Formal _phase_ Report Seychelles - Mahe 002- June 2009

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Global Vision International, Seychelles - Mahé Report Series No. 002 ISSN 1751-2255 (Print)

GVI Seychelles – Mahé Marine Conservation Expedition

Phase Report 002 April – June 2009

GVI Seychelles – Mahé/Marine Conservation Expedition Report 002

Submitted in whole to Global Vision International Seychelles National Parks Authority (SNPA)

Produced by Lindsay Sullivan – Science Coordinator

And Tim Kirkpatrick

Country Director

Genevieve Gammage

Expedition Manager

Ben Herington

Expedition staff

Rachel Mowll

Expedition staff

Hazel Long

Expedition staff

Colin Watson

Expedition staff

Adriano Schonenberger

Expedition Member

Kyle Breen

Expedition Member

Alice Walker

Expedition Member

Lila Brown

Expedition Member

Amy Mickel

Expedition Member

Thomas Schonenberger

Expedition Member

Antonia Stackelberg

Expedition Member

Niamh Kelly

Expedition Member

Christina Leggett

Expedition Member

Norma Colmenares

Expedition Member

Christine Knutsson

Expedition Member

Orla Fleming

Expedition Member

David Fauchier

Expedition Member

Philip Ollerton

Expedition Member

David Sexton

Expedition Member

Pip Churchyard

Expedition Member

Elizabeth Wollen

Expedition Member

Richard Vollenberg

Expedition Member

Emma Spurs

Expedition Member

Ryan Shelley

Expedition Member

Gemma Turner

Expedition Member

Scott Meyer

Expedition Member

Greg Vicary

Expedition Member

Shanna Nellis

Expedition Member

Jeffry Nagy

Expedition Member

Thomas Shepherd

Expedition Member

Jessica Toms

Expedition Member

Tom Cripps

Expedition Member

Kim Locraft

Expedition Member

Zoe Carwardine

Expedition Member

GVI Seychelles - Mahé/Marine Conservation Expedition Address: GVI c/o SNPA, PO Box 1240, Victoria, Mahé, Seychelles Email: [email protected] Web page: and

Executive Summary The 20th 10-week phase of the Seychelles Global Vision International (GVI) Expedition on Mahé has now been completed. This report summarises the science and local capacity building programmes conducted during the phase, from April 3rd to June 12th 2009.

Underwater visual census (UVC) surveys were conducted to assess the reef at 18 sites around the North West coast of the island of Mahé, the largest and most populated in the Seychelles group. Line Intercept Transects (LITs) were used as a measure of benthic assemblage and belt transects were carried out to assess the diversity of coral and of certain invertebrates. Some changes were made to the LIT technique used on previous phases. It is expected that this change will reduce the impact of diver selection and therefore more accurately represent the benthic assemblage. Overall the results indicate a decline in coral cover since the last surveys in October – December 2008. Contributing factors may include the change in methodology techniques and high water temperatures, however further investigation is required. Bleaching of coral was observed to have increased at some of the sites monitored, particularly within the Baie Ternay Marine Park, however as there is currently no quantitative assessment of bleaching level this could not be viewed objectively. Plans have been drawn up to include a measure of bleaching in the next phase of coral surveys. Several sightings of whale sharks were made, with the details of the observations documented and passed to the Marine Conservation Society Seychelles (MCSS). Weekly plankton samples were collected and passed to MCSS to assist in their ongoing whale shark research. Several Expedition Members took part in a Crown of Thorns starfish removal program coordinated by MCSS; more than 500 starfish were removed from a reef on the South of Mahé. In line with a regional drive in sea surface temperature research, GVI also assisted MCSS in the deployment of data loggers at two depths at two different sites. Plans have been made to replace the loggers every three months going forward. While this phase has not coincided with the turtle nesting season, research has continued into the foraging behaviour and energy budgets of turtles with Baie Ternay Marine Park. Other projects continued this phase included lessons with the children from the International School of the Seychelles on a weekly basis, and a lot of work invested in development of the GVI base on Curieuse, in preparation for its launch as a full expedition.

© Global Vision International – 2009


Table of Contents Executive Summary ......................................................................................................... i 1

Introduction............................................................................................................. 4


Reef Survey Programme ........................................................................................ 6 2.1

Introduction .................................................................................................. 6


Aim .............................................................................................................. 7






Species list ........................................................................................... 7


Training ................................................................................................ 8

Methodology ................................................................................................ 9 2.3.1

Line Intercept Transects (LITs) ............................................................. 9


Coral Diversity Belt Transects .............................................................. 9


Invertebrate Abundance & Diversity Belt Transects .............................. 9


Layout of transects ............................................................................. 10


Environmental Parameters ................................................................. 10

Results ....................................................................................................... 11 2.4.1

Surveys completed ............................................................................. 11


Reported coral cover .......................................................................... 11


Coral diversity .................................................................................... 16


Invertebrate abundance and diversity ................................................. 17

Discussion ................................................................................................. 19 2.5.1

Benthic assemblage as assessed by LITs .......................................... 19


Coral diversity .................................................................................... 22


Invertebrate abundance and diversity ................................................. 23


Coral bleaching .................................................................................. 23


New coral genera ............................................................................... 23

Additional Ecosystem Monitoring .......................................................................... 24 3.1

Crown of Thorns ........................................................................................ 24


Turtles ........................................................................................................ 25



Incidental sightings ............................................................................. 25


Beach patrols for nesting turtles ......................................................... 25


In-water surveys of turtle behaviour .................................................... 26

Cetacean sightings .................................................................................... 27

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Whale shark sightings ................................................................................ 27


Plankton sampling ...................................................................................... 28


Temperature loggers .................................................................................. 28

Non-survey Programmes ...................................................................................... 29 4.1


Community Development ........................................................................... 29 4.1.1

National Scholarship Programme ....................................................... 29


Working with the International School................................................. 29

Curieuse Island Satellite Camp .................................................................. 30


Literature cited ...................................................................................................... 31


Appendices........................................................................................................... 32

List of Figures Figure 2.1 Location and substrate type of GVI survey sites Figure 2.2 Layout of transects at each survey site, where the shoreline is represented by the top of the figure and distance from shore indicates increasing depth Figure 2.3 Mean percentage coral cover ± SE at the carbonate and the granitic sites, for each survey period from 2005 to 2009 Figure 2.4 Mean percentage cover of algae and of epibenthic organisms at the granitic reef sites surveyed, for each survey period from 2005 to 2009 Figure 2.5 Mean percentage cover of algae and of epibenthic organisms at the carbonate reef sites surveyed, for each survey period from 2005 to 2009. Figure 2.6 Mean percentage cover of live hard coral at the shallow sites and at the deep sites, for each survey period from 2007 to 2009 Figure 2.7 Mean percentage cover of live hard coral for sites on different reef types and in different depth zones, for each survey period from 2007 - 2009 Figure 2.8 Mean coral genera richness ± SE for the carbonate and for the granitic sites, for each survey period from 2005 to 2009 Figure 2.9 Mean density (individuals m-2) of invertebrate phyla and of black spined sea urchins at carbonate reef sites, for every survey period from 2005 to 2009 Figure 2.10 Mean density (individuals m-2) of invertebrate phyla and of black spined sea urchins at granitic reef sites, for every survey period from 2005 to 2009. Figure 2.11 Density of invertebrate phyla and of black spined sea urchins on the carbonate and on the granitic reefs for the survey period April – June 2009


1 Introduction The Global Vision International (GVI) Seychelles expedition is based on the island of Mahé at Cap Ternay Research Centre in the Baie Ternay National Park, which is run by the Seychelles National Parks Authority (SNPA). A satellite camp has also been established on the island of Curieuse, which is just north of Praslin. All of GVI’s scientific work in the Seychelles is carried out on behalf of our local partners and at their request, using their methodology; GVI supplies experienced staff, trained volunteers and equipment to conduct research in support of their ongoing work. GVI’s key partner is the Seychelles Centre for Marine Research and Technology (SCMRT), the research arm of SNPA. Additional local partners include the Marine Conservation Society Seychelles (MCSS) and the Seychelles Fishing Authority (SFA).

Seychelles National Parks Authority (SNPA): A local parastatal organisation partly funded by the government, encompassing the Seychelles Centre for Marine Research and Technology (SCMRT) and the Marine Parks Authority (MPA). These organisations have the respective aims of carrying out marine research in the Seychelles and protecting the marine parks. The coral and fish monitoring carried out for SCMRT constitutes the majority of the work conducted by the Expedition Members. Expedition Members also work alongside MPA rangers on the satellite camp located on Curieuse.

Marine Conservation Society Seychelles (MCSS):

A local NGO that carries out

environmental research in the Seychelles, currently monitoring whale sharks, cetaceans and turtles around Mahé. GVI assists with all three of these research programmes by reporting incidental sightings of cetaceans and whale sharks, documenting the presence or absence of turtles on every dive throughout the phase, conducting in-water turtle surveys, nesting turtle surveys and undertaking weekly plankton monitoring tows.

Seychelles Fishing Authority (SFA):

The governing body which oversees the

management and regulation of commercial and artisanal fisheries in the Seychelles. This government agency is directly concerned with setting the catch, bag and seasonal limits that apply to local stocks on an annual basis, as well as managing the international export industry that is generated from the harvest of fisheries across the Seychelles Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). © Global Vision International – 2009

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In 1998, a worldwide coral bleaching event decimated much of the coral surrounding the inner granitic islands of the Seychelles, with hard coral mortality reaching 95% in some areas (Spencer et al. 2000).

It is thought that this was caused by the high ocean

temperatures associated with an El Nino Southern Oscillation event at that time. Efforts to monitor the regeneration of reefs in the Seychelles were initiated as part of the Shoals of Capricorn, a three year programme started in 1998 and funded by the Royal Geographic Society in conjunction with the Royal Society.

SCMRT was set up by the Shoals of

Capricorn in an effort to ensure continuation of the work started, as well as to assist the Marine Parks Authority (MPA) with the management of the existing marine parks. The predominant objective for the Seychelles GVI expedition is to aid this monitoring programme and thereby assist in the construction of management plans that will benefit the future recovery of coral reefs in the area.

Between the end of the Shoals of Capricorn programme in 2001, and the beginning of the GVI expedition in 2004, monitoring efforts were continued by Reefcare International, a non-governmental organisation based in Australia. The protocols established by Reefcare International provided a foundation for those adopted by GVI, differing only in the more thorough taxonomic criteria adopted by the latter, and logistical constraints that restrict GVI’s monitoring efforts to the North West coast of Mahé.

The data collection conducted by GVI Expedition Members contributes to a long-term monitoring programme that has now been in progress for ten years. By providing this support to SCMRT, it is hoped that their capacity to monitor, manage and ultimately conserve the reefs of the Seychelles during this fragile period of regeneration will be greatly enhanced.

The project runs in ten week cycles, four per year; each is known as a ‘phase’. Health and Safety: The safety of all Expedition Members is paramount. All Expedition Members are given a health and safety brief on the camp as soon as they arrive and conservative diving guidelines are adhered to for the duration of the expedition.


addition, Expedition Members complete the PADI Emergency First Response first aid course, and are taught how to administer oxygen in the event of a diving related incident. © Global Vision International – 2009

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2 Reef Survey Programme 2.1


GVI surveys a maximum of 24 sites around North West Mahé in the course of a year (Fig. 2.1). There are 16 sites which are visited every phase, a further four which are included twice a year, and four additional sites which can be surveyed whenever time permits (see Appendix A for site details). The sites are evenly divided between carbonate and granitic reefs and they describe varying degrees of exposure to waves and current.

Figure 2.1 Location and substrate type of GVI survey sites

Each survey site is divided into ‘shallow’ and ‘deep’ zones, where the shallow zone is defined by the depth range 1.5 – 5.0 m and the deep zone is defined by the depth range 5.1 – 15.0 m. Each site has a central point, marked by a distinctive landmark on the © Global Vision International – 2009

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coastline, and is further divided into left, centre and right areas. These areas are loosely defined as such by their position with respect to the centre marker of the site. All depths are standardised with respect to chart datum. 2.2


Until April 2009, coral surveying was conducted on every phase, and fish included on alternate phases. Following discussions with SCMRT on their data requirements, phases now alternate between surveying coral only and surveying fish only. A selection of other invertebrates is included on each phase type.

The focus of phase 20 was on surveying coral. The aims for the phase were to assess the benthic assemblage, the coral diversity, and the abundance and diversity of invertebrates at the 18 sites selected for the phase.

These sites include the 16 ‘bi-annual’ sites,

surveyed every phase and thus are surveyed twice a year for coral, plus two ‘annual’ sites, 18. L’ilot North Face and 12A. Willie’s Bay Reef (see Appendix A) (Fig. 2.1). 2.2.1

Species list Coral The list of corals surveyed now covers 49 genera, following the addition of Coscinaraea, Siderastreidae and Halomitra, Fungiidae.

See Appendix B for a full list.

Corals are

specific to genus only; Expedition Members are not required to identify coral accurately to species. This is because in situ identification beyond genus level is not possible in the case of some corals, and is beyond the requirements of the project aims. Expedition Members are also encouraged to record the genus as ‘unknown’ if they are not able to confidently identify a coral beyond the family level, and similarly to record ‘unknown hard coral’ where even the family is not determinable with a level of confidence. Invertebrates Not all Expedition Members are required to study other invertebrates. It is faster to learn to identify and survey other invertebrates than coral and some Expedition Members prefer to spend less time learning so as to maximise the number of surveys they complete during their time here. Expedition Members who joined the expedition at the 5 week mark were given the choice of learning either coral or other invertebrates. The list of other invertebrates surveyed this phase can be found in Appendix C. © Global Vision International – 2009

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Dive training: All Expedition Members must be at least PADI Open Water qualified to join the expedition. Expedition Members then receive the PADI Advanced Open Water course covering Boat, Peak Performance Buoyancy, Navigation, Underwater Naturalist, and Deep dives.

Species identification: Expedition Members are assigned to either corals or fish and may also be required to learn a selection of other reef-dwelling invertebrates. Training is initially provided in the form of presentations, workshops and informal discussion with the expedition staff.

Self study materials are also available.

Knowledge is tested using

pictures on land, for which a 95% pass mark is required. Expedition Members are taken on identification dives with staff members for in-water testing; their responses are recorded and the dives continue until the Expedition Member has demonstrated accurate identification of all necessary species/genera.

Survey Methodology: Expedition Members receive in-water training in the skills required to conduct reef surveys, with all participants completing the PADI Coral Reef Research Diver (CRRD) course. All are trained in the use of a delayed surface marker buoy and tape reels, plus any other survey equipment specific to the research they will be conducting. Before completing any UVCs independently, Expedition Members participate in practice UVCs in which they are taught and supervised by a member of staff. The CRRD course also includes a series of lectures on various aspects of the marine environment.

Several improvements have been made to the quality of the species identification training materials this phase. New photographs of corals were sourced from the internet to replace existing ones of poor quality. The new pictures were used to produce new sets of electronic flashcards, to enhance the self-study materials available, and to develop the exams by the same means. The library of coral pictures now only includes those which present the coral as it looks underwater, making the coral-learning process more straightforward.

Coral skeletons were also incorporated into the on-land training.

This helped the

Expedition Members to see parts of the coral anatomy, such as the columella and paliform © Global Vision International – 2009

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lobes, which are discussed in lectures and used to distinguish between coral genera, but which are not easily seen in photographs of corals projected onto the wall. It also enabled Expedition Members to visualise the scale of coral genera which can be difficult to appreciate from a photograph. 2.3 2.3.1

Methodology Line Intercept Transects (LITs)

The Line Intercept Transect (LIT) is a cost-effective method for assessing reef composition (Leujak & Ormond 2007). At each site, six LITs were carried out, each 10 m long running along a single depth contour parallel to shore, using polyprophelene tape measures on reels. Three LITs were done in each of the shallow and deep zones, evenly spread amongst the left, centre and right of the site (Fig. 2.2). Transects were laid haphazardly where possible. The topography in some of the granitic sites creates limited possible places where 10 m of tape can be laid out inside the 1.5 – 5.0 m zone and meant that shallow transects must be laid wherever the diver can achieve it and thus diver selection must drive the process. Divers record a start and end depth for each transect. The benthic assemblage is recorded in a continuous series of data of what is directly under the tape, with start and end points for each entry, to the nearest cm. Where coral is found the life form best describing the majority of the colony is also recorded. 2.3.2

Coral Diversity Belt Transects

The coral diversity belt transect is conducted along a 50 m tape with divers searching for coral genera in a 5 m wide swath, each diver in a buddy pair searching the area up to 2.5 m away from the tape on one side.

Each diver records the presence of all coral genera

seen in their search area. The transects both started in the shallow centre, with one heading out to the deep left (belt B) and the other to the deep right (belt A), thus both the depth and spread of each site is sampled. 2.3.3

Invertebrate Abundance & Diversity Belt Transects

The diver conducting the invertebrate belt transects dived as a buddy to the LIT diver and transects were conducted along the same tape as the LITs, thus six invertebrate belts were completed at each site (Fig. 2.2). Invertebrate divers searched the area extending to 1 m either side of the tape, thus the belt transects were 10 * 2 m.

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Layout of transects Shore

Increasing depth

LIT Invertebrate belt Coral diversity belt

Figure 2.2 Layout of transects at each survey site, site, where the shoreline is represented by the top of the figure and distance from shore indicates increasing depth


Environmental Parameters

During each survey dive the boat captain records certain abiotic factors pertaining to the environmental conditions during the dive. •

Turbidity is recorded using a Secchi disk

Cloud cover is estimated in eighths

Sea state is evaluated using the Beaufort scale, scale, a copy of which is kept on the boat

Surface and bottom sea temperatures are recorded using personal dive computers

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2.4 2.4.1

Results Surveys completed

All transects were completed at each of the 18 target sites. No additional sites were completed. 2.4.2

Reported coral cover Substrate type comparison Mean percentage coral cover reduced from October – December 2008 to the present study period, at both the granitic and the carbonate sites (Fig. 2.3). The granitic sites displayed the sharpest decline, dropping from 31.6% ±1.9 to 22.8% ± 1.8; this represents a drop of 28%. The coral cover at the carbonate sites declined less steeply, from 21.6% ± 2.0 in October – December 2008 to 19.4% ± 2.1 in April – June 2009; a 10% reduction.

40 Carbonate



Mean Percentage Cover (±SE)

30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Engelhardt 2004









Figure 2.3 Mean percentage coral cover ± SE at the carbonate and the granitic sites, for each survey period from 2005 to 2009

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At the granitic sites, cover of macro algae increased slightly from 0.5% to 1.1% from October – December 2008 to April – June 2009 (Fig. 2.4). Soft coral cover also increased from 0.2% to 0.9% over the same period.

The cover of coralline algae has been

decreasing at a steady rate from October – December 2007 to the present study period, while the percentage cover of sponges and of corallimorphs and zoanthids combined remained constant over this last 6 month period. Since surveys began in 2005, the granitic sites have shown an overall increasing trend, with slight reductions in mean percentage live hard coral cover in the April – June survey periods of each year. Soft coral cover at granitic sites is consistently lower than that at carbonate sites (Fig, 2.4, Fig. 2.5.)

35 Soft coral Sponge



Mean Percentage Cover

Coralline algae


Macro algae Live coral





0 APR-MAY 05









Figure 2.4 Mean percentage cover of algae and of epibenthic organisms at the granitic reef sites surveyed, for each survey period from 2005 to 2009 © Global Vision International – 2009

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At the carbonate sites, cover of both coralline algae and of macro algae has increased from October – December 2008 to the last survey period (Fig. 2.5). Coralline algae was found to cover 2.2% of the transects conducted in October – December 2008, and 3.1% of the transects conducted in April – June 2009. Similarly, percentage cover of macro algae species increased from 0.1% to 0.5% over the same period. Both types of algae have shown steady levels over the longer term. Percentage cover of soft corals and of sponges shows a slightly decreasing trend over the last 12 month period.

The combined

percentage cover of corallimorphs and zoanthids has displayed varying levels for the last 24 month period.

30 Soft coral Sponge


Corallimorphs/Zoanthids Coralline algae

Mean Percentage Cover

Macro algae


Live coral




0 APR-MAY 05









Figure 2.5 Mean percentage cover of algae and of epibenthic organisms at the carbonate reef sites surveyed, for each survey period from 2005 to 2009.

© Global Vision International – 2009

Page 13 Depth comparison Results from transects completed within the shallow zone and the deep zone report that mean percentage cover of live hard corals has declined at both depths from the October – December 2008 survey period to April – June 2009 (Fig. 2.6). The shallow sites reported a sharper decline, from 30.5% in October – December 2008 to 21.7% in April – June 2009, than the deep sites which reduced from 26.8% to 20.5% over the same period. These results bring the reported coral cover levels of shallow and deep reefs closer together, a difference of 1.2%, or 0.12m, in April – June 2009, reduced from 3.7%, or 0.37 m, in October – December 2008. Since surveys distinguishing deep zones from shallow zones began in 2007 both have displayed a drop or a slow in increase rate of mean percentage coral cover in the April – June survey periods, more pronounced in the deep transects.

35 Deep Shallow


Mean Percentage Cover






0 APR-JUN 07





Figure 2.6 Mean percentage cover of live hard coral at the shallow sites and at the deep sites, for each survey period from 2007 to 2009

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Since 2007 the deep granitic sites have been the most varied in terms of mean percentage coral cover, displaying the most pronounced decline during the April – June survey periods (Fig. 2.7). All four combinations of reef type and depth zone have shown a reduction in coral cover over the most recent survey period, since October – December 2008, the deep granitic sites showing the greatest reduction and the deep carbonate sites showing the smallest reduction.

Deep carbonate sites have shown the smoothest overall trend.

Shallow granitic sites showed a large increase from April – June 2007 to October – December 2007, followed by very little variation to October – December 2008.

40 35

Mean Percentage Cover

30 25 20 15 10

Deep carbonate Shallow carbonate


Deep Granitic Shallow granitic

0 APR-JUN 07




Figure 2.7 Mean percentage cover of live hard coral for sites on different reef types and in different depth zones, for each survey period from 2007 - 2009

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Coral diversity

Coral diversity declined from October – December 2008 to April – June 2009 at both the carbonate and the granitic sites (Fig. 2.8). Carbonate sites displayed a decrease from 30.9 in October – December 2008 to 29.9 genera per site while granitic sites showed a similar reduction, from 30.3 to 29.2 genera per site in April – June 2009. Viewing a longer period, the granitic sites displayed a steady increase in coral genera richness from the first surveys in April – May 2005 until October – December 2006, after which there was a drop in April – June 2007, followed again by a period of steady increasing, until the most recent survey period in April – June 2009. The carbonate sites similarly increased in coral genera richness from the first surveys in April – May 2005 but continued to increase until April – June 2007, after which there was a slight decrease, followed by a steady increase until the recent surveys.

Mean Genera Richess (±SE)









20 APR-MAY OCT-DEC 05 05








Figure 2.8 Mean coral genera richness ± SE for the carbonate and for the granitic sites, for each survey period from 2005 to 2009

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Invertebrate abundance and diversity

Densities of Arthropods have been increasing overall since 2005 when surveys began, with an acceleration in increase rate at both the carbonate and the granitic sites over the last year (Fig. 2.9, Fig. 2.10). Long and short spined sea urchins have fluctuated around the 0.6 individuals per metre mark throughout the four year survey history, at carbonate and at granitic sites, displaying an increasing trend since April – June 2007 at carbonate sites and a decreasing trend at granitic sites over the same period. Mollusc species surveyed have shown steady densities over time at the carbonate sites and more highly fluctuating densities at the granitic sites. In the last survey period, April – June 2009, there were more than twice as many target molluscs recorded on surveys at granitic reefs than carbonate (Fig, 2.11). Arthropods were also found in greater abundance at granitic sites, while Annelids, Echinoderms in general, as well as long and short spined sea urchins in particular, were recorded in higher densities at carbonate sites than those of granitic reefs.


Invertebrate Density (individials/m2)


1,0 Annelida 0,8

Platyhelminthes Arthropoda


Mollusca Echinodermata


Black Spined Sea Urchins


0,0 Apr-Jun Oct-Dec Apr-Jun Oct-Dec Apr-Jun Oct-Dec Apr-Jun Oct-Dec Apr-Jun 05 05 06 06 07 07 08 08 09 -2

Figure 2.9 Mean density (individuals m ) of invertebrate phyla and of black spined sea urchins at carbonate reef sites, for every survey period from 2005 to 2009

© Global Vision International – 2009

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Invertebrate Density (individials/m2)




Annelida Platyhelminthes


Arthropoda Mollusca

0,4 Echinodermata Black Spined Sea Urchins


0,0 Apr-Jun Oct-Dec Apr-Jun Oct-Dec Apr-Jun Oct-Dec Apr-Jun Oct-Dec Apr-Jun 05 05 06 06 07 07 08 08 09 -2

Figure 2.10 Mean density (individuals m ) of invertebrate phyla and of black spined sea urchins at granitic reef sites, for every survey period from 2005 to 2009.

Density (individuals m-2)

1,4 1,2

Carbonate Granitic

1,0 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 0,0

Figure 2.11 Density of invertebrate phyla and of black spined sea urchins on the carbonate and on the granitic reefs for the survey period April – June 2009

© Global Vision International – 2009

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2.5 2.5.1

Discussion Benthic assemblage as assessed by LITs Changes to LIT technique The technique used to perform LITs was reviewed this phase and some changes introduced. While it is preferable to keep methodologies as consistent as possible to restrict sources of variance, where the method is introducing bias it is necessary to adapt it. The changes are detailed below. Resolution of coral identification To date, coral encountered on a LIT was divided into three categories: Acropora sp., Pocillopora sp. and other hard corals, and recorded as such, along with the appropriate life form.

While this is in line with the methods used by previous studies in the region

(Engelhardt 2004, Payet et al. 2005) and described by English et al. (1997) it was commonly reported by volunteers that they found it frustrating to spend time learning to identify coral to genus level and then not to use this knowledge. It is also considered preferable, where possible, to record data on a transect to the highest possible resolution and to ‘clump’ data together for analysis if required (Shank, pers. comm.). Many reef monitoring programmes may not have the expertise and/or the necessary training time required to identify coral to genus level, however we do and thus it was decided to apply this knowledge when conducting LITs. Continuous record of substrate type LIT surveys completed to date have not recorded substrate type, with the exception of bare substrates and dead coral.

Substrates such as sand and silt are not ‘available

substrate’ for coral to colonise; correcting data for substrate type will enable assessment of coral cover relative to the optimum state of the reef given suitable substrate availability. Both the cover and the substrate are now recorded at every point on the transect. Straightness of transect tape The reefs around North West Mahé are fringing reefs, thus are very close to shore and in certain weather conditions they are subject to considerable surge. The accuracy of LITs is reduced by movement of the tape and keeping a measuring tape still in surge is extremely difficult without securing it to the substrate.

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This had previously been achieved by

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diverting the transect line in order to wrap the tape around coral encountered along the transect. Discussions were held with SCMRT before the start of phase 20 and it was decided not to continue to wrap tapes around coral; not only could this damage coral colonies but it introduces diver selection into the method and may report inflated levels of coral cover. It was also agreed that the tape should be as taut as possible; one weakness of line transect methods is that they over-estimate coral cover by following the contours of individual colonies which then generates measures of coral circumferential area a instead of planar area (Leujak & Ormond 2007), thus by keeping the tape tight it is hoped to reduce this effect as much as possible. Various strategies for securing the tape to the reef in a taut, straight line were discussed. On transects in the deep zone (> 5 m) the tape is not affected by surge to the same extent and a 10 m tape laid straight is able to be kept taut by a 2 lb lead weight block at either end. For transects laid in the shallow zone (< 5 m) the 2 lb weight blocks are not sufficiently heavy to hold the tape in place and the surge often rips the tape out from beneath the weight.

In these circumstances the most

reasonable and successful method involved divers taking additional 4 lb lead weight blocks on survey dives and using it to hold down the tape immediately ahead of the section they are studying. This seemed to work sufficiently enough to enable transects to be carried out; on all LITs the divers were required to record the level of surge on a scale of 0 – 5. While subjective, this information may help to assess, in the case of any unusual data, whether that diver conducted the survey under levels of surge sufficiently high enough to influence their results. Reported coral cover The decline of coral cover since the last survey period was not accompanied by an equivalent increase in either macro or coralline algae types. Although cover of these algae has increased at the carbonate sites, and macro algal cover has increased at the granitic sites, this is not yet at a level which would indicate that the coral cover is being replaced by algal cover. This then suggests that cover of live hard corals is not decreasing because it is being out-competed by algae; under these circumstances it would be expected that algal cover would increase at the same rate as coral cover decreases. If the decline in the reported percentage cover of hard corals represents a true decline in live coral on the reef then we may see an increasing trend of algal cover as it grows on the substrate made available by coral. This can be studied after the next surveys are done in April – June 2010.

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For the first time, the transects included a continuous record of substrate type, for 100% of each transect, as discussed in § The reported reduction in live coral cover could be caused by more transects being laid upon substrate on which coral is less able to grow, such as sand areas. Although we cannot compare the substrate types with those of previous phases, when considered as a percentage only of available suitable substrate, i.e. rock, the coral cover of the last survey period is still a reduction on that reported in the survey period October – December 2008 (add number to graph and ref it).

The granitic sites in particular have demonstrated a reduction in coral cover each April – June survey period. This is also when the sea surface temperatures reach an annual peak of 29 – 31° C (Seychelles Fishing Authority 1995); in April – June 2007 temperatures recorded on many survey dives exceeded 30° C on the surface, reaching 32° C at Whale Rock on 12 May. Coral is sensitive to increases in temperatures and excessively high temperatures over an extended period may lead to coral bleaching. After a few days, bleached coral will become overgrown by algae; therefore increases in bleaching could lead to increased cover of dead coral with algae. Temperature increases are usually more pronounced in the shallower zones, however it has been the deep transects which have reported the greater drops in mean percentage coral cover increase rates in the April – June survey periods. Future research combining a quantified measure of bleaching levels, water temperatures and coral cover could isolate the impact that temperature has upon benthic assemblage.

In addition, it is possible that the changes to the LIT survey techniques introduced this phase and discussed in § may have exaggerated the decline seen this survey period. Laying the tape straight and taut and not using epibenthic communities as anchors to secure the tape to the substrate is expected to reduce the reported cover of live hard coral. Shallow sites, particularly those on granitic reefs because of their exposed location, such as the points of bays, and their proximity to shore, frequently are those which experience the highest levels of surge.

Under the previous technique these are the

transects where divers found it the most necessary to divert the tape to anchor it around corals, therefore it would be thought that they may also be the locations where the change to running the tape straight may show the greatest influence on results. However all the transects conducted at the granitic sites, plus those from the shallow areas of carbonate reefs all showed similar declines in reported coral cover. © Global Vision International – 2009

The deep carbonate reefs Page 21

reported the least decline, which weakly supports this theory. In order to resolve the effect that the change in LIT methodology has had, it is recommended that transects be conducted using the two different techniques in the same location to estimate the factor by which coral cover is influenced.

Engelhardt (2004) attributes the elevated coral cover at granitic sites compared to carbonate sites to the effect of water quality linked to position. Granitic sites are at more exposed points with high water flow whereas many carbonate sites are within sheltered bays receiving less water flow and more nutrients and sediments through run off from land. The sites with the highest overall levels of coral cover were Port Launay West Rocks (37%), a granitic site, and Baie Ternay Centre (34%), a carbonate site within the protected area of the Baie Ternay National Marine Park. 2.5.2

Coral diversity

Extensive surveys conducted across the inner Seychelles islands in 2004 recorded 48 genera of coral from 14 different families (Engelhardt 2004). Our survey list now stands at 49 genera. The average genera diversity found by our surveys was 29.6; the highest found was in Baie Ternay Centre where 37 genera were recorded. Engelhardt (2004) found 34 genera at this site as part of the SEYMEMP studies conducted from 2001 – 2004, a positive sign that coral diversity remains high at this protected site. Some coral genera were not found at any of the sites surveyed this phase. Seriatopora, Diaseris, Coeloseris, Siderastrea, Pectinia, Oulophyllia, and Alveopora did not occur on any of the coral diversity belt transects and have not been seen on any dive since the any of the current staff team began diving here, that is for at least two years prior to 2009. This year, Alveopora and Oulophyllia, however, have both been by staff members during nonsurvey dives in Baie Ternay and at Conception North Point, respectively. Therefore, while the transects have reported a decline in coral diversity, to experienced staff members it seems as if diversity is increasing with corals considered to be rare in the area making appearances. We look forward to these corals increasing in abundance and appearing on coral diversity belt transects in the future.

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Invertebrate abundance and diversity

Invertebrates are surveyed as part of the reef monitoring program because changes in their densities may be important indicators of changes on the reef.

Filter feeding

invertebrates are indicators of changes in water quality, coral predators are useful to study alongside coral cover and coral diversity, and algal grazers are key indicators of reef health in terms of the relative levels of coral cover and algal cover. Most of the target invertebrate species are demonstrating normal fluctuations in density levels.

The Arthropods surveyed are shrimps, mantis shrimps and crabs.

If growth

continues at the current rate, further investigation into the driving species is recommended. Long and short spined sea urchin densities in particular should also be closely monitored; these algal grazers can cause inadvertent harm to new coral colonies, impeding recruitment rates, and in high densities they may indicate an algal dominated environment. 2.5.4

Coral bleaching

Bleaching levels, particularly within Baie Ternay and most noticeably at depths of 7 m and shallower, were observed to have increased during the survey period. As bleaching is not something currently included on any transects no time series data exists for it and quantitative assessment has not been possible. Staff members have been diving in Baie Ternay many times a week for the past several months and are confident that a greater number of coral colonies were displaying some sign of bleaching, particularly Pocillopora, Goniopora, Acropora and Pavona species, than in previous phases. In order to be able to quantitatively assess bleaching levels and to consider in conjunction with water temperatures and as a factor contributing to levels of coral cover as discussed in §, surveys of bleaching will be incorporated into the methodologies utilised on future coral surveying phases, beginning in October – December 2009. 2.5.5

New coral genera

This phase there have been multiple sightings by staff members of Polyphyllia (Fungiidae); a coral genus which has not previously been recorded on surveys conducted in the area. Polyphyllia is sufficiently distinctive for staff members to be confident of positive identification and Polyphyllia talpina is common in the Western Indian Ocean (Veron 2000). As such, with confirmed permission from SCMRT, Polyphyllia will be added to the list of coral genera taught to Expedition Members and surveyed on the next coral phase in October – December 2009.

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3 Additional Ecosystem Monitoring 3.1

Crown of Thorns

Outbreaks of the coral predator, the Crown of Thorns starfish (Acanthaster planci), were first reported in 1996 and were active until 1998, when the reefs suffered from the bleaching-induced coral mortality (Engelhardt 2004). Normal density levels are less than one individual per hectare (Pratchett 2007) and in these numbers A. planci can assist coral diversity by feeding on the faster growing corals such as Acropora and Pocillopora, which are its preferred prey items (Pratchett 2007) and early colonisers of degraded reefs that can out-compete slower growing corals (Veron 2000). In high numbers however the level of competition for food drives the starfish to eat all species of corals and reefs can become severely degraded with coral cover reduced to as little as 1% (CRC Reef 2001). The causes of outbreaks are still not completely understood; it may be connected to overfishing of A. planci predators, such as the giant triton shell which is popular with shell collectors, or to natural fluctuations (CRC Reef 2001). The most influential factor could be increased nutrient levels in the oceans (Engelhardt pers. comm.), from agricultural, domestic or industrial sources. A. planci are surveyed as part of the invertebrate abundance and diversity belts and incidental sightings are also documented after every dive.

Numbers of A. planci seen over the phase were low; none were reported on the invertebrate belt transects and there were only 5 incidental sightings in total. Although few A. planci were seen at the sites surveyed by GVI in the last phase, outbreaks were reported on other reefs around Mahé. In response, the Underwater Centre, a dive centre based in the tourist area of Beau Vallon and owned by the chairman of MCSS, Dr David Rowat, began an A. planci removal programme. Expedition Members assisted with these dives on three occasions, removing over 500 starfish from a reef suffering from an outbreak at Anse la Mouche in the south of the Mahé. Starfish were speared with a stick and physically removed from the water; tube feet were sampled from every 5th individual and sent to Hawai’i for genetic analysis on the sources and spread of the species.

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Five species of marine turtles are found in the Seychelles: the leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea), loggerhead (Caretta caretta), olive ridley (Lepidochelys olivacea), hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata), and green (Chelonia mydas) (IUCN 1996). The leatherback, loggerhead and olive ridley, although common in the Western Indian Ocean, are not thought to currently nest in the Seychelles and are rarely seen. In contrast, the hawksbill and green are resident in coastal waters of the Seychelles, nest on the beaches, and are commonly observed. All five species found in the Seychelles face the combined threats of poaching, pollution and loss of nesting sites, and are listed by IUCN as endangered or critically endangered. The Seychelles is considered one of the most important sites for the critically endangered hawksbill turtle and is one of the only localities in the world where they can be observed nesting during daylight hours.

GVI staff and Expedition Members are trained in turtle identification through lectures and PowerPoint presentations in which they learn to ID both from seeing the turtle and also from the tracks. All are also trained in the necessary survey techniques, thus allowing them to participate in both the water based and land based surveys. 3.2.1

Incidental sightings

For every dive undertaken by GVI, a record of turtle observations is kept. The parameters for each of GVI’s dives are logged, regardless of whether a turtle was seen, enabling the calculation of turtle frequency per dive and thus effort-related abundance. The species, sex, size and behaviour of all turtles sighted is recorded wherever possible.

Out of the 103 dives completed this phase (this discounts dives that were specifically looking for turtles as part of the focal behavioural study), 11 turtles were seen during dives; 6 hawksbill, 5 green. From January – March 2009 18 turtles were seen over 132 dives. 3.2.2

Beach patrols for nesting turtles

Beach patrols are conducted on North West Mahé during the hawksbill turtle nesting season from October to March. This land-based turtle monitoring work includes beach walks, documentation of nesting tracks, and investigation of newly hatched clutches. Beach patrols are carried out weekly at beaches local to the Cap Ternay research station (Anse Du Riz and Anse Major) to monitor nesting turtle activity.

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conducted on foot, with the teams walking along the upper beach searching for signs of tracks or body pits, on the main beach, and also within the coastal vegetation. 3.2.3

In-water surveys of turtle behaviour

GVI’s previous turtle census methodology incorporated U-shaped transects and point counts as a means to gauge seasonal fluctuations in the resident population of sea turtles within Baie Ternay, however preliminary results from research conducted by von Brandis in the Amirantes established that philopatric behaviour is common among foraging hawksbill turtles, and extensive information on individuals and their energy budgets can be gathered using relatively non-invasive sampling protocols (von Brandis pers. comm.). Focal behavioural studies work on the philosophy that an individual, when followed and observed correctly, can provide a wealth of ecological information that would otherwise be unnoticed in a simple point count survey.

Our objective is to document important

interactions between hawksbill turtles and their environment while obtaining information of prey preference and the number of individuals displaying philopatric behaviour within the Baie Ternay Marine Reserve. Expedition members use SCUBA equipment to undertake a U-shaped search pattern. Divers look for focal animals and, upon finding an individual, follow and document all behaviours observed. Environmental conditions can dictate at what distance accurate observations are made without altering normal behaviour but in general a distance of no closer than 5 m is sufficient. A continuous time scale of data is used; divers stay with any individual encountered for as long as possible even if another individual is located. In the event that another turtle is found, the second member of the buddy pair may start to document behaviour but at no time are buddy pairs to become separated by more than 2 m. Any characteristic markings should be documented and the use of underwater photography is highly desirable for turtle identification and determining unknown prey items.

During turtle focal behaviour dives there were nine turtles studied. Five were positively identified as hawksbill and four as green. Swimming and resting on the bottom were most commonly observed hawksbill activities; none were seen eating.

Due to logistical

constraints, it is only possible for the study in Baie Ternay to be carried out on a weekly basis, incorporating two 45 minute dives with most Expedition Members participating in one dive; however it is an interesting addition to the routine for Expedition Members, enhancing their skill set and appreciation for marine ecological fieldwork.

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Cetacean sightings

Cetaceans are considered to be under threat in many parts of the world and in response to this threat, a national database of cetacean sightings, the Seychelles Marine Mammal Observatory (SMMO), has been set up. GVI records all incidental cetacean sightings and passes all data to MCSS for inclusion in the national database. Data recorded includes date, time, location (including GPS coordinates where possible), environmental conditions, number of individuals, distinguishing features, size, behaviour and species.

There were five separate sightings of cetaceans during the phase April – June 2009. Estimated pod sizes, (numbers seen surfacing together at any one time), ranged from three to seven individuals.

A minimum of 21 individual were seen in total and all

observations were made the boat; there were no sightings of dolphins whilst diving. All individuals were recorded as bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncates).


Whale shark sightings

The Seychelles is famous for its seasonal fluctuations in the abundance of whale sharks (Rhincodon typus). However despite their public profile, relatively little is known about their behaviour or the ecological factors which influence their migratory patterns. A whale shark monitoring programme was started by volunteers in 1996 and is now the cornerstone of a lucrative eco-tourism operation run by MCSS.

From 2001 -2003, a

tagging programme was initiated to study migratory patterns as part of the Seychelles Marine Ecosystem and Management Project (SEYMEMP), and it is now clear that the sharks seen in the Seychelles are not resident, but range throughout the Indian Ocean. The oceanographic or biological conditions that determine the movements are unclear, it is possible however that the sharks follow seasonal variations in the abundance of the plankton on which they feed.

All sightings of whale sharks are documented in as much detail as possible. This includes time, date, GPS point, number of animals, size of the individuals, sex, distinguishing features, behaviour and tag numbers if present. Photographs are also taken whenever possible of the left and right side of the thorax from the base of the pectoral fin to behind the gill area.

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There were five whale shark sightings during the April – June 2009 phase. One sighting occurred during a dive, all others were sightings made from the boat, three of which involved in-water snorkel encounters for the Expedition Members present.

Dr David

Rowat from MCSS visited the Cap Ternay research centre on two occasions during the phase to deliver a lecture on whale sharks. Dr Rowat’s presentation outlined research techniques and discussed the current state of knowledge.

He also explained the

guidelines for behaviour during in-water encounters with whale sharks which minimise stress and harm to the animal and maximise the time that it will remain for. 3.5

Plankton sampling

MCSS initiated a plankton monitoring programme in conjunction with the tagging and incidental recording surveys in an attempt to correlate the frequency of whale shark sightings with plankton levels. The plankton sampling has been run by MCSS since 2003 in conjunction with their ongoing whale shark monitoring and tagging programmes. GVI started to assist MCSS in the collection of plankton data in July 2004, and have since carried out the survey on a weekly basis. Five plankton tows are carried out to the North Western side of Grouper Point, just outside of Cap Ternay Marine Park, between 08:00 and 11:00 hours. The tows are carried out along a North Westerly course from Grouper Point. In order to sample over a range of depths, the net is let out a further 5 m every 30 seconds (up to 45 m). Samples are collected in the ‘cod end’ of the net, decanted into a receptacle and preserved in formalin. After the survey and the filtering process, they are passed to MCSS for measurement of wet weight and classification of species. Environmental conditions are also noted (sea state, cloud cover and turbidity).

Plankton tows were successfully conducted on eight occasions during the phase. 3.6

Temperature loggers

In line with a regional drive in research into sea surface temperatures, GVI staff members assisted Dr David Rowat and Katie Brooks from MCSS in installing four temperature data loggers early in the phase. One logger was placed at 15 m depth and one at 5 m depths at Conception North Point and in the centre of Baie Ternay. It is aimed to change the loggers once per phase to provide continuous temperature data on a frequent basis.

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4 Non-survey Programmes 4.1 4.1.1

Community Development National Scholarship Programme

The National Scholarship Programme is directly funded by GVI Expedition Members’ payments and aims to increase long term capacity building within the country. National recruits such as rangers, researchers and students are selected by the local partner organisations and are brought into the programme as Expedition Members. In order for SNPA to continue and build upon the research conducted by GVI, scholars are invited to join every expedition from the pool of SNPA staff.

There were no applicants for the programme this phase. 4.1.2

Working with the International School

The GVI Seychelles community education project works in conjunction with the International School of the Seychelles (ISS). Lessons are held on Port Launay Beach, within one of the National Marine Parks on Mahé, where children aged 7 – 9 from ISS are taught aspects of marine conservation in an environment that ignites and stimulates their interest. We believe that this branch of the expedition is key to the overall impact of our role within the Seychelles. It also increases the extent to which Expedition Members are able to contribute on an individual level, to help raise vital awareness of marine conservation issues related directly to the Seychelles. Topics taught include Food Chains, specific habitats such as Mangroves, Seagrass and the Coral Reef system; Endangered Species; aspects of Marine Pollution and finally the role of the National Marine Parks of the Seychelles. All lessons focus on the human impacts on these topics and the ways that we can address these issues, using education as the cornerstone. Lesson plans detail the main points of each lesson, a time table, different teaching methods to use and games to play with the children to reinforce the main points. These are appropriately structured for the age group of the children.

Phase 20 has seen a continuation to the dedicated effort and hard work of staff and Expedition Members to improve the GVI Seychelles community education project. Lessons were conducted every Tuesday for five weeks of the phase. © Global Vision International – 2009

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Curieuse Island Satellite Camp

Curieuse Island is situated to the North of Mahé, close to Praslin. The island and its surrounding waters are protected as National Terrestrial and Marine Park, and is one of only a few places on the planet where a population of Aldabra Giant tortoises lives freely. It is also one of only two places where the Coco-de-Mer, an endemic species, grows naturally.

The island and reserve serve as a major tourist attraction and economic

resource for the Seychelles, and also suffer from poaching of their resources. Coral Reef Monitoring and Coral Recruitment surveying was initiated around Curieuse and Praslin Islands in 2001 and continued until 2004 by Reefcare International. In addition the main ranger station for SNPA is located on Curieuse and is where the logistical operations of the reserve are based.

In August 2005, GVI established a small satellite camp on

Curieuse to work with SNPA on the continuation and development of this surveying. As the programme is in line with the research conducted by GVI around North West Mahé, it also serves as an expansion of the geographical range of the survey area. Curieuse was historically home to a colony of lepers and it is a shared vision of GVI and SNPA to restore some of the old houses to their original state, as part of a visitor’s attraction. At the beginning of 2007, GVI broke ground to begin expanding one of the old leper houses, in which GVI currently resides.

Expedition Members were sent to Curieuse, in groups of 4 or 5, for a total of seven weeks of the phase. The diving programme could not be run due to logistical issues, however with the birth of GVI Curieuse as an expedition in its own right coming up in October 2009; there is a significant amount of preparation in order for the base to be ready to receive a group of permanent Expedition Members. There has therefore been an increased focus on renovation of the house.

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5 Literature cited CRC Reef, 2001, Crown-of-thorns starfish on the Great Barrier Reef: Current state of knowledge: April 2001. CRRCentre James Cook University, Townsville. Engelhardt U., 2004, The status of scleractinian coral and reef-associated fish communities 6 years after the 1998 mass coral bleaching event. Seychelles Marine Ecosystem







Seychelles/World Wildlife Fund, Victoria. English S., Wilkinson C., Baker V. (Eds.), 1997, Survey Manual for Tropical Marine Resources, 2nd edn. Australian Institute of Marine Science, Townsville. IUCN 1996, A Marine Turtle Conservation Strategy and Action Plan for the Western Indian Ocean. International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources. Leujak W., Ormond R.F.G., 2007, Comparative accuracy and efficiency of six coral community survey methods. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 351, 168-187. Payet R., Bijoux J., Adam P-A., 2005, Status and Recovery of Carbonate and Granitic Reefs in the Seychelles Inner Islands and Implications for Management. Coral Reef Degradation in the Indian Ocean: Status Report 2005. CORDIO, Kalmar Pratchett M.S., 2007, Feeding preferences of Acanthaster planci (Echinodermata: Asteroidea) under controlled conditions of food availability. Pacific Science 61 (Issue 1), 113-120 Seychelles Fishing Authority, 1995, The Status of Seychelles Demersal Fishery. Government of Seychelles, Victoria. Spencer T., Telek K.A., Bradshaw C., Spalding M.D., 2000, Coral bleaching in the Southern Seychelles During the 1997 – 1998 Indian Ocean Warm Event. Marine Pollution Bulletin 40 (Issue 7), 569-586. Veron J.E.N., 2000, Corals of the world. Australian Institute of Marine Science, Townsville, p. 295.

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6 Appendices Appendix A. Details of sites surveyed by Global Vision International Seychelles – Mahé, year round


Site Name








Conception North Point

S 04°39.583, E 055°21.654




Conception Central East Face




Port Launay West Rocks

S 04°39.891, E 055° 22.258 S 04º39.416, E 055º23.382




Port Launay South Reef

S 04º39.158, E 055º23.695’




Baie Ternay Lighthouse

S 04°38.373, E 055°21.993




Baie Ternay Reef NE

S 04°38.013, E 055°22.405




Baie Ternay Reef Centre




Baie Ternay Reef NW

S 04°38.321, E 055°22.504 S 04°38.382, E 055°22.133




Ray’s Point

S 04°37.347, E 055°23.145



12 A

Willie’s Bay Reef

S 04°37.650, E 055°22.889



12 B

Willie’s Bay Point

S 04°37.589, E 055°22.776



13 A

Anse Major Reef

S 04°37.546, E 055°23.121



13 B

Anse Major Point

S 04°37.509, E 055°23.010




Whale Rock

S 04°37.184, E 055°23.424




Auberge Reef

S 04°37.024, E 055°24.243




Corsaire Reef




White Villa Reef

S 04°37.016, E 055°24.447 S 04º36.935, E 055º24.749




L’ilot North Face

S 04°38.652, E 055°25.932




Site Y

S 04°37.771, E 055°22.660








Therese North End

S 04°36.155, E 055°25.376 S 04°40.101, E 055°23.737




Therese North East

S 04°40.099, E 055°23.891




Therese South

S 04°40.764, E 055°24.310




Site X

S 04°37.059, E 055°23.783



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Appendix B. Coral genera surveyed by Global Vision International Seychelles in the period April – June 2009






























































Oculinidae Galaxea

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Appendix C. Invertebrates surveyed by Global Vision International Seychelles in the period April – June 2009 Sabellidae

Feather Duster worms


Christmas Tree worms


Spaghetti worms






Mantis shrimps





Drupella sp.















Other shells






Giant Clam





Culcita sp.

Cushion Sea Star

Acanthaster planci

Crown of Thorns Sea Star

Annelida (Polychaeta)


Arthropoda (Crustacea)

Mollusca (Gastropoda)

Mollusca (Bivalvia)

Mollusca (Cephalopoda)

Sea Stars (Asteroidea)

Other Sea Stars

Sea Urchins (Echinoidea)


Brittle Stars


Feather Stars

Diadema sp.

Long Spine Urchin

Echinometra sp.

Mathae’s Urchin

Echinothrix sp.

Short Spine Urchin Pencil Urchin

Toxopneustes sp.

Flower Urchin Cake Urchin

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