Fortran 4

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  • June 2020
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Berikut merupakan kasus penggunaan fortran untuk menghitung hubungan antara Konversi Maksimal dengan suhu operasi Pada perhitungan ini digunakan metode penghitungan Golden section sebagai main progam untuk memaksimasi konversi dan metode runge kuta sebagai sub rutin untuk mengerjakan pengintegrasian secara numeris

C Rendy Kurniawan C Task 4 c 07/250822/TK/32411 winapp real*8 el,ell,n,toa,tob,tp,tq,wa,wb,wp,wq,topt,wopt,dz,tolt common/task4/dz,eLL,N

c Data Main Program tolt=0.1 eLL=1000 N=1000 dz=eLL/N el=((5**0.5)-1)/2 toa=400 tob=475

c Output Label write(*,*)'------------------------------------------------------' write(*,*)'******** Rendy Kurniawan 07/250822/TK/32411 *********' write(*,*)'------------------------------------------------------' write(*,*)' write(*,*)'

Task 4' Computer Programming class B'


c Main Program call calculate w(toa,wa) call calculate w(tob,wb) tp=toa+(1-el)*(tob-toa) call calculate w(tp,wp) tq=toa+(el)*(tob-toa) call calculate w(tq,wq)

while (abs(tob-toa).gt.tolt) do write(*,*)toa,tob,wa,wb if( then toa=tp wa=wp wb=wb tob=tob tp=tq wp=wq tq=toa+el*(tob-toa) call calculate w(tq,wq) else toa=toa wa=wa tob=tq wb=wq tq=tp wq=wp tp=toa+(1-el)*(tob-toa) call calculate w(tp,wp) end if

end while topt=(toa+tob)/2 call calculate w(topt,wopt)

c Iteration finish write(*,*)'Optimation Temperature is' write(*,*)topt,'KELVIN' write(*,*)'Maximum Convertion' write(*,*)wopt,'Mole Fraction' end

c Subroutine Runge-Kutta subroutine calculate w(t,xf) real*8 ell,N,ka1,ka2,ka3,ka4,L1,L2,L3,L4,tzero,zo,xo,xf,dt,dx,dz,t common/task4/dz,eLL,N zo=0 xo=0 tzero=t while(zo.LE.ell)do call calculate kl(zo,xo,tzero,ka1,L1) call calculate kl(zo+dz/2,xo+ka1/2*dz,tzero+L1/2*dz,ka2,L2) call calculate kl(zo+dz/2,xo+ka2/2*dz,tzero+L2/2*dz,ka3,L3) call calculate kl(zo+dz,xo+ka3*dz,tzero+L3*dz,ka4,L4) dx=(ka1+2*ka2+2*ka3+ka4)*dz/6 dt=(L1+2*L2+2*L3+L4)*dz/6 zo=zo+dz tzero=tzero+dt xo=xo+dx end while

Xf=(Xo) end

c Subroutine DX/DZ and DT/DZ subroutine calculate KL(Z,X,T,Ka,L) real*8 phi,d,p,r,u,ca,cb,cc,ci,enthalpy,fo,k little,k big real*8 ka1,ka2,ka3,ka3a,ka3b,ka4,ka5,ka real*8 L1,L2,L3,L3a,L3b,L3c,L real*8 z,t,x

k little=10000*exp(-6500/t) k big=exp(2-3850/t) phi=22/7 d=35 p=7 r=82 u=0.0085 ca=20 cb=10 cc=15 ci=10 enthalpy=(-35000)+(cb+cc-ca)*(t-273) fo=10

ka1=phi*(d**2)*p/3.6/fo/r ka2=k little/t ka3a=(0.9*(1-x)/(1+0.9*x)) ka3b=(0.9*x/(1+0.9*x))**2 ka4=p/r/t

ka5=1/k big ka3=ka3a-ka3b*ka4*ka5

ka=ka1*ka2*ka3 ka=(ka)

L1=0.9*fo*(-enthalpy)*(ka) L2=U*phi*d*(t-421) L3a=0.9*(1-x)*ca L3b=0.9*x*(cb+cc) L3c=0.1*(ci) L3=fo*(L3a+L3b+L3c)

L=(L1-L2)/L3 end


run output:

c -----------------------------------------------------c ******** Rendy Kurniawan 07/250822/TK/32411 ********* c -----------------------------------------------------c

Task 4


Computer Programming class B

c -----------------------------------------------------c 400.000000000 475.000000000 4.793916969800E-02 0.999219995599 c 428.647449613 475.000000000 6.433778287661E-02 0.999219995599 c 446.352550387 475.000000000 8.454050208346E-02 0.999219995599 c 457.294901978 475.000000000 0.108747722306


c 464.057648409 475.000000000 0.138338851369


c 468.237254620 475.000000000 0.178476602686


c 470.820393789 475.000000000 0.261328272401


c 470.820393789 473.403532556 0.261328272401


c 470.820393789 472.416861233 0.261328272401


c 471.430190064 472.416861233 0.383811681579


c 471.807064958 472.416861233 0.999859455489


c 471.807064958 472.183939792 0.999859455489


c 471.807064958 472.039986399 0.999859455489


c 471.807064958 471.951018329 0.999859455489


c Optimation Temperature is c



c Maximum Convertion c


Mole Fraction

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