Fourier Depth Of Field

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 543
  • Pages: 38
Fourier Depth of Field Siggraph 2009

Cyril Soler, Kartic Subr, Frédo Durand, Nicolas Holzschuch & François Sillion


FinalDOF renderer

Depth of field is expensive

Oversampling ●

Typically we'll oversample a pixel, in a “circle of confusion”, near it's location. In focus

Out of focus

Algorithm for estimating defocus

P = {uniformly distributed image samples} NA // number of aperture samples for each pixel x in P L ← SampleLens(NA) for each sample y in L Sum ← Sum + EstimatedRadiance(x, y) Image (x) = Sum / NA

We're doing more work to display less data?

Less data at lower frequencies

Nyquist Limit “If a function x(t) contains no frequencies higher than B hertz, it is completely determined by giving its ordinates at a series of points spaced 1/(2B) seconds apart.”

Summary Bandwidth Estimation

Sample generation over image and lens

Estimate radiance

rays through image and lens samples

Reconstruct image

from scattered radiance estimates

Radiance function

● ●

Given a point The radiance function is the intensity of light in all directions

Example of light path

Local light field propagation

Central ray


We're not talking about the spectrum of light transmitted. We're talking about measuring the local changes in the radiance function...

Fourier Transform → frequency space


Spacial frequencies

Angular frequencies


Angular shear in frequency space


Convolution (in frequency space) with frequency of occluder. (Product in ray-space).

Durand 2005 goes into (much) more depth

Durand 2005, A Frequency Analysis of Light Transport

Old Algorithm for estimating defocus

P = {uniformly distributed image samples} NA // number of aperture samples for each pixel x in P L ← SampleLens(NA) for each sample y in L Sum ← Sum + EstimatedRadiance(x, y) Image (x) = Sum / NA

Our adaptive sampling (P, A) ← BandwidthEstimation() P = {uniformly {bandwidthdistributed dependent image image samples} samples} – 1 to 10% final samples N AA= {aperture variance estimate} for each pixel x in P LA← SampleLens(N N proportional to A(x) A) for each sample y in L Sum ← Sum + EstimatedRadiance(x, y) Image (x) = Sum / NA

Reconstruct (Image, P)

Image space sampling Density

W,H image dimensions

fh, fv field of view

Max energy - from angular bandwidth (use 98 percentile to avoid outliers) (From Nyquist limit)


Generating samples from

Fast Hierarchical Importance Sampling with Blue Noise Properties - Sigg04 Penrose tilings

Reconstruction from sparse samples ●

“weighted average of a constant number of neighboring samples” “adaptively varying the radius of contribution of each pixel” “In practice, we use a Gaussian weighting term with a variance that is proportional to the square root of the local density”

Results: Computation time (seconds)

Bandwidth estimation








Image reconstruction




Summary of phenomena Reference

 Defocus  Reflectance  Occlusion

Aperture variance

Image-space bandwidth


Comments? ●

● ●

Final number of points is the integral of the sample density, rather than a given value Only ~20 times faster? Does it only process the spectra after the last bounce? (or is it gathered before?) Uses a conservative bandwidth estimate – lots of room to tighten bounds

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