Full Project Of Umer & Arbab Of Course: Bs (cs)-412 Software Engineering & Project Management.

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  • Pages: 72
Group Members: Muhammad Umer Sheikh


Syed Arbab Ahmed


Course: BS (CS)-412 Software Engineering & Project Management. Teacher: Mr. Mustafa Haider, Mr.Habibullah.


Ackn owl edgmen ts: We all group members of this project would like to thank, the respectable teachers of our subject “Software Engineering” Si r. Mu stafa Hai de r and Si r.Hab ibu llah that they provide us this opportunity to make a project of “Software Engineering”, without their help, support and guidance the completion of this project was not possible. We group members of this project would also like to thank the auditing company for their cooperation throughout making of this project.

INDEX OF THE PROJECT Introduction Objective Why a software for reconciliation? Requirements Project Analysis Input Process Output Organization Analysis Operational Network DFD Departments Level of Users Flow of data between departments Data Objects

Department Communication Application Programs IT data base IT departmental operational Structure Accounts data base server GL data sets Treasury departmental operational Structure BTV maintenance software Reconciliation departmental operational Structure Reconciliation data base Task scheduling Network Diagram Resources Cost of the project LOC build on F.P in various programming languages Problem based estimation formula Functional Point Cash flow Costing through COCOMO II Project summary Design Central data base server Relational database IT record data set o Abstraction o Class diagram o Modules Reconciliation data set o Abstraction o Class diagram o Modules Treasury data set o Abstraction o Class diagram o Modules Application programs Reconciliation software o Abstraction o Class diagram o Modules Reports Reconciliation records o Abstraction o Class diagram o Modules Un-reconciled records o Abstraction o Class diagram o Modules

Data entry window o Abstraction o Class diagram o Modules Data removal window o Abstraction o Class diagram o Modules Data editing window o Abstraction o Class diagram o Modules IT database server o Abstraction o Class diagram o Modules Reversal records o Abstraction o Class diagram o Modules Duplicate records o Abstraction o Class diagram o Modules Data removal window o Abstraction o Class diagram o Modules Data editing window o Abstraction o Class diagram o Modules Accounts database server Expenditure accounts data sets o Abstraction o Class diagram o Modules GL data sets o Abstraction o Class diagram o Modules Risk Table RMMM plan Risk information sheet

Preface: Soft wa re i s a fr ame wo rk t o des ig n & dev el op reli ab le , qua litative & rel iab le s oftw ar e an d wh o ev er doe s it kn ow s as en gi ne er. We group memb er s trie d to e ngi ne er ed an d fu lfil al l requi rem en ts of a quality , r eli ab le sof twa re , we t rie d to mak e ou r soft war e as much as po ssi bl e “ error fr ee ” a nd “ def ect s fr ee ”. We di d the alpha te stin g of ou r soft wa re a nd be ta testi ng of th e softw ar e don e b y ou r cust ome rs , but a s we al l kn ow that testi ng n ot e nds b ut the tim e. Maki ng o f this pro je ct wa s a grea t l ea rnin g ex pe ri en ce for al l of th e group mem be rs ; w e all

hav e le arn ed the basi c ne ce ssitie s that ho w t o mak e pr oj ec t o f “so ftw ar e en gin ee ri ng ”.

INTRODUCTION The following software is a Account Reconciliation Software. The purpose of its design is to increase the efficiency of the reconciliation process. As it is known that the reconciliation process is one of the fundamental part of a accounting system. The output of any reconciliation process is later Audit and then use either as a financial statement about the Organization or in other company reports. The major concerns in any Reconciliation system is the reliability of its Output. In the Past the process is carried out through manually, and it was totally depends on the person ability to deliver the output. As the time changes so the trends. Now the same process is carried out through the computers. Regardless about the efficiency of the computer the system still depends upon the people who are operating it. Although despite of the accuracy of the output the feasibility of the system with its surrounding also matters. There are many software that do the same thing as the software but this software is specially design to not only to improve the efficiency of the output but it is designed according to the organization requirements. The Financial statements have been prepared and presented in accordance with the House Building Finance act,1952 as amended and the rules made there under. Further Guidance has been sought from the company Ordinance ,1984 and the accounting standard issued by the International Accounting Standards Board(IASB)and Interpretations Committee as applicable in Pakistan for disclosure and presentation of the Financial statements wherever considered appropriate. The Development of the software will enhance the reconciliation process and will produce better result.

OBJECTIVE The Overall Objective is the Development of a software package that could increase the efficiency of the Reconciliation process in the Organization. IT includes several packages that could increase the reliability of the output which was done manually previously. The software interconnects Departments of the Organization involved in the reconciling process. Previously each department has its own data base and its own records but this software has the tendency to not only reconcile these records in each database but also create and maintain a central database which can be used by any department. Once the reconciling through the database is audited reports can be generated as per requirements to reflect the status of Organization assets.

Why a Software for Reconciliation? The Need for a separate software arise from the fact that the current process of reconciliation is not producing the required output as needed. Second the Reconciliation process is still carried out manually by the Asst.Managers in several department which consumes a lot of time and effort. Although the Organization has been computerized but such that computers are used to keep information but not use effectively in reconciliation. Third since each department has its own database it maintains it own records, but in case of a conflict there has always been lack of communication to resolve the conflict which also waste a lot of time because each department consider its records to be authentic. Although separate database are good in terms of better management of the data but a central data base must also be used in order to reflect the correct status of the Organization asset. This database can also be further useful if the Organization goes online in the future.

PROJECT ANALYSIS The following software is a Account Reconcilation Software.The purpose of its design is to increase the efficiency of the reconciliation process.As it is known that the reconcilaion process is one of the fundimental part of a accounting system.The output of any reconcilation process is later Audit and then use either as a financial statement about the Organization or in other company reports.The major concerns in any Reconcilation system is the reliability of its Output.In the Past the process is carried out through manually,and it was totally depends on the person ability to deliver the output.As the time changes so the trends.Now the same process is carried out through the computers.Regardless about the efficiency of the computer the system still depends upon the people who sre operating it.Although despite of the accurancy of the output the feasibility of the system with its surrounding also matters.There are many sotware that do the samething as the software but this software is specially design to not only to improve the efficiency of the output but it is designed according to the organization requirments. The Following Consist of Three main division •Input •Process •Output

INPUT Being a Account Reconcilation software it should be able to reconcile record relating to the Organization.These records include the Bank statement , the Organization IT records , General Ledger Records.There is Different interface for each of these catagories.The Bank statements are Provided by the banks on monthly bases.This is not a record that is constant over a period of time but keep changing and the only asset to reflect the Organization Financial records.It requires an Interface to input the data into the Sytem Database.The IT records are maintained by the Organization therefore can be feeded into the Database Directly but since these records are updated constantly by the organization it requires that these records should be updated in the Database therefore they also require a Interface to enter them.The GL record is maintained by the reconcilation between the Bank statements and IT records.Once they are cleared they are entered into GL(General Ledger).This also requires a interface to enter them into the Database. The Input also contain the specific data inputs such as Reports , UserLogIn. PROCESS Once the Data is input in the System it is need to processed to produce the Information and Store the necessary data elements.The overall scnerio imparts the use of three different data sets or data tables.One is used as Database for the Bank statements , One for the Organization IT records and One is for the keeping

the records of the GL.Using different data sets enable us to manage the data better.Different components should be built according to the requirment.Since the data is provided in the tabulated form in either Excel or Access from the District offices it require that the data should be analyze and then fed into the system.The output is the thing the Organization is mostly concerned with so the equations , formulas should be Authentic. OUTPUT According to the Organization requirments the output should be divided into two catagories •Primary Output Requirments. •Secondary Output Requirments. The Primary requirments include the Reports related to the reconcilation and the information required to make a Annual Balance sheet.Whereas the Secondary requirments include utility reports that produces the necessary output figures utilized in the reconciation process and Data statistics.These scope reports can be extend accordind to the Organization need.


Status and Nature of Business House Building Finance Corporation was formed in 1952 by the Goverment of Pakistan Act of Parliment known as House Building Finance Corporation act XVIII of1952.The Corporation registered office and Principal office is situated at Finance and Trade Centre Building,Shahrah-e-Faisal,Karachi.The Corporation provides Financial facilities for the constructrion ,re-constructtion ,repairand purchase of houses.The Corporation provides investment facilities through a network of 58 district offices and 12 zonal offices throughout Pakistan including Azad Kashmir. The Financial statements have been prepared and presented in accordance with the House Building Finance act,1952 as amended and the rules made there under.Further Guidance has been sought from the company Ordinance ,1984 and the accounting standard issued by the International Accounting Standards Board(IASB)and Interpretations Committe as applicable in Pakistan for disclosure and presentation sof the Financial statements wherever considered appropriate.

Cash Equivalances Cash and Cash Equivalents comprise of cash and Balances with the State Bank of Pakistan and other Banks in Current and Deposit accounts.

Cash in Transit Collection is transit as on the Balance sheet data recieved from the borrowers / partners is treated as cash in transit and included in Bank balances.

Investments Investments are stated at cost.However provision for diminutation in the value of the investment,other than temporary,is made in the Financial statement.Investment in Federal Investment Board (FIB's)and Pakistan Investment Board(PIB) are stated at costadjusted for amortization of premium and discount,if any.

Provision Asset and Liabilities Provisions are recognized when the Corporation has a present legal or constructive obligation arising as a result of past eventand it is probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefit will be required to settle the obligation and a reliable estimate of the amount of the obligation can be made.

Disbursments HBFC's Ghar Asan Scheme and Ghar Shandar Schemes,despite the ever-increasing compitition from the commercial banking sectors,still remains as the first choice of Housing finance seekers.HBFC vast network which covers the far flung areas in the North of the country including Azad Kashmir has enabled HBFC to create a niche among the low and medium income borrowers of the housing finance in the semi urban and the rural areas of the country.

Operational Network The Overall Operation network is carried out through the 52 district offices and 12 zonal regions.The three basic carried out are Disbursment of loans,Collection of Disbursment ,Refund of excess amount. These operations are carried out at the District offices headed by the District Managers,who supervise the Disbursment of loans.The District offices carry the operation through two banks HBL and MCB,which means there are atleast one bank coresponding to each District offices depending upon the location of the District and each District office has one account in each bank. There are 12 zonal offices corresponding to the to the Major cities in Pakistan like Karachi zone or Lahore zone.The Districts around the Major cities are included in the operational region o fthe Zones.

The Zonal Transictions are carried out at the a Particular branch in Karachi having 12 accounts one for each zone.The Zonal offices are headed by the Head office at Karachi.The branch containing the Zonal accounts also contains the Main account managed by the Head office.All transactions either Collection,Disbursment or Refund is carried out through these accounts.

Process As previously mentioned there are three main operations carried out by the Organization.

•Disbursment of Loans •Collection of Disbursments •Refund of Excess amounts

Disbursment of Loans The Disbursment of Loans are carried out by the District offices and through the banks at the District level.Once an application is approved by the the District manager They send Credit Advice to the Bank to credit the seeker's account.Once the Bank has credit the seeker's account by debiting from the District account It also credit the account for the amout of the money transfered to the customer.After it sends an Debit Advice to the Head office of the amount that is disbursed.Once the Head office recieved the Advice it transfer the amount from the main account through the Zonal account to the District branches.Meanwhile the IT department of the organization creates a account of the customer and records the disbursment information.

Collection of Disbursments The Collections of loans are carried out at the District Bank Branches.The amount collected is transfered to the Zonal accounts at the end of terms(either daily or weekly basis).From the Zonal accounts the amounts are transfered to the Main accounts.Meanwhile the collected recipts from Banks are transfered to the Organization District offices through mail transfer or Credit voucher.The Distrct offices maintan their own records by having IT department for each offices.Through the District offices.Once the records are maintained , the district offices sends the bank recipts to the accounting department at the Head office , where these reords are maintained by the IT department at head office.

Refund of Excess The Refund process is carried out as similar as the Disbursment but unlike the Disbursment which is a two way process the refund is a one way process and authorize by the Headoffice.

Departments Since the Project is to be delevired at the Head office,the operations within the headoffice are also should be determained. There are four major departments who has direct link with our software project. •Accounts Department •Reconcilation department •Treasury department •Audit Department •IT repartment

Accounts Department The Accounts Department Headed by the GM (General Manager) accounts has major responsibility of maintaining the status of the Organization accounts.They have two prime objectives

•Maintaining the Expendeture accounts •Making a GL

The Reconcilation of the Expendeture accounts with the organization records is one of the responsibilities of the Department.The staff alone held is responsible for this job.The GL is made on the basis of the Reconcile data provided by the Reconcilation department,Treasury department,IT department.A JV(Journal voucher) is made by these Departments and then the voucher is send to the Accounts department.These vouchers are reconciled with each other and once cleared they are entered into the GL database , along with the reconciled info. about the Expendeture accounts .The GM is reported to the ED(Executive director)Finance about the status of the accounts.

Treasury Department The Treasury Department has the Responsibility to maintain the Main accounts of the Organization.The Main account is Headed by another account called Gold accounts which contains the Organization complete assest in a particular bank.Recall there are four Main accounts one in each bank and 36 Zonal accounts in each bank(MCB and HBL, each for Collection,Disbursment,Refund).The Treasury Department Reconcile the Transaction at the Gold accounts with the main accounts in each bank and prepare a JV. A copy of this JV is send to the accounts Department and with this JV Treasury dept. makes a BTV(Bank Transaction Voucher) which serves as Department own Records and considered to be authentic. The GM treasury is reported to the ED Finance.

Reconcilation Department The Reconcilation Depat. has the responsibility for maintaining the Collection,Disbursment and Refund accounts.The Department also has the responsibility to reconcile the records from the banks with the IT department records.After the reconcilation a JV is made and transfer to the Accounts department.The GM reconcilation is Reported to ED Finance.

Audit Department The Audit Department is responsible for the term audit of the Organization records.The Department also responsile for the maintaining the Audit performed at the district level.Once the Audit is done the Reconciled records can be represented as the organization financial assest reports to the stakeholders.The GM audit is reported to ED Finance as well as MD(Managing Director) HBFC.

IT Department IT stands for Information Technology , therefore IT department is refered to a Department of the organization that maintain and perform activities electronically by the assistants of latest in technology of the computer.HBFC IT Department maintain records of its partner both in detail and Batch form of Data.This detail of partners transaction is known as IT records.IT records are basically the Disbursement voucher issued to the Partner and also to the bank as a Credit Advice.The District Offices of this organization also avail the facility of a IT Department. These Departments are refered to as the District IT Department.

The District IT department send a batch of 400 Disbursement voucher to the IT Head office.Therefore the Disbursement record of the partner from all over the country is maintain and process at IT Head office. The IT Department is manage and supervise under the strict supervision of the head of Department whose names are mentioned later. The IT record which was mentioned earlier is the one side factor which is used to recorcile with the Bank statement which is also the records of Partner's, maintain by the bank.The GM IT is reported to the ED Finance.


E .D

A c c o u n ts M an ag er

A s s t.M a n a g e r 1 A s s t.M a n a g e r 2 E m p lo y e e 1 E m p lo y e e 2 E m p lo y e e 3

R e c o n c ilia tio n M an ag e r

T re su ry M an ager

I.T A c c o u n ts

A s s t.M a n a g e r 1 A s s t.M a n a g e r 2

A s s t.M a n a g e r1 A s s t.M a n a g e r2

A s s t.M a n a g e r1 A s s t.M a n a g e r2

E m p lo y e e 1 E m p lo y e e 2 E m p lo y e e 3

E m p lo y e e 1 E m p lo y e e 2 E m p lo y e e 3

E m p lo y e e 1 E m p lo y e e 2 E m p lo y e e 3

Organization User Level Architecture

E .D

IT D e p t.

R e c o n c ilia tio n D e p t.

A c c o u n ts D e p t.

Flow of Data between Departments

T re a su ry D e p t.

T reasu ry Server

IT Server

C e n tr a l Server

R e c o n c ilia tio n Server

A cc o u n ts Server

Proposed Departmental Communication

T e rm in a ls

IT S erver R e p o rt

R e c o n c ilitio n

A ttrib u te

A ttrib u te

F u n c tio n

F u n c tio n A p p lic a tio n A ttrib u te F u n c tio n

Object 1

Object 2

IT Departmental Operation Structure

T e rm in a ls

S w itc h S w itc h

T reasu ry S erver R e p o rt

R e c o n c ilitio n

A ttrib u te

A ttrib u te

F u n c tio n

F u n c tio n A p p lic a tio n

O b je c t 1

A ttrib u te F u n c tio n

O b je c t 2

O b je c t 3

Treasury Departmental Operation Structure

T e rm in a ls

T e rm in a ls S w itc h S w itc h

A c c o u n ts S e r v e r R e p o rt

R e c o n c ilitio n

A ttrib u te

A ttrib u te

F u n c tio n

F u n c tio n A p p lic a tio n

O b je c t 1

A ttrib u te F u n c tio n

O b je c t 3 O b je c t 2

Accounts Departmental Operation Structure

T e rm in a ls

R e c o n c ilia tio n S e r v e r R e p o rt

R e c o n c ilitio n

A ttrib u te

A ttrib u te

F u n c tio n

F u n c tio n A p p lic a tio n A ttrib u te F u n c tio n

Object 1

Object 2

Object 3

Reconciliation Departmental Operation Structure

T resu ry D ept

I T .D e p t R e c o n c ilia tio n D ept

A c c o u n ts D ept

Z on al B ank B ranch

M em os

S ta te m e n ts

D is tr ic t O r g a n iz a t io n B ranch

D is tr ic t B a n k

E x p e n d itu r e

S ta te m e n ts

C lie n t s

M em os

C o ll/D is /R e f

H e a d o ffic e

D is tr ic t o ffic e

Operational Flow of the Collection / Disbursement / Refund

REQUIRMENTS The initiation of the project involves three main Pre-requisite • •

Facilitation of the Hardware Requirements Inter Network connection between the Departments

Hardware Requirements

B ank

The Hardware Requirements involves following Tasks • •

Server Requirements Terminals Requirements

The minimum Server Requirement are Dual Multi threaded High speed parallel Processing system for Data base server in Each departments. Each Processor Should be 3.2 GHZ with 4096 MB of available Ram for each server to increase the Operations speed. The Terminal or PC requirements are minimum Pentium P4 microprocessor with 512 MB of available Memory. And There Should no more than 20 PC connected to each server.

Inter-Departmental Connections Each Department Should be connected to each other via LAN to provide fastest possible communication. Within Each Departmental network there should be atleast two switches to connect each Terminal with the Server. Each server is connected through LAN to Central Server Except the Reconciliation Department which is also connected to IT department.

DESIGN The Data Objects are consist of a Central server and Departmental servers corresponding to IT ,Accounts ,Reconcilation ,Treasury. Each of these Departmental Servers is represented as seperate entity which cannot be defined by a single module but alone can be represented as integration of several objects.These Objects include the data base ,the no of application program , other special application programs and no of associated peers from the servers. Although in the analysis of no of terminals connected to the server were considered to be one but Organization can include as many terminals as they want as long as they donot cross the range of twenty, Other wise the there will be significant delays in operations because of data overloading and decrease of data speed.For practical concerns it is assumed that Organization has maximum 15 terminals per department.Therefore the cardinility has assumed to be 15 PC maximum.

Central Database Server The Central database server consist of two parts •Relational Database •Associate Application program

Relational Database The Database is a relational database use to make correspondence between objects within different data sets. The Database comprises of four data sets •IT record Data sets •Reconciliation records Data set •Accounts records Data set •Treasury records Data set

IT record Data set

Abstraction The IT record data set contains the records put forward by the IT department. The structure consist of Data table defined by a particular class IT data. The data set grows dynamically and it is basically a Hash table Where the Primary key is the Mail transfer number use to locate fields in the table. The class defines the attributes for each field and encapsulates them and access is allowed through Properties defined. The dataset also contain modules that allow to enter, remove, edit and create additional Records.

Class Diagram Attributes: Encapsulated through Properties Bank Code The bank code is in accordance with the bank that has transacted the Payment Advice to the Partners Branch Code The Branch code is referring to the Branch of the respective Bank where the Transaction of Payment to the partner has taken place. Mt no Mt no or the Partner no is a kind of a serial no allotted to the partner when his application for loan is accepted Mt Date Mt data is the date at which the Mail transfer is intended to be received at the Head Office

Mt Total There are Partner details in the Mt, the sum total of the amounts contained in the mt is known as MT Total Acc month Accounting month is the financial time period when the mt detail is entered into the database system of the organization. Recon key

The Field defines the association of the reconciled record with other records by a particular number unique for each Reconciled records. . This Recon key is later entered on the record Details at the Department servers

Recon Flag The Field specifies the active status of the Records that it is reconciled or Unreconciled. Modules: Insert Record/Delete Record The modules is use to create a new Field to store any record or Delete a Particular record or Group of records. Edit Record The following Function manipulates a record or group of records as needed. The Output of the function should be Edited record. Copy Record Copies a entire record at the specified position Copy Field Copy a Field at the specified position Edit field Edit changes in a particular fields or group of fields Select Record Selects records based on the condition specified from the Table Set format IT The Function is utilized in cases where There is a format change required in the data to be input e. g the Reconciliation software does not require all fields in the data send by IT department therefore some fields should be omitted. The output is a Edited record containing only the fields Required by data table.

Reconciliation Data set Abstraction

The Reconciliation data set contains the records put forward by the Reconciliation department. The structure consist of Data table defined by a particular class Reconciliation record. The data set grows dynamically and it is basically a Hash table Where the keys are assigned to the amount and Mail transfer no. and use to locate fields in the table. The class defines the attributes for each field and encapsulates them and access is allowed through Properties defined. The dataset also contain modules that allow to enter, remove, edit and create additional Records.

Class Diagram Attributes: Encapsulated through Properties Bank Code The bank code is in accordance with the bank that has transacted the Payment Advice to the Partners Account no. The account no specifies the bank account in which the following transaction occurs.

Branch Code The Branch Code represents the Branch that has pass the respective transaction. Ledger Mt no The Mt no that the organization has allotted to partner, is send to bank along with the payment advice. Bank note down these no and process transaction against them Transaction Date The date on which the transaction for the partners is transacted the is known as the Transaction date Amount It is the amount either received by the bank or issued loan to the partner Recon key

The Field defines the association of the reconciled record with other records by a particular number unique for each Reconciled records. This Recon key is later entered on the record Details at the Department servers.

Recon Flag The Field specifies the active status of the Records that it is reconciled or Un reconciled. Modules: Insert Record/Delete Record The modules is use to create a new Field to store any record or Delete a Particular record or Group of records. Edit Record The following Function manipulates a record or group of records as needed. The Output of the function should be Edited record. Copy Record Copies a entire record at the specified position Copy Field Copy a Field at the specified position Edit field Edit changes in a particular fields or group of fields Select Record Selects records based on the condition specified by using the fields as a key from the Table Set format Statement The Function is utilized in cases where There is a format change required in the statement data before input e. g the Reconciliation software does not require all fields in the data send by Accounts Dept and the Treasury department therefore some fields should be omitted. The output is a Edited record containing only the fields Required by data table.

Account Data set Abstraction The Account data set contain the Expenditure records put forward by the Accounts section. These Records are maintained through manual GL Maintained by the check section. The structure consist of Data table defined by a particular class Account record. The data set grows dynamically and it is basically a Hash table Where the keys are assigned to the amount and cheque no. to locate fields in the table. The class defines the attributes for each field and encapsulates them and access is allowed through Properties defined. The dataset also contain modules that allow to enter, remove, edit and create additional Records.

Class Diagram Attributes: Encapsulated through Properties Bank Code The bank code is in accordance with the bank that has transacted the Payment Advice to the Partners Account no. The account no specifies the bank account in which the following transaction occurs.

Branch Code The Branch Code represents the Branch that has pass the respective transaction. Cheque no The cheque no that the organization has allotted to partner, is send to bank along with the payment advice. Bank note down these no and process transaction against them It is also utilized in comparing records from cheque section of the Organization. Transaction Date The date on which the transaction for the partners is transacted the is known as the Transaction date Amount It is the amount either received by the bank or issued loan to the partner or particular Liabilities. Recon key

The Field defines the association of the reconciled record with other records by a particular number unique for each Reconciled records. . This Recon key is later entered on the record Details at the Department servers.

Recon Flag The Field specifies the active status of the Records that it is reconciled or Un reconciled.

Modules: Insert Record/Delete Record The modules is use to create a new Field to store any record or Delete a Particular record or Group of records. Edit Record The following Function manipulates a record or group of records as needed. The Output of the function should be Edited record. Copy Record Copies a entire record at the specified position Copy Field Copy a Field at the specified position Edit field Edit changes in a particular fields or group of fields Select Record Selects records based on the condition specified by using the fields as a key from the Table

Set format Statement The Function is utilized in cases where There is a format change required in the statement data before input e. g the Reconciliation software does not require all fields in the data send by Accounts Dept therefore some fields should be omitted. The output is a Edited record containing only the fields Required by data table.

Treasury Data set Abstraction The Treasury data set contains the reconciled records of the main records with the Gold account. These records Serve as a reference to the reconciliation of the records at zonal or district level with Main level. These records consist of figures representing the amount of money transferred from the main accounts to a Particular Zonal or District account on a given day. The structure consist of Data table defined by a particular class Account record. The data set grows dynamically and it is basically a Hash table Where the keys are assigned to the amount and cheque no. to locate fields in the table. The class defines the attributes for each field and encapsulates them and access is allowed through Properties defined. The dataset also contain modules that allow to enter, remove, edit and create additional Records.

Class Diagram Attributes: Encapsulated through Properties Bank Code The bank code is in accordance with the bank that has transacted the Payment Advice to the Partners Account no. The account no specifies the bank account in which the following transaction occurs.

Branch Code The Branch Code represents the Branch that has pass the respective transaction. Cheque no The cheque no that the organization has allotted to partner, is send to bank along with the payment advice. Bank note down these no and process transaction against them It is also utilized in comparing records from cheque section of the Organization. Transaction Date The date on which the transaction for the partners is transacted the is known as the Transaction date Amount It is the amount either received by the bank or issued loan to the partner or particular Liabilities. Recon key

The Field defines the association of the reconciled record with other records by a particular number unique for each Reconciled records. . This Recon key is later entered on the record Details at the Department servers.

Recon Flag The Field specifies the active status of the Records that it is reconciled or Un reconciled. Modules: Insert Record/Delete Record The modules is use to create a new Field to store any record or Delete a Particular record or Group of records. Edit Record The following Function manipulates a record or group of records as needed. The Output of the function should be Edited record. Copy Record Copies a entire record at the specified position Copy Field Copy a Field at the specified position Edit field Edit changes in a particular fields or group of fields

Select Record Selects records based on the condition specified by using the fields as a key from the Table Set format Statement The Function is utilized in cases where There is a format change required in the statement data before input e. g the Reconciliation software does not require all fields in the data send by Treasury Dept therefore some fields should be omitted. The output is a Edited record containing only the fields Required by data table.

Application Programs The Application programs consist of two parts •Reconciliation Software •Reports •Data Manipulation software’s

Reconciliation Software Abstraction The Reconciliation software Establish a one on one relationship between the data sets in the database. This relation ship consist of following •Corresponding one on one relation of District records with HBFC Records •Relating the records above with a Zonal accounts records. •Relating the records above with a Main accounts records. The Interface would contain three cascading Windows forms for each data sets.

Class Diagram Attributes: Encapsulated through Properties Bank Code IT/ Bank Code Recon/ Bank Code Treas. The bank code is in accordance with the bank that has transacted the Payment Advice to the Partners. Account no.Treas/ Account no.Recon. The account no specifies the bank account in which the following transaction occurs.

Branch Code IT/ Branch Code Recon/ Branch Code Treas. The Branch Code represents the Branch that has pass the respective transaction. Mt no IT/ Mt no Recon/ Mt no Treas. The cheque no that the organization has allotted to partner, is send to bank along with the payment advice. Bank note down these no and process transaction against them It is also utilized in comparing records from cheque section of the Organization. Transaction Date IT/ Transaction Date Treas/ Transaction Date Recon. The date on which the transaction for the partners is transacted the is known as the Transaction date Amount IT/ Amount Treas/ Amount recon. It is the amount either received by the bank or issued loan to the partner or particular Liabilities. Recon key IT/ Recon key Recon/ Recon key Treas.

The Field defines the association of the reconciled record with other records by a particular number unique for each Reconciled records. . This Recon key is later entered on the record Details at the Department servers.

Recon Flag IT/ Recon Treas / Recon Recon. The Field specifies the active status of the Records that it is reconciled or Un reconciled. Modules: Reconcile Record The modules is use to reconcile the three records with each other and also their details in the Departmental database. The following function use the Functions specified in each data table.

Reports The Reports Comprises of the information Relating to the Reconciliation such as •No of Reconciled Records •No of Unreconcile Records (not appearing in Main accounts)

Reconciled records Abstraction The following application takes only the range of records mentioned by the date and Accounts . The Output would consist of records which are reconciled for given range . The following can also be spooled into a text file.

Class Diagram Attributes: Encapsulated through Properties Bank Code The bank code is in accordance with the bank that has transacted the Payment Advice to the Partners. Account no. The account no specifies the bank account in which the following transaction occurs. Transaction Date range The date on which the transaction for the partners is transacted the is known as the Transaction date

Modules: Find Record Selects records based on the condition specified by using the fields as a key from the Table and only selects records on the basis of their status. Show Record The function produces a Formatted Output In a text Window Spool The Function Produces a Text version of the Output in .txt format.

Un-Reconciled records Abstraction The following application takes only the range of records mentioned by the date and Accounts . The Output would consist of records which are un-reconciled for given range . The following can also be spooled into a text file.

Class Diagram Attributes: Encapsulated through Properties Bank Code The bank code is in accordance with the bank that has transacted the Payment Advice to the Partners. Account no. The account no specifies the bank account in which the following transaction occurs. Transaction Date range The date on which the transaction for the partners is transacted the is known as the Transaction date

Modules: Find Record Selects records based on the condition specified by using the fields as a key from the Table and only selects records on the basis of their status. Show Record The function produces a Formatted Output In a text Window Spool The Function Produces a Text version of the Output in .txt format.

The Data Manipulation software Consist of applications use to manipulate data on the database such as •Data Entry application •Data Removal application •Data Editing application

Data entry Window Abstraction The Following application is a Data entry Application Design to input the data into the database. Before a particular Record is entered a range should be specified with either bank account/partner account number and bank code.

Class Diagram Attributes: Encapsulated through Properties

Bank Code The bank code is in accordance with the bank that has transacted the Payment Advice to the Partners. Account no/Partner account. The account no specifies the bank account in which the following transaction occurs. Transaction Date range Specifies a range in which transaction lies. Transaction Date The date on which the transaction for the partners is transacted the is known as the Transaction date Branch code

The number of the branch corresponding to the entry. Cheque no/MT no/Telegraphic transfer no/Balance Transfer no

Specifies the MT or Cheque or TT of a particular transaction. Amount

The Field refers to the amount of the transaction.

Modules: Find Record Selects records based on the condition specified by using the initial fields as keys from the Table and only selects records on the basis of their status. If available. Insert Records The function inputs a record in the data base

Data removel Window Abstraction The Following application is a Data removel Application Design to remove the data from the database. Before a particular Record is deleted a range should be specified with either bank account/partner account number and bank code. The application facilitates that atleast one fields is required to select the records that needs to be deleted. The Output is available in a mini window that specifies the records or groups of records through a organization.

Class Diagram Attributes: Encapsulated through Properties Bank Code The bank code is in accordance with the bank that has transacted the Payment Advice to the Partners. Account no/Partner account. The account no specifies the bank account in which the following transaction occurs. Transaction Date range Specifies a range in which transaction lies. Transaction Date The date on which the transaction for the partners is transacted the is known as the Transaction date Branch code

The number of the branch corresponding to the entry. Cheque no/MT no/Telegraphic transfer no/Balance Transfer no

Specifies the MT or Cheque or TT of a particular transaction. Amount

The Field refers to the amount of the transaction. Modules: Find Record Selects records based on the condition specified by using the initial fields as keys from the Table and only selects records on the basis of their status. If available. Delete Records The function inputs a record in the data base

Data editing Window Abstraction The Following application is a Data editing Application Design to edit the data from the database. Before a particular Record is edited a range should be specified with either bank account/partner account number and bank code. The application facilitates that atleast one fields is required to select the records that needs to be edited. The Output is available in a mini window that specifies the records or groups of records through a organization. The window also provides a interface below the output to enter the fields that should be edited . Specifying Null fields will not change the fields of the records in database.

Class Diagram Attributes: Encapsulated through Properties Bank Code The bank code is in accordance with the bank that has transacted the Payment Advice to the Partners. Account no/Partner account. The account no specifies the bank account in which the following transaction occurs. Transaction Date range Specifies a range in which transaction lies. Transaction Date The date on which the transaction for the partners is transacted the is known as the Transaction date Branch code

The number of the branch corresponding to the entry.

Cheque no/MT no/Telegraphic transfer no/Balance Transfer no

Specifies the MT or Cheque or TT of a particular transaction. Amount

The Field refers to the amount of the transaction. Modules: Find Record Selects records based on the condition specified by using the initial fields as keys from the Table and only selects records on the basis of their status. The Null Fields will be omitted from the searching options. Update Records The function updates a record or group of records on the basis of conditions specified .A Null field will not update any record.

IT Database Server The IT database server consist of two parts •IT Database •Application program

IT Data base Abstraction The IT record database contains the records entered by the data entry operator. The Validity of these Records is varified by the IT on the basis that these records are in entered in the IT data base, There is a bank memo (hard copy) of this record in the IT department and this record is not a Duplicate. However these records are frequently updated for correction once verification is done these records are Marked as Authentic records. A copy of these marked records can be sent to the central server upon request. . The structure consist of Data table defined by a particular class IT data. The data set grows dynamically and it is basically a Hash table Where the Primary key is the Mail transfer number use to locate fields in the table. The class defines the attributes for each field and encapsulates them and access is allowed through Properties defined. The dataset also contain modules that allow to enter, remove, edit and create additional Records.

Class Diagram Attributes: Encapsulated through Properties Bank Code The bank code is in accordance with the bank that has transacted the Payment Advice to the Partners Branch Code The Branch code is referring to the Branch of the respective Bank where the Transaction of Payment to the partner has taken place. Mt no Mt no or the Partner no is a kind of a serial no allotted to the partner when his application for loan is accepted Mt Date Mt data is the date at which the Mail transfer is intended to be received at the Head Office Partner account no The Field specifies the account no allocated to the customer by the Organization

Mt Total There are Partner details in the Mt, the sum total of the amounts contained in the mt is known as MT Total Acc month Accounting month is the financial time period when the mt detail is entered into the database system of the organization. Recon key

The Field defines the association of the reconciled record with other records by a particular number unique for each Reconciled records. . This Recon key is later entered on the record Details at the Department servers

Recon Flag The Field specifies the active status of the Records that it is reconciled or Unreconciled.

Central Recon key The field is marked by the Central server as the primary recon key which will represent records or set of records that are proven authentic.

Modules: Insert Record/Delete Record The modules is use to create a new Field to store any record or Delete a Particular record or Group of records. Edit Record The following Function manipulates a record or group of records as needed. The Output of the function should be Edited record. Copy Record Copies a entire record at the specified position Copy Field Copy a Field at the specified position Edit field Edit changes in a particular fields or group of fields Select Record Selects records based on the condition specified from the Table

Application Programs The Application programs consist of Two parts •Reports •Data Manuplation softwares

The Reports Comprises of the information Relating to the Entered records such as •No of Reconciled Records •No of Un Reconciled Records •No of Reversals •No of Duplicates

Reconciled records Abstraction The following application takes only the range of records mentioned by the date and Accounts . The Output would consist of records which are reconciled for given range . The following can also be spooled into a text file.

Class Diagram Attributes: Encapsulated through Properties Bank Code The bank code is in accordance with the bank that has transacted the Payment Advice to the Partners. Account no. The account no specifies the bank account in which the following transaction occurs. Transaction Date range The date on which the transaction for the partners is transacted the is known as the Transaction date

Modules: Find Record Selects records based on the condition specified by using the fields as a key from the Table and only selects records on the basis of their status. Show Record The function produces a Formatted Output In a text Window Spool The Function Produces a Text version of the Output in .txt format.

Un-Reconciled records Abstraction The following application takes only the range of records mentioned by the date and Accounts . The Output would consist of records which are un-reconciled for given range . The following can also be spooled into a text file.

Class Diagram Attributes: Encapsulated through Properties Bank Code The bank code is in accordance with the bank that has transacted the Payment Advice to the Partners. Account no. The account no specifies the bank account in which the following transaction occurs. Transaction Date range The date on which the transaction for the partners is transacted the is known as the Transaction date

Modules: Find Record Selects records based on the condition specified by using the fields as a key from the Table and only selects records on the basis of their status. Show Record The function produces a Formatted Output In a text Window

Spool The Function Produces a Text version of the Output in .txt format.

Reversal records Abstraction The following application takes only the range of records mentioned by the date and Accounts . The Output would consist of records which are reversed for given range . The following can also be spooled into a text file.

Class Diagram Attributes: Encapsulated through Properties Bank Code The bank code is in accordance with the bank that has transacted the Payment Advice to the Partners. Account no. The account no specifies the bank account in which the following transaction occurs. Transaction Date range The date on which the transaction for the partners is transacted the is known as the Transaction date

Modules: Find Record Selects records based on the condition specified by using the fields as a key from the Table and only selects records on the basis of their status. Show Record The function produces a Formatted Output In a text Window Spool The Function Produces a Text version of the Output in .txt format.

Duplicate records Abstraction The following application takes only the range of records mentioned by the date and Accounts . The Output would consist of records which are duplicate for given range . The following can also be spooled into a text file.

Class Diagram Attributes: Encapsulated through Properties Bank Code The bank code is in accordance with the bank that has transacted the Payment Advice to the Partners. Account no. The account no specifies the bank account in which the following transaction occurs. Transaction Date range The date on which the transaction for the partners is transacted the is known as the Transaction date


Find Record Selects records based on the condition specified by using the fields as a key from the Table and only selects records on the basis of their status. Show Record The function produces a Formatted Output In a text Window Spool The Function Produces a Text version of the Output in .txt format.

The Data Manuplation software Consist of applications use to manuplate data on the database such as •Data Entry application •Data Removel application •Data Editing application •Data Reversal application

Data entry Window Abstraction The Following application is a Data entry Application Design to input the data into the database. Before a particular Record is entered a range should be specified with either bank account/partner account number and bank code.

Class Diagram Attributes: Encapsulated through Properties Bank Code The bank code is in accordance with the bank that has transacted the Payment Advice to the Partners. Account no/Partner account. The account no specifies the bank account in which the following transaction occurs. Transaction Date range Specifies a range in which transaction lies. Transaction Date The date on which the transaction for the partners is transacted the is known as the Transaction date Branch code

The number of the branch corresponding to the entry. Cheque no/MT no/Telegraphic transfer no/Balance Transfer no

Specifies the MT or Cheque or TT of a particular transaction. Amount

The Field refers to the amount of the transaction.

Modules: Find Record Selects records based on the condition specified by using the initial fields as keys from the Table and only selects records on the basis of their status. If available. Insert Records The function inputs a record in the data base

Data removal Window Abstraction The Following application is a Data removel Application Design to remove the data from the database. Before a particular Record is deleted a range should be specified with either bank account/partner account number and bank code. The application facilitates that atleast one fields is required to select the records that needs to be deleted. The Output is available in a mini window that specifies the records or groups of records through a organization.

Class Diagram Attributes: Encapsulated through Properties Bank Code The bank code is in accordance with the bank that has transacted the Payment Advice to the Partners. Account no/Partner account. The account no specifies the bank account in which the following transaction occurs. Transaction Date range Specifies a range in which transaction lies. Transaction Date The date on which the transaction for the partners is transacted the is known as the Transaction date Branch code

The number of the branch corresponding to the entry. Cheque no/MT no/Telegraphic transfer no/Balance Transfer no

Specifies the MT or Cheque or TT of a particular transaction. Amount

The Field refers to the amount of the transaction.

Modules: Find Record Selects records based on the condition specified by using the initial fields as keys from the Table and only selects records on the basis of their status. If available. Delete Records The function inputs a record in the data base

Data editing Window Abstraction The Following application is a Data editing Application Design to edit the data from the database. Before a particular Record is edited a range should be specified with either bank account/partner account number and bank code. The application facilitates that atleast one fields is required to select the records that needs to be edited. The Output is available in a mini window that specifies the records or groups of records through a organization. The window also provides a interface below the output to enter the fields that should be edited . Specifying Null fields will not change the fields of the records in database.

Class Diagram

Attributes: Encapsulated through Properties Bank Code The bank code is in accordance with the bank that has transacted the Payment Advice to the Partners. Account no/Partner account. The account no specifies the bank account in which the following transaction occurs. Transaction Date range Specifies a range in which transaction lies. Transaction Date The date on which the transaction for the partners is transacted the is known as the Transaction date Branch code

The number of the branch corresponding to the entry. Cheque no/MT no/Telegraphic transfer no/Balance Transfer no

Specifies the MT or Cheque or TT of a particular transaction. Amount

The Field refers to the amount of the transaction.

Modules: Find Record Selects records based on the condition specified by using the initial fields as keys from the Table and only selects records on the basis of their status. The Null Fields will be omitted from the searching options. Update Records The function updates a record or group of records on the basis of conditions specified .A Null field will not update any record.

Data Reversal Window Abstraction The Following application is a Data reversal Application Design to mark the data reverse in the database. Before a particular Record is reversed a range should be specified with either bank account/partner account number and bank code. The application facilitates that atleast one fields is required to select the records that needs to be edited. The Output is available in a mini window that specifies the records or groups of records through a organization.

Class Diagram Attributes: Encapsulated through Properties Bank Code The bank code is in accordance with the bank that has transacted the Payment Advice to the Partners. Account no/Partner account. The account no specifies the bank account in which the following transaction occurs. Transaction Date range Specifies a range in which transaction lies. Transaction Date The date on which the transaction for the partners is transacted the is known as the Transaction date Branch code

The number of the branch corresponding to the entry. Cheque no/MT no/Telegraphic transfer no/Balance Transfer no

Specifies the MT or Cheque or TT of a particular transaction. Amount

The Field refers to the amount of the transaction.

Modules: Find Record Selects records based on the condition specified by using the initial fields as keys from the Table and only selects records on the basis of their status. The Null Fields will be omitted from the searching options. Reverse Records The function updates a record or group of records on the basis of conditions specified .A Null field will not update any record.

Accounts Database Server The Accounts database server consist of four parts •Expendeture Data sets •GL Data sets •Application program •GL Maintainance Software

Expenditure Accounts Data Sets The Accounts database contains the Expendeture records entered by the data entry operator.The Validity of these Records is varified by the Accounts Dept. on the basis that these records are in entered in the Accounts data base,There is a bank statement of this record avaliable also It is verified with the manual Records of Cheque section and this record is not a Duplicate.However these records are frequently updated for correction once varification is done these records are Marked as Authentic Liabilities.A copy of these marked records can be fed to the Central Server upon request. The structure consist of Data table defined by a particular class Account record. The data set grows dynamically and it is basically a Hash table Where the keys are assigned to the amount and cheque no. to locate fields in the table. The class defines the attributes for each field and encapsulates them and access is allowed through Properties defined. The dataset also contain modules that allow to enter, remove, edit and create additional Records.

Class Diagram Attributes: Encapsulated through Properties Bank Code The bank code is in accordance with the bank that has transacted the Payment Advice to the Partners Account no. The account no specifies the bank account in which the following transaction occurs.

Branch Code The Branch Code represents the Branch that has pass the respective transaction. Cheque no The cheque no that the organization has allotted to partner, is send to bank along with the payment advice. Bank note down these no and process transaction against them It is also utilized in comparing records from cheque section of the Organization. Transaction Date The date on which the transaction for the partners is transacted the is known as the Transaction date Amount It is the amount either received by the bank or issued loan to the partner or particular Liabilities. Recon key

The Field defines the association of the reconciled record with other records by a particular number unique for each Reconciled records. . This Recon key is later entered on the record Details at the Department servers. Primary Reconkey

The Field is marked by the Central server and number is assigned showing the association with records in central database.

Recon Flag The Field specifies the active status of the Records that it is reconciled or Un reconciled.

Modules: Insert Record/Delete Record The modules is use to create a new Field to store any record or Delete a Particular record or Group of records. Edit Record The following Function manipulates a record or group of records as needed. The Output of the function should be Edited record. Copy Record Copies a entire record at the specified position Copy Field Copy a Field at the specified position Edit field Edit changes in a particular fields or group of fields Select Record Selects records based on the condition specified by using the fields as a key from the Table

GL Data Sets The GL database Contains the reonciled Records obtained from the Central Database. These Records can be Organized to obtain JV of certain terms by using GL maintenance Software. The Data table is specified by the following Class

Class Diagram Attributes: Encapsulated through Properties Bank Code The bank code is in accordance with the bank that has transacted the Payment Advice to the Partners

Account no. The account no specifies the bank account in which the following transaction occurs.

Branch Code The Branch Code represents the Branch that has pass the respective transaction. Transaction Date The date on which the transaction for the partners is transacted the is known as the Transaction date Amount It is the amount either received by the bank or issued loan to the partner or particular Liabilities. Primary Reconkey

The Field is marked by the Central server and number is assigned showing the association with records in central database.

Modules: Insert Record/Delete Record The modules is use to create a new Field to store any record or Delete a Particular record or Group of records. Edit Record The following Function manipulates a record or group of records as needed. The Output of the function should be Edited record. Edit field Edit changes in a particular fields or group of fields Select Record Selects records based on the condition specified by using the fields as a key from the Table

Application Programs The Application programs consist of Two parts •Reports •Data Manuplation softwares

The Reports Comprises of the information Relating to the Entered records such as •No of Reconciled Records •No of Un-Reconciled Records •No of Reversals •No of Duplicates

Reconciled records Abstraction The following application takes only the range of records mentioned by the date and Accounts . The Output would consist of records which are reconciled for given range . The following can also be spooled into a text file.

Class Diagram Attributes: Encapsulated through Properties Bank Code The bank code is in accordance with the bank that has transacted the Payment Advice to the Partners.

Account no. The account no specifies the bank account in which the following transaction occurs. Transaction Date range The date on which the transaction for the partners is transacted the is known as the Transaction date

Modules: Find Record Selects records based on the condition specified by using the fields as a key from the Table and only selects records on the basis of their status. Show Record The function produces a Formatted Output In a text Window Spool The Function Produces a Text version of the Output in .txt format.

Un-Reconciled records Abstraction The following application takes only the range of records mentioned by the date and Accounts . The Output would consist of records which are un-reconciled for given range . The following can also be spooled into a text file.

Class Diagram Attributes: Encapsulated through Properties Bank Code The bank code is in accordance with the bank that has transacted the Payment Advice to the Partners. Account no. The account no specifies the bank account in which the following transaction occurs. Transaction Date range The date on which the transaction for the partners is transacted the is known as the Transaction date

Modules: Find Record Selects records based on the condition specified by using the fields as a key from the Table and only selects records on the basis of their status. Show Record The function produces a Formatted Output In a text Window Spool The Function Produces a Text version of the Output in .txt format.

Reversal records Abstraction The following application takes only the range of records mentioned by the date and Accounts . The Output would consist of records which are reversed for given range . The following can also be spooled into a text file.

Class Diagram Attributes: Encapsulated through Properties

Bank Code The bank code is in accordance with the bank that has transacted the Payment Advice to the Partners. Account no. The account no specifies the bank account in which the following transaction occurs. Transaction Date range The date on which the transaction for the partners is transacted the is known as the Transaction date

Modules: Find Record Selects records based on the condition specified by using the fields as a key from the Table and only selects records on the basis of their status. Show Record The function produces a Formatted Output In a text Window Spool The Function Produces a Text version of the Output in .txt format.

Duplicate records Abstraction The following application takes only the range of records mentioned by the date and Accounts . The Output would consist of records which are duplicate for given range . The following can also be spooled into a text file.

Class Diagram Attributes: Encapsulated through Properties Bank Code The bank code is in accordance with the bank that has transacted the Payment Advice to the Partners. Account no. The account no specifies the bank account in which the following transaction occurs. Transaction Date range The date on which the transaction for the partners is transacted the is known as the Transaction date

Modules: Find Record Selects records based on the condition specified by using the fields as a key from the Table and only selects records on the basis of their status. Show Record The function produces a Formatted Output In a text Window Spool The Function Produces a Text version of the Output in .txt format.

The Data Manuplation software Consist of applications use to manuplate data on the database such as •Data Entry application •Data Removel application •Data Editing application •Data Reversal application

Data entry Window Abstraction The Following application is a Data entry Application Design to input the data into the database. Before a particular Record is entered a range should be specified with either bank account/partner account number and bank code.

Class Diagram Attributes: Encapsulated through Properties Bank Code The bank code is in accordance with the bank that has transacted the Payment Advice to the Partners. Account no/Partner account. The account no specifies the bank account in which the following transaction occurs. Transaction Date range Specifies a range in which transaction lies. Transaction Date The date on which the transaction for the partners is transacted the is known as the Transaction date Branch code

The number of the branch corresponding to the entry. Cheque no/MT no/Telegraphic transfer no/Balance Transfer no

Specifies the MT or Cheque or TT of a particular transaction. Amount

The Field refers to the amount of the transaction.

Modules: Find Record Selects records based on the condition specified by using the initial fields as keys from the Table and only selects records on the basis of their status. If available. Insert Records The function inputs a record in the data base

Data removal Window Abstraction The Following application is a Data removel Application Design to remove the data from the database. Before a particular Record is deleted a range should be specified with either bank account/partner account number and bank code. The application facilitates that atleast one fields is required to select the records that needs to be deleted. The Output is available in a mini window that specifies the records or groups of records through a organization.

Class Diagram Attributes: Encapsulated through Properties

Bank Code The bank code is in accordance with the bank that has transacted the Payment Advice to the Partners. Account no/Partner account. The account no specifies the bank account in which the following transaction occurs. Transaction Date range Specifies a range in which transaction lies. Transaction Date The date on which the transaction for the partners is transacted the is known as the Transaction date Branch code

The number of the branch corresponding to the entry. Cheque no/MT no/Telegraphic transfer no/Balance Transfer no

Specifies the MT or Cheque or TT of a particular transaction. Amount

The Field refers to the amount of the transaction. Modules: Find Record Selects records based on the condition specified by using the initial fields as keys from the Table and only selects records on the basis of their status. If available. Delete Records The function inputs a record in the data base

Data editing Window Abstraction The Following application is a Data editing Application Design to edit the data from the database. Before a particular Record is edited a range should be specified with either bank account/partner account number and bank code. The application facilitates that atleast one fields is required to select the records that needs to be edited. The Output is available in a mini window that specifies the records or groups of records through a organization. The window also provides a interface below the output to enter the fields that should be edited . Specifying Null fields will not change the fields of the records in database.

Class Diagram Attributes: Encapsulated through Properties Bank Code The bank code is in accordance with the bank that has transacted the Payment Advice to the Partners. Account no/Partner account. The account no specifies the bank account in which the following transaction occurs. Transaction Date range Specifies a range in which transaction lies. Transaction Date The date on which the transaction for the partners is transacted the is known as the Transaction date Branch code

The number of the branch corresponding to the entry. Cheque no/MT no/Telegraphic transfer no/Balance Transfer no

Specifies the MT or Cheque or TT of a particular transaction. Amount

The Field refers to the amount of the transaction.

Modules: Find Record Selects records based on the condition specified by using the initial fields as keys from the Table and only selects records on the basis of their status. The Null Fields will be omitted from the searching options. Update Records The function updates a record or group of records on the basis of conditions specified .A Null field will not update any record.

Data Reversal Window Abstraction The Following application is a Data reversal Application Design to mark the data reverse in the database. Before a particular Record is reversed a range should be specified with either bank account/partner account number and bank code. The application facilitates that atleast one fields is required to select the records that needs to be edited. The Output is available in a mini window that specifies the records or groups of records through a organization.

Class Diagram Attributes: Encapsulated through Properties Bank Code The bank code is in accordance with the bank that has transacted the Payment Advice to the Partners. Account no/Partner account. The account no specifies the bank account in which the following transaction occurs. Transaction Date range Specifies a range in which transaction lies. Transaction Date The date on which the transaction for the partners is transacted the is known as the Transaction date Branch code

The number of the branch corresponding to the entry. Cheque no/MT no/Telegraphic transfer no/Balance Transfer no

Specifies the MT or Cheque or TT of a particular transaction. Amount

The Field refers to the amount of the transaction.


Find Record Selects records based on the condition specified by using the initial fields as keys from the Table and only selects records on the basis of their status. The Null Fields will be omitted from the searching options. Reverse Records The function updates a record or group of records on the basis of conditions specified .A Null field will not update any record.

GL maintenance Window The following software act as a supplement to the reports in the Central server. But is applicable in Accounts section server. The reason is that Central data base is a relational database and the output from the central data base is fed into GL data base where with the help of this software trem wise GL can be made ( day, month, year ) with an improved formats and once audited these reports can be used as Organization Asset records to stakeholders. The following attributes are taken as input by software.

Class Diagram Attributes: Encapsulated through Properties Bank Code The bank code is in accordance with the bank that has transacted the Payment Advice to the Partners Account no. The account no specifies the bank account in which the following transaction occurs. Transaction date Range Specifies the range of the Transaction Date to Select records

Modules: Select GL Records Selects records based on the condition specified by using the fields as a key from the Table Print Shows The Output in a uni-text format on window screen with applied format Spool Sends output in the form of an text file particularly .doc extensions

Treasury Database Server The treasury database server consist of four parts •Accounts Data base •Application program •BTV Maintainance Software

Treasury Data base The Accounts database contains the main accounts and Gold accounts records entered by the data entry operator.The Validity of these Records is varified by the Treasury Dept. on the basis that these records are in entered in the Treasury data base,There is a bank statement of this record avaliable also these records are reconciled with each other and this record is not a Duplicate. However these records are frequently updated for correction once verification is done these records are Marked as Authentic Incomes or Disbursment.A copy of these marked records can be fed to the Central Server upon request. The structure consist of two Data tables of Gold and Main accounts defined by a particular class Account record. The data set grows dynamically and it is basically a Hash table Where the keys are assigned to the amount and cheque no. to locate fields in the table. The class defines the attributes for each field and encapsulates them and access is

allowed through Properties defined. The dataset also contain modules that allow to enter, remove, edit and create additional Records.

Class Diagram Attributes: Encapsulated through Properties Bank Code Main/Gold The bank code is in accordance with the bank that has transacted the Payment Advice to the Partners Account no Main/Gold The account no specifies the bank account in which the following transaction occurs.

Branch Code (optional) The Branch Code represents the Branch that has pass the respective transaction. Cheque no (optional) The cheque no that the organization has allotted to partner, is send to bank along with the payment advice. Bank note down these no and process transaction against them It is also utilized in comparing records from cheque section of the Organization. MT no/Bal trans.accountno/Gold/Main

The Field correspond to the mail transfer no through which the bank has transferred the money. Transaction Date/Gold/Main The date on which the transaction for the partners is transacted the is known as the Transaction date Amount/Gold/Main It is the amount either received by the bank or issued loan to the partner or particular Liabilities. Recon key/Gold/Main

The Field defines the association of the reconciled record with other records by a particular number unique for each Reconciled records. . This Recon key is later entered on the record Details at the Department servers. Primary Recon Key/Gold/Main

The Field is marked by the Central server and number is assigned showing the association with records in central database.

Recon Flag/Gold/Main The Field specifies the active status of the Records that it is reconciled or Un reconciled.

Modules: Insert Record/Delete Record The modules is use to create a new Field to store any record or Delete a Particular record or Group of records. Edit Record The following Function manipulates a record or group of records as needed. The Output of the function should be Edited record. Copy Record Copies a entire record at the specified position Copy Field Copy a Field at the specified position Edit field Edit changes in a particular fields or group of fields Select Record Selects records based on the condition specified by using the fields as a key from the Table

Application Programs The Application programs consist of Two parts •Reconcilation application •Reports •Data Manuplation softwares

Reconciliation Software

Abstraction The Reconcilation software Establish a one on one relationship between the data sets in the data base.This relation ship consist of following •Corresponding one on one relation of main accounts recors with Gold account The Interface would contain two cascading Windows forms for each data sets.

Class Diagram Attributes: Encapsulated through Properties Bank Code Main/ Bank Code Gold The bank code is in accordance with the bank that has transacted the Payment Advice to the Partners. Account no.Main/ Account no.Gold. The account no specifies the bank account in which the following transaction occurs.

Branch Code (optional) The Branch Code represents the Branch that has pass the respective transaction. Balance trans account Main/Gold The cheque no that the organization has allotted to partner, is send to bank along with the payment advice. Bank note down these no and process transaction against them It is also utilized in comparing records from cheque section of the Organization. Transaction Date Main/ Transaction Date Gold The date on which the transaction for the partners is transacted the is known as the Transaction date Amount Main/ Amount Gold It is the amount either received by the bank or issued loan to the partner or particular Liabilities. Recon key Main/ Recon key Gold

The Field defines the association of the reconciled record with other records by a particular number unique for each Reconciled records. . This Recon key is later entered on the record Details at the Department servers.

Recon Flag Main/ Recon Gold The Field specifies the active status of the Records that it is reconciled or Un reconciled.

Modules: Reconcile Record The modules is use to reconcile the records with each other in the data base. The following function use the Functions specified in each data table.

Reports The Reports Comprises of the information Relating to the Entered records such as •No of Marked Records •No of UnMarked Records •No of Reversals •No of Duplicates

Reconciled records Abstraction The following application takes only the range of records mentioned by the date and Accounts . The Output would consist of records which are reconciled for given range . The following can also be spooled into a text file.

Class Diagram Attributes: Encapsulated through Properties Bank Code The bank code is in accordance with the bank that has transacted the Payment Advice to the Partners. Account no. The account no specifies the bank account in which the following transaction occurs. Transaction Date range The date on which the transaction for the partners is transacted the is known as the Transaction date

Modules: Find Record Selects records based on the condition specified by using the fields as a key from the Table and only selects records on the basis of their status. Show Record The function produces a Formatted Output In a text Window Spool The Function Produces a Text version of the Output in .txt format.

Un-Reconciled records Abstraction The following application takes only the range of records mentioned by the date and Accounts . The Output would consist of records which are un-reconciled for given range . The following can also be spooled into a text file.

Class Diagram Attributes: Encapsulated through Properties Bank Code The bank code is in accordance with the bank that has transacted the Payment Advice to the Partners.

Account no. The account no specifies the bank account in which the following transaction occurs. Transaction Date range The date on which the transaction for the partners is transacted the is known as the Transaction date

Modules: Find Record Selects records based on the condition specified by using the fields as a key from the Table and only selects records on the basis of their status. Show Record The function produces a Formatted Output In a text Window Spool The Function Produces a Text version of the Output in .txt format.

Reversal records Abstraction The following application takes only the range of records mentioned by the date and Accounts . The Output would consist of records which are reversed for given range . The following can also be spooled into a text file.

Class Diagram Attributes: Encapsulated through Properties Bank Code The bank code is in accordance with the bank that has transacted the Payment Advice to the Partners. Account no. The account no specifies the bank account in which the following transaction occurs. Transaction Date range The date on which the transaction for the partners is transacted the is known as the Transaction date

Modules: Find Record Selects records based on the condition specified by using the fields as a key from the Table and only selects records on the basis of their status. Show Record The function produces a Formatted Output In a text Window Spool The Function Produces a Text version of the Output in .txt format.

Duplicate records Abstraction The following application takes only the range of records mentioned by the date and Accounts . The Output would consist of records which are duplicate for given range . The following can also be spooled into a text file.

Class Diagram Attributes: Encapsulated through Properties

Bank Code The bank code is in accordance with the bank that has transacted the Payment Advice to the Partners. Account no. The account no specifies the bank account in which the following transaction occurs. Transaction Date range The date on which the transaction for the partners is transacted the is known as the Transaction date

Modules: Find Record Selects records based on the condition specified by using the fields as a key from the Table and only selects records on the basis of their status. Show Record The function produces a Formatted Output In a text Window Spool The Function Produces a Text version of the Output in .txt format. The Data Manuplation software Consist of applications use to manuplate data on the database such as •Data Entry application •Data Removel application •Data Editing application •Data Reversal application

Data entry Window Abstraction The Following application is a Data entry Application Design to input the data into the database. Before a particular Record is entered a range should be specified with either bank account/partner account number and bank code.

Class Diagram Attributes: Encapsulated through Properties Bank Code The bank code is in accordance with the bank that has transacted the Payment Advice to the Partners. Account no/Partner account. The account no specifies the bank account in which the following transaction occurs. Transaction Date range Specifies a range in which transaction lies. Transaction Date The date on which the transaction for the partners is transacted the is known as the Transaction date Branch code

The number of the branch corresponding to the entry. Cheque no/MT no/Telegraphic transfer no/Balance Transfer no

Specifies the MT or Cheque or TT of a particular transaction. Amount

The Field refers to the amount of the transaction.


Find Record Selects records based on the condition specified by using the initial fields as keys from the Table and only selects records on the basis of their status. If available. Insert Records The function inputs a record in the data base

Data removal Window Abstraction The Following application is a Data removel Application Design to remove the data from the database. Before a particular Record is deleted a range should be specified with either bank account/partner account number and bank code. The application facilitates that atleast one fields is required to select the records that needs to be deleted. The Output is available in a mini window that specifies the records or groups of records through a organization.

Class Diagram Attributes: Encapsulated through Properties Bank Code The bank code is in accordance with the bank that has transacted the Payment Advice to the Partners. Account no/Partner account. The account no specifies the bank account in which the following transaction occurs. Transaction Date range Specifies a range in which transaction lies. Transaction Date The date on which the transaction for the partners is transacted the is known as the Transaction date Branch code

The number of the branch corresponding to the entry. Cheque no/MT no/Telegraphic transfer no/Balance Transfer no

Specifies the MT or Cheque or TT of a particular transaction. Amount

The Field refers to the amount of the transaction.

Modules: Find Record Selects records based on the condition specified by using the initial fields as keys from the Table and only selects records on the basis of their status. If available. Delete Records The function inputs a record in the data base

Data editing Window

Abstraction The Following application is a Data editing Application Design to edit the data from the database. Before a particular Record is edited a range should be specified with either bank account/partner account number and bank code. The application facilitates that atleast one fields is required to select the records that needs to be edited. The Output is available in a mini window that specifies the records or groups of records through a organization. The window also provides a interface below the output to enter the fields that should be edited . Specifying Null fields will not change the fields of the records in database.

Class Diagram Attributes: Encapsulated through Properties Bank Code The bank code is in accordance with the bank that has transacted the Payment Advice to the Partners. Account no/Partner account. The account no specifies the bank account in which the following transaction occurs. Transaction Date range Specifies a range in which transaction lies. Transaction Date The date on which the transaction for the partners is transacted the is known as the Transaction date Branch code

The number of the branch corresponding to the entry. Cheque no/MT no/Telegraphic transfer no/Balance Transfer no

Specifies the MT or Cheque or TT of a particular transaction. Amount

The Field refers to the amount of the transaction.

Modules: Find Record Selects records based on the condition specified by using the initial fields as keys from the Table and only selects records on the basis of their status. The Null Fields will be omitted from the searching options. Update Records The function updates a record or group of records on the basis of conditions specified .A Null field will not update any record.

Data Reversal Window Abstraction The Following application is a Data reversal Application Design to mark the data reverse in the database. Before a particular Record is reversed a range should be specified with either bank account/partner account number and bank code. The application facilitates that atleast one fields is required to select the records that needs to be edited. The Output is available in a mini window that specifies the records or groups of records through a organization.

Class Diagram Attributes: Encapsulated through Properties

Bank Code The bank code is in accordance with the bank that has transacted the Payment Advice to the Partners. Account no/Partner account. The account no specifies the bank account in which the following transaction occurs. Transaction Date range Specifies a range in which transaction lies. Transaction Date The date on which the transaction for the partners is transacted the is known as the Transaction date Branch code

The number of the branch corresponding to the entry. Cheque no/MT no/Telegraphic transfer no/Balance Transfer no

Specifies the MT or Cheque or TT of a particular transaction. Amount

The Field refers to the amount of the transaction.

Modules: Find Record Selects records based on the condition specified by using the initial fields as keys from the Table and only selects records on the basis of their status. The Null Fields will be omitted from the searching options. Reverse Records The function updates a record or group of records on the basis of conditions specified .A Null field will not update any record.

BTV maintanance Software The following software act as a suppliment to the reports in the Accounts data sets.But is avaliable in Treasury section .The reason is that Department maintains its own recordsand these records are considered to be more authentic than any records because these records are made feom reconcilation between two statements and of same branch.The BTV is generated on the trem wise basis and usually represents the income or disbursment made by the Organization. The following attributes are taken as input by software.

Class Diagram Attributes: Encapsulated through Properties Bank Code The bank code is in accordance with the bank that has transacted the Payment Advice to the Partners Account no. The account no specifies the bank account in which the following transaction occurs. Transaction date Range Specifies the range of the Transaction Date to Select records

Modules: Select BTV Records Selects records based on the condition specified by using the fields as a key from the Table Print Shows The Output in a uni-text format on window screen with applied format Spool Sends output in the form of an text file particularly .doc extensions

Reconciliation Dept. Database Server The reconcilation dept. database server consist of four parts •Reconcilation Data base •Reports •Application program

Reconciliation data base

Abstraction The Reconcilation Data base contains data sets of Zonal and District accounts entered by the data entry operators.There is also a seperate Data set avaliable to store IT department records which can be later used in the Reconcilation process.The validity of these is base on the fact that there is statement avaliable for the entered record and the records are reconciled with the records of the IT department.Once verified these records are marked reconciled and then keep in the Data base until request upon by the Central server. There is also a process of Reconciling Zonal Accounts with the District accounts but it is separate than IT Statement Reconcilation and mostly carried out for Disbursments.The structure consist of Data table defined by a particular class Reconciliation record. The data set grows dynamically and it is basically a Hash table Where the keys are assigned to the amount and Mail transfer no. and use to locate fields in the table. The class defines the attributes for each field and encapsulates them and access is allowed through Properties defined. The dataset also contain modules that allow to enter, remove, edit and create additional Records.

Class Diagram Attributes: Encapsulated through Properties Bank Code(IT/Zone/district) The bank code is in accordance with the bank that has transacted the Payment Advice to the Partners Account no. (IT/Zone/district) The account no specifies the bank account in which the following transaction occurs.

Branch Code (IT/Zone/district) The Branch Code represents the Branch that has pass the respective transaction. Ledger Mt no (IT/Zone/district)

The Mt no that the organization has allotted to partner, is send to bank along with the payment advice. Bank note down these no and process transaction against them Cheque no (IT/Zone/district) The Field correspond to the cheque no of particular amount issued or received. Transaction Date (IT/Zone/district) The date on which the transaction for the partners is transacted the is known as the Transaction date Amount (IT/Zone/district) It is the amount either received by the bank or issued loan to the partner Recon key (IT/Zone/district)

The Field defines the association of the reconciled record with other records by a particular number unique for each Reconciled records. This Recon key is later entered on the record Details at the Department servers.

Recon Flag (IT/Zone/district) The Field specifies the active status of the Records that it is reconciled or Un reconciled. Modules: Insert Record/Delete Record (IT/Zone/district) The modules is use to create a new Field to store any record or Delete a Particular record or Group of records. Edit Record (IT/Zone/district) The following Function manipulates a record or group of records as needed. The Output of the function should be Edited record. Copy Record (IT/Zone/district) Copies a entire record at the specified position Copy Field (IT/Zone/district) Copy a Field at the specified position Edit field (IT/Zone/district) Edit changes in a particular fields or group of fields Select Record (IT/Zone/district) Selects records based on the condition specified by using the fields as a key from the Table

Application Programs The Application programs consist of Two parts •Reconcilation application •Reports •Data Manuplation softwares

Reconciliation Software Abstraction The Reconcilation software Establish a one on one relationship between the data sets in the data base.This relation ship consist of following •Corresponding one on one relation of District records with HBFC Records •Relating the records above with a Zonal accounts records. The Interface would contain two cascading Windows forms for each data sets.

Class Diagram Attributes: Encapsulated through Properties Bank Code (IT/Zone/district) The bank code is in accordance with the bank that has transacted the Payment Advice to the Partners. Account no. (IT/Zone/district) The account no specifies the bank account in which the following transaction occurs.

Branch Code (IT/Zone/district) The Branch Code represents the Branch that has pass the respective transaction. MT no. (IT/Zone/district) The cheque no that the organization has allotted to partner, is send to bank along with the payment advice. Bank note down these no and process transaction against them It is also utilized in comparing records from cheque section of the Organization.

Transaction Date (IT/Zone/district) The date on which the transaction for the partners is transacted the is known as the Transaction date Amount Main (IT/Zone/district) It is the amount either received by the bank or issued loan to the partner or particular Liabilities. Recon key (IT/Zone/district)

The Field defines the association of the reconciled record with other records by a particular number unique for each Reconciled records. . This Recon key is later entered on the record Details at the Department servers.

Recon Flag (IT/Zone/district) The Field specifies the active status of the Records that it is reconciled or Un reconciled.

Modules: Reconcile Record The modules is use to reconcile the records with each other in Database . The following function use the Functions specified in each data table. The Reports Comprises of the information Relating to the Entered records such as •No of Marked Records •No of UnMarked Records •No of Reversals •No of Duplicates

Reconciled records Abstraction The following application takes only the range of records mentioned by the date and Accounts . The Output would consist of records which are reconciled for given range . The following can also be spooled into a text file.

Class Diagram Attributes: Encapsulated through Properties Bank Code The bank code is in accordance with the bank that has transacted the Payment Advice to the Partners. Account no. The account no specifies the bank account in which the following transaction occurs. Transaction Date range The date on which the transaction for the partners is transacted the is known as the Transaction date

Modules: Find Record Selects records based on the condition specified by using the fields as a key from the Table and only selects records on the basis of their status. Show Record The function produces a Formatted Output In a text Window Spool The Function Produces a Text version of the Output in .txt format.

Un-Reconciled records Abstraction The following application takes only the range of records mentioned by the date and Accounts . The Output would consist of records which are un-reconciled for given range . The following can also be spooled into a text file.

Class Diagram Attributes: Encapsulated through Properties Bank Code The bank code is in accordance with the bank that has transacted the Payment Advice to the Partners. Account no. The account no specifies the bank account in which the following transaction occurs. Transaction Date range The date on which the transaction for the partners is transacted the is known as the Transaction date

Modules: Find Record Selects records based on the condition specified by using the fields as a key from the Table and only selects records on the basis of their status. Show Record The function produces a Formatted Output In a text Window Spool The Function Produces a Text version of the Output in .txt format.

Reversal records Abstraction The following application takes only the range of records mentioned by the date and Accounts . The Output would consist of records which are reversed for given range . The following can also be spooled into a text file.

Class Diagram Attributes: Encapsulated through Properties Bank Code The bank code is in accordance with the bank that has transacted the Payment Advice to the Partners. Account no. The account no specifies the bank account in which the following transaction occurs. Transaction Date range The date on which the transaction for the partners is transacted the is known as the Transaction date

Modules: Find Record Selects records based on the condition specified by using the fields as a key from the Table and only selects records on the basis of their status.

Show Record The function produces a Formatted Output In a text Window Spool The Function Produces a Text version of the Output in .txt format.

Duplicate records Abstraction The following application takes only the range of records mentioned by the date and Accounts . The Output would consist of records which are duplicate for given range . The following can also be spooled into a text file.

Class Diagram Attributes: Encapsulated through Properties Bank Code The bank code is in accordance with the bank that has transacted the Payment Advice to the Partners. Account no. The account no specifies the bank account in which the following transaction occurs. Transaction Date range The date on which the transaction for the partners is transacted the is known as the Transaction date

Modules: Find Record Selects records based on the condition specified by using the fields as a key from the Table and only selects records on the basis of their status. Show Record The function produces a Formatted Output In a text Window Spool The Function Produces a Text version of the Output in .txt format. The Data Manuplation software Consist of applications use to manuplate data on the database such as •Data Entry application •Data Removel application •Data Editing application •Data Reversal application

Data entry Window Abstraction The Following application is a Data entry Application Design to input the data into the database. Before a particular Record is entered a range should be specified with either bank account/partner account number and bank code.

Class Diagram Attributes: Encapsulated through Properties Bank Code The bank code is in accordance with the bank that has transacted the Payment Advice to the Partners. Account no/Partner account. The account no specifies the bank account in which the following transaction occurs.

Transaction Date range Specifies a range in which transaction lies. Transaction Date The date on which the transaction for the partners is transacted the is known as the Transaction date Branch code

The number of the branch corresponding to the entry. Cheque no/MT no/Telegraphic transfer no/Balance Transfer no

Specifies the MT or Cheque or TT of a particular transaction. Amount

The Field refers to the amount of the transaction.

Modules: Find Record Selects records based on the condition specified by using the initial fields as keys from the Table and only selects records on the basis of their status. If available. Insert Records The function inputs a record in the data base

Data removal Window Abstraction The Following application is a Data removel Application Design to remove the data from the database. Before a particular Record is deleted a range should be specified with either bank account/partner account number and bank code. The application facilitates that atleast one fields is required to select the records that needs to be deleted. The Output is available in a mini window that specifies the records or groups of records through a organization.

Class Diagram Attributes: Encapsulated through Properties Bank Code The bank code is in accordance with the bank that has transacted the Payment Advice to the Partners. Account no/Partner account. The account no specifies the bank account in which the following transaction occurs. Transaction Date range Specifies a range in which transaction lies. Transaction Date The date on which the transaction for the partners is transacted the is known as the Transaction date Branch code

The number of the branch corresponding to the entry. Cheque no/MT no/Telegraphic transfer no/Balance Transfer no

Specifies the MT or Cheque or TT of a particular transaction. Amount

The Field refers to the amount of the transaction.

Modules: Find Record Selects records based on the condition specified by using the initial fields as keys from the Table and only selects records on the basis of their status. If available. Delete Records The function inputs a record in the data base

Data editing Window Abstraction The Following application is a Data editing Application Design to edit the data from the database. Before a particular Record is edited a range should be specified with either bank account/partner account number and bank code. The application facilitates that atleast one fields is required to select the records that needs to be edited. The Output is available in a mini window that specifies the records or groups of records through a organization. The window also provides a interface below the output to enter the fields that should be edited . Specifying Null fields will not change the fields of the records in database.

Class Diagram Attributes: Encapsulated through Properties Bank Code The bank code is in accordance with the bank that has transacted the Payment Advice to the Partners. Account no/Partner account. The account no specifies the bank account in which the following transaction occurs. Transaction Date range Specifies a range in which transaction lies. Transaction Date The date on which the transaction for the partners is transacted the is known as the Transaction date Branch code

The number of the branch corresponding to the entry. Cheque no/MT no/Telegraphic transfer no/Balance Transfer no

Specifies the MT or Cheque or TT of a particular transaction. Amount

The Field refers to the amount of the transaction. Modules: Find Record Selects records based on the condition specified by using the initial fields as keys from the Table and only selects records on the basis of their status. The Null Fields will be omitted from the searching options. Update Records The function updates a record or group of records on the basis of conditions specified .A Null field will not update any record.

Data Reversal Window Abstraction

The Following application is a Data reversal Application Design to mark the data reverse in the database. Before a particular Record is reversed a range should be specified with either bank account/partner account number and bank code. The application facilitates that atleast one fields is required to select the records that needs to be edited. The Output is available in a mini window that specifies the records or groups of records through a organization.

Class Diagram Attributes: Encapsulated through Properties Bank Code The bank code is in accordance with the bank that has transacted the Payment Advice to the Partners. Account no/Partner account. The account no specifies the bank account in which the following transaction occurs. Transaction Date range Specifies a range in which transaction lies. Transaction Date The date on which the transaction for the partners is transacted the is known as the Transaction date Branch code

The number of the branch corresponding to the entry. Cheque no/MT no/Telegraphic transfer no/Balance Transfer no

Specifies the MT or Cheque or TT of a particular transaction. Amount

The Field refers to the amount of the transaction. Modules: Find Record Selects records based on the condition specified by using the initial fields as keys from the Table and only selects records on the basis of their status. The Null Fields will be omitted from the searching options. Reverse Records The function updates a record or group of records on the basis of conditions specified .A Null field will not update any record. This Concludes the design patterns for each Entity in the Project . These Design patterns are used to make a successful project fulfilling the corporation requirement and their needs. There is so minimum complexity that Organization can manage and update the system on its own as needed.

DATA OBJECTS The Data Objects are consist of a Central server and Departmental servers corresponding to IT, Accounts ,Reconcilation, Treasury.Each of these Objects can served as a entity whose components can be described as seperate Objects and by Classes.Whereas each class comprises of several modules who's integration led to the development of that object.Similarly the integration of classes defines each entity.The no of terminals attached to the server are considered to be one for simplication but they can be as large as twenty but donot exceed it otherwise it would result in significant delays in data processing or even it could hang the server.

Central Database Server The Central database server consist of two parts •Database •Application program

Data base The Database consist of four data sets •IT record Data set •Reconcilation Data set •Accounts Data set •Treasury Data set

IT record Data set The IT record data set contains the records put forward by the IT department.The Validity of these Records is varified by the IT on the basis that these records are in entered in the IT data base.There is a bank memo (hard copy) of this record in the IT department and this record is not a Duplicate.

Reconcilation Data set The Reconcilation data set contains the records put forward by the Reconcilation department.The Validity of these Records is varified by the Reconcilation deptt. on the basis that these records are in the bank statement and entered in the Reconcilation deptt. data base also these records are reconciled with the IT records which means IT also have aentry corresponding to that Record in Statement.

Account Data set The Account data set contain the Expendature records put forward by the Accounts section.These Records are maintained through maual GL Maintained by the check section.The Validity of these records are such that these records are reconciled with the statments avaliable from the bank.

Treasury Data set The Treasury data set contains the reconciled records of the main records with the Gold account.These records Serve as a reference to the reconcilation of the records at zonal or district level with Main level.These records consist of figures representing the amount of money transfered from the main accounts to a Particular Zonal or District account on a given day.

Application Programs

The Application programs consist of Two parts •Reconcilation Software •Reports •Data Manuplation softwares The Reconcilation software Establish a one on one relationship between the data sets in the data base.This relation ship consist of following •Corresponding one on one relation of District records with HBFC Records •Relating the records above with a Zonal accounts records. •Relating the records above with a Main acounts records. The Reports Comprises of the information Relating to the Reconcilation such as •No of Reconciled Records •No of Unreconciled Records(not appering in Main accounts) The Data Manuplation software Consist of applications use to manuplate data on the database such as •Data Entry application •Data Removel application •Data Editing application

IT Database Server The IT database server consist of two parts •IT Database •Application program

IT Data base The IT record database contains the records entered by the data entry operator.The Validity of these Records is varified by the IT on the basis that these records are in entered in the IT data base,There is a bank memo (hard copy) of this record in the IT department and this record is not a Duplicate.However these records are frequently updated for correction once varification is done these records are Marked as Authentic records.A copy of these marked records can be sent to the central server upon request.

Application Programs The Application programs consist of Two parts •Reports •Data Manuplation softwares The Reports Comprises of the information Relating to the Entered records such as •No of Marked Records •No of UnMarked Records •No of Reversals •No of Duplicates The Data Manuplation software Consist of applications use to manuplate data on the database such as •Data Entry application •Data Removel application •Data Editing application •Data Reversal application

Accounts Database Server The Accounts database server consist of four parts •Expendeture Data sets •GL Data sets •Application program •GL Maintainance Software

Accounts Data Sets The Accounts database contains the Expendeture records entered by the data entry operator.The Validity of these Records is varified by the Accounts Dept. on the basis that these records are in entered in the Accounts data base,There is a bank statement of this record avaliable also It is verified with the manual Records of Cheque section and this record is not a Duplicate.However these records are frequently updated for correction once varification is done these records are Marked as Authentic Liabilities.A copy of these marked records can be fed to the Central Server upon request.

GL Data Sets

The GL database Contains the reonciled Records obtained from the Central Database.These Records can be Organized to obtain JV of certain terms by usinf GL maintanance Software.

Application Programs The Application programs consist of Two parts •Reports •Data Manuplation softwares The Reports Comprises of the information Relating to the Entered records such as •No of Marked Records •No of UnMarked Records •No of Reversals •No of Duplicates The Data Manuplation software Consist of applications use to manuplate data on the database such as •Data Entry application •Data Removel application •Data Editing application •Data Reversal application GL maintanance Software The following software act as a suppliment to the reports in the Central server.But is applicable in Accounts section server.The reason is that Central data base is a relational database and the output from the central data base is fed into GL data base where with the help of this software trem wise GL can be made ( day,month,year ) with an improved formats and once audited these reports can be used as Organization Asset records to stakeholders.

Treasury Database Server The treasury database server consist of four parts •Accounts Data base •Application program •BTV Maintainance Software

Accounts Data base The Accounts database contains data sets of the main accounts and Gold accounts records entered by the data entry operator.The Validity of these Records is varified by the Treasury Dept. on the basis that these records are in entered in the Treasury data base,There is a bank statement of this record avaliable also these records are reconciled with eah other and this record is not a Duplicate.However these records are frequently updated for correction once varification is done these records are Marked as Authentic Incomes or Disbursment.A copy of these marked records can be fed to the Central Server upon request.

Application Programs The Application programs consist of Two parts •Reconcilation application •Reports •Data Manuplation softwares The Reconcilation software Establish a one on one relationship between the data sets in the data base.This relation ship consist of following •Corresponding one on one relation of main accounts recors with Gold account The Reports Comprises of the information Relating to the Entered records such as •No of Marked Records •No of UnMarked Records •No of Reversals •No of Duplicates The Data Manuplation software Consist of applications use to manuplate data on the database such as •Data Entry application •Data Removel application •Data Editing application •Data Reversal application BTV maintanance Software The following software act as a suppliment to the reports in the Accounts data sets.But is avaliable in Treasury section .The reason is that Department maintains its own recordsand these records are considered to be more authentic than any records because these records are made feom reconcilation between two statements and of same branch.The BTV is generated on the trem wise basis and usually represents the income or disbursment made by the Organization.

Reconcilation Dept. Database Server

The reconcilation dept. database server consist of four parts •Reconcilation Data base •Reports •Application program

Reconcilation data base The Reconcilation Data base contains data of Zonal and District accounts entered by the data entry operators.There is also a seperate Dataset avaliable to store IT department records which can be later used in the Reconcilation process.The validity of these is base on the fact that there is statement avaliable for the entered record and the records are reconciled with the records of the IT department.Once varified these records are marked reconciled and then keep in the Data base until request upon by the Central server.

Application Programs The Application programs consist of Two parts •Reconcilation application •Reports •Data Manuplation softwares The Reconcilation software Establish a one on one relationship between the data sets in the data base.This relation ship consist of following •Corresponding one on one relation of District records with HBFC Records •Relating the records above with a Zonal accounts records. The Reports Comprises of the information Relating to the Entered records such as •No of Marked Records •No of UnMarked Records •No of Reversals •No of Duplicates The Data Manuplation software Consist of applications use to manuplate data on the database such as •Data Entry application •Data Removal application •Data Editing application •Data Reversal application

Costing of the Project: Project




Documentation Error




















3, 700







LOC build on F.P in various Programming Languages: Programming Domain Language Value Assembly EIS,EOS,EQS, ILFs,EIFs. C++ EIS,EOS,EQS, ILFs,EIFs. C EIS,EOS,EQS, ILFs,EIFs. C# EIS,EOS,EQS, ILFs,EIFs.































Problem based Estimation Formula: S = (Sopt+4Sm+Spess)/6 S for Assemble language = (10000+4*9500+11000) =9833.333 S for C++ = (7500+4*6600+9000)/6 = 18400 S for C = (8700+4*7500+9500)/6 = 8033.333 S for C# = (6000+4*5500+7000)/6 = 5833.333

Functional Point (FP): FP = Count Total * [0.65+0.01*∑ (Fi)] FP of Assembly = 38500* (0.65+.01*46) = 17710 FP of C++ = 29600* (0.65+.01*46) = 13616 FP of C = 32700 * (0.65+.01*46) = 15042 FP of C# = 22900 * (0.65+.01*46) = 10534

Costing through COCOMOII: DATA: 2 difficult– complexity reports 3GL modules OBJECT POINT: Complexity for Reports is difficult therefore it will be 8: Complexity for 3GL Tools (Third Generation Language Tools) Is difficult therefore it will be 10: 8*2+10*4 =120 Object Points.

NEW OBJECT POINTS: Compute the new Object Points to be developed: NOP = (Object Points) (100 -%reuse)/100 NOP = (120) (100-25%)/100 We expect 25% reuse: NOP = 90 Expected Productivity Rate is “Nominal”:

PROD = 13

Estimated Project Effort: PM = NOP/PROD PM = 90/13 =6.92 PM Effort= 7 PM



Size estimate may be significantly low Larger number of users than planned Less reused than planned End-users resist system Delivery deadline will be lightened Funding will be lost Customer will be lost Technology will not meet expectations Lack of training on tools Staff inexperienced Staff turnover will be high



60% 30% 70% 40% 50% 40% 80% 30% 80% 30% 60%

2 3 2 3 2 1 2 1 3 2 2



Prob: 80%

Impact: High

Description: Only 70% of the software components scheduled for reuse will, in fact, be integrated into the application. The remaining functionality will have to be custom developed. Refinement/Context: Subcondition 1: Certain reusable components were developed by a third party with no knowledge of internal design standards. Subcondition 2: The design standard for component interfaces has not been solidified and may not conform to certain existing reusable components. Subcondition 3: Certain re useable components have been implemented in a language that is not supported on the target environment.

Mitigation/Monitoring: 1. Contact third party to determine conformance with design standards. 2. Press for interface standards completion; consider component structure when deciding on interface protocol. 3. Check to determine number of components in subcondition 3 category ;check to determine if language support can be acquired. Management/Contingency plan/Trigger: Re computed to be $20,200.Allocate this amount within project contingency cost. Develop revised schedule assuming that 18 additional components will have to be Custom built;allocat staff accordingly. Trigger: Migration steps unproductive as of 7/1/04 Current status: 5/12/04: Migration steps initiated. Originator: Mohd.Umer

Assigned: Syed Arbab



Prob: 60%

Impact: Critical

Description: Size estimate may be significantly low Refinement/Context: Subcondition 1: Initial estimates may be based upon insufficient information Subcondition 2: Customer requirements might change Mitigation/Monitoring: 4. Contact third party to determine conformance with design standards. 5. Press for interface standards completion; consider component structure when deciding on interface protocol. 6. Before final estimation company future requirements should be considered. Management/Contingency plan/Trigger: Re computed to be $10,200.Allocate this amount within project contingency cost. Develop revised schedule assuming that 18 additional components will have to be Custom built;allocat staff accordingly. Trigger: Migration steps unproductive as of 7/1/04 Current status: 6/12/04: Migration steps initiated. Originator: Mohd.Umer

Assigned: Syed Arbab



Description: Larger number of users than planned

Prob: 30%

Impact: Marginal

Refinement/Context: Subcondition 1: Initial estimates might be wrong about future requirements. Subcondition 2: In case of expansion of the department. Subcondition 3: Company initial requirements might chnge. Mitigation/Monitoring: 6. Contact third party to determine conformance with design standards. 7. Press for interface standards completion; consider component structure when deciding on interface protocol. Management/Contingency plan/Trigger: Re computed to be $5000..Allocate this amount within project contingency cost. Develop revised schedule assuming that 18 additional components will have to be Custom built;allocat staff accordingly. Trigger: Migration steps unproductive as of 7/1/04 Current status: 7/12/04: Migration steps initiated. Originator: Mohd.Umer

Assigned: Syed Arbab

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