Free Press Oct 14

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OCTOBER 14, 2008 INSIDE THE ISSUE Page 2 : - Getting To Know Carina - Transportation - Students’ Busy Schedules

Page 3 : - Obama Vs. McCain - Parking -Reviews

Center Spread : - Change

Page 6 : - Welcome To The View - Sarah Palin - No To Obama

Page 7 : - Dance Team - Girls Tennis - Field Not Just For Football

Page 8 : - Fondy Football 2008 - Beater Of The Month


2008 Graduation Cancelled Due To FloodChelsea Gray Everyday over 2,000 students file in and out of Fond du Lac High School carrying heavy book bags, wearing their best outfits, and wondering how many ways they could get out of another day at Fondy High. Fond du Lac High School was much more than that on the night June 12, 2008, and into the following days. Starting at about 4 p.m. rain started falling down on our city, and didn’t let up until around nine or ten. Many homes were filled with water and backed up sewage. Many belongings were lost, and many people were left wondering how to feel. Up to 500 people took shelter in places other than their homes that night, some at Fond du Lac High School, others at the County Fairgrounds. This night was the night of scheduled graduation. Unfortunately, a lot of families ventured off to the high school, only to see the event was cancelled. Although reLast year when the yearbook came out, a group of students got in trouble for displaying a hand gesture known as the “shocker.” The shocker is a hand gesture with a sexual connotation. Many people consider it on the same plane as the middle finger. Students were confused as to why the kids were getting in trouble, for what to them seemed like such a simple thing. The shocker is not just a simple thing though; it is

scheduled for June 15, 2008, People had to help push it out.” Almost three months many weren’t able to make it As it turns out, after this rather historical event. due to trips, summer jobs, etc. he was trying to get home People are still looking for Some families were from a friends house, at ways to help others. Ms. Anderson, one of our many English teachers, is asking some of her students to think about donating some unwanted clothing. “I’ve always felt strongly about helping others, it really matters to me to try to do something to help these kids. It’s important to be in high school and have nice clothes,” Anderson stated. She hopes that if even a few kids bring some things in, it will help. In her words, “I’ll take what I can get!” Few homes survived the flood without any harm or water photo by: Tracy Apps, damage. Some worse than othgreatly saddened by the can- which he had been stay- ers, some still trying to rebuild celled event. Others were ing at until the rain let up. what they lost. It’s the least more worried about what Kevin was one of anyone can do to lend a helpwas going on at their homes. many that were truly affect- ing hand, or simply donate one When asked about his ed. Basements were flooded, sweatshirt that just seems to be flood experience Kevin Hayes appliances were destroyed, hanging in your closet. Every litstated, “My car had drifted into and houses ended up being tle bit helps. An event that seems a large puddle and was floating. evacuated and demolished so long ago to one, may seem due to this detrimental rain. just like yesterday to another.

The Shocker a disgusting hand gesture that signifies a gross sexual act. The yearbook has a circulation of around 1,900 copies and it represents Fond du Lac High School more than most other publications we have here. The shocker is not the message our school wants to send to the community. According to Principal Wiltzius, “We addressed the situation on both a group basis and an individual basis, and also with the yearbook staff.” The students who got in trouble were required to

Nate Peltonen

write a letter of apology, and Hopefully, in the future, to be present for anyone who situations like these can be avertwanted a sticker put over the ed by just thinking before you act. picture. This year the yearbook staff is being pro active, and also putting its trust in students not to make immature signs in front of the school’s cameras. Mrs. Daleiden said, “My heart just fell out of my chest,” on being asked about how she felt when she first saw the picture. Mrs. D works 24/7 to provide almost every kid at the high school with a yearbook, and she deserves more respect from students.

NEWS Getting to know ... Carina Baier Carina Baier is a 16-year old foreign exchange student.. The Fondy Free Press recently sat down and asked some questions on how her first few weeks have been in America. FFP: What country are you from? CB: “I’m from Neustift, Austria (not Australia, haha). It is a small village of about only 100 people. Most people know Austria from the movie “Sound of Music.” When I first came here, I thought Wisconsin would be really flat because we have the Alps, and there are only hills here.” FFP: Who are your host parents? CB: “My host parents are Kim and Ted Miller, and they are the nicest people, ever! They have 5 children – 3 at college, 2 at home.” FFP: What are some similarities between Austria and America? CB: “The weather, although it’s a little bit colder, here. The kids like the same stuff.” FFP: Differences? CB: “There are many differences! The food is very different. There is so much

fast food here! Lunch is the biggest meal in Austria, instead of supper. In school, we don’t need hall passes. We can leave whenever we want. The teachers change classrooms, not the students. Our grading scale is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (1 = A, 2 = B, etc.). My school only has a little cafeteria, so we mostly bring our own lunches. We have a fixed schedule. Everybody in our grade has the same subjects, but you have a choice between taking French or Latin. You have different classes every day. Normally I get out of school at 1:00 PM. Cars are much bigger, in fact, everything is bigger! Even the portions in restaurants are huge! Everything is cheaper here, too.” FFP: When did you first learn how to speak English? CB: “I first learned how to speak English when I was 9 years old.” FFP: How do you like it here? CB: “I love it! Everybody is so nice! I have already done so many things here, too. I have been to a Brewers game, tubing and wakeboarding at Lake Michigan, shopping (of course), Frisbee golfing, cliff jumping at Red Granite, Fon-

dy football games, every fast food restaurant and so much more! I really like the school, here. The teachers are very nice, and I have a lot of fun! America is great, and nearly everyday I learn, see, or taste new things. For example, I have tried Jello, snow cones, corn dogs, and bagels for the very first time. I have already had so many exciting experiences, and I don’t want to go home after this year!” FFP: What grade are you in this year? CB: “I’m a senior this year!” FFP: Do you have a favorite class in Austria? CB: “Art.” FFP: What classes do you take in Austria? CB: “Everybody has the same. German, Math, French (or Latin), English, Spanish, History, Geography, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Art, P.E., Religious education, and Music.” FFP: What classes are you in this year? “P.E., French 4, Marketing, U.S. History, Spanish 2, and English.”

Transportation Getting to school can be complicated for some of the students and teachers at Fond du Lac High School. Setting your alarm clock early enough to get up, brush your teeth, comb your hair and get dressed, do the necessary routine to start the day. I ask you how far do you live from school? Do you catch the bus? Ride a bike? What is the route you take to get to school? Of course here in Fond du Lac it isn’t always sunny; winters here can be quite harsh, making it even harder to get to school. Recently I asked a couple of students how they get to school?


The Fondy Free Press

Thomas Campbell, an 18 year old senior who lives 5 miles from school, replied, “ My mom drops me off.“ Thomas wasn’t the only one. Quan Flemmings, a 15 year old freshman who lives 7 miles from school, said “ I ride the bus to school.” Less than half the students ride the bus to school every morning. I resumed. If you miss the bus do you stay home? Quan said, “ Well I sure wouldn’t walk.” Teachers are no different from the students at times. Some teachers live in the country or as far out as Waupun. Students who have cars have it easy, except for the gas of course, but they might even

have that covered. Students who carpool with other students are common, as are the teachers. Bike racks are available for students, although I only recommend this in dry, sunny weather. Of course there are other motorized ways to get to school, like the Moped. What a fast and stylish ride, or the motorized scooter. The routes to school are endless, even though they may seem to go on for miles and miles. You may say, if I miss my ride walking is always an option. Well, not to Fond du Lac High. For sure it would probably take an hour or two tops, depending on where you are. However, when-

Lance Leque

FFP: What’s your favorite class here? CB: “I like Marketing and English. In fact, I really like all of them!” FFP: How many languages can you speak? CB: “I have learned how to speak English, Spanish, French, Indonesian, and German.” FFP: What language do you originally speak? CB: “I speak German, originally.”

Students’ Busy Schedules Tyler Sommerfeldt

Student’s lives have been the same for years. A typical day for a student would be to get up, go to school, go to work, and finish up the night with homework. Then just do it all over again. Many students at the Fond du Lac High School have jobs and other out of school activities, such as Seth Lulloff. He has worked at Dairy Queen for almost six months. “It’s pretty sweet,” Seth said. “Being a senior I don’t receive a lot of homework, so working four nights a week is okay,” although, for some underclassmen it might not be. FFP: Anything else you’d All students have their like to share with us? memories of each teacher they ever have had. Mrs. RuedingCB: “I’ve been here since August 11th. I will go home er talks about her past experiin the middle of July. I’m ences with how much stress already looking forward to some students are under with homecoming because we jobs, and their school work. don’t have that in Austria. Giving out a bunch of Every school has its prom, homework has never been a and you can go to the prom favorite of Mrs. Ruedinger’s. for every school, no matter (well known English teacher what school you originally go her at Fondy) “I don’t like to to, or what grade you’re in. give out a lot of homework, I’m doing this exchange with because then I never get it Rotary, and it’s a real good back,” said Mrs. Ruedinger. opportunity for me to learn “I’d much rather have the the language, be apart of the students finished it in class culture, make all these new so they don’t forget about it.” friends, and have so many Most students enjoy great experiences!” teachers like Mrs. Ruedinger, but of course there are always some teachers that Marion Thomas seem to find joy out of giving a bunch of homework. Michael Stephany, ever you get to school make sure you know a buddy. They a junior here at Fondy plays can really have your back. for the Fondy Varsity football team. He also works at Fleet Farm and says he sometimes has trouble keeping up with school work, because he has late night shifts and then has to come home to lots of homework that he doesn’t have time to finish. “My job is the best, dude,” said Michael. “Except staying up late after work and football can be a pain, I wish teachers didn’t give out so much homework sometimes.” So is there hope for our homework days to be over? Some students believe so, and some don’t. What’s your opinion? October 14, 2008

NEWS Obama vs. McCain

Parking Michael V. Wells

As anyone who watches posing views. McCain picked television, listens to radio, or uses young Governor of Alaska Sarany source of media in any way ah Palin as his running mate. knows, the presidential election is “McCain has been part of this coming up. The issues at hand in whole Republican administration this day and age the last eight are very diviyears and he’s sive, controvervoted with sial and range President from the Iraq Bush 90% War to how to of the time. fix our unstable I think we economy. Being need somethat many of our body who upperclassmen can make a will be 18 before change and November 4th, I don’t think they will have McCain is goto choose who ing to change they want as the much at next President all,” claimed Courtesy: of the United States. Sharyn Janoska, a “John McCain is for a Fond du Lac native and volunteer smaller government, less spend- for the Barack Obama campaign. ing, and a strong defense,” said When asked what Obama Fond du Lac County Repub- brings to the table, Janoska lican Party Chairman Daniel responded simply, “Youth, Feyen of his party’s candidate, change, and new ideas.” the senior Senator from Arizona. If elected, Barack Obama would McCain is known for his expe- be the first African-American rience, his honorable service in president in American history. The the military during the Vietnam Illinois junior Senator is known War, and his reputation to co- for his convictions, his eloquent operate with politicians of op- speeches, and his even tempera-

The Carter 3

October 14, 2008

One of the biggest coming-of-age milestones is being able to drive and not having to be restricted to the schedule and whims of your parents. Unfortunately it comes with a price: a car, insurance for the car, and of the students here at Fondy high, a parking fee. At $50, it’s a pretty steep price, especially for a high school student, likely paying for it on a minimum wage job. Unless your lucky enough to dip into the funds of the Bank of Mom and Dad. Devyn Halle, a junior, says, “$50 for parking stall is just ridiculous.” Now, one question you may ask is, “Do teachers have to pay a fee?” The answer is yes, but, a meager three dollars. Now some may think this is not fair, but when asked, Ms. Anderson, an eleventh grade English teacher says, “Teachers tend to spend a lot of out-of-pocket money on school in general, so it’s sort of odd to say, ‘Hey this is your

job, you have to pay to park here.’ Where as to students, it’s kind of an extra bonus.” The little $20 fine for not having the permit, doesn’t really seem like such a big deal, seeing as it takes three tickets just to override the price of the permit in the first place. According to seeing Liaison Officer Vokes, “We check for permits about four times a year. It’s usually done by the college kids from the academy.” The reasoning behind the fee makes sense. Mr. Wiltzius, the head principle, explains that these fees go towards maintenance of the parking lots. In the last few years the parking lots have been relined and re-tarred. The school district also switched from contracting a snowplow company, to buying our own snowplows.


Marion Thomas The Carter 3 is yet another masterpiece of the hip-hop rapper, Lil Wayne. After completing the Carter and the Carter 2, his 3rd album the Carter 3, would come to sell millions in its first week. The album features Bobby Valenteno, Busta Rhymes Robin Thicke, T-Pain, Jay-z and many others. His album is a sure win with his millions of fans. First coming out with the chart topping “Lollipop” and “A Milli” which were this summers most requested songs, Lil Wayne is truly a Cash Money Millionaire. Covering on some serious topics like Hurricane Katrina and dising Al Sharpton, he sets the record straight not minding that he’s misunderstood. 10 tracks that cover what’s what’s really going on and what hophop is missing. Mind that there is some profanity, which is why

ment. He has chosen senior Senator Joe Biden of Delaware as his vice presidential running mate. There’s no doubt that the presidential election is always very important. But, with two wars going on, an unpredictable economy, and the very factious topics of healthcare and energy, the selection of the next president will undoubtedly be a historic one. “Context wise, this is like 1960 and 1968. Like 1968, we have two unpopular wars going on and I see some of the same things that were happening then happening today”, said Mr. Molloy, Fondy High’s own U. S. History and Economics teacher, “And in 1960, like now, we had a choice to elect either Richard Nixon or John F. Kennedy, the first Catholic president. We chose to make that big change, and it had never happened in American history before.” So, if you’re able to vote this November, you can take advantage of the rights that you have in the old U. S. of A. Whether you know it or not, young people can really make a difference, no matter what their political philosophy is or who they would choose to vote for.

Gaelan Evans

I recommend this album for, 18 and older. Weather you buy the cd or not, if you are a serious hip-hop fanatic I recommend this cd. The Carter 3 is out in stores now.

Eagle Eye Eagle Eye is an intense action movie that quite literally jumps straight into the action. After a brief introduction of the characters, where we see Jerry Shaw (Shia LaBeouf) as a poor college dropout whose twin brother just died, and Rachel Holloman (Michelle Monagahn), a single mother in her mid twenties, trying to send off her to son on a school trip to D.C. The action begins when Jerry returns home to his apartment to find it stacked to the ceiling with terrorist supplies. As he is looking through some of the packages in disbelief, he receives an anonymous phone call, telling him that the FBI is coming to arrest him. Rachel receives a similar phone call only telling her that unless she cooperates, her son will die. The

following events lead to their role in the unraveling of a national mystery. It’s a good plot line that was pretty nonstop and edge of your seat action. It puts an interesting look on the growing “big brother” idea that’s seems to be getting larger as technology advances. It’s a good scifi catastrophe movie and is a good suggestion for those of you who like movies like I Robot, Minority Report, Stealth or Transformers.

Gaelen Evans



The Fondy Free Press



CENTER THEME : CHANGE Big Changes for The Fondy FreeMr.Press Carriveau

Mr. Wiltzius Becomes Head Principal Josh Fugato With the departure of Mrs. Merwin, Fond du Lac High School was left without a principal. When we came back in August for registration we learned that Mr. Wiltzius had stepped up to take over as principal. When Mrs. Merwin stepped down it put a lot of pressure on the school district to replace her. It took a lot of time and thought to find a suitable replacement. The decision was based on what would be best for Fond du Lac High School and the community. “I am definitely proud to represent Fond du Lac High School and it was an honor to have learned

from and worked with Mrs. Merwin,” Mr. Wiltzius stated when asked his feelings on being principal. Mr. Wiltzius has made a big impact on the school. Some school policies were changed this year with the intentions to make the school a better place. For example, the new office policy that you have to make and appointment to meet with your vice principal. “we are trying to slow this place down,” states Mr. Wiltzius. “All the decisions are made listening to the students and staff along with calculated decisions to benefit all.” As for how long Mr.

Wiltzius is going to remain principal, “We are going to have to see how things go. The decision will be made with the best interest of Fondy High in mind.” Mr. Wiltzius has his work cut out for him this year. “Being principal is harder than being a vice principal. I have the ultimate decisions. Being principal I work more with the staff and the community where as being V.P. I worked more with students and parents.” This year will play and important role in who will be Fondy High’s principal next year.

As if you haven’t noticed already, there’s change taking place at the Fondy Free Press. This thing that you’re holding actually looks like a newspaper, huh? For the first time, the Free Press is being printed on newsprint. You might actually have some inky fingerprints after reading this issue. Also for the first time, the Free Press is being produced by a class. Print Journalism made its debut at Fond du Lac High School for the ’08-’09 school year. We have a great staff in place that is dedicated to bringing you the best quality writing they can possibly provide. I suggest you read some of the great articles in our inaugural issue this year. A lot of time and effort was put into their writing and it’s already starting to show.

Our wonderful principals.

Coach Lehman ... New Fondy Coach Jon Giblin This varsity football season brings change with its new head coach, Coach Lehman. Coach Lehman has been the head coach at North Fond du Lac High School, a teacher at Woodworth in the past and was the assistant coach at Fondy for four years. He said, “It’s fun to coach kids that I coached at Woodworth.” Coach Lehman is taking over a team this year that went 1-8 the year before. He has a lot of work to do building them back up to being a dominant team. Taking over a new team is very hard, so it may be possible that he might feel some pressure. “I have had many challenges in my life, and this is just another challenge. I don’t feel any pressure in it. It is something that I enjoy doing, and it is basically my hobby.” said Coach Lehman. There is obviously a big difference between being the assistant coach and the head coach, and the head coaching job may be harder. 4 The Fondy Free Press

“It’s a lot of work, but it is also a lot of fun. If you want to be successful coaches need to put a lot of time preparing for opponents, and watching film.” said Coach Lehman. When asked what his record would be this season Coach Lehman replied, “Records don’t mean a lot to me, all that I care about is that the kids have fun, try their best everyday, and stay positive. If we do that everyday we will be successful.” Outside of football, coach Lehman’s favorite thing to do is be with his family. He has a son named Drayton, a daughter named Adalyn, and a wife named Jeana. At Fondy he teaches construction career academy, and graphic communications. We hope that Coach Lehman has a successful year, this season, and he has a long career as a Fondy Football Coach.

Speaking of great staffs, a big thank you goes out to Mr. Pentek and his former staff for their years of work going into the Free Press. The school newspaper used to be a club activity. So you’re going to notice over the coming months that the Free Press is going to be quite different from years past. The simple fact that it used to be put together by students in their own free time will make it quite a bit different from future issues now that students are receiving a grade for the work that they put into the newspaper. The transition hasn’t been an easy one, but now that the torch has been passed, we hope we can take it and run with it.

There will hopefully more change in the future as well. There will be some advertising in upcoming issues that will act as a fundraiser for the class. Through this income, we will be able to supply our staff with the equipment they need to produce quality journalism. Distribution will evolve as well. In addition to being available in your English classes, we hope to have new issues available to students at other spots throughout the school and even at throughout the community. Not everything is new, though. It just wouldn’t be the Free Press if we didn’t keep up the tradition of bringing you the popular Beater of the Month feature. So grab the ol’ “fishwrap,” a little more often this year

Ignition Mentors Help Freshmen Hilary Zabel “We make their first day more comfortable,” stated Chelsea Gray, a senior who has been a mentor since her sophomore year. The ignition mentor program gives freshman tours on their first day, shows them where their classes are, and assists them with their lockers. They also work with them on their team building. Once a month the mentors continue on with team building by going to their civ-

ics classroom. Some of the subjects they talk about are drugs and alcohol, planner usage, being remodel, etc. The ignition also plans freshman only dance. That is held at the beginning of the year. They also help study groups around finals that are theme, some of the themes have been cocoa and cram and lemonade and learn. Mentors said, “It’s to teach them good techniques and helps to them prepare for next year.”

Some freshman thinks that the orientation day was worthwhile. Stephany Ingersoll a freshman states, “Yes, the first day was helpful and fun. Getting out of class is not that bad either.”


October 14, 2008

October 14, 2008

The Fondy Free Press


VIEWS Welcome to the View

No to Obama

Naterbug Peltonen :) Dear

people of FHS, My name is Nate Peltonen. I am the editor-inchief of the school’s newspaper and also in charge of this section called the View. The View is similar to an opinions section, it’s a place where people, whether it be students or teachers, can utilize their right to freedom of speech, no matter how ludicrous their opinions might be. It’s a place for people that actually like Sarah Palin. It’s a place for the people that still think Iraq still had something to do with 9/11.

It’s a place for people that deny the evidence supporting Global Warming. It’s a place for the oppressed rich people that cry about taxes while driving their hummers to work everyday. But most of all, the View is a place that will not succumb to the copious amounts of money offered to us by oil companies and special interests groups, if we silence our voice. We will not be silenced! Welcome to the View. Sincerely Yours, Nathan Peltonen

Sarah Palin:

Druid Huntress of the Alaskan Northlands

Michael V. Wells

Vice presidential candi- actually said, “Thanks,” to all the date governor Sara Plain knows federal money fore the bridge, and nature. She’s a hunter and fisher then “No thanks,” to the bridge lady, which are assets that come after they started building it. Well, lets just forget in handy living in the cold, harsh wildlife of Alaska. She’s wrestled about that mishap and get back to penguins, outmaneuvered moose, the nature part of things. She is a and castrated caribou. The young real decider and decided that polar governor is so in tune with the bears were ready to be taken off outdoors that local Eskimos go the endangered species list. She to her for guidance in searching realized these white-furred mammoths had it for the big game. far too easy N o w , and were with all these great mooching indigenous skills off all the complied into “life” they one lovely lady, had. She how could you even took ask for more in a on the vast person who has majority of the potential to be biologists the most power(who were ful person in the probably entire world? paid off by Well, for the elitCourtesy: the polar bears) ists and cynics 9those jerks), there is a lot more to ask. and even the Secretary of the InHer critics have criticized (that’s’ terior on her decision to put the what they do) for her being “in- “crunch-time” on these pale predcredibly inexperienced” and hav- ators. With the inclusion of the ing “little to no brain function”, beluga wale in her “Axis of Large, but I whole-heartedly disagree. Evil Mammals”, she continued Whether you agree with her fight not against big governher policies or not, Sarah Palin is ment, but big, fish-eating animals. the real deal. Her kids play hockSo, if you have any ey (the real American pastime; doubts on how well Sarah Palin nuts to you, Canada!), she’s intel- would do as the Vice President ligent (she reads books!), and is of the united States of America a riveting speaker (speechwriter (second only in rank to the most and teleprompter included). She powerful person on the face of is also quite dedicated to eradi- the earth), than I suggest you cating big government spending. take it up with her (she owns She said, “thanks, but no thanks,” guns!). otherwise, why don’t to the Bridge to nowhere. Well, you just go join the polar bears? 6

The Fondy Free Press

Jon Giblin “Over the last 15 months, we’ve traveled to every corner of the United States. I’ve now been in 57 states? I think one left to go.” This was a quote taken straight out of the mouth of the media loved Barack Obama. He also said that he was not allowed to visit Alaska or Hawaii. That means his 57 states that he has visited, plus the one he has yet to visit, and Alaska and Hawaii, brings the grand total to 60 states. The worst part about the entire thing was that he hesitated before saying it. He thought about how many states we had then he said a number randomly. How can a man who is this out of touch with the country possibly be are next president? Gaffes are not the only strikes against Barack Obama. A lack of experience, a lack of convection, and a bad economic plan also are problems. First off, Obama’s experience boils down to two years in the US Senate, seven years in the Illinois Senate, one loss in a primary election for the House of Representatives, one stirring keynote address at a Democratic National Convention, and two best selling books. He was also a Senate foreign relations committee member, but has yet to attend a meeting on Afghanistan and has voted with his party 97% of the time. Yet he is supposed to be the candidate for change? Not a very flattering resume for a candidate for the United States of America, is it? While on the other hand his opponent John McCain has 26 years as a Congressman, he is a ranking member of the armed services committee, a member of the Senate select committee, and has only sided with his party 63% of the time. When you compare one to another; McCain blows him out of the water. While Obama was an Illinois Congressman he voted present 129 times, which means instead of voting “Yes” or “No” on a bill he basically said “here.” He did this nearly every time there was a strong issue. If he voted one way or the other it

would be possible he would get in a lot of trouble for it in the future. One bill was for whether fifteen-year-olds should be tried as adults. He voted present because if he voted no, he would appear soft on crime. But if he voted yes, he would get a lot of guff from his fellow African Americans. In the Illinois Senate there are three buttons you can choose from: yes, no, or present. The yes button is green, the no button is red, and the present button is yellow. There is a saying in Springfield why the present


button is yellow. Basically the saying is that if you choose present then you area yellow belly. Obama’s present votes also came mostly from bills that were voted unanimously from the other senators, bills that he supported, and even one that he sponsored. How can a person who cannot choose yes or no on issues that even he supports and sponsors be relied upon to make the countless decisions that a president does throughout the day? One example of Barack Obama’s bad economic plans is that he wants to tax companies that are making over $200,000 a year.

That is a bad thing because doing something like that does not take into account small businesses. Small business owners don’t pocket all of the $200,000 that they earn in a year, which is something that Obama does not realize or just refuses to realize. Most of that money goes to workers, utilities, and supplies. So in the end the small business owner is making a small portion of the $200,000. So when the small companies get hit with the massive taxes Obama wants to create, they will go bankrupt within a few years. It may not sound horrible because one may think that small businesses don’t make a difference, but in truth, it really makes the world go round. Without small businesses Fond du Lac and many other small cities around the country would essentially shrivel up and die. Several of the big companies in Fond du Lac are technically small businesses. Agnesian, J.F. Ahern, C.D. Smith, and most of the businesses on Main Street are all major employers in Fond du Lac, but they are actually considered small businesses because they are not nation wide or very big companies. If those companies including others in Fond du Lac where to collapse so would Fond du Lac’s employment rates. Obama also wants to keep people in houses that they can not afford. How is that a good thing? That policy keeps house prices artificially high and out of the reach of millions of middle and lower class Americans that do not already own homes. Obama wants to delay the inevitable by giving these people a bailout and not allowing a bank to sell a property that they are not being paid for. Obama would be a Disaster as a president. He would run this country straight into bankruptcy with his awful economic plans. His lack of experience and conviction would also come back to bite him. These Sixty United States of America can not afford a president that is as out of touch as Barack Obama. October 14, 2008

SPORTS The Field Is Not Just Used For Football The Dance Team Chelsea Gray Chelsea Behringer As the new school year kicks off, so do many sports, including dance team. Mrs. Zelske is returning as the dance team’s coach. “It can only get better because I learned what was expected of us and the team learned what I expect of them,” she said in anticipation for the next season. Coach ‘Z’, as many of the girls call her, is “expecting a lot more girls and a deeper pool of talent” for this year. Along with all of the returning seniors, juniors and sophomores, the new freshmen are always welcome. Returning senior, Kali Lacount, is very excited for the new season. “Last season we started with a new coach and so this year everyone pretty much know her, so I think we will have a better dynamic that way,” she said. The dance team coach and captains have been working very hard planning this new season.

There are a few changes that have been made by coach and captains, Corissa Sonnenfeld and Chelsea Behringer. “We changed some of the guidelines because we are expecting a higher skill level in dance and a hard work ethic,” said Coach Zeleske about the changes. Coach Zeleske is also excited about the captains this season. “I’m excited about the two captains that are so ... pro-team and are looking for the good qualities of others.” Coach Zeleske, Chelsea Behringer, and Corissa Sonnenfeld encourage anyone who loves to dance, wants to have fun, or just wants to try something new, to tryout for the team. The tryouts are on October 28th from 7:00- 8:30 pm. There will be flyers and announcements around the school for more information. Come on in and join the dance team.

Girls Tennis Cheers and applause is all people hear from the Fondy Girls tennis team as they cheer for each other while they continue to plow their way through the conference. Starting off this year all the girls along with the coaches Doug Bartlet and Heather Schuetz had one goal; being conference champs. The last time the Fondy Girls Tennis Team won conference was in 2001. The team is very much trying to update that title. When Katy Harris was asked about what she thinks about them becoming conference champs, she says “It would fulfill my life.” They’re off to a great start so far at achieving this goal. This season they’re right on track with a record so far of 9-0 in conference. “Its pretty awesome, girl!” Killian Edwards said about being 9-0 in conference. Along the way they had to take down some of the toughest teams in the conference; those teams being Neenah and Oshkosh West. Even though they were the October 14, 2008

The last month of summer can be viewed in various ways. Some take it as a time to sleep in until noon, while others take it as a time to take family vacations. On August 5, 2008, 102 students of Fond du Lac High School took the last month of summer and dedicated it to what we know as Band Camp. Starting at 9 am, taking a break for lunch, and ending around 5 pm. The marching students practice different sets and marching techniques for this years show, Les Miserables. The show starts with Work Song, and ending with Can you hear the people sing the show is very stunning and makes you feel as though you are a part of the musical. Although many don’t know the music, Jessica Krasin, this years drum major, stated, “It has some inspiring moments.” Many don’t know how intense the competition can get between marching bands. At each competition each band

is graded on music and visual performance, along with percussion and colorguard. According to Angie Kochan, the best part of marching band competitions, is the transportation taken to get there. Often known as the band bus. The trip there is a good time to concentrate on the show ahead, and play various and have various dance offs with other band members. The trip home however is often used to celebrate what we have accomplished. Every good team has a good leader. In Marching band we happen to have three great leaders! This years drum majors are Jessica Krasin, Devon Vanbeek, and Stephanie Steinert.This three have spent all summer making sure the show is just right for us! When asked about our leaders Angie Kochan said, “Jessica Krasin is doing a fantastic job. She allows us to have fun while still getting work done.” Of course with a band of 102 kids three leaders just

simple isn’t enough. Therefore, ever section of instrument has a different leader. When Krasin was asked about how the other leaders were working out, she responded with, “From leading the leaders, I see they are putting forth a good effort. A few have a more lax approach to leadership, but as long as things still get done it’s good.” After homecoming tour Fond du Lac High School Marching band will have marched five different shows. Three competitions and two home football games. This years marching band has worked very hard. After two weeks of band camp they continue to practice two nights a week throughout the school year, regardless of the weather. Often misunderstood, and not looked upon as a group with much talent. The marching band strives forward. And as Angie Kochan stated, “Don’t bash it till you’ve tried it.”

Calli Hoyt

toughest teams in the conference Fondy displayed amazing performances and came out on top. Both of the matches came down to winning by one match. To help them become conference champs again there have been several girls who’ve put everything they have on the court. Such performances have been by McKennah Edwards, a sophomore, who plays the number one varsity spot for singles. McKennah has been playing great and taking down the competition one match at a time. Tessa Hahn and Jill Berens, both seniors, who play the number one varsity spot for doubles and have put forth their best effort every match. However we don’t want to forget other people on the team who have greatly contributed, such as Killian Edwards, Maria Zompolas, Katie Hammond and Riley Connaher. We must not forget though this teams success isn’t linked to just the individual efforts; credit goes out to all the Fondy Tennis Girls for their effort and hard work.

The Fondy Free Press


SPORTS Fondy Football 2008 Lance Leque This year’s football season has been quite the roller coaster ride – Ups and downs the whole way. With the hire of new head coach, Nate Lehman, the Cardinals were excited to turn the page, and start fresh. The guys trained hard all summer long for the 9-week regular season In their first game against Oshkosh North, the two teams played to a stalemate through the 1st quarter. However, in the 2nd quarter, North took over and led 22-6 at halftime. The Cardinals, well known as a 2nd-half team, still felt as they had the advantage going into halftime. In the 3rd quarter, the game was mainly a defensive showdown, but when the 4th quarter came around, it was Fondy’s time. The Cardinals managed to get within 5, and the momentum was clearly favoring them. However, their hard work fell short, and the Spartans won a hard-fought game, 22-17. So after an 0-1 start, the Cardinals knew there was some work to do. Week 2 was quite a strenuous one for the team. They knew that mistakes

had to be corrected, so practice would be crucial. Not only did they not want to start the season 0-2, but they did not want to disappoint the Fondy faithful. Friday night was bound to be a good. The Cardinals were ready for the Neenah Rockets, and it clearly showed. Fondy got off to a good start early, and had a 14-0 lead at the half. The 3rd quarter was another stalemate, but the fourth quarter again went Fondy’s way, thanks in particular to September’s Player of the Month, Joe Bertram. Joe scored not once, not twice, but THREE times…in a matter of about 40 seconds. That is a feat that I don’t think anybody has ever seen, possibly in the history of the sport. So thanks to Mr. Bertram, the Cardinals enjoyed the win, 35-0, and felt much more comfortable at 1-1. After an emotional win, the Cardinals looked forward to the week ahead. They were scheduled to face Appleton West, a team who hadn’t won a game in over two years. You could say the Cardinals actually looked two weeks ahead, because Weaek 3 was not a good one.

The trip up to Appleton ready for their arch rival, the wasn’t a long one, but the ride Oshkosh West Wildcats, 4-0 back felt like it took forever. at the time. Known as the best The 1st quarter was just like the passing team in the FVA, the Oshkosh North game – a stale- Fondy defense, also known as mate. The second quarter had the “Cardinal Curtain”, was the momentum lean towards excited for the things to come The game was played us, and we led by 7 at halftime. The second half however to another stalemate, until a 3rd wasn’t a good one for the team, quarter field goal by Parker Hanand they went on to lose 20- son, to put the Cards up 17-14, 13. It is by far the hardest loss and eventually win the game. the Cards have taken this year. At 2-3, the Cardinals felt a lot The next week was more comfortable with their a difficult one to prepare for. playoff hopes. Appleton North The Cardinals were to play the was up next, and the team defending Division II Football champions, the Kimberly Papermakers. Although feared by most, the Cardinals weren’t intimidated. Kimberly Papermakers 6 0 They went into the game, ready to shock Kaukauna Galloping Ghosts 5 1 the world. Unfortu5 1 nately, it didn’t go the Oshkosh West Wildcats way they wanted it. The Appleton North Lightning 4 2 Papermakers put up 64 points in the first half, Oshkosh North Spartans 3 3 and that was enough to win the game…al- Appleton East Patriots 2 4 most 5 times over. 2 4 The next week Fond du Lac Cardinals was deemed “Tornado Menasha Bluejays 2 4 Week”, and the Kimberly game would be Appleton West Terrors 1 5 used as a motivation 0 6 factor as Fondy got Neenah Rockets


Beater Of The Month This ‘87 Buick Century Limited Edition, owned by Mitchell Stollfuss, is not only old, it has its fair share of problems. Although the exterior isn’t in the best shape with no tailpipe, no catalytic converter, and no complete set of hubcaps, the cloth interior is pretty comfortable. After the ten seconds it takes to start the car, it rides smoothly. The inside can fit six people but has no air conditioning. When asked what else is nice about the car, Stollfuss said, “It gets really good gas mileage.” This beast gets 20 miles per gallon in the city and 30 mpg on the highway. Stollfuss bought his 8

The Fondy Free Press

wanted to solidify themselves even more with a respectable 3-3 record. Unfortunately, the Cardinals couldn’t do so, and they dropped to 2-4. Fondy’s record of 2-4 now puts the Cardinals in a tough position, as they must win their final three games in order to make the postseason. Although it won’t be easy, I’m sure that the team can do it. All you have to do is stay positive, work hard, and have fun. Here’s to the rest of the season, and hopefully we’ll still be playing in November.

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Mara Krumbein

car three months ago for $600. It hasn’t died on him yet, but the converter fell off while he was driving, which didn’t sound too good on the road. It also makes the car smell really bad. Some of his friends have nice cars, but it doesn’t really faze him. “I’d like to have a nice car, but it’s also nice to have money,” Stollfuss stated. He only pays $20 a month for insurance and has the car paid off already while his friends will be paying for their cars at least for a few years. It’s good to know that you’re proud of your beater, Mitch!

October 14, 2008

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