Freddie Mac Scam Suicide

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Top Freddie Mac Official ‘Suicided’ After $50 Billion Traced From US To Israel April 23, 2009

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers (Traducción al Español abajo)

New reports circulating in the Kremlin today are showing that the rising tensions between the US and Israel have escalated even further after the Chief Financial Officer (CFO), David Kellermann, 41[photo, 2nd left], of the US governmentcontrolled home funding provider Freddie Mac was found hanged in what the FSB is describing as an ‘Israeli Mossad initiated suicide’ after his tracing of over $50 billion in United States government funds that were ‘funneled’ to Israel and led to the collapse of the American mortgage giant.

According to Western News Sources, “The chief financial officer of money-losing mortgage giant Freddie Mac was found dead in his basement early Wednesday morning in what police said was an apparent suicide. A law enforcement official familiar with the investigation said it was an apparent hanging. He declined to be identified because the investigation was ongoing. David Kellermann's death is the latest in a string of blows to Freddie Mac since it was seized by the government last September. The company, which owns or guarantees about 13 million mortgages, has been criticized for financing risky loans that fueled the real estate bubble and are now defaulting at a record pace. Freddie Mac lost more than $50 billion last year, and the Treasury Department has pumped in $45 billion to keep the company afloat.” These FSB reports, however, report that Mr. Kellermann had become so concerned about his safety after discovering the flow of US funds to Israel from Freddie Mac that he used a ‘substantial part’ of his recently paid $800,000 bonus to hire private security guards to protect himself and his family, but with his death were proved unable to protect him.

These reports further state that the ‘suiciding’ of Mr. Kellermann was ‘most likely’ an Israeli Mossad attempt to discredit top Obama adviser, and White House Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, who along with his having been a former member of the Mossad, was also a board member of Freddie Mac and has been implicated by some CIA sources as being at the forefront of the Israeli-American cabal currently intent upon destroying the United States. Tensions have been raised lately between Israel’s new right-wing government under Prime Minister Netanyahu and Rahm Emanuel as we can see evidenced by the reporting of the Jerusalem Post, who state: “National Union chairman Ya'acov “Ketzele” Katz sent a letter to White House chief-of-staff Rahm Emanuel last week admonishing him not to forget his Jewish and Israeli origins. Katz's missive came in response to a reported verbal exchange between Emanuel and an unidentified American Jewish leader. Katz claims that in a private meeting with the unnamed leader, Emanuel said, “In the next four years, there will be a peace agreement with the Palestinians on the basis of two states for two peoples, and it does not matter to us who is the prime minister.” Important to note about White House Chief of Staff Emanuel is that his father, Benjamin Emanuel, was a top member of the militant Zionist group National Military Organization in the Land of Israel (Irgun) that was led by former Prime Minister Menachem Begin, information that upon the election of Obama was deleted from the Internet encyclopedia Wikipedia, but has remained archived on many US and Israeli websites. So radical was Menachem Begin and his Irgun members, including Emanuel’s father, that in 1948 during a visit to the United States he was given a letter signed by Albert Einstein, Sidney Hook, Hannah Arendt, and other prominent Americans and several rabbis which described Begin's Herut party as “closely akin in its organization, methods, methods, political philosophy and social appeal to the Nazi and Fascist parties and accused his group (along with the smaller, militant, Stern Gang) of having inaugurated a reign of terror in the Palestine Jewish community”. Throughout most of his political career, Begin was ostracized by Israel’s main parties as being ‘too radical’ and their being afraid of his terrorist past, however: “In 1978 Begin, aided by Foreign Minister Moshe Dayan and Defense Minister Ezer Weizman, negotiated the Camp David Accords, and in 1979 signed the Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty with Egyptian President, Anwar Sadat. Under the terms of the treaty, brokered by US President, Jimmy Carter, Israel was to hand over the Sinai Peninsula in its entirety to Egypt. The peace treaty with Egypt was a watershed moment in Middle Eastern history, as it was the first time an Arab state recognized Israel’s legitimacy whereas Israel effectively accepted the land for peace principle as blueprint for resolving the Arab-Israeli conflict. Given Egypt’s prominent position within the Arab World, especially as Israel’s biggest and most powerful enemy, the treaty had far reaching strategic and geopolitical implications. Almost overnight, Begin’s public image of an irresponsible nationalist radical was transformed into that of a statesman of historic proportions. This image was reinforced by international recognition which culminated with him being awarded, together with Sadat, the Nobel Peace Prize in 1978. Yet while establishing Begin as a leader with broad public appeal, the peace treaty with Egypt was met with fierce criticism within his own Likud party. His devout followers found it difficult to reconcile Begin’s history as a keen promoter of the Greater Israel agenda with his willingness to relinquish occupied territory. Agreeing to the removal of Israeli settlements from the Sinai was perceived by many as a clear departure from Likud’s Revisionist ideology.” Begin retired from public life in 1983 and was reported to have been ‘greatly disappointed’ that he did

achieve peace with Lebanon, and he died in 1992. Begin’s legacy, though, of achieving peace between Israel and all of its Arab neighbours, including the establishment of a separate state for the Palestinian peoples, was carried forth by Yitzhak Rabin, who, like Begin, was a leader of the Jewish terrorist paramilitary group known as the Haganah, of which it has long been known that as a deputy commander in 1948, Rabin engaged in ethnically cleansing Palestinians, and some 40 years later, while serving as Israeli defense minister, Rabin ordered Israeli troops to “break the bones” of Palestinian demonstrators, almost all of whom were children. Rabin, however, unlike Begin, was unable to fulfill his mission for peace as he was assassinated on November 4, 1995 by a right-wing Israeli student many have linked to the Mossad. Another former Haganah commander, and alleged war criminal, Ariel Sharon, soon followed Rabin into the leadership of Israel where upon he promptly ordered Israel’s evacuation from the Gaza Strip, a move which angered the Israeli right and led to his ‘deliberately’ being placed in a coma by the Mossad, a condition which he remains in to this day. What is most important to realize about Begin, Rabin and Sharon, is that aside from all three of them being, perhaps, among the worst Jewish mass murders in history, they came to realize how Israel was being manipulated by the European Royal Houses and the United States as the ‘foil’ to initiate Total Global War from which their Nation would not survive, nor the Jewish people. In their knowing this fact, they established within both Israel and the United States a secret counter insurgency organization to battle against the Mossad, of which Raum Emanuel was recruited and according to his FSB file is still active in as its leader in the US. And Kellermann’s murder, these reports continue, was a part of this internal Israeli intelligence war and in ‘direct response’ to Emanuel’s releasing to the US press this past week the National Security Agencies (NSA) wiretaps of US Democratic Congresswoman Jane Harman bargaining with Mossad who was seeking to obtain the release of their AIPAC lobbyist spies captured by the Americans and awaiting trail in exchange for the Mossad pressuring US Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, into giving Harmon the coveted chairmanship of the US House Intelligence Committee. US House Leader Pelosi, however, has stated that she was informed about Congresswoman Harmon’s treachery to her country, and as we can read: “House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Wednesday that she was aware a few years ago that Rep. Jane Harman had been overheard on a government wiretap. “A few years ago, maybe three years ago, they did brief me,” Pelosi told reporters at an event hosted by the Christian Science Monitor. She said that when a member of Congress is recorded as part of a wiretapped conversation, intelligence officials inform congressional leaders. “That happened at that time,” Pelosi said. She added that the classified briefing was not detailed, and she did not tell Harman at the time.” Though the new right-wing Israeli Foreign Minister, Avigdor Lieberman, stated to Russian daily Moskovskiy Komosolets that “Believe me, America accepts all our decisions”, his views do not match the facts concerning Obama and Israel, and as we can read: “[Israeli] Military Intelligence Chief Amos Yadlin said Monday that the Middle East policy of U.S. President Barack Obama's administration could endanger Israel. “The Obama administration is determined to take initiative and move forward central processes in the Middle East," Yadlin told ministers at a special cabinet meeting.” These reports further state that Obama and Emmanuel are set to further inflame Israel’s new right-wing government by cooperating with Norway’s planned charging of Israeli leaders with war crimes, and of which we can read:

“Former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and opposition leader Tzipi Livni may face war crimes charges in Norway over their role in Israel's offensive against Hamas in Gaza, AFP reported Tuesday. The news agency said six Norwegian lawyers announced plans Tuesday to accuse the pair, as well as Defense Minister Ehud Barak and seven senior Israel Defense Forces officers, of the crimes. The lawyers, who planned to file their complaint with Norway's chief prosecutor on Wednesday, were quoted as saying they would also call for the arrest and extradition of the Israeli leaders.” Most important of these events, however, are how the American people remain nearly clueless as to the machinations ongoing between their power elite and the right-wing Israelis which will, and sooner than these people can believe, plunge them into a Total Global War from which they could be totally destroyed. © April 23, 2009 EU and US all rights reserved [Ed. Note: Western governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagrees with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth. Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ against us has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit and which is addressed in the report “Who Is Sorcha Faal?”.]

Translation to Spanish by: Sister Maru Barraza, Mazatlán, Mexico

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