Form 1 Science Chapter 4

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  • Words: 614
  • Pages: 33
Chapter 4 The variety of resources on Earth

4.1 The Various Resources on Earth Living natural resources • Plants (fruits, oil, vegetables …) • Animals (milk, meat …)

Non-living natural resources • Water • Air • Soil • Minerals • Fossil fuels • Metals • Non-metal

Nitrogen bulb

Oxygen is one of the gases that we breathe in everyday from the air

Pure carbon dioxide gas can be poured because it is heavier than air

Element, Compounds and Mixtures

Element can be divided into : Metals ( Logam 金属) 金属 • All metal element in solid form but except for mercury which exist in liquid • Example of metal Calcium, copper, gold, lead, magnesium, platinum, potassium, silver, sodium

Non- metals (bukan logam 非金属 ) • Non-metal elements exist in all state. Solid, liquid and gas at room temperature • Example of non-metal Sulphur, carbon, bromine, oxygen, neon, hydrogen,

Cobalt chloride indicator Dry (kering干燥)

Moist / Damp ( basah 潮湿)

Colour : Blue Colour : Pink

Gas tests Hydrogen (氢 氢) What you will observe: -Your light splint (Popsicle stick) will “POP” POP” and go out. Why does this happen: -Hydrogen gas is very flammable and in the presence of heat or fire it will explode at a certain temperature.

Oxygen (氧 氧) What you will observe: -Your glowing splint will re-light What does that mean: -This happened because Oxygen is part of the fire triangle. The fire triangle is composed of three things: Fuel, Heat energy source and Oxygen.

Mixture (campuran 混合物)

Nasi lemak


Ice kacang

Iced milo

Sugar solution


Example of variety type of mixture and its components

Formation of compound ( sebatian 化合物)

In chemical reactions the chemical identities of substances change. Here, a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen undergoes a chemical change to form water.

The differences between compounds and mixture

Separation of mixtures Method : Filtration ( penurasan 过滤) 过滤

• To separate insoluble solids (pepejal tak larut 不 能溶解的固体) from the liquid in a solidliquid mixtures E.g. To separate water and sand

Separation of mixtures

Distillation (penyulingan 蒸馏法) To separate a solvent from a liquid or solid-liquid mixture. Two types of processes to take place (a) Boiling liquid vapour/Gas • (b) Condensation vapour Liquid E.g. To separate water from salt solution

Using magnet • To separate substances which are attracted to a magnet from other objects made from nonmagnetic materials • E.g. To separate iron filings and sulphur




To separate liquid substances that do not mix well and with different densities. E.g. To separate oil from water

Chromatography • Separates coloured components in a mixtures

Sieving (penapisan 筛选) • To separate mixture of solid substances with different sizes.

AIR ( udara 空气) Oxygen : i. Breathing / cell respiration (penafasan 呼吸) ii. Combustion / burning

Carbon dioxide (karbon dioksida 二氧化碳 ): i. To put out of fire ii. Importance for photosynthesis (fotosintesis 光合作用)

Soil and mineral Soil is habitat ( tempat tinggal 栖 息地) for many types of living organisms ( benda hidup 生物).

Soil contains water and minerals which is vital for the growing of plants.

Fossil fuel

• To provide energy for household use, factories and power stations to generate electricity.

Water • Regulates body temperature. • Controls the concentration of blood ( mengawal kepekatan darah 调 节血液浓度).

Living things • As food, medicine, fibre, building materials and so on.

Conservation • Conservation of recourses involves the intelligent use and care of our resources

Preservation • The act of keeping the resources in their original state. Example : i) Find alternative resources, such as solar energy to replace depleting resources such as petroleum) ii) to prevent the extinction of flora and fauna.

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