Fs For Gr Ir Automatic Clearing.docx

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  • April 2020
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  • Words: 1,101
  • Pages: 10
Project AS IS Documentation Process ID (PID-01.00)

Modified On: 29-Mar-19

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Modified By -Hridya

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AS IS Document


Hridya Lal Prasad

Team Status

Draft Version



Document Review & Sign-off

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HOD Section Head

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Modified On: 29-Mar-19

Page No. - 2

Modified By -Hridya

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Modified On: 29-Mar-19

Page No. - 3

Modified By -Hridya

Table ofContents 1. 2.

Document Overview ...................................................................................................................5 Process Details – .......................................................................................................................5 2.1 Process of Online Contract Tool .................................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. 2.1.1 Business Process Description ................................................................................................ 5 2.1.2

Process Swimlane.................................................................................................................. 6


Process Statistics/Business Volume ...................................................................................... 6


SAP Transactions Used In Process......................................................................................... 7


Pain/Problem Area Identified In Process .............................................................................. 7


Areas Of Improvements ........................................................................................................ 8


RICEFW Used In Process........................................................................................................ 9


Roles & Responsibilities ........................................................................................................ 9


Forms & Reports .........................................................................................................................9 3.1 Reports Used ...................................................................................................................................... 10 3.2 Forms Used ........................................................................................................................................ 10 4. Additional Supporting/Reference Documentation ..................................................................... 10

Modified On: 29-Mar-19

Page No. - 4

Modified By -Hridya

1. Document Overview Purpose of this document to understand the GR/IR auto clearing procedure in SAP system and business impact as per compliance.

2. Process Details – Policies This process aims to identify & cover the Goods receipt and Invoice receipt automatic clearing process in which transaction happen at the time of GR and IR processing as per company requirements and following the proper process.

2.1.1 Business Process Description Postings are made to the goods receipt/invoice receipt (GR/IR) clearing account or to GR/IR accounts whenever goods are delivered and invoice receipts are captured with a material reference. Postings relating to the same purchase order and purchase order item are updated but not cleared automatically. The main Purpose is to clear the clearing accounts or the Offset accounts affected during the Goods receipt posting and invoice posting (Procurement process). GR/IR is used in two broad cases, one where the Invoice is paid but the goods are yet to be delivered and the other where goods are already delivered but the invoice is yet to be paid. Clearing or the offset accounts here are Purchase in transit GL account and Unbilled Payable GL account. If the Invoice is paid and Goods are yet to be delivered the amount is debited in the Purchase in Transit account. Secondly if the Goods are delivered and the Invoice is yet to come then the amount is credited in the Unbilled Payable Account. This Offset GL accounts also helps in keeping the track of the goods which are not delivered and goods for which invoices are not yet received. We perform a GR/IR run in order to nullify both these offset accounts i.e. Credit the Purchase in Transit account and Debit the Unbilled Payable account. Ideally the Offset accounts should account to zero at the end of the year signifying that all the goods have been received and all the corresponding invoices have been paid.

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Modified By -Hridya

2.1.2 Process Swimlane: This section aims at capturing the swim lane diagram of the process being described

2.1.3 Process Statistics/Business Volume  Automatic clearing posting of GR/IR account.  Ensure all GR/IR open items are posted.  Avoid the manual selection and manual posting for GR/IR

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Modified By -Hridya

2.1.4 SAP Transactions Used In Process: Following below transaction used in STO process in intra company code transaction

S No.

Sap Transaction Code

Transaction Description

1 2


Goods Receipt Invoice Receipt



Manual Clearing of GR/IR

2.1.5 Pain/Problem Area Identified in Process End of the every month GR/IR line items are opened in large number at each plant level for much end the month it has to be cleared in the system. To do this activity users process this activity selecting each line item which consume large amount of time and also there is chances of clerical errors. For Example Goods receipt: Debit Material, Credit Unbilled Payable EUR 500 (10 ea.) Invoice receipt: Debit Purchase in Transit, Credit Payable EUR 500 (10 ea.) GR/IR clearing: Debit Unbilled Payable EUR 500 (10 ea.) Credit Purchase in Transit EUR 500 (10 ea.) In summary, Above Postings can be seen in the below table Document Goods Receipt Invoice GR/IR Result

Modified On: 29-Mar-19

Debit Material Purchase in Transit Unbilled Payables Material

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Credit Unbilled Payables Payables Purchase in Transit Payables

Modified By -Hridya

Requirement: Need to schedule the auto GR/IR posting in every 12 houses or in mid night to cleared the GR/IR document posting Main Table



Company Code Document date Posting Date

Structure Table



Company Code

Structure Table





Purchase Order Number



Posting Date in the Document Business Area

Structure Table

Source: https://blogs.sap.com/2016/04/04/grir-clearing-run/

2.1.6 Areas of Improvements This section aims at covering the desired areas of improvements in terms of alerts and checkpoints along with the reason for the same. The desired interfaces should also be listed here Area Of Improvement Automatic program to run clearing

Modified On: 29-Mar-19

Reason for the same Avoid the manual work and error

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Modified By -Hridya

2.1.7 RICEFW Used in Process This section aims at capturing the RICEFW objects which are being used to in the end to end process R-Reports, I-Interfaces, C-Conversion, E-Enhancements, F-Forms, W-Workflow

S No.


T Code

T Code Description


Frequen cy Of Use

2.1.8 Roles & Responsibilities This section aims at capturing the roles which are used to perform each transaction in the process flow. Some examples have been listed below: Responsibility HOD Section Head

Key Activity To ensure 100% Risk coverage at optimum insurance cost. To ensure 100% Risk coverage at optimum insurance cost.

3. Forms& Reports This section aims capturing the form and report formats which are being used in day to day process. Some examples have been listed below in which Formats are being used while asking information for renewal of Fire Policies.

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Modified By -Hridya


Reports Used This section aims at listing down the reports which are used daily/monthly and their subsequent formats.

S No.

SAP Standard/Customized/Manual

T Code


Frequency Of Use

Report Format


3.2 Forms Used Mentioned above .

4. Additional Supporting/Reference Documentation This section aims at capturing process related documentation. The details of every policy are also incorporated in “Organization Guidelines” under Plan.

Modified On: 29-Mar-19

Page No. - 10

Modified By -Hridya

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