From:-gaurav Drall Roll No. 05

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  • Pages: 12
A Presentation On Report Writing From:Gaurav Drall Roll No. 05 Gaurav Drall


Preparing A Report Five Steps To Write A Report :  Investigating the source of information  Collecting Data  Analysing the data  Making an outline  Writing the report

Gaurav Drall


Types Of Writing A Report Report can be written in two ways:

Letter Form

Memorandum Form

Gaurav Drall


Structure Of Report 

Introductory Part

Body Of The Report


Gaurav Drall


Introduction Part 

Letter Of Presentation:It is a routine letter written to transmit the report from the writer to the reader.

Title Page It gives the title or heading to the report.

Table Of contents It facilitates the title and page number of each chapter.

Gaurav Drall


Introductory Part Cont…. 

List Of Illustrations It gives the number, title and page reference of each illustration.

Abstract It allows the reader to gain a very brief but complete overview of your project.

Gaurav Drall


Body Of The Report 

Introduction It covers the information like Authorization, Background etc.

Discussion Here you analyse your results & discuss the main findings of your experiment.

Gaurav Drall


Body Of The Report Cont…. 

Conclusions and Recommendations:Here the writer discusses the advances he has made and makes suggestions for the future.

Gaurav Drall


Addenda 

References The works cited in the text are either credited in the footnotes on the page on which they are cited or mentioned together in the list of references.


Here all those people are listed who have contributed to the work.


It is the list of technical words used in the report and their explanations. Gaurav Drall


Addenda Cont…. 

Appendices It includes statistical data, charts and diagrams etc.

Index It consist of index of the contents of the report.

Gaurav Drall






Does i t explain what the re port is about succi nctly ?


Does i t explain why the work was done ? Does i t outline the entire report, includi ng the findings ? Have you ma naged t o kee p the abst ract to one pa ragraph ? Are al l t he se ct ions covered ? Are t he page numbers correct ? Does i t contain enough background material and cite the rel eva nt references ? Have you de fi ned all t he technic al t erms used ? Is i t clear why you have invest igated t he probl em ? Have you explai ned why you have chosen the experimental or mat hematical approach adopted for your work ? Is t here suffici ent detail to al low repe tition of t he work ? Are c orre ct names use d for all chemi cals used ? Is t he seque nce of e xperi mental re sul ts presented logicall y ? Are t he data presented i n the cl ea rest possible way ? Have SI unit s been use d throughout ? Have adequate sta tistical tec hniques been used ? Are al l figures and t ables numbe red i n the order the y appear ? Tables Are al l your tables clear ? Do the tables have a ca pti on placed above the table ? Does t he ca ption provi de all t he nece ssary informa tion without reference t o the main text ? Have you refe rred, in t he main t ext, to al l table s ? Figures Are al l your figures clear ? Are al l t he symbol s used explained i n a key or in the capti on ? Do al l maps have a scale ba r and north arrows ? Do al l figures have a caption pl aced beneat h the figure ? Does t he ca ption provi de all t he nece ssary informa tion without reference t o the main text ? Have you refe rred, in t he main t ext, to al l fi gures ? Have you explai ned t he si gnificance of t he re sul ts ? Have you compare d your result s wi th published work ? Are your conclusions just ified by the dat a a nd statist ical techni ques used ? Have you ma naged t o suggest what furthe r work is useful ? Have you li sted all people who ha ve cont ribut ed to the work you have reported ? Do al l t he references in t he mai n text (and appendices) appear in the li st ? Is t he li st in al phabeti ca l order ? Have you use d a consi stent format for a ll references i n the list ?

Contents list Introduction

Methodology Results

Final Chec k

Discussion/ Conclusions

Acknowledgements References

Gaurav Drall


Gaurav Drall


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