Full Vendor Education

  • October 2019
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  • Pages: 8
Thank you for your hard work and welcome aboard! I am about to give you a presentation that lists our expectations for services with FAS. This is a lot of information and I do not expect you to know it all right away, but this orientation of ideas will only help you prepare to hopefully grow your business with ours. The APM’s should call you before they actually assign any work orders to you. The work orders are uploaded to the website which should generate an email notification or a message on your message board on the web site. Once you receive that e-mail or your message you will need to accept or decline the order from the web page. Please accept or decline that order within 24 hours. If you fail to press the decline option of the work order, it is at that point assumed that you will accept the work and you will start receiving follow up messages asking for the status of completion. So if you cannot do a job for us, DECLINE IT, please. If you are ever unsure, please call us. Once you get the work order please print it out and take it with you to the property every time because it holds valuable information. You are not to be on the property without the work order in hand. Your login info for our web @

http://www.fieldassets.com/login.aspx Your email address is your user ID. (This is case sensitive) first- try to enter your email address all lower case, and if that doesn’t work, then enter it again using all caps. If you don’t get it right by the third attempt, the system will lock you out. If you are locked out, wait about 5 to 10 minutes and then try again. Once you have successfully logged in, you have the ability to change your password. To change your password click the settings tab and click account info. At that point you can change your password.

Password: password$ (is the default password all lower case if you have not already received an email with another password.)

Your invoice and photos will need to be up loaded to the Photo up loader; this program needs to be downloaded using the link on the website. If you do not use the link from the web site, it will not

install correctly as it conflicts with spy ware. Please use our FAS website to add your pictures online and if you have any difficulties, you can email your pictures and invoice to: [email protected]

Keep in mind that we are web based and there will always be advances in technology.

It is important to note that we have several departments that can assist you. Some of our departments are: Accounting, Quality Control (a.k.a. QC) Technical Support (a.k.a. IT) Customer Service Representatives or Coordinators (a.k.a. APM’s) as well as Managers, Team Leads, or myself. You will interact with several different departments. We are all here to help you. Our IT department is here to help you with any IT issues you have. You may call 1-800-468-1743 ext.1106

***PHOTOS***PHOTOS***PHOTOS*** Remember, your camera is your most important tool! I can not stress enough how "IMPORTANT" the before, during, and after photos are. The photos need to be uploaded when you're invoicing. If you need any assistance at all with our web please don't hesitate to call. We have people here that will gladly walk you through it. Re-key - We always try to re-key the back door first either by picking or drilling the lock to gain entry. On the front door, you must hang the lockbox from the knob with two keys inside the lockbox that we supply you with, we overnight them to you (at no charge to you), and we ask that you utilize what we fed-ex to you, no exception. You should have the lockbox by the next business day. If you have to go to the home before the next day, and you utilize your own lockbox, be prepared to have to go back and replace your lockbox with ours. Please contact your APM with any lockbox issues. When you are re-pinning the key code to the doorknob, we require that you typically use either: 76667, 35241, or 67767 as a code for the doorknob. Please refer to your work order for re-pinning instructions. Pictures for a re-

key will be of the door in its original condition, a picture with the empty hole in the door, and a final picture of the new or re-pinned knob with the lockbox on the front door with the keys hanging from the knob. Board ups – We included HUD spec diagrams in your vendor packet. Refer to your work order for instruction. Prior to the board up, you will need to remove all of the broken glass from the window panes. Please also remove any broken glass that may be lying on the floor. If there is an excess of glass and you need more to remove it, please call your APM for additional approval. We need to see photos of the inside and outside of the window, before and after the board up has been completed. Debris Removal - We pay $__.00 per cubic yard. This price will have to include labor and dump fees because we are not able to pay for dumpsters. Do you know how to measure cubic yards? It is generally a measurement of 3x3 (if not, remember that one cubic yard is equivalent to one standard sized washer or dryer and usually 4 cubic yards can fit into the back of a larger sized pick up truck just so you know) Please take photos before any debris has been removed, in its original location. After that, take load photos for each load removed. Finally, take photos of the original locations with the debris no longer present because you have removed it. When removing debris and you run into hazards like tires, chemicals, or paint, we will pay you what you had to pay to dispose of those items as long as you provide us with an ACCURATE dump receipt to reflect your charges. You can even have the dump provide us with a pricing schedule of their standard rates and we will put that in your profile upon management approval. PERSONAL PROPERTY If you see personal property totaling $300 or more at the site then you would stop and call the APM for approval to proceed in removing the property. If you remove the personal property without preapproval from your APM, you will be held responsible for the property and any penalties associated with that. Trip Charges – If you go to a property to bid services and your bid is declined by our client, or if the property is found occupied, you will be awarded a $29 trip charge for your time. Ask the APM to award you a trip charge because they are the only ones that can do this and if they do not you will not get it. If the property is occupied, you must take a picture of the front of the house and explain on your invoice what you noticed to prove that there was occupancy. This also applies when you are sent out to work on a

winterization. You MUST call the realtor BEFORE going to verify that the home DOES needs winterization because if you neglected to contact the realtor beforehand like we advised you to and you go out to do the winterization and cannot complete it for whatever the reason may be, you will NOT be awarded a trip charge. Calling from site for additional approval. - If you need to call your APM from site for additional approval on any assignment and approval is granted, please ask the APM to adjust the price in our system to reflect the new price. You also must ask them if they will follow up with an email confirmation showing you that the price was approved and changed in our system. If you do not receive an email confirmation within one business day, do not worry, simply send the APM a friendly email reminder of the price approval that you were given verbally from them before on the phone. What happens if you do not do that is that your invoice will be recorded in the system with that original price if they do not manually type over it and save it to our database. Getting approvals in written email format is a must when working

Never take it upon yourself to do extra work and invoice for it because we do not operate that way. with us.

Initial Lawn – Initial lawn (meaning the lawn has not been cut for a potentially very long period of time) is a cut is based on ¼ of an acre lot with grass up to a foot tall. Prices can be negotiated if the lawn is of different proportions that what we sent you out to do. Please call the APM from site if additional fees are needed prior to the mow. Re-cuts – you will not receive follow up work orders for the re-cuts, we ask that you schedule them into your workload for bi-weekly cuts. Recuts start at $35-$45 and can range based on lot size and grass height only. We ask that you take a picture of the property standing back showing the property in its entirety. The before and after photos must be taken of the front, back, and sides of the property (same angle) along with an action shot. An action shot will show the mower itself positioned on a strip of grass that has been partially cut in the front of the strip and left long in the back to show that your equipment was used. Sidewalks and driveways need to be swept and the all grass clippings removed, either by mulching or bagging and the after pictures should reflect this. There are usually 9 pictures needed for a lawn. 4 in the beginning of the front (1) back (2) left side yard (3) right side yard (4) action shot (5) and 6-9 will be the same as 1-4 only the lawn will be done and neat and tidy at that point and your pictures must capture that.

****If there is a swimming pool located at the property you must report the pool and its condition to your APM. **** Janitorial – On janitorial assignments, we will need you take before and after photos showing each toilet, tub, sink, stove, refrigerator, countertop, and cabinets that you have cleaned and wiped down. Flooring needs to be broom swept or vacuumed. We strongly suggest that you use a Bissell type mechanism to clean the floors because the majority of THESE HOMES WILL NOT ALWAYS HAVE POWER OR WATER SO YOU NEED TO PREPARE YOUR CREW OR SELF FOR THAT ACCORDINGLY!!!!! Should you need to negotiate more money due to the home being larger or dirtier than what the work order depicted, please contact the APM prior to beginning the janitorial.

****If you see mold on the property (or in a fridge), use caution in those areas and report it to your APM as soon as possible please. **** Winterization -Winterizations are extremely crucial in this industry. We must do everything we can after the water has been turned off to deter any one from tampering with the winterization or water supply. YOU WILL HAVE ALL OF THE DIRECTIONS FOR THE WINTERIZATION IN YOUR WORK ORDER SO REFER TO THAT PLEASE, EVERY TIME! The photo requirements are: –

The lines being blown w/ an air compressor (do not rely on gravity) to two plumbing outlets in two different locations; for example the washer connection, sink, and/or the outside spigot.

Water heater showing the water being drained from it. Do NOT drain water on to the floor under any circumstances, please. You can drain it with a water hose attached to the water heater or you can drain it from the unit into buckets, whichever method you prefer and are equipped for.

Evidence of non-toxic antifreeze being poured in all sinks, tubs and toilets. The RV antifreeze is usually pink in color and the remnant of what you poured will be able to be evident in the pictures you take when you are done pouring it.

Toilet seats taped down, with signs posted. A sign will be provided in your work order. Make about ten copies of that sign to take them

with you so that you can tape them near all water sources and on the tops of the toilet seats. –

The water line being capped.

The water meter removed (where applicable by city ordinance).

Zip tie on valve handle at the water meter.

The final picture will show the open breaker box with the water heater breaker in the off position or you can just shut off the water heater unit if there is no breaker and take a picture of it that way if needed.

– –

For wet winterizations, refer to your work order for picture and procedure requirements, please.

If you run into any breaks in the lines, the plumbing system does not hold pressure, or you cannot complete the winterization due to plumbing damages, you MUST stop what you are doing and call the APM from site advising you cannot complete the winterization. Be prepared to supply us with an estimate that entails what it is going to cost to fix the plumbing problems. If you fail to report plumbing issues you will be held liable for any damage that is a result of not reporting the issues. Evictions – Loetta at extension 1228 or Katy at extension 1247 are in charge of our eviction department and they will notify you with specifics if an eviction is in your area. Since this department is so complex, you would need to relay any of your questions to that team directly.

****On large jobs, anytime you find that you need to do more work that what is listed on the work order, you will need to call the APM in charge of the home and negotiate your costs needed in order to get the job done (and get it approved before you work it). We never work on flat fees or set percentages and we must negotiate ALL JOBS on a CASE BY CASE BASIS. ****

Invoicing – We require all invoices and photos to be submitted within three (3) business days on our web site from the date that you completed the job. So when we give you a job, we want the job done within 3 days and then the pictures should follow three days after the date you finished up the job. The business days INCLUDE weekends! If you need an extension on this, you must request it before the invoice is due. Always make your own invoice every time for every job. You can simply make a Microsoft word document as your invoice, save it to your desktop, and upload it from your desktop to get it put on the web because our site does not make invoices for you nor do we have invoice templates at this time. Photo/Invoice requests – If you get a photo or invoice request emailed and/or uploaded to you this means you are either missing an invoice or missing particular photos on a job you have done, you need to fulfill the request within 24 hours or you will risk denial of your invoice. Once you have fulfilled the request, please immediately send an email out to the person that sent the request so they will know the request has been satisfied. The person to reply to is located on the request. Invoice Denial- If you receive a invoice denial, you must immediately contact your APM assigned to the property and advise that you have completed the assignment and fulfilled the request, if you do not contact the APM, the property will be reassigned to a new vendor, we won’t be able to reverse the denial and you will not get paid for the job that you did. Communication is crucial! Speaking of that, when are you planning on sending our E&O insurance check into us so I can notate the system? Just let me know okay? If you already have E&O then please omit this statement. IF YOU EVER EXPERIENCE A DELAY FOR ANY REASON, NOTIFY THE APM SO THAT THEY CAN UPDATE OUR SYSTEM ACCORDINGLY AND LET THE STAFF KNOW WHAT TO EXPECT!!! If you need to be placed on a temporary hold in order to get caught up on your job progress, or you are slow and want more work, email [email protected] or call Elsie ext. 1277 she will generate an email to the entire staff. Our after hours vendor Hot Line is 512-576-6167 and is for emergencies only. Thank you for working with us!

you need anything!  Thanks and have a great day!

****indicates important notes! **** Also, if you need to look at some great websites to help you with our business, I suggest:

www.openoffice.org it enables you to open office documents online for free. Great site!

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