Form 1 Chapter 1 Introduction To Science

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Chapter 1 Introduction TO Science

What is Science? 1. 2.

3. 4.

The definition of science is "knowledge attained through study or practice," Science is the systematic study of nature and its effects on us and the environment. It is the study of natural phenomena. Science helps us find out about ourselves, plants and animals, our environment and things around us.



Scientific knowledge is always growing. What we learn in science today is a result of many years of study. Science helps us understand natural phenomena. Every natural phenomenon makes us wonder why it happens. Discovering the answers leads us to new scientific knowledge.

Read it  Science

is a continuing effort to discover and increase human _______ and understanding through disciplined research. Using controlled methods, scientists collect _______ evidence of natural or social _______, record measurable ________ relating to the _______, and analyze this information to construct _________ explanations of how things work. The methods of scientific research include the generation of _______ about how phenomena work, and _____________ that tests these hypotheses under controlled conditions

Read it 

Science is a continuing effort to discover and increase human knowledge and understanding through disciplined research. Using controlled methods, scientists collect observable evidence of natural or social phenomena, record measurable data relating to the observations, and analyze this information to construct theoretical explanations of how things work. The methods of scientific research include the generation of hypotheses about how phenomena work, and experimentation that tests these hypotheses under controlled conditions

Natural Phenomena  Natural

phenomena are fascinating.  Examples of a natural phenomenon are a

baby growing up and becoming an adult,  ice can melt.  We

want to know why these things happen. We search for answers.  The study of science gives us these answers. Science covers everything in the universe.

Importance of Science in Everyday Life 1.



Every aspect of our life is related to science. For example, our food and clothes are produced using scientific knowledge. Scientific discoveries make our lives more comfortable. With scientific knowledge we can produce machines and appliances such as light bulbs, cars and computers. Science helps us to understand our environment. We can use this knowledge wisely. For example, we can recycle paper. This is one way to conserve our resources. It protects our environment by reducing the number of trees that need to be cut down to make paper.




We can create scientific knowledge and also use it. We can manufacture plastic and synthetic materials. These are used to make many different objects such as pipes, umbrellas, toys and furniture. We have invented instruments such as spectacles, the microscope and the telescope. These help us to see better. The stethoscope enables us to hear better. The application of scientific knowledge is called technology. Technology helps us to introduction to Science progress in every aspect of our lives.

Transport  Transport

is easier, faster, more comfortable and safer today than it used to be.

Communication 1.


The telephone, facsimile, radio, television and computer help us to communicate with one another. The launching of communication satellites makes long distance communication possible. Information Communication Technology (ICT) is very important in developing the industrial, medical, trade and administrative sectors of a nation.

Agriculture 1. 2.


Technology helps us to produce more food. Machines have been invented to do most of the heavy and difficult work. Ploughing, scattering of seeds, harvesting and crushing can now be done by machines easily and quickly. By using modern fertilizers and insecticides, we can increase agricultural production.

Construction 1.



In the past, houses and buildings were made from materials found close by. This means only small and simple buildings could be built. As we progress, we require bigger buildings and more complex structures. We need, for example, office blocks, apartments, stadiums and airports. Strong bridges need to be built over rivers. To prevent flooding, we need to build dams. Dams also generate electricity. More importantly, they supply water to millions of people in the cities. Today, we have developed stronger building materials for building dams. Steel, concrete and reinforced glass are some examples of strong materials used in construction today.

Spelling  Natural

phenomena  Scientific knowledge  Technology  Transport  Communication  Agriculture  Physiology  Precautions  Hypotheses  observable evidence

Medicine 1.



A century ago, people rarely lived beyond 30 or 40 years. Today, we can live beyond 70 years because of the progress in the medical field. The invention of X-ray machines, lasers, electrocardiogram (ECG) and dialysis machines have helped to save the lives of many patients. Medical operations have become easier and safer. The discovery of new medicines, vaccines and antibiotics have also helped to save lives. They reduce the pain and suffering of patients. They help to cure and prevent many diseases and illnesses.

Careers in Science  Doctor

- someone trained in medical science.  Engineer - a person who designs, builds and maintains engines, buildings or roads.  Nurse - a specialist in caring of patients.  Veterinarian - an animal doctor.  Architect - a person who designs buildings.

 Pharmacist

- someone trained in the field of medicine and drugs.  Chemist - someone trained in chemistry.  Computer programmer - a developer of computer software programmes.

Study of Science  Astronomy

- the study of planets and stars.  Biology - the study of life.  Physics - the study of matter and energy.  Biology - the study of processes and functions of systems in the human body.  Geology - the study of rocks and minerals.  Meteorology - the study of weather and climate.  Chemistry - the study of the composition and chemical properties of substances.  Biotechnology - the study of the industrial use of living organisms.  Biochemistry - the study of chemical substances and chemical processes of living things.

Exercise 1.1  Indicate

with a tick () the correct examples of natural phenomena.  Eating

a lot of food makes you fat.  You feel tired and sleepy in a hot and crowded classroom.  Food cooked in an earthen pot tastes better than food cooked in a metal pot.  Using salt to preserve fish.  Seeing flashes of lightning first, before hearing thunder.  Families today have fewer children.  Saving money in a bank.  Painting a bicycle to make it last longer.


3. 4. 

Give two' examples of developments in the fields of medicine and telecommunications. What is the difference between 'science' and 'technology'? (a) State two areas of study in science. (b) Give two applications of your answer in (a).

Question 5  State

the field of science involved in the following situations:  Discovering

a cure for lung cancer  Discovering a new medicine from a jungle plant  Constructing a building that cannot be damaged by earthquakes  Discovering a new petroleum field under the sea  Discovering how a hormone affects human growth

1.2 A science Laboratory 1.


Scientists can work anywhere. A scientist studying tropical plants and animals for example, could make the Malaysian jungle his laboratory. However, most scientists do their experiments in a laboratory. However, some chemicals are dangerous. We need to handle these chemicals carefully. We need to know about safety in the laboratory.


Discipline in the science laboratory 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

No pupil is allowed to enter the laboratory without the teacher's permission. If the class arrives before the teacher, line up outside the laboratory and wait quietly. After entering the laboratory, go to your places in an orderly manner. No food or drink should be taken into the laboratory. Nothing is to be taken from the laboratory. When in doubt ask your teacher for help and advice.

Safety rules in the science laboratory 1. 2.

3. 4. 5.

Pupils must not carry out experiments without the teacher's permission. Read and understand the instructions given before you attempt to do the experiment. When in doubt always ask your teacher. Handle all apparatus correctly and carefully. Do not light a Bunsen burner with a piece of paper. Turn off the gas after use. Do not play or walk around unnecessarily in the laboratory.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Always read the label on the bottle before using the chemical it contains. Do not handle chemicals with your fingers. Always use a spatula. Do not waste any chemical. Use only the required amount. Do not pour any excess chemical back into the reagent bottle. When heating any solution in a boiling tube, always make sure that the mouth of the tube is not pointed towards anybody.

Water, gas and electricity must not be wasted. 12. Solid wastes must be put in the bins provided. Do not throw solid wastes into the sinks. 13. Do not taste any chemical or inhale any gas. 14. Breakages and faulty equipments must be reported to the teacher at once. 15. Any mishaps, cuts, burns, scalds or substances which get into your mouth must be reported to the teacher at once. 11.

16. 17.

18. 19. 20.

Do not damage any fitting or the electrical mains in the laboratory. When the practical periods are over, wash all used apparatus and return them to their respective places. Wash your hands thoroughly. The benches must be left clean and tidy. All taps and switches must be turned off.

Some simple rules and precautions  Do

not heat a gas jar directly with a Bunsen flame.  Correct way of inhaling gas.  Read the label on the bottle before using the chemical inside.  Never point the mouth of the boiling tube towards anybody when heating.  Do not stand too close to the flame when heating up a solution.  Tie your hair neatly when doing experiments.

Accidents and First Aid  Inflammable

liquid: If an inflammable liquid is spilt, put out all flames immediately.  Minor cuts and abrasions: Apply tincture of iodine on a pad of cotton wool. Cover with sterilized dressing.  Deep cuts: Apply a thick pad of gauze or cotton wool over the wound. Send the person to a doctor or a nearby clinic.  Scalds: Bathe the affected part with a warm saturated solution of sodium carbonate.  Burns: It is best for the teacher to send the person to a doctor or a clinic.




Poisoning: Should a chemical or a liquid get into your mouth, spit it out into the sink. Rinse your mouth with plenty of water. Consult a doctor at once. Acid: If you have swallowed an acid, rinse your mouth with plenty of water. Then milk of magnesia (or dilute lime-water) should be taken. Consult a doctor at once. Alkali: If you have swallowed an alkali, rinse your mouth with plenty of water. Then lemon juice (or 1% acetic acid) should be taken. Consult a doctor immediately.



Eye injuries: If due to an acid or an alkali, wash with plenty of water. Any injury to the eyes must be attended to by a doctor immediately. Electric shock: The electric current must be switched off immediately. With the help of an insulator, get the victim away from the source of electric current. In serious cases artificial respiration may be required

Hazordous Symbols 1.

(Mixture of hydrogen and air, nitrates, sodium, potassium) 


Keep away from fire or heat sources.

(Petrol, kerosene, ethanol, white phosphorus, yellow phosphorus) 

Keep away from fire or heat sources.

8-10-09 1.

Mercury, lead, chlorine, sodium cyanide, hydrogen sulphide. 


Keep in a locked cupboard.

Concentrated acids and alkalis, bromine, hydrogen peroxide. 

Be careful not to spill onto your clothes or yourself. If accidentally spilt, wash quickly with lots of water.


Ammonia, dilute acids, chloroform, alcohol, bromine 


Be careful not to spill onto your clothes or yourself. If accidentally spilt, wash quickly with lots of water.

Uranium, plutonium, radium, radioactive carbon 

Keep in special lead containers.

Common Laboratory Apparatus

Common Laboratory Apparatus

Way to Use Bunsen Burner 1. 2. 3. 4.

Close the air hole completely by turning the collar. Hold a lighted match or wooden splinter near the mouth of the barrel. Turn on the gas slowly. When the flame is seen, slowly open the air hole by turning the collar.

Bunsen Burner


Luminous flame vs Non-luminous flame a. b. c. d. e. f. g.

Yellow Easy to see Produces a lot of soot. Shape changes Not very hot Incomplete burning Not suitable for heating

a. b. c. d. e. f. g.

Blue Not easy to see Does not produce soot Constant shape Very hot Complete burning Suitable for heating

Bunsen Burner 1.


The Bunsen burner gives different flames under different conditions. When the air hole is closed, a yellow flame is produced. This is called a luminous flame. This flame is easy to see. It produces a lot of soot. When the air-hole is opened, a blue flame is produced. It is called a nonluminous flame.

1.3 The Steps in a scientific Investigation Identify problem 2. Form a hypothesis 3. Plan investigation (experiment) 4. Control variables 5. Collect data 6. Analyse data 7. Interpret data 8. Make conclusions Results support hypothesis or Results do not support hypothesis 10. Prepare report 1.


Activity: The Pendulum experiment 

The steps in the scientific method for the experiment on the swing of a pendulum. 1. 2.   3. 4.

The problem and hypothesis are determined at the beginning. (a) The manipulated variable is the pendulum length. (b) The responding variable is the period of swing. (c) The fixed variable constant is the pendulum weight. The time recorded is based on actual observations. It was not guess work. The conclusion is drawn based on the analysis of the data obtained.

Exercise 1.2 1. Complete the following correctly.  The way of getting scientific knowledge is known as _______.  An opinion that is considered true, although it is not yet tested is a _______.  The aim of carrying out an experiment is to collect _____. 

  

From the data collected, a scientist is able to _____, and from here_____ about the investigation that is carried out.

Planning the investigation • Making a conclusion Identifying the problem • Interpreting data Collecting data • Making a hypothesis

Question 2 1. In the pendulum experiment, state the   


manipulated variable responding variable variable that is kept constant

State what the effect will be on the time taken for one complete swing, when the length of the pendulum is increased.

1.4 Physical Quantities and Their Units 1.


A physical quantity is a quantity that can be measured. Examples of physical quantities are length, time, mass, temperature and electric current. Physical quantities are measured in S.I. units. The S.I. symbol is an abbreviation for the French term Systeme International d'Unites. It means International System of Units.

Basic Quantities Physical quantity

S.I. unit






Metre rule




Lever or beam balance




Stop clock or stop watch





Electric Current




Prefixes Used in Measurement 1.


Prefixes are useful in expressing physical quantities that are either very big or very small. The value of any physical quantity can be changed to prefix form. See the examples below.  

Write 840 000 g with the kilo prefix. 840 000 / 1000 = 840 kg

Symbol and Prefixes

Physical quantities and prefixes Value of physical quantity

Prefix form

0.005 m

5 mm

250 g

0.25 kg

4 000 000 K

4 MK

0.000 003 A

3 чA

Exercise 1.4 1.Complete the table….


State the symbol and value for the tollowir, prefixes.   

Mega:_______ Kilo: ________ Milli: ________

1.5 Measuring Tools  Measuring  If

the length of an object

the position of the eye is at A or C, the reading taken is not accurate. This error is known as parallax error.

 Measuring  The

the length of a straight line

lengths are measured by taking several readings. The average length is then determined.

 Measuring  Some

the length of a curve

thread and a ruler are used for measuring the length of a curve.  The thread is placed along the length of the curve PQ. The end of the curve is marked on the thread.  The length of the thread is later measured using the metre rule.  The length of the curve is measured three times. Then the average length is determined.  The length of the curve can also be measured using an opisometer and a metre rule.


Measuring the external diameter of a beaker

Measuring the external diameter of a beaker

Measurement of Area 1. 2.


The S.I. unit for area is square metres (m2). The area of objects with regular shapes such as rectangles, triangles and circles are calculated using mathematical formulae. The area of irregular shaped objects can be estimated by using graph

Measurement of Volume 1. 2.


The S.I. unit for volume is cubic metres, (m3). All these units can be used to measure the volume of liquids. However, the volume of liquids is usually measured in metric unit i.e. litre (l) and millilitre (ml). The volume of solids is measured in cm3 and m3 units.

Volume of liquids The measuring cylinder must be placed on a flat surface.  The level of the liquid in a measuring cylinder is curved downwards. This curve is called the meniscus.  Your eye, must be at the same level as the bottom of the meniscus when reading the volume.  This must be done for all liquids except for mercury where the meniscus curves upwards. The correct eye position prevents parallax errors. 

Measuring liquids  Using

a pipette  Using a burette

Volume of Solids Water Displacement

Measuring the volume of irregular solids with a eureka tin

Choosing Suitable Measuring Instruments 1. 2.


Measuring instruments measure definite quantities. All measurements made are only close estimates of the values of the quantities. They cannot be 100% accurate. We need to consider how precise and accurate a measurement is.

Accuracy 1. 2.



The accuracy of a measurement is how close the measured value is to the real value. The difference between the measured value and the real value is the error in the reading. If the error between the measured value and the real value is small, the measurement is precise. The accuracy of a measurement can be improved by taking several readings. The average reading is more accurate than a single reading. Zero error exists when the reading of the indicator of a measuring instrument does not show zero. Measurements must be corrected for zero error.

Precision 1.

2. 3.

Precision is the difference in values between several measurements obtained in the same way. Precision in measurement can be improved if a more precise measuring instrument is used. A micrometer screw gauge or a vernier calipers is more accurate compared to a ruler because the divisions on its scale are smaller.

Measuring with Vernier Calipers

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