France Levelled Assement Success Criteria

  • June 2020
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Better Explanations France population levelled assessment task Cause

Effect Cause



Effect How?

Effect Effect WHY? Cause

How Why Effect

How Why Knock-on effect

Further Knock-on Effect Causes Effect Effect

Level 3a – 4b Only one answer is given You give one reason for something you observe on at least one map. You mention one factor that effects where people live, but, You don’t say how or why it has this effect. Eg: Lots of people because Paris is the Capital. Level 4a – 5b A chain of effects. You give a reason why one are is crowded and another has a low population. You refer to two things (factors) that effect where people live and say how or why they have that effect – either attracting or putting people off. Cause and effect. You comment on both maps. Eg: The region is crowded because Paris is in it. This is the capital which means there are lots of jobs. Level 5a – 6b A longer chain of effects. You give several reasons that may have effected where people live and you have explained how and why these factors effect people. You can say whether the factors you mention are HUMAN or PHYSICAL, positive or negative. You link the ideas / factors together to show a cause – effect and a knock on effect or series of knock on effect. You mention locations on both maps. Eg: The Ile de France is very crowded because Paris offers many things that people want. There are many industries, which mean that people can easily get a job which earns them money to pay for other services they need such as food & housing. Paragraph answer.

Level 6a – 7b Several causes working together to create a knock on effect. You give plenty of factors that may explain the pattern of population. You refer to both HUMAN & PHYSICAL factors ;social, economic & geographical You say how and why they all effect people’s choices. You link more that one cause to an effect and a chain of knock on effect events. Eg; Poor soil, cold climate and steep slopes in the mountainous region of the Auvergne make farming transport and communications difficult, so there are few industries and few jobs available. There are not enough resources to support people so few people choose to live here. Many people live in the Languedoc region because it has an excellent climate allowing lots of farming jobs and attract many tourists, providing many job opportunities in a range of things linked to tourism. There also a number of major ports such as Marseille which attract industries meaning more jobs. Two or more paragraph answer.

Better Descriptions France population levelled assessment task Me Extremes

Different types

Level 3a – 4b Use place names to identify locations. You attempt to describe the pattern on at least one map. Using extremes like crowded or empty. Level 4a – 5b You describe the pattern shown on both maps. Use terms or numbers to describe. You include the correct vocabulary such as dense, sparse, population distribution.


Level 5a – 6c You describe the pattern shown on both maps referring to actual locations. Use terms like:• twice as much, • a third of farmland, • half of the country, • most of, • 70% of to compare and contrast two variables You include the correct vocabulary such as dense, sparse, population distribution.

Ratios and Patterns

Level 6a - 7 All the above, but now combining information to describe patterns. You interlink information from both maps eg: linking outward migration to a sparse population density.



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