Franklin Oak Creek Mou

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  • Pages: 6

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Intergovemmental Memorandum of Understanding Between the city of Franklin and the city of oak creek Pertaining to the Development of the Oak Creek South 27th Street Corridor Plan, À Joínt Pro¡ect, City of Franklin, Cíty of

This Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") entered into this 2009 by and between the CitY Authority of the City of Franklin, Wis and the Community Development Authoril ("Oak Creek").


day of

WHEREAS, Franklin and Oak Creek, anticipating that the development and redevelopment of South 27th Street (U.S. Highway 241), along their common boundary from \tr/est College Avenue to lVest County Line Roa4 will create hundreds of millions of dollars of new tær base and tens of ttrousands ofjobs; and

promote -'Oak Croek jointly commissione WHEREAS, to

en! Franklin and cooperation with

Ruekert & Mielke, Inc. and BEST Real Estate,Inc., in the Fall of 2004, to undertake a planning study to provide recortmendations to Franklin and Oak Creek, following public irp,rr, as to ihe most appropriate and preferred vision for the development and iedevelofment of the South ã7ttr Street Corridor, and to provide recommended tools to assisf in the implementation of the visior¡ such commission having thereafter produced the South-27th Street Corridor Plan, A Joínt Proiect, Cìty of Ftanklin, City of oak creek ("the corridor Plan"),with the resulting project outcomes:

visionary, Market-Based Land Use Plan, which creates destination value & sense ofplace; ' Desi$ Guidelines and ZontngRecommendations; . Cooperation and parürerships amongst the various governmental jurisdictions and between the public and private sectors; . The abilþ to appropriately leverage the iivestment of private dollars and available public funding; and ' A realistic action plan for implementation; and


WHEREAS, Franklin and Oak Creek have collaborated to firrther the recornmendations of the Corridor Plan, in cooperation and partnership by way of the following actions :

. r

Oak Creek adopted the Conidar Planby way of Common Council Resolution No. I 0458-020 105; Franklin adopted the Corridor Plan as an element of ttre Franklin Comprehensive Master Plan by Plan Commission Resolution No.

2005-01 and the certification thereof being accepted as specified by the Common Cor.¡ncil upon the adoption of Resolution2005-5822; Oak Creek passed and adopted legislation to provide for zoning within ttre Cbrri¿or as recommended within the Corridor Plan attd as provided following public input by way of ordinance No. 2346; Franklin passed and adopted legislation to provide for zoning


Corridor as recoÍrmended by the Corrídor Plan

South 2Tth street Business District, B-5 Highway Business Disfüct, BP Business Park District, PDD Planned Development District, R-6

suburban single-Family Residence District and M-l Limited Industrial District to New as amended B-4 South 27th Stteet Mixed-use commercial District, New B-7 South 27th street Mixed-use office District, New RC-l Conservation Residence District andNew OL-l Office Overlay District; Franklin and Oak Creek have worked cooperatively with the State to prepare Creek and repared by WisDot and Short Elliot Hendrickson Inc., following substantial public input; The community Development Authorities ("cDA's") of Franklin and Oak Creek have declared that full interchanges at the intersection of Interstate Highway 94 ("I-94") and West Drexel Avenue and æ the intersection of I-94 and South County Line Road are required for Plan, and have Highway Admini Regional Planning Commission; Franklin and Oak Creek have cooperated in the development of the Corridor Plan with WisDot, the Milwaukee Meffopolitan sewerage District and the southeastem wisconsin Regional Planning Commission; Franklin and oak creek by way of an Intergovemmental Memorandum of Understanding Between the City of Frar¡klin and the City of Oak Creek Pertaining to Streetscape Conceptual Design Services For the South 27th Stteet Corridor, dated April 1'8,2006' obtained those services from HNTB Corporation and its subcontractor, Eppstein Uhen Architects, Inc.


Franklin and Oak Creek

Memorandum of Understanding Between the City of Franklin and the City of Oak Creek Pertaining to Advertising and Public Relatiois Services For the South 27th Steet Corridor, dated



by way of an Intergovernmental



by way of an Intergovernmental Memorandum of Understanding Between the Cþ of Franklin and Franklin and Oak Creek

the City of Oak Creek Pertaining to development review process and detailed engineering design serviçes for the implementation of , 2008, obøined ttre south 27th st¡eet corridor, dated and are obtaining those services from HNTB Corporation; and WHEREAS, it is necessary in the implemørtation of the Conidor Plan to provide for the efficient review of development proposals and detailed engineering ãesign of streetscape infrastructure and facilities, to create a high-quality urban atmosphere, to attract, secure and retain high-quatþ development, business and institutions to, in and within the Corridor; and WHEREAS, Franklin having created Tær Incremental District (TIF District") No. 3 and TIF District No. 4 and Oak Creek having created TIF District No. 7 as govemmental tools to furttrer the vision, ffid FrankliÍ, at its Common Council ãreeting on February 18, 2008, having accepted the recommendations of its CDA in authorizing the expenditwe of TIF funds for Corridor Plan Development Review Process and Detailed Engineering Design services to be obtained, and that contracts for such services be awarded to HNTB Corporatiotr, ö an amendment to the súeetscape design services contract existing between Franklin and HNTB Corporation, together with the direction of and request for this MOU.

NOW, TIIEREFORE, Franklin and Oak Creek



it is hereby agreed and r¡nderstood" by and between


In fi¡rtherance of the goals to obtain the highest quahty development as set

forth in the Vision of the Plan, and in recognition of the multi-jurisdictional interaction and participation required beyond the partnership forged between the Cþ of Frarrktin and the City of Oak Creek due to the breadth of the Vision and the actual physical area size of the Corridor i*elf, including substantially, the Wisconsin bepartment of Transportation, the parties to ttris Memorandum of Understanding reaffinn their commiiments to cooperate in the implementation of the South 27th Street Corridor PIan andfor its entire six mile exp¿mse overthe course of time. response to the on-going plan of the Wisconsin Department of Transportation for the reconstruction of the entire six mile expanse of South 27th



rù/est College Avenue to Street, with the initial phase to commence for the area from of efÍiciency West Drexel Avenue iorttrcoming, ffid in consideration of the benefits rather derived by cooperative and ,o*páibh public w9$s occ,rring simultaneously information than in separatã instances, and in furthórance of those presentations and Franklin of City the reviewed at the Joint Common Council meeting between L8,2009, it Common Council and the City of Oak Creek Common Council on March is agreed that all parties to this Underst¿nding will focus upon those matters of and all other impl-ementation of the Plan, including the designation, location, ,r"å"rrury related matters pertaining to the development of Median Monuments, ance Notice Street Signs, , Wayfinding Signs, Street rain gardens, RoadwaY and their consistent Pavement crosswalks and Multi-use Pathways, so as to provide for in conjunction with the reconstruction of South 27th Street by the

implementation Wisconsin Department of Transportation.

m. In promotion

of the Pub lowest responsible cost, it is agr

with the \Misconsin DeParhnent the Department and the State o aforementioned imProvements the Wisconsin Deparhnent of Transportat Franklin staf an¿ ttre Clty of Oak ôreek staff are to be directed to investigate and may report upon, with the assistance of the HNTB Corporation as such specification and the state wiìtrin its Agreement for Professional Services dated March 31,2006, Supplemental Afeements thereto, the availability of g'ant funding for the imþiementation oí the Plan ¿u¡ may be provided by the Community Sensitive Design (C-SD) program of the rüisconsin Departmenl of Transportation, the-Transportation Economic Assistance (TEA) program of tfr" Wisconsin Department of Transportation, the Conjestion Mitiguìiott *¿ Àit q"Aity (CEMAQ) program created by the United States Government, and other like programs.

with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation and its regional and State-wide obligations and responsibility, and in furtherance of the Viiion of the South 27th Street Corridor Plan as it may be implemented during the forthcoming reconstruction project, dependant upon the participation of the Wisconsinbepartment of Transpórhtion as described in Article V. beloW the City of Frar¡klin and the cþ of oak creeþ together with the community Development Authority of the City of Franklin, V/isconsin and the Community Development

1y. In cooperation

Authority of the Cify ;f Oak Creek, Wisconsin, as they may be so authorized by their respective Common Council, agree to commit and to equally share the cost of enhanced high-qualþ Roadway Ligtttittg for the,entire six mile expanse of the South 2TthstreetReconstrúction Proþct , x alócal share in an amount not to exceed to each City the sum of $500,000.


b V.


has agree constructi enters into this Memorandum for and w construction of the Department of Transportation shall provide all other costs for the Drãxel Avenue Interchange at Interstate Highway I-94'

of such Budget funding.

In witness whereot the undersigned have set forttr their hands and seals upon date of such dates as set forttr bel,ow, the last and latest of which being the effective the Understanding.

City of Franklin

City of Oak Creek


By: Richard

Thomas M. Taylor, MaYor Date:


R Bolender, MaYor




By: Sandra


Pamela S. Bauer, Clerk

L. Wesolowski, Clerk 2009.




By: Calvin A. Patterson, Director of Finance and Treasurer

Mark Wyss, Finance Director





ommunity D ev elopment AuthoritY ofthe City of Oak Creeþ Wisconsin

ify Development

AuthoritY Wisconsin Franklþ of City


By: Marie A. Myszkowski, President

Thomas M. Taylor, Chairman





Doug Seymour, Secretary

A. Wesolowski, Executive Director Jesse






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