Fundamentals Of Accounting

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  • Words: 758
  • Pages: 3
Fundamentals of Accounting Mr. Bartz Room 112 [email protected]

Conference Period:

4th period 10:19 – 11:09

Computer Lab Hours: Monday – Thursday 7:00 – 7:30 am 2:25 – 3:00 pm

Fundamentals of Accounting is an introductory accounting course that presents a complete accounting cycle for a proprietorship and partnership using a debit/credit approach. Topics include analyzing transactions, journalizing, posting, petty cash, financial statements, and adjusting and closing entries. This class incorporates computer programs such as Microsoft Excel and Automated Accounting to bring more of a technological approach to accounting. Fundamentals of Accounting is a great starter course for students planning on studying accounting at the college level. Course Textbook: Fundamentals of Accounting Claudia B. Gilbertson CPA, Mark W. Lehman CPA, and Kenton E. Ross CPA Grading: Class Participation Homework In-class Activities Tests/Quizzes Final Exam

10% 20% 20% 30% 20%

Grading Scale: A B C D F

93 – 100 82 – 92 70 – 81 60 – 69 0 – 59

Class Goals: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Be on time Stay on task Respect each other Respect the equipment

Computer Lab Rules 1. No food or drinks in the lab. 2. The chairs are not toys; please refrain from racing them around the room. 3. All students will speak in soft tone as to not disturb others. 4. One student per computer, no sharing unless permission is given. 5. NO PC or online games allowed in the computer lab. 6. NO Instant Messaging or online chats allowed in the computer lab. 7. Printers are used for school work only. 8. Students are not allowed to change seats unless given permission. 9. All students are to keep their area clean. 10. All students are to log off when leaving. 11. If your computer is not working or something is missing from your work station let Mr. Bartz know immediately Attendance / Class Participation Daily attendance in this course is essential as most of the assignments will be completed in class or on the computer. Absences will result in students falling behind in daily work. Each student will have the opportunity through attendance and class participation to earn up to 20 class participation points per week. Poor attendance, disruptions in class, not participating in class discussions, and behavioral problems can lower this grade and will affect your overall score for this course. Make Up Work / Late Work If you are absent please bring your admit slip to Mr. Bartz before class starts on the day you return to school. The policy for make up work will follow the school guidelines detailed in the student handbook unless otherwise stated by the teacher (ex. Projects taking more than a week to complete). It is the responsibility of the student to check for any missing assignments when they return to school. Class time will rarely be given to students who need to make up missing assignments. Students should plan on making up those assignments before / after school, during lunch, or during their study hall. Late work will not be accepted. Hall Passes Each student will be given 3 hall passes per nine weeks to use to go to their lockers, the restroom, drinking fountain, etc. Bonus points will be awarded for unused passes at the end of the nine weeks. Saving / Turning in Assignments All work should be saved on the students Z:/ drive in the appropriate Accounting class folder. The computers in the lab are periodically “cleaned out” to optimize performance and could result

in the deletion of improperly saved files. Most assignments will be turned in electronically through the P:/ drive or recorded in your Accounting Journal. **********This syllabus may be updated/revised by the teacher at any time ********** Tentative Course Schedule Week 1

Introduction to course / Hand out materials / Start Chapter 1

Week 2

Chapter 1 – Starting a Proprietorship

Week 3

Chapter 1 – Continued

Week 4

Chapter 2 – Analyzing Transactions

Week 5

Chapter 2 – Continued

Week 6

Chapter 3 – Journalizing Transactions

Week 7

Chapter 3 – Continued

Week 8

Chapter 4 – Posting to a General Ledger

Week 9

Monopoly Activity

Week 10

Chapter 5 – Cash Control Systems

Week 11

Reinforcement Activity 1 – Part A

Week 12

Chapter 6 – Worksheet for a service business

Week 13

Chapter 6 – Continued

Week 14

Chapter 7 – Financial Statements

Week 15

Chapter 7 – Continued

Week 16

Chapter 8 – Recording Adjusting and Closing Entries

Week 17

Reinforcement Activity 1 – Part B

Week 18

Review for Final Exam

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