing the web, or while verifying that your own web site works. • Depending on what happened you may get different error messages: • - 400 - Bad request • - 403 - Forbidden • - 404 - File not found • - 500 - Server error • - 503 - Service not available

HTML: HyperText Markup Language Introduction “In computing, HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is a markup language designed for the creation of web pages and other information viewable in a browser.” “HTML is used to structure information - denoting certain text as headings, paragraphs, lists and so on - and can be used to describe, to some degree, the appearance and semantics of a document.” -Wikipedia

HTML Tags Tags are mainly used to tell the browser how to display the content. • Document properties • Layout • Text style • Images • Hyper-links • Etc.

Basic Tags Four Basic tags • • • •

HTML Head Title Body


Basic Tags… They are nested in this way: <TITLE> title other header fields body

Our first webpage <TITLE>Hello World Hi there!!! Save it as hello.html

Hands on…. • Start Notepad • Create an HTML document with all four basic tags • HTML • HEAD • TITLE • BODY • Save as an html document, e.g. hello.html • To display: Double click or open in a web browser • To edit / modify: Open with Notepad

HTML Tags: Document Attributes • • • •

Background color HTML colors are defined using a hexadecimal notation for the combination of Red, Green, and Blue color values (RGB). The lowest value that can be given to one of the light sources is 0 (hex #00). The highest value is 255 (hex #FF). Background image

HTML Tags: Heading

HTML Tags: Paragraph Paragraphs are defined with the

tag. •

This is a paragraph

This is another paragraph

• A blank line is added before/after the heading.

HTML Tags: Line break The
tag is used when you want to end a line,but don't want to start a new paragraph. The
tag forces a line break wherever you place it.

is a para
graph with line breaks

HTML Tags: Text Styles Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular

<em> emphasized
<small> small
<strong> strong
<sub> subscripted
<sup> superscripted
<del> deleted

HTML Tags: Fonts Font is defined by tag, with the following attributes: • size="number" size="2" Defines the font size • size="+number" size="+1" Increases the font size • size="-number" size="-1" Decreases the font size • face="face-name" face="Times" Defines the font-name • color="color-value" color="#FFFFFF" Defines the font color • color="color-name" color="red" Defines the

HTML Tags: Lists Three types of lists •
    define unordered lists •
  • define a list item •
            define ordered lists •
          1. define a list item •
                    define definition lists •
                    define a definition-list term. •

                    Unordered List
                    • Coffee
                    • Milk
                    Ordered List
                    1. Coffee
                    2. Milk
                    Definition List
                    Black hot drink
                    White cold drink

                    Thank you!!!

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