Freeform Or Free Knitting

  • April 2020
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Freeform, free knitting —

Some Questions, answers and advice on Freeform. What is Freeform, or free knitting? Freeform is colour, freedom and flight of thought; fantasy! You do not have to be afraid of Freeform. The work process is self containing and after the first few attempts you will find it impossible to stop! All Freeform products are exclusive and unique Some times it fits to use crocheting needles, some times the most suitable tools are knitting pins, and everything can be combined with other modes of work. For that reason also the designation Freeform; it gives freedom to create, adapt and display everybody’s individual talent.

So, Freeform means freedom, creativity and display of individuality. To knit in Freeform is not only very interesting, but also a way of utilising raw materials in a beneficial manner. The motifs you create through your work give room for utilisation of simple threads of yarn you would otherwise not use. All knitters do collect many left over pieces of thread, as well as tests left over from previous projects. These can beneficially be used as an integrated part of Freeform knitting.


Freeform, free knitting —

How to choose the right threads for your Freeform projects? What abut planning? Threads of different thickness, colour and structure can easily be used together in Freeform. You will discover that threads of different structure very often fit together very well; for example, a combination of cotton and wool threads. Practically speaking it can often be convenient to gather materials in little baskets, or collect different threads in core balls (you may well wish to collect different colours in each ball based on a common structure, or do single colour balls based on different structures - the combinations are many), or for that matter in collections of single threads. Then you do your selection among the materials you have available, and leave out what does not fit in there and then. You should in advance consider different combinations of materials colour and structure, and make little cores of materials you may select to work with along the way. For a single project you could with some advantage select a basic material, and progressively include other In this jacket I have used cotton as structures as you proceed and in accordance with your basic material. fancy. In any case, remember that spontaneous thought is an important creative element, and too much planning may create a boring result. Form an idea, a sort of frame for where you wish to go, in the shape of simple words describing that idea, a method I often use myself (for example "flowerbed", "cosmos", "autumn", "spring"), and from there you develop thoughts and ideas on colour, structure and combinations as the basic idea materialises in your thoughts. You could have ideas about patterns or structures not bound by colour or other limitations in advance, and develop your work on that basis. You may develop your ideas as you go along, and before production commences in earnest. It is important to remember that Freeform is not only creative and spontaneous in respect of pattern or form, but also as regards colour and other factors having an impact on the result. At the same time, it is not wrong to form opinions, before you commence production, on a result, an appearance, a structure, colour combinations or other factors. The most important

And here the basic material is wool. 2

Freeform, free knitting — thing is that your creativity should not be removed entirely before commencement, so that you avoid producing a fixed result at the cost of free thought. A degree of technical planning is in any case required to avoid the work grounding to a halt in uncertainty of how to achieve your target.

How should you work systematically with different types of thread? From a particular core ball you may choose to produce certain parts of a project. For example, parts or all of arms, back parts, sleeves and similar. This will allow you to distribute the materials rationally, and the work flow becomes easier. A certain structure in the planning would not hamper the creativity.

How to work on motifs? Based on the idea or guideline you have for the project at hand, you could for example divide the product in different parts, where each idea or motif (abstract or not) is designated for different specific parts. For a sweater it would be natural to divide the product in four parts: Front, back and two arms. If you have space enough to spread out a sketch of your idea(s) in full size, you place the various parts on the floor and attach them with needles or similar. Then you will see quite simply what it takes to fill the patterns the materials, and with a bit of experience how much material will be required to fill the different sections. Then you can place the different materials in different colours on top of the pattern to control the relationship between them, and change and repeat the process until you are satisfied that that your initial idea will match the result. Often you can change the framework for motif and pattern while assessing the materials and structure. You should have that in mind to avoid result by coincidence of the process is shown here. The repetitions could be many before you are ready to advance.


Freeform, free knitting — Invest in creative planning, it always proves advantageous in the final product.

How does freeform differ from other knitting techniques? Freeform incorporates all known knitting techniques, together with other and different techniques. I often use the technique employed in Irish lace techniques, which together with traditional crocheting methods are great to break and fragment plain sections of the work. Crocheting and similar is as such a good technique to use in binding together different sections. There is no limit for combining techniques. Try and fail!

Freeform and the use of colours. Freeform can be mono or multi coloured. The limit is only created by taste and fantasy! You will find that by using colours you enjoy as a base, and by testing patterns, structures and ideas, beautiful colour combinations emerge that you have not previously thought of or used. Different structures in different materials used together contribute to underline or change the interaction between colours. In this way you can change the combinations of your favourite colours and create other and hitherto unlikely combinations. In Freeform you will find colours you did not think suitable becoming highlights of your creation. Freeform ideas can materialise by experimenting with natural combinations, based on impressions and ideas surrounding us; perhaps inspired by paintings or other artistic work, perhaps by the firmament on an autumn night the leaves falling to earth, sun and shadow, rain and storm. Colours are defining components in Freeform. The choice of colour combinations depends on your own attitudes and the flight of your mind. Taste, and in many ways a sense of style is inherent in us all. The perception of what is good, what are the effects of colours, will be different from place to place and from person to person. The constant search for new impressions is not always understandable. But remember one thing: The product of your own imagination and fantasy may seem strange to some, but like masterpieces to others! For more information, I can recommend a visit to this site:


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